ne:Here foriClothes. "that will convert the tailor-made- All the new fabrics are here, and the ; correct idea worked out to perfec- lack Suits. BIBBY 00. 0 0000000000000 000000000 | QLLLL LLL LL 000 0LSLLLRE RATORS! ment of, Refrigerators. from o $32.00 so a fine line of m $3.00 to $6.50 Screen Doors, all sizes, 'T BROS. pess Street. #7 g {] i | GOING ON TEN YEARS. ---- © | Firemen Firebugs Are Prison. we {| Berlin, July 6.--~A trial which has B r, | engaged the criminal court at Frei d | berg, in Saxony, for a month, and attracted' much attention, concluded § today. ° mayor and the captain of the fire bri: gade, prominent citiens, were or J raigned for systematically setting fire § to over sixty houses in Siebenlehn, E where: they 'lived, with the object ¢ nd obtaining insurance money and ¢ a8 § building better houses. Almost every me | was in this incendiary business, which he § had been proceeding for ten years "D | When a gendarme once wished ton ch } torfere and learn the cause of a cor rt. ration, the fire brigade simply flagras the hose = him, and he lft the scene of operations. : In their defence, they said their cbt ject was 'to beautify their town. he ex- | best of it all was that several of t ay. | principal culprits, on the mayor exe ir- § commendation, were decorated by t king of Saxony for their Siligence 0 courage in extinguishing hb we ner § loaders were sentenced to varl® terms of imprisonment, from three o a hall years to seven months. -------------------- Escape Needless Disease. Rheumatism, neuralgia, locomotd and a variety of othe as a general i by VW Woden, one Pills (Laxative *AThey fortify the system against sease. They are' a great nerve strefif thener and blood maker. In hott "|25c., at Wade's drug store. Mood | back if not satisfactory. Sent To Several of the officials, including the S88 of 8 citizen of Siebenlchn dehilita ; / Most Famous Prepara- TRY K.D.G. "sisi RaW of Medicine. DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JULY 6 =-overnor Endorses As a Catarrh Remedy. of Wyoming Pe-ru-na. go As An Excellent Tonic. a 2 SF 'I have such confi= dence in prominent per- sonal friends who have used and 'endorsed Peruna that 1 feel justified in assum- ing that it is a valuable rem- edy for catarrh and an ex- cellent general tonic." -- The Magnificent State Capitol Building of Wyoming. Natural Enthusiasm. 'When a person has been really helped in getting rid of some chronic malady, very busy people. after other things have failed, it is quite § Taey have little or no time to devote natural for enthusiasm to lead people to side issues. | to make a statement of the fact. Itis therefore very rare that such peo- For great services, gratitude is nat- ple are willing to write testimonials for | ural. anything. This is the only way that it can possi- Then again there is a natural diffi- | bly be explained why it is that so many dence in giving public endorsement to | persons prominent in public, diplomatic any commercial enterprise on the part ond focial life give testimony for 'eruna. of people who are much before the Astual Benelik | public. Rare Endorsements. Peruna promptly relieves. It is thus that it is very rare that pub-| This is the explanation. lie officials, like governors, congress-| Catarrh is a disease difficult to relieve. *% men, consuls, senators, etc, give public| A great many of the doctors fail to J endorsement to a proprietary medi- |relieveit. ese Grétitude Results. go therefore a great triumph that A few bottles of Peruna cure a chronic Peruna has the unqualified endorse- | Malady of many years Stunding and it i men any men in official i- | almost impossible to repress the natural ol wy minny Jou feelings of.gratitude which spring up. tion. Scores of public officials of national Catarrh of Head and Throat. Mr. Joseph Reiss, 3424 N. l4th street, putation have enthusiastically de- St. Louis, Mo., writes: plared in favor of Peruna in public hou aad th p in. "I had A e head and throat, HB oye 41 Gv 45uin but roer oe SF of five bottles of Fact. a and two bottl f Manalin I There is no way to account for such & Pafuita asig - ol : tartling fact as this except that Peran® | uj think that Peruna is the best tonic has extraordinary unusual merit. that I have ever used and 1 would ad- After all, people high and low, are{vise all o¢atarrhal sufferers to use onstituted very much alike. Peruna." Wo 3 Responsible People. OPLE occupying positions of high responsibility and trust are always Catarrhal Fever. Mrs. W. K. Good, Broadway, Va., writes: "When I was fifteen yearsold I had catarrhal fever and for nine years 1 have had catarrh of the head. "Through neglect it went to my throat and nose. After consulting you I used Peruna for four months as directed, and 1 am entirely well and have my natural health. "I cannot praise Peruna too highly. It willdo all is recommended to do." Pe-ru-na Relieves Catarrh. Mr. L. Clifford Figg, Jr. 2929 E. | Marshall St,, Richmond Va., writes: "As soon as I get a cold I send for a bottle of Peruna, and it soon drives it out of my system. Despaired of Being Cured. "For several years I was not entirely well, and despaired of ever being cured, 2s I had used numerous remedies that my friends advised. I doctored fortwo years without any improvement. A Last Resort. "As a last resort I tried Peruna, and am pleased to say that in a short time I was completely cured. "I have not been troubled for over a year. Iam pleased to endorse Peruna #s it saved me a world of suffering." mss sissies Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower We Close at 5 p.m. Every Day, Except: Saturday. New, Long Silk Gloves at 50c., 60c., $1, in White, Fawas and Greys. New White Dress Skirts, $1.50 and $2.50, New Cream Sunburst Skirts, $5, $5.50, $6. New Colored Wash Skirts, $1.50, $1.75, $2. New Heatherbloom Underskirts, $3.50, in Black and Light Grey, rustles like silk, hangs nicer, and much more durable. Blouse Waists New Minerva Waists, lovely styles, in Sheer Lawns and Mercerized Mull, trimmed with fine French tucks and open and blind embroidery, $1 to $4. Mid=Summer Millinery in fine Peroxeline Braid, pretty and Leghorn Hats in Black, The newest American Hats embroidered Lingerie Hats, Sailors Black and White. Uew Soft Italian flops in White, Black and two-toned. New Headwear for Children. SPENCE'S ™ Ott. Ont., A oe. Seven Sutherland Sisters rr i Dear Ladies, --I had lost all my hair, the top of ny head being entirely bald for three years, After using your hair preparation for three weeks my head was covered with a new growth of hair. Now my hair measures about thirty-six inches in length and is im Hair Grower a fine dressing as well as a tonic and can recommend it to all. Yours truly, % go Cambridge St. MRS. G. B. NORTON Fi le at all ists, two sizes, . S100 pos boii rugRions, sizes, 500. and SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS Canavan Orrick, 258 Yonor 8r., Tomonro J. H. Bane, Foreign Manager. 8 Recommended and sold by Leading Millinery and Mantle Store J 0 The ons We beg to announce that we have taken over the Boot and Shoe business, formerly 80 successfully conducted by D. J. McDer- mott, at 111 Princess street. A cordial welcome will be extended to all old pa- trons, and, we hope, to many new ones. FOR SALE BY Geo..W. Mahood, Corner Princess and Bagot Sts Kingston Public: rm TRY A POUND OF MYBR'S 530% SAUSAGES MADE For Sundav"s Breskiast, 60 Brock St. EE -- UNION, NOT FEDERATION. Realization Of Church Union Will Be Slow. falifax, July 6.--The Right Rev. . Courtney, New _ York. formerly bishop of Nova Scotia, said in an in- terview that the universal peace move- ment, and similarly the church union movement, would take time to bring to a successful consummation. People overlooked the difficulties, which were real enough, but in the end might be overcome. In both cases, he said, it is necessary that certain principles, like seads, should be dropped into the soil of human thought, and we should not be surprised if it takes time to produce the harvest. if men do their best the result is sure. afd in both cases it is union not fadseation that is the great goal to be aimed at. It Ends To-night. To-night is the last night of George Mills & Co's big removgl sfle of hats, REID & CHARLES. Allen M. Reid. Geo. W. Charles. It ranks first in curative power. lsdigestion Flees before It. IS A PURE HOUSEHOLD REMEDY whose merits have lang established, and can be used with' perfect safety - from the ATHER TO THE INFANT. Price 35¢, and $1.00. oving all the time. find the ouside Ballantyne, for use at concerts, in the 'new invention in. piano making. NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES IN BRIEF FORM. ---- Matters That Interest Everybody --dNotes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. ; Lily Lyon, murderously assaulted near Richmond, Que,, may recover. A company has been incorporated to construct an opera house at North Bay. gi J, Jennings, of Mill street, To- ronto, was appointed a city license in- William Julian had an acm terinly mangled on the government dredg. at Port Stanley. W. H. Gainer's barn, drive house and sheds mear Welland, Ont., were burned on Saturday. The first municipal election in Latch- ford, since its incorporation, will take place on July 22nd. As predicted by the Unitad States lake survey the water on the great lakes rose during June, An historic church at Old Lyme, Conn, Congrégational, built mnety years ago, was destroyed by fire, George Leditz, of Colorado Springs, has been elected president of the National Association of the Deaf. Francis B., Thurber, one of the or "| ganizers of the New York Board of Trade, is dead, aged sixty-five years. A severe earthquake shock was re. corded at the wniversity at Florence on Friday afternoon. It lasted almost ten hours. ithe authorities of St. Thomas are trying to locate $2,500 owned by Uo- mer Uvermeyer, who died in Lordea asylum, At New Paris, Ind. a safe in a gen: eral store was blown with mwro-gly- cerine and $500 secured. The sale re not been locked, Mining companies incorporated, this week, have a ttal capitalization of $1,500,000, and industrial companies a total of $800,000. 7 Mrs. Henry Horn, of York, Pa. while picking roses, pricked her finger with a thorn, and died three days later from blood poison. At Danbury, Conn., a steam shovel struck a stick of dynamite, and the explosion which followed killed tw, men and injured five others. The Clark wireless telegraph. system is to be extended to the Soo. This systemx will be extended to all the prin. cipal Lake Superior ports. Two hundred and seventy-five Jap- anese landed at Salina Cruz, Wednes- day. They are headed for the coal mines in the district of Las Esper anzas. In a fit of insane jealousy Marie Palasai, aged twenty-two, in New York, shot her former lover, "Henry Stern, and then herself. Both will probably die, The Canada Gazette announces the estallishment of about sixty new post offices, the greater number being in the provinces of Alerta and Sas- katchewan. Thé 13th, Hamilton; 1h, St. Cathe arines; 44th, Lincoln and Welland; 91st Highlanders, Hamilton, and 45ti Highlanders, Toronto, will likely pa- rade in Buffalo during Old Home week, With his skull fractured and face terribly beaten up, George MoGuire, a lcoal manager of Bradstreet's, was found in a dying condition at Jack- son and Fillmore streets, San Fran- CISCO. Justice Riddell sovercly ornsured Sherifil Smith, of Welland, for per- mitting the escape of Herman Lact ls, The justice says the resources of the countrv and every man in it should be utilized to capture this man. Michael Windsor, Ont., seventy age, while working on a coal car at the power house of the electric railway, lost his balance and fell off, striking his head on a stone. He was instantly killed. President Plummer, of the Dominion Iron and Steel company, states there wag, never any intention of asking H M. Whitney, Boston, to make way on the steel board for a man who would take a more active part in the affairs Charles Pommidian, one of a party on the vacht Pirate, of Puffalo, while in swimming in Port Lover harbor, was seized w il cramps and sank he Monaghan, years of fore assistance reached him. The body was soon recovered hut life was ex- tinct. Legislation. passed at the last ses sion, permitting 'the courts to set the marriage of minors under cighteen years of age upon the appli- cation of either party, providing they have not lived topalher. is now in foree. The Fort Dallas National Bank of Mia) Florida, was closed by direc tion of the comptroMer of the our- cency upon information received from Bank Examiner McDonald that the bank is insolvent. The liabilities are given as $808,166, Fled From Forest Fire. Quebee, July 6.--A fierce forest fire is raging near Reed Station, sixty miles from here, and has caused the death of three men. They were trying to escape from the fire and rushed'into a lake and were drowned. One of the victims has been identified. He is an Englishman named W. T. Macdonald. Died At Ottawa. Ottawa, Ont., July 6.--Lieut.-Col. George Guy, of the pay branch of the department of militia and defeace, died, here, this moming, after an ill- ness of a year. He was about sixiy- eight years old and had come out with a rogiment of regulars from Eng- land in 1563, Had To Go To Jail. Ottawa, July 6.--On a charge of selling liguor without a license, James P. Dowler, a hotel-koeper, of Met- calfe, was found guilty and sentenced to four months in jail, at hard labor This was his second offence; he bad been warned. New Invention Wm. Besh. To-day William sold to. John "City Hall, a William Besh Beli Metal Bridge piano. The metal bridge is a 3 Splendid summer cordets, 50c. and caps, umbrellas, ety A K.D:C. Company, Ltd., New Glasgow, N.S. Sl eerie a ay : Mrs. Prescott, alout the middle of the month, * treal the early part of the week Mr. Hart have now gome out to their summer cottage, about twenty minutes run from Montreal. : Mrs, Henry § and Miss Nan Skinner have reached Vancouver ore now at the Georpia House, George street, enjoying their much. LATE SOCIAL NEWS. (Contin Trom page 3) Mrs. John Bell Carruthers, "Annan dale," entertained at at the Country Club, on Thursday, in hon- or of her sister, Mrs. Hazen Hansard, of Ottawa. Among the wore Mrs. Douglas Young and oo visitor, Miss Nora Gwynne, of Toronto, Mrs, John Macnaughton, Miss Reekie, Miss Evelyn Kerr, of Toronto, Miss Mary Hora and Miss Mabel Gildersieove and Miss Marie Carruthers. . - - - There will be a series of teas, of the variety known as "Dutch treats," given at the Country Club, by four and perhaps six ladies, who take this pleasant little method of meeting and spending an hour or _so together. An impromptu luncheon party was organized by some of the girls, yes- terday, and the members went over to the Country Club for the repast. - There was a picnic tea at the Conn- try Club, on wan for which its ten component parts were responsible. The party was composed of Mrs. F. W. Albres, Mrs, Howard Folger, Mrs. F. Strange, Mrs. J. C. Strange, Mrs. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. W. B. Skin- ner, Mrs. Arthur March, Mrs. Francis Macnee, Mrs. John Macnaughton and Miss Reckie. ' . - - - Mrs. Angus G. Williams, Earl stroot, will not receive until September. - - - - Miss Marjory Low Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. David Price and Miss Ena are going down, next week, to pay Mrs. John Carson a visit at "Sunny Knowle." . Mrs. Thomas Crothers, who has been the guest of Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, went home, on Tuesday, to St. Thomas. Mrs. Frederick Birkett and Miss Lil- lian Taylor, who have heen visiting Mrs. Hagh Fraser, King street, will return to Ottawa, on Monday. Mr. John Henderson has returned to Mexico, after spending a pleasant va- cation with his mother and friends. . will retum to Miss Laura Berney and Miss Irene McCormack, two Kingston girls who have been so successful in their On- tario Normal College examinations, are honor graduates or Queen's Uni versity. Miss Daintry Yates has returned to Néw York. Miss Eva Rogers, home from Peterboro. Mrs. Richard Hooper, Albert street, has come back from her trip to Ro- chester. Miss Vyvyan Petric has left for Montreal, and, next week, is going to Gore streot, is Now York, where she will enter the Roosevelt hospital as nurse-in-train- ing. . * - * Mre. T. Y. Greet will leave to-night for Hamilton, and Guelph, and after a visit in her husband's old home, she will'go on to Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cartwright, of Na- pance, are staying at "The Maples." Mrs. J. B. Walkem and Miss Maud Betts, Beverley street, are going down to Little Metis, on Tuesday. Mrs. Walter Macnee, Union street, and her young people, will probably leave next Wednesday for Metis, for | the summer, Mrs. W. B. Ferguson, Union street, returned this week, from Morrisburg, | bringing with her her sister, Miss Mary Rose. Mrs. R. L. MM. Houston and Miss Helen Houston left, this morning, for Ottawa, hy way of the Rideau. Miss seratdine Daly, Montreal, who has been spending part of her holidays with her sister, Miss Annie | Daly, Brock street, will go wp to | Lloydminster; Sask., in about a | week's time. Archdeacon and Mrs. W. B. Carey, Brock street, intend leaving for the west about the sixteenth of the 1 month, Miss Margaret Macpherson, of Lan | caster, Glencarry county, arrived to 'day, to visit Mrs. Hugh Macpherson, Johnson street, Mrs. John Stremge, Barrie street, is staying with Mrs. John Mackie at "The Ramparts." - - - * Miss Mabel Willer, Alfred street, has retarned home from a pleasant outing with hor aunt, Mrs. A. B. Aviesworth, wife of the minister of justice. They visited Toronto, Niagara Falls, Mont- real and Ottawa, Mrs. J. B. Cnrruthers and her fami- ly, and Mrs. Hazen . Hansard, have gone out to the Carruthers farm. Miss Dora Ridout, of Toronto, who has remained over in town fof a few days expects to leave here on Mon- day, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKelvey, Cler- gy street west, and their two child- ren, will go down to St. Agathe next week, for a summer holiday. Mrs. Henry Wilkinson has gone out from Ottawa to Kirk's Ferry, to visit Mrs. Bishop. - - - - Captain and Mrs. K. C. Folger, St. Jean, Que., are spending a fow days with Mrs. F, A. Folger, Sr., Syden- ham street, before Captain Folger lenves for Petawawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Smith returned this morning after a few days' visit in Rochester, N. Y. Mr. E. B. Stanlev. of Clinton, N.Y. has been in town this week. Miss Jessie McCann, Queen street, is off again, this time heing persuaded by Mrs. Gillies of Carleton Place, to ion the latter's party, at the Gillies' island home below Quebec. Mise Me Coven will spend the gommer there. Miss Lillian Mundell, Brock street, is visiting her - aunt, Mrs. H. A, White, in Hamil ton. - - - - Mrs. Buxton Smith, after a visit to Herbert Patton, at the rectory, will come on to Kingstoy Mrs. W. D. Hart came up from Mon. and took her baby back with her. She and and sentative of the penitentiary, who ap- peared this morning with cap comm, stilled fear Portsmouth people, train, yesterday, lea hurt, and ran off across the fields, but was recaptured. ® holiday very jon a man's corns gives provocation The Tidings From Various Points in 'Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What Am Pow h in class of the a , Training School of ' wo Sertown city hospital, was Miss Mary Edna MaCaul, Camden East. ed public school FC Antiorw on, Jats pub inspector, Napanee, appoint- Hod prinet Collegiate lusti- tute at Vankleek Hill, Ont. W. J. Jacobs and family, Perth, have moved to Brockville, Mr. Jacobs has secured the position of organist in one of the churches. The Almont Herald, Almont, Mich., announces the marriage of W. E 'Wright, formerly in the ag busi. ness in Gananoque, and Miss Clarissy Molnnis. Rev. Thomas' L. Aborn, B.A., B.Sc, Russell, Ont., has been appointed pas- tor of the Lanark mission, which has been vacant since last fall. Mr Aborn will occupy the rectory at Baldersom, Rev. R. Js le, Lanark, has made another advance in his educa: tional career. He has graduated from Yale University with honors and award of the degree of Master of Arts. A quiet wedding took place at St, Andrew's manse, Picton, on Wednes- day. Miss Nellie Mulholland, daugh- ter of the late James Mulholland, was married to John Shaw, gest son of the late William Shaw, Hallowell, At the nomination meeting, in Na- pance, on Wednesday evening, to fill a vacancy in the school catised by the removal of BE, W. tt, Dr, C. H. Wartman was elected by accla- mation, On June 23nd the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Potter, Viborg, S.D., was the pleasant scene of a quiet wedding, when Miss Annie Johnston, Picton, and Nathan J. Aalborg, Viborg, were wmi- ted in marriage. A quiet wedding was celehrated, on June 27th, in Winnipeg, the bride be- ing Miss Rachael Brown, late of Bath, Ont., and the bridegroom, John Rob- ert MacHale, formerly of Glasgow, Seotland, now of Winnipeg. A pretty wedding took ince at Me Donald's Corners on June 19th, when Miss Emma, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Josspy_Loghey, was united in marriage to Robert Purdon, Jounguat som of Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon, Me- Donald's Corners. Word was received in Gananoque that Mrs. ©. H. Hubbell, of Edmonton, Alta, had died early Saturday mom- ing, The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Asselstine, and with her hushand and son had resided in the west for some ten years past. The laying of the corner stone of the new Colegiate Institute, Picton, will be July 29th instead of August 5th, on account of the Old Boys of Toron- to changing the date of their Picton visit to that date. The comer stone has arrived from Kingston and weighs about a ton. The Rathbun company's saw mill at Tweed, made a cut, one day last week, which beat all previous records. Dur. ing the day there was cut 1,465 rails way ties ahd 4,550 feet of lumber. The mill is in charge of William Laycock, Bancroft, and about twenty-five men are employed. On Sunday, immediately after high mass, in St. Francis Xavier's church, Renfrew, Rev. Father P. T. Ryan was given a beautifully worded address and presented with a cheque for 21,500 hy the parishioners of Renfrew, Springtown and Calabogie, to cover the expenses of a few months' trip to Europe. On Saturday John D. Fitegerald left Grenadier Island with a cargo of forty boxes of cheese on the sailing vacht Nina. When near Tibbetts Point light station the eraft encount- ered a squall and noarly all of the chose: was capsized in the lake. Since the accident all but eight cheese have been recovered. Clint Jenkins, an old man about sixty years old, was found guilty by the police magistrate of Napanee, for abuse of Nellie Morden, a girl under fourteen vears of age. The magistrate remanded ' him for eight days. John Armstrong is also charged with the same offmce. John Gee is charged with having allowed the partics to re- sort to his house. Removed To Kingston. WY. H Acton, Gananoque, proprie- tor of the Kin, n Harness com- ny, limited, 53 Brock street, on riday, moved his family to Kings- ton, where they will reside in future, They. have taken up house at 12% Union street. Mr. Acton, as the head of a new industry, and a progressive business man, will be welcomed by ev- ery citizen. Now Owned In Kingston. Nettie Wright, a former Gananoque horse, but now owing allegiance to Kingston, won first place in the 2.16 class at Gananoque on Dominion day, taking three straight heats. . She is owned by the Kingston Harness com- pany, Brock street, and, if now industry develops the same "go" as its horse, it will certainly be a hum- mer, Michael In Uniform. Kennedy, the popular outside repre- and tunic that puts the Eastern Ontario officers completely in shade. Councillor Kennedy has into the hearts of in- the Deserter's Leap From A Train. Liverpool, July 6.--A deserter from the Lancashire Fusiliers, who was he- ing taken back to Conway camp by from the train window near Abergele, while the train was going at full speed. He was not A Problem For The Editor. It has been asked whether stepping #5c, Dip Hip special corsot; 5c. New See Bibby's London sailors, 81, or swearing ? : Keep the nea clon Jee ty og nat The latest uniformed wan is Michael 1 du i ee Ty next, -- s Ottawa. for the Yorke he Detro 0s P National re. --Pit , 3S Lovie 1. Ne Ee : e company was fined $15,000 by Judge Hazel, 'in the federal court for failure to fe rates on a shipment of ol for the Standard Oil company. Kingston Postal Cards. { R. Uglow & Co. have just opened a large shipment of beautiful colored postal cards of Kingston and vicinis ty. Price only ten cents per dozen. EH -------- Trade at Bibby's to-night. The hay oron hereabouts will only be about two-third of a crop. Oats and barley, with favourable weather will be good crops. Seo Bibby's 25¢. fancy hose. Miss Coty Harris has returned in Toronto, after spending vacation wi her parents, Garden island. See Bibby's $1 bathing suits, F. G. Lookett received word, to- day, of the déath of his sister, Mrs. John Filmer, of Brooklyn, N.Y. Water wings and bathing caps, ; prices, at Chown's drug store. 3) Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, 15a, at Wade's Drug Store. Pure unfermented grape juice, pints and quarts, at Chown's drug store, Bibby's neckwear is handsome. Judge Britton was in the city, o-day. Bibby's new neckwear is rich, ned the | oF