ay Monday ur Shopping Orrow. atest In Waists Muslin and Lawn ar. nd at prices that will .00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 and 0. & P.K. Skirts mished Drill that is easily ). 1.49. 1.75, 2.49, 7.75, 2.90 lain, others with tucks and White Jresses \t 3.75. d with embroidered inser- derate cost. a lren's Dresses up to 16 years, in different » 6.00. Special Bargain norrow at 9.30 ien's Fine Balbriggan Undershirts the right summer ht, 3 sizes only, 36, 40, hirts only), regular 50c ity. rs while the lot lasts, c Each. Some Bargains re. Ladies' Patent Vamp Tie 2.50, now $1.75. ies' Fine Dongola Kid Blu- | sizes, regular price $2.00, Vhite Canvas Blucher Cut ° t $1.00. Shoe Store. proaching. We are headquart- i Why ll YEAR 74. NO. 152, ---- ------INGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, J ONE 29, 1907. TC -- 000000000000 000000000) DAILY MEMORANDA. Hurrah ! 1 WE ARE OPEN FOR CONSULTATION Re Furs FROM 8 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. SATURDAYS, 1 P.M. No Charge JOHN McKAY, Fur House. 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. HAMMOCKS For Warm Weather. "or O anada, And Campbell Bros No Whig on Monday. Division Court, Tuesday. Roller Rink and evenings Nunderland, afternoon and 'evening. Vaudeville, Ontario Park, to-night. g Maria's, trip to the Isles, Monday Swinmer Hats. 9 am. afternoon : Hig Day at Gananoque, Mond: Wy, Jay s Baseball, a.m, See the Power Boat Races, at anoque, Dominion Day. This day in history n oO! --- Tiish Colum entered eonfederation, 187 Stembia Joint meeting of I ment Committees of Ge s of St. George's dral, Monday, 10 a.m.. at Ste «a Hall. ae Gan- noe. and Tmprove- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Ofice, 229--Fditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Try us for Billheads, etc. Dinner Sets We have a few of those job sets left, you can save THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS All new up-to-date patterns, on every one of thesp sets. ONLY SHORT A FEW PIECES. Robertson Bros. The largest Colors § assortment of Cool n $1.25 to rs and in 'prices fro ) each, wide strong texture, with colors that won't fade; also TENTS and everything in the FISHING TACKLE. Mitchell's Hardware, i 85 Princess Street. : 0 : Special Excrusion 1000 ISLANDS PER Str. Caspian Monday, July Ist. Leaves, 10.15 a.m. p.m. J. P. HANLEY, Agent. Queen St. Methodist Church Under Auspices of Ladies' Aid. Excursion to Toronto and Return VIA G.T.R Tuesday, July 16th, '07. Special Trai Home, 4.15 Fare, Adults $3.35: Children under 12 $1.70. All tickets good returning ar regular train except N 4, up to nd including July 18th. Harry Ni al GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, 149 SYDENHAM ST., (COR. PRINCESS.) GASOLINE Put in Your Tank at Our Dock. A large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. ROLLER RINK AFTERNOON, 2.30 to 5. EVENING, 7.30 to 10. Band every evening and Saturday aflter- noon. _ Select patronage. TRY A POUND OF MYERS 555% SAUSAGES IT IS A FACT Where vou get good stuf money and you wiil do that by you gain buyisg ALWAYS IN SEASON Whether we have warm weather on cold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE TEA B aiSayy in season and always in de I a direct from Ceylon, in hal Mh. and one Ib. packages omly 50 and 60c. Jas, Redden & Co, IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. 5c NOTICE (WONDERLAND) open on THURSDAY, the fips of Wond July 2nd, will Hotel ea Monda d Tues '*Charlie's Paints." '"Carman In Danger." "Pussy's Breakfast." 5c New Illustrated Songs: Sc C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. Hats For The Holiday. I on 1 the new straw and ht § is at Campb v Ringst style centre for me s. Cheap Excursion To Watertown. Going Saturday, 5 a.m. or 2 p.m. returning Monday. Only $1.25 return. The Trusts and Guarantee company Limited, has been appointed adminis- trator of the estate of Wilhelmina Plante, . who died a short time avo, | re estate, In case of 3 Sunday the nly g st 1 i nostan open el lav is Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Ihe regatta at Gananoque on July i stwill be the water event of the sed¥on. "Trusses, abdominal sup ¢, elus tic s kings at Uho s drug Save money hy going to D. E. Fraser's for wall paper. 78 William street Bibby's 81 shirts are "Right Now" is the time to advertise for the business that is made by the June Bride and June Graduate. June wed- ding presents must be bought and the complete outfit for bride and bride- groom. Also it is well to remind the merchants that sporting goods will now find ready sales, traveling cloths, traveling bags, trunks, etc.--all are now or soon will be very much in demand- If you want the trade it will pay YOU. to get busy with Lake Ontario Py 3 ) Monday. atario Pak, 3 pa _ County Board of Audit, ¥ 11 a.m Tuesday. : Sons of Se and Pic c ) " v at Brophy's Dong, hic on Monday Special Excursion, Caspian Isles. Monday, 10 Shan, 9 WN DALOUS ACTS. Rev uble--Was Rector of St. lune 2. --Rev. Hancock, cago, weount, of sean nder police sur who was the St. James' formerly a fashionable Episcopal whom his bishop Wii TI) A Clorgython. Is Charged With The Crime. IN 0LD LONDON HE WAS DEPOSED FOR SCAN- Walter Swinburne Hancock, I ly of St. John's Once Assist- James scopal Church, Chicago. Walter lals with veétllanoe ispeeted of having pois wilow ol I sould Jones, of New York. \ t » that efiect have 'been nn Kensington coroner's tou nquiry now being held. Hancock dies] on March 23rd. leath was certified © as Afterwards the body was count of the suspacions 0 is a barrister. At the b tunated strongly that he H ck poisoned his wife to oh) her perty. Uther witnesses testibed that, Mrs. Hhncoek had drawn a ¢ everything to her son, hn ttemped to sign it on he: h bed she collapsed. i « vas adgourned umtil Ju the meantime an analy ents of the stomach t to America in the oe ghties, and held several pas tor uling St. John's, Nfld. He maria M race Jones while visit ing I ih street, New York, in Is His Chi ieagy Career. _ Chicag ine 20.--Rev. Walter Swmburne f nook, who is under survei London, suspected of was, during 1896, Episto- of the leading church- ominantion, here, and ited by the late Bishop Me 1 charges preferred by the N. Stone, who is still rector St. James' church. Hancock came ( g from St. John's, Nill ' tigations made there by Bishop Mclaren showed him to have tw man of evil repute." "The. rges brought against Han- cook her saul Dr. Stone, "were that he wi or ting with lewd womer never made pub- lie, bur | p McLaren was convine od of vale. Being a British subject Hane not be depo and ter |} he dropped out of sight A WIDE TREATY. That Will Be Broader Than One in Force. Paris 20 ~Actual negotiations have begun for a new Franco reaty, but conver sations place with a view to agr ¢ a starting point Sir Wil r, at a luncheon given b Chamber of Com merece, eech, in the course of whic he desired to coment the friendly s already existing betwen F nd Canada, by a commer f much wider ex tent: the win force. Ther would be b an arrangement for the int Canadian, Eng and Fr merce to be consid ered. ATTACK PREMIER. Said He Was Responsible For + Bloodshed. n the discussion, tion for the pro all persons ar $ with the wine growers' r 8, M. Bedoucs unified = tacked Premier Clemencenn that the latter Was respons f ¢ bloodshed in the south oi | alle became so violent th NM. Debeaudry D'Asson rovalist, | excitement, and had to hx On the vote being take iment received a majority of 120 Hon. Mr. Blake Better. London, \ 2 ---Hon. Edward Blake, who has b critically ill, is now decided und is able to leave his rom Bro: Hig h Price. London, 2 A piece of old Chinese eng lain, a square vas: of the h sold at Christie's, yest 50. ¢ Campbell Bros'. Straw Hats. Are the p See them. South Nou s offerod the nomination I gislature to Hon. A. W. ( at he wus com pelled to decline, was then cho Let us eat, drink With never a though Let us jorget ever be, For we still have Rogky Tea. your advertising RIGHT Your Stoves, Furniture and Carpets at TURK'S Second Hand Store, 398 Prin Coss street, Now. u's, Bibby's for holiday fi e or pain yw that might Mountain N.F., I London, THE NEW HEAD Cf the United States Geological Dr. George Otis Smith, the new di rector of the United States Geologi:.| sufvey, been with this branch of the service since 15896. He was born at Hodgdon, Maine, on February 2nd, I871. He is a doctor of philosophy of Johns Hopkins University, where he studied geology and kindred subjects. He married Miss Grace M. Coburn in 1896. Dr Smith is noted for his sue- cessful id work in Michigan, Utah and Washington, and in sections throughout New England. He is a member of the Geological Society of America and has written a number of monographs on important geologisal discoveries theories which have been commended and widely read. muce GANANOQUE NEWS. Merchants to Close at Noon on Wednesday. Gananoque, June 29.---In Christ church parish house, last evening, a benefit concert was given for George Gallop, the organist of the churen The attendance was faicly good and an excellent programme was provided for the occasion. Among those taking part being Mrs. W. H. Britton, Mrs, R. D. Keele, Miss Lena Carnegie, Miss Winifred Castleton, Messrs. Irederick J. Skinner, C. C. Skinner, and Ralph Britton. The dry goods merchants, milliners and bansers, have preanged to close at 12.30 o'clock evi" Wednesday, for a half holiday, during the months of July and ust. David rers, King street, is spend- ing some time in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Bethuel De Wolfe, Sydenham street, who have been the guests of their daughter, Mrs. R. S. Stevens, Delta, for the past week, have re turned home. Messrs. William Hazel, William Belfie,, and Wesley Bolton, took a cruise to the Limestone City in Mr. Hazel's launch yesterday. Miss Ethel Reid, Tammer street, oy has been spending the past eight weeks with relatives in New York city, has returned home. Miss Mabel Halliday, of Toronto, has arrived td spend the summer with relatives here. George H. Walker, of Chicago, > visiting with Mr. and Mrs, James Reid, Charles street, for. the past couple of weeks, has returned home. Peter Pelow, Stone street, who spent the past week at Hotel Dieu for a severe hurn of the left eye, has re turned considermbly improved. Mrs Patrick } » of Watertown, N.Y., an old r of Gananoque, spent a fow days this week with relatives and intends in town Miss Alberta Weart, a pupil of Gan nogque High School, leit yesterday for Toronto, to spend the holidays there with her mother. Mr. end Mrs. lohn Singleton, of | Kingston, spent time this week, in town the ¢ the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Absalom Grice, North street. Rev, and Mrs. J. Alexander Miller, of West ford, Waterloo district, Vie who ve been ) cen spgading their honey moon here, have Bred home Mrs, Albert lee, of Toronto, spent a few days this week with friends in town. Miss Arthur, who has been attending the first form of Gan- high school, since the removal Bessie ano jue 0 of her parents to Montreal, has left for home. Mrs. W. K. J. Smellie, and hter Kate, of Deseronto, old resi dents of our town, are spending a few weoks here with friends. --aea Munchausen In Chicago. Rockport, Texas, June 2 Minna, the tWO-VE Jd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. iH. Moody, of Wace, was carriegl ato t r, yesterday, by a bund! of which ~an Italian ped toy X Her on the verandah of the hotel tied around her waist, thinking to please het Before the spectators could re cover from © their surprise she was walt ed o fifty feet in the air, A launch, occupied by George Munaf fee, of Denver as in the bay, and he came to the i 'Firing at the bundl he punctared several of then a tle downward, fin twelve feet from shore of St. Joseph's he began to set y sail To Have Big Combine June 20. A grent combina 1 clurers a ture tion of won and steel manus is being formed in Great Bfitain to combat erican and German - com control the British trade and wl tndustry of the Survey. » of improvements is being carried out by the government. Lowney 's chocolates. Fdwardd and Jenkin. The city engineer of Toronto reports that the union wage scale males it hard to get steel, because Canadian firms will not tender. BOILING O1L- Encompatoes A Family Near Read ONE CHILD DEAD AND MOTHER AND OTHERS BADLY BURNED. When the Oil Boiled Over it Ran Over the Woman's Arms and Hands and Parboiled Them-- Her Condition is Very Critical Now--A Child in Belleville Hospital, Unt, June 29.--An ace cident occurred at the house of J: ames Powers, a farmer, near Read. Mrs. Powers was engaged in boiling some cil for use in paint, and in some man- Der as yet unknown, was badly scald- ed. It is presumed the oil boiled over, and in trying to save it the mass ran over her bands and arms, as they were, almost parboiled when she was found. Her husband, who was at the barn, heard her so and ran to ber rescue. Three small children were playing around the floor, and the boiling "fluid encompassed them; they were all badly scalded, one little girl Deseronto, s0 badly that she died shortly after. Une of the other children was render- ed unconscious, and was at once re moved to Belleville hospital, where careful treatment was 'accorded the little sufferer, who in all probability will be all right again in a short time. The third child escaped with but trifling injuries, Mrs. Powers is in a critical comdi- tion, her burns being of a serious na ture, and it will be some time be fore she will have the use of her hands The affair has cast 5 gloom over the community, all sympathizing with the family in their trouble. TO WIN A WAGER. Made Bet in Spite of People's Horror, St. Catharines, Ont, June 29.--Up- daunted by the stares of the other Pas: sengers or the people on the streets, who noticed what she was doing, a pretty girl, whose home is in St. Ca- tharines, calmly smoked a cigarette, Wednesday afternoon, while seated in a street car coming in from Port Dalhousie She, of course, was in one of the "five rear seats" resecved for the smokers, and she was in full pos- of her rights, the conductor could not have any objections, though session asked to remove her by several pas- # mers It turned out that the girl was doing the daring deed on a bet, and, of course, she won out. BOY SAVES THREE. Skiff Capsizes in Niagara Whirlpool. Niagara Falls, Ont., June 29.---A fil boy named Dick Car means of saving three rishermen's teen year-old penter was the men from drowning in the lower Nia gara river The men were Jpanes Ste wart, of Queenston, and James Scott and Hector Lidger, of Lewisten,: all fishermen. They were out on the river in a skiff and got caught in the whirlpool below Boiling Rock, and in spite of their efiorts the skifi shipped water and "they were thrown out. Young Carpenter saw their plight and put ont in another small hoa! to their aid, Scott and Lidger were anle to catch his bow and climb an, but Ste- wart was helpless. Scott grabbed for him and got his hat, but the man went down. When he rose for the last time Lidger manas® to catch Mm, but could not get him into the boat. Scott and Carpenter pulled the boat to shore and Lidger dragged Stewart behind He was nearly dead, and it a doctor time to resusci- hin. took tate some Years For Manslaughter. Toronto, 20-~John H. Amgn, convicted of manslaughter. was sone tenced to eleven years at Kingston pon- ientiary. June Bibby's for men's straw hats. The British cruiser Pyramus, which went aground, last Sunday, on the east const of Queensland, 150 miles north of Cooktown, got off without gs- Tuesday night. Ske re ceived no damage. Six dredges are working im Fort William harbor and an extensive plan sistance on Bibby's for holiday 'togeery. th: by-election in Dufferin, to fill vacancy caused by the death of wiv, will take place on July dron, Royal Canadian Pra- it Toronto, on Saturday morn ng, to march to Petawawa camp. ® Cateh the nibbler, gut fish hooks at od. Routloy's 73, 175 Princess street; branch, 354 King street. . Now is the time to do pepering. Frerything Teduced at Dn. E. Fraser's. Phone 373. the we Nine® hig edupanies headed by Vickers Sons & Maxim, have absorbed thirty-six independgnt Concerns, - giy ing them control ni iid Fo cent. of steel produ Britain, . ede The com over $130, piano tuner, Orde TS & "Phone 778 m Swail PITH oF THE NEWS, Over the World. The liberals of Durham nominated B. B. Simpson, K.C., for the House of Commons. , al - Bowrd of Th Trade of ingland, will appoint nine ents in Canada. Swenplt powers have heen given the public utility commission appoint. od by Governor Hughes; of New York state. The Belfast dock laborers are on strike and the traffic in the English is being seriously interfered chal with. Russian troops on the Turkish frome fier have boon greatly strengthened to proveit Apmonian refugees crossing to spread their agitation in Russian territory. A repetition of the mae sacre of 1895 is fearad, The latest word from The Hague is the report that Britain is prepardl to abumdon her principle of contraband of war, and that the pope continues to protest against his exclusion from the conference. Augustine Birrell, in introducing the evicted tenants' bill in the British House of Commons, . said there webe two thousand tenants to be reinsta- ted. and the government wanted to nake a clean job of it, and must ac quire land compulsorily. Many farmers about Louisville, near Chatham, Ont, were innocent enough a few days ago to pay $7 a hundred cash for old telegraph poles to be de- livered later. The man who sold them said ho was a superintendent of the C.P.R., and that that railway was soon to pull down its poles and put its wires underground. The poles ara still waiting and so are the farmers. The CPR. is of dge. Twenty-one years ago it had only 4,651 miles of track: ro-day it has, roaghly-speaking, 12,000miles. Then i$ had one through train a day five days in the week, go- ingto Vancouver in five days and a half. Today there is the double daily transcontinental service, the Over-Ses mail every month, and the trans-Can- ada Limited, ranning three times a week durifig July and August, and ench making the trip in two days less time than the one took twenty-one years ago. Lowdon, ie BIG INCREASE In Population in the Western Provinces. Ottawa, June 29.--A census bulletin, Tssued to-day, says that the popula- tion of Manitoba, Alberta was 419,512 § in ¥ in June, 1960, SOK,S Abril 1h and five years of 389,351. The total oy acreage was, , 82,461,627 bush- els and in , 10.837 449 bushels, There were under cultivation, in 1906, in the samo three provinces, 5,063,502 acres. "The whole area in wheat, bar- ley and oats increased from 3,491 413 acres, in 1900, to 6,025,190 acres in 1905, and to 7,915,611 acres in 1906; and the yield of the three crops in- creased from 43,252,661 bushels in 1900 (which was wn bad harvest year), to 152,244 929 bushels in 1905, and to 210,459,008 bushels in 1206. The num- ber of farms increased from 31,815, in 191, to 54,825, in 1901, and to 120, 439, in 1906. 3. 'PHONE'S FATAL BALK. Man Bleeds to Death For Want of Doctor. June 29.-Andrew Lan- years old, a wealthy "carpenter, died because a Akron, Ohio, seventy -one contracting new telephone instrument would not work, He had long been afflicted with rheumatism, and bearing that bleed: ing would relieve the pain, went into a woodshed behind his home and slashed his leg with a pocket knife. A scream of pain brought members of his family to the shed a few minutes later and they found him lying in a» pool of blood. His wife hastily ran to the telephone to summon a physic inn, but after working in vain for sev. eral minutes, gave it up and sent a messenger. When the doctor fmally ar rived Lanson had just expired, having bled to death. ------ Horrible Holocaust. Victoria, B.C., June 20.--A horrible holocaust is reported, in mail advie- es, from Hong Rr where five hund- red Chinese, of the audience of a Chinese theatre, and ten of the actors were burned to death when the native theatre was destroyed by fire, The flames spread rapidly and the building collapsed, blocking the entrance with burning debris. The origin of the fire is said to have been due to the igmit- ing of explosives concealed under the floor of the theatre. "Dominion Day Special sion." Steamer America makes her famous tour of the islands, Ilaving at 2:30 pam. Fare, Sc. Home early. ; -- -- "Watertown July 4th." Excur- Tickets good going Wednesday, 2 pap., or Thursday 5 am.; returning regular trains Thursday evening and Friday. Only $1.50. m-------- Bluck drawers for children, oll sizes, 2%, Stockings that will wear, all ow; from 10c. up. We have the proper stock to. choose from. New York Dress Reform. Try Bibby's 45c. fancy hose. For run-down svstems, take Dir. Chown's *'spreial" iron tonic pills, 25c. and 50c. Both your eves aml your pocket book recive satisfaction when you ges gases at Chown's rug store, "High class candy," MeConkey's and Huyler's, sold only at Gibson's Lied Cross drug store, . £ Finest double gut hooks, all sizes, at Routhev's 178 178 Princess streat; ogligees. Bibby' s. The Very Latest Culled From Al | vari tchewan and | doy, warm. A veritable jJonat, for Shirt buyers bere SATURD. Skirts beautis ful ; Skirts yp 4 y. Rife. ton, of cut, of », Nkirts that go to make a costume, Skirts so every detail that they quite A. apparel. This rr arn Ara, This is Wash Skirts Hades Dark Percale, in Fr Sadi Shepherd oO Fiinied Duck. mts Beautiful White '; "Wash Skirts A reat sam to wud priced to 6 Tengt Sa tailored 3 Tip This store will close ody : MARRIED. June 26th, 1907, at the Ly Rev, Dr. 1907, at 357 Johnson years o'clock, Monday morning. MONK. ~In Barriefleld, on 1907, Amdrew Francis Francis Monk Funeral, araqui Ovmetery : pp from Other dels, all beautiful, from Ladies' Eos Cloaks correct styles, Co NSP ROTION. | INVITED. resneteseseteteters PLEASE NOTICE. y mg SATUR- --. bogs ipo Ts Buriog July and August! Early shopping will be apprecist- MeNTUHOL~MA HOOD --In Kingston, on the bride's parents, 219 Queen St. MacGillivray, v Isabell Mahood, to Arthur Thomas McNichol, Toronto. DIED. ARMSTRONG. --~In Kingston, June 20th, Franklin Armstrong, aged fifty-three Funeral private; na flowers, service at 10 June 26th, three years and seven months, son of at 1 o'clock, Monday ROBERT J. RED. Phone 877. 927 Princess St (LE N------------ h models, $10 each residence of Harriet St., David Monk, aged to Cuts» fans the same & Kingston, June 20th, 1907. If you need a reliable mt in thoro the most rel the city is at (LAKE ONTARIO) PARK ) TO-NIGHT, VAUDEVILLE. ALL NEXT WEEK EVERY RVENING AT 8.50 Mr. apd Mrs. B , in a Comedy Sketeh, "The Surprise nner Thomas and Thomas, Colored Conied- George Hammond, Illustrated Songs. Pritchard's New Moving Pictures. i -- a -- ST ---- -------------- NOTICE 1S JIERERY GIVEN TAT Soda &N Sarto Deters 973 Cons treet been issol potual conse fe business will hence~ h be usried on by James Mullen, at JAMES MULLEN, piece of wonld like vour watch , one ob . is n very essential thing dur- EE time pad 354 King street,