Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Jul 1907, p. 3

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ining, and me time sony. to digen and CIOUS," ALA - - PETER" World's Favorite Chocolate. ymont Corliss & Co., Sole Importers, Jommon St., Montreal. '® Kins! have just received from Dresser, ajchoice lot of [ink Skin ersian Lamb ussian Lamb ve REPAIRS and AL~ RATIONS op| your Furs F. GOURDIER {CLUSIVE FURRIER ind 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. SOUVENIRS A Sterling Silver Spapn, or Brooch Souvenir of King- ston as a rememberance to riends in distant or foreign ands, is one of the most useful and interesting novel Lies. We sell also High Class Enamel Souvenir Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Jewel Cases, Pin Trays, ete. ISSIR 0-Night You Can Buy Ribbed Hose left, half-price, for Boys, 3 to-night, Tan aly odd sizes r about 12jc. a § AIT. Men's Balbriggan Underwear, 3 hirts and drawers, at 35¢. wh. Men's Dainty Pattern Shirts, it besom, sizes 14 to 164, sgular 69¢. line. Our price be. Ladies' Fast Black Cotton lose, all sizes, special 2 pairs or 25¢. White in all ladies or children, Tan or Hose, izes, for west prices. Long Length loves, 50c. a pair. Long Length Silk .Gloves, Jc. a pair. Black Ligle : Ladies' 24c., 15¢c. and up. Vests, special at § owman & Shaw Prepare For Showers. umbrellas are made to with: | both rain and wind. 50c. up, Bgos'. ampbell , the store that you money. 4 the paper can carry at D. raser's for 3c. oa roll, 78 Wilkam he ot wards' Nervine"" is sold at Gib- Fresh ards' Red Cross drug store, comING! f My Representative will be at Ran- olph Hotel, Kingston, WEDNES- DAY. ny Tar Mrs, Daniel Gordon, gave a delightful tea at the principal's rose most dence on Thursday, in nonor of the wives of the visiting doctors. It was all most informal and everybody had tea on the verandah. The grounds at To improve - your appearance, TRANSFORMATION, . POMPA- retain youthful freshness, appear maf, You must he partigular wely just now that your Hair shoWs no Queen's art Yaaking Wy ely bg of being thin short © and e view over scrawny RENWEND Miss Katie retty one. Mrs, G ang Miss Minnie Gordon eis and ham for Toronto, whats they will future. Miss Edith Helter, of dt Ayiher, Ont., who has, béen vi Mes. R. J. Car ed Brock street, town on Thurs- 4make their home in Harvand, and is at the warden's vesi- Miss Nuybelle ing, Johnson street, is visi i . Miss Ruby ally, University avenue, is spending the week in Gan- anoque, with her cousin, Miss Ruby Cotton, Misses Edna Humphrey and Clara Gilson, of Cape Vincent, N.Y., are visiting in Kinggon:, | DOUR, WAV Cu OR Gordon 'was goed enough to | Mrs. J. A, McFarlane, 243 Montreal Swit on wil substi na- look iu on the Borty during the afters orwet, will not receive until Septem- Consult Prof. DorenWenkl dure noon, Among the guests were Mrs. R, | ber. « oo 8 ing his visit. A. Pyne, Mrs. J. ¥. Bray, Mrs. Brit- 1 Mon to. Man--About Baldness. ton, Mrs. McCall, Mrs. Robertson and | Mrs. James Downey, who folly 3 You sre bald, ur Rartisliy Mre. Luton, all wives of the distin- |lived , in Kimgstom, ls visiting Mrs. Bet Teor Neg a + guished visitors; the' wives of Queen's George Richardson, Universtiy ave tural hair cqvering, Be ne professional stall _who were in tows ge © 7. O. Gtiep ond Miss Kathleen imagine it is going 10 no~ at présent, a Compton, whe . BE ee oYrogter mistake: Thou has lately eome to town, from Toro: Crimp, St Jai BUCY, a gessuiauths BF sankis of Jouting La to, is a creat addition to Xing : ' Dorenwend 'oupes and 2 Use Mrs, J. S. Turner, | Metis, . . 3 snjoyi the antege of "looking |. : Sul. | Miss Nora Gwynne, of Toronto, will BR young." Do mot tis oppor- | Miss Marion Calvin, Miss Frances £ be i f eek longer, ross tunity--come and &ee for yourself to livan and the Misses Bl, oF Joram ho in town for a w gur, I The ren wi . . here wi i , Dr, 2 Limited, 103 8 Yonge Streets" io, who are with their {nther, Df Mrs. D. Phelan, who has been ill 105 + 3 Remember Plave, Day and Date. King, helped with the tea things. Notice to Creditors. 3 In the matter of George Sears, Mrs. John Mackie gave a little at St. Andrew's manse, on Monday. - - . tea Mrs. R. E. Kent, "S8emershy House," took a large van load of happy childs of the City of ton, inl... 4. Yates' farm, on Thursday, and the . County of ont2aac, | yoy had tea and a jolly romp with Hardware t, Imsol-| 4; sorts of games. 4 vent. . - . . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVRN THAR Mrs. Michael Sullivan entertained at he said George Sears, carrying om Lusi- ton, aii \os8 as a hardware merchant at the said luncheon for she ives of the visi ing 'ity of Kingston, Bas 'wade an assign- doctors on hursdav. The ble was very prettily decked with June roses, ment under R. 8S. 0. 1897, ter 147, { wil his estate, credits and effects, 10 | and the affair proved very delightiul. oseph B. Waulkem, of said City Solici- SV or for the general benefit of his credi- Tn ee Ne at ay, ots ors: ) es. Drit- A meeting of Creditors will be held at | ton and Mrs. Robertson. he office of the said Assignee, at 93 . . - Jurence Street, Kingston, on Thursday, : Whe 15th day of July, 1907, at 4 o'clock | Mrs. John Fairlie, Brock street, is a the afternoon, to reccive a statement {chaperoning a party of girls whe pi aflairs, appoint lgspectors and for the prdering of the. affairs of the estate enéfally. Creditors are requested to [vle their claims with the Assiguee, With roofs and pesticwiars as required by the baid Act, oh or before the Say of such reeting 3 Buti ven af ter 1087, % Assig- have gone over to camp in Professor Jordan's cottage at Wolfe Island. In the party are Mrs. Fairlie's two daugh- ters, Miss Margaret and Miss Anva, Miss Annic Fowler, Wiss Daisy For- Amd notice is further guson and Miss Katie Murray. he 18th day of July, » * » - we Will proceed to distribute the assets 3 id { the estate amongst the parties en ye Atmitrouy NeCoemack had 4 itled thereto, having regard only to the | RaPpy amily par ty at her . entre Elaimis of which notice shail then have |streot home on Thursday. Wigh tea een given, and that he will not be |w Rowe > Sa tls e iable for the assets or any part thereof as Tolls ed by o Hons at J Shoe so distributed, over old times and matters in genera to any person or persons pf Whose claims he shall not them have bad notice. Croquet in the park Hos been mors than ever popular this week as other gaieties have subsided. A graceful tri- bute was paid the players the other day by a gentleman who declared that he ehjoyed a 'walk throtigh City Park in the afternoon now, the pre- sence of the eroquot players, prettily ents of McGill University. Situated | zowned, making it such an attractive n Sherbrooke street, in close proxi- | spot. ity to the Upiivemity buildings and :L 8.2 » boratories.. Students of the College | Miss Helen Dickson, Ordnance street, e admitted fo the courses in Arts| returned home after spending the past McGill University on identical terms | two months visiting in Ogdensburg oR men, but ut, mainly in separate |and Syracuse, N.Y. Stes. to the lectures Misses Beatrice Driver and Haruiet ven b; pon and Teoturers | Chapman, Colborne street, are spend- . B. WALKEM, ssignee, this al day Kingston, Dated at of uly, 1907 Royal Victoria College Montreal A residential hall for the women stu- the University, students are assisted | ine their holidays at Collins Lake. fy resident tutors. Gymmasium skat- Mrs. William C. Way, Montreal, g rink, tennis courts, ete. Scholar: | Que., is Visiting her pocents, Meo and ips and Exhibitions awarded an-; Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Colborne street. hally. Mr. and Mrs. Way will leave shortly, Wnstructions in all branches of music | for a vacation, on Karwartha lakes, #8 the McGill Conservatoriem of Music. | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hooper end "i For further particulars address family, Earl street, left July Ist, for he 'Warden Royal "Victoria their eottage, on the St. Lawrence, 3 where they will spend the summer College, Montreal. HRonths. Signorina Covello of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Allaire Shortt, at "Otterburn." « » *w Dr. and Mrs: « Bray leit to-dav, to spend a ob the islands. They will then go on to Montreal be Dr. Brook's ge Female apoE jeal F 1 SRA Kiuston at ne a ; tof price --@1. fore returning home to Chatham. Jn Septeniben they intend leaving Chat- A ---------------------------------- £ F . 009 Lawn Mowers It pays to buy the best Mowers, and the best is' the only kind we Se We have them with Three and Four Blades, $3.50 to $8 - Every machine is guar- anteed, We also sharp- en and repair Mowers. § MOKELVEY & BIRGH, 66 Brook St. a NIGHT SPECIALS. for some weeks with neuralgia, ie hap- pily, a gréat deal better. She will ro own the river om Thursday pest, for a rest and change of air. Miss May Martin, visiting in the city for a week, will leave for her home in Sarnia, on Monday, accompani~d by her friend, Miss Louise Singleton, Brock street. Woe, a. Miss Minnie Vrooman, was in town yesterday. Mr. Hubert hy will have quite a leng holiday this summer, and "will of Napance be in Kingston and about here until September, when he will rejoin Miss Russell's company, It is good mck for his old friends to have him among them for such a long time. Mrs. Oharles Stafford Kirkpatrick has returned from Halifax and j is glad- ly welcomed. 5 Miss Florence Merrick, of Toronto, is visiting her sister; Mrs, J. B. Coch- rane, Gore street. Mrs. C. T. Dickson has just returned to Kelowna, B.C., from a trip with Dr. and Mrs. Knox, to Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster. All had a delightful Jound, - Miss Macaulay came home, yester- day, from Stratford, and is going down to Metis, next week, for the rest. of the symmer. Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Miller, of Kent- wood, Lai, are visiting Mrs. Miller's sister, Mrs. M. M. Vanluven, at the home of Mrs. R. W. R. McRae, Brock strect. Mrs. Maclennan, wife of Judge Mac- lennan, of Ottawa, passed through Kingston, this week, on her way west. Miss Edith Folger, Sydenham street, has Fétursed from Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. T. J. Shanks, of Belleville, and her daughter are visiting Mrs. Philip Bajus, Rideau strect. . The Misses Lesslie, or street, have gone up to Si. Catharines to visit their sister, Mrs. J. Rowlands, while Nirs. Reuben Leonard is off on a trip with her husband. Mrs. Valentine Schuyler, been visiting Mrs, Clergy street, left, Gananouue. Mrs. F. 8. Anderson, who has heen Mrs James MeclParland's guest, on Emily street, went down, yesterday; to stay with some friends at Thou- sand Island Park. Miss Edith Drury went home, Thursday, to Halifax. Master Russell Ellis, visiting Mrs, strect. * who has Thomas Tandy, on Thursday, for on of Toronto, is Heury Wade, Johnson Miss Mary Macpherson, of Hamilton, is staying with Mrs. Philip Bajus, Rideau street. ' Mr. and Mrs, J. D. MeDermott, of Toronto, spent a few days, this week, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKay. Johnson street, on their way to Old Orchard. Mrs. McKay is expecting Mrs. John McKay, Sr., from Toronto shortly. Mr. J. T. Sutherland has come over from New' York to join his family at Stella, and enjoy a holiday with them. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Earl street, and Mrs. Mellis Ferguson left, to-day, for Toronto. Mrs. Suth- erland and Mrs, Ferguson will go on to Gore Bay, but Mr. Sutherland will return to town in a few days. Mrs. George M. Hazlett and daugh- ter, Brock street, are spending the summer in Winnipeg. | . Mrs. J. J. Crawford, Kingston, and Mrs. Edward Deroche are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Embury, Napanee. Mr. 8S. B. Molyneux, of Marmora, is in Kingston, spending a couple of weeks with friends. Mrs. J. H. Arnold and Miss Daisy Arnold, 'Westport, are to spend some weeks with Mrs. W, S. R. Murtch, Johnson street. Miss Edith Young, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Murion Leonard, Ng- panes. Miss H. L. Chown, Johnson street, has gone to Whithy to the convention at the close of which she will go on to Toronto and other plates to visit relatives. -Miss Ina Sands, Queen street, has gone to Sandusky, Ohio, to visit Mrs. R. L. Adams, (Continued on page 5.) A new shipment of chocolates just arrived, made by J. 8. Fry & Sons, London, Eng. Try a sample. R. H. Toye, King street. Wu face effects, 10 dozen Wish 'Collars, in shadow embroidery and worth pc. and JO. July sale price 17c. each, Ladies" Swiss * Ribbed Vests, short sleeves and sleeveless ylpe, fine etverized thread, worth 40¢. each.' July sale price be 15 dozen Fine Ribbed Vests, 3 styles) short, long or deariicnt' styles, worth 20c. July sale price 2 for 25e. Ladies' Belts, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Waists, all specially r-- for to-night. jl THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street- Gloves, and Shirt: our Hair Ne eeds Care ro SNE 4 New York, July §5 The extensive festivities t ory tthe Seo held at "Rome oe Sa] Alice G. Vanderbilt; hex ee as a feature. the pili, pid of America's greatest fortunes. On the date of of the. fete fete Miss Gladys Moore Vanderbilt attains her legal age, and will come into possession of the millions left her by her father. She is the youngest of five direct heirs. The Cornelius Vanderbilt fortune | was estimated in Vv sefen years various- ago, when the will was filed, as MRS. HP WHITNEY! lv at from $30,000.000 to £120,000, 000. Experts who have kept track of the fluctuations in' seburities, ®uch as make up the bulk of 'the wealth, say that aside from the real estate: hold- ings the estate is worth at least ten per cert. more than it represented at the time of Mr. Vanderbilt's death. Incidentally Miss Gladys Vander bilt will probably B# ih her own tight the richest eligible young woman in America. The direct inhéritange of £7.500.000, received untler 'the will, with aeerned income, has béen eo =kil- fully manipulated by the exécutors, that it is said to sdiregéht now ap proximately $10,000,000. "Added to this is. a one-fourth interest in the estate ovided for her moth 'anderhilt, during her This wilk 'conBervatively of Miss Vanderbilt of $10,000,000 er, Mrs. A. G, natural life. bring the fortune to $12,500,000, A large force of clerks and account: ants have been kept busy for many weeks at the offices of the Vanderbilt estate. Forty-second and Madison avenve, making preparations for the distribution of the stupendous fer tupe. Cornelius Vanderbilt, who, it will be remebered, 'quarrélled with his father, MRS. CORNELIUS v A NDERBTLT. A Sl a will not benefit hy this settlemént. He was left $1,500,000, which at the time was considered a mere pittante com- pared to the other divisions. His hro- ther, Alfred, who received the lion's share, gave him £6,000.000, which was said to be all he was tq expeet. A New York banker is reported.' to have said that Cornelius handled the $7,000,000 30 wel that it is now double that amount. Mrs. Harty: - Payne Whitney, who was Gertrude Vanderbilt, and Regin- old C. Vanderbilt, will have but little coming to' them at this Aime, save legacies to beneficiaries. It is said Re- ginald will get approximately $2,500, 000, Alfred G., who alreadi has ceived far more than any of oth er children, will still than Cladys at the coming "distribu: tion. He does not receive ithe full amount left him until he is thirty-five. As it is, he is richer than all of the others combined. Mrs. Vanderbilh received! by her hus- hand's will $2,000,000 outright, and a life income of L000 per year. ---------------------- py Armor. Paris, July 6.-A tition was id at yesterd 4 at which peints were given for ak tacked The manne? in which ihe avimals a man representing a ecrimi dogs' were unmizzled, and the man facted from bites by a"suit of Je Do: a stro | mask and 'ga od th oil rings. iu The silly Season bn Hd 9px the seare | wi ryig | to w k up a von in { 3 receive more |. | HELP WANTED-MALE; CARPENTERS, BRICKLAYER AND AND Apoiy "to Jholm, TU Willinth Street. TWO ABLE-BODIED MEN AND Tan housemaids for the Generul Hospital, Avoly between 7 and 9 pam. YOUNG MAN TO CLEANING AND reSsing. Steady job She year rotmd. arwick Bros: 191 Princess Street BOY WHO CAN BARN FROM ois? Aha Mid, Whe B MEN RPE RIEN ID h1 PACKING Wares $3 per day. Cement. Bellevi Wo. 2 pola Cowent Apply Conant, Point Ann, Ont, EN FOR AUTO-SPRAY, Best band Soha made, automatic. Machine free to approved agent, Cavers Bros. Galt. MALE~GOOD PAY-=MEN BVERY- where to tack signs, distribute circus jars, samples, ete. No canvassing. National Dist. Bureau, Obicago, Il. DETECTIVES : SHREWD, RELIABLE mmn for profitable secret service, to act under orders ; no experience ngce Neite H ©, ebster, In- 4 Yyoars ad De som to PY J oe . "a Aaneri- Thomas Nush, can Hotel News Stand. SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE men, bring your own cloth and cheap a suit Jade. 8 i. rice a pe ~ reanliowaY, done jv antaa, The itor, 81 Brock street. WANTED HAVE A NEWLY PATENT- ed device ; having bir sales Ahfongh A or TO "WN 16 t A GENBRAL SERVANT No WASH ing, well Apply Mps. Carson, "370 Br: " Street, MIDDLE-AGED WOMA ¥ OR SIRL to do housework in country, child in family, fh Box 7, a . WS ERERAL eR YANT, GOOD NoUER 18 one Well Ap ok Ying Stree Trentng 10 Mrs, 4 A SOMBIE BOUSEMATD. HEIRS WANTED. Iw SITUATIONS VACANT. ston Hosiery Cov TO-LET. A SEVEN-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE, Works. Stores , and Brogk ' street; Clarence St: Apply to J. B. central, Box "M. room, en suite, venientes. Whig Office. i -------------------------------- A COUPLE QF OFFICES OVER THE oN To ph Com y 38 Lower - Union, mear Lucomotive SUMMER COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, Offipes; McCann, 01 FRONT SITTING ROOM AND BED modern cons BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION VO ae WANTED-TWO SPECIAL . boy Wee % for Sutatinto or werk or 3 St, between -t . Ht th gang on roads on roads Apply mis To OPERATE SEWING MA- Seen. -- 3. OPERATE: SEWING Mas MONEY AND ry Jewitt opportimity; Satur- dey lar Roons off. Apply King MVERPOOL, 1 'ire og Sal, 187,215. In Finds i 2 ' PERSONAL. tired of single , w Not looking for more matrimony. Hox 94 Elgin, m, kirk, Caitimens, of Agnes rdon, Halkirk, il opminunioate tit with ay Solicitor, Will hear. of a atin, Vantage. TS the achny F a} Re ERAAES rg business ------------------ RETIRED WEALTHY GENTLEMAN I life og correspond. ealth. view ston) sum of money amd return tic ket "to Montreal, gl other articles, POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON Allred strewt. Apply to Harry Hitchen. ROWING SKIFF FOR SALE, IN PE R- fect condition. Apply Box "B., Whig Office. BRITISH NAVY SCANDAL. Parliamentary Conimittee j Un- earths System Of Graft. "Grave irregularities" {s the term the Parliamentary Committee on Pub- lic Accounts gives to certain condi- tions in the nayy on which it issued an rt. recen The comsittee that a widespresd o© Jom the acceptance of portunigtiUhs from contractors by petty officers, but the report adds that severe ary measures have been adopled to ress the custom. ihe committees objects strongly 'to ty in oom construction of cruisers Invincible, Tufiexible and and Indomitable without competition, although the Admiralty officials ex- plained that they wished to keep the plans secret. The committee finds hat the builders of the battleship King Ed- ward VIL secretly patched up a de fective cast rudder, which the ho ernment was obliged to replace. builders Joihered together a B.. of their employes on a Shitals 8 and by electric welding, a huge fault in thé rad EE The report of the dommittes says: "We hope it will not again be our duty to invesiigate a ease where a British firm, for commercial advant- age, will eallously h the lives of BORN. Sydenham, J. OC. FREETON---At to Rev. T a daughter. WILKINS At Deseronto, on July 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wilkins, a daughter. OSRORNIE--~AtNapance te Mr. and Mrs. daughter, ROBLIN--At to Mr. am damghter PASMORE~At Napanee, on July 4th. te Mr. and Mrs. Rk. He. J. Passmore, a daughter. BLACGKADDER---AL Bath, July Zod, on ¥ Fenton, and Mrs. June 28th, Osborne, a on John S, on June 20th. J. Roblin, a Napanes. Mrs. F. on June 2h. ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Bleckagder, a son. . McKIM----At Rive jd ar rile om June 27th. to Mr. amd Mrs HS, McKim, a daughter, » FPRAGER--At Descronto, on June 27th, ta Mr. end Mrs. Frederick Froser, a on '} the coup is made vy 6 Speraior goes ta the servant k wtween penitentiary and Beyerly chant's Bank Building, cornet Brock Street. Finder please rewura to this and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. office, VETERINARY. FOR SALE. a eee | DR. G. W. BELL, V8, CARRIACE, TWO-SEATED, CANOPY moved te his Drick piosk, Se Top, cheap, 51 Brock street, street, just abo Calls by Hd promptly = nd ARS YOU LaNBsOMEs LAN. agents ; Traveller needed to mM rg twaive rooms, extension din- | ARE oa appointments ; no canvassing ; wil} ng room and kitchen, hot wWwaler piy salary 'aad expenses weekly, F. bane) imsnodiate an fev Aoi SE hh J. Waterson, Box "'N," Bronttord, ly to Frederick Now 71 Yiow Lo matrimony, Elgin, & Ontario. ivision street. u 5 y ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR GENTLE | PROF. nr mc PALM LOST. man, beautifully situsted and well a Read; a a Tve -- furnished, electric Nght Aud, ha, son A i Lo = ' ~ ~ ANTE EL venient to buth room est table ve readings Sou A BLACK (UCKER SPANTRIL: « AN board And peTYite parentesd, Apply gre Stree, ward hy returning to 888 Barrie Box Office. Aenememp T------ Street. FREP-YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, FU. - a -------------------------------------- ARCHITECTS. ture and past Jevenled, att, -- by America's a vogue ISL John: . > BY STOR 1 ustrolegist, clnirvoyay n, ay Naa street a Tew days ago. Own | ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCRITHOT. om | 13 Suid Street er can obtain the sams hy describing De, . Queen and Bagot streets. birth date. and stamp. Ruow fo und paying churges. 130 Stuart | = . self Street FENRY P. SMITH, A RCH I'TEOT, x ® S-------------------- ete. Anchor Building, Market Square. { KNOW TRY of pet GET A H A BROWN PURSE, OONTAINING Phone; 345. ds MARRIAGE LICENSES. Phome, 568. RIOT AT OXFORD. In Fierce Fight. Consequent on the great sxciistiqul caused amongst the junior members of Oxford Universit; Re river, and the sucoess ton in the boat ed an AR which ad-| and Mer-: ' upon the pageant joins Christ Church been an- ton fields. The design ticipated, and p b "ree he Yalumtee oor Fira y of one of nes, having been Bonfires £ il parcel and a certain famil gay city's easy days. nds out some one in ea who is under medical Fusiliers, peat parcel with a fda) ordered by the at full Rood bill. The amos ff across th the #Windle is mel . . the police . plaints from Our ides A TRICK, ISSUER OF * Mieriags. Licinsss, 43 Clasnce 8% -------- Truncheons And Fire Hose Used Christian Consistency. bn i he post Face, 0 Shcipt wad | | i --A deserter from who was be- to Conway camp by leaped from the train it, explainiug thagar Abergele, while the train He was not Problem For The Editor. bas been asked whether stepping Any one is at perfect li of Christ Church Sin ip dt 1 Tiled the Bile ce binding Jia him, But I have 'a right 10 demand that he be fully ean i sistent with that position, and hd carry out in his actions th been | | declares true in his 11 find any man carrying out to { Mount I will grant him the {Until then, such a claim must be garded as inconsistent sistent and absurd, accept the lowest or amy tender. HS Whenever to the full |every command in the sermon on the ight to {declare the . infallibility of the Bible, / Yas The Thpartment does not him (tsell tn Ev * a be rates graduates in the Merton fields, and f opm a when the available fuel grew scarce || 'Address. Mr Casson for free ligful colored rush was made by two or three hune{] ture. nd vicini- dred of them for the planks and other| material on the other side of thel|ITvg A SIGN OF WIS river. On endeavoring to cross the night. bridge they received a check, but only abouts will only momen 7, A Jarre number of punts| t of a crop. tn a as haa frvourable weathet 0 and these, being massed together, en te. fancy hose. abled the undergraduates to get in the Lf has returned to rear of the police, who were defend-| oe vacation with ding vaca ing the bridge. The fire brigade were! + sland. then summoned, and directed their' a ' an a suite: hese upon the crowd, but owing to pokets recaived - word, ios the stats of excitement of the RE iT en, Sis had Zo affect in The , of Brooklyn, N.Y. 4 police were compelled 10 Mee' ings and bathing caps, all truncheons, and consequently a Chown's drug store. , confining flieir exdrtions to J, Tooth Pate, in tubes, fay preserve grand stand. de's Drug Store. sent Pod gibi dint ren We unfermented grape juice, pints = the cut the hose, and set fire quarts, at Chown's drug store, ° *s tent, the flames be-: Abby's neckwear is handsome. ing fod by a number of chairs Jhon & tyfuiye . Britton was in the city, loose ti lying about i ire O-da; itd She Seve mber yin were after- Shests, Bibby' % new nockwear is rich. wards made to gain a footing on the! | It is stand, the Jetton ving vapise lect; » ed their hose the were! | he § either washed oft or. thrown off, by ths1 notig hey police. The ex {| lay = soon after | t, when the under| , =" i Sommigied. damage 10. the ont | co Department of Railways & Canals several hundred ds, No. arrests ow QUEBEC CANALS. pore made, and J > op a hum- | NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CEMENT. consequences were not much mo' de ZALED TEN i ta Fo by ine Ar i SE ttt Bn Mishont Be wy. 1907, for the supply s ae Swindling In 'Serum. "ibuaide iin he -- SE Lk hte of The newest thing in Parisian , wh - pecificatiobs and forms of tender cag is the serum swindle, which sl ith ry Dt | ox focus a he ce ne sharp a eye Sor the times Ja astern Ontario No, 2 Place od Armes quure, ; tinental swell mobsman. in thel® Ohiet simplicity itself, and needs 1 . Ry : than the materials for has a instant OttaWay.on 3d,

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