Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1907, p. 8

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3. Ab Philadelphia, PUT ON POLICE BOAT To Stem the Depredations of nd $4 Pirates. 5 ng | from these indications thiat the miner- south, have start 'have . Ont., July 31.--Christian that it was part of to w. + This admission was 'to ave ation 'he ecn- struction, % Cheese Markets. The Troops Are Pouring Into the City. {by the consider: i told, of 2,000 mile of Fadlway in Brasil, to contect and extend while the assessment roll, as returned by the court of revision of November 14th, the roll from which the voters list should have been transcribed, com- tains only sixty-six rams of that class of voters. The unwarranted ap- pearance of so many hames on the voters' list has prompted inquirice of land investigations. These disclosed the farther fact that the assessment roll returned in September, sworn to , and later confirmed the judge, was altered as late as July 10th, 11th and 12th, 1907, by the addition of the 310 names. These 1)- | were written into the assessment roll by Peter Pomery, an occasional clerk, at the instance of and from a marked voters' list furnished by G. W. Os trom, ex-M.P.P., town clerk. -- Assessor Simpson had previously re- wards refused to certify to their cor- George Simpson, assessor, said: "I was approached by Mr. Ostrom, town clerk, on or ahout Monday, July 15th, and asked to sign a declaration in {the usual form to the effect that the |names written in the assessment roll Welfast, Aug. 1.--Troops continue to py My, Pomery were correct. This I Pune into the city, emphasizing that au thorities are fully determined to ptly with rioting by the laborers or the mutinous pore Hook police, on nw strength is about displ force Ye- ~ effect on the ge public. The police have received communica: tions fram numerous stations through- out the country expressing Sympathy t and willingness at_a moment's notice when the action is taken in Belfast. Baseball On Wednesday. Eastern league--At Toronto, 3; Mon- treal; 0. At Buffalo, 5; Rochester, 0. At Jersey A 3; Newark, 1. At Providence, 8; , 9. National league--At Chicago, 4; Brooklyn, 1. At Pittsburg, 7-15; Bos- American Cleveland, 4. At Now York, 2; troit, 1. At Wash , 0; Chicago, i St. Louis, 7. Confessed To Robbery. "Sombra, Ont., Aug. 1. authori- tien here have been no that Earl Bolton Brown, arrested at Port Hur- on, has confessed to the officers that he had committed a robbery at Som- bra, Ont., July 24th. Bolton, when arrested, had in his possession jewelry, | razors and gold chains, which he ad- mitted taking from a hardware store heve. He was Central prison, Toronto, only in February, after serving time for larceny. ------ Another Coal Bed. Sydney, N.S., Aug. L--1t is learned | that the staff of men engaged by the Poriuien Iron and Steel company in ing operations at South Bar, just across the harbor from North Sydpey, have found very good indications of | reaching a depth of about | six hundred feet. It is anticipated al will be reached at a depth of an extra two hundred, feet. Surrounded Barracks. Seonl, Aug. 1.--At ten o'clock, last night, Japanese troops surrounded the + | Korean barracks, after an imperial proclamation had been issued, di 1 ing the Korean army, composed of ey soven thousand wen. Judge Finkle quashed a conviction in a nl ts P. M. Mor- rison,. of; Ingersoll, and complaint was t the magistrate had his at- bri drawn to a similar ruling by 3. 4 in. man. Galley climbed on the ola t at Chatham, NB. a intoxicated, fell overboard and Playing with matches at dian Head, Sask., little Magdalene Brabant set fire to her clothing, and was fa hours. | tally bummed. coins ts" of good fish left in the sea that will be 4 awake buyer, but you will have to be guick. per cont. all Ready-to-Wear Clothing. 'all Boys' Wash Suits. Gent. of everything in our Ready-to-Wear Depart- ll Goods Marked in Plain Figures. dows of those former sellers STON'S. Cor ES GRR) SRR . Ad This imposing At Boston, 2;. refused to do, as the roll had been |campleted by me before the addition of tl names, and was out of my hands entigely. 1 told Mr. Pomery, on learning that he had written in the 'names, that he had done an illegal {act. I have no politics, being pn of- ficial, Dut have generally supported the conservative party. At the re quest of the judge during the last re- vision of the voters' list 1 assisted and gave information as to the names moved away. 1 have no wish or n clination in this regard except to carry out the law in doing my work. had been previously requested to write additional names in the assessment roll, but refused." Peter Pomery said: "I have occas jonally been employed at clerical work in connection with the assessment. 1 made out last year's assessment roll r. Simpson. I also made out the collector's roll, which involved considerable work. After it was completed Mr, Ostrom asked me to write some names in the assess ment roll, as he wanted it all in my handwriting. The list he furnished me was the latest voters' list, with the names to be written ticked off in red ink. 1 had considerable difficulty etowding the names into the available aoe, The work took three days, n 7, Thursday and Friday, July 10th, 11th and 12th. I did not know work till Mr. Simpson told 10¢ 50 ~ Ostrom admitted freely the irregular- ity of what he had dome, but denied "any intention of political or electoral dishonesty. Case Will Be Considered. Toronto, Aug. 1.--With reference to the story from Trenton, published here, this morning, regarding the al- Jeged stuffed assessment roll, the at- torney-general said, to-day, that was adviend of the alleged irregulérity on July 30th, and at once instructed Crown Attorney Anderson to take atover action the circumstances seemed to justify. It is quite possi- ble that the crown attorney, when he met with his serious accident, yester- day, was out driving in connection ance of the attorney-general. cet JOSEPH GIBSON NAMED, New Head of Branch. Toronto, A Dominion Alliance has elected made vacant by the death of G. M YM. Gi worker in every has held the offices of cillor and school trustee. Mr. Gi conferences. At the board and of the book committee, Outbreak Of Holy War. Tangier, Morocco, Aug. 1.--The out sacre of Europeans, in Morocco, i . | momentarily expected. At fugroes. There is much talk' at present 1 {stead of the steamer leaving here a {five o'clock and meeting the earl lo'clock train at the Cape. | -- | Passed The Lords. Londbn, voters' list contains the nares of 376 lings manhood franchise voters, his bro fused the request of Mr, Ostrom to highly efficient and most popular write in these names, and he after [its clargymen. Rev, C. E. S. Raddliffe, {of Camden East, becomes assistant to | ; , , ' . y Ser |engineer's office said that NcUregor Boral Doan fo Pancior. 8% Bruen. had 'asked Osborne to go away. He Anis ety I |saw Osborne strike McGregor. of certain persons who had died or |arination, w in the books copying from the blot- De [ter filled out by ng there was anything illegal about the | successful basis. If satisfactory ar few days after it was completed." [fast sprinters may be tempted to give with this very case. Whatever may be | fectioners have been necessary will be done, is the assur- by small boys stvaling bananas from arter ibson, who was born | thoro in land, has been a resident of jtigation. 3 since 1852. For years he has been a prominent gage in temperance i circles, and been an active campaign. is al conservative in politics, In Ingersoll mayor, coun- bson he is a member of the mission I Ee mie' break of a holy war, with the i Rube Sasa | Blanca, where the murder of foreign- | ers already has begun, British and | Getman steawships are taking off res | Op Wednesday the Christian Endea- | : 0 {the nid of Police Sergeant Snodden During July there were d in the city en office, "twenty-six births, twenty-seven marriages and twenty-nine deaths. ; ---------------------- commissioners The _ liquor license were fo have met, last, eveni L to de- cide upon certain licensos ig, but the meeting was adjourned. The com- missioners will mee some time within the next week, SESE Will The Game Come ? Police Constable Thotoas Walling is enjoy 8' days, do mioY ing re are looking for- | snake stories upon his return, tient Inland Revenue Collections. Collections at the inland revenue office for July : Spirits, $5,580.25; malt, $780; tobacco and cigars, $1, 142.20; bonded factory (vinegar), $205.68; methy spirits, 2144.53; other receipts, $27.55. Total, $10,879.91, a ---- Had A Gay Time. ward to having some great fish and land sen Witness said to Osborne, "Go away, you; I want to stay at my work." = 1907. ; " AN WHO STRUCK Arthur Osborne Found That It Did Not Pay to Use His Fists Too Freely. ; #4] hit him in self-defence," said Ar- thur Osborne, a young Englishman, who on Queen street, and who has only béen in this countty a short time, whem accused, in the police court this morning, of assaulting Alexander McGregor, a good-hearted Scotchman, well-known around the city. The case was the one referred to in last night's Whig, the row taking place at the foor of Queen street, where McGregor was at work in a drain. Osborne was not employed on the job. : The magistrate found Osborne guilty him to one mont in jail without the option of a fine. In the witacss box McGregor said that he was working in a drain, for the city, at the foot of Queen street, péuween one and two o'clock on Wed: nesday afternoon. Osborne came up to him amd said, "I'll kill you yet. don't want anything to do with [ McGregor said that the accused af- The campers at Rock Point Camp Bay (more familiarly known as M Donald's Cove) going over in admir- able disguise, ---- a-- i Ontario diocese is about to lose wo | of | {Rev. C. F. {land, will remove health. | Funeral To Cataraqui. because of ill- | garet Jamieson were laid at rest in |} {Cataragui cemetery this morning. The | {funeral was of a private nature, and it {family residence, on Johnson strect. | { Rov. Dr. Mackie officiated at the ser- {evidence given he was convinced that | vices. | Osborne had been the i | p t Grudged Parting With It. Ii An elderly lady dropped her purse |g.iq that in inil w {while on the mprket this morning. An- aid hat 2 monk in jul woud be a {other lady picked it up and put the | |former through a very close cross-ex- | his hoarding house by Acting Detec- 0 Jrov her aa {tive James Bateson and Constable jot the gark a rwithetapng Shi | John Naylon, McGregor having called > or ly handed | e ice. O . Tit over, remarking that she didn't be- st the police. court and secured a war {of the purse, | lieve the old lady lost it. S------ A Story Contradicted. $60 and costs by him for illegal fish. ing. The two men wére semmoned for fishing without a license, but pleaded ignorance of the law, and he let them off by paying the costs of the cake, on their taking out the necessary k- cense, Road Race Labor Day. The committee in charge of the sports on Labor day, 'are endeavoring to arrange for a road race. Such an event would prove a great drawing card, and it is to be hoped that the matter will be carried along on a rangements gre reached a number of {the city a visit on that day. em ---- Did They Catch Them ? A successful fishing party compris- ing Messrs. Alexander Latimer, of New York, C. Robinson, George Thomp- son and William Peters, of this eity, and Dr. Alexander Smith, Rochester, N.Y., spent Wednesday at Sydenham. They 'were caught in the heavy show- terwards struck him twice, one blow had a big "blow out" om Thursday being given when night, ysiogs were the ehiof attrac- = oo i y s at Hamilton's the Job. n tion, the lady campers af o's tho fob, Th reiting ns lsaid Osborne, to the magistrate, alter {J | McGregor had | Regretted Departures. shovel ?"' asked Osborne of McGregor. § fence," was McGregor's reply. R Englishman, said that he was with {Osborne when the row occurred. He i {and Osborne boarded at 102 Queen | The remains of the late Miss Mur |gireet, and early Wednesday afternoon took place nt ten o'clock, from the { McGregor. rant for Osborne's arrest. manded a week on a charge of drunk- i = enness. He was found by Police Con- Albert Gallagher, J.P, Portland, de {stable Hughes at an early hour this nies that Frank W. White and Charles imorning in a doorway near the cor- B. McClary, Pulaski, N.Y., were fined | ner of Br. both men were tanding in front of the foreman of {J This was the second time "He's telling a lot of falsehoods," told his story. i #Didn't you strike me with a "I only raised a shovel in self-de- Ernest Roberts, clerk in the city a Walter Patterson Bell, a young' eft the house together, They went |' o where the men were' working in he drain, and he saw Osborne' push | The magistrate said that from the | gressor in he case. He had no right to inter- | ere with the man in his work and Osborne was placed under arrest at Edward DeWolfe, a traveller, was re- ook and King streets. PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. E. Jackson, Albany, N.Y. is the guest of Miss Millice Hoselton at Bath. Miss Bertha Lennox, of Wellington street, has left, to spend her vacatian at Toronto, . Mrs. H. B. Bennett, Toronto, 1s visiting her mother, Mrs. Mellroy, 15 Pine street. Mrs. Hall and daughter, Syracuse, N.Y., are visiting her mother, Mrs. Brown, Princess street. Mrs. Mary Moore and daughter, Ro- chester, N.Y., are visiting her broth- er, W. D. Graves, Princess street. Miss Birdie Jamieson, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Bella Mitchell, 349 Frank street, Ottawa, during Carnival week. George Lambert, of Pelham, N.Y., is visiting his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. James Blomeley, Collingwood street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards, Roch- er, while on the lake, and indulged in apjuntic sports till the sun again broke forth. A fine string of fish was brought back to the city, but it is just open to question whether they were caught by the party or not. rm Castigated A Lad. An uptown firm of frome pd oe thered of late ine front of the store. Wednesday evening the senior partver of the firm laid in wait and nipped one of the Jads right in the act. He did not the Ontario |} {her about the police; he believed in the olddushioned corporal punish- 1.--The executive com- | ment and, besides, it would give an mittee of the Ontario branch of the |outlet for his anger. Into the store be Joseph {took the lad and laying him across Gibson, Ingersoll, to the presidency, | his knee, belabored him well. The . |lal's cries attracted many people who It ly enjoyed witnessing the cas Band In The Park. the direction of n H. Walker Concert Waltz--"* Wiener | Intermeszo--* v Selection--""Mile Modinte'" . Waltz Somg--* Since You Called | "Me Dear' we wooDurand & Williams. 4 March--" Dixie fo a-------- Allen | Ohmracteristic Regimental March. God Save The King. A Lawn Social. Ivor Society of the Portsmouth Pres byterian church held 'its first lawn * May Change The Time. ___ social at Aberdeen Park. The heavy |rain interfered somewhat with the al | Capo Vincent of changing the sche- |tétnoon's programme but in the even ldule of connection between the King- ing booths were again set up in the, {ston boat and Watertown trains. In- {park and the ener v | tempting wares. A ain By perniission of Lieut.-Coi. R. E. Kent and officers of the 14th Regi- Lg yu Rifles, the band willl, 0) of the board of works, visited play the following ahha under the scene of work at the Queen street tic committees had The Salvation Army | srasn, it-is likely soon te leave two [band assisted in this "formal opening" {hours later and connect with the ten |of Portsmouth's park and added much {to the enjoyment and their skiliul ren: | during of the many selections which {they so generously gave, made every { » Aug. L=The Irish piers lone, from the small boy to the worthy + {and railway bill in connection with {councillor, wish that { P| the Blacksod Bay scheme, has passed | endeavor co | ciety would hold a series of pucker | The | { i geal customs import duties for ala Abia Soy And ie SA.010:4 : ester, N.Y., Walter Hoselton and Miss at G. W. Hoselton's, Bath. W. F. Gourdier and wife, have re- turned from a pleasant stay at their camp at Portland. They were away a month, and their outing was a most enjoyable one. Necessary Corset! Is here in all the sunimer coolness you have been longing for.! Plenty of women are not comfortable through the hot weather because they do not dress comfortably. Put away the heavy 'Corset and get into a summer weight that will more than save its cost in ease and coolness. 4 Special Makes, 50c, 75¢, 1.00, 1.25. All the correct shapes and light weights. § 3 i Millice Hoselton, Whitehall, N.Y., are Misses Stella and Birdie Kennedy, of tals to train for a nurse, Ottawa Citizen : Rev. J. H. McDon- ald, secretary to Archbishop Gauthier, of Kingston, is spending a few days ald, on College avenue. Father Mec- Donald leaves on Thursday for a holi- day at Lake George. THE MEN WERE IDLING. And Ald, Gaskin Called Them to Time. This morning, Ald. Gaskin, chair- \|sewer extension, and gave some of of the Methodist church | bandmaster, in Macdonald Park, thi Xe aye : and a local preacher. He has often | evening, at eight o'clock : - i8 the workmen a 'call down" for shirk- Deen a member of both the annual and | March-- Little Perrot" w.... «.. Rose present | Uverture--"Sootell AIrs™ iw... .Mumckie. Huger' Zichrer ing work. Citizens nearby had com- '|plained that the men were idling and 'I that the city was losing thereby. The --.. Rolpe« board of works chairman satisfied - Hebert ove the shirkers a severe reprimand, himself that such was the case, ' and {telling them that they were doing no- | Spavdish Sercnmde---Lw Paloma" Yradier 'thing less than stealing the city's money in taking wages for work not '| performed. Ald. Gaskin later on in the morning caught an Englishman, who had been discharged for idling, talking to the men at the extension, {and keeping them from work. He got {and threatened to have the fellow ar- {rested if he diin't keep away. The again. 'eye on the men. Ex-foreman of streets the summer lo do special work, ahd Centreville, have been visiting in this | city. Miss Stella returned home and | Miss Birdie left for Brooklyn, N.Y, | where she will enter one of the hospi- | with his mother, Mrs. D. D. McDon-} Every Kind of Ribbons Here, from the stiff bow that girls delight to use in their hair to the soft pretty sort that enhances the beauty of a slender waist and all little prices. TAFFETA RIBBONS In a great variety of shades and widths. LOUISINE RIBBONS In the most wanted colors and white. DUCHESSE RIBBONS A Soft All-Silk Ribbon, in large variety of colors. DRESDEN RIBBONS. Many novelties. PLAID RIBBONS. New combinations. STRIPED RIBBONS. WASH RIBBONS In Pure Silk, suitable for trimmings and finishing underclothing. 5 JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Englishman was profuse in his apolo- | gies, and promised never "to do it rN Ald. Gaskin has instructed the city | s diffi : in disposi 89 longineer to have a foreman placed on | 4 foo dificalty -in ng. of their {the work to see that the men do their | duty. He says it will ay to have | oh an overseer. The foreman of | streets hag too mach to do to cover | lal the city street work and keop an | Wright should have been engaged for Still Going The Midsummer Sale THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE. AT p-: ©" Special Bargains for balance of this week. See the Windows. The Lockett Shoe Store. Large stock of TRUNKS AN wr D VALISES. BRE a RC REEL yew, i: IRA [920-9 ri we are able to give our b attention to individual ders. Quality, style, wo manship and fit are the portant features of GARMENTS. Each detail ceives the attention of Expert Designers. Our cust department is fully equip} and we are prepa to execute orders for mew: Garments--the satisfact kind--and guarantee them every detail. By 'order now you secure first chu of our best skins, at sum prices. ---------------------------- John McKay Fur Hou BROCK STREET. CANADIAN NATIO wor EXHIBITION TORONI AUG. 6 TO SEP] Acknowledged to be the g Avrual Exhibition on Continent of America o | At this season of the ye New Buildings, $400,000 New B Finest Urapd Stand in The V $50.000- Premiums. Attractions | For Horses $16,000; $20,000 Ot Stock: For Farm and Garden P $5,000; For Dogs, $1,000 For Cy 000, The place to Ses Oanada, and | Happy Days. Reduced Rates and Excursi Every Line of Travel Entries close Saturday Nex 3rd. For all information address J. Manager and Secretary, City 1 ronto, Ont. eet Our store is filled with good especially suited for Campers Fishing Partie Picnic Partie Mail orders carefully packs promptly shipped. Jas. Redden & IMPORTERS OF FINE GROC or . H. Niche GRANT - AND MA WORK 149 SYDENHA (COR. PRINCESS. County of Fronte TENDERS WILL BE RECEI the un up to moom « 15th, 1907, for comstructi ti ments and Concrete Floor Tor Steel Bridge, to be erected Croek, in the Township of Kin Plans amd specifications may by applying at my Office, in 1 House. W. J; FRANKLIN, Chai Roads and Bridges Committee. J. W. EDWARDS, County C Daily Steamer S From Kingston, TO THE 1000 ISL Clayton, T. L Park, Alexant and all River points. Captal Lime deaves 'Swifo's Wharf, dail, excepted, 2.45 p.m, returning lowing day. Round Trin, $1. WALTER L. VISGER, ------------------------------ -------------------- IMPORTANT NOTIL LADIES. and ¢ INTLEM) are troubled with such hed beauty destroying ailments, Jungs, and all stomach should try the NATURAL TREATMENT of SCIE PHYSICAL CULTURE, 4 particulars write to PROF PALMER, 65 Alfred St., F (Strictly Confidential.) NewYorkChinese Res 83 Princess Stre Open from 10.30 a m. to

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