Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1907, p. 6

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dass : ial in Wil ; Sting, ca HOMESEEK] Round Trip Second-Clas MANITOBA, ALBERT) CHEWAN . urn Fares od TIE i oe edt me Sor. 1 1 EEE ace, on 1 and says it is] Bp .- sw h y s amd Pl the dry {Jp Town } mon | SNF ther, which aaah pus so York Rega rae sn Biot 's; Miss Eagle Fermoy, at | hay and grain. What 'might bave "py velo. 13 im Te Barr's; Mite Anastasia Barrets ut | een & serious ascident happened, 0s ri Bog 1.8 S. Mickey's; Mise K. Golden and Miss | thfee young men were returning from a giv 1. McCann have returned home after | church, Sunday everiing, their points, and full particul Les and OFP.R. Ticket offices, KINGsTON-O0T1 Leave Kingston, 12:10 p tawa, 4:45 p.m. Leave | a.m., arrive Kingston 3:4 connections at Renfrew wi .; leave Renfrew, 4:15 | broke, Port Arthur, Winni Bc_Coast points. Full particulars at K. & R. Ticket offices, Ontario 1 ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Bay of Quinte New short line for Tw Deseronto, end all local Beave Cit Hall Depot W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q. INTERCOL( RAILW last y three weeks' visit wil in | horse took fright at a headlight on a J} hith reletitun in bi , but luckily mo one was hurt || 2 and very little demage done to the i 1lins ings horse and buggy. ward Irish, Ce Bay De Yorker on ed by a friend, pass- Collins Bay, July 15.--The Motho- : ed through here Sunday. Visitors: Ghat ond Prsbylerian Sabbath schools! Go fre Soymer, Newburgh, with his tario Park on Tudday lust. Mrs. A. | parents, Nr. and Nav. ©. Joyner; ¥ra. | Rankin and two children ae visiting | EEN, om Love: Erwell To mith]: nd 5 The Name Guarantees the Quality rant to be sure of getting the same quality of tea vor So Not good LS time and poor the Y oak but always good, always that rich pungent flavqr which 1s so delightful. If you do, sk your grocer to send you a package the same as the one above. After you use Red Rose Tea once, you will buy again and you will always find the quality the same. Mrs. William Love; Erwell Boulton, a Be Ss, Natunen outa Soir Fugen wih, a | Little Son Had BCZEMA | Corie, "Varker, "ond "Nes. Boyes Yard Joiner, Enoch Simpkins, Wager aap bad x 3 Vasluven, [Tkarsday with Mes. kins; Mr. and Mrs, Adkin Snider, 'were at "My son four of =a i ma, 0 Odessa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bou | 'Jecommiended to me and 1° I : Montreal. S. Purdy returned to his '°™ is home ' ard are spending ad duran Ke. | The Inn Will Spon Be Ready For | ston. Mrs. R. Grass and som, Robert, the Tourists. 2 i Toronto, have arrived to spend the Gananoque, July 17.--Repairs to | summer months at their cottage here.| Gananogue Inn and the rebuilding of | certain parts' are 'now rapidly taxing Kaladar Gleanings. !'shape. A 'full staff of carpenters are Kaladar, July 15. --Rev. Mr. Wal! pushing hat | part of he Jrock, nd lace," Flinton, preached im-| Pain are lowidg as fast as { Picetive ast to a large ---- sible. The walls have already received tion on Sunday morning. Mr. and| one coat of paint, and it is likely by Ocean Li Mrs. C. Kellar, are visiting friends in| the end of this month this popular _-- Bd Napanee, Miss Kennedy, teacher, is summer resort will be in a position to : her holidays at her home in| Pander un- tory to the needs of the| When sor how you Enjoy. the meat, CANAD] + -! touri ublic. " \ eeu Be Bie Ri bet The schooners 'Briton and Voges, Ask any honest grocer for THE BEST SAU is sure to give you LEA & PERRINS' PREMIER Wednesday last. Miss Edith and Etta) with a coal cargo, arrived yesterday. 3 J. M. DOUGLAS & CO., (Establibhed 1857) Montreal, Canadian Agents. 3 The Clayton-Gunanoyue ferry Where-| Sores Maar spat Suhdey aR? ony now, ran an extra moonlight trip to called on friends here Saturday, en) Clayton last evening, leaving here at ===== . . route to hér home in Northbrook. C.| 7.30 going th Eel Bay, and % AJ 10 200 Robinson, spent Sunday in Cloyne. M.| round the t of Grindstone, giving Presley is h uling 'limber from North-| one hour in Clayton and returning by PRY the tation here for ship-| the head of Grindstone, i ping. A atimber from here attended] Miss Josephine. Ford, King street, is| the celebration at Arden on Friduy| spending a short vacation at Charles-| é ! last. W. Both, Northbrook, was in | ton Lake. Joba, Amo, Marlbank, an (FQ ' onday. a old resident ananogue is in town. | . bay . |C. H. Devlin, of Wichita, Kansas, Ottawa Ladies College i Budget From Westport. wg t some time fu finnaioque during (OTTAWA, ONT) tport, fe [the past week. He is an old Gana | fl Que of the bet equipped colleges in the country. bn a, uly A Fy ne noque boy who left twenty years ago. [| Comple cots Academic, Art. Elocuion, ol hy a Targe. crowd Farmers are |From here he went to visit his mot 0 Domestic Sci . complaining of the dry weather. Some! er in Perth, Clark Chadwick is spend- | are commenting to cut their hay and | ing his vacation here with his par- | say itis very fight crop. John Cll: ents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glndwick, | . ms. Gna Nat ~ Lov | slowly. P. J, McCann is very ih; with| Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, and | mein en ltl | 50 hopes of bis recovery. Mis. Thom | daughter, Luay, :-of Blgin, spent the as Egan Taylor, Leods, is visiting her| early port of this week in town, the; : ; » ts w fr. and ples. M. Ne og of Mr. and Mrs, olin E. SY LL UNIVERSITY, a Mrs, Edward Kelly, Mise 8 Hay Bullous, King stheet, Jit MONTREAL. icago, i i ' te spend some time with} Shingo, ja Salting hor mother, Mr. fiends -- Ivy Lea. Mrs. C. H. Bailey, | Medicine and Applied Science-- Watertown, is visiting relatives here. | of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., spent yes- | Session 1907-1908. nae 4 | terday in town with her. parents, Mr. . . : . - Mrs, James Garrell is in Ottawa, F : | _ Notwithstanding _the destruction by I: Blue anid "White, in plain or openwork, from 25¢ up. Bower and daughter, from Auburn, N.| and Mrs. Bethuel De Wolfe, Sydenham | Nothithaariing ME sdestiraction by Mohair Lustres Montreal, Levis, for John and Halifax, silk f == Special 350 yards Cream Jap Wash Silks, full 27 inches wide, nice even weave, wears and washes like linen. Special price this week, 35¢ vard. Ho 1 ! Trip Excursi sy 5 i: aril wy, kr . : . . 8 Ladies' Lisle Hose in Black, Tan, Grey, Pink, Light satel 16th, 30th; August 13th, 10th and 24sh. Tickets g within sixty days from goi Branch Local Tim 'Trains will leave and ar First Trip From June 30th. Secure F Descriptive Matter at Ticket Office, 141 St . GRAND TRUNK Homeseekers' Second-( i a & Y., are visiting friends here. street. Miss Fern Fredenburg, of Lans- | ing Buildings, arrangements have 'been ------ downe is spending some time in town | made which will enable the University Lombardy Locals the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Joseph| to cirry om its complete Courses in "orn 2d . | Medicine and Applied Science durimg the ( ell, at Gananoue East parson LComing session, commencing 17th Sep Lombardy, July 16-Dr. T. H. i Balfe bed on friends here, last week, | °6% {tember; 1v07. YA Depot, Foot ly oa | rr ---- Sn, McCain Te Parrot Gave Orders. dl NE Os tear. In Black, Cream; Grey and Navy, brilliant silky fin- Nit ma 4 ; 3 wr 'Hel Saturday Night. 4 | : is alities bod thie By yn i . : Misses McCann and Master Herbert | "O ReY SEL 000 the Northern | ish qualities that shed the dust, wear well and drape i 3 Er McCann, of Perth, visited friends here division of the Grand Trunk, will re-| Maypole Soap perfectly, at 50, 060, 75¢. during the week. Mrs. J. J. Cook, of| JIURER © 0 CR ed Meoking, | Co « H 0. CRUMLEY BROS. "Bas § - Bast William ") at ated x dr; who ten years ago, was the jovial and | was well represcated at the monster| Totund proprietor of the refreshment] lebrati July, in| fooms at Allandale station. Mr. Meek- aM Ts Smiths Falls. EN hf ain ing hel a parrot, which aly recently 3 Past Wp 03 : from Lake v died of old age, and this sagacious| - - eB. h Larder Lake.' Herbert Yaughan; Lird was the hero of a little incident| 8 Maat - Gap 2i0r ? th , few day 0 y a i a : Mrs. Jy Breen, over which the citizens of Barrie and] Mrs. Norman Allan and child, of its railway suburb still chuckle when| Brockwille, are guests of Mrs. H.| they recall it. The parrol was a great Thomas. Philip Whyte, of New Yerk; talker and was quick at picking up is a visitor at E. P. Kelly's. Mrs: and rehearsing the many sounds , of al John Looby has been visiting for a busy railway Junction. i few days "in Brockville and vicinity. summer morning as the engi-| Born, on Sunday, July 11th,(to Mrs, | Beer of a northbound train waited in| J. J. Balfe, a son. Miss Teresa Jor-| his cab for the order to pull out, he | dan, teacher at Parham, is home for | heard 'the familiar call of Allj the holidays. ' aboard fer North Bay 1" folHowed by! the command, "All right, Mike; go Jones' Falls Visitors. ahead yw», He unhesitatingly obeyed, only to Jones' Falls, July 16.--A large ex- | yi cover when Be Fouthe Bare a eursion from Smith's Falls, . Perth, mile away, that the Sondustor wen Siemiport BN Whe Visited anand not on hand, but that Polly had act- Falls on ny. Mrs. J. A. Renney | of oq his proxy. EE ---- rr ro - - wi3 local ... 7.08] Nos. 1,2,3,4,5 and 8 Gas Stoves i For tull particulars, app! J.P. HA Cor. Johuson and The warm Weather. is now here and. the time you need. a. GAS STOVE in your home. Our stock is now complete, and Steamers "Toronto & EAST BOUN Leave Kingston daily, 1,000 Isak , Montreal, enay River points. we will be pleased to show you our large ed from visiti friends in Ganan- ogue. Miss Bella Stowart is visiting her sister, Mrs. DD. Stratton, Dufierin. Mr. and Mrs, P. Halliday, Elgin, have and son, Master Flavian, have return- | "que train had to run back to Allan: dale for the conductor, and thereafter engine drivers were careful not to start their trains without making certain that their orders to proceed assdrtment: -We have them all prices and feel quite sure that we can satisfy you. A WEST BOUN Leave Kingston, § p.m Charlotte and Toronto, tions for all Western polo Hamilton-Montrea come to spend the summer months at trial will convince you. their cottage on Sunset Bay. Nr, and were given by the proper official. Tri-weekly ser Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Hes. Ww. Dh. Reames, Risston, lave ro. MUCH WANTED. The arta Tae oat EAST AND WEST ends | i. Re on . For tickets berth re x 3 2) 3 : p. . - 3 only safe ual Monthly. ] J : ota, ; - Ale or Porter, the purity and Jou ish Trin 3 hate ao - Leadville Jjpnmy Walks Out of ton which women cai McKELVEY & BIRCH, 86 Brock St BY, 4 N, a) merit of which has been attested urice Gompreoki, New York: Miss . Prison. "28 of strength--No. 1, 'Et NE Lo tae | FOSTER CHAFFEE, 4.G. stented J Alien, Mins Lydia Smith, Gilbert | San Fraseiseo; July 17.James 0 or aerel ce ue pant | (SOP SOTAS000000005660000000000 emir be chemists, physicians and - oth. Ottawa; Mr. ana Mrs. J. M.{Courtney, alias "Leadville Jimmy,".| Say al at 2 : Giblin, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mover lupon being discharged, . yostcrday, Ay Ey mie ee perts the grea: hibit and son, 3 ry , Cam- | from San 'Quentin penitentiary, where 4 3 ma Rariige, Mass: MF. and ra. Kuta, New | ho Rad serond setouon. Jar the' killing: | 10% WCBUKE 0. FUkTR (M1. Yormeriy IP York City; Miss Britain, Perth Am- [of Policeman E. C. Robinson, five boy, New Jersey; Dr. Wilson, Perth {years ago, was immediately re-arrest- Amboy, New Jersey; Mr. amd Mra. W, (od. Advices from the police of New Warm: Weather STR. 'WOLFE IS J. Simmons, New York; W. B. Tu- [York say Courtney is wanted there da ioe unttensy ; : : : tear ana wife, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. |for the murder of Clara Englehardt in irfitions or WHoerion % " ti it Us EVERY THUF Jannady, Mr. Wainer, Mr. Samuels, | 1901. Officers are expected to arrive Prevents Contagion. Pa ol gran : PQ A i en Mr. Adler, H. Elias, {in a day or two to take the prisoner Toronto; | east. . v "= And there is a lot of time for cool Footwear yet. Tearing this . ilton; Mr. and by expres, repaid, 1 in mind you will seetjust what prices we have put on our Brophy's Point, ; ' ROYA for a report: on thr subject, But =» M A i L | mutiiber of deputies are using pressure |4 'fo have him make a formal protest |} MONTREAL TO LIV The new Steamer Cotsicis 7 : i i | .. Coombs. alo, N.Y; Nr. Complaints At Panama. : tn 0; 2 Shutter cea sa Halliday's D . Madrid, "July 17.--Complaints" have et WHI I , . Break {been received by the authorities here MONEY | A Re {from Faninn thet tie fur of A ro : N CAN RIES | - a) Leaves Kingston, 3 | prers who were sent t rom Poultry. Experience unecessary. We omen's White Canvas Oxfords, leather heel ... ............... 1.25 home at 7 p.m. » ing e te, . Women's White Canvas Oxfords, leather heel ... .............. . Spain has been reiuend from one peso, |B Say WTF rb yr | Women's White Canvas Oxfords, white plain toe... EU sixty eentavos in gold, to four pesctas EE Br Soe Rend Sac tot: sms or a. | Women's White Canvas: Oxfords, white h ith toe kap 1.75 Fare for Round] {in the money" of "that country, which: | JSNEISHITS bay te rom us. - ds shipped here] Women's White Pumps .............. Briain 1.95 lis insufficient for oxistente under the TTA BIRD SEED Misses' White Sandals, 5 strap « 1.50 } iling conditions there. Senor c | Children" i ruin eH opr lo 83 Bathurst 'St., Londos, Osts | ren's White Sandals, 4 strap ...... ... ... . 1.28 g pe , Niniter en te oe _e | Infants' Whité"Shhdals, 4 strap, with heel . 1.00 Spa a | Infants' White Sandals; 3 strap ........ .. al vis ads exsiwe senel 18S | i Twin Screw, 8a FRIDAY, July 26th, on b Reid & Charles | "PHONE S maximum 8 SUCCESSORS TO D. J. McDERMOTT, 111 PRINCESS ST. SE, mp SLi of h : Pogigern can he por Te LEY GTR ; A report that the pope has been suf- | 8" h * J sctng om i hondis ntotis. i i De DR

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