50 to 10. hings gh to secure this d will be placed on ht, and considered c¢ Each. Fine ck Frillings a box. Different as- - Vhite, Cream, Pink, + » 1 regularly at 20c. yalance of a maker's argain and will offer 1 . A BOX >rchiefs merican and Cana- lue they ave worth, 4 ic Each. 1s you wish. e lots. 5 SON. 4 SUGGESTED as to Tell the People da. d but there was some delay and announcement has not yet been dentally it is stated that Sir ard Cartwright has been making a uous kick against the retention Sir Frederick Borden in the cabi- and that the minister of militia strongly objected to vacating his folio for the present, : other item of interest in r's article that Premier Gauin secured the consent of the lieu- nt-governor to dissolution of the incial legislature and will go to country the last week 'y Septem- Premier Gouin; in his speech at teauguay, at the liberal demon- tion, to-day, is expected to be of programme variety, the i= th ASA hen - you want real Al beer, at es Bros. or the Grand hotel, ask Miller *'Buffiet" or "Miller = High ,' the pest heer from Milwaukee, esh on Friday, 250 pounds of Mec- key"s high class candy, choice of Jty brand. Sol only At Gibson's Cross drug store. e Bibby's special 50c, shirts. oing mer Sale HOE STORE. lance of this week. Vindows. Shoe Store. AND VALISES. ; InE. DOC) Cardifi, July 17.--Saturday last, | E when the great Alexandra docks and | new city hall were opened by the king | and a new avenue in the municipal park named by his majesty was an important date in the history of'both | this city and the principality. | The growth of the metropolis of Wales has been remarkable. Cardiff has developed rapidly from a small | cluster of houses hanging on to the skirts of an ancient castle into a city with the finest mumicipal buildings in the kingdom, and a population close on 200,000, In the rapidity of its growth it is more akin to the | mushroom cities on the other side of | the Atlantic than to any town on | this side. A century ago there was not. a single dock at Cardifi. It was just a sleepy little seaport, containing about 400 houses and a population of a little more than 1,000 persons. At that period a vessel used to leave once a week with coal for Bristol, and that coal was brought down from the hill a distance of nearly twenty miles, on the backs of mules. | A century ago the people of South | Wales never dreamed that beneath ! thyr green hills lay wealth greater than even the imagination could con- ceive in the shape of the finest coal measures in the world, or that their small' town would become the chief exporting port of the world. For two or three centuries the peo- ple of South Wales were content mere- Iv to gét what coal they wanted for their own use by digging a hole in the ground outside, their back doors, or, if there was/no coal quite so handy, going to the nearest hillside, burrowing a hole, and then taking out all they wented. It never entered the | 1 | | | neightoring ports to all parts of the, the thirty-one feet of the east dock. bead of the most imaginative Welsh- world. Seven railways connect. wit n man of that day that nearly 50,000,- | The new dock is fifty-two acres inf dochs--the Great Western, London nd |diff, so F extent, about three acres larger than Korfhwestern, Midland, Taff = Vale, 000 tons of coal would ever be won Rhyne Brecom and Merthyr, e depth of wa ances and the most important of these is the Lewis aily Brit ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, | Just as it has been necessary io h the Bute increase the number of docks at Car- have improved shipping appli- | had to be introduced. The! tor have been reg ship 700 tons of coal into a vessel in one | Hunter cranes, as much as vessel in an hour. ed since the first dock was begun | Bute. feleventh century, and a part of it i " 1907. | { | this fortunate scribe it reads like ----------------, -. + Bute undertaking, is jot inven Half a century ago it would arded as smart work to by using the Lewis 10,000 tons in the day. Now, one vessel can be pur into course of twenty-four hours. Often 600 toas of coal are tipped to a In another direction one finds strik- ine evidence of how things have mov: at Cardiff Brunel, the great engineer, upon whose report the Tafi Vale rail way was © nstructed, referred to the vossitility of 'a single' engine bring ing down as much as 100 tons of coal time. Today an engine will down a thousand tons at a twice as great as that mention v the great Brunel Cardifi has many interesting build- ings, but none more picturesque or with more historical interest. than Car- diff Castle, belonging to the Marquis of The building dates from the in more than a rin. Caerphilly Castle, now a ruin, with its leaning tower and many traditions, is an other of the show places that will be isited by their majesties. hall and law courts, though they, course, are comparatively 'mod have a very interesting story of com mercial prosperity to tell, and cost a at one little from the bowels of those hills in the the old east dock, 1 d ! h 8 course-of a single year and dispatch ter will be forty-two feet, as against Pontypridd, Caerphilly and Newport j Hunter crane, of which Sir William oul ed by steamships from Cardiff and | thirty five jeet of the Roath dock and railway, | Thomas Lewis, present head of * the quarter of a million to ervet. | silent witnesses the skilful pilot tm teil Hold intogrity sacred. mee i | the position of his vessel in the darkest] Loire mot another's reputation or . ' : \ i | I night. Mr. Clemens was 2 pilot on the a Always The Typo. A political editori which should | "He Went Out Not Knowingj.- Conscious Delusion. Railway Fares Redue d. Mississippi, and = when looking for a Be tunis only with the virtuous. . Nk. * , 1 "The Yieved wm." 3 »» i t > pl PE bay Among ( lyde Fitch's amusing col have said, The masses believed him, . Whither.' --Heb. XI, 8. gr Antoni . Apress. ; As a result of recent legislation and | nom i es when he abandoned piot- Keep your A on evil thoughts. Jedtion of scrap books there is ome said instead ' Le How Kittle ws know tnt] nat wes) tobert Hy 2 . ngted Yellum ilu: | upport of public opinion, says Ro- {ing and took up journalism, he selected a | pa SOL ny consideration. devoted to typographical errors. The "The wm asses believed him." When Wwe tend Tv load, minator of Santa arbara's colony of |yisws of Reviews, passenger fares were name that reminded him of his former Toko few ) noted piaywr ght showed this volume! Supporting a candidate for the | The path we'll tread pains we JEsis, uns talking the other day |ither reduced or affected in twenty profession and the § ood old times before Never try to appear what you are to a reporter recently, and the young (mal oralty, a country editor wrote : Fr ear, Cteuit te Bod [a bgit No . ne states : Alabama, Arkansas { he became famous. ait moe : man copied some extracts from it. Mr. Smith is also renowned for his RSA . A. dEmchinaiion : £5 » the | Georgia, Indiana, Mlinois, Towa, Kan- | "The description you gave of his He Observe good manners. One of them concerned a dance. The gr at veracity ] enormous capacity | How true'it is of every life, . jute 8 great Joa e, Je said. "A {5e Maryland.' Michigan, Minnesota, years ago," said my friend, is nby. Jie Pay your debts tly. . word bonnier was misprinted with this joe work, and you will always find rite ent out, mot Ano whither. inzy z t & 1 ag even ain li about 'Yigsissippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North he Mark Twain of ofa: are you sue Quostion. not a of o friends 1 € der i meta . » sgale 1S work ie wi say In his jou , ling 1 {there are hot two Mark wams, ic 0 deplorable result : im; even under crcumstan- 4 4 4 = v A arolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, | 155 . rpc » counsel of your TE ae was no honicr ladits; proces; full of good n : that he has worked seven ho Pennsylvania, Sonth Dakota, Virginia, | © Nevada and another to whom Eng- Beupece the rather th parents. mn : "This paragrapl eared. in ne How we quell he knows well that half of Wert Vinrinia. and Wisconsi or land has been showing such exceptional | * acrifice money Ta an sent than the mayor's own daughters, is paragraph appeared In Dhext i t Virginia, aml Wisconsin. Two- | cy t '™ . | this fact was further emphasized day's paper if we : hours were passed in dreaming rates now prevail in Arkansas { honor ? I assured him they were the | Pio. ot hal in ou i s ast = r $« I asa « N.. Smith is also F From to the last | "Yes it common thing f ' His. Minnrsota \fiasouri, | same man Mark Twain was received Touch not, taste nol, handle not in- oy I pac wet . Bd ca great voracity and enor We'd tists" to fo themselves about their wn. Pennsvivania and 'Wiseon- | BY one of the swell clubs of London as toxicating drinks. : : costumes they wore. . a y Ly, ax i work. The like the man who 1 in O) 1006. ta though he were a conqueror. When he Use your leisure time for improves A country paper, after telling how a for pork, and you-wi ntrancing every day's took the § Be An a b rerand | entered in that spotless raiment which | ment. ! M re = . < é too e phedy cahalf-cont rat 3 $ n cow got in front of a train, said, him, ev full under a jyerse. circum dole HesoRie sotad | "A minis saw this man's daugh- | Nath " N rth Caroling and British and Yankee geniuses have ex- Venture not upon the threshold 'of " a 5 . nt 8 us: 1 good cure it dod y bear 4 i aug or ort aro ns . ad As the salest course under the ar- tances, lull of go pirat re as wl ho a ter homeward with a pai t nt a of on on » nt hausted themselves in describing, the | wrong. : cumstances, the engineer put on ful : ee GE W. Newtpro, Ont. {of fresh, foaming beer. He halted her , pb ont rate | Ouse arose and gave cheer after cheer. Watch carclully over your ons, steam, dashed into the cow, and liter Smith Got Wise. = - and said or filte miles . Several times the 'applause seemed to| Extend to every one a kindly salu- ally ent it into two calves." A sore corn he said was bad enough | v. dear child, where are 3 Ely Jag "| gtop but started over again. The presi- | tion. \ A New York society editor, mis-|but to have it su pped on was the | 'Compound: Syrup of Hypophosphites, |¢oking that heer ¥ gine iy wile of } dro dent, in introducing the honored guest of ield not to discouragement. printing the word chill, published this limit, He inve 1 in a bottle f equal the best. "Home father, sir. i & ww Joa ¢ rate Lh the evening, pronounced a eulogy which | Zealously labor for the right. statement : Putnam s s Corn Extra and 75c., at Wade's | « But surely your father doesnt axl. Missi epi pd would have been a prize package for the | And success is certain. By "Mrs. Astor was unavoidably absent and now he wears a happy = " drink beer,' said the minister, 'now ee x Futon do mr ex Tani " Bh =o bravest hero or most eminent genius that EEE from the reception, being kept at Com is gone, enough sal v On way to be unhappy is to envy {that he has signed the pledge.' BY eth Daket ont Dh jy over known. ht Piles Relieved At Once. home by a bad child." nam §, the happiness of others. "Oh, » * said the girl H half-cent rate respectively, | For, Jong Lhe the press bo is Wade's Ointment relieves the dis- don't drink it He only. soaks hia a ifics in Ma new © r {to fin out why Mar wain adopte tressing symptoms of piles ate once . -- eR ° Oma Sj 8 In HA on- | white suit; the truth flashed across me oh . i ; bread in it titut . } » of | and faithfully used will cure per stitution a maxunum f argon two | as he rose to reply to the culogy of the | PH ntly. It has remarkable: sooth cents lor are rginia aetddent + ade hi » One con- |. ane * ; ¥ president: Tt made him the one ¢ ling and healing properties. Best for RUSSIAN ART WORK REVIVED. Arik ; BINT oman in LGLTOMEDY RIT es end Fears has revived the beautiful Rus- The Princess Tenicheff, wife of an imperial Russian commission er, recently been exhibited in sian art work in precious stones mand embroidery, and her collection has Paris at the Museum of Decorative Arts. The brine feared that they might by injured in a political disturbance, Have Perfect Circulation. You should have good circuiation «i the blood and also see to it thas the blood which circulates is of proj quality. Bot! results can be sec 1 {by use of Wade's Iron Tonic Pil (Laxative). These pills ars 4 t i | | old and | | | they build up the ver they are and blood tonic heca source of life and energy. a great nerse strengthener maker. In boxes, 25e., at Wade's drug tore. Money back if not satisfactory. Bible Statistics. The following Bible statistics ar 1 from a slip of prin 1 is pasted on the flv-leaf of a copy Haydoek's Bible (Dublin, 1812.) in King's Inn library, Dublin More than once have siatistic of the following character found their wae into print, to the delight of both voung. The statement i taken from an English Bible, by. the indefatigable Dr introduction to the study ives, and is said ta have than three years of the accurately « ed paper ie mainly as given Horne in his of the Serif oocupicd m compilir's | Life oid New Testa Hooks | Chapters Verses Words 3 a Lotters wu. ..2 100 R38 380 3.066 450 poerypha Books, 14 chapters, 188 ; verses, 6. 081 ;: words, 125185 ; letters, 1,068,576. Olive Oil And Soap. Olive oil is one of the best vou can put. « vour skin. It is both It follows curative and antiseptic, that a toilet soap made of pure olive oil must be a good soap. Berlin Castile soap is made of pure olive | gil. It lasting, healthful soap | to use you tried it?" At your | grocers in Se. and 10c. cakes. } transferred her treasures to Paris because she {our osn make, drug store, A pint bottle of Beef, Tron and Wins, | only 50c., at Wade's | ; 1 | | { | ! i things | passenger corporation commission has adopted a te for trunk lines, a three The town | of water on the spot over which they are ™, Weekly Letter From The City Of New York. TRING -- wable. y i THENANE "MARK TWAIN 15 aims Re of Se settled their troubles themselves. WHY IT WAS ASSUMED BY MR. CLEMENS. His Rise is a Revelation--Armen- ians in New York--The State's Political Troubles Are Lighter Than For Some Time. tSpecial correspendence; letter No. 1,578.; New York, August 2--My newspaper, this morning, tells how "ark Twain Goes Home," and it might have added, Providence be thanked he is alive and sound. Looking back over the life of a fairy tale. He is luckier than Alladin; every time he trades lamps it is the other fel- low who has occasion to regret the bar- ter. A man whose acquaintance I made on Derby day, at the races, met me the | other day and said: "Is his Broad- brim?" 1 replied, "It is". "You some times write letters for the newspapers?" I said, "Yes" He answered, "1 was read- ing one of your letters a week or two ago and you said you knew Mr. Twain." I replied, "1 did, many years ago. in the territory of Nevada, as a reporter on the Territorial Enterprise, then run and owned by Joe Goodman; a clever writer, a fair poet and a jolly good fellow." "Rut," said my friend, "he seems to have two names; 1 would like to' know which is the right one" "Both," 1 replied, "Samuel Clemens is his family 'name, Mark Twain his nom de-plume, and there are millions of people all over the world to whom the name of Mark Twain is as familiar as their A, B, C, who never heard of the name of Samuel Clemens." "What does Twain mean, anyway ™ said my friend. "It means two, and is used | on shipboard in measuring the depth of water. A man stands on a phatform on | the outside of the vessel; he has a strong | coil of cord to which is attached a roll {of lead about nine inches long; every | few minutes he throws the lead in the water: the cord which holds the lead is | knotted by fathoms (which is six feet). {When he finds out the depth, if it is {two fathoms he sings out at the top of | his voice, 'By the mark twain,' thmt is [to say the knot on the sounding-cord in- | forms him that there is just two fathoms passing. On many of the soundin leads a place is scooped out and the hol- low is led with tallow; this catches up two { the sand or mud, and with these couple of trunks, T It was a rude awakening when our peo- ple learned last week that the Russian Catholic priest was kil in his room; his body was cut up and packed into ® ; € assassins to ship the trunks off by express some where and never claim them. The as sassins were well known and, if caught, will receive the punishment due their crime. We learn with considerable as- tonishment that 'these Armenians are uite as bad as the Sicilians and Italians; they seem to dopted the means as these murderous thugs have been practicing in extorting money frome their respectable countrymen. Their de- mand. is anywhere from five hundred to thousands of dollars, acco! to the fortune of the pegple they int to rob. In -every case they make the penalty death' if the money is not paid, and in proof that this was no empty threat; two assassinations occurred last yweek and three houses were severely damaged with bombs. Our police seem to be unable to with the situation, and these things will CO asking how long unpunished, s a relief from the bad news week it is a pleasure to know that income of the United Stafes is over hundred millions of dollars more was last year; our cro hav abundant and all the world is ready to 1 take them and pay good solid cash. For this let Providence be thanked. Our political troubles also look better than they have for some time! past our worthy governor has earned a ite, and is off for several weeks fishing. Luck go with him; he has his party well in hand now and we hope he will come back, like a giant refreshed. -- BROADBRIM. o------ A GREAT BANKER. ---- Arranged a List of Good 1 eid that! Baron Rothechild had the fo swing alphabetical list of max- ims fromed on his bank walls : ? Attend carefully to res 2 at vely, manfully, the society of the vies Pighylife's Go not into t+ vast assemblage dukes, earls and spicnous figure in t | There were princes and 1 all purposes for which a healing oint- went can be used. two-cent rat e rate for minor roads, and a three | lords, warriors of world-wide fame, but | "7 and-one-hali-cént rate on one or two fin all that august assemblage was only | (ures eczema, salt rheum, scaly or lines, one Mark Twain, and no other figure itching eruptions of the skin, pim ram---- showed so plainly. One remarkable fea- blotches, dandruff, etc. In big boxes, : 3 { ture of the evening was that when the | 25¢., at Wade's arug store. Muscles Full Of Pain. | original white-clothed guest had passed | You were overheated, cooled too | from sight he did not fade away and be| Some men would rather be thought quickly and caught cold. Cure comes | forgotten; his image was impressed on | rich than be considered rich im quickly by rubbing on Polson's Ner- | the brain by some process (the working | thought { viline. = This pe netrating liniment nev- | of which is yet a my stery) and will be-| It's easy to dress a profitable: busi- er fails. Large bottles for 20e. come more vivid as the years toll by, ness in the garb of respectability. | | . . { | | | ENTRANCE TO HAG Herr Carl Hagenbeck has n the animals seem to be at liberty. wilds, and the bars which protect agine they are walking about in t triumpal arch Fecently erected at A WILD BEAST DECORATION. EN the spectators are so he fiercest com ye. Nawangar for . 5 BECK'S ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS AT HA LG 1a de further extensions of his extra ordinary open-air Zoo,' They are placed among scenery resem i cunningly concealed that The vateway to installation of - the new Jem, EE -- MBURG. that ol their the "Zoo" is cw 5