"28 you want to buy or sell ciy ro y '§0° to a man who of Dressy, Thousands who could be Fowian's Exraicr or W 'of infants die by saved natty, well-made shoe at a oles United States railway magnate, in or- the timely about are often Always insist the a on genuine Fownzn's. Sold at all medicine 8433 enna + bole A. B. De Marchand, Bath, N Writes : 'was troubled "WILSON'S FLY annually | stances, is very great cannot be de F i br i | id order for the arrest was on ing it was the maintenance of peace. What honorable ground there is for re- taining the surplus it is for American moralists to say. ---- PUBLICITY. The action of E. H. Harriman, the dering that the fullest publicity be given to all accidesits on his lines, fol- lows the recommendation of the direc tor of maintenance, and is a wise and practical measure. The railway management claims Fthat it has become necessary to bring about a closer observance of the rules and a greater respect for danger sig- nals, and this can only be done by the widest and freest publicity of the details of accidents. Publicity can hardly be regarded as the sovereign remedy for all evils, but that its power, under various circum- nied, Very often situations arise, when thé wilful and careful concealment of oer- tain essential facts do infinitely more harm than good. Public opinion is becoming more and more an instru- "ment of might, and it' is a power usu- ally the creation of uiirestricted pub- lieity. : s RAISE MORE SHEEP, On more than one occasion the Ca- nadisn Journal of Fabrics has taken farmers to task for not going more heavily into the raising of sheep, for which industry many sections of Ca- nada present considerable advantages. The foljowing extracts from the Breeders' Gazette, describing the ex- perience of a Chicago man who came to Ontario to buy several hundred rams, gives an idea of the way this matter is looked at across the line: "Canada's lamb crop will be light, winter havi hung on persistently over there, result of this will be little Canadian mutton on the Buffalo market next $0. Canoe ia not parti- cipating in opment on this side of the line, and in Toronto not enough live mutton is available to supply local demand. I was given | an order for a load of sheep by a Tor- | onto butcher, and I believe it is the | first instance of mutton being brought in from Chicago for shipment to a Canadian point. Ontario is an ideal sheep country, but they are not get- ting our prices for wool, sixteen cents being bid for the kind that sells in Michigan at twenty-five cents and thirty cents. If Ontario had access to our market it could get rich growing wool and mutton." THE INFAMY DONE. Police Magistrate Woodyatt, of Brantiord, has been dismissed, and Mr. Livingstone, chosen by the patronage § wii] | | | got his reward in the shape of an of- .| promised the job to two. Any excuse, | at excusing an action for which no 'Pment's desire to uphold judicial inde: itteo of the Brantiord tories, has been given the office. Thomas Elliott, 'who was mentioned for the place, has fice, at $2,000 a year, as Ontario Feommissioner at the Dublin exposition. In consummating the infamous deal an effort is made to gloss over the ugly features of the case, says the Hamilton Times. Mr. Foy describes as a "misstatement" the allegation that the excuse for Nr. Woodyatt's dismissal was his indignant repulse of clergymen who sought to get him to state what he would do in event of a certain case being brought before him. Unfortunately for Mr. Foy, there is ample evidence of the facts. But why seok any such gausy excuses ! The ex- planation is much simpler. The posi- tion was 'wanted for a party favorite; the party was determined on the mag- istrate's dismissal; and had already in such circumstances, was welcome: but the reason for the dismissal is known to all:+ Mr. Foy might have | spared himself the contempt his effort justification can be offered evokes in the minds of decent men. To the pub. lic" the one thing of most moment is the degradation of the bench and the weakening of confidence inthe govern-s pendence tH its way was an accident caused by the sudden illness of the law-officer before - whom the papers had been. Indemnity for the damage she did might be techni- cally due as the Geneva tribunal held; | trade but the only rational ground for pay- white awn | Take Ferrozone, waists Friday and Saturday Yat | fthonds, and watch the 35. cach, all sis, thom 33 40. 45. | Corrigen's. t are illustrated in the se- |b THURSDAY, JULY 18th, 1907. ° i & most attractive career to ambitious young men, a carecr scarce- ly second in point of assured rewards to the 'army or "the 'navy and "cer- ee D. go ~ "On this ANDRUFF CAUSED BY A GERM point it' is worth' while to mote his | A New Discovery That Kills ' the further suggestion : : Germ and Prevents Baldness. : he * Sopuble and worthy officer will Bret. all the hair prepara- ve : le. incentive | tions have some merit in Renato the work of Dee. | allaping itching of the soap, and in chosen career | good dressing for = the i a government { hair, but there is only one that re- ability, as well as what dand i fulfilling duty enjoined by law | hair, and _-- nha Salling or regula foward his fellow-coun- | the cause, a little germ--and that is Sym who re awed in Joreign Newbro's Herpicide. This eats its merely ing al oF | way i scalp, pleasure, for ho Bs it in his power so | se oe The ho i Se or i i into little white scales. Unless it to shape his official conduct as to se- | js troyed there' cure for himeslf at the department of | rious ing state an admirable record for efficiency | ! rable hy . Newhro's which, under 'the system, will, | ide Kills the gem. or when a question of retention ry office | couse you remove the effect." Sold by or promotion. atises, serve mm to | leading druggists. Send 0c. in stam better ademifage than all the political | for sasanie © The Herpicide Co., De. influence he ht ahs $0 Samunon | trois, 'Mich. Two sims, | Oe: cn' to his aide abreast of these | GW. Mahood. special agent. GHOST WAS A SNAKE. Mystery Solved By Discovery of Reptile. Bloomington, 1H, July 1%. --Queer | are the noises emanating from the walls of offered by Yale, [the residence of Peter Lee, a farmer linois, George (of Vermillion county, led to a belief uth." ' that the structure was haunted. The Mr, Osborne believes that the facul- py as solved whet, Mr. Lee es. ; an od a snake in Tass near the ties of the, institutions named fan thouss, The snake ma a dash for the y to t8 [hoise and tried to enter a small open- a preparation for.a life career in the [ing in the foundation. American sbtiswlr © service. - Mr. Van na. was Sespuituod Ly the farmer, Zant, of this. city, is a fino exn as loud te wieusury ry hai BE oa Smple more than seven feet in length. Jn- consul of the new school. education of young ae fe orthy : i th vice. Notew: as pioneers in this future | or diplomatic) ser. Beld of - of study vestigation showed that the snake spent the nights in the attic, going S------ up between the walls, its m Voment RAISULI'S GUILT. in going buck al forth making the -- unexplained noises. A stove pine He Broke a Pact Not $n Accord furnished heat for the reptile in Pi - With Xoran. weather. : Paris, 'Tily" 18.-A despatch from Jungiee says dana | a been Rttivey rom Kmase 2 4: lean has Ree fleeing to Zaouia, whero the" Marabout # pro- tecting him. Maclean's escape is due to the surrounding tribes, who, in a grand -------- News From Long Point. Long Point, July 17.--The stone crusher arrivid here yesterday. There is considerable work for it to do. The old neighbors and friends of Thomas ryan, former resident of this pace, , assembly, that Raisuli are very sorry to hear of his serious was guilty of breaking the law as laid illness in the general hospital, Brock- down. in the Koran capturing an | Ville, where he underwent an operation intermediary, bei words of peace. last Wednesday, and hope to hear of An expedition ' was quickly formed, |his recovery soon... J Bevins re- which succeeded in placing Kaid 'Mac- {turned from the Hotel Dien, King- lean in security. ston, on Tuesday, his condition very much improved. Miss Bertha Slack, of Charleston, is visiting relatives here, Mrs. Frank Slack and children return- ed home on Sunday last after a two weoks' visit at her father's, Joseph Leeder's, and other friends at Cain- afterwards on a steam launch for. the [toWwn. Some 'of the local Orangemen Brothers, as the guests of the local {attended the celebration on the 12ty craft, where the afternoon was spont (at Westport and some went to King fishing. The business part of = the {ston. "C, J. O'Connor #and daughter, ue: will be transacted in the |Madeline, spent Wednesday of last oT chairs this evening. week in Gananoque. with Dr. F. J. ) . |0'Comnor. Benjamin Kelsey, an old News Of An Arctic Explorer. resident of this place, is very ill) with Liverpool, i 18.=1t jis reported Slight hopes of recovery. Miss Ada from Victoria, c., that Capt. Mik-| Gilbert, of Soperton, visiting her aunt, kelson, the leader of the Arctic expedi- (Mrs. J. Moorhead, for a couple of tion, reached Herschel Island in April, | Weeks, returned to her home om Sa- and reported that the Duchess of Bed. | turday last. Several of the young ford was icebound 130 miles to the People attended the strawberry festi ---------------- Will Talk Bisiapont 94 To-Night. The meeting ' of 5 iste for this district is being re city today. The repréesemtatives arrived during the morning and left shortly 2 INEGLIGEE SUITS That's what the hot weat her [Suit really is--A Two-piece Wegligee Suit, * There's nothing more appropriate for a Summer Vacation or outing than a Two-piece Suit, $6.50 At this price we are showing som? very natty Homespuns, in Grey and Brown; Single Breasted Styles. $7.50 At this price we are sho wing a nobby range of ) Tweeds, in Light Color, Double Breasted Styles. Other lines of Cheviots, Serges and Fancy Worsteds at : $10, $12 and $15. These Suits are perfectly tailored from top te bottom. Sale of Men's Straw Hat s, regular $1.50, $1.25 and $1 "Now 69c. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Halifax NO HONING~=NO GRINDING "CARBO MAGNETIC" THE RAZOR OF PERFECTION."-- Are you interested in a better Razor than i you 'have? If so, your dealer will deliver to you a "CARBO (£8 MACNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial ["&k without obligation on your part to purchase. {B23 "CARBO MACNETIC" Razors don't 4 pull--others will! y Get one to day and you'll have NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. agnefic RAZOR For sale by W. A. Mitchell, 85-87 Princess Street eee ee -- Bargains » Refrigerators north-west, close to land. He return- | Vals held last week at Clint and ed to the schooner at the end of 'Ap-|Lyndhurst. Mrs. J. Warren, Miss A | ril, and said that he intended to at.|Burns, Miss F. Shook and J. Godkin t navigation further north. He |spent Sunday last at Jones' Falls, H_! prs all well. ? Shook and J. Burns made a business | . trip to Gananoque Monday. Mr. and | Boatman's Life-Saving Record. Mrs. H. McArdle, Sweet's Corners, London, July 18.--~The Royal Hu- mane Society has awarded to W. R. May, boatman at Parliament Hill, a visited at their uncle's, C. O'Connor's on Sunday evening last. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Kelsey W : certificate in recognition of the con-|the 23rd of July, a daughter, Mise spicuous bravery recently shown by Mary Moore, of Lansdowne, is sped. him in rescuing a would-be suicide |g a few weeks at B. Kelsey's, from drowning in the Highgate bath-| - -- It takes 6 ing Since 1695 May has effected voles om acres to grow the six other similar rescues, He has also saved the lives of three children. "~ ! Tarif For New Theology. Having a large stock of Refrigerators on hand, we have decided to clear them out at Greatly Reuced Prices. The following is a list of a few of the Bargains we are offering. I Leonard Cleanable with large double doors and lined with solid porcelain, former price $35.00, now 28.50. ° 3 1 Large Double Door Refrigerator, with galvanizad iron lining, former price $13.50, now 11.00. Also several smaller ones at prices from $7 to 9. Call in and look at these. They are very cheap. * - LEMMON & SONS, 3% sew , the edi-| Growth, hard st and 't tor intimates that he is willing to social life, ry 10 an of a intima s ters on) of youth, is often & severe tax on Bn BT | . oral ® is not ard: | Jonied. ; lay a train of evils t a ay . tess, and result is poor health. & . : Yobr son and daughter need some- . ; thing to tide them over the Cobalt, Ont., J 18. --Today the fax vital; 9 first great i in, the | on vitality. Give them fights Foster ming star to run again, the | cp, pe, dg Dare oh 3 be ng EW THIS WEEK Rattan Furi 3 Special-W: are offering this week & large continuous Heavy NYY VV WN 10997 ANN MA x NY Ny N AY MW ' ' N DOUALA IN k i ap? I + am . -, . a a a aha he ne Perit lualih. *; a RR Roll Rocker, suitable for *drawi Nr. Adler, the former manager, has hake use is. education if you A000 room use at $4.00; regular $5. " been retired, and -John' » cherivhed \ $0. carty out much YOR OY Oaly limited ber of these: " y connected with the Trethe- Fer: Plans in. the future. 2 J. limited number of. 3 wey, will replace him. ive. theon esto that priosos [ Sm Also a line of Bost 'and Lawn x sl va dal Dou avery + ner- Deere go: Comp Cot, Camp Chair and Maclaren's 3 | Wo reasons why v . SaVV 8 London, July 18.--The will of the | Ferrpzone, First, it a ate . UTE St Yow out Rev. Dr. J Watson ("Ian Mao | Pleasant to the eye and palate. | prices, Laren®) who died at Nount Pleasant, Secondly, it acts so prompt - and owa, 'May: , Tn Ves an estate | wi i ing | MES = valued at to his widow and | powers of the Doll shat the tagline | JA EID, fnenily, and invests the control of all | bowl is renewed and color restore | Phone 147 published and "3npublished works in| How delightful it is to feel stre ! trustees for the "benefit of the estate. {oud hopefuluess coming back, ! : -- ving been on the verge of physical | gu A a) Sale Of Ladies' White Waists, | collarte. CANADA LIFE aA y Wo will gell 300 ladies' give it. to. your] . srinptmes ARANCE co y tion of the Ontario governmont in con- | yi CL Sines 4D. | sults--Ferrozane takes away that tir. x HES Srfics Sordi oa: : pe? ; | £8 decling und gives you a feeling of Asvuranee in fores Jove) . + * =<... $118,000,000.00 : ------ strength. i [ASSOLS (OVEL) = = «= = w= = « « --m amie amie wa 00. H. Qenainghesh, 8 [lane dupes rom Ferrosone ne 18 a marvelous tonic, the| Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905.6 ove) i 0-00 at McA loys | beat medicine in the world for th | The first "LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYS made ei Pa; Sem nm, SLL i RAIA a Le ee Red {and get well." Sold" every whee in Se.| ™ i os Rl MH for Jou wil Socaheutully glen wt LU aa -- 2 Beecham's Pills are revention" that save ar for cure. Keep getting In, and it will out. The safeguards ag common ills are: A $ Health y 8, R and Pure X Hundreds of ti men and women--ke using BEECH PILL a remedy that has A for half a SeRtury an over all the civilized purify the blood, nerves, regulate the | kidneys and cure sto Build up the nervous ir the ill effects e best safeguard a tion, biliousness and Take Beecham's | and you will maintai at small cost. At Small Sold Everywhere. In Moderate R STOOK] T. Ni Principal, ypnonse, 8 a -- E.W.GILLET TORONTO. When Yo CO / Fron P. WA You get ¢ Scranton handles no E else. all es thoroughly Day oad BIkBE Glas and nf Pe time. Rates ) "Phone, 440. H. F. METCALPE, J. B. CUNNINGHA ---- LIBERALS WINS O'Brien Defeats O'E Aiter Hot | Halifax, N.8., July to fill the vacancy ir lature in Hants count elevation "of Hon. former]y attapney-gen preme court bench, re turn of James 0'Brie majority of 153 ove (conservative). Drysdale's majority eral ploction. over Evi iH. ------ See Bibby's display For campers, lime hn {Saline Laxative, 15¢ lite powders, in tin b lows. Gibson's Red ( Try Bibby's great § As a rule, 1080 acre sustenance for 200 4 three horned cattle. It i= estimated that are performed daily world: Glaseas had } "RONB Asuat aih sa