L THE DAILY BRITISH By candle light, or morning bright, Seal Brand Coffee brings delight. 1 A QUEER YARN. -- A German 'Version. of the Dogger ,| Bank Intident. Berlin, July 30--Several Berlin papers are printing the story told by a German sailor who professes to have been, an eye-witness to the Dogger Bank inei- dent, on which oceasion Rojestvensky's BIG OA AT THE PARK PICNIC HELD BY IRISHCATA- _ OLIC SOCIETIES. Young Irishmen Win Out in #n Exciting Game With Toronto | Squadron, while on its way to the east, | = = gee - KRoNTH : : feed into a ficet of Hull fishermen oft |T™y, BOYS, AF To NTHAD Team~--Dance in the Pavilion. |p. English t. The story of the Lithe Water Co., 299 Qa stréet. Yesterday was a big day at Lake On- n sailor 18 given without comment |g : a . Un-1 Germa t 00D STRONG BOY. APPLY tario park, the occasion being the picnic 8 5 H Rn of the Irish & lic ng eT NIC | hy most of the It is as fol Perry's Bottling Works, Om rain which set in about six o'clock put tpedo om- 0. R. 8. ario St. lows: ed flotifla of A STRONG BOY TO DRIVE AND - t » » 1 belonged to a flotilla of to OS 3 a There was dancing. in afternoon and evening, but the big event fof the day was the baseball match be- | tween the 1.C.B.U. of Toronto and the do not seem to Have been pefceived. Our flotilla was received with cannon coving Riotey. Salary gon: ad fodieg-Ga Qos kad. fire, at the when it was in the * . tford, 'ont. esr edie midst of the Hull fishers and the com- |SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE With gastronomic pleasures teem. Its flavor too, will just suit you, So buy it, try it, drink it, do. Chase & Sanborn's " Seal Brand Coffee. nont Corliss & Co., Sole Tmporters, ymmon St.. Mon s For the Noon-Day Lunch Nothing So Satisfying as It is whole wheat steam-cooked, shredded and baked and com- pressed into a wafer, presenting greatest amount of nutriment in smallest bulk. Delicious as a toast with butter, cheese, marmalades and beverages. I GOURDIER Always ready to serve. Crisp, tasty and nourishing. 1 All Grocers--13¢. a Carton ; 2 for 28e. 'and 80 Brock St. : a 'Phone T00. '-- @ t (LONDON) Brooches | Undoubtedly the bestbrewed on Bay ere ARyetive ~ the continent. to be so Ccibstoy Pearl > 0 er by analysis of four ehemists, and rane hi . by awards of the world's great ' : Exhibitions, especially Chicago, caths and Sunmbursts. § § 1893, where it received ninety-six points IROOCHES of Ame yst¢ and Amethysts th Pearls, all in full lity 14k. gold. JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. A COMPETENT GIF DO' GEN- CR iver, No. eashi o trom: | * sorgewhat of a damper on the evening's | boat destroyers commanded by TO proteedings, but the day up to that| onder von V. when the Rojestvensky hats tule nour ADR Gute. Gory time was an ideal one, and the several | couadron passed off the German coast. | . A thousand people who were at the park| Animated by a yor, mural feeling of [TWO YOUNG MEN, BETWEBN 15 spent a most enjoyable time. With lunch | curiosity, into which no thought of amd 30 years of age, to work in baskets well filled, picnickers journeyed cures: entered, our commander, who | ~~ WeRehouse Apply Jv MePartand, 363 to the park early in the morning, bat was watching the ing of the Russian | cana B41 Kimp wire Souniiis the biggest crowd wert to the lakeside | squadron, it, and signalled | Ag@BNTS--STARTLING HOUSEROLD afternoon. i ized. Th i the pavilion] order to be recognize ese signals invention. Sells sight. Agate x , Good N B. XT LA Féw people néalizs the scope of classified advertising. From "Boarders Wanted's For San." | tied the score the excitement was at | fever heat. The crowd present was one {of the Jargest that has turned out to a {ball game here this season, and great | enthusiastn was manifested. George Sul- {livan was the umpire, and gave good | satisfaction. Kingston scored three rums in their | first' innings, but from then on to the "lucky eighth," when the 14th band, over, he did not deem it expedient to reveal the part which he had played in- voluntarily. ABOUT 18 ACRES, WITH HOUSE r Kingston, sui try farm. Apply Box a he 4 P Whig ollice. TWO NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, for light housekeeping, by en elderly indy, Apply to Box J, 1," Whig oflice. ¥ -- i ------ PRISONERS' REVOLT. Guard Wounds Prisoner Who At- tempts to Escape. St. John, N.B, July 30--A serious f oaich was stationed in the grand stand, | mutiny occtirred in the hard labor squad THACHER, FOR URION 8. a NO. 3 - Ha 3 + on : yaday. - The an dem and yo, to | strack up that 'old-time favorite, "Hail | of the jail prisoners on Monday. The a i rt. "at, Apply Mh on | Hail, the Gang's All Here," they failed | mén, twenty in number, were road-mak- McPherson, Secretary-tredsurer, | to connect with the ball. When this |ing in Fernhill cemetery, four miles out- Sharbot Lake. lively air was rendered, however, thelside of St. John. They were being | home boys went into the game in dead]guarded by illiam Beckett, who was |A SCHOOL TEACHER, POR EAOLE | earnest, and with two-base and three- falso directing the work on which the Bin Punite Hepiool. nn nee. { base hits they tied the score, and keptimen were engaged. Suddenly John x A rao; Bec. re ip Dentvgh up the good work until the end. Sulli- | Cook, a prisoner Serving a hard labor P. 0, Ont. | yah was in the box for Kingston, and | sentence on a minor charge, jumped the {he pitched a steady game. "Spiker" | cemetery fence and ran for the woods. [TO RENT, AT ONCE, OR NEAR { Dick played shortstop and smashed the | Beckett pursued him. ~° As soon as he future, a ators, about Ho, or | willow for two two-base hits, "Bob™|left the rest of the gang also prepared Ee ] Since ie > sabre | Young did the same. to make a break for liberty, but J.P Will take 5 or more years' lease. Ap- The visitors played a clean game all] Clayton, superintendent of the cemetery, ply Box "Y. 7." Whig office {the way through, as did also the home| held them back at the point of a rifle. - teath, and the game throughout was a| Meanwhile Beckett was having a hard { TEACHER, FOR ™ a ENIoR , e- very interesting one from a spectator's | time with his man, who refused to re purtsant, wi Pr No. 6. Hehe Must have Norwal Sohgol tradning Apply, stating salary amd experience, Affleck, Middleville turn and grappled with the guard while | standpoint. in the woods. A desperate hand-to-hand The hne-up was as follows: Young Irishmen of Kingston i imse ol eke meander withdrew himself. The most men, bring your owp cloth and get a The game was a very exciting one, | 3heolute silence was maintained about cheap to-date suit mwde. Style, vy and résulted in a victory for Kingston adventure, which the German gov- re oa " gad 1 Dn by a score of 9 to 12. The visitors had our " nlc Tau J ant repair done well. Galloway, y a score of 9 2, e visitors had | .rnment would certainly have disap- The Tadlor, 181 Brock strest: the best of the game for the first five proved and visited with severe punish- - innings, when the home team pulled it-1 nent. Capt. von V., who is a man of self together, and won out in a grand |} on0r long kept himself in readiness to WANTED----GENERAL. | stand tnish. ! The score stood 9-3 Mm | garnish his evidence and to assume his | favor of the Toronto team up to the | hare of responsibility in the mis der- | EMPLOYMENT AS ARPENTER. columns eighth innings, and when the home team | gi nding. As the incident was sméothed doting nat whiedta or Apply It you've a house for sale--it domestic you're out of a position--if you are seeking investment opportunitios-- ¥ {1 you Want (0 Wivertise your business at small cost--il you Brock street. : - want to buy or sll anything o Bs " " 8 -- that anyone else is likely to bar isionb. ROOMS. PLEASANTLY LOOMS, PLEASANTLY guin for or purchese--4f you want r street. anything froff a bird to en awto- -- motile HOUSE IN VAUGHY You can get in touth with tins cupled by of thousands of remders of the i Possession Whig Gy Mmwerting a little Want Ad. in the classified columns. There is no surer medium--thers is wo betted time to try it then right sow. Four lines, onde, 356. 8 Umes, BOc.; 1 Week, $1; 1 month, #9. you want a t 3 PUT IT IN THE wita. LAA a X MONEY AND BUSINESS. ete A SMALL BROOUH, SET WITH dak OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF | Pein ¥ might. Rew o UR Ae atid contests (han why othet | Ure! to 43 George street. Soins ofiers. Jamin sheRett [A PURSE, CONTAINING A OHBCK ot . payable to Booth Cv. ay sal] -- ee ---------------------------------- sum of money. Rewa TVRIFOOL, LONDON AND GLORE| to iicoth & Uo. foot of SE veilable | | Fire Insurdnce Oompeny, A Orr ah Beakiyhorady "hve tor AL. or securi Mod lisbilt, the okt dors. Farin Pi SY pro: JOUN nogH, SON OF SARAH perty at Jovogs poamible Jane a je Vi Booth, n hott o , Belo) wing or v wat Business «WA TAtes from Slr a uniCas ie Fiiza Jeokin- & Strange, Agents, ui son, Lonsdale, R.L, U.S.A. { | | Toronto--Megan, ss.; Ferris, r.f.;| fight ensued, but at length Beckett to Albert 1. . | Smith, Lf: Osler, c.; Swaleel, 2b.;|broaght Cook back to the cemetery and { Sparks, + cf.; Lapot, 3b.; Koster, 1b. + {ordered him to return to work Cook VETERINARY. | Kehoe, p. refused and strick the officer. Beckett |. Kingston--Young, 1f.; Easton, 2b ;|then drew a revolyer and shot the re-IpR. G. W. BELL, V.S. HAS RE | | Troule, ¢.: Lumb, 3b.; Hunt, 1b; Til fractory convict. The remainder of the moved to Me brick bloek, on Clarence | lson, rf; Moore, c; Sullivan, p.;|gang were then held at the point of re street, just above the Yost Office. | Dick, s.s volvers by Beckett and Clayton, and Calls Md tele ns or telegraph | | The societies that united in the hold- | word sent to the city for police prom attended to. ling of the picnic were the Catholic] Chief Cratk and two officers drove out MARRIAGE LICENSES. i PROFESSOR HALSTBAD, OF LON. d cholog Palmist MEDICAL. Order of Foresters, the libernians, the and succeeded in restoring order, after on 1 CANTY OPEC. LATELY | Cadi Ya Shoes geeupied bE TE: Ryn. | please keep early : street. {CM.RBA. and the LCB.1 which work was resumed. O. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER © i J.J. Behan was chairman of the man- Altai jage Licenses, 43 Clarence St | | agement committee, Thomas J. Lockie,| JEW BAITERS SENTENCED. 'Phone, 568. | | secretary, and D. Dennis, chairman hiss: | The chairmen of the other committees | Took Part in Attacks in June, ITH BROS. Jk Sr rr -- . o| were: Sports, P. Donohue; field, Wm 908 y i SON: : 4 1908. it . vellers & Optician See Our Window Display Bryson; band, J. Lawlor; dancing, J Bialystock, Russia, July 30--The dis- | Fire Destroyed James McKenna's ow -s 'Phone 686 of Hoosier Kitchen | The outing was a grand success; and triet court handed. dows Senietiss, - -- Residence. RRV. + CASSON, OTTA lit is the intention of the societies to cases 01, laced | " Ea i . 'And The Letter ssuers of Marriage Cabinets. | make it an annual one. : So eu ie. te THREE COWS FOUND DEAD, tot, \otiind to i Sokol th spirit of religion that ur k " y | : Licenses. L$ HE Lo of The trial of these individsis has been IN A PASTURE, {ang Tamily in 'tho Tos of Weir hots, {of value, and counts in the. Contains the following Icatures: Storm At The Park. postponed many Bagg 8 wo - | which' was burned at moon on Sater [of a mim. The letter avails Hstle, rr flour Bin, with Sane Attaensd, | The rainstorm set in in earnest short- |= court sentenced a man named . day. While Mrs, MoKenna was got: [at all, Jt results only in formalism Sugar Bin, Spice Ca -~ A A ly after six o'clock, after the ball game | ponvanovitch to eight years' hard labor Two Were Poisoned: While the (in. dinner the fire broke out in the lund artificiality. It tends to divide Coffee Canisters, an Play | a3 over The park affords very little [3, he mines, and four other men were Third Had Its Throat Cat-- ny and gained such headway with | men dnto an istic classes. It is Cotton Root Aluminoid snmion Ly a shelter from the rain, and there was Rlgiven Jife terms of imprisonment. De Cattle Were the Property of the heavy gale of Wind that it wae the fruitful source of acrimonious de : 4 Compound. > Racks and Sliding -- ves, ™ 0 | great race made for the pavilion, where myanovitch, is the notorious leader of Grant Kilborn impossible to save bot part of the hate, which never results in augh gr 'Tho great Uterine Tonic, and \ ) Bread and Cake oxes. Many |the dance was in progress. The danc-| po gang which attacked a number of | yo ijje Recorder . | furnishings, although * there was lots [but disagreement. But the spirit ly Ste eifvctunl Monthy =p] other good features. Ne Jhoine ing was stopped during the Heaviest Jews who had taken refuge in the rail- | "0 Thirsday morning on going to {of help on hand on very short notice. | religion, which is but the spirit of depend, Soid]n three J 77 gomplote without one. ze va ony the Sr he ii had to] station outside the town, kifling the pasture, Grant Kilborn, a well- | MT. J cKenni' wits not img at the lave, tends evir to unite men. ne 10 degroes stronger, 2 8 TW, Sasa | content themselyes by seeking shelter and seriously wounding six and mutilat- | 0 farmer residing at Kilborn's | time of the lire ar wr been em: | overlooks their s ol opinion, for ial cases, $5 per box. IN . . | contet nd a great many received ing many more. Witnesses examined by | §yrings, three miles from town, found | ployed at the erection a cobtage [amd reveals's way in which they may 1 all di or sent James Reid, a ower bath. THe the court established the fact that De- | three of his cows lying dead in the pas- | at Higkory Island, and when he ar: [become one in amity and fellowship, A come very cere, one bolt myanovitch had murdered several Jews | io and an examination showed that [rived his home was in ashes, Thetd | 1g is the spirit of roligion that the lightning was very severe, Gib with his own hand, beating out their |}. "nimals had been done to death by [was no insutancs on hotisé or oom- [world nests to-day. # Free on rece t of price. 2.00. ToROATS, odin Ty 'PHONE 137. striking one of the electric light wires |: : % g brains against a rock. some mean rascal for what reason ¥ Denotes exactly the condition your bod, sharp and penetrati eye to discern it. at 104 Queen St., selling EDWAR ments has the proud distinction o mitted the fact in and out of the city. above great remedy and pronounce it fully up claiined for it. It removes speedily the ca enres, after you are well, two doses a wee. currance of the trouble. others of the wonderful results. It sickness and ri¢th and poor are a worth. A post card will bring us at call at 104 Queen St., at any time and get. it. Special Sale Hours, 7.30 to 9 am. p.m. The f such a gift. Hundreds to ering Out Light Weight Materials are the red by Connoisseurs! luced prices. You can 0 Pref money, by buyi y. by buying now MADAME HUOT'S COFFEE 2 goods must be sold ake room for Fall Pure, St: 3 Oo rg . FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. 5 soon to arrive. OER can buy a real pretty Muslin, for 10c. a The Color of Your Blood y is in, but it requires a on who is staying D'S NERVINE for all human ail- Hundreds have ad- ' using the standard 11.30 to 1.30, or 5.30 to © THE E. D. MARCEAU CO. , LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffess, Spices, Vinegars, 281-285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada. EIOIOEI0EI0 use of trouhle, then nature k taken, there will be no re- Hundreds of people using it and telling keeps your children from ev ery like sounding its wonderful y our home to supply you, or 8 Rich in flavor. 40 cts. a Ib.--2 Ibs, for 75 cts. o with a good range of ns and colors, from to make a choice. s Ginghams, in all the ar colors, and designs, Canada Metal Co., Ltd. SOLDER ~ BABBITT M ETALS WILLIAM ST. Toronto, Ont. {in the pavilion. No damage was done, | but the crowd was given quite a scare | The music for the dancing was pro- {vided by Crosby's orchestra. eet FIVE PRISONERS GOT AWAY. | Renora Jail Broken By Men | Waiting Transference. Kenora, Ont, July 28--Five pfison- Certain government officials, whose complicity in the organization of the at- tacks on the Jews was abundantly at tested during the course of the trial, have not yet been indicted. IMPERIAL SERVICE MEN. one pure cussedness. : Two of the amimals had been pois oned through strychnine being placed about where they were grazing, and it would appear that enough of the poison had not been left to kill the third am- mal, so a large knife was used on its throat and left to bleed to death. Who the party is who committed such . deed is not known nor is there any Grist of Civil Service Men Receive Medals. | crs, HO See about 0 he transferred Ottawa, July 30~The government has | clue. but it is to be hoped his identity Foire Ie pe aT p i been advised that imperial service med- | Sn" be established, for a man who | from the jail here. . The prisoners 1-1 21s have been granted to the following id ci at such a mean and con lized the ksirtin ,gwhich had been torn | cr > {would carry out such : an 4 away, | bing the joints of the wall Canadians: _Thomas/ Amis, Pierre | mptible a trick is not safe to be at var, oF Jiro = tae ther in Bhis, J. B. Corture, Walter Neville, all {1,00 and his presence would only pol- Angin, Teg a I "In he trackmen- of the Intercolomial railway; | je the atmosphere in which he moves, tate eongh to escape bv ] ° ad 1en | A" Bouchard, messenger, Legislative p 108] n whiq scaled, by some means, a I2-fo0t 1ENCE | Acqembly, uebec,; John Lindsay, Joseph {and so got away. Telegraphic sommyg}- Dumas, track foreman; Wm. Gillen. | ou Foot Aveta, [M d a i ¥® Li 1 © sic a Ae ade jo A : Sore porter; A Henderson, track carpenter: In a block where boarding houses where jie railway 1s to De CIOSCIY | yop, Stewart, : engineman ; Edward abound a woman was observed going vatched. hite: clog . re i Their names, descriptions and sen- Le, cleaner, ai of Hie 1RX Ih E from door to door apparently seeking tences are: ichard Lefevre, 5 feet 10, Paul penitentiary; Alfred hbo Jail living accommodations. At y "ih aged 33 years, 27 WORths for forgery er, provincial jail, Saskatchewan; Craw {hous the Siue uoens Wak Suntly fhe and breaking jail; J. Gorgenson, § 1e€l| gpg virtie, dock laborer, Rideat canal | Fame dialogue en As 2 3, aged 28, 15 months for forgery; 3 bell, a maid came to the door. Daniel Kelly, 6 feet 1, aged 30, 1 year "ig this a boarding house ?"' asked { for highway robbery; James McDermid, Piles Relieved At Once. the woman. "Yes," suid the maid. 5 feet 7, aged 0s, 20 months for bur- o : at ; : glary; Joseph Gilbert, 5 feet 4, aged 24, Mo » Ointment tiffeses the dis-| of un looking for a place," said 19 months for arson. ressing ymptor piles at once | 1, woman. 1 thought this might -------- and | faithfully used will cure per} uit, but I see it won't. Good day." Saloons Close Early. manently. It has remarkable sooth-| Ry and by a variation was introduc. ing and healing properties. Best for |od into the conversation. The. woman Montgomery, Aldo July il oe all plirposes for which a healing oint- [found a certain' number that ovis house has passed the Senate bill, calling | ment can be used. dently possessed the necessary raguire- ing of saloons in the state, and it is announced that the governor will approve the measure. This bill re- quires the closing of saloons in all cities of over 15000 population at 9 o'clock. Cures eczema, salt rhein, scaly or itching eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dandruff, ele. In big boxes, 250., 'at Wade's arug store. for early Jos ments, extremely at least. "1 think this will do," she said. Then she went in and looked at the rooms. . "1 found out later," said a woman jc. and 15¢. a yard. mbrays, all colors. te Duck, extra special, ind up. te Pique, , yard. 15¢., 20c., : dn on An Bn tn i dn Ba FL wn Linens, 30 inches 13¢. and up. YW VR TY rT wear, including Waists, 3 * , Corset Covers, all re- 3 No Reserve. to, clear out quickly. All a On Account of Ill Health 1} Must Be Sold. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS 180: Wellington Street. man & Shaw | THE JAMES RY JOHNSTON STORE ¥ * i Use Ferrozone and you will be rosy, treat, and from strong and happy. No tonic gives | the question of having better pumpkin surer results. Cities under 15,00¢ close at 7 o'clock. | pp 7440 George Vandewalker. [whos hous had been blacklisted, ---------------------------- Clayton, NY. uit 38S The remains | 'why she didn't even consider it of George Vandewalker were brought worth while to step into shy other POOR PALE ANAEMIC from New York to Clayton Wednesday, | house. It was because the doorwiys y 9 where he was buried. Mr, Vande- |of these houses: are unusually narrow, : walker was one of Clayton's most ptom- while her husband---I saw him this In-- ising young men and his untimely death |morning; he's simply immense--ig an- usually broad. It wouldn't have been possible for kim to squeeze in through any of thse doors. Just think of losing all thot money--they pay al- most double price on account of his 3 . was a shock to his many friends here. There is no beauty in pallof, but [4 a actici . | plenty of weakness. Any exertion e Was a practicing Jalioryey | makes your heart flutter, your back {and limbs ache, and altogether you lit necessarv for several months past to {feel the need of something to make | give him liquid nourishment through a. you strong. Ferrozone will supply it. | tube inserted in his throat, He leaves ! First of all, Ferrozone gives you an | besides his mother, sister and brother {appetite aml. jmgfoTes digestion. Rosy | of this place his wife and child. {colar comes back to your cheeks. The -- . Pie All The Year. thinness that makes you regular, and { the, tiredness that had taken the place Picton, July 30~The. Times says: { At this time of year it isnt everybody {of your old time vigor brighness dis- i , in New York and his death was caused a cancerous growth in his throat, making size, becatiwe of the shortsightedness of some architect." BAT. 2 | that can go into their pantry and bring { Ferrozone iokly. makes you feel out a fine, whole pumpkin, jist as good {alive--it makes you want to -do |as when it was picked off the vine. Mr. | things--Ferrozone can help you to do | N. Allison does this right along. Last {things without getting tired, because |vear he picked two dozen good pump- {the new, rich blood has nourished the [kins and set them on shelves in the | nerves and strengthened your tired | pantry where it was warm and dry. He body: brought the Times one yesterday for a il appearances it solves no | sents, can tell other thay, that it was | lthe blood and also ses 16 it thas the WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. The Paragraph Pulpit Miss Clara Page, of Portsmouth, is { spending a couple of weeks with Mise | Vannes. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staley and baby, have arrived from Baltiméro to; spend a few weoks with |A, Staley. Miss Connor, Mra. A: Rugg and W. L. ('Connor, of Toron: to, and Ord Briccland, Watertown, fare at Mra. B.. Hricelund's, Miss Address, Mr. Cosson for free litera: ture. 5: ee ------------------------------ SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAIR, -- All Come From Dandruff, Which is Caused By a Germ. ¥ Split hair, hard hair, lusterless hair, & Neciie Waber, of Toronto, iw home for {or joke has, tolling bokeh all ove tui a few weeks vacation. Edward Cul {a mensty little microbe shat: tur and wife, of Watertown, spgnt Sunday |. oo Tato the scalp, throwing. up. the [with feitnds here. Mise Sadis Fur- | CE anciall i ng long haw left to visit frivhds in Men: { ping" the vitality Nt the halt st Gu don, N.Y. Misses Coyle, of Rochester, thing causing the several di N.Y., have returned home after jroo, cauming Ue 80 mens eon A | ditions of the hair till it finally falls * ER month's visit with relatives here. Mrs. a . Edward Weaver fs home to: her {out, Modern science has discovered o [father's on a visit. Engineer Pred: remedy to destroy the dandsufl mi ¥ | crobe, which is combined in Newhro's the city, has take | Herpicide, the delightfal hair dressing. | Allays Heching instantly and makes hale soft as silk, Take no substitute; {nothing "just os ' Sold k {leading druggists. Sena 10¢, _ | stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, Slo, and 81. OG. W. Mahood, special ngent. erick Lmfane, of . charge of the steamer Wolle Islander, ' owing to the resignation of O' Rielly, on sdeount of ill-health, Mrs. | Thomas Hogan, of Moskegon, Mich:, and Mise Marian, are here yisiing friends. Fadwand Murphy, from British Columbian, is home visiting relatives. Richard Moore has. the drill at work trying to get & supply of water on hig farm, < ~ 3 # "Have Perféct Ciréulation. You #howld have good eirctintion ¢f blood which circulates is of proper quality. Both résults ein be goeured by use of Wade's Iron Tomic Pills (Laxative), These pills ars a tue tonic because they build up the very source of life and entrgy. They are a gront nerve strengthetier blood maker, In boxes, 260, at Wade's drog store. Money back il not satisfactory. Redbeards Of Manchuria. A a result. of careful investi made at the imminent risk of his life, d i r, tion daring member of the Peiyang § Service in Tokio has, after an absence o! nearly sever months, brought" back to headquarters d report that in Northern Manchuria, or kiang province, close upon 18,000 éx- ceedingly well-armed and well-provided "H " Redbeards), as the mounted bandits of Manchuria dre call- ed. These are divided inte f many nds, TanEng in nu {rg ! 150 to 1,000, all ing allégiance to. three pri hich who have the power 0 and death over their men; | Of the booty taken by a band, two-fifths must be handed over to the general ex- chiequer, Which 'provides arms 'ard any munition. If attacked by ¥h outside enemy, or whenever called upon, they. men under the three. principal = chiefs are bound by oath . 6 gather together under one banner, the oldest and most experienced of the three chiefs becoming Sold everywhere in 0c. : pie in the summer sham can be made | from canned pumpkin, : -, | by right of seniority chief of the whole force, ; : i