ACK SUITS ke the topmost position and Workmanship. g is generally conceded, to be jal Excellence. in Serges, Chevicts and them. 5, 18 and 20. : a Mr. AYfred Pleay, an expert machin. #54, 173 St. John St, Quebec City, Cam . ites a letter to the Peruna Drug Mig. CEE Gold in are, this year, staying at 'e all of its com- If anything were need- to prove the necessity of a summer it's this decision of our own to stay and enjoy the summer If it's delightful to those of us who are used to it, what must its re- freshment be to th hot 'inland | towns | where they a air which we have right in 'our home ? ® -. . The golf tea, which has been such a Ploasuut feature: of Saturday _after- nopn, for"gome. weoks . past, will discap tinued until "the autumn. There wa®io tea given" oh Saturday last. Club members, however, will continne to frequent the club house, and make it the scene of private tea parties and so on. The spot is too cool and at- MR. ALFRED PLE/ PERO STREETS |= 7 THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Neg, Hugh Bocrherion: Johnson street, gave a jolly picnic party, yes terday afternoon, to lLemoine's Point. All drove out along the road which is the prettiest! one near Kingston, glad of the wind blowing in from the lake, and had tea at their destination. "Two years ago, an accident necessi- tated my confinement for several weeks. The good health I had enjoyed 'was slipping away and there developed a complication of diseases. My phy- | said my case was one of genera | Clubland and small picnic parties of a very impromptu nature, have been {filling up the last few days. Friends {meet each other at croquet, at the {yacht club, at the Country Club, and $0 the necessity forrdny entertainment "Among the many ailments which | developed was a serious attack of ca- tarrh, which annoyed me considerably and kept me awake whole nights. 5 lon Monday. | there been a year when so le showed their firm. belief! a few days i - on is the ideal summer > 2 ova with inp ome Me By 8 art Robertson, Syden ve in the habit of going off at the. time of year when our yo own | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1907. _ Miss Dora Herchmer left for Ottawa -. - - Miss Bessie Robertson has been streot. She will leave for Hamil. ton on Friday. A number of her old friends went out to Mrs. Cornelius Bermin, 's yesterday, to see Mrs. H. Lamb. The visitors made up quite a pleasant lit- tle tea party on Mrs. Bermingham's beautiful verandah which overlooks the lake. . Mrs. Bernard Browne, Clergy street, with her two little 'girls, Hazel Doris, has gone down to spend a day or 'two with Mrs. J, M. Campbell among the islands. a Mrs. Samuel Birch, Bagot street, and all her family, got off, on Sat- the islands. + Miss Kathleen McParland, who, with some Toronto friends. has been spend- ing several days in Buffalo, is expect«d homey tlw end of this week or the be- gin of next. Mite Bthel Robinson is home from New York, on 'a visit to her parents, Stuart street, Mrs. C. W. Drury met Colonel and Nrs. Edward Kenny at - Quebec, and the party went on, together to Hali- ax. Mrs. C. P. Johns, of Thornhill, is the guest of Dr. R® E. Sparks, Uni- versity ayenup. iL Mrs. J. Mclelland, of Brockville, is the guest of herssister, Mrs. R. Me Lelland, at "Sunnyside." Mr. Allaire Shortt left, last ing, for New York. Miss Hattie Samwell, Union street, has returned -to town. Miss Mabel Brownfield, Wellington street, came home, on Monday, from the islands, where she spent a week. even. urday. for their summer home among |& brought trip was cancelled on account of accident to the America's machinery. | THE OFS _PSIDES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL i Occurrences In The City And Vicinityl--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And Remembered L quill tooth picks are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. i 1 t, Shoo-Fly, Round Fly! Mats and insect powders, ot Hoag's. | The entrance examination results | will be published in to-morrow even- | i jee cream, in bricks, ! hy any | flavor, . delivered at any hour, at Price | 8. . i A large crowd of excursionists from | and [Thousand Island points, came to the | aftemoon. | city this. wash cloths are sold at Gib- | led for this afternoon for firemen's rubber | ts, Buy violet toilet water at Gibron's Red Cioss drug store. Phone 230. | A whale has been washed ashore at Cordova Bay, near Victoria, B.C. The leviathan is at present lying close into the beach. \ The garden party at Wolfe Island, | yesterday, in aid of the Presbyterian church, wag attended by a large num- | ber of city people. Buy: Noxie Kola and Lime Juice at | Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Two Sunday school picnics left town to-day, St. vames' by the steamer Pierrepont for Brophy's, and Cooke's on the steamer America for Rogers' Bed poison instantly kills: them, | Sc., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, | The steamer America was to have | an excursion from fiver | points to the city at noon, but the | the "Fresh caramels," McConkey's, Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 350 LADIES' DUCK HATS TO BE RUSHED OUT THURSDAY. This will be the Hat Sensation of the Year. Many designs to choose from--Man- ufacturer's outlet--all this Summer's New York designs. Round and flat crowas, trimmed Nice and cool tor summer or outing wear. Regular prices range from $1.25 to 2.00. We've priced them to sell on sight. For Quick Selling on Thursday, 4 | 4c. Sale begins sharp g o'clock. See them in our window. The Montreal Stock Co., | 80 PRINCESS STREET |8( Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. a.m. arrive ita 4:18 " RRA {Ne IVY RAILWAY CANADA'S oe . LL a ih Ah Ra PR. No. wa be LIMEADE IN A MINUTE You know the trouble of making lemonade, You've got to roll the lemons, to get them soft. : PREMIER TRAIN "vi... BETWEEN ba Montreal, Lavis, for Quebes, St John and Halifax, with con~ (5. on Ready Blue and Black The steamer Caspian did not con- tinue her run down the river, to-day, but remained here to have some of the buckets an her paddle wheel ve-| paired. They were broken at Glenora in making the dock. PITH OF THE NEWS, CE | Newsy Fa¥agraphs Picked Up By "I decided to give Peruns « trial and soon found it acting as a wonderful fom to my system. The catarrh grew less Severe and shortly afterward disap peared, as did also the various other maladies. "1 attribute my relief and | : cure entirely to the { runa and gladly recommend 1h = idl Mrs. Ernest du Domaine, of Freder- icton, who made many friends in town when she came here as Miss Winslow, arrived today and is gnest of Mrs. W..D. Gorden, King street. Mre. Ramsay Duff, 'rincess street, has retarned to town. Little Miss He- tn Daf has gone up to Muskoka to spend the summer with her aunt, Mrs, Maclennan, Ottawa. : is done away with. The week has ben very quiet. This afternoon it was hoped to people would turn. out to the "Ladies" Day," at the -yacht club house' and show that they value the Wednesday privileges accorded them. 'lhe hostesses at the tea this afternoon. were Mrs! R. E. Kent, Mrs, Was. Skigner, Mrs. Howard Folger An 0, 75, $1.00, 1,50 and Then there's the hunt for the lemon 31BBY GO. FOOT COMFORT sre"s' lots of warm weather comfort in & pair of IN- 'US Oxfords. py do away with that tight sensation around your boots give on a i )y prevent your feet from be- ot, damp, ahd sticky. )y keep your ankles cool and ortable, and allow sir to rculate freely around your VICTUS Oxfords never bulge a Coit. Gun $4 Shoe Store fetal and Tan « « - WAAR Pp . Iporng. " posed trip by steamer * first-class honors, Miss L. Floy Guess, * Jrmior # -- CITY'S ENTERTAINMENT. To Be Given The Historical Sb} ciety Delegates. A meting of civic and educational represantatives was held in the «mayor's office, this morning, to maled arrgngements for entertaimng the On- tario: - Historical Society . delogates;4 whe, meet "here oh Thursday and Fri- day of next week. The society . will hold 'business sessions on Thursday ai- tyroogn and evening, and Friday It was decided that the pro- to Adolphus- town was out of question, as it would Wl Mrs! Campbell Strange. There will be the usual dance this evening. - - * - "The éngagement af' Miss Daisy Car- rington -and Mr. Charles J. W. Lowes, of Toronto, has been announced. The marriage will be on July 17th. - - - - bot Apr ena A picnic party, postponed from one £ 1gs week's rainy days, went out to Lake ntario Park to-day. The Sketch Club went down, this af- ternoon, to picnic at Kingston Mills An 'out-of-town guest invited was the Rev. Leonard Klugh. take up too much time. The 'city's| entertainmént will consist of a drive] about the city to points of historical | interest, and also a trip, on Friday] afternoon, to Kingston Mills, where | luncheon will be served. Miss Tandy's Pupils. The following pupils of Miss Elsie | Tandy were successful in the recent ex- | aminations of the Toronto Conserva; | tory of . Music, held in Kingston : Primary harmony and rudiments, first- diss 'honors, Miss L. Floy, Guess, Sy- denham: honors, Miss Flossie Caton, Odessa; honors, Miss Rose Compton. Primary. harmony, honors, Miss Pearl | Martin, Elginbirg. = Junior history, | Sydenham. Primary piano, honors, Miss Kathleen Ferguson, Garden Is | lund; Miss Carri¢ Hazlett, Miss Hazel | Haycock; pass, Miss Rose Compton. | u piano, honors, Miss Bessie | Chapman. Intermediate piano, Miss Mary Keller, Bath, | School Of Pedagogy. Queen's Uniitersity authorities 'are | meeting frequently in regard to the School of Pedagogy, the establish ment of which will be on October lst next. The teachers = will be all pre-| pared to go' ahead with the necessary | Araining. It is expected that the new faculty will open with a good attend- | ance of. studen l tw. | < Corns Uprooted. | Peck's © Coin Salve kills the com, | loosens it ffom the healthy flesh - and | ! takes it out root and alk No pain | or soreness. In big boxes, 15¢., at Wade's drug. store. i Police, , Court--Wednesday. | Myles Knight, for being drunk, was fax $2 and. , costs by the magistrate this morning. In default of payment | he will spond twenty days in jail. -- i 2 dived | Prevost, Brock street, has received | threo utch, of ified goods fot ho) order' clothing department, g | of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, | cheviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. J. A. and Mag@Wartman, having visita | Newburgh, i ine, and Old @rchard Beach. { Mopats eomiorts," pure gum rubber | ones, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, | { brother, Mr, Mrs. Joseph Power, Sydenham street, gave a little ; evening party, last night, for Miss Ruth Dean, when about a dozen young people were in- vited to help make a pleasant even- ing for the visitor. .e - . Mrs. T. J. Claxton, of Montreal, is the guest of her sister, Mys. W. B. Dalton, Johnston street. Her little grandson is with her. The Rev. FT J. Stunden, now of Ber- muda, but formerly living in the neizhborhood of Kingston, has been visiting friends in town the past few days, Miss Katie Cotter, Alfred street, has hen over at the island this week. Mrs, Catter is expecting Miss Evadne and Miss Annie Cotter up from Mon- treal shortly. Miss Daisy Fortescue will be here the end of the week from Montreal. Mrs. Robert Fraser, Union street, came home, last night." While she regretted having to leave the oid land, where she had a delightful visit, she says there is ng place like home, and she's glad to be back in Canada. - Professor Ferguson and the Misses Ferguson left, yesterday, for Toronto going up the. lakes. Mrs. George Ritlout and Miss Dora left. for Toronto yesterday. Miss Macaulay, King « street, left. vesterday. for Metis. re. E. B.. Stanley, of Clin- ton, N.Y., with her children, and Miss Emily Smythe, arc now en pension at "The Avonmore." Mr. and Mrs: 'Francis Grout, of Ot tawa, and their children, arrived, to- i day, to visit Canon and Mrs. Grout, Brock street. Mr..Arthur Mills has returned home. bringing with him Mr. Sydenham and Mr. Stanley lindsay, of Montreal, who «arent present guests of Mrs. Lennox Mills, at "Bishopscourt." . . . . i: Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Best, of Minne- apolis, who have been visiting Mr. and*Mes.' BE. P. Best, Union street, left, vosterde for Peterboro, to pay a visit to Wy. Bést's old home, before going back to Minneapolis. Miss NM Macarow arrived from Rochester, ? , on Monday. ntreal and Quebec.| with her, sisters, the Misses Macarow, are now spending a week at Portland. 'Willian bt e .. Miss Jessie and Miss Maud Macarow are expected shortly, and "will all help to give the bride of Wednesday next a happy wedding. Miss Nel wart, of Ottawa, is the guest pf Ex-Alderman.and Mrs. Daniel 08, 106 Wellington street, a n . . . Thi¢. Rey. -Leonard Klugh, who ar- rived in Canada, on Friday, speat a day or 50 in (Quebec al Montreal, be fore coming on to Kingston, to his A. Klugh, Wellington street. He reached town on Monday. Dé: G. W. Mylks will sail from Eng. | land, to-morrow, i will be home at 4 L Miss Mbrgoret Carmichael, who has { been visiting her aunt, Miss Minnie ter, A yg icton, has returned to - - Bot. , John McKay, Jr, Sydenham istreet, with her children, is camping | lon Grimshaw's Point, Wolfe Island. | Mrs. J. 0. Crisp and Miss Kathleen {fede yesterday for Little Metis. i Mrs. John Brooke left a D , for dh Bl URE A s- | Miss Ethel Pope, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Macnee, Union street, and their family, left for Metis to-day. _ Miss Edith Carter, who has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Hugh Macpher- son, Johnson street, for some months, will return to Portland, Ore., on Mon- day. Mrs. T. J. Thompson, of Stratford, and her three children. who have been visiting Mr. Thomas Thompson, Earl street. have gone to' Montreal, to visit Nirs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. William Sutherland. Miss E. Walsh, Clergy street, 'eft for New Liskeard to visit Rev. and Mrs. Francis Pitts. - - » - . . . . has the The engagement is anmounced of Mrs. fus Pope, of Cookshire, to Dr. F. W. Gilday, of Montreal. PERSONAL MENTION. I---- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Miss May Ross, of 'Kingston, is in Montreal, en route to Little Metis. Joseph Yohn, Kingston, is on a vis- it je his brother Bernard Yohn, Belle- Lie. Professor Adam Shortt and son, George, left, to-day, for Toronto and Hamilton, E. W. Case, Picton, has been elected ty No. 2 district to the council of the College of Pharmacy. Mrs. W. Lowe, Valleyfield, Que., is in town, visiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles Smeaton, Picard street. Miss Maggie Mulligan, of Harbord, Ottawa, is at present the guest of Mrs. (Rev.) Chisholm, Queen street. Wallace Heaslip, formerly of Gana- nogue, paid a visit to Kingston. He is now on the staff of the Record, Sher- brooke, Que, . J. F. Sullivan, B.A., the new inspec- tor, of separate schools for the pro- vince of Ontario is a graduate of 's University. T George Revells has returned from Bufialo, N.Y., and accepted a situ- ation with the street railway com- John Stansbury and Gilbert Merritt leave, next week, to 'meccopt positions in the Interborough © Railway com- pany's general offices, New York city. portation company, repched the city, last evening, after his trip to the country, to bring over the new steam- er Stormount. G. B: Cole is dead at Watertown, N.Y., aged seventy-five years. He was a Canadian. He was a brother of A. G. Uole, Napanee, and Mrs. Jacob Mash, Pesctonto. - ben Morgan is no longer con- ductor on the street railway service, having accepted a position with the Canada Railway News company, in their restaurant at the outer G. T. R. station. Had To Be Towed. The steamer America, whose machin- ery. got out of order, last evening, when en route from Cape Vincent, car- ried a picnic down the river this af- ternoon. She had to be towed by the steamer Wolle Islander, as repairs had not been completed. Her capacity was neetled by the picnie party, which was too large for boat. Complaints Of Incame Tax. A number- of people wrongly assess- od under the new income tax law, have made complaint and had the mat- ter adjusted. A good many, it is said, paid it on the advice of lawyers, | | who did not seem at all clear as to! | the provisions of the act. | The board of railway commissioners has made a peremptory demand upon | the railway companies to submit - to! the board, before September, their! fou maton os, was destroyed in the, island ferry The, property is o¥Eed-by Dr. Bell and aecupied Reporters; On Their Rounds. The Allaw steamer Parisian, Montregl, arrived at Havre, on July Oth, A y | If 'the: liberals of Brantford tender the nomimation again to Hon. William Paterson, and there is no doubt but! that thge "willy, he will be a candidate | in: the nexs eléction. { Mise Fannie Walker entertained a! umber #f hor friends, at her home, on | . Music, | ne 1 to Refreshments | "Ol . at midnight, and all went ome feeling quite merry. Di. Jwmes Bonar, London, head of the civil service commission there, sails for Ottawa by the Corsican, on Thurs: day, to assume the position of master of the new Canadian mint. Dr. Bonar is aged Bfty-five, 'and is one of the best known English economists. The two Shamrock lacrosse players, Howard and Mcllwaine, who were re cently arrested on. a charge of as saulting two National men, during the progress of a match between the two teams, appeared in court, in Montreal, to-day, and elected to be tried before a jury of their peers. Their cases will be hagrd at, the September term of the court of king's bench. "Rail was re newed. ENGINE EXPLODED. And Men Had Miraculous Es- cape. Montreal, July 10.~Three Central Vermont train men had a miraculous escape from death, "yesterday, at Highgate Springs, Vermont, near the Canadian border. The locomotive of a freight exploded with great force, while the train was running at full speed. James Scott, the engineer; Robert Wood, fireman, and James Stanton, brakesman, were blown a considerable distance, and how they escaped death is the wonder of every one. All three were somewhat injured, but will likely recover. Set Watches By Kenneth. Smith's + Falls, Ont., July 10- | pany as conductor. Among the pupils who were success | ful at the recent entrance examina- {ions was Master Kenneth Wadsworth of this town. He is fourteen years old 13e started to school when he Capt. Fraser, of the Montreal Trans-|six, and from the Iaas mever lost am hour. That is, he yaot only dil not stay out any days. Isut he never was lite and never left arly, Every hour that school was morning he has heen taught for those eight years E.ennoth was in his place. A Great Fire. Pittsburg, Pa, July are sweeping the residences of the dis- trict of Allegheny. The fire started at 10.04 o'slock. this morning, at the Cream City Woven Wire company, in Rebecca street, which, with ten hous fifteen minutes. Flames are shooting 200 feet in the air and huge embers are dropping over the entire lower section of the city. A general alarm was sountled and Pittsburg ig sending assistance. \ Burned Her Hands. } x J fire department received a hasty aS n, to-day, to a house on Montreal sfiree street. near James by Mrs, McCurdy. An ex- plosion of gasoline was the cause of the trouble but the flames were ex tinguished without the assistance of the firemen. Mrs. McCurdy was se verely burned about the hands while | e.ttempting to smother the blaze. Cherries, Cherries, Cherries. One hundrgd baskets to arrive Thurs- flay morning. - Come early for first ghoice, Carnovaky's "On the Corner." from | 10.--Flames | iso distributed, to any out with your fingers, Altogether, there's so much fuss and muss that that the anucipated pleasure is lost. * Montserrat," changes all that.' ' A pitcher of water--ice--sugar --a few spoonfuls of "Montserrat"-- and there's your limeade to bring | joy to parched throats, It costs about HALF as is rnade in one-tenth of the time--and is ten times as good for you. It blends delightfully with Wines, Whisky, Ginger Ale, Soda and Mineral Waters, Have your grocer send up a bottle of "Montserrat"----so you can enjoy the finest of summer drinks whenever you want it. Canadian Agents : National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Notice to Creditors. -- In the matter of George Sears, of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac, Hardware Merchant, Insol- vent. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT the said George Scars, carrying on pusi- ness as a hardware merchant at the said City of Kingston, has made an assign- ment under RB. 8. 0. 1897, Chapter 147, of all his estate, credits and effects, to Joseph B. Walkem, of said City Solici- tor for the general benefit of his eredi- ora. A meeting of Creditors will be held at the office of the said A at 98 Clarence Street, Kingston, on ursday. the 15th day of July, 1V07, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, to receive a statement of aflairs, appoint Inspectors and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate enerally. Creditors are requested to yle their claims with the Assignee, With proofs aml partici'ars as required by the said Act, on or before the day of such ing. I tells tics is further given that wfter the 18th day of July, 1907, the Assig- nee will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall them have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof person or persons of whose claims he shall pot them hive had notice. J. B. WALKEM, Assignee. Dated at Kingston, this 4th day of July, 1907. Refried hy ni i. Windaord i 3 squeezer--which is never where it ought to be--and finally you have to squeeze the juice Price §1 per x tor 45, On wl pleco otk Steamer loaves ids bp ose SER | MTs 8 dd Tho Megicine Co. | 48 5 : 'Montserrat" Lime Fruit Juice much as lemonade-- ---- TRAVELLING. Quebec Steamship Company River and Gulf of St. Lawrence HN] Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Irom SS. ¥Campans," with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort. Sails froni Montreal on Mondays 15th and 20th July; 12th and 26th August, for Pictou, N.S, Salling at - Summerside, P.B.L, and Chari n 'BERMUDA TRE by the new Twin Screw SS. "Bermud- jan," 5,500 tons. Sai from New York alternate W » _SOm- menecing See June. Temperature cooled by sea breetes seldom rises above 80 de grees. at Quebec, The finest trips of the weasost for health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secpetary, Quebec. TF CHANLEY. "oT Simic Lake Ontario & Bay of Quite Steamboat C0., Limited. Nos. 1,3, other trains Charlotte + EXCURSION! STR. "WOLFE ISLANDER" EVERY THURSDAY : THE Brophy's LL Live. 5 Mall oe 12.45 8.0 Express oot of Johnson street. GOING WEST City hy tions for all Western polats. Hamilton-Montreal Lin service t, ROYAL MAIL TEE Leave Kingston, 8 pan. daily, Halliday's Dock, Leaves Kingston, 3 p.m.; arrive home at 7 p.m. LIK Branch Local Time Table. Train will leave and arrive at City Mepot,