DAILY MEMORANDA. Vaudeville, Ontarto Park, 8:30 p.m. Wonderland every afternoon and even Street Railway Annual "This day. in history ~--Prince Bismarek Fete to-morrow MSTHGo 6 to ¥, 14th ond, WWIG TELEPHONES, 24>--Business Office. 229--~Editorial Rooms. 202 ~Jobhing Department. Color Printing ¥ Spwialtys The Daily Whig is g a always on Sule at Open till late each evening. Kingston Visitors and Tourists Are invited to see our FUR SHOW ROOMS. Compare Furs in Quality and "Royal Doulton." We have just open- ed a lot of very pretty OobD JU IGS, Absolutely no obligation to buy. We are showing and beautiful Designs, in Fine Canadian , MINK» Sets and single pieces. In Fur and Fur-Lined Garments. Special prices July and August. John McKay Fur House POTS, ete., of this celebrated maker. Prices Right. Robertson Bros. KINGSTON, ONTARIO. TUESDAY, 'JOLY $0, "1907, WAS BADLY HURT. f | Thrown From Horse and Rendered | 'Unconscious. | President Werler Not To Be, Tried Just Yet "A CAE FOR OCTOBER PETTIBONE WILL BE TRIED { THERE "TIS SAID. The Bail For Merier Was Put in the Bank By the Western fed-| eration of Miners--Haywood is Getting Hundreds: of Tele- grams of Congratulations Boise, July 30.--President Merier, of the Western Federation of Miners, was, yesterday, admitted by Judge KING PETER Belgrade, July 30. King Peter Wood, who presided at the Haywood thrown from his horse at trial, to bail in the sum of £25,000, Ye¥te wday, #nd was | rendered scious. His face w wverely et This disposal of Merier's case w not objected to by the state and arranged by agreement between counsel and the court before court met. At the same HAD TO SQUARE uP Brestovza, "NINE DROWNED 1 ATEST 1 NEWS -- mote ao Auburn, N.Y., July 25.-The steam- boat Frontenne was burned and beach: od opposite Farley's Point, on | Despatches From Near And | Cayuge: Saturday. and nine liveg were lost. o unfortunates were a Ses P1 Places. women and children passengers, and lem were drowned. Several other pas. [sengers were severely burned before the {boat could be beached, She lies to {might burned and blackened in #oven {feet of water. The bodies 'of the vie- | tims have been recovered, and the ine ured are being cared for at the ymes of persons near the scone of tha | GIVEN IN THE a5 GREEN 208. wr © Frontente, an old side-wheel, { SIBLE FORM. | doible-deck 'craft, Which had plied be- tween Ithaca and Cayuga, on [I Cayuga, for the last twenty-five yoars, Matters That Interest Everybody {left the former place for the upper lake ~otes From All Oven--Lateh Point carrying fifty passngtes and fa erow of twelve men. In mid-lake | of Bvayiise Easily Read |; oko out in the engine room, Remembered. {fanned by a $tiff north-east wind, and Winnipeg has abandoned her light | sprend quickly to the after section of ing plant and decided to purchase her the boat. The crow behaved Bravely, light from the street railway plant. amd fought the flames at first. Then, A prominent lawyer in Charlotte. seeing that nothing could sive the town, PE. ed with raising a number of notes {to the passengers. Life prescevers A mutiny ocourred. among the prise [Were put on everyone who could be oners of St. John, NR, on Monday | {found in the short time given, but | ) morning, and one prisoner was shot {despite their efforts, nine women and ! | children perished. Capt... Brown direct. by a guard. time the trial of George A. Pettibone The Papers Published Conspicuous "(yw Porier, of Bowling Green,Kep- led this work, and was the last 'to | was set for Oétober 'Is, The entire Apologies. proceedings occupied not more than ten minutes. The required $25, that brought by Le deposited in Butte, yesterday, by the | soap manufagturcrs federation and will-be, to-day, turned | Mail and the Evening News over co Abvxs Bank, which will then | tacks against the soap trust, give a bond for Merier A GREAT RAIN SHOWER Broke Over the City Early Monday |about every hour | HASEENO | known to exceed $250.000, which n You Buy OSL TENDERS. Queen Street Sewer Extension. PTENDERS WILL BE RECELV El D BY He wirdersigned up tik noon on for the fi me of, the wm and timper wakes to the M.T trict this summer. I could have come at L ake Ont rio , and in Yats on the river fared badly. The rain began to fall about seven o'clock, ed as though the WALSH get genuine nton, as he es nothing other information obiuined by ap- storm clouds would rain fell in sheets, feet ahead during the storm lasted only a stopper on Card of Thanks. family desire 10 express sincere to their friends for many insinesses and | sympathy extended in their recent Lure DN {the closing 'portion SOLINE Sami, n Your Tank Jur Dock. stock of Dry Bat- ark Plug and Coils & YOULDEN, {concert in Macdonald irain wns very wach timeliness of the storm was excused. , the un- a IS A FACT. od gain will do that a uying ad Store, 898 Prin CHURCH RE-OPENING. The Elginburg Methodists Cele- brated on Sunday. Methodist | husiness, having . seized about PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All § Over The World. The Congo was debated Tougth in the House of Lords on ae preached an excellent and ish to be successful mt ton Business lifted up from 'the « arth, ions B | tan of Moroeto against won a victory ower the tr _ An Ambecstbury undertaker is hold- head pt Queen street. 's Highest Grade typewriting, tole- until his services ar and all commercial night enon Enter at been "ahpoini Sheriff Rates very moderates. in succession to R. have been executed a seven cre condemned to des ath for plotting against president of Equador. TCALFE, Presidents NNINGHAM, Secretary. behind the painter's had 'placed | three months ago was in defence of his, Worship wife, while the killing of - Bud Wiley, > Producers Begged To Be Thrown im Incubators ¢ Preserver am Brooders machines that rival the Automatic in action, purfect ime, or with a five wear T. E. HUGHES, 42 Princess street. icAuley IEMOYED T0 rincess St. Corbett's Hardware i Taylor & Hamil. ectly opposite An- » on k ree lumber null. While making his keep watch over them. Lake roumds it was reported to him that It is rumored at Me unknown two negro men k as so | Store Five negro strnck Crouch in the face amd got attempted to escapes Crouch : shipped at Port Stanley +» a generous British preferenc the forthcoming tarifi. hour S$ pe d be fore mse werd dered neur Thessalon, the head being 'blown off i Farlaml was arrested on sus- picion of firing the gun. Th of toeationt, ARS thrown soverboard. A Measles Hospital. principal strects { _medi- | of Carter's Little Liver Pills, they will The adrship was aajer Tr exes}- l for a measles hospital, of the emperor several tines. 000, and be controlled by the city y George Patersom, , has been chosen chairman of the baard of investigation i i compu amd thei ir staff of miners at Emperor William, on his ° way howe meet the Emperor of nemarende on August 3rd. Chown's special iron tonic pills | Y Evolution It has come to pass that the consumers are very much doubt about trading with merchant who does not adver- tise, and it is due to the fact of the Coaches From Death. of That |ward to the engine, through the cars. hoy Fort William, Ont. oceur on the C.P.R., yesterday morning, due to the bravery of two of the com |. se the bridge. When safely across 2s usual their {it was discoverad that six coaches Chinas | were still on the bridge, the coupling " | men, Who Were going through to New [having broken loose when the brakes Pulled Iwent on. Another train was also due Proekville, Omt., July 39 mint E AND SEE US Pes pany's employ ves, | FRONTENAC INVESTMENT SOCIETY York on a special train. IBLISHED 1863. Bagineer McAdam, "who 'war on' the lin a few minutes, and there was grave | was sjfrodcing t the clines to explain in print the quality and price of his goods is most likely a poor place to are exceptions, perhaps, but t thay are few and fireman td jump, which both men sue i, Managing Director laresce Street. . Ee ---------- an says monoy will nt settles it he When the tnginecr gathered himself tpulled away together he Hotiewd 'that the trainnd were fotally consumed by the flames, merchant who does not adver- your trade--bas none, r Bros. ainst the Daily tered against th ame papers Haywood spent, vesterday, with his | Watson & Sons, soapmaokers, Leads family, receiving calls from his sym- | has been settled by agreement, It tucky, died of injuries roovived by [leave the burning boat. Londen, July 30.--A suit, similar to jumping off a Toronto street car to In strong contrast with the coolness | recover his hat, which had blown off. |and courage of the crew was the The department of trade and com- | Panic, amd, in some instances, co- merce has received advices that Capa- | Wardice, of many of the men passen- dian apples will find an unusually [FT In "their efforts to save them- good market in England this fall. {selves, they seriously impeded the The seeret of sucoess, Mr. Rockefeller work of the crew and endangered the » says, is to 'get away from the bute lives of everyone on the steamer, This pathizers and fricnds. He gets 0 hat- (wo papers, which are owned by Lord terfly pursuits of life, and devote your- {is according to the statement of the ful of telegrams of congratulations | Ngrtheliffe, paying big damages and self 10 doing good to those around ore. damages are not announced, wr the amount paid in the Lever 4 HAYWOOD ACQUITTED. ¥ Boise, Idaho, July 28. # After being out nearly # twenty-one hours the jury ¥ in the case of W. D. Hay- ¥ wood, secretary of the ¥ Western Federation of ¥ Miners, on trial for com- % plicity in the murder of ex- % Governor Steunemberg, of ¥ Idaho, brought in a verdict the ¥ of acquittal ¥ MARRIED. A Fire Broke Out on EFA EAH ESE EEN Personal Notes ® % FHEEEEREREREOEEREEEEE | Nanance, July 30.-A very CaeTh death occurred, yesterday morning, her house in Richmond township, when i Mrs. 8S. S. Brown, nee Bessie evening band | Have Been Getting Clothes From - alled he B he dontt ros ecet] As | Montreal. | sudden and has cast wn | " v day, in hi hiy-seventh year, Wontreal, Que., July 30.--An exten teloom AR neighborhood oy forts vik ae nt ral Mo! ne sive business has been carried om | Deecasced was the youngest daughter of ok bat retired from active busi- * STOP SMUGGLING. clothing from Montreal into {Edwin Price, Richmond, and smugylir the Unit Frank Johnson, a United States officer, 'married about a year and has to a large extent broken up the ago to her sorrowing husband 000 was well known in Napanee, haviag a on {worth of goods, and arrested a Pull- tended the Collegiate Institute 8 \ man conductor, who was alleged to be for four vears and her aman concerned. The goods were hidden in were terribly shogked to learn the boxes un the Pullman seats. {sudden death. yesterday. The Seizures have been going on for some thy of everyone goes out to the printing a eomspicuous apology but was on Long Island, early Momday morn: OFA LADY BUT SHORT TIME Jusly injured. Robert Street--Visitors From Toronto interests. The price paid is $250,000 ¥ ports prove that the oat on the Old Boys' Excursion-- Kuid Maclean is still a prisomer of |# crop all through Western sad at Prices "john W. Molson, one of the hest- | States, Portland being the the very prime of her young life, only line largely uscd to ship the goods, twenty-five years of age sh IM pess many years ago | a pea The Berlin fiend is still believed to ¥ ER. Just to Sppeaz. was | ho at large. © Two other little girls| # SESH SERS do Be wre not expected to recover. A letter elds numerous gp gS half here | neighborhood," has been found on a * . friends | public bench, and one man has been | AARAAAAAANK her | arrested on suspicion | i A vendetta society eallal "Victims | yon." It is not known how the nine wo. | Fire destroyed the Long Beach hotel 1 the water. Tt is thought, howe {that in terror they either jumped i to the water as the boat neared the shore, or were forced overboard in the ing, and S00 persons lost almost all their clothing and narrowly escaped | with their lives Y | In a tenement house fire in New {rush to get into the boats that put York twenty persons, nearly all wo- tof. The bodies were recoversd moar men and children, have heen burned {the shore. to death, and twenty more are seri FHA | David Russell has sold the St. John, * N.B., Telegraph and Times to John * A BAD OUTLOOK. McKane, of St. John, nud the paper * will be conducted in the conservative London, July 30.--Re- Raisuli. The sultan's troops have |% Ontario is most un- lately raided and burned sowe villages | promising. The grain has within six hours' journey of him, and #¥ assumed a reddish-yellow now he is considered to be in more 3 tinge, caused by the appear- danger than ever, ance of a rusty color upon the leaves. This is due, it known citizens of Montreal, died, Sun- | ; ¥ is said, to the tions of a small green louse that sucks the sap from the leaves and caused the FEEEFFEFSES such ax a crazy man would write, a Were 19wng upon the affect- ing "there is a wild murderer in the Eek amnn |; Prince Edward Nomination. lized | Pleton, July 29.~George 0. Alcorn, | of the Revolution,'" has been lega time, Many people in the United reaved husband, father and mother an d by the Russian government. So many |[K.C., M.P., for Prinee Edward county, States have been getting their clothes brother and sister The funes here, and it is claimed they can do itake place this afternoon all [potter in values than at home War- [o'clock to the family plot at rants are out for the arrest of at Mrs. W. H. Perry and two daughteps least a dozen tailors, which, however, | Ethel and Kitty, came down on . aisles cannot be executed unless they po to Kingston Old Boys excursion, A good collection was taken |b. ited States. dav, to visit- friends in Napanee, (lara Lane, Toronto, also came Shoots Second Negro. Chattanooga, Tenn, July 30.--For lp 0 04 word among | the and NBEO . ric the second time within 'a period of is itor: to renew acquaintances of three months, Rev. 8, L. Crouch, aig. { Methodist preacher, yesterday, shot and killed a negro. The shooting Toronto, is spending avs w On av dast the firemen a hurried call to a blaze on yesterday, was in defence of his. own Ak: 'S . . woodshed were discovered on life. Crouch, though a preacher, is . ih ted ta Ahi Lt fir as ¢ ne y a pa dso employed as a watchman at a a nhnetd 7 houee, but the kitchen and fire is unknown, Gordon Minchinton left, on for Brandon. Man, where he d broken into. a rhy. He captured one. The for fired a bullet into the nepro's head ---------- be To get relief from indigestion, bili- ousness, constipation or torpid liver Fredars . x 2 n FProdarick J. Str without disturbing the stomach or ahd y ! hres purging the bowels, tuke a few doses dren, | serv ndi city | please you. WG Wi 5 Sugar of milk, in pound packages, R. Root : ilson and son at (Gibson's Red Cross drug store frid, left, vesterday, for a | Quebec They go via the St from Kingston to spend a fow days in Napano and Mrs. Orr Herring and two boyz Napanee thing they have been Daisy and are an the whole fay incompetent set of beings that ever ith her father, J. Stovel street John Ellison's * kitchen were. a fotal loss, The cans then employ of the Merchants' Bank L. Wright, Conway, left, yvestordny Fdmonton, Alba. fme of our and anterpricing business men become nn henediet on Wednesday Ajucla, Mapimi, Mexico, v week in town, the of their friends, Mr. and Mrs n Alhert Wil to will people are under arrest that soldiers (was, on Saturday, nt a mass meeting one have had to quit their barracks to of the liberal conservative associa make room for them, and newspapers |tion, seleéted standard bearer for the | publish columns of "jail news" as po- | next dominion elections. Complimen- the ciety news is published her {tary nominations, which were declin W. T. Stead, now at The Hague, declares, done nothing for peace, no- nett, M.P. for Fast Simcoe, and Mr, thing for arbitration, nothing for any- | Carstairs, organizer for the conserva- wont there to do, | tive party in Omtario, gave addresses about the most To Have A Pim Court. achieved an unmitigated failure | The Magne, July Great Britain | ivad Sir William Ramsay has, acvording | od Germany have a agreed Robert | to the Lancet, found in radium the, a proposition regarding the os { amd | apparently lly quest of the earlier | hlishment of an international prise The chemists, namely, the philosopher's | ur, under which the terms of the Jd the tone, theat=dbuch«tone, by which all! {ribunal are made permanent and is to tol | metals might be turned into' enc h oth: phuve fifteen judges. There are still er. and finally into gold. He has only | jifferences between Great Britain and suceredod as yet in degrading copper | Germany regarding the laws which nto lithium, and the prospeet is that |p, prize court will operate. degradation rather than ennobling is t to be the result of the process, On Thursday, James W Hogle, Sid ot Fiity re ago Ottawa was chosen [noe township, worked in a hay field il the mat of the dominion govern: | od that evening was taken ill It tn ent, aml to-day the capital is ecole proved fatal, as he pusssd away on Mr beating the event in the summer oar | Saturday afternoon. Some acute pt. rival and Old lloy®' reunion. Among {etomach trouble was the cause = of the chief speakers was the Hon. R. | jeath. He was od fifty years « | Scott, serctary of state. Mr. Scott Mrs. Kliza S n, dnd at Yelle | was then mavor of Bytawn, and sont illo on Sunday, aged eighty vears to the gween the memorial upon which | Tw, sons ang four daughters survive, the choice was bmsed. Today Mr "It helps vou keep cool,' Kaline | iQentt's son, Darey Scott, is mavor of | [axative: before sach mes Sold at | Ottawa | Gibson's Red Cross drug store, i | i DYING FROM TARANTULA BITE : RAN THE TRAIN EA ~ THROUGH FIRE point of death here as the re walt of Ix Sa is em Bananas ing bitten by a tarantula, turday afternoon the lad, who 'Pluck of C. P. R. Emplayoes Saved Occupants piove in an Talon fui. store, helpang t png Very quickly alter The ¢ngine was in the centre of the is |flames, but the engineer pulled open S ithe throttle and ran part of the train doctors have been In the bite of 5 mbans instant death io the ------ occupied by Mr. and * ghecinl. | demger of it ramming into the rear of lia Hackett, of Ogdens! i at ithe roaches v Thong . nt, Was | struc , he | Brakesman Wilson rose to the occa: lightning and burned to ahi atsion and swam across 'the fiver, | Mrs. H who wag stand) the [climbed up on the bank, hurried down kitchen, near the stab the {the track, and flugged the approach- | down by wolt of Ligh tn ling train. The engine was soom un- [pin was awn from her han injury. feoupled ant three of the & were | electricity. to sifety. Three others sen The Bodies of all the men run rd ito the middle of the hurn- hut the orcupanis all escaped. Ten | in th launch that nironly some of | sections 'of the bridge wore nleo dv have been recovered i He imme stroved, and all trafle was tied up Es Rnd Tabourd oud ran for- (for over seveuleen hours, { Chown's drug store; Syri Wn the as spider, secreted in on sprang on his he nek rwaras the me unconscigus and he i= still im that condition, thugh thr clour | yo Gilles, July 30.--Henry H. Hun [sorrow he had caused, and had receiv working on 2 The can hardly undicsiand t* him, Out Hair Pins by | has gr oun d givenoss, havi Every wo the | helieved that he was pear death. a prominent artist. rowned disaster in Humber Pay al lk £1 als at Sick ronm comioris Of an Bias at j Dousta Henry pleaded for forgiveness for the dying from a wound over the hearty J Unig DOL aon iti - SHOT SISTER AND BROTHER A Son's Awful Act Act Over Bedside of or and L Father. tington, son of DouglasssSt, Georges | od his father's blessing, when Doug Huntington, formerly, attache of the | lass requested him to seek the pardon | tarantula | yoo embassy in Paris, was ar- {of his mother also. This, Henry ponctioct Bure, on the charge of shoot- | clined to do, and thereupon Alonzo ng his two sisters and one of his asked ham to leave the room. brothers. The conditi J the sisters Ateording to the police, Henty drew ot« | was said to be serious. a Sevolver: and fired at Alonzo: tragedy occurred at the bedside then wheeled and shot both his tel in W lispatched to Henry to Mr. Ruutingtan, Sr., who is sixty rn. The latter hurried to the bed- years. of age, survived the shock ret wong wile the daughters, Edith and | t5 survive the night t by: a bullet. : The sister, Elizal &. _ has been arrested, charg boat, they turned all their attention '§ men and children were thrown into | @ productive of that indescribable charm #0 much admired in wo- wen, and if the prices of these models please you call and we. nude of fine Frenoh Batiste, very | snd very strong. They pome in White, are well boned, | and meatly trimmed with lace } Corsel. Very Spécial, at $1.25, wade of French Cothl, well bone! sad very stromg over hips. Very suitable for atout Dgures, in White only, trimmed with lace Filho, garter attachud. Very special, at $2.50. . » See Our oh Summer Corsets Special prices Soc. Steacy's Sole Agents for W. B. apd F. Po Corsets. led," wore tomtlered Messrs. A. B. Sav! Miss |radle against the Pritish delegates to (lor, W P. Niles, B. F. Wilson, R. A. | down the peace conference. They have, he {Norman amd John Prinyer. Mr. Ben: | ss Gertrude Boyee, od « Funeral notice later, ---------------------- A ---- . (LAKE) ONTARIO) PAR ) TONIGHT | And Bvery Night This Week, wt 8.30; Adiission to ground. i Friday Children's 1 Cent Dey om Fishing Parties Picnic Parties Mail -Geders carefully packed - and TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY no ncletuignett up to moon of Au AY07, tor constructs a and Concrete Bridge, to he erccted at Gra y father, who was dying. Henry ters, apd endeavored to make bie Steel returned to ask his father's for- | cape. He was captured, however, by a | Uneek, in the Township ui Kingston. : been estranged from | giard wha ran into the hous: to ine the | his parents for Some time past Mr. véstigate the cause of the shots. thrown | Huntington, Sr., was suffering from. The Huntiffgtons are well known pulmopary congestion, and as it was and about Paris, where Alonzo is a Roa Plans ard specifications may hy applying 'at my Office, ix the Cours. and fre Committee. LOW ORDWARDS, 'Cowmity Clerk. Take Notice THAT I WILL NOT NE RESP tracted -- a sible for any accounts con Flizabet! and the Sond Alonzo and | Douglass Huntington was also be wife, Ella « nround which were grouped the | tHe tragic seine, but is not Sxpocted