Sales. Sates 200 at ile. to lige. ut 12. ot 11 316e¢. to 11 lie , 1,202 at 11 1-1de. a ee 0 tie : le. es, 1460 at 11 0c to M1 a. iti Black & Col -and Fancy de- heise HT hi : : ton, Queen street, has re a few days stay at To he was the guest of his i i to, All-cream ice cream, in bricks, Jay or. delivered at any hour, "Gr. G. Manning, of the R.C.HA,, af ter visiting his wife for the past few days, returned to-day to the camp et Petawawa. Steamer America makes a special oh to Alexandria Bay, Thursday, 2.30 p.m. Home early. Only 50c. Sup- on \ Cross fly poison pads. Two five Gent pads for be. Only at Gibson's Red t store. Miss Fanny Eo of Kingston, is the of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. . BE. Hicks, at their residence, "Pine Miss Isabella k ash, nurse at the city tal, has returned from «3 i any at £ y he' s and 8." I s Sheci's. Red oe Fresh there. i ir i : ! Hi iL B 5 i 7 Donnelly and has been sent to the rescue. ra "the golfess, chic and eet, Most a tehingly garbed from head to I; ap- iif . uarters at Winni- who has been in the city a few avs, left for Toromto to-day in his vate car, i I hi 3 of § 4 i ff igs § : ev. i ; ifiil B. A. Hotel Arrivais. : Pr. Arthur Johsison, Dr. W. H Moorehbuse, Tondom, Out; Henry Rage George' No Pedine, 0. T.| » Meiger, Buffalo; W. G. McArthur! " "Montreal: J. Drescher, Dr. Me¢Call and wile, Hamilton; Mrs: D. AL .| 850; Hotel Dien, #50; H ' practised non. Wolle laland. Tn 1556, was inspector schools of Frontenac, and that position ever since, continuing his medical work. This is Dr. Spankie's third term of election as representative of District No. 15, which ises Frontenac, Addington, Lanark and Renfrew. Mem- 3 ay B.A. Wu did aed. Bani gw DR. WILLIAM SPANKIE, -------------------------- bers of the medical council are elected for a_texm of four years, and three times Dr.' Spankie has been returned by acd gion. This is, thetefore, his ninth ¥ as a member of the On- tario 1 Council. Some years ago he" an<active part in having the matriculation standard raised, on the ground that those en- tering the medical profession should be better qualified. The 'raising of the standard has had a good effect. Dr. Spankie'swlevation to the presi- dency was 'by actlamation. He has many warm friends among the doc- tors of the provinée, and it was the general wish that he he presiding of- ficer for the 'ensuing year; though he wished to retive on the laurels af vice president. His active interest in edu: cational matters fits him for the im- portant position he has been called upon to aeeupy. ------------------ PORTSMOUTH COUNCIL A Volunteer Fire Brigade Pro. THe Portsmouth coxmeil met last evening. Members present were Coun- illors Raiden, Simmonds and Kenne- &. In the absence of the reeve, Coun- ciflor Kennedy : Rev. Mr. Eyre the council advocating the tion of a volun. teer fire brigade among the villagers. The matter will be taken up again at a full meeting of the council. Council- lor Kennedy advoeated the purchase of several fire extinguishers to be placed in convenient houses through- out the village. Freed, F. M. Froed, Philadelphia: R M. Whitney, Worchiester; M. T. Bart lev, Chaffey"s Locks: A. C. "MeCuaig, Montreal; T. WeKenty, Kemptville; Henry 'W. Muskett, Montreal; C. H. 'Creighton, J. W. Harrison, J. A. Vani derwoot, Thronto; J. B. Skene, Otta- C. BE. Hawkins, Joliet, Til; Addisor! Pogg. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. B.! Robinson, Kansas City, Mo.; Dr. and oe Wilson and son, Tdronto; H. W. Wepgh, St. Louis; *D. Gross, Toronto: Sir James Grant, Ottawa; George °C. jinson, Montréal; J. G. Preston, "Smith's Falls; W, 8. Wood, Toronto N. A. Coleman, Belleville; G. S. Hart | Toronto: T. N. Stam, Toronto; Rl Skerst, London; C. E. Brown, Taron to; W. S. Edwards, London; Capt. F.| A. Hemming, Sydney, N.S. G. B, Hemming, New York: J. W. Suther land, Québec; R. S. Meighen and wife | Perth; A. B. Adams, New York; Mrs. AO. Ruland and niece, Brooklyn, NX; R. Vilvis, Montreal. a ------_---------- 'Still Another Complaint. In spite of the fact that a warning! has been given severfit times bv the police about tyi horses on the! streets and allo them te remain! hours, this violation eontinues.| This morning the police received word that a horse had tied to a post, at the corner of Helington and 'Clas Sev and left there. Constabla ' y o investigated, :could not » the aver of the autit, and togh 'horse to a nearby livery stable, : i amount as follows: 'General Hospital] ouse of In-! dustry, $41.25: House of Providence, $41.24. The House of Industry receiv. od ome cent more than the Woase of Providence on" the toss of a copper. ee Fourth At Watertown." ickets good Wednesday, 2 pan, or Hood Soin am.; eine régulor trains Thursday evening and Friday. Oule 21 50. wa; E. D. Whyte and wife, Toronto; 5. {f:with pine. . Ranger, of Pitt hy Thompson, of New York, thr ierogked faro game played in a off Columbus avente, in New York. He i to defraud. Davis said 'that after he had lost $51,000 in two Sittings he ghargred a special train, and going to rietta, secured $25 Nine, Which he lost. He said he was induced to go into the game by Ranger, who pro- mised © that Thompson, the dealer, would let him win $100,000 to get re- on a syndicate! which owned . Pavis now says the scheme was a _bunco. Ald. Toole, to whom Davis appeal ed, reserved his decision, stating that he would probably have to dismiss the complaint because of lack of jurisdic- tion. Davis says that wealthy Pitts- have been flecoed to the ex- tent of $1.000000 in the last Awo years by the three TS. ORCHARD A LIAR. | -- This Is. The Deiemce's * View Of Affairs. Boise, Tdaho, July 3.--Haywood's lawyers divided their time, yesterday, between efforts 10 prove Orchard to be a liar and attempts to show that in Cripple Creek and Telluride the mine owners and the Citizens' Allianeo members, and not the miners, were the aggressors in the days of trouble. First they worked out several witness- i the trio with ticipading in his unlawful doings: all hands round swore that the things Orchard said about them weve lies, but they all admitted knowing Orch- ard pretty intimately. Their accounts of the scenes at the time of the ac- (uaintanceship agreed well with Oreh- ard's. day's witnesses iveluded three bartenders. Nearly every wit- ness that testified had heard Orchard threaten the life of ex-Governor Steun- enberg. Showing Free Gold. New Liskeard, Jily 3.--To those who have never béen in Northern On- tario, at least as far 'as this town and Cobalt, the statement that there are so many flies in the woeds and mining camps that the men are quit- ting the mines and woods in gangs, may possibly cxuse great surprise. Such is the case however. P tors arriving here from Larder I and and the new gold camp report the prevalence of larpe flies and myriads of flens make life almost unf¥arable, especially if one is presiding any dis" tance back from the lake. Tt is also reported that the heat is intense and sultry. However, there ore always two sides to a story and it is just ible that these tales of dis- tress have been somewhat magnified. The discoveries that have been made of late has caused great enthusiasm. Developments have 'been diligently prosecuted, especially on some of the older properties, such as the Dr. Red- dick, Harris-Maxwell, Blue Bell and Lucky Boys. The superintendents of the two latter companies have recent- ly visited here and both speak in the highest terms of the values, showing free gold, that have been, obtained from their properties. Baseball Record. Eastern league--At Toronto, 2; Bui- falo, 1. At 'Baltimore, '0-6: Jersey City, 55. At Rochester, 1; Montreal, 0. At Providence, 1; Newark, 3. National league--At Chicago, 5; Cin- ciunati, 3. At Philadelphia, 1; Boston, 2. At Pittshury, 4; St. Louis, 3, At Brooklyn, 8; New York, 2. American league--At Cloveland, 4; Chicago, 0. At Detroit, 8; St. Louis, At 'Boston, 2; Washington, 6, At New York, 8; Philadelphia, 7, An Exciting Runaway. There was rather an exciting runa- way, on Ontario street, early last night. A young man leit his horse standing near the G.T.R. station, and the animal 'took ight and bolted "down 'the street. On way it ool lided with several in catching hold of 'the reins and bringing 'the animal to a standstill. "Taken "To Orillia. Two menghérs of the Greer family, who have "beh cared for by a charita- ble institution for several weeks, were, last night, the family are mew arrivals in the city, Mrs. Greer's h died about a ago and she had a dif- ficult time in both ends meet. The. two other chi will probably bef placed in the:Infants' Home, Norwegian 'Steamer Here. A Norwegian stediier, the Proulx, was in the hatbor, to-day, en route to Tonaw N.Y., and Samia, She stopped here a short time to got charts. 3 resident of the city. : Mrs. J. F, Wilder @ied, Tuesday morning, in 'Rochester, NY. The de- coased was the wife of a former resideit of Belleville, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilder, College -Hill. Two instructors in the 'Mount Her- Thi School for Boys, were drowned while eanoeing in the Connecticut riv at Northfield, Mass. ™ George Peniin © was Tatally 'stabbed by another Ttalian named Peter Pepi, at Vancouver, B.C. It pays to taleum powders at Gibson's Red drug store. All x J. ("Jake") Adams and Francis \ also |} es whom Orchard had accused of par- || -------- GA OA Ni Pretty Shirt Waists Even the lower priced ones are models of good quality, materials and taste in the muk- ing. ~ WHITE SHIRT WAISTS, 75¢, 99¢, 1.25. WHITE SHIRT WAISTS, 1.49, 1.75, 2.00. WHITE SHIRT WAISTS, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 and up. PE slam A . All we ask is a comparison with the stocks of- fered elsewhere. { / 4 5 Fashion Says | "LACES," Particularly Fine Valenciennes Laces. We have a very large assortment. Some pretty patterns received Many of them are a exclusive designs. 5c, 6c, 8c. r0c, I12ic, I5C yard. : Insertions to match quite a number of patterns. . 4 | Long White Lisle Gloves RECEIVED TO-DAY. Light Weight Summer Corsets Are in order and we are meeting this demand in fine style. Never before have we sold s many Corséts as now. The values we offer keep ou Corset Department busy, SUMMER CORSETS light weight Percale. SUMMER CORSETS in gir- dle form. ee Baan in fine A ] White Shoe Laces i Something. almost every lady wants and you might as well have eo best. ' We sell<White Beauty, "a liquid," put up in 10c. and 2c. sizes, a pure white and dries quickly. S : Blanco, "a paste," put up in tins at 2e., and in boxes at 10c., madein England and used extensively by the militia. Two-ln-One, "a liquid," put up in 10c. size. We have--Wide Silk Tassel End Laces at 25c. A Narrower White Silk Tassel End at 150. And a Mercerized Silk Tassel End at 10c. White Cotton Laces, two pairs for 5c. The Lockett Shoe Store. P.8.We have some: Styles in Club Bags, both for Ladies and Gentlemen. They sell from $12 to $25 ee" ere you get good ? amd you wh "REGS En -Attentio Given at this ti -0x pue Suryrwer o pairing FUR GARME Conditions are fat for having the best sible work done, a: are positively assur your Furs will be re you when required phone 489, or drop : card and we will se waggon for your Only experts in ow tory. John McKay Fur | 149-1 5 Brock ' ALWAYS IN § Whether we have warm rold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE Is always in season and alw mand. Imported direct from Ce fb. and one Ib. packages om 50 and 60 Jas. Redden ¢ IMPORTERS OF FINE @ GASOL Put in Your 1 at Our Do A large stock of teries, Spark Plug : always on hand. SELBY & YO LIMITED Kingston & Pembrol TENDERS MARKED For Station At Calabogie," ciived at the office of the until noon, July 15th, 1907, a station and platform a Ont Detail plans and specificat seen at the oftice of the Kingston, or at the office Barpet, Renfrew, Omt. The lowest or any sarily accepted. tende ¥F. CONWAY, Acting Gem tendent, Kingston & Pe Kingston, Ont. Kingtton, Ont. July 2nd, SAND! SA All kinds of building Leave orders at sale. 163 PRINCES Where they will rece and careful attention. TELEPHONE C. H. Po Carpenter and 103 Ragla. ROLLER | AFTERNOON, 2.5 EVENING, 7.30 t Band every evening and S ngon. Select patronage. IT 18 A FAI sty il do ths oves, Furniture ams your Sto TURK'S 'Second-Hand cess street. TRY A POUNL MYER'S 500% S MADE For Senday's Bresktast, { SERVED /SUBP( John D. 'Rockefeller Chicago Cou New York, July 4.--A hunt, bh United State John D. Rockefeller w Pittafield, Mass., and se subpoena requiring his court at Chicago. _ Sale of Ladies' and Ch ings, at Cofrigan's, Price's chocolates are ) ery day.