Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jun 1907, p. 11

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INS' e goud dishes better. ve you LEA & PERRINS' al, Canadian Agents. mine that shipper of alt camp. FREE EERIIOEITERIERRRRIIREReR eee \ fon Ont. / SUNSHINE METHOD right in the path of the ulates around the dome It is impossible for any ss out of the registers ts due share of moisture That means you clarified air, free from of your furniture, your ace of mind, you should dealer does not handle e direct to us for Free m-------- g. gear for automobiles, while a © builder has invented ship's .. A blacksmith has papers for ig reel, a shoemaker for q type a physician for a door lock, and for a hoisting derrick, ny others show just as strange on from their regular walks of Hundreds Have Been Made Well by Taking og van ; of an Ottawa Physician's Discovery. ---------- in a highly tntensified degree. Them relieve Biliousness, one woula also con- sume & large amount of woody fibre or pulp, which would upset the stom- ach and fmpafr digestion. An Ottawa physician Qiscovered a way to get around these difficulties. He pressed the juice from apples, or- anges, figs and prunes--and then fore- od one more atom of the bitter prin. ciple from the discarded orange peels, into the concentrated juices. This formed & new compound, having al the curative effects of fresh fruit--and Cool Suits for Hot Days Flannels--from England. Blues, greens, grays, whites etc. Beautiful ,Derges-- "Imperial" Gp ar fast Worsteds--beautiful grays, im 'a host of t effects that are exclusive with, - Fit- Reform, $15. up 149 E. P. Jenkins, THE RECORD - RAL,' FURNACE fills the demand for a fur- nace possessing the larg- est amount of grate sur- face in proportion to the diameter of the top of the fire pot. It possesses all the advantages of a re- turn flue construction. ADMI Ay valuable tonics and internal antisep- tics were added and the whole pressed into tablets, These are * Fruit-a-tives" the won- derful Liver Tablets you hear so much about. * Frujt-a-tives cure the most obstinate cases of non-action of the bowels, biliousness, hemdaches, sleep- lessness, nervousn: kidney trouble, rheumatism, sela and; neuralgia. They are the greatest blood puritying medicine in the world, while their act- ion on the skin, in clearing and beauti- fying the complexibn, is nothing short of marvelous. Ask your druggist for * Fruit-a-tives » and, see that you get them. 50c a box, § for $2.50. By mall, the largest ash pit of any furnace on the market, thus permitting the free re- moval of ashes. : Wood or coal may be burn- ed in the "Admiral" furnace. Write for Catalogue ® THE RECORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE CO. foundnes ot MONCTON. N.B & MONTREAL. PQ. SIMMONS BROS. Postpald, from Fruita-tives Limited, Ottawa. pensive for add entertaining and of nearly one thoy The general chaser could such an then of th York when it Whitney more wonderful Smith" "Silent Smith' who soarcely ev The homes when been angling for, years had met fathers even him The tangled life bids | death. though every Englishman land whe; America when He was first leans : with 'the far: astray. could by marrvi ter was hon christened Sarah only a brief stay with his wifé and child, he kit them for a whil hie family. Later ceased and h The "Admiral" has ey few dollats an thing thet mane could a vast and which. ther, rican continent. VeEY proud woman to giw » ments which show oli ever seen in New two years of cq tial home wos st about Mery sudden aned all! Mr. Whitpe, Piness a Panac had no had reared with al Jrice fixed ple interest would Pairs would he - King t n Sf S00 oo before for the s marriage o her father's put in air would Be her pe 'Silent got Smith had bought the ace, it got soms ] quake wwhes told he beautiful honeymoon He died, Waving $26,000,000, which' he did not spend and Mrs. Rhindlander Stew Mrs her little rake-off- of 85,000.000, leav- ing $I8.000000 of (PURITY. BRILL Ta AND -UNIFORMITY | evil" yet to battle fo F. Bronson He f some Geo, as a Mrs. George F. | Skihner, says that is only his character, that he is also a cada snob, and a' coward, who attempted to choke her o week after their mar could not} find large safety pin; that every fore he goes out he spends 4 in powdering and perfamin heiore the omtside world is § to look upon his prettiness visiting SE m---- VRONGED 4 comm AND TS a -- He was a Most Myster --Goorge F, 3, How Only a Writer, Sut a Coward, His Wite Says. Powdepoe; Latter No. June 98. numed Senith USiness was at the tap re high, Jut Porticalar ae § a man of very fow words. a member who hall he said ; "Nant to nodded hig much and Smith amount, which the as supposed _he would les ore he could get ¢ did not know this © had not suited him have said a word, but his back, He lived s business office was was noticed Is and sought no only then in the briefest form. Othey John ue, who sells "they finest wo dollars and fifty on guaranteed '"'and" i Mr. Smith's caso 'thing like that: of "the man his ot know it; one thing was '¢ had no one-could find cunstance occurred just be- t owever, talking and a ne days' wonder." time secretary of erocted a magmificent of several millions of tarnished bewildering museum of Was no rival on the Ame Mrs, amd of grand entertain York before. After nstant work, Berspaia- finished, and she was to take poe ; painful death wrecked S.bopes of future hap- resolved to seek in travel reat sorrow. plendid hotise he ¢ he put it. up for sale, stv treasures. The was $3,000,000. - The sim- the neessaty to care establishment the cost you h "pmion was that wo pur- be found astonishment of gll New was announced that the purchaser. 'Wh was an old' bachelos er spoke to a woman. brought grief to soveral', "wall-flowers; who ha catch oll "Silent" no yesponse. Their called on hin and invited but, he thread t unravelled by his was bore » thou was tokén to Fng- but returned eirhtewn ve heard of er s daughter and lod hor what ds he her when a daugh- to them Ann Smith. He all correspondence t her no more mon- ve her 1 t and ters ana for 8.000000, which her's one-third estate it very could not enjoy. the reot, Virg and ws70. | years on a a. ] > from am Indian m Ta £50,000, or an' outlay you begin to live. great man, the youngster mode this which the scientist referred tokes 906 yearsto make the circuit. self in some way. It may bs well i, go for the doctor if the injury seems serious, but §ir any case you ban do nothing but good by applying Smith's White Liniment. ness that would result from delay, re be in every home ready for emergen- cies. Large bottles, 25¢, at Wade's drug store. Piok-Me-Up. When her ladyship speaks to you do try and look a little more agree able, Lnettles where I'm a-sittin' | 8Gc. 'Special value. New York Dress Relorm, You will count no convivial occasion com- plete . without this pure charged water, once you dis- cover the zest it adds to spirits and its thirst- enching a es. We oa | vam for its Rhindlander Stewart, who was divorced from her b lenge, even the few im. ported waters which are near- ly as good. Of course, you can pay more for them if you see "fit, bute why should you ? York Sparks The Mineral Springs Limited, Toronto SRN award is known but this is absolutely: wrong. thing to do with the who never had a baokacl buckache have nothing wrong mon cause of those seorgt ai completely restored my health." Get the genuine pills with the full eagh box. Sold by all medicine' deal- ers or by mail at 50 cénts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil liams® Medicine Co, B le, Gut. ---------- He Saw It. London Globe. Sir Robert Ball, the British scien tist, is fond of imparting Wwiormation to the young. OUmoe he was showing a little boy how to study the heavens through the tclescope. "That star," said Sir Robert, "gues around tho other." Anxious to. please such o staggering reply : "Yes, I saw i? As a matter . of fact, the star - to ---- "Run For The Doctor." Some onv has fallen or injured him- It will prevent congestion and sore lieve the pain promptly, too. Should Couldn't Be Expected. Teacher (desperately)---Mary Jones | Mary Jomes--Please, teachar, there's See our silk undervests, 7%. and excel- backache is a sign of kidney disease, | calico or cloth might disturb him, Ip Not. what one bagkaehe in a thousand has any- kidneys. Tia on om an help N. do Romy to go dreds of people die of kiduey Setive dreds who suffer continually ram he has purchased an entire astm their kidneys. By far the most com- 8 B heumatisgn Nearly the rest of the Bockadhos are due to weakness and poor,! 'watery blood, or in the his presence unless summoned by him. son, every day, but is forbidden to enter beyond the porter's lodge. Thete he receives siyty-eight cents daily allow- ance which his father mekes him for pooket money. lives of wo many sex miser- able. Don't let a Ba frighten you into the belief. that you have kidney frouble. What ed need- ed to cure the average 0 ix a tonic, blood<buildi meditine, and Dr. Williams' ink Pills are the greatest blood making medicine medi- cal science has yet d vered. Every dose actually - mmkes now, rich, red blood, thus curing such common ail- ments as anacmia,' headache, back- ache, heart palpitation; indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism and the ail ments of girlhood "and womanhood. Mrs. W. Gee; Strathcona, Adta., says: "1 was a great sufferer from anaemia. I was completely run down and was tortured with' headaches and" bath. aches and dimy spells. I doctored for a long time but was fio better than when I began. Then 1 began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they that he is allowing his property te to rack and ruin. rh sho rl a Commission appointed to look into the matter, too, that steps may he taken to proveat his fortune being lost, of plumb a trifle," said a St. Low "Most all of them lean little, although this does not show is anyway and is not at all threatening finme "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for which are apt to cause this. It is ges. Pale People' on the 'wrapper around 8 Ri erally due (if not oxoessive) to a shift- ing founddtion or a subway ora jar: ring of the earth in ite vicinity, It is not only in St. Louis (in fact this city is among the very best for build- inches from top to bottom, yet per- naps very, very few of the occupants am aware of the fact. 18 very simple. In installing a new Passenger elevator in a modern office building we are, of course, compelled to figure and plan, and our job is a vixry delicate one. The elevator of an office building is like clockwork, aud its efficacy s groatly nthe soundness of the walls and floors of the structure in which it is to be built, long cord to ascertain perfect oven ness, which is done by attaching a Piece ob metal at the end. Thus from the top floor to the basement this cord is hung, and we can easily tell when the sides are absolutely perpen dicular. We can also tell if the build- ing is out " plamb in the same way, and it is a large building has been up for any length of time it begins to settle a bit on one side or other, and ultimately throws out the entire equilibrium of the building. "Just because a building is a little out of plamb, hewever, is no sign that it ie dangerous or that it will not lest just as long as it is expect ol to." Grand Attractions Arranged. The directors of the Central Canada exhibition, Ottawa, for which © the dates are September 13-21, inclusive, aré rapidly completing arrangements for this great fair. High-class special attractions are to be put on every af- ternoon in addition to many pew feu- tures and improvements in connection 'with the show proper. Probably one of the most interesting announcements is that ' Knaboushue will give exhibi tions daily with his airship. Among the other daily attractions will be two trotting races and one running event every afternoon. The purses ay gregate $4,500. Of interest to the farmer is the fact that in addtion to $15,000 in pre miums, thirty-seven gold medals are offered as special sweoprtake prizes As last yoar, there will also be demon strations in up-to-date farming by es- erty of the Omtario government ith the exception of live stock, which will be permitted to be takep out at four o'clock on Friday, the 20th, every exhibit will remain on the grounds un- move is in the interest of patrons who § cannot reach the fair until 'Saturday, the 2st, which day will be second to none of the exhibition. As usual a number of improvements are being made in the vario culated to make more attractive. + The popularity of the afternoon orm Does Not Care at All For . #6 x way her passive endurance of WB sere So great is his Bortor of noise that » & youth of nineteen, calls Madame de Rosny complains further | are in St. Louis that are not out » the other day. to one side a "There are a large number of things "The way I have of knowing of this "In setting in the 'sides' we use » ally the case that after CENTRAL CANADA FAIR, ---- Abbey's rvescent Salt 25c. and oc, a bottle. At all Droggists, \ 4 /Ef tiful Interiors appearance can scarcely be other finish at any price, can be at a very moderate cost by using our Classified Metal Ceilings and Walls. Hundreds of harmonious designs suitable for any room, from a bathroom to a hotel rounds or theatre. , Our Metal Ceilings and Walls are very quickly . and casily put on, 'and are a They are washable whose rich and handsome Classified Designs, OHR'S REST practically everlasting, and sanitary, and afford a real protection against fire, dirt and vermin, They add greatly to the safety and comfort, us well as the beauty, Catalogue, showing doxens of 80 METAL SHINGLE & SIDING CO., Limited - PRESTON, fut. «+ TORINE »~35 ul Medicine ever It is astounding the medical world. cases cured in one mouth fu Paris. The Natl Medical Board has recommended this Remed use tums where, as is well A majority of the male inmates are victims of lost in its most terrible form, Ia Nurope the. all governmeots and is tn i Toll Trined at Manding ara Stops losses iin from seven to ten ef return. Drains entirely cease {eatment, The skin becomes 3 Con nee reiurns, step el , bow Headaches dina weak the mind pecmey how chronic the cave. and address plainly w comes clean, ppess. No more mie: right and active. A Food cure no matter Fophmepieif vid your name ten and a days t f Restorive will be sent FREE iu eT pe. go ht hesitate a moment. We will NP wilh sucotss and with honest confidence. Dr. KOHR MEDIC NE CO. P.o. DRAWER L 2841 MONTREAL. Buildings Improved. Monday, September 23rd. This wus buildings, all cal- the different displays the association, recognizi Rigney & Hickey 'Phone, 242, N W.R McRae & Co., "Phone, 227. | Jas. McParland, "Phone, 274. } J. S. Henderson, 'Phone, 279. o ances in front of the grand st, monks this ve and, will W's programme one that Id and young in grea A Pale Ale, palata- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, end in sparkling condition, is the ideal beverage. Now, when chemist s annousde its purity , and judges its 'merit, one need look no further, . wou SO Pas Be ae 4

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