= factories, Odessa and Ca- The following it (ju 100; Hida : 3 Rose Hill, 70; Sunbury, Jo nk Collins Bay, 75; St. Law- : ; Silver Springs, 90; Wolfe Is- 75; Cold Springs, 105; Thousand Islands, 60. Total, y ;Colored=Odessa, 240; Elm Grove, 45: Glenburnie, 70; Glenvale, 100; Gilt ; 80; Ontario; 65; Howe Island, » 5 8: oud, 595. -------------------- Searchlight Excursion." evening, June 27th, i oolook, steamer America tours the Admiralty group. Home early Only 35 cents. Try' Bibhy's for cool underwenr. Decl ®. Eitiott and Albert Hopkins were committed for trial on a charge of conspiring to 'defraud the Anglo- American Insurance company, Tor he loyed by the Toron f ex] emplo; iy Toren: 10 bon of trade have reported in favour of a viaduct scheme as a solu- 'tion of the waterfront problem, Pajamas Bibby's h - Spl summer corsets, 50c, a . Dip Hp special corsets, 65c. New and perfumed 'tale "taleum pow- der, 10c., at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. ' "Tha coleh=atioh at Gananoque July 1st will be the best ever held there. Ratway 1a His "ives ov I. ori than. Lt I, and y y 4 tows would the Armstrong, Manager, Escaped longer ey AD niles ~The Rest of His Family . odd: Burned Beyond Recognition. 614.000; Tob » a , fol 1,208,000 ; of the Apelor, THE VICTIMS. sin, ow = Gas 8, resident Boston, | Arnprior," June 27.--The most disas- has hal the, SOMPnuy intetrin trous fire in the history of the town to go the wholes i Business occurred early this morning, which $8, aster than any possible con- pay across the continent by in the United States, as the fastest aa covering i the world. on equnl W. Stephens, Vice) t of the Canadian Consolidated n pany, states thet there is no truth in the report that the United States Rubber company has Obtained a controlling in- states that they do not own a share of the stock. Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. C. Ardies, Brit Bay; H. S. Neill, Geo. Metuillian, E. R. Walker, H. Logan, Horace Shaver N. R 1 urner, F. J. Crown, Thos. M. Morrow, To- ronto; ¥. Burrill, W. C. Trotter and wife, H. H. Latter, C. T. Trotter and lady, Alex, Poden, W. J. Bartley, Montreal; Miss Vermilyen, Mrs. (Capt.) Allen, Geo. A. Barragm, Belleville; F. BE. Webster, Miss Frochett, Richmond; J. F, Ferguson, Buffalo; Geo. BR. Doswell, Hamilton; A. M. Sutherland, R. D. Eddy, C. J. Lamont, J. Arthur Cote, I. W. Cole, John D. Cross and wife, Ottawa; Master Fric and Harold Greenwood, Quebec; Mrs. Charles Me- Dougall, Keith MeDougull, Mrs. J. G. Gibson, Lowdon; Fred. HH. Denton. Niagara Falls; Angus Denton, Co- bourg; Mrs. F. J. Daubeur, Miss Mar- og ey Chicago; A. E. Gammond, Boston; A. E. Hodgins, Winnipeg; Coulis Sheim and wife, Petrolea. Died From The Injuries. Petrolea, Ont., June 27.--Henry Gar- vison, in charge of William Fnglish's oil wells, of Osborne, about six miles from here, got tangled in the na- chinery, yesterday, and before assist- ante arrived he received fearful in- juries, having one leg broken in three places and one heel torn off, besides other injuries. He died carly this morning. Mr. Garrison was married and leaves a wife and family. Killed In A Great Storm. New York, June 27.--A death-deal- ing electric storm, yesterday after noon, following a day of sweltering heat, soaked with Humidity, swept over the city and surrounding terri- tory, killing three persons, injuring several others, causing many fires and doing considerable damage. In this city the only places struck were two churches. In State Of Unrest. Washington, June 27.--From the meagre advices received at the state and navy. department, it is evident that, practically, the whole of Central America is in a state of unrest and that hostilities cannot be much long- er deferred. : "Keep Cool On The Water." Steamer America makes a special moonlight trip, Thursday evening, 7.30 o'clock. Only 35 cents. Campbell Bros'. For everything that's new in men's hats. These young ladies have graduated as nurses at Brockville General Hos- pital : Miss Laura Chapman, Brock- vill; Miss Ethel E, Marshall, Aults- ville; Miss Alico Milliken, Strathroy; Miss C. Ireland, Easton's Corners. We make a specialty of underwear, corsets and stockings, all sizes, fancy at Plain, and all prices. See our stock. New York Dress Reform. Edith Mary Stotts died on Tuesday night, at 'the residence of her step- father, Joseph H. Perkins, By. ville, aged twenty years. ; Che wise man looks before he leaps --then instead of jumping into the fire he remains in the frying pan. Buy Bromo Seltzer and Abby Salt at Gibson's Red Cross drue store. Try Bibby's $1 soft shirts. lost of the joy sed and if le feeling he'll be . Livingston's Light and Airy of living these days is in being comfort- a man wants to enjoy the "Maximum® of 'style in what he wears as to have lightness. s Brand Ready-to-Wear Two-Piece | Suits, in fine OR ig and Fancy Tweeds. Price; $10, $12, $12.50, $13.50, ~ 5 Livingston's Soft Bosom Shirts, 50c. to $2. | Livingston's 'Special Summer Collars. } Livingston's Soft Feathery Fancies in Neckwear. Livingston's Light Weight Underwear. things in Exclusive Haberdashing that all spell comfort. just as careful to have guality Hali-Hose, and many other LIVINGSTON'S. | Where Exclusive Furnishin gs Come From. as ubber com- t in the Canadiun concern. He 'beyond control when fire broke out about two o'clock in re- | $0.00" Noval Joes. bout ar sulted 'in the loss: of five lives. The 3 LE contains same 175 furni-f (ho Neilson block, Mndawaska street, Hse Lhved are in the part occupied by: the Arnprior y , amd distribute {steam laundry, and it had gained annually Imore than $2,000,000 in wages. | such great headway when it was dis- anc output 1s valued at nearly | vored that. the family of William new Pacific transconti® { Armstrong, manager of the laundry, ental nal service between { wh, resided upstairs, was cut off from, Vancouver will ve "shout all means of 'escape, and all perished in the flames, except Mr. Armstrong, who had a narrow escape, clad only in his night robes. The family con- sisted of his wife and four children, The cause of the fire is not known, but it started in the engine room at the rear of the building and had worked its way through ithe entire lower storey, before being discovered, and cut off all escape or means of rescue, The firemen were soon on the scene and had seven streams of water on the fire in a short time. The laun- dry was completely destroyed, all the walls falling in. The other firms occupying the block were: R. Charbonneau, butcher shop and residence upstairs, and the Ham ilton & Lewitt Knitting company's factory. The upper storey over the butcher shop was completely gutted, but the lower part suffered only from water. The' fire worked its way to the attic over the knitting factory, and it could not be got under control umtil it burst throuch the ceiling, but it was soon subdued there. The ma- chinery in the factory will be consid. erably damaged by water. + By the heroie efforts of the firemen, the fire 'was confined to the one block and having the advantage of a line roof the flames were kept down, and the different parts of the building were separated by a fire wall' If the fire had got beyond this building a eon- siderable portion of the business sec: tion would have been burned, as there was a strong westerly wind blowing at the time. The barber shop and residence of P. Labresche, on the lee- vard site, had a narrow escape. When any sign of fire appeared a line of hose was promptly turned on it. The fire was got under control about 4:30 In 2 .m. The bodies of the unfortunate vie- tims were recovered 'from the debris hy 7:30 am., and removed to the morgue. They were charred beyond recognition. The loss on buildings and stocks cannot be estimated at present, but it is belived to be fairly well covered by. insurance. Another Disastrous Fire. Belleville, Ont., June 27.--Fire at the Belleville gas works, this morning, did nearly $10,000 worth of damage, which is nearly covered by insurance. The fire is said to be of incendiary origin, it being alleged by one of the employees, that ho, about 3 a.m., dis- covered fire against the outside of the wall of the building, and which was found. Al- though the building is burned the plant and retorts are said to be unin- Jured, and it is likely the city will be supplied with gas before the day is out. Ugly stories are rife that much bad blood exists because a new man- ager, from an outside place, was en- gaged some time ago. It is a fact that the entire old staff quit when the new man took charge. Thomas Gar- diner is the new manager. The gas works are a municipal enterprise, AT THE POLICE COURT. ES | Vagrant Was Remanded For a Week. Richard Wilson, the man who has been at several places around the city the past few days, demanding money, was arrested hy Constables Arniel and Mull'nger, on a charge of vagraney. In the police court this moming, he was remanded for a week, When first arrested the prisoner gave the name of O'Brien, but afterwards told the officers that his name was Wilson. « George Cotman, Jr., Cherry street, was charged by his wife, with using threatening language. The case was adjourned for a day. KILLED BY A TROLLEY. Derailed Car Ran Down Girls at Passaic. Passaic, N.J., June 27.--Bella Krones and Annie Workman, aged twenty years, and the daughters of local merchants, were killed last night by a trolley car that was thrown from its proper course hy a misplaced switch. The set switch had been open- ed and the car, which was moving at feir speed, turned the corner unexpect- edly and ran down the girls, who were crossing the street, Case Again Adjourned. Brantford, Ont., June 27.---The case of Rev.. John G. Taylor, of the B. M. E. church, charged with intent to de fraud, was called at the police court again to-day, Rev, Mr, Taylor claim- ed he had not had time to get his books ready for the court and the ease was adjourned until Wednesday next, P In A Disastrous Fire At MOTHER AND FOUR CHILDREN Fire in Steam Laundry--William |} & Sells Bros' circus enrcless smoker, the firemen prevented these tehing. Had 2 result = would have been ter- rible, as the animals were all under "r canvass. The firemen responded kly, and soon had several streams on the fire. The fire fighters scene but were disappointed when they found that their hose would not connect with the city hydrants. They turned in and worked with a will, however, and gave the firemen able assistance. There was a stiff wind blowing at the time, and the firemen had a hard time in checking the flames. The roof of the horticultural hall caught fire, but the blaze was ex- tinguished before doing much damage. The roofs of three cottages on Con- cession street also caught fire, but the blaze was put out, Ere doing much damage. The buildings on the fair grounds are covered by insurance to the ex- tent of $4,900. The circus pays a license fee of £30 and 850 rental for the grounds. A big crowd was attracted to the scene, the circus grounds being well filled with people at the time. Quite a large strip of the fence along Coppession street, was burned The fire broke out in the centre of the block, and spread to both ends Very rapidly. At two o'clock, this after- noon, the firemen were still throwing water on the ruins. Two Other Fires. The firemen had two other calls. A short time after the big fire broke out, an alarm was sent in for a chim- ney fire at the home of James J. Coyle, 138 Bay street, and a number of the firemen responded to this. No damage. Earlier in the forenoon, a shed, at the home #4 a family named Crozier, or York street, caught fire, where only slight damage was done. : ONE WAS CUT TO PIECES. -- And a Car Inspector Rendered Un- conscious. Brockville, Ont., June 27.--A young Englishman, named Witt, who came to Canada a few weeks ago, was kill- ed directly in front of the station, here, last night, by a light engine. Witt was employed as fireman on the Grand Trunk between Brockville and Montreal. He was crossing the tracks In company with Car Inspector' Han- nah and both men failed to notice they approach of the engine of No. 5 pas- senger train which was backing to- wards her train. Witt was literally cut to pieces and death was instan- taneous. His companion was picked up unconscious, but aside from the shock, does not appear to have sus- tained injuries. An inquest will be eid, PROMISING CONDITIONS In Every Part of the Province of Manitoba. Winnipeg, June. 27.--A bulletin deal- ing with the condition of crops, live stock, ete., in Manitoba, has been is- sued by the local department of agri- culture and immigration. Reports of correspondents indicate promising con- ditions in every section of the pro- vince. A slight falling off is reported in the uereage of wheat but shows a substantial increase in the acreage of oats and barley. The wheat acreage reported in last year's June bulletin was 3,141,537 acres as against 2,789, 553 acres this year. Last year there were 1,155,961 acres of oats, this year 1,213,696 acres. Scraonne Caught In Montreal. Hamilton, Ont., June+27.--The local police were, this morning, notified of the arrest, at Montreal, of L. Scraon- ne, who is wanted here on a charge of emhezzlement. Scraonne was the local agent of John Christopher, a Toronto steamboat agent. About a week ago he locked up the office and disappear: ed, gnd since then the police have been looking for him. Detective Coul- ter left, at noon, to bring him back from Montreal. Scraonne's shortage is about $600. To Ask For Annual Meet. Montreal, June 27.--At the annual meeting of the Quebec section of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, in this city, steps will be taken to ensure an #witation to the domivdon body to hold its annual meeting in this city next year. The anmunl meet- ing, this year, will be held in Toron- to in September. Only one 'annual meeting was held here and that was in 1904. Three Killed By A Bomb. Tiflis, June 27.-- The police have not yet succeeded in making any arrests In connection with yesterday's bomb outrage, Early last evening a bomb exploded in a house adjoining Erivan Square, killing two brothérs and wounding a third, who were trying to hide a quantity of revolutionary ar- tillery, --rrn-- Bonds Up In Millions. New York, June 274-One hundred million dollars in negotiable bonds were carted through the streets of New York, yesterday aftermoor, by the Adams Express company. The bonds will be shipped to Paris to- day. It was impassible to learn who '""Spend [The Holiday On The . Water." By 'taking the America's special tour the consignee was. "Dominion Day Special Excur- sion." of the islands, Monday, July 1st, 2:30 p.m. Supper on board. Fare, boc, Only allcream ice cream in the city at Price's, Bibby's for nobby hosiery, Steamer America makes her famous tour of the islands, leaving at 2:30 p.m, Fare, 50c. Home early. Try Bibby's 250, fancy hosiery, The good work with the assis- | Fast Five the fire fighters of might have resulted more serious blaze. The loss C | will amount to several thousand dol- Ottawa, June 27.--A government re- lars. Saas of he ng Rd Ad port to-day, states that the ita) ) believed to have employed in manufacturing ish- felt ; a spark from a nearby | ments in Canada, in 1900, was $446 - a : circus tents were within a | capital employed in manufact: in- of the fire, but the | dustries increased, 1900 to 1 by these caught | while production increased by $234. the were, of course, on the | and car works, for example, the ratio > bo -- AND PRODUCTION WENT UP "7 50 PER CENT. Se ------ Period in Industrial Invest- : ments--Works Could Not Pro- duce to Their Full Capacity. 910487 and, in 1905, $813,931,178. The £397,000,000 or about 90 per cemt., 000,000 or about 50 per cent. The ap- parent disparity in these ratios of increase is, no doubt, owing to the inability of recently established works to produce their full capacity. In cars of production to capital, in 1900, was 151 and, in 1905, it was 101; Portland cement works it was 86 and 15, in smelting works it was 67.5 and 32.5, and in electric light works it was 17 to 9 for each year respectively. The five years have been a growing period in industrial investment and the full results are not yet realized. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters on Their Rounds. Try Bibby's 50¢. yacht caps. Price's chocolates are made fresh ov- Two-quart fountain syringe, 50c., at Wade's drug & A The good old €ircus procession still seems to be mighty popular, This was not a good day for pink lemo, but it was hard on the pea- nuts. Horse races, boat races, basehall and trained dog show at Gananoque, Mon- day, July lst, | The circus firefighters demonstrated they were not all ornate; they know their business. See Bibby's new bathing suits, Miss Nellie Brisco, New York, who is visiting at her home in Napanee, spent to-day in the city. Sale of wash belts, with pretty buckles, 10e, Wash collars, worth 25¢., for 15¢. New York Dress Reform. The clown band had heaps of . fun with the girls along the route of the parade. Those clowns are flirts, Ice cream made from pure cream dispensed at Gihson's Red Cross drug store fountain. It pays to go there, Try Bibby's swell 81 shirts. "What's the average age of a cir cus girl?" asked one spectator. "Twenty-three," said the irrepressible joker. D. J. McLennan, manicuring, face massage, etc., Buffalo, N,Y., will pe in Kingston each Monday. Engage- ments may be made by leaving name and address at Best's Drug Store. Try Bibby's Paris sailors, $2. The quantity of maple seeds falling, this year is unusually large. Some in- deed find stony ground when they fall on the asphalt pavements, and are crushed to pulp beneath the feet of the passersby. Prevost, Brock street, has received threo cases of imported goods for his order clothing department, consisting of Scotch and English tweeds, serges, ¢heviots and vicunas. A great variety of them to choose from. At the Royal Military College, this morning, Major General Lake, in dis- trihuting the prires to the cadets, called Col. Wurtele from the audience to present the three cups, which hé donated for rifle shooting, to the win- ners. See Bibby's cream negligées, $1. A citizen disappeared from his home last evening and has not been heard of since, His wife was at the police stationin tears, to see what efforts could be made to locate her missing spouse. Investigation showed that he left on the early morning boat for Cape Vincent, en route to Watertown. Over fifty kinds of corsets to choose from, including all the well-known makes, as well as ordered. We guar- antee a perfect fit, New York Dress Reform, Ill-Health Causes Suicide. Taronto, June 27.--Lying face down- ward on the floor, with a faded piece of lace knotted six times and twisted tightly about her throat, Margaret the young wife of James Hawes, a carpenter, living on Richmond street west, was found dead from strangula- tion by her httle four-year-old son, Norman, last evening. His cries at- tracted Mrs. Louisa Miller, who rooms in the same house, and who informed the authorities. Mrs. Hawes had been in illhealth for some time, suffering Years a pine JBLED]r 49¢, 6 "Creams" '""Are Very Popular in New York at Present." The best posted correspondents on New York styles agree on this. We are now showing a splendid assortment ef Cream materials, Cream Lustres Good value at 4oc, 49¢, 59¢, 75¢, goc. A special lot of Fancy Cream Lustre at 25c. Cream Panama 5C, 75C, 99¢, 1.25. Cream Serges 49c¢, boc, 75¢, 8s¢, ggc. Cream Batiste 49¢. 75¢. Fancy French Cream Materials At 49c, 45¢, 75¢, 95€. Material FREE! To-morrow & Saturday We will give your choice - of any Butterick Pattern, either for Skirt Waist or costume, FREE with every purchase of Dress amounting to Two Dollars or over. particularly from rheumatism, which was aggravated by living in the two Stith 5 rooms, which the family had in the cellar of the rooming house. She leaves besides her husband, the hoy, Norman, and a girl of three years. "For A Pleasant Outing." Take the America's special tour of the islands Dominion Day. Supper on board, Home early, Only 50c. Henderson's. Friday, dovely Rockyford melons and other choice fruits, ------------ New bathing suits at Bibby's, The American Tradin company, of New York, hag repla its office boys with girls and the manager says that a girl will do as asked on the min- ute and not 'fool around." Black drawers for children, all sizes, 25c. Stockings . that will wear, - all colors, from 10c. up. We have the proper stock' to choose from. New York Dress Reform. > When the chimneys of the royal mint at Berlin are cleaned about £1.000 worth of gald is taken from the soot. See Bibby's 81 bathing suits. Always Some Tempting Here. Bargains cher Cut now $1.50. Fifty fine vessels are constantly em- ployed in laying and repairing the submarine cables of the world. At the Loving trial evidence was given that the accused judge had been an excessive drinker. See Bibby's 25¢. fancy hose. The Abyssinian army has" 200.000 modern gune. Oxfords, Another lot Ladies' White We have a table of Ladies' Patent Vam Shoes, turn soles, regular $2.50, now $1.75. Another table of Ladies' F Splendid value at $1.00. ine Dongola Kid Blu- | Oxlord Ties, all sizes, regular price $2.00, Canvas Blucher Cut ! men and its equipment includes fl Try Bibby's $1 sailors, The Lockett Shoe Store. : P.8S.--Travelling season is approachin, ers for Valises and Trunks. g We ars headquart- FROM 8 A.M. UNTHI EISATURDAYS, 1 No Cha JOHN McK Fur House 149-155 Brock Kingston, 0000000000300000 COOL HAMMOC For Warm Wea The largest assortm Col $3 strong texture w won't fade; also everything in TACKLE. ws, in prices sere Mitchell's Hardy 85 Princess Stree SUe4090430000400. Special Excrt 1000 ISLAT PER Str. Casgp ON Monday, July Leaves, 10.156 am. Ho p-m, J. P. HANLEY, A THE 5¢. Warm Weath DOES NOT AFFECT WONDERLAN During the recent si { ho many expressed r theatre so « in a supply instead of warm air, Moving Pic lay « i '""Jewel Robbers Mystified "The College Student', Love." 'Haunted House." 5C. New Illustrated Son GASOLI Put in Your Ta at Our Doc A large stock of D teries, Spark Plug an always ori hand. SELBY & YOUI "LIMITED. Readers of above are kindly requested t ballots to Miss S. E agan, on or before Fl | of each week. ROLLER RI EVENING, 7.30 to 1 Band every evening and Satu noon. Select patronage. TRY A POUND © I¢. HOME MYBR'S 505% SAU For Sunday's Breakrast, 60 | Toronto World Ba IT IS A FACT Where you ood stuf Money and you wil do 'that 1 Your Stoves, Furniture' and TURK'S. Second-Hand Store, Coss gtroets