to" be found here. Tailored Walking ades in checks and yles, and all mod- 1p to 6.50. 1.49 to 4.50. J in CY chiefs TOW. Linen SHEER efs, Lo gularly. derwear ndervests, 25¢C, 15C, Cc, 49¢. vests, 10C, 12 I-2C, ants and you might as well have ,"" put up in 10c. and Be. sizes s at 25¢., and in boxes at 10¢., y by the militia. n 10c. size. Laces at 23¢. d at 15c. d at 10e. r Ge. Shoe Store. Cy Bags, both for Ladies Attention Given at this time of 21 pue Sunjewer 03 Iv pairing FUR GARMENTS Conditions are favorable for having the best pos- sible work done, and you are positively assured that your Furs will be ready for you when required. Tele- phone 489, or drop a post- card and we will send our waggon © for your FURS. Only experts in our Fae- tory. John McKay Fur House 149-1 6 Bro ck 8 i: ALWAYS IN SEASON Whether Wwe have warm weather of cold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE TEA Is always in season and always im de mand. Imported direct from Ceylon, in hall Mm. and one Ib. packages omly, 50 and 60c. Jas, Redden & Co. IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. §c NOTICE Sc (WONDERLAND) Will not be open on THURSDAY, the 4th of July. The totul receipts of Wond- erland, on TUESDAY, July 2nd, will be for the bemefit of the Hotel Dieu Hospital: Moving Pictures for Monday and Tues- day are the best. "Chaxlie's Paints." "Carman In Danger." ¢Pussy's Breakfast." S¢ New Illustrated Songs. SC -- ee se esien---- Queen St. Methodist Church Under Auspices of Ladies' Aid: Excursion to Toronto and Return VIA G.T.R. Tuesday, July 16th, 07. Special Train, 8 a.m. Fare, Adults $3.35; Children under 12 $1.70. All tickets good returning any regular train except No. 4, wp to and including July 18th. Harry Nicholson, GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, 149 SYDENHAM ST. GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. . A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils enthusiastic reception. always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. Kingston & Pembroke Ry. Go. TENDERS. MARKED | "TI For Station At Cilabogie," will be re- eind at the office of the undersi until: noon, July 6th, 1907, for building a station and etait plans and specifications may be seen at - the oitice of the undersigned, Kingston, or at the office of Mr. A. Barnet, Henirgw, (mt, The lowest or any tender not mneces- So CONWAY. Acting General Smperin- tendent, Ripgaton & ingston, Ony. . A ru. "Ont., July 2ud, 1907. Eat C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. -- ; TRY A FOUND OF MYERS War Buay's 3 "TENDERS platform at Calabogie, Pembroke Ry." some SAUSAGES CHD KI DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese hoard, 1:80 p.m., Thursday: Roller' Rink, afternoon and evenings Vaudeville, Ontario Park, {o-aight. ; Wonderland, every ufternoon and even ing. This day in history : Quebec founded, 1608; Battle of Gettysburg, 1868; Battle of Santiago, 1898. WHIC TELEPHONES 243--Business Oficsy 229--PFditorial Rooms. 202--Jobbing Department. Try us for Billheads, etc. Dinner Sets We have a féw of those job | sets left, you can save THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS All new up-to-date patterns, on every one of these sets. ONLY SHORT A FEW PIECES. Robertson Bros. WANTED Live Aris, oo ada to handle 'our meritorious and hi rade Cobalt and Larder ota ions. Correspondence solicited, LAW & CO, 28. 3.780-781 0 782 Traders Bank Buildi Tonto. ~ i emme--------------------------------------------------------te---- ROLLER RINK AFTERNOON, 2,30 to 5. EVENING, 7.30 to 10. Band every evening and Saturday after- noon. Select patronage. Dr. Brock's Epwiien Female riodlical ig sre monthly medicine. for ladies Sold x at he BART DRUG " Steset. alled on receipt of price--@1. SERPS ERE eet toni amass IT IS A FACT Where you.get good stuff you gain money and you il do that by buying your Stoves, Furmitire and OF as TURK'S Second-Hund Store, 398 Prin- cess street. ps eee IN THE GOOD OLD-FASHIONED] DAYS. i Powdered Wigs Formed An Impor- tant Adjunct to a Gentle- man's Apparel. It is safe to sav that the majority of bald men of to-day would gladly revive the old, dignified custom if they could. But, they can do the next best thing to it: that is, hold on to what hair they have. In cases where the hair root or hair bulb has not been completely destroy- od by parasites that infest it, New- bro's Herpicide will do wonders in the way of encouraging a new growth of hair. Destroy the cause, you ro- move the effect. That is the success ful mission of Herpicide. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, ble. and £1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. --------ET------------ ON SEPTEMBER 3RD. -- The Inspection Act Will Come Into Force. Ottawa, July 3.--The act passed 'at the late session of the Dominion par- liament proyiding for the inspection of meats, fish and canned goods, will not come into force on August 3rd, as originally determined, but on Sep- t mber 3rl, thirty days later. Much preliminary work in connection with the drafting of regulations for inspec- tion, the appointment and training of officials, etc., has to be done before the government will be ready to ade- quately enforce the act, and it has conse quently heen found advisable to wait another month before bringing act into force by proclamation. The All-Red Route. London, July 5.--At the Dominion day dinner, Sir Wilfrid Laurier had®an He made a spirited appeal for the all-red route, and paid an eloquent tribute to the fathers of confederation, "those far- sighted statesmen who builded better than even . they knew." Forty years ago confederation, he said, was a bond of paper; now it is a union of hearts. Our next step was an imperial one, for the time had come when an] all-red line must encircle the earth. Ee -------------- TE -- Well, Suppose You Did Fail . 'The first time. Is there anything worth while that goes mot involve patience and perseverance ? Can you sharpen an axe with one turn of the grindstone? Advertising' don't always pay--not by a long shot-- but don't blamu the paper. It always carries out its part. 'The troxble was somewhere else. Want to know where ? Ask 'the ad. wan. "Talks to twenty thou- KINGSTON, 'By A Street Car On Unfon Street. IONE LEG CUT OFF i LETLDA MACGILLIVRAY WAS ] THE VICTIM. She Attempted to Cross the Tracks at the Corner of Col- lingwood Street -- Motorman Was Unable to Prevent Collis- ion. About hali past mine o'clock this morning, Milda Macgillivray, the two-year-old daughter of James Mucgishivray, Collingwood street, ex- enginer of the fire department, met death on the street railway line with- in, sight of her home. Une of her legs was cat off, and she was otherwise injured externally and internally. She lived twenty minutes after the ac- cident. It seems that the little girl was playing on the road at the corner of Union and Collingwood streets. Car No. 18, in charge of Motorman Stan- ley Cadenhad and Conductor Malcolm Rvan, was coming from Portsmouth, with Mrs. (Dr.) Barber and another lady as passengers. The car had stop- ped at 1. A. Breek's former residence, a block away, and resumed its way towards the Alired street junction. It was running at average speed. When it approached Collingwood street the Little girl was still on the road, but suddenly darted for the trncks across which the way to her home led. A epllizion, was unavoidable. The motor- man reversed to the fullest extent, but the outside platform of the car struck the poor little tot on the fore head, inflicting a nasty wound. The child was knooked onto the track and , the wheels passed over her leg, severing it almost completely. When the car was stopped, the child was raised from the tracks, and car- ried to its- home. A house surgeon from the General Hospital went out, but the little one was beyond recov- ery, and breathed its last about twen- ty minutes after the accident. There was no fender on the car it seems, but according to reports, this did not cause the fatality, as it was the platform that struck and knocked down the child. Some of the cars are ejuipped with the new fender, while others are not. However, this matter will come out at the coroner's inquest. Dr. Mundell, coroner, and Police Constable Mullinger, visited the scene of the accident and the stricken household. The coroner decided ' to hold an inguest in the city council chamber at 7.30 o'clock this evening. The deceased child was a bright lit- tle tot. Only a couple of years ago death visited the same household and took another little one who was the joy of the home. To Mr. and Mrs. Macgillipmy, very dep sympathy is expressed. Ua It was at the same corner, Union end Collingwood streets, that the last death on 'the street railway line oc- curred, about six years ago. Mr. Fran- cis was struck while walking over the tracks in front of an approaching car, which he did not notice. The street railway has been lucky 'in the matter of fmtalities, only one occur- ring in a period of four or five years. Struck By The Train. An old resident of Tichborne, named Waugh, a former school teacher, was struck by a K. & P.RR. train, about a mile north of the village station, at 3.30 pm., on Tuesday, by the ex- press train coming south. He was in- jured about the head, was rendered unconscious, and = remains in that state in the general hospital. He is about eighty years of age, George Vandewater, standing on the car steps, saw the accident. Waugh had gotten on top of a 'high ridge of gravel which he thought was far en- ough away to let the train pass, but he miscalculated and was hit by the engine. The train was speedily stop- ped, backed up. picked up the injured man and brought him to the city for treatment. BURNED HER HUSBAND. fo She Might Marry a Former Lover. Scranton, Pa., July 3.--Mrs. Min- dra Howrato, aged eighteen years, of Dunmore, is in the county jail, charg- ed with having burned her husband to death, that she might be free 10 mar- ry her former lover, Ignatz Hutro, who is also in jail charged with be- ing an accomplice. The woman got her husband drunk and when he was stupefied in bed, she went to the room wih a kerosene lamp. She poured oil from the lamp on the bed and then, she says, the lamp dropped on the hed setting it on fire. To Put On New Steamer. Detroit, Mich., July 3.--Canadian artics in the. Georgian Bay region ave purchased the passenger steamer City of Grand Rapids, and naming the boat, the Wiarton, will run it be: tween Wiarton and Manitoulin Island, on the same route as that followed by the ill-fated steamer Jones, which was lost, with all hands, on Georgian Bay, last season. Sir Charles Tupper is eighty-six years of age and is still ous men- NTARIO. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. _ CAUSED DISSOLUTION. || Fe Is Head Of The Famous "One Hundred." , M. BODRITCHEFF-PUSILKIN, London, July 3.-M. Bobritchefi- Pushkin is head of the famous secret Russian organization called the "Black Hundred." He is the man who is credited with having caused the dis- solution of Russia's second national parliament, a few days ago, becauss of the great influcnce his wields at Tsarskoe-Selo palace. society MODUS VIVENDI. London, July 3.--Negotia- tions are proceeding slowly for a remewal of the New- foundland fisheries modus vivendi. Under the prompt- ings of Premier Bond, of Newfoundland, Great Brit- ain is endeavoring to secure a modification of last sea- son's arrangements, and also drastic means of over- riding the bait act. The proposed provisions are that no process shall be served on Newfoundlanders while they are serving on American vessels. EREHIEETFLEF CELA HEEEEN i Keen. A NEW LAW, Will Come Into. Force In Eng- land Next Monday. London, July 3.---The new work- mn's compensation act will come into force on' Monday next. Tt pro- vides, roughly speaking that every person employed at manual - labor whose wage: Joes not exceed £1,250, who is hurt in the employers' premis es, shall receive from his employer during the time he is unable to work fifty per cont, of his wages, so long as the fifty per cent. does not ex- ceed $5 a week. So long as an em- ployee is incapacitated the payment goes on, though it may be renewed by the purchase of an annuity equal to seventy-five per cent, of the annual value of the weekly payment. When death results from an injury the maximum compensations. fixed at $1,500 and the minimum wut £750. The law is called ill-considered and ill drafted, and it is prophesied that it will be a fertile source of litigation A CHALLENGE CUP. London, July 3.--~The Prince of Wales has accept- ed the presidency of the All-England Lawn Jennis Club, and has promised to give a challenge cup to be competed for yearly. He leaves to the club's commit- tee the decision as to the event which the cup will be alloted. The cup will like- ly become the object of In- ternational competition. EE EE ER EUR H EER EEL FEFFEREFEFFFERV ER SUBMARINE 'PHONES. Modern Methods For the Preven- tion Of Accidents. Cleveland, 0., July 3.--Many ves- sels on the great lakes are being equipped with wireless submarine tele phone apparatus, by which danger signals ean be received in time of fog. At all shoals and other danger points the government maintains lightships, or buoys equipped with hig bells, which are automatically rung during thick weather. It fre- quently occurs, however, that during storms and Togs thése warning sig- nals are not heard, and as a result vessels go ashore. By means of the submarine tele phone equipment these warning bells con be heard through a telephone re- ceiver placed in the ship's pilot house several miles away. Transmitters are placed on the light ship or buoys and the water conveys the sound waves, to receiser on board the ves sels. It is probable that within a short time practically all the vessels on the lakes will be equipped with the ap- paratus, . ; "Accompany The 14th Battalion." To Watertowmr: Monster celebration. Tickets good going Wednesday 2 pom. 'or Thursday 5 a.m; Leturhing regular tally and physically. His ¥irthday was sand daily." Tuesday. i trains Thursday. evening and Friday. To Marry Any One Twelve Mothers COLONELS IDEA ---------- TO HAVE A LITTLE WELL TRAINED, CHILD Offers to Wed One of the Young Women « of Des Moines Who Adopted Edna Haven - His Application is Filed. Des Moines, la., July bright-eyed Edna Haven, the three year-old baby who has been adopted by twelve society girls of Des Moines, has an opportunity to annex a father. Then she will have one father and twelve mothers, rather an unlucky combination, but one not distasteful to little Edna, Col. Henry Birchby, Los Angeles, who claims to be worth a million, has written to Edna Smyres, Des Moines, who at the present time is "'mother- ing" little Edna. Col. Birchby wants to marry any one of the dozen moth- ers. He says he isn't particular which one, since the devotion of the entire dozen to the little girl has deeply touched him, "1 know that I am in a position to give baby Fdna such a home as she should have, a splendid education, both at home and abroad, and fill her leisure moments with joy and glad- ness," writes Col. Birchby. "As for the young lady who, under these cir- cumstances, is willing to become Mrs. Birchby, I have only to refer to the mayor of Los Angeles or any other prominent citizen here as to my gual- fications for both a husband and father." Col. Birchby's proposal has caused more excitement among the twelve mothers of Edna than any event since the young women adopted the child at the Towa Children's Homa, where they found her an orphan. 'We might draw cuts to see which one will marry the colonol, just as we drew cuts to find which one should be the first mother to Edna. But 1 don't 3. Tiny, PITH OF THE NEWS. BERT RR ------ OE he b Very Latest Culled From Over the World. A Chautauqua motormpn was fatally injured in a collision, Barrie has fixed ' licenses at $50. Penctanguishene asks $100, Felice Nazzaro, ap Italian, won the autotiobile grand prize at Dieppe. Herbert 'Hart, a lad of sixteen, was drowned in the 'canal at Cornwall, i Canada's trade with Japan, in 1906, | inereund about hall 'a. willion dol ars, B The Paris Figaro says the new trea- ty between France and Canada will shortly be signed, A new ¥7,000,000 company is being incorporated tg 'develop the iron ores of the Port Arthur district. 'The strikes of the New York long- shorimen, and of the New York gar- Lage collectors are ended, Instructions were issued hy the min: ister of agricultore to cheese makers not to work on Sundays. (ieorge Peliour, of Lake Placid, N, Y., shot a policeman and was cap tured after an exciting chase. The SS. Tunisian, Allah line, from Liverpool for Montreal, inward, b miles cast of Cape Race, Nfld, Three trainman were killed and owe fatally injured in a collision in the Pennsylvania yards, at Sunbury, ° The RMB. Empress of Treland, C.P.R. line, from Liverpool, for Que- bee, 175 miles sant of Cape Race. X The Dominion Coal company broke all records, on Saturday, by shipping 20,000 tons of coal to the Bt. Law. rence alone. : Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador |! have united to frustrate President Zelaya's plans for a united Central America, : The walls of a fourstory office building, at Cincinnati, collapsed on forty lanorers but all escaped without serious injury. Chicago is to have a subway under- lying the whole dity from the lake front to Austin, and from Eyanston to the Indiana line. Miss Annie Aloro, of Guilfort, Miss,, nineteen years of gge, was struck by lightning while disrobing for her bath, andinstantl} killed. The sub-committee of the Peace Con- | ference, on Tuesday, discussed the pro- posal to adapt the Red Cross con- vention to sea warfare, Willium Smith, Hamilton, while standing in his skiff, was strock by lightning 'and knocked into the wa extra from ich he was rescued by ¢om- wide, at $1.75. wea - finish 4 fast colors--of Navy, Ch Balan Se beliove any of the girls has sufficient right to Edna to take her all by her- self and go away off to Los Angeles," said Miss Smyres. . 3 Col. Birthby's proposal has been "'re- ceived and placed on file." None of the girls is Fikes to marry him. LOVE OF HIS MOTHER. Causes Detective {fo Become a Monk, Rome; duly 3.--Capezutto, a well known officers of the Carabineers, who is considered to be the Italian Sher Jock Holmes, and who was mainly re- sponsible for the numerous arrests re- cently 'of members of the Camorra, af- ter the failure of the police to sup- press that society, has decided to join the Benedictines at Monte Cassino and become a monk. * The formalities of hig entry into the order have been completed, including a donation of £2,000. His decision was due to his aged and ailing mother, who has been worried to the point of death by her son's risk, his murder having been de- erced by the Camorra tribunal. - Cape- zutto will retive from the world lest his mother's death be hastened. WERE BADLY BEATEN, Students Were Injured in the Roman Streets. Rome, July 3.--~Twelve students for the priesthood, at the College of the Propaganda Fide, were mobbed, on the Pinzza Spagna by toughs, who were elated by the revent victory of the anti-clericals in the municipal elections. The students Were beaten, kicked and spat upon, They complain-! ed to their respective ambassadors, namely, the British, American, Ger- man, Austrian and Turkish, who, it in expected will send a joint note to Signor Titoni, minister of foreign affairs, asking that precautions ba taken in the future, and pointing out the great number of foreign clergy and students here. > MURDER OF DR. MAUCHAMP. Ten Innocent Persons Seized By Sultan. . Tangier, July 3.~Ten of the alloged assailants of Dr. Mauchamp, 'the French citizen, who was murdered in March last, have been sent here from Morocco City for trial, Actording to aufhentic accounts these men are en- tively innocent. The sultan's agents simply scized ten poor workmen and dragged them here, despite their pro- testations of innocence, While 'the real calprite, who are known, are at lib- erty. Nine of the ten men in custoty were strangers in Morocco City, and the other is a deaf mute, Will Take An Appeal. Windsor, Ont., July 3.--The praprie- tors of the McIntyre hotel, Manning houses and Oriental hotel have decided to appeal from the decision of Magis. trate Bartlett, fining them for keeping open after hours. These hotels were among the sixteen complained of "by the Foronto. detectives and fined fifty dollurs each and costs by Magistrate Bartlett, ---------------- Arrangements are being 'made' to charter steamships each of which will carry 2.000 Japimese from Honolulu + to Vancouver, B.C, Only $1.50. y Alexander * Coulter, Toronto, wis |! TU wenteneed, at Woodstock, to five years | 9 Homespun in the penitentiary. He was charged J} fa! with passing a forged cheque on all --twe Te t 8 ty ocal firm and attempting to pass one wide, at 75¢c. and 90c. at the Crown Bank, Other ood qualities fro Henry Martin Fowlds, one of the 25¢c. to $1. : oldest and best known' business men died, suddenly, of heart failure, on}] 36 Wednesday morning, at the Maples, Hastings, Ont. He was in his eighty- third year. 1 Alton lpving, six years of , Son of John Irving, tailor, Alvinston, Ont., fell off the overhead Grand Trunk bridge and when found was in an unconscious condition. The little fellow died this morning. y The royal commission has approved the application of the Grand Valley railway and granted a conditional order for its purchase and amalgama- tion with the Brantford street rail- way and the Woodstock, Thames Val- ley and Ingersoll electric railway. At the Hamilton police court, J. M. Barker, proprietor of the Flamboro June 26th, Fletcher Quail, Wi hotel, and Samuel VanNorman, a Ei Mie a Bloom bald. ; boarder, were committed for trial on a | CHAP ~--ALLEN--In inguton, charge of committing a criminal as- uly lst, 1907.0 g RR a Shon sault on Mary Coglin. Complain William Chafiman, both of this ant says the men locked her in a - stall, in Barker's stable, and then as- saulted her, : Although the deal has not yet been completed, there is very little doubt that the property of the Ontario] Nickel and Copper company, will soon pass into the hands of a syndicate of American / Capitalists, principally Rochester. men. The purchase price is considerably, over a million dollars. materials. --They will interest you-- | Steacy's QUAIFP-SCOTT=At s DIED. JENMAN--In Kingston, on July 2 Anna Jane Jenusn, wile of the George Jenman, 71 years of Funeral private, from the residence her som-in-daw. CQ, Lennox, © Barrack gnd Wellington streets, | morrow at three o'clock. MA CGILLIVRAY --A¢ 182 Collin street, of ul , 1907, Floise, youngest r of Sarah Macgilliveay, Years. p {| Funeral on Friday morning at i o'clock 'Asleep in Jesus." GREAT LOSS. Savings Bank Depositors Euchred Of Funds. | Berlin, July 3.~Depreciation in se enrities in Burope and the United| States, during the last four months has seriously affected savings banks throughout the Spire, The loss isi nerally estimated at $26,000,000. §. private Et i a-- Every night this week at 8 Matinee, .Fridey, at 3:30, Mr. and Mrs. Bi , ina Co etch, ""The 'Surprise. Dinner." ; any bankers have been obliged to suspend, among them they banking firm of Kilz, of Tin. Herr) Kilz is under arrest; entrusted wil the reinvestment of the funds of nd eral church societies, Kilz speculated on his own account, and finally lost not only his own fortune, but leo Ih savings 'of his depositors. is lia bilities are placed at $500,000. Thi bank had only $400 when seized. § The Traffic For June. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, July 3. Jupe] trafic through the Soo ship canalsi broke all records, and brings the sea con's total to date up to 17,788,3194 tons, This is slightly under three millions greater than for the - same] period last year. The total for June' was $5,865,442 tons, over a million in-] crease over May. Heavy. traflic was] noted in ore, grain and coal. Of the total tongage 7,033,626 was east bound | and 1,831 816 west bound. It is ex- pected that July and August will show still heavier teaffic, J The London." Daughters. of the Em- pire expéet to realize about $4,500 for} the South African sokliers' m t fund from their bazaar, i Fresh Tanglefoot fly 'paper at Gib | son's Red Cross drug store. one | HH i Miller's Grip Powders éure. For sale . for nothing is ! Sidon fn he ord ; "Our Flour is not' cheap, but give you the best value and th greatest satisfaction. * Ask for by W. H. Medley,