it has arrivea to-day. : alues y Splendid values at the J e above low prices. § oing the work. il work. be ranted if -- Syed. : service, 2 watering, and could not get it. more carts be_socured. =a Agreement With County. for the county attendance, clothing, ete. . asked to bave ratified. t. -- Other Business. | three with reference to raising of mon- ey for certain city purposes, and an- others for the construction of certain concrete walks. Ald. Rigney moved, seconded by Ald. Robertson, that extra watering carts be secured at once.~--Carried. Ald. Givens moved that the city pro- perty committee be given power to act in regard to rebuilding the fence at the fair grounds, which was destroyed by fire, on Thursday. Ald. Rigney moved that the council direct the parks, water and fire com- mittees to make provision for water- ing Macdonald Park, the grass in which is being burned up. Ald. Carson, chairman of water works, stated that Sherifi Dawson wished to know if the city would give water for the court house lawns which also are being burned up. The city gets the benefit of the lawns there. Ald. Rigney changed his motion, to include the other parks and the court house lawns. Some of the firemen could be secured to do the work. The hose could be attached to the hy- ts. Ald. Gaskin thought it wasn't fair to the ratepayers to give free water for the parks and court house lawns. The city had too many parks, govern- ment institutions and charitable in- stitutions, be said. The ratepayers would likely suffer by these free grants. The motion of Ald. Rigney was car ried, the desire of the aldermen being to have the parks kept green during dryt weather, so as to im visitors 3 not . X that the city so- city as discount on "B0h, but a hat *, as Monda. Tonsday shout adjourned at 9.20 RE : £ { i | i i i | § £ fg i 7 T kk i i ; Rare, Cure, mabufactured by ¥. J.| At thi Cheney ;# Toledo O., contains no |game preserve is a refrigerator. . directly and" io taken | ally, acting For tired, sore, worn out feet use taces ot the system Hall's | Eas'em, 25c. a large tin. Medley's. Sataith Lure be 'thei Tho Belgians as potato eaters far g ee in the Irish. ¥ qf Prion 785: tion, Ving for of taxes on lot in front of the Hotel Dieu hospital at present used as a public thorough- Ridean Raglan Road, be not granted this year, it being impracticatfe to extend | tures in tint by Underwood. Thomas the street Navsing area with the pre- | Nelson P contributes a story of for > life on the Maine coast, full of charac- ter;humor and pathos. There is an- authorized to accept the lowest ten- | other of Frank Tooker's rollicking der for the laying of the Queen street sewer extension and for the timber y ' walls, provided the cost does not ex- | with a Parisian cafe setting. the estimated cost of the pro- ------------------------ That "the hairman and engineer be was In conasction with the report a dis cussion took place regarding the street ing of watering. Ald. Kignev declared thay [4% the street watering was not giving s4- tisfaction. More cc15 should be so- months, resulting from apoplexy. The at once so that e getter mer: | jecpmed was born ner Williamstown, vice could be given. Ald. Douglas fifty-three years ago. In his younger and Ald. Graham also spoke of the days he served in a bank. About unsntisf, thirty years ago he came to King- ston, and later engaged in the boot actory h Ald. Gaskin stated that this season i and shoe business, having a fine store there had been more dry winds than usual, and that was a big considera: {on Princess street, beside the Ran- dolph hotel, for many Jouee, He out out of that business for a time anc |mgincer had recommended that {followed insurance, but later opened another be got at once, and the Board up another shoe store on Princess of Works had instructed him to secure below "Montreal street. Later he re presented the Frontenac Cereal com- pany on the other side, and recently that more carts would be got | was travelling tative for the without delay so that the street wa- | Canadian Order Chosen Friends. tering area could be extended as there were other citizens who wished street | Rideau ward in the city council. He served later as city awditor and also or Mowat and Ald. Rigney hop- Ald, in mmid that the city engi- meer had advised that the street wa. | W.0. Rifle Regiment. tering limits be not increased until R. Meek, secretary of the House of 1 i coneern- 3 . |The eldest daughter is Mrs. Burrows, ng 8 ow agreement with the Sounty lof Belleville, well-known: in musical . The proposed circles ns such a clever violinist. Mr. agreement is similar to that at pres. | Armstrong's present wife was Miss ent in force, the rate to be oh a | Ford, of this city, a most estimable week for each county inmate being | lady : 81.50; the county to provide medical A county council deputation, con- sisting of County Clerk Edwards and Councillors Miller, Foley, McGregor and Briceland, was present in connco- tion with the agreement, which they A by-law was passed ratifying the agreemen Several other by-laws were passed, Tinsel. Away This Morning. Ald. Nickle pointed out that several jon the court of revision. In politics other sections had applied for street [be was a liberal, and in religion a member of Chalmers church. Years ago he was a captain in the 14th P. Five children were born, the two eld- tors and one son residing at home. The deceased was a most popular citizen, who made many friends. The funeral will be private on Monday morning, service at the house to be held at ten o'clock. Turn On The Lights. the citizens regarding the street light- ing on nights when the moon has not risen or when it is obscured. Last night was an instance. Between nine and ten o'clock it was very dark, but the street lights were not turned on. The moon did not rise till late. More care needs to be exercised in regard to turning on the lights. There should be no mistake made to-night about the matter, Improving Nicely. George Armstrong, the victim of Friday's shooting accident, is \mprov- ing nicely, and will probably be able to return ., nis work on Monday. No farther information has as vet heen received from the officers of the 49th Regiment, in reference to the shoot- ine. although it was reported here that the men would be placed under court martial. Before Going Camping. Call at "The Red Star," and get your supply of sardines, pickles, cel ery-relish, salmon, lime juice, rasp- berry vinegar, canned goods, bananas, and oranges. Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess street, phone 775. ------ Soldiers' Trip Abroad. The 14th P.W.0. Rifles will leave for Watertown, N.Y., on Wednesday evon- ing, at 7.30 o'clock. The steamor Am- erica will carry the regiment to the Cape. It has been definitely decided that No. 3 company, C.A.8.C., will accom- pany the 14th on their trip over the border. Monday Is Dominion Day. Buy your new hat to-night, and buy it at Camppell Bros', where you are absolutely certain of getting the correct style. No old stock there. At The Police Court. v [given a chance to change their ways, at One will go to Cape Vincent and the other will sail on one of the boats running out of Kingston. special minion day, at 10:15 a.m. f Two first appoarance drunks were the police court, this morning. Speed, Safety, Scenery. All engo if you take Caspian's dow 1.000 islands on Do- drug stove. ter thief and charmingly impudent gentleman, hero of the series, finally meets and outwits Sherlock Holmes " . a July Century is a "Fiction Num- J ber." Mrs. Frances Burnett's "The The Board of Worns report recom- | Shuttle" and Elizabeth Robins' "Come mended toat the petition of M. Sulli- | and Find Me" grow in strength. Abby Meguire Roach's "Manifest Des- street, from Bay street to | tiny," story of a fascinating fellow's multitadinous love affairs, has six pic- Kerrigan stories, and James Huneker has a strange tale of eastern magic, . THE LATE D. F. ARMSTRONG That, the petitions for concrete walks nap 3 ny - A Well- Known Citizen Passed The death occurred early this morn- ex-Alderman David Franklin Armstrong, at his residence on John- son street, after an illness of several In 1901, Mr. Armstrong represented Mr. Armstrong was twice married, his first wife being Miss Downing, daughter of the late James Downing'. er girls being married, and two daugh- There is still much kicking among that thronged our store to better advantage than we did. We have a large staff of clerks in anticipa- tion of Saturday's big rush, but we would advise all our patrons to come as early oi Jom olood cool" Abby Salt, | in the day as possible and They are fresh at Gibson's Relfthus insure the very best is season of the year the best | attention, PRINCESS S). CHURCH our own make, only 80c., at Wade'sf This Charge Bhould Have. the Stems, Loyal Support of All City Methodists--The Filling of the in Pulpits on Sunday. v : marching. - Rev. F. H. Sproule, B.A., appointed The city council held a special meet- | "4 man's wife should fisayale the pastor of Prides Street Methodist 3 in doubt, be a successful instrument tr amsgtlan : tie Files A Fr IR Magasine building up Methodism in this im- as his dog lived during po part of the temporary stories of other a, = Princess stree} church holds a . running a series of stories t rival] unicue place in Methodism, in King- Rov. Father Mea, on bebalf of the | (ho Sherlock Holmes and Raffles tales. | Jo" » ph should have th. herrty sur- Indeed, Arsene Lupin, the French mas- port and co-operation of all loyal members and adherents of the church. "| portant part of the city. REV. F. H. SPROULE; B.A. leaders. the conference, -- Church Services. service and gospel. address. Strangers courteously welcomed. Prayer service, 8 p.m. Wednesday. a.m., "That Healing Touch": 7 p.m. "Isreel's Bread in the Wildernpss.' to all services. All seats free. the morning service, Queen Street Methodist church-- Rev. W. H. Sparling, B.A., pastor, A Huge Success ! ---- George Mills & Co's. Great Removal Sale. -- Thursday, the opening day of our Removal Sale, was even greater than we expected. We served more customers than in any other single day in all our 28 years' experience. Hun- dreds of well pleased buy- ers of Hats, Caps, Furs, etc, can testify to the un- usual bargains characteris- tic of this sale. To the many who went away without being waited upon we offer our sincere apolo- gies, but we really could not handle the great crowds DAY, JUNE will preach, 11 a.m., day school, 2:45 p.m; vice, 8 p.m., Weds First Songrogn tions of Wellington T Charles Villiers, pj. at 11 am. and Tpp fHE NEW PASTOR OF morning service: A cord Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Bor. rie and Karl streets--Pastor, Rev, ¥ Macgillivray, D.D. 3 "Turping Aside to Sce, "H he Workl 'Has o¥ 5 Region Of Human Life." "Sunday school, 3 p.m.: Sunday school picnic, Wednesday, 1 p.m., from , is an honor iptaduate of jes Douglas, 1 Gaskin toria University, and a man een Pes, Craig, i ,. Free, : | Carter's Iron Pills, she cannot be, for | © ys. hos Graham, McCann, i make of et , as well as of spiritual be h Milam, Nie: they her Heck like a different f 0 He is assuredly the "right man : i the right place," and will, no BIS isin CITY AND VICINITY. Uneasiness In The Stomach. That's the complaint to prove indigestion at once, get- tles the stomach and makes you well, and all for 25c. per bottle. Should Be Sung Everywhere, day hymn, by Rev, vear at its introduction, should sung in"all churches to-morrow, aso reverent expression of a nation's feel. ings. Copice may be procured at the Whig office during this evening, -- 1,000 Islands--Rochester, Steamers Nortn King and Casplay "10: | the Nottingham will be used for the points daily except Monday. ing leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte SEAMER AFLOAT CAPT. JOHN DONNELLY HAS .- ONE OFF. The News Came to Kingston on Friday Afternoon--Deserving of Great Credit TFor His, Work. : Capt. Thomas Donnelly received a message, on Friday afternoon, stating thet the steamer Nottingham, ashore at Buffalo, had been floated and that the gteamer Smith will be taken off in a short space of time. - The Bulfalo Courier of Thursday Saud : : "he work of releasing the big steamers Nottingham and Smith, driv- en on the beach at the foot of South Michigan stregt, in the big January gale, is progressing very favorably. Yesterday afternoon the Nottingham, which is the boat upon which Capt. Donnelly has centred his operations for some time, was sent forward about the boat to deep water, and it is ex- Be that she will be able to float herself to-day with her own steam. "Capt. John Donnelly, who has had charge of the wrecking operations for the Donnelly Wrecking and Salvage company, Kingston, Ont., is deserving of great credit for his success in what at one time seemed to many to be a hopeless task. The channel made for . » Smith also. -- Marine Paragraphs. ports and Rochester, N.Y. J.P Lar v's, Friday night, on her trip up. Ontario Medical Council. b> q The Ontario Medical Council annui { from Richardson's for Cleveland, to opening in the counail Chamber of the at two o'ciack on Tuvs- | here for about twemtyl minutes, Fri- | day afternoon, with a party of Ro- | chester people, who are tounng In appearance the building itself isa credit to the energetic congregation, and every department of the church work is ably conducted by efficient Left For A Trip. tern Ontario command, left at for Toronto to spend a few days. He be at Peterboro on Thursday and Friday | Rideau canal points, with wood for | with two barges, and cleared for Montreal, with two barges. Indications point toward a parson- age bey erected on a site near the chrch, in the near future, and if his were accomplished, Princess Street Methodist could not help but be con- sidered one of the most desirable sta- tions outside of the great centres in Helped The Good Cause. A member of the Humane who lives on King street, and keeps a | dish of water on her lawn for was gratified, yesterday, by a A citizen who poes | by every day, handed her 50c. for the | iety, saying his dog took a diitk every time it passed the house, | down, Saturday morning: Picton, in, * | yesterday: the steamer Caspian, down, | to-day: the steamer Hamilton, in, to- Bethel church--At 11 a.n., ndiiress by Mrs. G. A. Mackenzie; 7 p.m., song ooke's Presbyterian church, Brock street--The pastor, Rev. W. S. Mac- Tavish, Ph.D., at both services. Sun- day school and Bible class, at 3 p.m. Heals Like A Magic. Ointment is more healing application. antiseptic and germicide. prevents the infection of wounds germs and it destroys the germs that cause annoying ukvots fia dissaay. Cures Jaws, | sire to travel in fordign lands and not Sal eum, Scal ead, Cold Sores, | Erysipelas, Fen, ete. Jn big boxes, | Europe, but visited Greece, Asia, Pal- 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. Brock Street Mothodist church-- Ser- heals, it 'at Yale Divinity school. He next vices at 11. am. and 7 pm. Rev. T. E. Burke, B.D. pastor, will preach. Sunday school, at 3 pm. Young Peo- ple's Society, at % pm. Monday. or | ANE "ton Latin School. and First Baptist Church.--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 Cow Was Killed. Early last night, a street car com- | turer, which for about twenty years ing in from the outer station, -struck | knew no interruptions save those due and killed a cow, owned " White of Stephen street, The accident |{ries, "The publication of his lectures occurred at the corner of Bagot and wandered | ination of his original pian. From away from its nearby pasture, on to tp. first it was his intention as soon the motorman Was |as his series of travel, lectures could unable to stop the car in time. The {4 completed, to offer them in endur- animal was not killed outright, word Jing form to a ten-fold larger au to | diemce than he could reach with his |- . shoot it, so as to end its sufferings: The officer hurried Sunday school and Bible class, 2.45 pm. A cordial welcome to strangers Sydenham Street Methodist. --Rev. Charles A. Sykes, R.D,, pastor. 11 o'clock, "The Prophetic Function of the Ministry." 7 p.m., "The Priest- ly Function of the Ministry." Next Sunday and durine July and August the Sunday school session will be held at 1215 o'clock, immediptelyr after e scene, but [\.] far and wide throngh many a to t and + Bn before he was able to clime and kingdom of the civilize Your Blood Needs Iron. The iron in your blood takes oxygen from your lungs and with it destroys harmful waste matter blood lacks iron some of these poisons disease and be strong and well, enriching your blood S | car load of berty boxes this year ow- They gre a great In! ring, reducing the crop one-half. Money back if not satisfactory. A Lad's Success notice the success of a Kingston boy, Master Jeremy Taylor, son of Jeremy Taylor, agent of the Bank of British prize in the Toronto . note competition, with a bird record J. B. Williams, of 'Varsity's biologi- cularly good, and well written," and wrote the author a letter of congratulation. from a few country tramps as this Alired street boy. A Lady Iniured. while driving on Prin- the wheels of a waggon were several steel ranges, broke and threw the occupants of the seat, Mr. and Mrs, Vannorman, to the ward under the horses feet. either kicked or struck by one of the for a very serious the flesh between the ankle Dr. 1. G. Bogart had to put in eleven stitohes to draw the wound together. The Indy was also University avenue. M. W. Haynes amd wife, G. Clarke and wifp, Rochester; Robt. K. Buffalo; E. T. David, Wyo- ming; Lieut.-Col. ton; W. Bailey, Bristol, Eng.: Henry Christmas, Mon- treal: W. Joffrey Moffatt, Edmonton; John Bennett and wife, F. © rd and wife, Rochester; Ab. Seeley al Fuller and wife, G. J. Davis and wife, i 2 FT. Mitchell, C. . Neilson, Montreal; The steamer Alexandria was at Fol- The steamer Midland Quuen cleared load coal for Jackfish, a harbor in Lake Superior, and will then proceed The steamer Island Wanderer was the Thousand Islands. : 'odd The barge Mary Louise arrived irom R. Crawford. y i The steambarge Westport passe on her way to Brockville. RH Co.: The tug Bronson, up, Swift's: The steamer Dundumn, day. -- A Short Sketch. John L. Stoddard, the noted travel lecturer, was born in Brookline, Mass. He graduated at Williams CoMege, wt | valedictorian of his class in 1871, and then studied theology for two years ht Latin and French in the Bos. In 1874 he was able to gratify a long cherished de- nly - made the customary tour of {estine and Egypt. He then stadied in Germany and upon his return to America begen his carer as a lec to his repeated visits to remote coun- | is not an afterthought, but the eul- voice. On retiring from a Kie of tra- {world, he has selected for a home, in which to spend his life, the favorite residential suburb of Meran, the for- mer capital of Tyrol. A Light Berry Crop. Grant Pike stated, on Saturday | morning, that unless the weather al- tered within a few days the crop of | small. fruits would be light and of poor quality. He expects to use but - one ing to the severe winter and cold | Melons, of which twelve acres are planted on the St. Lawrence fruit farms, will be too late for the sum- mer trade among the islands, if they ripen at all. Mr. Pyke's report may be taken for Easterm Ontario, as he has the largest fruit farms in the east. Only Muster Inspection. The 14th P.W.0. Rifles will have mus- ter inspection on Tuesday evening at the armouries. It is not likely there will be any field inspection this year, as Col. Gordon, 0.C.E.0.C., has all | along been observing the work of the regiment, and hence does not require to put it on the field for special in- spection. The chairmen of the water, fire and parks committees 'will meet to, ar- range for the watering particularly of Macdonald Park during dry weather. Macdonald Park is badly burned up. It should have been attended to be- fore. Don't forget that Crother's celebrat- 'clusively at Medley's Drug Store. The Invalid's Toe, Beet, Pa and Wine, 50c., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there. Bibby's for swell bathing suits. Lime Juice in pint bottles, 25c. Medley's. Ireland holds the record for centen- arians. ; The city ¢ouncil should order new flags for the city buildings. The pres- ent ones are not fit to be exposed. SE -- High as the Quality, High- est in Public thirty-five feet, until pow her bow ng in Rp water. A mig one eo v hundred feet wide and from ten to INS ae Jeet deep has been dredged from ® We have just received from the Dresser, a choice lot of Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and AL~ TERATIONS on' your Furs W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER | to. Fort William. 78 and 80 BROCK ST. SOUVENIRS A Sterling Silver Spapn, or ston as a rememberance friends in distant or foreign useful and interesting novel- Enamel Souvenir Hat Pins, 100 Dozen Ribbed Cotton Hose In Tan Shades, just the thing for around during vacation, will hardly wear out. : AHA 81-2, 0,091.2. We sell : them at 25c. ajpair. To night while the lot lasts they. are yours 19¢. a Pair SEE THE DAINTY {Swiss Rib- bed Vests £ For ladies that we are selling for 15c. each, with or without sleeves. Sold elsewhere at 20c ed Rideau chocolates are sold ex-|3 rf £ Newman & Shaw FCI NSIIIIISIISICIINAINON Trade at Bibby's to-night. Gordon White, of Watertown, came over from Watertown, to-day, to visit +} with friends over Sunday. Try Bibhy's for yours. buy blood coolers Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All sseeeseesres 2 Gold in Buwilig Ladies' day at the Yacht mises delightful things, Th will be on Wednesday next, day long the. club will be f) to the gentler sex, who, } have been admitted but nights, and race regatta da will be tea in the afternoon, the hostesses will he Mrs. Iv rs. F. Strange, Mrs. J. bell and Mrs. H.W. Richard "Miss Mabel Gildersleeve a Mabel Dalton assisting they "days" are for all who have their mankind connected club, and all visitors will be welcomed. The ladies in cb expecting a good turnout of with launches, skiffs, hott 9 on, so that our lovely lake sist in making the day a su is to be hoped that people out and make the yacht clu of social life in the city. T hop in the evening will finish ay. a... 2 The Country Club has bees its usual quota of quiet litth four and six ladies, who McGill Unive MONTREAL, Session 1907-19 Colirses in Arts; ied Architecture, Chon Met. 'Theory and Practice of Railway Civil Electrical, Mechanical a ing incering) Law, Medicin Commerce, Matriculation Examination: examinations for Second Yes bitions and Third Year Schol will commence on September 9 Lectures in 'Arts, Apphed | Medicine and Commerce, will hy $i igiteinier 18th; in Law, on Seg Particulars regarding examin Diralce requirements, eours study, foes, etc., can be obtain application to J. A. NICHOLSON, M. Regist ---- ee Royal Vietoria College Mo: A residential hall for the wom dents of McGill University, Sj on Sherbrooke street, in close mity to the University buildings laboratories. Students of the ( are adnfitted to the courses in of McGill University on identical with men, but mainly in se classes. In addition to the le given by the Professors and Lec of the University, students are as by resident tutors. Gymnasium ing pink, tennis courts, ete, Seb ships and Exhibitions awarded qually. _ Instructions in all branches of in the McGill Conservatorium of M For further particulars address The Warden, Royal Vict College, Montreal. a 2, PR IT'S A SIGN OF WISD vien a man takes out a Policy Fire Insurance on his perso effects, his home, and belongin It is a sign of folly when he glects to do this. He may th he is a wise business man, ) 2obody will believe him if he glects such an important mat as his Fire Insurance. How do 3 Stand in this respect ? Insured otherwise ? If the latter, you } better see us right away and us fix you up a policy that .v 8:ve you ample protection in ¢ of an accidental blaze. We g liable Insurance at low Tates, - T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington St. TO-=-N Ladies' 'Open Work and 1 TO-NIGET, 25c. and 35¢. pai WASH COLLA See the big range of Colla each, i EMBROIDERE] 10 dozen Embroidered Tu NIGHT, each 5c. Tape Girdle Corsets somet | Store, very Special at 50c. Sunitner Corsets, with Ga JR ns, Veilings, Gloves, Frillings and Lace Ties. 8 our swell range of Sh HE JAMES JO *