=~ Li ng. Dur Straw Hats| our Straw Hats must walk 4 ! | 1 ts from ome season to the next, w Hats yet. There'll 'be weeks § ut we must sell them now. ), 1.25 and 1.00 Sailors. / 69c. R FOOT COMFORT { There's lots of warm weather loot-comfort in a pair of IN- VICTUS Oxfords. They do away with that tight binding sensation around your ankles that boots give on a warm day. They prevent your feet from be- ng hot, damp, and sticky. They keep your ankles cool and comfortable, and allow air to to circulate freely around your feet INVICTUS Oxfords mever bulge er Celt. Gun $4 r Shoe Store | Metal and Tan = « . nian king Powder °N\ © . Incomparable, Economical! 5. A LB. LASS GROCERS. d, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, L 8T., MONTREAL, Canada. -- Refrigerators of Refrigerators on hand, we out at iced Prices. of a few of the Bargains we with 'large double doors and , former price $35.00, now Refrigerator, with galvanized 13.50, now 11.00: es at prices from $7 to 9. ie. They are very cheap. SONS, hone 588. THIS WEEK Rattan Farnitur Special--We are offering Heavy Roll Rocker, 'suitable for drawing $4.00, regular $5.50. is week a large continuous room use at Only limited number of-these. Also 'a line of Boat and Lawn Seats, Camp Cot, Camp Chair and Verandah Furniture at close out prices. 51-3 King St JAMES REID, « : re of the country by women who have n ; ship about the tem. ED) ~Y 3 5 S 3 * Pear] accompanying Myron to Sarnia, fant for her ex-convict husband. " married him. ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17th, 1907. . Thousands of Women| seeeseesessescesaceses | WIRE wm ' NLT Miitenis Com © il * pound Fact that It Really 6 | Thousands upon thousands of Cans- FERLEIRRRRERIIES have been restored to health Something very cleverly arranged! was found by Miss Frances Macarow when she accepted Miss May Bolger's | fit gr it 8% of % 's office, and prove this state- |imvitation to a quiet litt) ! ment to be a fact and not a mere boast. oh Saturda; re Postand hod Overshadowing indeed is the success of | of "Ireland." There was the green | thie great medicine, and compared with | flag of Ireland upon the walls, anoth- thay amedicies and treatment for | or one, with its golden hirp floated women are experiment proudly from the cake, which Why has L E. Pinkham's Vegeta- | island in the midst of a he Com accompli such wide- | were shamrocks in howls wu the spread results for ? | quartette tables and re . Why has it lived and thrived and done | was another pretty way of bringing its glorijus work for a quarter of a |in the word so closely connected with century. | to-day's wedding. In the midst of the Simply and surely because of its ster- | (ea came a big express parcel, con- ling worth. The reason no. other medi | spicuously labelled with a heart, and cine has even approathed its success is | Within was linen of all kinds. Among plainl aul positively because there is | those invited to the } no icine in the world so good | were Mrs. D. Phelan, Mrs. Vere Hoop- | Mr vanes ie i e J. Crookall, Wine Frances e wonde wer of L E | Sullivan, Miss Alice King, Miss Emily Pinkham's Vegetable aE Sears, Miss Lilla Callaghan, Miss the diseases of womankind is not because | Margaret Brown and Miss Lucy Mer it is a stimulant--not because it is a pal- | rick. liative, but simply because it is the most ot aL wonderful tonic and reconstructor ever | Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, Beverley discovered to act directly upon the |street, gave a dinner at the Country | Club on Monday, for Mrs. Ernest du | female eystem, positively curing disease and displacements and restoring health | Domaine. Her guests were Mr. and | vigor. Mrs, Peroy Stevenson, Miss Bessie and | Marvelous cures are reported from all | Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Mabel Brown- | field, Miss Kathleen Harty, Miss Amy | Rutherford, Miss Florence Cunningham, | Miss Beatrice Tandy, Mr. Karl Tandy, | Mr. P, G. Campbell, Mr. Arthur Mae- | nee, Mr. W. Kent, Mr. W. Richardson, | and Mr, F, McParland. . * - p cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures, and physicians who have recognized the virtue in Lydia E. Pinkham"s Vegetable Compound, and are fair enough to give credit where it is due. If Physicians dared to be frank and open, hundreds ! ee adrade oe al | Last week Mrs. H. B. Bristol, of Pic- | cribe Lydia E. Pinkham's V A | ton, opened her large and beautiful | Compound in severe cases of for il home for a young people's dance, and as they know by experience that it wi the guests had a gay time. During effect arcure. the evening Miss Gena Branscombe de- Women who are troubled with painfal lighted everyone with some of her or} lar periods, backache, Lor | lovely music, and Miss Helen Davison, | (or flatulence), falling, inflammation, ul- | "hom all the critics say has a mag: | tion, that *bearing-down' feeling, mficent voice, sang several numbers. | dizziness, faintness, indigestion, nervous | She has been given a place in the| prostration, or the blues, should take im- | Mendgissohn_choir, ja Toronto. { mediate action to ward off the serious | we TTS 1 consequences and be restored to health | This afternoon there was a gay and | and strength by taking Lydia E. Pink- | unwonted gathering in the Kingston | ham's Vegetable Compound. Anyway, shipyard, on Simcoe street, when Miss | write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for | Kathleen Harty christened the new | advice. It's free and always helpful. sailing yacht Kathleen, the party go-| ing on for tea at the Yacht Club later. . | | Ny. Iva # Martin 'entertained at a large dinner party on Saturday at Married to Reform is Back in| Underwood," whim his guests were {all men. It was in honor of Chief Jus- PRISON ROMANCE. Penitentiary. itieo - Falconbridge, Mr. Ernest Osler Jackson, Mich., July 17.--Mrs. Pearl apd Mr. Lyman Clarke. | Ingell was a bookkeoper, a few years .T ss wu = ago! for a local' concern that has work | The tea at the yacht club this after | done in prison under contract. Minor noon has for hosts the men of the! Ingell, at the same timewas a com clubg with (he Wives hind - sisters of the viet ditailed as clerk in the prison for prominent officials dispensing the hos- | the concern. Pearl and Minor struck up a telephone acquaintance which + eo oe had developed into a telephone court-| hore has been a good deal of ero | 0 time he finished his | uet on private lawns, this week, with | The courtship terminated in generally tea to close the proceedings | : sociably. Ont., in September, 1905, and getting » ee . - married Pearl tried hard to make life pleas- She firmly believed that her marrying him would make a new and a better man of | him. But it didn't. Myron went wrong and now he is in Marquette gave a little farewell tea, a day or so ago, for the bride of this morning. Pr | There will be a girls' luncheon at the | Country Club, to-morrow, with no one | ter, Mrs. E. T. Taylor, at the com- mandant's residence, R.M.C. Mr. Charles Fortescue has come over Only One Admitted Guilt. | Toronto, Omt., July 17.--Thirty- from Dittsburg, Pa., and is with Mr, soven manufacturers and sellers Oy) HE. Birkett, at" "St. Lawrence Cot- bread appeared before the police tape." Mics May Villiers has come over from Old Lyne, Mass., and is with the Rev, {J. Charles and Mrs. Villiers, Johnson street, : | Mz. T. B, Caldwell, M.P., and Mrs. { Caldwell, of Lanark, are guests of Mrs. { A. Strachan, Bagot street. Mrs. Robert Crawford, Barrie street, | and daughter, have returned from Port | Hope, accompanied by Mrs. M, Ste phens, of Cobourg, who will remain some weeks, magisirate, this morning, on a charge'| of making and selling bread below the | legal weight. When the court opened Police Magistrate Kingsford said that anv who desired to plead guilty could do so and the fine would be 85 for retailers and $25 for manufactur ing bakers. Only one manufacturing firm, the Harry Webb Co., pleaded guilty and paid the fine. The others will fight and their cases were ad- journed for a week. -------- For Suppressing Gambling. a A . . Hamilton, July 17:~The police have Hyttie- A, Gulch th, are camping at | long complaived of Shele iability to | Me a ie Jose up gambling joints because there | - : , | ge no or for that purpose. Hulf of bur Ernest du Domaine will leave the £1,000 collected from the crap | oe Hauawa tgdBqrroM. St J shooters will form the basis of a | N B ThE eluod, of St. | ohn, fund for suppressing gambling. Ne. M anc } er two children, are visit- ing Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, at her | summer cotiage on the lake shore. | Mrs. Hazen Hansard has returned to - | Montreal. | | Mrs. Ramsay Brooke returned to | Mis. II. Bates', King street, from Montreal last week. | Miss Workman, of Toronto, is the | guest of Mrs. William Workman, Al-| {fd street. ! | "Miss Elsa Campbell, who has been | - { in Boston, studying, is expected in | town, shortly, and will accompany | | Mrs. George Richardson and her fam- | | ily 8 the Rideau. | | . . . . : | { Mrs. A. S. D'Oreay, of New York, | and . her daughter, Miss Helen 'Or=ay, will arrive, on Saturday, to | ; visit' Mrs. 'D'Orsay's niece, Mrs Wie, . throp Sears, at "Heathfield." i a Sa i Mr. Gearge Sears; ha has been Ss Sacedache, Carter's Little iting at "Henathfickl,"" has returned to Se Simcoe, Sia | Tomas. a era cf Lhe Lomach,sHimy the | Mrs. Henry Thompson, assistant see-| River sud thie bowels. Bven if they oulp retary of the Woman's Historical So-| ciety, ig in town, and en pension with | | Mrs. Kavanagh, King street. Mrs. | | Thompson is looking up old haunts in {the day or so: before the society | mepta. This is her birthplace, hier fath- | er "beings this late Sherif Sweetland. | left, "yvestarday, Jge, two weeks' oyting | | down 'among the stands. V4 i Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Wrenshall | { Albert street, are going up to Owen 5 Sound on Saturday. He Tike Liver Priuare very small endl ~ | Mi; find' Mrs, Herbert Horsey drove | | down, yest from Cressy, return- : action please all {ing again' in} afternoon. Little | I Semis; Sretorsl = | Mine Mi of Horsey went up by boat, | iy Sroggiats verywhem, of ; i and mgg-ihem at Conway. i + OMITER BEDICINE CO., Now Yorks Miss "Jennie Shaw, Johnson street, | fi 3 md Dm. ml Poa |i joking a holiday at Loushibors] ml a .. ' 3 ay little affair | Dim pitalities, hawt . {hi Ottawa to-morrow. I'he Misg>s Brown, University avenue, about been with Mee. J. J. H street, returned to New York on Mon- (day. n and Mr. Lawreson came over from New nue, has been paying her sister, David Bod, a visit at Thousand Is- land Park. {| Mrs. Mills from the islands to-day. Mr. James O'Neil Ireland, of.Torow 0, is 'the guest of his sister, Mrs. Mrs, P. H. Macarow, of Toronto, is here for the summer, and will be, with her son Philip at Channel Grove the greater part of the time, Canon and Mrs. Grout, Brock street, have had a succession of visitors this week. Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Grous came up today from Arnprior. Mr. James Grout stayed, over for a day on his way from Omemee to Brock: ville to pick up his wife and baby, and take them home, and Miss Daisy Carre was down to-day from Belleville to see her aunt and uncle. . . . . George King, Alice street. Mrs. Buxton Smith came up from Prescott, on Monday, and will occupy Archdeacon Carey's house till his red Grout came over from Delhi, N.Y., on Monday, and after ing a day or so with Canon and rs. Grout, Brock street, has gone down to Prescott for Mrs. Grout and children, Who will return to Delhi with Miss Gena Branscombe came down from. Picton to spend Sunday with her people ; Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Clergy street, and™ her family, are going up, about the first of August, to 'Hickory Park," a pretty spot on the lower shore of the Bay of Quinte between Picton and Glenora. . Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gunn, Ports- mouth, left, to-day, for a three weeks' holiday in Kincardine. \ Bishop of Ontario and Mrs, Lennox Mills, "Bishopscourt," will spend the greater part of the month of August at the sea. Archdeacon and Mrs. W. B. Carey, ock street, left, yesterday, for Ed- monton. Miss Geraldine Daly has gone with them, but will go on to her brother in Lloydminsggr. Mr. Francis Tothill left, the first of the week, for Montreal, after his holi- day here. ss Grace Lyman, who has been visiting at her mother's home, "Cal- derwood," has left again for the states. -. - * . Miss Gena Hepburn, who has been paying her father, Mr. A. W. Hepburn, a long visit in Virginia, is expected back in Picton on Monday. Mrs. R. J. McDowall, Princess street, has returned from a five weeks' visit ¢o her son, Dr. J. R. McDowall, Perth Amboy, N.J. Miss Elda McDowall is at present' with her sister, Mrs. W. F. Macfarlane, at her swmmer cottage, Bell's Lake. Mr. W. Meacham, of Chicago, who has been visiting Mr. W. G. Kidd, Barrie street, has gone down to Otta- wa to visit his uncle, Dr. Kidd. : * - Ld . J. S. Mrs. Johnston, who has been visiting Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, left, vesterday, for Johnston's visit here has been made Montreal. Mrs. pleasant with several informal ttle gaieties, Mrs. J. Poyntz French, who has been {coming home from Winnipeg by way of the lakes, will take train at Toron- to and meet Mrd, Kenneth Fenwick in Mrs. Fenwick and return to Kingston Mrs. French will 15th and Mr. French August will be down to take the long course early in the first month of autumn. Mie. French will thus "have 5 good ong visit among old friends. There will be a noted woman in town 4 , : in particular responsible for it. ir . : a prison, Ww ith a maximum sentence of . Pa nl - bp - ° this week, a woman, ided, whose if fronti i | cil e » : PATS OC ng : . 3 |name and fame will endure while ¢ fifteen year confronting' him : ; } :Mps.. Kenneth Ireland. will: not hold | 2@ le anc he EI EC aa On Saturday, Judge Parkinson her . jal reception till Septem-|o™pire lasts, Mrs. essenden, of al "granted Pearl a divorce, remarking ber ¥ ney |ilton, the founder of Fapire day that "Marrying a man to reform him . . . - . . . » . ; wo is 'poor business. Ingell is said to Mrs. Edward Merrett is here | Mr. and Mrs. rancis Anglin, » 80 ~ terms before Pearl IS, wOWary .Jereil 13. here trom ot, their 'three children have served four terms before ar {yy ontreal and is the guest. of her sis: Queen' street, and > have gone down to their summer cot- tage on the river shore, beyond the fort hill. who have Dr. and Mrs. Weismiller, v Barrie Harty, Today Mr. and Mrs. Cullinan York and are Mrs. Harty's guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. James, the for- mer deputy minister of agriculture in the Ontario house, are guests of Prof. ani Mrs. Adam Shortt, King street. . . . * Miss Ethel Johnson and Miss Robert- son arrived from Ingersoll to-day, and will pay Miss Mabel Mills, University |avenue, a visit, on their way to Port- Miss Olive B. Aselstyne and Miss | land, Maine. Miss Daisy Chown, University ave- nue, came home from Whitby the end of last week. Mrs. George Mills, University ave- Mrs. Mrs. Boyd came up with Mrs. George Richardson, with Miss Agnes and Miss Kathleen Richardson, will probably.fdeave the end of | M& "Corndlius Bermingham left, yes. | Week for their summer cottage down CA R | terday, for Rockport. he this the Rideau, Miss Mabel Mills, University avenue, spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. A. Horsey, visiting her moth- er, Mrs. S. Sutherland, returned to Montreal, to-day, with her son. Mrs. W. E. Swales and Miss Annie left, this after- friends in Syra- Swales, Gore street, noon,on a visit to cuse, NN. Mr. M. Cossitt brought a party of ladies up on the Major n from Brockville, yesterday. Among them were Mrs. Alexander Allan, Mrs. OC. Dana, Mrs. M.' Comstock, the Misses Fuliord and Miss Blanche Dana. They drove about seeing their friends and left for home towards evening. Mr. and Mrs, Francis Macnee have taken a cottage down near Dr. R. W. Garrett's for the rest of the summer. . . - Ld The engagement is announced of : Miss M. Richardson, of Ottawa, to . Rogers, of Grafton, Ont. Mr. William James Withrow, B.A. Se., examiner in patent office, Ottawa, Mjss Mary Dickson, Ordnance street, {S00 of Rev, Dr. W. H. Withrow, F.R. S.C..of Toronto, and Miss Guinevere MacCarthy, daughter of Mr. Hamilton MacCarthy, R.C.A., of Ottawa. Sale Of Ladies' White Waists. We will sell 300 ladies" white lawn waists on Friday and Saturday at 25¢. each, all siwes, from 32 to 42. Corrigan's. The Glass Bottle Blowers increased . Perey Rogers, sone of Colonel R.lg IN GENERAL Interest Easily Read John O'Neil, Portsmouth, is vigit- ing friends &% Stella. Miss Limgie Spiers, Amherst Island, died at the gemvral hospital on Tues- -- i upre, Portsmouth, has taken a position as spinner in the Kingston hosiery mill, 188 Bertha Mallory, Bloomfield, Ont., has been engaged by the Strath- roy OU, I. as commercial teacher at a salary of , James Montgomery and son, Mont Tremblant, Que., are visiting with old friends in the city, and with the form- er's mother, on Amherst Island. Alderman Kent, chairman of parks, is having the ground around the hase of the Sir John A. Macdonald monu- ment in the City Park, re-sodded. ville, returned to-day. Mr, James Johnston; the doctor's father, having recovered somewhat from his illness. Mys. John Geoghegan returned to her home in Toronto, to-day, after a sleasant visit with her mother-in-law, Mrs. (Capt) Geoghegan, Colborne | street, | Col. Oruikshanks, of Ningara, and Col. H. Rogers, of Peterboro, are ex- pected here for the historical meeting. Another notability will be Barlow | Cumberland, that genial genius from Foronto. Three hundred excursionists from | Alexandria + Bay and intermediate | points came up on the Wednesday ex-| cursion of the steamer America to- | day. About two hundred more from | the city took in the local excursion on | the return trip. The Canadian Freeman that City Treasurer Ireland was married today. The treasurer is still proof against the charms of the ladies, and will keep his own com- | pany for the rest of his life. The chief | | intimates from feminine capture. | Howard Folger, to-day, made the | his speedy motor boat Comanchee., He came up from Clayton, twenty-two | miles, in exactly fifty-seven minutes. | The Comanchee is running faster than | ever this year and has shown a clean | pair of heels to such yachts as the! P.0.Q. and steamers like the Toronto. | W. W. Gibson, of the Red Cross drug | store, has' plaged five new silent sales- | men in his place of business and re moved all the old counters. ing has also been changed and lino- leum will be laid jn its place. The im- provement makes a vast difference in this always-up-to-date store, and it now can safely be said to surpass any- thing of its kind in Eastern Ontario. | y= mp i vray wil o THE SPORTS RUN OFF. -- The Races in Victoria Park Last Night. | | Before an interested crowd of specta- tors, the races in connection with the St. Luke's Sunday school, were run off, at Vietotif Park," last evening. The results were : Race for infuh®sf" firls--Miss J. Me: Cann. Race for infants, boys--D. Davidson, Jd. Waldron. Miss Spencer's class, boys--Gordon Carroll, Stanly 'Arniel, Stanley Per- ryman. Race for: girls, Misa. Reynolds' class --Rebecea Connolly, Violet Weldon, Annie Aveling nce for girls, class--Thelma Carroll, send, Nettie Bristow. Race for girls, Miss Fegg's class-- Blanche Davidson, Exdina Arniel. Race for boys, Miss K. Forneri's class--Herbert Kelly, Willie Carroll Race for girls, Miss GG. Wiltshire's class--J. Lewis, Alice Meteglfe. Race for girls, Miss England's class, 50 yards--Olive McCain, Beatrice Ar- niel, Race for hoys, Miss Cotter's class, | 50 yards--W. Perryman, W. McCain. Miss C. Forneri's Nellic Town- 50 yards--Enc Wiltshire, W. Town-| send. Girls' race, Miss Gates' class--| Gladys Caldback, George Ferris. Young ladies' race, Mrs. Foerneri's class--Annie Stewart, Lizzie Kings well, 100 yards dash, boys of Mr. Clay- ton's class--FEarl Ryder, Noble Sharpe. Miss Spencer's class, girls Stella | Caswell, Emma Brightman, Mamie Caswell, Young men's race--J. Sharpe, J. Marsh. er Choir girls' race, 50 yards--Flossie Ward. | A south-bound train crashed into! the rear of a train standing at the Matform of the 104th street station, New York, on Tuesday night, and fil-| ty ' persons were injured. Ihrence Louis," aged twenty-two years, was cautht between two platforms and his | legs were nearly ser i. | Pasquale Pnlanzo, a Toronto Ita- | lian, 'is suing David Hamerwich and the latter's wife, Rebecca, for £5,000 for alleged alienations of his wife's affections. He alleges that the defen- dant, wHose daughter he married, sre srving to induce sher to leave him. Mayor Coataworth, Toronto, sonta telogram of sympathy to Mayor Judd, London, as follows : "Toronto extend | her sincere sympathy to London in | the mlamity which befell her yester: i ne RMS. Eny of Britain, C. P.R. line, from Liverpool, for Quebec, | inward at Point Amour, at 6;20 a.m, | Hon. Mr. Cochrane, minister of lands and mines has returned from his trip, through New Ontario. i Vencmiela has intimated that it will refuse to pay the $2,000,000 debt its Belgian creditors. ~ Ttaly is threatened with war by King Menelik of Abyssinia. i The by-law to bemus the ear works | was carried at St. Thomas. i In August, Cecilia Loftus' will ap- | pear in New "York | as co-star | the salary 'of their president from $2,- 400 to $3,000 a year. THE DIYS _ESODES A Gul; LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS A [Umeniota® oe Tha Dr, and Mrs. J. Johnston, Kempt-| $5.08 in postage, | ofly nminetys three Lawrense W'Orsny in. a. military i DIDN'T WANT DINNER. Lost Appetite When He Heard of : Pardon. tative 'of the son, of the C.PR., recently released from Kingston itentiary, at the Commercial hotel in that city, where, Occurrences In The City And surrounded by a crowd of happy train- Vicinity}~Other Brief Items of men of the CR, he was chatting pleasantly. receiving many hearty mishakes and congratulations. When asked for a few minutes' in- terview, Mr. Thompson, who is a little man, with a broad, winning smile, and frank, open manner, kind: ly left for a moment his cirdle of friends and withdrew with the report er to a private room. Here Mr. Thompson said: "I wish to thank very sincerely my friends in Guelph for their friendship to me dur- ing the time | was under suspicion, and to thank them for believing in me and the stand 1 took. More partiou- larly 1 want to thank Mr. Jefirey for {all his work in my behalf, and also { Mr. Guthrie and Mr, Murdoch, fourth grand master of the Brotherhood of | Railroad Trainmen, both of whom as- sisted in the fight for my release. "And what Ee you think of Kingt {ston ¥¥' was asked, Well," said Mr. Thompson, "I was {under arrest altogether from the 11th of May to the 13th of July, and, ex- cept for two weeks which I spent in the jail there, 1 have been in the Kingston [roitumiy, and I found itl a hard place to be in. It was about eleven o'clock, Saturday morning, when the warden tol me to go and get my dinner and that 1 would not need to return agmin because there was a pardon for me upstairs. 1 can't re- her how I felt, but I didn't eat any dinner, you can depensl on that." OFFENSIVE MAIL EXCLUDED. Increase in Mail Rates Has Proved Effective. Ottawa, July 17.--The postoffice de- partment has received reports which go to show that the change regarding second class matter had the effect which' was desired of excluding the of- fensive American "fake" publications which formerly gave the postoffice so much trouble, of police is also said to be proof | Geopger Ross," chief inkpector, has | been making a tour of western Canada, where difficulty has been par quickest. run of his many fast trips in| ticularly felt, and in a series of re-| ports he states that in large offices, #uch as Calgary and Edmonton, not a | | | | B | Put a Little "MONTSERRAT" In All The Water You Drink Fruit acids are cooling in summer. : Fresh fruit is all right somsTiues--only all fruit is not fresh--and--many stomachs don't take kindly to a fruit diet. 4 * Montserrat" Fy "Montserrat" supplies the fruit acid in its most healthful form. "Montserrat" is the pure juice of Lime Fruit Juice ripe West Indian limes -- with all the natural flavor of the fresh fruit. = It makes cold water more satifying-- makes ice water agree with you--makes the best lime-ade you ever: tasted--and = with ice, water and sugar, makes the most cooling of all summer drinks. Grocers and druggists everywhere have "Montserrat." "Montserrat" is the favorite for mix- ing with Drinks of all kinds -- Wines-- Spirituous Liquors or Mineral Waters. Canadian Agents : National Drug and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited. > single one of the United States publi-| cations aimed at could be found in the general delivery pigeon holes, which formerly were congested with them. The Seattle newspapers, which form- erly had a large circulation in Alber ta, also seem affected by the law. Mr. Ross notes that the American The floor-| publications of the better sort which | still come in continue to use the post- office for the long haul, the postage evidently being less than the express rates. Even here there is considerable gain to the revenue, In Edmonton he notices three packages which had paid whereas under the Ad regulations 'they would have paid $4.15 on the three, BLOOD WAS DRAWN. The S.I'.C.A. Has Case Fefore Re- corder Dupuis. Montreal, July 17.~When Recorder Dupuis ascended the bench, to-day, he was greeted with a full newspaper house, the line-up occasioning the first magisterial smile in several days The reason for the newspaper interest was the hearing of the first blood drawing case of animal cruelty since the recorder's famous judgment in which he dismissed three cases of vio- lerice laid by the S.P.C.A., because blood had not heen drawn. This brought. down on him the wrath of cents, a gain of | og is' | | | | | | vas Shoes, for is in excellent shape. | Weather" Footwear can be had here. Tan Shoes, Bathing Shoes, Canvas Shoes hundreds of lovers of animals and the | members of the S.P.C.AA, Today the blood-stained whip handle was put in as evidence, by the police, and it was explained that the road was good and the horse was going. Only a few words were spoken, 'a nominal fine of 85 was imposed and all was over in a few minutes, BISHOP FINED $10. Handkerchief race, girle--Miss V. Wiltshire's class--T. Schofield, S. | Performed Ceremony Without Stewart. . | Proof of Civil Marriage. Race for boys, Mr. Murray's class, | 0 France, July 17.~The Catholic bishop of Beuvron was fined £10 by a looal court, yesterday, for violation of the 'penal code. The charge against the bishop was that he had performed a religious marriage ceremony before proof of the perform- ance of the civil ceremony had been laid before him. The bishop pleaded that the resignations of the mavors of a number of the cities in the south of France, arising out of the discon: tent of the winé growers, had made it | impossible to have the civil ecremony performed. The judge that the law abrogated the of separation had not article of the eode which requires the civil ceremony prior | the religious | SOLDER «= BABBITT METALS to the performance of eeremony. RAISULI DEFIED. to Leave Bandit a Traitor. Tangier, July 17.--Advices received here sp¥ that Caid Maclean has re- fused to leave Kmase, where he is now held prisoner by Raisuli, and on which tlace the sultan's troops are now marching. Maclean is said to have had tn angry dispute with Raisuli, in the course of which he called the bandit a traitor for sacrificing cattle in the sanctuaries, The Kmass trivesmen are exasperat ed with Raisuii and the © chiefa have called a mecting with a view to tak- Caid Refuses | ing measures for the release of Mae lean, Baseball On Tuesday. lastern League.--Toronto, 9; Palti- more, 1. Newark, 6; Montreal, 4. Buf- to falo, 4; Jersey City, 0. Rochester, 2-3; | Providence, 1-9, 3 ' American League.--Chicago, 3; New York, 2. St. Louis, 6; Boston, 3. Phil- addphia, 3; Cleveland, 2. Detroit, 21; Washington, 0-6. National: - Leacne.--Chi . 4: Dos- with | teh, 3. Brooklyn, 3: St. Louis, 2. | Philadelphia, burg, 6; New York, 2. 7; Cincinnati, 4. Pitta- pointed out | that the court of cassation had ruled | "| Sea tories await your inspection. J. i Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Sutherlands F- 4 ShoeSuggestions W Suitable For the Summe Season. At this particular time of the year our stock of Can- "All the Members of the Family" All the newest kinks in "Warm # 5 (An shades) Barefoot Sandals, Etc. In fact the pick of the Canadian and American fac- H. Sutherland & Bro, THE HOUSE OF GOOD SHOE MAKING. WILLIAM ST, Ti t » Ont. | &= | | i When You Buy You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. COAL | From : P. WALSH