on't Forget es strength for aged, weak, lown and debilitated persons trengthens weak lungs. is a Cod Liver preparation »--that's why it is valuable-- t contains no oil and is ous in warm weather. J EORGE W. MAHOOD, DRUGGIST. kins! e have just received from e Dresser, a choice lot of fink Skin dersian Lamb Russian Lamb ave REPAIRS and AL~- ERATIONS on' your Furs ne Now. , F. GOURDIER IXCLUSIVE FURRIER and 80 BROCK ST. 'Phone 700. SOUVENIRS A Sterling Silver Spoen, of | Brooch Souvenir of King ston as a rememberance to friends in distant or foreign lands, is one of 'the most useful and interesting novel ties. We sell also High Class Enamel Souvenir Hat ins, Belt Pins, Jewel Cases, Pin Trays, ete. SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Dress Muslins! ire very much in de- nd at this store and in- ding purchasers would well to see the display ile it is complete. We re the very newest pat. 1s and at lowest prices, inning at 10c. a yard. 3rown Linen for Boys' ts, 34 inches wide, 13c. a yard. hirting Prints, perfectly t colors, light or dark, 121-2c¢. ralatea Stripes uses, 15c. a yard. Nurses' Ginghams, ' all ors, perfectly fast, Only 15¢c. a yard. 5 . . Summer Hosiery n Black, Tan, White, in in, lace or embroidered. Joth Ladies' and Child. 's Vests. ieadquarters for - Sum. r Underwear. for In : 3 i i ae Ea is i i 5% hts 3 AXE tendedy that benefits digestion strengthens the nerves. The nerve centers require nutrition. It the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers become anemic, and indigestion ds the result. cine, I got bad again. Peruana is not a nervine mor a i stimuisat. It benefits the nerves by benefiting digestion. trial. Peruna frees the stomach of catarrhal Ep eongestions and normal digestion is the result; In gther words, Peruna goes to the bottom of the whole difficulty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J.C. Jamison, 61 Marchant street, Watsonville, Cal., writes: "] was troubled with my stomach for six years, I tried many kinds of pedi- cine, Also was treated by three doctors. "They said that I had nervous dys- pepsis. I was puton a liquid diet for three months. «J improved under the treatment, but as soon.as I stopped taking the medi- «1 took the medicine for two years, then I got sick again and gave up all hopes of getting cured. «] saw a testimonial of a man whose case was similar to mine being cured by Peruna, so I thought I would give it a d a bottle at once and com- menced taking it. I have taken several 'bottles and am entirely cured. lieve forit." are sil alike,~heart d +l have gained in streagth and feel like a different person. | be- Peruana is all that is claimed } 0-0 IEI OPEC Nervines, such as coal tar prepara: tions, are doing a great deal of harm. Sleep medicines and headache powders depressants, and should not be used. The nerves would be all right, if the digestion were good. Peruna corrects the digestion. SE -------------------------- THE CANADIAN BANK "OF COMMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 5 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. EB! WALKER, President ALEX. , General Manager A H D, Superintendent of "Paid-up Capital, $10.00¢,700 5,000,000 Rest, = hy Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT = Peposits of $1 and upwards current rates and paid quarterly. delay whatever in the withdrawal received ; intercst allowed at The depositor is subject to mo of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS - eee P. C. STEVENSON, Shapes, H po THE POWDER AES WHA a I Era = ROACH POWDER JF= Forowou rel mo ) In Cans at 80c. for Sand 1010. La © and be your Dinggil doesnot handle Sad 3 3 2 Fonseho use, and in Hotels, Mestaurants CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE coy HEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT: Kingston Office, 18 Market Street. Assurance in force (over) - = = = Assets (over) «ae me ae mA ew sw. Cash Dividends paid Policyholders in 1905-6 (over) ~ The first "LIFI ASSURANCE COMPANY made by Canadian People For Canadian People. : an Pe For Information how a Policy will - bape for you will be cheerfully given ut 18 Market Street, Kingsto » na . ART, J ES THOMSOM ¥. & GiogiTir Sai raousol ' Don't Forget Johnston's diily Clearing Sale Starts To-= Morrow Morning, Thursday, July 4th, at 9 a.m. "AWAY JOHNSTON if LET NOTHING KEEP YOU FROM Q 180 $n $1185,000,000.00 ,000,000.00 1,420,000.00 TONS nt. THE RI GAMES Bicomfield and Picton Putting Up Cash and Bringing in Out. siders to Play Ball -- The Notes. Picton' and Bloomfield are having a hot fight in the Prince Edward coun- ty baseball league, and big prices are being paid for imports. . Under the league rules five imports aré allowed each team, and they ure taking full advantage of the privilege. 'Bloomfield with several of the Toronto Welling ton players on the line-up, gave [Pie ton a terrific walloping, but the los- ers scoured their revenge when they sent to Toronto, and paid $100 for the use of Hobson, the Newark twirl- er, for the day, and in addition, sign- ed up Walsh, the Wrist brothers, and a féw other outsiders. Bloomfield had Fred. and Joseph Hickey and "Curly" Ross, but 'they could do nothing with Hoghson's benders, and he shut the home team out, mine to nothing. * ---- . Sporting Notes. Vowinkel, who formerly pitched for the Kingston Ponies, und who is now with Bufialo Eastern League team, allowed Toronto only three singles on Monday Hamilton Times: In view of what happened to Flood, Longboat should Le thankful that he was arrested in Hamilton instead of in Toronto. He might have got life there for hitting a policeman. St. Thomas horsemen are moving to construct a half-mile race course on tho property adjoining Pinafore Park, and work will be commenced at once, provided the city grants them a 200- foot. strip of the unused portion of the eighty-acre park. It is intended to hold a race meoting in the fall. Tt is ten years sinc: St. Thomas had a race meeting. A New York despatch says: Jockevs who lay the whip to their mounts on the homestretch down at Sheepshead Bay had better watch out, as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty fo Animals will get them on the charge of cruelty to animals. Women who act as spectators have watched the jeekeys' furious efforts to urge their horses under the wire have come to the conclusion that the animals were inhumanely treated. Consequent- ly they entered complaints and have egred on the society to make an in- vestigation. The agents will spend the r>mainder of the week at the track, and will report any cruelty that comes under their notice. ---------- Wedding At Ardoch. Plevna, July 1.--St. John's Ghurch, Ardoch, was the scene of a happy event, on Wednesday, June 26th, when Miss Rachel Jeanerette, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jeaner- ette, was united in marriage to Rob- ert OC. James. The ceremony was per- formed by Rey. W. Cox. The interior of the church was lavishly decorated with flowers and ferns. The bride's dress was white silk, trimmed with Ir- ish' point lace. She carried a boubjuet of white roses and lilies of the val- assisted by her sister, ley. She was Mics Teressa Jeanerette, who wore a white Swiss mousscline, and carried pink and red roses. The groomsman was George James, brother of the After the ceremony the happy couple drove to the home of the bride, where a sumptuous breakfast awaited them, and of which fully 200 guests partook. The numerous .pres- ents bespeak of the high esteem in which the popular young couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. James left om a honeymoon trip to Kingston and vari- ous points in the United States. On their return they will reside in the village. groom. eign Loughbore Council. Sydenham, Jury 1.--J, E. Walroth voted $12.50 as settlement for injury to hors: through defective culvert. The tender of] H. Martin, for building cement walk at sixty-five cents, per lineal foot, was accepted. On motion, Ruttan-Sills, William Rutledge, ap- pointe township road surveyor. John Clow voted $20 part cost of cement Iv,walk opposite ' his place; "William Kennedy, stone, $21; and building two culverts, $9; G. Sigsworth, repairing Otter Lake bridge, $10; A. Sills, plank, $20; F. W. Barnett, attending overnment audit of township books, 3. R. Harris, culvert and railing, $8; Edward Harker, breaking stone, $16. Adjomncd till 2 pm., Monday, Aug- ust 5th. -------------- " Gardver Hunter, a Salisbury barten der, has been arrésted on a charge of mantlaughter. : : a Fi 2 I : g perl | _ GAILY BRINISB w A Soda Water Bé 'Passed t the home of hie par- fe and Mee a nin Pverts: $38.62 "to Jd. $272 to J. Shangraw, for cedar. Ad- FN GANANOQUE NEWS. ; i Boatman's Arm. : { Gananogue, July 3 Ward Beers} tod a, » WEDNESDAY, » ents, Mr. Beers, 1 ¢ King street, aged tighten years. Do: CONDENSED ADVERTISING wad bac buen foe, some, Ge post TES a Ged in a on C ir r he operation for dicitis at Rin hr ori * tharaniier Bail Sent ston General ¥ A Yank summery word. Minimum. chargs. for pus. du Gananoque cemetery "Rev. the large motor boat Sivroc from Alexandria Bay (Boldt's Island), yesterday morning, while the open race was on the bursting of a bottle of soda injured the hand and arm of the motorman of the boat to such an extent as to put the Siror out of the race. Dr. J, J. Davis was summoned, dressed the wounds, which will lay the man up for a week of so at least. C Mrs. Bullous, King street, is the owner a year old pullet, that is a record breaker for size of eggs. The epge measure eight inches in circum- ference, the long way, and six and one-half the other, tipping the scales at three otmoes. By a break 'in the shafting at the works. of the spring and axle com pany, yesterday morning, part of the men had to take another holiday. Harold Allen of Kingston, is spend- ing a few days with friends in town, Mrs. Carpenter of Bowmanville, is spending some time in town the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John A, We ster, B street. William Allan, Charles street, left for Montreal, whence he ursday for his old howe in be gone yesterday sails on Th Scotland. He expects to alout two months. Charles Lattimore, Montreal, is spending a few holidays with friends in town. Miss Janet Crouch, teacher at the Ivy « Lea school, is spending her holidays in town with her moth: er, Mrs. William Crouch, Tanner street. Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter, Myrtle, of Kingston, spent the holiday with friends amd relatives in town. Mes, Roy E. Marshall of Grindstone Island, is spending some {ime in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Bamford, Pine stro t, Miss M. M. Bennett, of the staff of the Toronto public schools. is spend: ing her holidays here with her pars ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett, Sydinham steect. -------- AT PETAWAWA. Notes of Interest. Gathered At the Camp. Some of the Kingston soldiers, in camp at Petawawa, have been in the city on leave of shscoce, and they re port that the Kingstonians are enjoy ing camp life. The long march was made without wny serious mishap, and the medical corps had only two cases to deal with. One of the gunners sprained his ankle, and one of the drivers suffered a slight Hines. "RB" battery arrived at the camp on Monday. "A" battery will leave for home on August 15th, and Will reach"Kingston about the 2th of the month. The Dragoons, of St. John's, ave and now on the march to the eamp, will have a tramp of six hundred miles. "B" squaiiron, 'of the' Royal Cana- dian Dragoons, leit 'Toronto, Satur- day morning, for the camp. Sunday night they camped - at Bowmanville, Saturday night being spent at Picker- ing, where they were almost drowned out by rain.: The men ave in good health. Maple Avenue Notes. Maple Avenue, July 1.--Mre. David Snider is able to be put again, after her illness. Mrs. Manuel Storms is on the sick list. Mrs. Damon Amey and Mrs. Walton Davey and daughter, Glee, have 'returned home after spend- ing a few days visiting relatives in Belleville. "Mrs. John Clute went, last week, to Petrolea, to attend the fun- eral of her uncle. Mrs. Benjamin Rose, of Lapum's, spent last Thurs- day at Mee. levi hele. Fenton Grigley, of Watertown, has réturned home after spending a few days visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Storms. Miss Myrtle Snider has veturned homo after' spending a week visting rela- tives in Kingston. Mrs. Clute, of Napandse, *is ' spobdig & few weeks! with her son, Joka Chute. Visitors 3 Mr. and Mes. Wilmur Metzler, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Lucas: Joseph Smith, at Benson Snider's; William Lake, at D. Lueas'. Ross Parks, at A. Snider's; George Joiner, at B. Burgess'; Gay Smith, at Johnston's. : ---------------- Portland Township Council. Harfowsmith, June 21.--Members all resent. George Good was paid $5.75 or damages received on defective por- tion of road. It was resolved to meet Loughboro council on the boundary, on Saturday, July 6th, at 2 pm. at Storms' school house, "to sell jobs of repairs. On motion, Shellington-Hen- derson. that as a largely signed peti- tion had been presented asking that part 'of the 12th eotfcension be opened across lots 22 and 28, "that a by-law be passed af the next meeting opening said concession. Councillor Reynolds was instructed to vevise . airs on Moir's bridge and Walker's hill Vot- od, 82 to M. Revell, poor; $2.50 to T. Phillips, cedar; 3015 to J. Rash, #6 to F. Darling, $8.70 to' W. Clark, $45 to J. D. Shibley, all bonuses on wire fences; 84 fo I. Mills and wife, charity: $1.60 to A. Cowdy, culvert 812 to P. J. & T. Levick, for five cul- Delma, plank; journed till July 22nd, at sgme place. y . The G. T. P. has paid $50,000 to the Indians at Metlakatla who have lands surrounding - Prince t, ad) part payment for their interests in the lands, while'a similar amount is held in trust for them. The 'bepeficiaries number 200, ahd 'one family received as much as $6,000, . The Indians cole- brated the event by a parade gnd fire- works, and a big banquet was also BOY TO i Jijeven HELP WANTED-MALE, -------------- SARN THE PLUMBING, Brock Street. Apply 8, THE PEOPLE'S HELP WANTED-FEMALE, SALESWOMAN, ONE HAVING EX- pericnce préferced. John Laidaw & FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR ONE { two months, MRE, on SRE A MIBDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL 10 do housework in the country; one child in family. eee t---------------- AC (VANT, RE- SL, TT BOY WHO CAN BARN FROM $8 T0 at Gould' Bt, near FIRST-CLASS LATHE HANDS, y work; wages. i General Bieciric pele Petervoro. SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, OBNTLE- / your pwn cloth and » wen, bring price - De i oat Pa and well. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Brock street. LOST. ON SATURDAY RVENING, A MILI tary Beit Pin. Beward for return to Whig Oflice. ------------------------------------------------ A GOLD MORSESHOE TIE PIN wITH four small diamond chips and two rubles, stuck in a tie. A STRING OF GOLD BREADS, ON circus day. Finder please return to Whig Office and receive reward, A BROWN FOUNTAIN PEN, NO. 16, (Waterman), duri May. Finder kindly return to Whig Office. A BLACK COW ROBE, ON MARKET Square, on Saturday last. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at police station. A GREEN PURSE ON GANANOQUE Road, containing swall sum of money, two gold rings, and other articles. Finder please return to this office and receive reward. VETERINARY. PR. ©. W. BELL, V.8., HAS moved to his on street, just above the Calls by or promptly a RE A Runaway Team~--Movements of The People. Sydenham, July ).--After the very heavy rains of Sunday the farmers are wearing snilng faces. The prospects of the hay = grain crop were not very encouraging last 'week. Those writing on the entrance examination papers last week numbered about eigh- ty. Miss McKaracher left for her howe meat St. Thomas on Friday noon and Miss Ewing on Saturday. F. Philips, who has been in the "em ploy of John Hogan for the past few months, left on Saturday afternoon for Rock Island, Que., where he bas secured a good situation. Miss Lena Conners, nurse in Rockwood hospital, is spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs. John Offord, and also with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Connors, of Forest. The spirited team of greys owned by George Guess took fright coming dawn hill and ran away on Friday last. 'They dashed down street and collided with a telegraph pole which brought them to a stop, smashing the wagon. But for the heroic offorts of the driver serious damage might have been done. s Mrs. Stewart Joyner and son have gone for a two weeks' outing with friends in Tweed. Miss Lulu Freeman spent .Sunday with her parents at Wilmur. Miss Mag Davis is home for her holidays Mrs. A. Buck is with friends in Kingston. Mrs. Wl. Day was calling on friends last week Rev. Picton Purdy leaves this week for his field of labor at Sherbrooke. Miss Libbie Marshall, Kingston, is the guest of Miss Susie Shorey. Miss Pur. About Female Ailments Not Hard to Cure If Properly and ...romptly Treated. Atk any Mtelligent physician what causes mine-tenths of all female disc<ses including ensemia, nervousness and contumption. Back comes the answer quick and sharp "Constipated Bowels.' There is scarcely a single female ail- ment that had not in its earlic: stages symptoms 'of constipation. How much better off the system is without the paisonoys- accumulations caused by constipation. How muah clearer the complexion, how much fresher one feels when the system is pure and clegn. Think it over yourself. ; Isn't it apparent that a bowel rege. lator and liver stimulant like Dr. Hagu- lton's Pills is sure wo do good ? Gay spirits, good looks and happy health have returned to many a sick woman through Dr. Hamiitor's Pills. Better get a few boxes to-day: pure ly vegetable, free from injusious. in- gredients, healthful and antiseptic, Dr. Hamilton's Pills will assist you in a thousand ways. a As diay is always dungerois your slain duty is to follow the example of Sire. F. Rowe, who sends the folloing letter from Gravels, Port Au Port, New- foundland : "Four years ago i got kidney and bladder trouble, I th t it was 'female trouble and trea it accordingly. Evem my doctor in St. John sad it was so. "In reading shout Dr. Hamilton's Pills 1 noticed symptoms like mine and I bought six boxes, These pills went right to work om my sick con- dition and helped me from the first. My supposed female trouble, which was bludder diseas?, was cured. My weight increased |, eight and given, "Hard roads made easy." Blue Jay Corn and Bunyosn pads will do it. | Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. | The United States government 'slos- ed ite fiscal vear, Seturday, ith. a surplus of $87,000,000, i x : - never before was IT as as . Dr. Hamilton's Pills did it oll." . All dealers al Pr, Hamiltorts Pills. 25¢. per box, gor five boxes for 81. . mail from N. C. Polson & Co., | Hact- ford, Conn.. US.A,, or Kingston, Unt. i a Lo et wi wand i re to Alfred \ TO-LET. SUMMER " COTTAGES, DWELLING Stores and Offices. McCann, Brock street. A COUPLE OFF DUE Foi RSX I a Ste Apply to J. B. SOLID BRICK | HOUS » St. Neat, moter improvements, por Session, Ju Apply at BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISIO! street, twelve rooms, = R -- ing kitthen, hot heating ; i ou" 30 Dat street. - 1 MEDICAL. DR. McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY dy, Kingston, spint a fow days with Miss Florence Purdy last week. Mrs, HeRocy has been with her daughter, Mrs. J. K. Grant, Carthage, NY, for the past three weeks. Stephen Garvin and little daughter, Helen, of Roches ter; N.Y., spent last week with his mother and friends here, Work is being rushed on W. DB. Sherwood's cottage wp the lake. A number of summer visitors are ex- pected in 2 few days. 8; am hand is engaged to play for on lawn social on Friday evening of thi wok, A. Davy bas erected a new blacksmith shop on the back street, At Charleston Lake. Charleston, July 2.-Johx Hudson went to St. Vineent de Paul hospital, Brockwille, on Saturday, for treat: mont, Miss Eva Johnson, teacher, Addison, and Miss Jennie Eyre, teach: er, Marton, are home for the holidays, A young daughter has arrived at D. Corey's. Mrs. Cornell and children, Athens, were the guests of Mes. (Dr.) Cornell, at Point Guraldine, over Sun- day. Miss Bertha Slack is fow weeks at Long Point. Ww. NH Hansan and niece, and Mrs. Demerest; Brooklyn, arrived at day. bank clerk, Athens. Thursday for the John Foster is and Ogdensburg. summer holidays. going by t Brockville was convey them to Brookville. made at Kingston, which. afford. the pleasure-scekers the privilege of TLiniestone city, Miss Lucy Foster is gg a few woeks with her aunt, re. RB. Foster, Seeley's Bay News. Sccley's en has finishe Robert Gallinger, Watertown, N.Y. visited friends June 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Me first storey of the mew Urown Bank 'building are completed. Mr. and Mrs, 'Adelbert Kane and son Elmer, King: ston, accompanied by Miss Hatton, visited friends here, Dominion Day. inaugurated here by the merchants. The stores will close at #ix o'clock cn onduys, Wednesdays and Fridays, during the months of July, Aug very fine colt, two very much and prospects are ing. A patriotic service was the Methodist Sunday school last Sunday . Dominion day passed off very quietly held a picnic on the banks of t time while a Gananogue to spend the day. Néws Of Rockport. 1 SIX ROOM BRIGE DWELLING, HB. and C. and ending a es. their cottage home on the lake on Wednesday, Wal- ter Hanson and party arrived, on Fri. day, by auto-car. Hubbard left, on Saturday, for his home in Brookl¥n. Mr. and Mes. E. 8. Clow came down to their cottage on Satur They had as guest, B. Wilson, School closed on visiting at Cardinal A great many took in the Masonic. excursion on Tuesday, train to Newboro, where the waiting to A stop visiting the pricipal places in the Bay, July. 2.--E. M. Brack: 4 SW new boat house, here and vicinity the past few days, Born on Thursday, Elroy, a daughter. The walls of the The early closing movement has been and September. 'Reuben Kenny has a Percheron-Corneracker horse years old which fips the scale at 1,195 pounds, The late raius have improved the looks of the crops Pr OMS id in instead of the usual lesson. here. A | . of the young folks arge party he RL deau nearby and had a very pleasant good many went to Mics Adie Bell, of Cornwall, spent | family, Cai lost week 'at J. Kahnt's, Mrs. Charles his parents he : Comwaii bas feturned home after H spending & couple of days at her Rye Xo home at Gouvermotr, N.Y. Mrs, Wil- liam Dizon, and Miss Lena Brimley NX. Rev. M spent a few days last week: with oC remains friends af Brockville, John Fitssim- Ebenescer A COMPETENT HO RE: ; ; Reenden Shyuipts: g CARRIAGE, SEATED, CANOPY id op. costo. 81 Brock meet. So A ING LOT, ON K PUBLIC Alfred streets to Harry § connection mNRY CP. SwrTH, ARCHITROT, "Phone, I Square. Se es. ] fice, second floor over ett etroets, on Bagot . "Phone, MARRIAGE LICENSES. 3, 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Ma Licenses, 42 Clarence St PERSONAL. PROF. HALSTEAD, PSYCHIC ist. Readiogs daily, i heemt ST Dolutinents by post to , 3 var Steely 1 29% owes. § The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian i REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA The Consciousness Of God. © The religious frame of spirit that Must eed to wii is to eel that near us; t upholds an blesses us; that He a to and ways; that all things are filled, ¥ is | pressto; that the \ us is not so much a ing monument as a living of His goodness; that all enjoy is not. so. sending down its gi nr us, as it is the enorgy of Hi working within us. Ths is ooh did conecidusness of God that may Posts, and whith will give fo en of u ry d confidence, Orville ay. Wy an drow, Mz. Common for free Nteea- 4 ~ 5 Rockport, July 2.-Mr. and Mra | mons and Miss Ida Fecguson. NP diin. of Toronto, visited | home from Goptnone fends bre bo | hav aid the si ice was in i ul . ro Bishop Mills of Kingston, Sunday. | on Wilt Wick Point. E.