rn ne this week, 27; ¢ ver $4,000,000 A in pita Sroka, a l Ee Lots have ae, declan ¢ Jou) rion Tobacco Co., New York, its common stock the coray dividend of 34 por cont, xtra dividend 4 per 2) reguins and. 5 Dot, Sesh etd 18 Payable September 2nd spice been "The . American in the t of the Nova Secovia 'I pany for the mouth of "duly wn AIO over fifty-five thousand when 4 pig from output Ly i b rs tends to show a sino en York hop crop ng SXtennito provements to t y sip. at hue ad ott, The - C.P. R h commract wh ontirely new «lip wd TANS ata cost of RHO the New York Centred will lay out sent slip ut the Hhthouse. * Cheese Sales. Woollstock, 875 at 11jc. Madoc, £95 at 11}e i found To Hold A Mreting. RR Allen Studhotme, labor M.P.P., rived © in Kingston, to-day, and Hardware, § Park. Mr. Studholmie will addres enffonial mecting in Labor {¥ afternoon, and again night. This is the beyin ber of Commerce, Buffalo, N.Y of the Niagara Mill and Elevator e pany. . Fifty-six of the most {m- a of the various centres trade. four colMerien 1 0 output ot hs 40 r orien The consumption of cigars for Ee une record output of the yet works of 6,000 dons as ain equalled while it will probably he of ex- all. Central and the ©. P. sompany with W, Kelly, and others, be held prior to the comin elections. ---- One Third More Than Last Yea! Beer Drinking. " ani ion of 1 in sl with the hal year | and oon. | ior the twolve months ending June | yoo a]) died suddenly this morning. last the totil rumber of cigarettes | qq 0 r wog a thoroughbred and was J entéwed for consumption in Canada valued at $300, het ra a ar ox was 831,972,137, as compared with, The employees of Crumley Bros. did | 269,434,037 for the corresponding not give a picnic at Kingston Mills on period of 1905-06, un increase of near- Thursday evening. The picnic was giv- 'The new organization ly one-third. In 1904 the number extea The Spice was only 3,798,000. twelve months ending June 30th la as for the preceding twelve mont numbered 2,826,721, as compared wi Oe of maafly forty Infarviews [3172166 for the fiscal year 1905.06. ED . med with Embroidered Insertion and Fine of Yoke trimn thas The total consumption of tobmeco will 'not bo nearly as a, S00 da; wer oud ot We IP vear. Wo have aver fifty kinds | broidery. These are made from a Fine English Cot- 1 _ | to choose from, including all the well- . a eC APO tm. | Iwiregard to malt liquor the wi Mmown makes See our. Stock. ton, about the weight of Lonsdale, and are considered - (sumption of beer shows the large will inerense. For the twelve months AO lous 5,085 gallons per head, as com- fle | oo | pare with 5,258 gallons per' head 1000 in rehnilding and enlarging the pre 1190506. The consumption of spirits was M7 gallons per capita and wines, 092 gallons per head, bo vious year. tnd isnt Victorfaville, 1,200 at 1te. to 1lje MATTER ARRANGED ion: | The police were keeping an eve on the The regular value of these is 25¢. pair. Yours , ar- Rochester, N.Y., Aug. 10.--Compli- } wien, but no: action was taken, as To-Night while the lot lasts, in | cation that threatened to result in tho {forfeiture of Canada's cup to the | die enjoying himeell at Lake Ontario | | Royal Canadian Yacht Club, arose, Ribby's for best $1 shirts « an | yesterday afternoon, and only after hall, | conference of Canadian and Americs on | yaehtsmen, that lasted until after te amicably settled. The Royal Cane ' Y., was [might be figured. This thi€ local club | Campers supplies. Edwards and killexd by a revolver shot in the office | {was unable to do and, after arguments { Jenkin, 274 Princess street Yours To-Night, 15c. Pair. om- {and suggestions had been exchange [for theee hours, Oliv Cromwell, of the New York Yacht Club, the ne -- Laces ew Valanciennes Insertion New Veilings New Gloves ~New Lace Collars DRON. = | tral jurige for tho races sugye 'sted thy {the only way out of the mix-up woul Forming and weighed on the scales a (uate, Referee Owen said, last night, tha In view of the hanlihg out and weigh- ternoon. Position. {the well-known tenor, has been ' en- nay comgratulate ourselves upon fon M. de Reszke to sing now am again." . SHARKS EAT BATHERS, being dragged under the water, teacher, met g similar death, authoritive, hut as the plague has to equip a special vess¢l to - fish them, ---------------- | now going on at Brighton Beach r the forviyn car, with louis Stra { ed into a fence At Williamsport, Pa. five pers dying as the result of an explosi A bomb was thrown hy a tramp w refused g ride. disposed of his grocery business his brother, Roland, who returns Carlton Place after an absence i fourteen years, Methodist district, in Latimer church, Can't § 5 rightly say. Can'n," he D Spe 13% Te yim Blucher Jone, i wi | Thirtyseven miners, from Sydndy,| on Monday evening. Rev. Mr. Laing. responded, 'conser to tell the traf, T erothy Dodds, stam en AI ere 1 CB; arrived at Cobalt, 'on Friday,| Kingston. spent a few days of this don't know EL whether it's fishin® or . One Lot Patent Plain Toe Oxford, Dull Back, Empress, i but refused to go to work when the week at J. H. Hughson's. Miss Fla agercultver.' Heavy Sole, regular rem rar tele Sin lr x= 32.50, strike situation was explained | them. Claims for South African war me- | Master Gratton Cochrane, Syracuse! do? Shpe, regular « « == v= = w my wey «pie = = wats «$3. dals will not be entertained after ar the guests of Mrs, Cochrane. 3 Detember 3ist next. Razor strops, the best values in the leity, at Chown's drug store. a iat Wade's drug store. Consumption of Tobacco Big- | Jarge number up. from river points to- gest on Record--Considerable | day. Ottawa, Aug. 10. ~The opus of the | [hoes Réform. for the oe nonthe ending Jute machine a} Queen's 8 Univaraitr, will be | 30th last show an E near rt we one-third in the number of cigarettes Or Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw-| while the copsumption of cigars has |i 0 35 "and our own wild straw, remuined practically the same as com: | pop, compound, 25c., at Hoag's. | nin hin arog SES pron comm | pe ocomotivy works" pico ard tisagroemen wa the {largely attended. A large sur should | hs. an Cigars made from Canadian tohaeco be realized for the city hospitals by | i . . ; st ' was 10BS16,575, practically the same | JAYS SCE 6 8 Ladies' Fine Cotton all kinds tor the twelve months is es practically the same as for the pre | ty Constable Smith: a | And the Yacht Race Will Now Go | th's morning without the necessary - | trouble on account of their falling . ning Jue, last night, was the mytter | down. The least "jolt or even a small du t 1 08 Pai irs All We Could Get of Boys' and Girls' : [dian Yacht Club officials insisted, as ¢t-ne between the rails causes the fen- us a Fast Black Ribbed Cotton Stockings | they had a right to do, that the | |. . rad . _ |Rochester Yacht Club produce * De- | this otours it takes two or three min A splendid make. Extra strong and seamless feet. Sizes 9, 9}, 10-inch. James H. RodeBBaugh, a commission | signer Herschoff's design of the centre merchant, with an offiec in the Cham- |board, that the boat's displacement, | [bo to weigh the defender. This was ¥ ¥ accepted by the Canadians and the wharfage, but a Canadian boat can |Sencon was hauled out early this [the plant of the Charlotte Blast Fur- he remedied as it stops many a hoat he was cettain that, with slight al trations, the defender would qualify, ing of the Soneea, the start of to- day's race was delayed until this af- RESZKE 'CHIEF OF SONG. Well-Known Tenor Fills a New| A widespread strike ob tefograph op-| Paris, Aug: 10.-M. Jean de Restke, {gaged by M. Messager for the Paris |were perpetrated by the Moors in the | noquisition, even if we cannot prevail, | While filling a gasoline pot, on Sat- partial report of the investi young woman; who was a school) spending a couple of weeks with Miss indictments against each corporation) ..tiaiities and, this morning, wa A reward of 85 for every shark her mother, Mrs. B. Wartman. Miss forty Pig The law provides a} 4 caught is paid to fishermen hy the Nettio Johnston has been visiting her Fonality ot £20,000 for each count on much increased of late it is intended | vate picnic was enjoyed" at Collins' Before the t(wenty-hour mito rac ace | track, was four hours otd it number-| | ed eight victims to-day Seven men | were hurt, one probably fatally, when ing it, vee idenly and crash-| all' ; 3 | driv nr it, ve red suddenly and crash- boys are SGN practising football and gall's dock down the bav. The cap- ar bi Sie hosed they 'will sob hive a tain chanced to be on the verandah, @ are dead and half a dozen others are inder a Pennsylvania train to-day. | lecame angered at the trainman when I. Richardson, Carleton Place has| Thene: she will go to her school at The darkiss rowed the boat 'aver to oi te vm 1, |G ve | §. EDIE LOCKett Shoe Store. Batpnas, Edwards aud Jeaking |. : , SATURDAY, AUGUST 10th, 1907 gna mi DICIDENTS OF THE DAY. | ma in : : ih. ) fewsy .aragraphs Picked Up ay od a. ed Swaine, piano tunes. | at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. | Fancy belts of every discription. | White Yeah belts, with pretty buckles, | T--| "Phe steamyacht Canstenet brought a See our splendid stockings, with | sanitary sole, for 25c. New York | Work on the erection of the tackling 7.30 to 10 O'clock. Just in the nick of time we have secured 3 "| A valuable bay mare, owned by John) really good and seasonable bargains. These of i; i vo ~ n | ®8 by Miss McCartney for pet iriends. will be placed on sale To-Night at 7.30. Lake Ontario Park, to-day, was America RA two hundrid and fifty passengers from Alexandria Bay, | ith | and intermediate points toMy. A large number from the city went down Nightgowns New York Dress Reform is the pro- r . - per place to buy corsets; hosiery and Hemstitched Tucks. Tucked Cuffs, Trimmed with Em A justice of the peace will try an- exce ptionally good value at $1.25 to 1.35. other liquor case at Elginburg early ' Yours To=Night, 89c. each next week. The charge is laid against s Ladies' Fine Fast 325 Pairs Black Cotton Stockings a man for selling fire water on board of | 8 boat without a license. The papers Some with Drop Stitch Effect half way up. Others all Drop Stitch Effect. Sizes 9, 91, 10-inch. it n th | were served this afternoon by Coun- Oranges, 20¢ up Edwards and Jen- kin. "Phone 775. Two men were engaged in selling ! patent medicine on the Market Square { license having first beem taken out. buginess did not appear to be very geod. : 15c. Pair 81 The new fenders on the street cars give the motormen a ~great deal of -------- An | on | der to drop to the track, Every time {utes to raise it in position again, . . , . and in this way time is lost. Just at three sizes. These are worth regularly 25¢ pair. ol The steamer 'Nevada will likely go to Toledo to be repaired instead of 1 | tering the dry dock here, as it will it | be cheaper. An American boat using i | the dv doc hers hs to pay itty New Summer Undervests dock in the United States without t | wey beine charced. This law should New Ribbons Long Black & White Silk Gloves. Special at 75c¢. Pair. from coming to Canadian docks to be repaired, New Frillings FS: t "Ei "| JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. . A monument to Victor Hugo is to | be erected on the battlefield of Water- loo. | | | PITH OF THE NEWS. } | erators has been valled in the United DITED. COMET WITH SEVEN TAILS. | MAN BURIED IN MUD. | States, drama - | At Casablanca, terrible atrocities THEY ARE IN Diameter Twenty- two Times That | Saved By Children After Close opera to fill a new position with the [Jewish quarter. > of Earth. . . ya Call With Death. : title of the "chief of song." Mr. Bourassa, M.P., ammounces his CONCESSIONS IN THE SHIP-| Paris, Aug. Ie M. Camille Flam- Pats, Aug. 190. F'wo children ne "Singers at the opera," M. Mes- | int ntion of holding a series of meet MENT OF OILS. mgitio, the we I-known astronomer, | complis wg =" maging, rea ue of a ) rager explains, "arc engaged either | ings to explain his views, | has given out some interesting details man at Lille yesterday. The little ones from the Conserwntoire or from the Warehouse Commission Castle sends ; | of the new comet. were playing near a moat, when they : provinecs. It often happens that | a most favorable report on the ¢rop The Grand Jury Brings Down Its | The ec met 1s now at about 100,000, saw a man's head projecting out of = singers who were quite good at the | outlcok in the three western pro- Report at Jamestown, N.¥Y.-- 000 miles from the earth. It has seven | the mud. : 2 Conservatoire are lost on the enor- | vinees, : tails, the longest of which is about | I'he man cried feebly to them for mous stage of the National theatre, | 'The governor-general hag issued a There Are Several Hundred: 7,000,000 miles in length. = The dia-| help, and the children at once ran and that singers from the provinces | commission, under She revised statutes Counts. meter is twenty-two times that of the away, and informed some men near at need schooling. | of Canada, 1906, to Charles Hunter, Jamestown, N.Y., Aug. 10.-- Judge, carth. | hand. They hurried to the' spot, and "It will bo M. do Resskels work to | Elliott, London, Ont., a collector in| Hazlin, of the federal court for the| , The comet may be seen between one after considerable difficulty succeeded | direct their efforts, and I think we | bis majesty's customs from 20th April,| western disevict of Newark, received in the mgrning and dawn in| in digging the man out of the mud 3 vg under the Pleiades. Its most, He was in a terribly exhausted con- ions | brilliant period will probably be dur-| ditiop, and explained that he had been d | urday morning in W. J. McClung's, which have been made of the govern-| Ing this month. stuck fast in the mud up to his neck | tin shop, Port Hope, William Mercer ment's charges against the Standard nn for twenty hours. While walking on lit a match to bum some gasoline (il company, the \ mm Oil com- Baseball On Friday. the fortifications he had fallen into that had fallen on the floor. It ex- pany, the New York Central and the I the mud at the edge of the moat, and ZI 1loded and the shop suffered 8500 Pennsylvania railroads of giving and | Mop could make no one hear his eries for an | 1906. front the grand jury, yesterday, al! ern league--At Rochester, 5; real, 2. At Jersey City, 0; New- | | Man and Woman Meet Awful damage. | receiving snecial and illegal conces-|nrk, 9. At Buffalo, 4-0: Taronto, 3-6. help until the children saw him. | Deaths. sions on the shivments of oil' from| American league--At Boston, 7; Chi : vo Virnoa, Aug. 10.--Two bathers have Latimer News Budget. Olean to points in Vermont. The re: cago, 6. : : Grimsby Park May Be Closed. been oaten hy sharks within the last| Latimer, Aug. 9.--Much damage was port includes the presentation of two | National leaguc--At Chicago, 1; Phil- Toronto, Aug. 10.--1t is stated that | few days off the Austrian Adriatic] done by tge electrical storm on Wed indictments against the Standard Oil! adelphia, 3. At Pittsburg, 5; New [a winding-up order will be applied for coast. } nesday. Alexander: Glasstord lost a COMpany, two against the Vacuum York, 2. At St. Louis, 5; Boston, 4. by some of the cottagers at Grimsby Josef Silvovie was swimming with| valuable horse and colt by the light- Oil company, two against the New| GR. Park in the near future. The chief a friend off the Island Veglia, when | ning. Frank Darling is spending a York Central and Pennsylvania rail-l. . Fined For Negligence. griovance, as ventilated by Rev. his friend heard him utter a piercing | i woeks at Gananoque. Miss Myrtle! "0% jointly and two against each ofl ()(awa. Aug. 19--Oscar Renaud, Manly Benson a few days ago, is the ory, and on turning round saw him increased charges and the decline in public interest. A number of promin lent Methodist laymen, who are share olers, take gs situilnr fined $20, for the offence at the police he er poke a tand similar to that pooner starts for Montreal in a few these railways separately, a total of who left the A. M. 8S. corps did not ten individual indictments. Of the two Al days. Miss Clara Grant, Pittsferry,is \' 0. turn in his uniform to the military one contains 188 counts and the oth { Luella Traves, Mrs. Sweet is visiting k sol frie tia Porrl Tavl ~~ . "each indictment in case of conviction i on z Lines that will hold fish and catch 0} friend Miss Pearl Taylor. A small pri- Chocolates. Edwards and Jenkin, them, at J. Routléy's, 173, 175 Prin " Bibby's new hate are ready. ® siree anch, 35 i 300 lor; Lake by a few of the young ladies on Fishi Or Agrvicult g y hye Nese Stfuut] Drath; 5F Ring Sisedt | Mone lay afternoon. In the evening a ISMING LY aETION UTS = SEAR New York Times: Captain Easton, the auctioneer, is living for the summer on his house Foit Drabon, anchored in Sheepshead Bay. His friends tell of an incident which ocenrred recently. One day a diney-looking rowboat carrving Iwo - | number spent a very pleasant even- ing at J. Taylor's," Mrs. Bruce has left for the Adirondacks for the bene fit of her health, A few from this vi- cinity attended the funeral of T. Shannon, at Sunbury. N. Bateman at Sherwdod's. Miss Beatrice Traves 4 "Client is spending g week in the city. The colored men, rowed out from Corri- ce, Our "Special" ng 3 seho 8 » o NE match, Mrs. W. Spooner, Glenburnie, of his houseboat, as the ancient craft is at J. Sherman's. Mrs. C. D. Mac: went hy, and he recognized one of the darkies as a stableman whom he had .Farlene iz returning to her home ic 3 om : he hat s Montreal. Mise 1. Cochrane is spend: often spoken to at the Sheefithead Ladies' Shoes, various<kinds, broken lots, ing a few dave with friends in King: "2V track ' " Y ei ston. Miss Pearl "avlor leaves to- Hello, Enh, he called, Whers > All 4 N h morrow for Marloank for a visit.| YOU going! ew 2, 0eS. on ho to: Harlowe. "A husiness meeting was held the rail of the ecanitain's verandah and One Lot Ladies' Dorothy Dodd 'Patent Blucher Oxford, ex- to| hy Rev. Mr. Roadhouse, assisted by the ove Captain Eactoh had spoken to tension sole, regular price stamped, - - - - - - - - + $3.75. ofl Rev. Mr. Sparling, chairman of the Showed tw leaming rows of jvories 3 Ny « , ' to! Caverly is recovering from a severe Ry Jove that's queer." sam! the | »tisck of pleurisy: Mies Fannie and captain. "What are you going to One Lot All Patent Blucher Tie, American make, a stylish | Er ana, ie fhe All On One Table and Choice for $2.25. days in hi A party wae held P,P FL {pt Miss Tuella Traves' Wednesday ev-! Tawis Mite ening in honor of her guest, Miss|woet Toror son, 422 Rloor street Vera, spent a day fishing at Le- [oe i | borough Lake, this Soaks. TE © opens on the jah, and = date there will begin an exodus 8 1.ondon aristocracy to the moorlan SECOND SECTIC A" Hot Conner "7 @ Rorlrisge Drive London, Aug. 9~--Grouse sho long before Scotland a Of course, men will predominats of late years women have partici Sin what is called the sport, and so the biggest bags of a day on he he are credited to them Unfortu also, they too often cruel and degrading of shooting, when the slau of cent and helpless birds becomes itive deli them an apparently po This form of sport is disco the queen, but that it 1s © xtensive dulged in by the sporting clubs ¢ country there can be no dou! in class shot without an mhnite ame practice and experience, and, mor unless she has a natural genus f gun a great markswoma ¢ im made, no matter how excellen teaching may be, or how freque wide her experience ois quit woman to | and there ng number be seen at practice and with proper struction sible for the average a very passable shot, doubt that the increas Si liable markswom en to shoots is due to the fact attentidn is paid to the ed tion modert sportswoman than was t ten or twelve years ago The West London Shooti crowded at this time of 1 a ---------- LEADING LIFE OF NoMZ In Caravan Latest Fad of E Aristocrats. London, Aug. 9--Life in a has become the fad of the hot now scores, if not h reds, of f have deserted town are ences of the gypsy ! restlessly over. the leng! of the land. Lady Wilham (re sister-in-law of E ngland's riche the Duke of Westminster, set ple, and now her follow ers in tl field are increasing ( There. 1s a certain ambition _ in their annus break the many habits explore some unusual p ; ence. hese are the yachtmen ers and the caravanners It n admitted: that the caravanner, a he, too, has something within hin explorer and the pior parison with the clots, 10 venturer and has no need to n will before he starts . Whereas other people mal to reach a certain des deed, regard the jour evil, the caravanner, tion to and | 18, | h --goes out 1 1k y for the sake of tra ay's march, on the oth and the camp, on the other, are great interests; and, if he road with a genial spirit and mind, he will find life of episodes and memorable For all he does is set in a pi FIRST SNAPS The Prince of Asturia is rapidly. growing into : nificent palace where ne 3 and in the charge of nun carried about in the grov aristocratic women who 1