Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jul 1907, p. 8

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1 5h bs $2.50, $4, 95, $5.50, 36, 7, ¥8. ren's Muslin Dresses lo 8 411 sises, $1.75 to 96 each. Fit Linen Lawns ns yard. 'Summer Wear + . and Fancy , $1, $1.25; $1.50, 'Waist Suits also in Cotton, Marked vy Dress Linens variety, in every de in Black Mate- ed by an act passed in and .clote to Queen's University, which has been thrown open to the visiling doetors. "The . College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario' is the name on. JOIN. DICKSON, » of on, ret pre: nt the Ontario Brean Conen in 1866. ---------------------- allopted by the medical profession of Ontario in its corporate capacity. As every logally qualified medical praeti- tioner in the province is a member of this college, it is not an institu. tion for the teaching of medicine, The medical profession of Ontario was first incorporated under this name by an act of parliament of Canada, passed in 1866. This Bet was subsequently répealed by the legislature o Onitario in 1869; ar now the affairs of ihe rolession in this province are regulat- » 6 ged in 1874 (37 Vie., Cap. 30), dommonly known as the "Ontario Medical Act," and further amended in 1587, 1801, 1803, 1895 and 1902. : By this act, the council of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is empowered and directed to enact by-laws for the regulation of all matters connected with medical education; for the admission -and en- rolment of students of medicine; for deterntining from time to time the currienlum of the studics to be par: sued by them, and $0 appoint a board of examiners, before whom all must 'a satisfactory: examination be- ore they can be enrolled as members of the. college; and thus be legally u prov of Ontario, he ft moreover, has power dd authority, conferred npon it by = ot to" fix the terms upon which proétitioners of medicine, duly quali- SE "C JIONTDR. SULLIVAN.) ~~ oldest ol a Student of Dr. John may be ad- *o llege of of Ontario, mode in' which countries, "members of the and By Can. res aally entitled to ise their profession in vhis pro- . + of the council was The, fitst ohn R.. Dickson, of Kingston. who es "the year 1866-67. Dr. founders Savi R. +). Gibson, M.bB., Maric SE E. King, M. A. Macdonal : a ui, | tional matters, and is well-fitted to sit alified to practice their profession in | and Dr. File F wher in 'attendance at the | | . J 3 Snamgpovilie; 8. H, Glasgow, M.D., representatives--W. Britton, sto, University of Toronto; Western A Grant, ty, Ottawa. tives--E. T, CG. T. Camp- A. P. Hardy, M.D, M.h | St. Thou The first session was held this after noon; at {wo o'clock. officers were § tg, Pr. W. Dr. P. Bu ; ss . P. Btewart, ton; registrar, Dr. J. KE. Bray, Cha! % : Dr. Pyne was n nominated . as registrar, a has held since 1880, but he announced that he could not accept the office again. His announcement came as a surprise to his associates. His good half of medical education for the past Migses H. and A. Rousseau left for : Petawawa, to-day, to join their par- ents in camp. Dr. Kilborn returned to the city from Petawawa on Saturday. loeal customs' i duties for Tie amounted to er dh poison pads, kills them at once. Two Se, packages for Be, Only at Gib: son's Red Cross drug store. Rev. A. M. Gordon, of Lethbridge, & occupied the twenty-seven years, was: sp severgl. All regretted his decision. . J. L. Bray, who succeeds him, graduated from Queen's Medical Col lege in 1863. Two years ago, Queen's gave him an LL.D., in recognition of Jang service to the medical profession. '} new president, Dr. W. Spankie, of this city, or obably more cor- rectly to'say Wolfe Island, just over the harbor, is also a Queen's man. Ho graduated as B.A. in 1862 and as M.D. in 1885. For years past he has been inspector' of Frontenac schools, as well as a medical practitioner. He is deeply interested in all educa- in the presidential chair of the body that legislates upon medical education in Ontario. Last year, Dr. Spankie was vice-president. ---- DIVISION COURT. Cises Heard To-day By Judge Madden. Judge Madden heard these division court cases to-day : Joseph Abramson vs. Willmm Me- Donald; account, $11.0}. Adjourned. Ambrose Kent vs. J, G. Evans; ac count, $5.40. Judgment for plaintiff. Nugent & Graham vs. John F. Ber- ryman; account, $34.25. Judgment for plaintiff for $25 and costs. W. J. Reid vs. John Trimer, et al; account, $10.07. Judgment for pri- many creditor in full, C. Purdy .vs. George Fraser, et al; account, $17.98. Judgment for pri. mary creditor in full. J." 0. Hutton vs. John Cameron, et al; note, $19. Judgment for primary creditor in full, . J. 0. Hutton vs. Joseph Kennedy, et al; note, $12. Judgment for pri- mary creditor in full. ; William Pollitt vs. John Lawson, for $10.20, and against J. Bedford, for $7.30. Both cases adjourned. William Pollitt vs. John Hammond: account of $24. Judgment for plain- tiff, Gardiner; ac- James Baker vs. L. count, $27.25. Judgment for plaintifi for $10.75 and costs. James Norris vs. D. Hartman, et al; loan, $10. Judgment for primary ereditor in full. C. L. Curtis vs. John Saunders, et al; account, $35.64. Judgment for pri- mary creditor in full. W. J. Morgan vs. D. D. Young; ac- count: $25. Adjourned, W, P. Lemmon vs. Julian Samuels; notes, $42. Transferred to Belleville. PURCHASED BUSINESS. Messrs. Reid And Charles Take Over McDermott's Shoe Store. Messrs. Allan Reid and George Charles have purchased the hoot and shoe business of D. J. McDermott, Princess street, and are now in charge. Both Mr. Reid and Mr. Charles are well known to the Kingston public, and should receive liveral patronage. Mr. Reid has been connected with Me- Permott's store for five yeats, and is thoroughly acquainted with every- thing, in this line of business. The store contains an up-to-date stock in every respect, and the goods handled are always reliable. The young Kingstonians are putting forth every effort possible, to meet the wants of the people, and all wishing to purchase footwear should give them a call Shall We Be Beaten ? pulpit at Cooke' church, Sunday work on be- | evening, s : Misses Agnes and Mand Patterson, he of i rly of 1 2 1 : on Baturday evemng, for Moose Jaw, askatchewan ' S Driver W. G. Marshall, of the R.C. H.A., after visiting his wife for the past few days, returned, to-day, fo the camp at Petawawa. Arthur O'Leary, for some few months ticket clerk at Folger's, has : , and has accepted a position with the Dontinion Express company. Rev. Alexander E. Cameron, B.A. has acsepted the call to Melrose, « le, ete., in Kingston preshy- tery. Wis induction will take place about the middle of July. G, H. Gibson, of the Hiawatha Male Quartette, sang "One Sweetly Solemn Theught," in Princess Street Methodist church, on Sunday, which added much to the worshipiul spirit of the evening's service. On Monday . morning, July lst, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Asselstine, formerly of Kingston, their eldest daughter, Clari¢sa, wees mar ried to Clarence G. Young, editor of the Trenton Courier, by Rev. R. Bam- forth. The bride was arrayed in a white organdie dress; ornament, a sunburst of pearls, gift of the groom. Her travelling suit was of navy blue ladies' cloth. AT THE POLICE COURT. George Lloyd Is In Trouble Again. George Lloyd, the Princess streét florist, is in trouble again. According to the police court record, he is very seldom clear of trouble. In the police court this thomiifig, he was found guilty of being drunk and disorderly, and fined $10 and costs, with the op- tion of one month at Castle Corbett. He will probably raise the price for his freedom. x Lloyd went om a spree Saturday, and used insulting language to Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine, who lives near the corner: of Chatham and Sixth streets, and who appeared in' the po- lice court, against the prisoner. Lloyd was taken to the eels by Comstable Thomas Mullinger. The officer said that Lloyd was very much under the influence of Hquor, and that the pris- oner had also used insulting language towards him. "I got one man and I don't want two," said Mrs. Catherine to the eourt when givine her evidemee. : The magistrate said that he had no doubt about Lloyd misbehaving him- self, and thereupon imposed the fine already mentioned. Robert MoCanlay, an old offender, was fined and costs for being drunk, although he made a strong plea 'to be allowed to go on suspend- ed sentence. Another drunk was fined 82 and costs. *. -------- SCOTTISH PICNIC. Held At Long Island Park On Dominfon Day. The local Sons of Scotland held a picn'e at Long Island Park on Mon- day, and had a large crowd of peo ple with them to emjoy the holiday. 'Lhe sports resulted as follows : Tossng the caber--William Pyron, Austin Macdonald. Men's foot race, open--William Elder, William Smith. Ladies' foot race, open--Mrs. Hart, Florence Miller, The two great English universities, Oxford and Cambridge, complete the educational courses with a foreign tour. The heir apparent to every Eu- English nobility, sometimes the education of travel. Can are few w ol Lectures," now being presente tives, -------- Driver Averted Damage. The team of horses attached to ow the British. morning. A bolt holdi 'of the waggon broke, ed yelping at the horses as the came loose. The horses bolted, Hotel. t candidates. ; Vital Statistics. Daring June, aronto, U < t Griffin, M.D, Hamilton, Vie cg; E. Rysn, M.D, five : deaths, 3B, ropean throme is not considered fit L to reign until he has seen other lands | than his own. All the members of the 'agli i at the Mrs. cost of great self-denial, insist that | their sons and daughters shall receive Jessie Brown. Canadian | ts afford to be outdone by the Campbell. English nobility ? Of course we can- not all of us send our children around | Three-legged the world in person, but the families Brien, Kerr and Maclean. hich eannot afford the slight expense of "John L. Stoddard's T'rav- here in book form by his representa- M. Marphy. the chestra and the society's pipers. " waggon of No. 1 fire station t into trouble on Clarence street, i American Hotel this on™ the tongue a dog start-\ 4 ond, in each case, a fine was Driver F. A. Reid directed them onto "the shissulk alongside he Mroquais tongue narrowly cscaped lo 4 3 through one of the windows. : to have all offenders smnm The driver's manoeuvre Was SO suc tessful that neither the waggon nor ual to 0 ackie, of the Highland : a son of the manse, has taken third place in the list of forty £ these ita) statistios LK Be ht a mano, 3:3. Boys' race, under fourteen--H. El mer, P. Meleod. Girls' race; wnder fourteen--Maggie Sands, Eterna Campbell. Men's race; over fifty--M. Bowie, Gu Wilsom. «© Members' wives raco--Mrs. Atkins, Girls race, six to ten----Flo. McGee, Extras vace--Jane Wilson, Mary Boye" race--Alex. Bain, R. Jamieson. a and O% Ladies' race, over forty'"Mrs. Hart, Mrs. Putting the ston -William i Linton Hop, step and jump C. Parkhill, C. Jackson. Music was furuid<1:1 by Crosby's or "3Move On" Crusade. Street corner. loafers must "move Some time ago the police sum- moned several offenders to she police . This put a stop to the for a timo, but now it is stated that the loafers are at their old tricks again, and orders have been t! imposed to the police court. Irishumen Defeated. The Trishmpn plaged a game of ball with a picked team at Lake Ontario Park, Dominion day; snd were defeat- of by a score of 3 to 3. The bat- teries ~ were: For Irishmen, Sullivan and Moore; for picked team, Turcott and Tilson. Archibald Riley was the umpire, 2 = Fashion's favorite Skirts are to' be found here. A fine collection of Ladies' Tailored Walking Skirts in all the new light shades in checks and stripes, new and exclusive styles, and all mod- erately priced. 3.50, 3.75, 4.50, 4.99 and on up to 6.50. WHITE DUCK SKIRTS, 1.49 to 4.50. Special in Ladies' Handkerchiels To-Morrow. 59 dozens Ladies' Pure Linen SHEER Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 8c Each. These are worth 12 1-2c regularly. Summer Underwear Women's Fine Cotton Undervests, 25¢, 15¢, 20¢, 12 1-2C. Fine Swiss Undervests, 35c, 49c. Children's Summer Undervests, 10C, 12 I-2C, 15C up to 35c, all sizes. wr . : ---------- -- White Shoe Polish | 5 fi npn } eos AND ------ White Shoe Laces Sometiting almost every lady wants and you might as well have We sell--White r, "a liquid," i i Ald hits a Tiquid, put up in 10c. and 2c. sizes "Blanco, "a paste," pu i ins % i made in Enand and ay nine & a i bots ar Ie, Two-In-One, "a liquid," put up in 10c. size. : We have--Wide Silk Tassel End Laces at 23c. A Narrower White Silk Tassel Fad at 15¢. + 7 And a Mercerized Silk Tassel Fnd at 10c White Cotton Laces, two pairs for Se. : { The Lockett Shoe Store. P.8.--We have some English Styles in Club y and Gentlemen. They sell. from $12 to $25. Bags, both for Ladies ated ---- Given at this 21 pue Sunyeun pairing FUR GAR Conditions ar for having the sible work don: are positively a your Furs will b you when requ phone 489, or di card and we wi waggon ' for yo Only experts in tory. "John McKay F 149-1 5 Br ALWAYS IN Whether we have Ww cold, sunshine or rain, QUEEN Bi No Is always in season am mand. Imported direct from Mm. and one Ib. packag 50 and Jas, Redde: IMPORTERS OF FIN sm----------------------------- §c NOTI (WONDEF Will not be open on' 4th of July. The total erland, on TUESDAY, be for the benefit of tb Hospital: Moving Pictures for day are the best. "Chaxlie"s Pa "Carman In I "Pussy's Brea SC New Ilustrat Queen St. Meth Under Auspices of Excursion to Toror VIA G.T Tuesday, July Special Trair Fare, Adults $3.35 ; $1.70. All tickets go regular train except N including July 18th. Hairy Mi GRANITE & ~~ WOR 149 SYDEN (COR. PRE GASO Put in Yo at Our - A large stock teries, Spark PI always on hand. SELBY & LIMIT Kingston & Pem TENDERS MAR For Station At Calnd edind at the office until: noon, July 15th, a station and plat Ont. Detail . plans and spf seen at - the oflice | Kingston, or at the Barnet, Henipew, (mt The lowest or any sarily atcepred. ¥F. CONWAY, Actin wendent, Kingston Kingston, Ont. Kingtton, Ont., Jul GC. H. F ; Carpenter a 103 Rag TRY A PC « , MYERS 50% 5 war : : i i MAD) 's Break)

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