XCLUSIVE FUR STORE. W. F. GOURDIER , 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone T0O0. In mew and attractive patterns. Comprising Pearl Sprays, Bar-Pius, Wreaths and Sunbursts. ] BROOCHES of Ame thyst and - Amethysts with Pearls, all in full quality 14k. 'gold. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Optician 'Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage ATURDAY NIGHT Always Finds Us ady With a Lot of § Good Things. . 'e haven't the space to merate all, but the values here just the same. ide width Silk Ribbons, colors, 15¢. a yard, v adies' Fast Black Cotton & e, 2 pairs for 25c. adies' Lace Hose, White, 20c. a pair. ys' Heavy Ribbed Tan e, large sizes, to clear bout half price, 124¢. a dies' White Waists, and up. dies' ° Ribbed Vests ial, 10c. and up. sh Collars and Belts, variety. dies' Embroidered Hose, ¥ k, Tan, White. Special S. i) ss Muslins, all reduced ice. 4 Black at § ble to get the shirt ti at Bibby's, ham 3 ompelled to deny your- ogo to the Bilious i if many wholes one foods because they make you bilious? Pa you ie he that your conditior is more to blame than the Tory Your liver and stomach need at- tention more than the diet. When you find yourself suffering with a attack, take BEECHAN'S S and all Junoying, 2 will soon disappear. nk er the a regulate ag To iver and ex- ercise eir d ef- fects are felt immediately. 280 Beecham's Pills mingle with the contents of the stomach and make easy work: of digestion. The nour- ishing properties of the food are then readily assimilated and the residue" carried off without irrita- ting the intestines or clogging the | bowels, Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever there is sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or any symptoms that indi- cate an inactive liver. Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. -- 2000000000000 000000000 A Paying Investment and Mrs. guests were A Modern, ae Education is a requirement for SUES i xy 2 thin progressive age. Frontenac Business College, KINGSTON, - ONT. Is one of Canada's Representas tive Modern Iastitution Our "connection with the United Buiploymout Bureaus in the large cities of Canada and the United have mever failed to do it. erate Rates. Write for particu- lars and large catalogue. Fall Term Opens September 3r W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE President. Principal. 100000 000000000000000000081¢ FARMS WANTED. EXPERIENCE, ABSOLUTE bility andl good judgment in values have gained for us an enviable repu- tation in the Real Estate Business amd put us in touch with a long list of prospective buyers. If you wish to place any Real Estate on the market, you will find it to your ad- vantage to communicate with us We want at present a choice farm of 75 or 100 acres, near Kingston, also a large dairy farm with goed build- ings in good locality. T. J. Lockhart, RELIA- lof New York, who have been taking a Lholiday in Real Estate Agent, 1560 Wellington kets' Harbor, N.Y. 8t., Kingston, Ont. " H. Nicholson, GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS 149 SYDENHAM ST. (COR. PRINCESS.) Cinderella Shoes FOR LADIES. , Dressy, handsomely designed, al natty, well-made shoe at a popular | price. $3.00. This shoe is hand- fuel, bevy sole, making great wear for mer Shoe. H. JENNINGS, KING ST == | the family party at {will be | Miss Mnlone is girls who leaves behind her a vacant {eave shortly, with ne Grant Tr. George States on was a unique, Bold in Buwilight Mrs. Herbert Saunders, aiken a féw people to a little veran- | tea, on Wednesday, oe T. Taylor, Mrs. Thompson, with Mrs Saunders. uests were Mrs. John Mr rs. who is stayi Among gave a tea, on Thursday, for a nu ber of her friends, the raison d'e being Mrs. Edward Merrett. Miss G trude Whitehead made the tea, and the | bye to friends and relations here, T Mrs. Taylor, Tandy came, over from Thursday to~ jain Island Wolfe {enjoyable and jolly dinner party "the Tandy boys" Thursday, for fivi on gineered Mrs. lof the houschold dys . | There was picnic on Mrs, H. Ead street, old friends brate the hostess' birthday. Betts at their head are sure {o be pleasant, and this impromp- cluded lawn, when some with Mrs, tu little picnie [happy birthdays. Mr. and New, Yoni, came he week-end do Re at '"'Somersby House.' : Professor: Fowler and Miss Annie gt Berg Lake, 'were expected home Fowler, Union street, have gone down! °° 'nn . oe , The Rev. Dyson Hague, and his lo Litue Metis for the rest of the swun- daughter, Miss May Hague, of Lon- i don, are spending the weck-end with ple. Daid Price wi and her Site an Mr. and Mrs. George Hague on their . 3 tis. Mrs. Price's daughter, Mrs. Charles NN heieivey was up from | Low, Union street, returned, to-day, Ste. Agathe, (ie. fora Jew days JA pime n this week. Mrs. Field and Miss H, R. V. Field, Miss Bessie Smythe, West street, weck-end in tow Mr. and Mrs. on Wednesday, a { whose people: lived here the gue Johnson is Voigt, { many old friends mother to welcome her first for their sake, and then, when they know hi for her own. : Captain A. H. Malone and daughter, Miss Edith Munlone, left to- day for Edmbnton. first part of the about a wYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street aOR en rom jez0 p18. to 3004p ! ist the air: shortest BoLivs. Thomas Tandy's sons, Muskoka, en rouie to Sac and Mrs. W. at the Country C which sisters had e of them, three and of Mrs, Harry T a bright little birthday A. Betts' pretty onThursd met to All thi went off beautiful FERRER RRR ERR EEE with many good wishes for many more i» Alice street, to meet Mrs. | Edward Merrett, There and most thoroughly two bec, and cele- | "Sunny Si Mr. H. wh Kelso came back today from his wisit down the Ri- u mg their Pleasant summer cottage. m- tre Mrs. er- {and Mis. F. G. Lockett, bade good- | this {week, and started for Vancouver, her GW G Grout, Mrs. Francis Grout, future home. Mr. Shore preceded her Mrs. Trevor Grout, Mrs. R. Vashon by several weeks. Rogers, Mrs. R. H. Tothill, Mrs.| My. and Mrs. E. J. McCue have re Campbell Strange, Miss Penner, Miss {turned to Brooklyn, N.Y. Muckleston and Miss Annie Muckles-| Miss Kntie Sowards, Montreal ton, ov , street, left, to-day, for Watertown, for a short wisit. Little Miss Margaret Mclénnan, Toronto, and 'her small sisters, w have been visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Henry Cunningham, Earl street, for | left esterday for, home. lub * en-| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ireland came of home, today, from their trip to Que down the Saguenay, snd will spend the rest of the hon&moon jon Wolfe Island. § Mrs. J. Sissons, Mrs. W. J. street. Mrs. Gordon, Napance, a few days with Mrs. ngs Kilpatrick, Livingston avenue. Mrs. A. 8. Brooks, Earl street, and her two children, left, yesterday, for | Watertown, N.Y., for a vacation. Miss Ethel Minnes, Gore street, is going to pay Mr. and Mrs. Allen, of f the a an- London, Paul, Upper is Wisiting ay, is spending ly, eS » {Terounte, a visit, in their summer cot- tage, near the Muskoka Lakes. 2 n Jones, of To-| ° ee oe wn, to-day, to spend] with Colonel and Mrs. will smend nd have gone over some of Mrs. street. She of her father Ya st journey by boat, a week on the lak one of the kind Ba ot an Nias | J. Hart and Mr. Hume, of Montreal, came up vears Henry finds They will take the sion street, who have been camping who is having a very gay visit Winnipeg, may not be home till some time In September. - - the . om Saturday to visit friends in Smith's : Falls, Brockville and Kingston. Murray's, will go to Mrs. F. W. Kirk- patrick's on Tuesday, to stay her while Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick is lin Orillia. Mrs. W. R. Sills, Brock 'street, children, have returned from Picton. Miss Lambert, Oshawa, is with her his Sister-in-law, Mrs. A, E. Lambert, Clergy street. Mrs. nd (mot, Clergy street, visiting in Ganeno- que, returned home to-day. nd | er, es of Miss Gildersleeve, King street, will | Mac- | donald, of Toronto, for an August | holiday. - - » - i The engagement is announxel of : tr Miss Emma Home Melntyee, daugh: | {ter of Nirs. E. J. Melntyre, rceently} of Seattle, Wash., to Mr. Robert Charles Hearn, of Toronto. Miss Me- { Intyre is spending the summer at | Fare-Thee-Well Island, Muskoka. The | wedding takes place in September, in Toronto. | Miss Audrey Ramsay, {| Nrs. M. F. Campbell, Toronto, to Mr. Andrew J. Davis, of Newmarket. The marriage will take place on Septem-| ber 4th. Miss Annie McKenzie, daughter of Mr. Angus McKenzie, of Port Vernon, P.EIL, to Mr. P.rD. McDonald, of the auditor general's department, Ottawa. 'he marriage will take place in Sep- The (Continued on page 5.) weil Zt "What A Pity. RETIRING FROM BUSINES No Reserve. All Must Be Sold. Pascnsssasan La a Dy "3 ¢{ On Account of HI Health ; Brower ETE TTT A THE JAMES JORN 180 Wellington Street. STON STORE | That ambitions + people through hard work invariably neglect health. It is pitiful to look into their pale, tired aces and see plainly written there the evidence of tr law. The penalties of over-work are as easily seen as they are hard to" bear-- Sleepless nights, tired mind and body, ---- hearts that flutter and cause all sorts of uncom in, ! Happily, if these symptoms have not | ben so long established wus chronic Ferrozone will cure them. Its mode of action is very simple, its curative power very great. It makés people eat more because it creates the wholesome feeling of hum- ger. Ferrozone aids digestion amd well- digested food is converted into' rich, red blood--this good blood supplies {food for the tired brain and Bperve | tissue and muse { Tf you want strength and enduranee use Ferrozone. It will give it to you. {No other tonic is so full of nutriment land strength-making properties. Even Wilirid Shore, daughter of Mr. | in |t0 Miss Eleanor Haydon, Almonte, left Mrs. A. C, Johnston went to Collins | with and N. Wilmot and Miss Emma Wil- daughter of ter, at mouth, and stealing the Polo Club. {in an a that he case was put in of the and that they secured the The lads {have caused {by throwi stable and all to k ve. K ingston, | prices preval Tour gad | {rats Lu, "igen cutlets, Fe; owned ited in the o | Hungatiin fate hb ame ad o $4.50; corn 04c.; by carcase, per ewt.; carcase, 89 to $l cus, 12§e. to 5c. a Ib lamb, carcass 89; chops, 20¢. a 1b.; mutton, 12¢c. to 13¢. a Ib. nea--S iss Reekie, Miss Mucklesfon, and 2.0. 8.» oh i i his house, and some time insin Misx Blanche Deacon. Croquet was a! Mr. Herbert Newman-and his wile [ted to his daughter shat St was a egture of the afiair. purived from the North-West on pity be did not marcy again. Some of the Y.M.C.A, yachtsmen, Thun s ol i bom on Fr x Nr. Kew. er who ay ondecanle | who: had friends in town, asked them| My. and Mrs. E. H. Pense are down (and she consented on condition that down to the yacht Maple Leaf, on from Toronto with the Old Boys' to- he give up his The engage- Thursday. and a jolly ¢vening was t harry Ty spent with songs and music from | sight. W. St. Pierre Hughes, King er. SF EA ' piano and banjo. - seve, and her family, are off for the Herr i+ disposed: of his dl islands. Poockh changed Jee. John Wadd), William Street, Mrs. F. G. Lockett, Stuart street, shop, Nn to get 'n -- asked a few musical people to spend Mrs. J. Beld pt S - some - almshouse, could the evening there on Wednesday, Mrs. Co ih Bas returned to Syea: from think of TYNE a who Allaire Shortt and her visitor. Sig-| Major and Mrs. Rathbun have gone ey e -y { norina Copello, being the guests of down to the Gulf of St. La Frau BS Shopmag. that she ever be- honor. - ov aa Spit b few days this week t Stella, came engaged, amd added that she with Mr. and M L. C. Locke ould rather *hahg herself than Mrs. Thomas Merrett, Willjam street, : a le jon The ot acoaptod her oe sion andl gave 'g vendiot willeosts ac cordingly, ---------------- BOYS STOLE FLAGS: BR ------------. They Appear Belford Justice of the Peace Hunter. Two_ladt, one 'aged Thirteen, and the other "fifteen, were siinmioned to pedr Before Justice of the Peace Hun Portsmouth, ap: Friday by George Westlake, several flags, owned by The flugs were wider the care of Wil- liam Welborn, and found them missing, he reported Constable Potter, who worked on the case, with the result that the lads were stummoned. before the court. boys banded over the stolen flags to William | the officer., The elder. lad did not put arance, snd it was learned loft the city on one of the Frederick A. | schooners, with his father. His mother, appeared for him, however, and proceeded with. The boys the claim that they did not break into the store, but that boards were when the latter to The the some off the window, just "reached in" and cee bound qver in the sum' of $100 each, to be of good he- Mr. and ol H. W. Snelling, Divi- { haviour. It is stated that the two a t deal of trouble stones at windows. This practise will ba stopped by the con- guilty parties will have Produce Prices. July 27.--The following ty to-day: Gur, Bakers', $2.10; dnrmes: $2.10 tent, $2.30 to rolled oats, $4.40 pa shore: - bran, $10 to $20 & ton: a ta otra, 408 Hp ; loose, 12 tg d, 196, to 200. per doz- Wolfe Island, where they will remain (poo 4 4 0° ¢ od aitw d ith | oR Crain-Ogts, 40c.; wheat, 90c, (dif- Monday, putting in their time the Nis oa aiew days. with | {ferent grades) buckwheat, d0c.. lar bing G. McConkey, of Toronto, y. Mr. 'P, B. Caldwell, M.P, ae. 30 Soe tye. Hsp Jus, Roe. ] 2 eld Ol teys ¢ STON wy Babcock end her little daugh- dl Ife, Creamy) a ib. spent N day or so in own this ek | ter, Irene, Meaford, Ont., are with Mrs, [fariers' butter in prints, We. a lb; with Mr. and Mrs. W. air, ANZ | Norman Smith, University avenue, for packed, Ae; roliny Me 0 $10 street. : risit. Moat--Beel, carcase, a Miss Elsie Pense, King street, came as : t rs a) owt choice cuts, 12¢. to 15¢. Ib.: A ; r. and Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrick, y per 1b.; rion Kennedy, of Montreal, whe have been en pension at Mrs. tis to lie a sup; veal, by fare Be. to 9c. per lb; cuts, 6c. to 5c. to Se. per lb; hogs, live t, $6.85 Per owt; by almon trout, 12e. 5 Ib; whitefish, 125c. a 1b. pike, Je. a lb.; Chnook salmon, % Ib.; smelts, 20c. a Ib; MW Wecring, {Yarmouth bloaters, . adozs Av lontic salmon, 30c. a Ib; salt odd i7e. to 156. a lb; halibut, 20c. a sodfh, fresh-hioddodt, 10c. a Ih; bullheads, To a lb; red herring, 18c." "a box; mackerel, 15¢. a Ib. he out 12§c. a {Ih.; perch, 30c. om; (EOFS legs |40c. a Jb; ciscoet, og Ib; ge 40c., 50c. and 60c. Per gi.s, Bluefish, {15c. a Ib.; butterfish, '15c." § Ib.; lake herring, 10c. a Ib. Poultry--Chickens, 75c. to $1.25 per pair; tuikeys, $1 to $2 each. Fruit--Lemons, 25c. to 80c. a doz.; rie and Earl s Macgillivray / § pm in the evening. vd Broc! or and lost her through the W = all. son found it, wl Sid reagly its owner In case of sic , 300. to Gc. per 'dosy baano- | to 25e. a Cor; Malaga grapes, 15¢. to We. per lb. ¥egetables--Potatoes, new, $1.60 per bush.; new cabbage, | lettuce, 40c. a dot. | dozen; "eatery, . dos; parsnips, peghi tanipe, J0e. hig ogg gf 60c. Be. to Toe. a head; 900. a B50c. a ------------ Church Services, Chalmers, Presbyterioni cbrner Bar. tree ts--Pastor, Rev. DA. Rev. Dr. M. yl am. will hel church--The pastor will preach to be| ny and evening, ing sub- ject : A A Problem jn Christ's Teach- ing About Prayer.' dress to the children. evangelistic service for Also a short ad- will be an thonr only Alexie hn books -------------- Who Found It? woman, while on Queen, k streets, lost her purse If any honest per- you kness on Sunday one Sc. box will prove its enormous | will find Gibson's Red Cross | merit; try Ferrozone, |store open all day, a i TG oe et SNFORNISUED Za ERP xt: id " KE, GENTLE: SPRING SUITS re E, ay - cheap suit made. Style, Pie -- ne well. Galloway, The lor, Broek street. NTED-I HA A NEWLY PATENT. ' appointments ; no 3 va ---------------------- RESIDENCE_qOUR. STREET NO. ol. eight PPly on the premises. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. washing or rowing. Apply in evening to Mra. A street. a ¥ -- oT Bn MONEY AND BUSINESS. OUR POLICIES COVER building and conteits company 0 Examine Godwin's i Emporium, ob Bguare. ¥ Insurance assets $01, 187,215. which the Muckhoidurs. Path nd LOST. A PURSE, CONTAINING A $50 U.S. bill. Reward for return to Mrs: David Whiteford, 232 Barrie street. NO the 50 Earl OF on wll, Young APY, RF BeCes of MORE OF any other wg iw SIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE In addition = security Fhe unlimited liability of on ving SUMMER COTTAGES, Sto and Offices: Brock street. DWELLINGS, McCann, B51 FURNISHED ROOMS, PLEASANTLY situated, with modern conveniences, 176 Clergy street. HOUSE IN VAUGHN TERRAC cupled by Mrs. we, A OR he 2 done Ty ---------------------- PLE OF OFFICES OVER THE bal a Ww. Company's office, Clarence St. Apply to J.B. Walkem. HOUSE, ON souThH pply to Powers. would ornpond with Shiect matrimony. Box i PROFESSOR HALSTEAD, OF LON- don Eagland, Paychologist Palmist and Lecturer. Stay in city drawing to close. All with appointments plense keep early ; 58 Burl street, KNOW fs FUTURE. & GET FR EEE Eis NTN PORTRAIT rai. Boe. By larged porired Boe. ; gual assortment ; niet H. Ritter Co. Depts B., S19 an Buren St., Obi In. Jowest MARRIAGE LICENSES. a, TE EE | - FATALLY HURT. tor Shaft. Hamilton, Omt., July 27.--Wilirid Lamond, a nine-year-old boy, met terrible fate at the Bank of Hamilton building, corner of King and James streets, yesterday morning, when he fell five storeys, and was fatally in- ascend, he canght the platform with his hands, intending to ride up a few feet and drop off, as other boys had done. The child became frightened, and was carried up five storeys, when he let go and was dashed to the ground, in full view of people, who had been attzacted by his screams. It was thought he might be able to cling to the elevator until it reached the tenth storey, and men were on their way with a blanket to catch him when he fell, His skull is fractured, shoulder blwde broken, several teeth knocked out, and recovery is impossible. Were Acquitted, Mannheim, July 27.~The twenty- nine anarchists, composing the entire Winnipeg, July 27.--The city comet | will necept the offer made by F. Heubaoi and G. W, Farrell for the n. The price is ninety-four flat, stamped : |aterling, London delivery. Feast At Providence. Afternoon and evening, of Wednes- day, -- July 3ist. Refreshment and amusement booths. Supper served 6 to 5 pm. 14th band in attendance. Admission 10 cents. -------------------------- High class perfumes are sold Gibson's Red Cross def store. It is reported in Mexican government official circles that plans have . been at of warships, and the recruiting of the necessary men to bring it up to the standard proposed There is to be an inquiry into the fire at Edwards' mill, Ottawa. i It is] potion will onsue before thw county | udge. York's police commissioner has confessed that his force is unable "to cope with the series of attacks on Sh idten being made in and about the Er fifty kinds of corsets to choose ~Try Bibby's Fronch underwear, 50c, Wilired Lamond, Fell Down Eleva- jured. The chill was playing near an automatic elevator in rear of the building. When the elevator began to national convention of the German {at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. Anarchist Society, on trial here, on | Take no ather. the charge of holding an illegal, open | Black drawers for children, all sizes, air meeting, were acquitted by the [25¢.; stockings that will wear, all court, yesterday. feolors, from (10e[ 4p. We have the SE ---- Va _ Sotk - Widiwose from New | York: Dress 0 Winnipeg Bonds. ie Aral Tain, af 'the 7 examen 000,000 of thirty-year debenture bonds. | | | { alleged there was bad handling by the | comfort fire department, and a judicial investi- | | | i } i from, including all the well-known makes, ps well as ordered. We guar- antes a perfect fit. New York Dress | Reform agement to do thé work amd instead Nesiges adopted for the purchase of a number | COBE Shirts FORGOTTEN BY GUESTS. Proverbial hotel porters and others, | who deg upon tips as the chief item of their wages, are complaining at Alexandria Bay this season, saying that the people gencrally are not diy- Waiters, dime or quarter expected for some | and little service rendered. { The same report is heard all along } the river. The Calis can only he | guessed at, sone clad that it is gp sure indicator hard Himes coming | soon. This opinitn it" borne out by | the free statements of New York fin- ancicrs at the reoent bankers' conven- tion at the Frontenac that an era of hard times was due. There are others, however, who scout the hard times' itlea and pro- fess to say that tourists are acquiring sufficient nerve to withstatel the de- mands of persons paid by the man- of laying down the fqetirter ave doing all they ean to break up the habit of tipping. | Carnegie gives away libraries and { dhe genuine Blaull's Tron .Tonie Pills | give new life nud strength. Sold only | | navy, has stated that Japan will hold : |rigoromiy, to the plans for naval in- crease, which she has mapped out. Only nbout ten per | tire Voting ol of the Philip Piney have on for the election on The oa Purity Educational Association will _federato with "the for style and real ing into their change pocket for the | Seppe The Para The Spirit Of Union. The r Ademey of truth is to draw Jen, te el es dis. i Ed iE ae stro i be eal pon Thus the & of religion be If your Jigion draws you Sot to your fel a. ring Jou may Jvopathy {and litis of God and the truth, Address , Mr. Casson for fres liters ture. MISCALLED "HAIR - TONICS. Hair Preparations 'Are Most Merely Scalp Irritants, of No : Value. Most hair preparations ave uiuely scalp irritants, miscalled hair When hair is britde, lusterless adie cent. of the en- gro an ph Pap :