Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jun 1907, p. 3

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Skins! Mink Skin Persian Lamb Russian Lamb Have REPAIRS and AL~ TERATIONS on your Furs W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. i OS Cook's Cotton Root Compound, ae great, Uterine 8 Tonic, and sale Fadugioron st Ema = 6 a Sonond, oil n fame iL TRY Bod } all Pa on rece reg amhalet A Coax Meoroie Oo., ToraTo, Gormerty Wi SOUVENIRS A Sterling Silver Spapn, or Brooch Souvenir of Kin ston as a rememberance to friends in distant or foreign lands, is one of the most useful and interesting novel- ties. We eell also High Class Enamel Souvenir Hat Pins, Belt Pins, Jewel Cases, Pin Trays, ete. SMITH BROS Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage 6 Only Ladies' inted Lawn Suits Very neatly made, per- tly fast colors, just the ng for house wear, worth ily $2.00 and $2.50 a t. Bought ata bargain 1 be sold®he same, inesday Morning Only $1.49, WMAN & SHAW Lis ral axative d cleansing'is 48 mecessary as outward bathing. To keep the powels free and regular is of even greater importance than keen skin-pores from becoming clogged. The neglect of either in- ites disease. Evetyone needs a natural laxative occasionally, to free th he bowels of accumulated impurities For this putpise take BEECHAM'S PILLS (he greatest boon ever offered to those 'who suffer from the ills = follow constipation. For over fifty years Beecham's Pills have peen famous as a Stomach corrective, a Liver regulator and Bowel jaxative. They never gripe nor cause pain. Powerful purgatives are dangerous. Avoid them. Use Beecham's Pills. They give re- fief without doing violence to any' organ. Their action is in har- mony with physical laws. Take them regularly and the necessity for their use becomes less frequent. They are a. natural laxative a positive cure for Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache : a Dyspepsia. Prepared only by the P Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, L hire, Eng. oT a Tomes rectors 5 in boxes 25 cents. 5 FURNACE NO BENDING DOUBLE AND POKING AROUND THE ASH-PIT WITH A SHOVEL TOGET THE ASHES OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. The Sunshine is furnished with a good, big ash-pan. All you have to do is to grasp two strong, firmly ate tached, always~cool, bale han- dles and the large, roomy ash- pan easily comes out. A minute or two is all i takes to perform the cron All the ashes are in the pan, too. Because they are guided into it by means of ash-chutes attached immediately below the fire-pot. Sunshine is the simplest, easiest-managed, cleanest kind of a furnace. You don't have to wear overalls and a smock when attending to the Sunshine. If your local dealer does not handle the "Sunshine" write direct to us for Free Bookrer. _MClarys ------------ rie. , "TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN. N.B.} LEMMON & SONS. ------ i ---- ---- -- ---- A Do. Xou Prize Tea for.its body, its fragrance, flavor, purity and wholesomeness ? Blue Ribbon Tea is perfect in all these qualities. For morning, afternoon or evening--for ev.ry use--it's the best. Pure and invigorating. Biack, green, mixed --25¢. to $1 a Ib.--All grocers h- WHITE GOODS SALE ALL THIS WEEK White Dotted and Figured Swiss Muslins, nice shear quali- ties, at 10e¢., iRpe., 15¢., 20¢. and 25¢. yard. °° White Persian Lawns, 36 inches wide, at 15c., 18c., 20c., 25¢. and 35¢. gerd. White Madras Waistings, in Stripes, Spots and Figures at 15¢., ng FE aR 38¢. yard. : Black and White Eyelet Embroidery Muslins, something entisaly maw, at 25c. and 3c. 3 with Blac k Spots and Figures, at 15c., White te Skirts, in Pique Duck and Linen, at $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25 and wp to '$4 each. ; Blouses, Cosset Covers, Drawers, Skirts and Gowns, all at special prices, for this week, THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE « . ..J18C Wellington Street. MEN WELL DRILLED THE Sores 15 IS BECO, Number of Men and Horses in Camp--The Volunteers Enjoy Themselves at Games and Sports. The annual camp of instruction is two-thirds over, and ' already one Mould scarcely recognize the regiments 'Which now parade as the same body of men who went under' canvas a week ago. Brill under competent instruc- tors has done wonders, and, to-day, the volunteers can go through their movements with an alacrity and a precision which in itself is. a demons stration of the usefulness and neces- sity of the holding of military camps. While the boys have worked hard and conseientiously with a above mentioned result, yet "all work and no play would make Jack a dull boy.' In this case it would make Tommy » dull boy, -But he has his pleasures also. Off parade every effort is made to facilitate the enjoyment of the men and . in these efforts . the Y.M.C.A. plays a most active part. They lead the way in sports as well as in football seem to be the favorite pas- times, but wrestling, racing, etc., all have their enthusiastic followers. Be- sides such things, the several corps nave their private entertainments, So the time ses merrily enough from day to h succeeding year secs a more efficient and more popular camp, and it will be with regret that the volunteers return once' more to their homes on Friday next, Final arrangements have been com- pletgd for the grand military tattoo Shit is to be held. on the camp grounds for the public this evening. Besides the funds so liberally supplied by the officers, the city council has voted an hundred dollars towards de- fraying the expenses of the entertains ment, which promises to be: the most elaborate ever attempted by a mili tary camp. in the dominion. All citi- zens are invited to attend, and as has already been stated, the only request made is that those who may drive over, unhitch their horses and. secure them, in order that accidents may be avoided when the fireworks and ex- plosives are ignited Th flicers of the 47th and 49th regimenis' have united in chartering a steamer to convey their men on a trip through the Thousand Islands, Wednes- day afternoon There are 2,327 men and 667 horses in camp this Ar. The A.S.C. has all others stopped when it comes to hard work. Like in sport when off duty. wise they Even the 3 of the corps have won an enviable reputation as ath- letes. 'Brigadier Brindle" Harvey, having de «d all wrestlers of re- pute, in his own ranks, has been hoisted upon a padestal by his com- rades. They have subscribed a hand- some purse 'to back their man agninst the best the other regiments can pro- duce. As a pole climber, too, the brigadier has them all on their mettla but Lieut. Muckie always manages to arrive at the top faster than his elongated mate. A matinee perform. ance, at which the pair will contest once more for final superiority, is be- ing arranged and the staff will doubt- less patronize the entertainment. Lieut. Gillespie will supply the music should an evening session be neces- sarv. and promises to introduce a change of programme in such event. Pte. Vancott, 49th Regiment, Tren- ton, is in hospital with a fractured leg, which he sustained accidentally while playing football. Dr. Bower, Ottawa, is Attached -to the A.M.C. as dentist, and has been kept pretty busy. Several of his pa- tients were members of the staff. Trumpeter Burns, 4th Hussars, is in hosvital with neuralgia. Wednesday afternoon at four o'clock there will be a programme of sports. The officers have donated prizes for the several ovents and the Y.M.C.A. stafi has interested itself in the mat ter. The public are invited to wits ness the sever I'rooper Me ta , 1s on the disabled list, having ived a kick on the head fram his : P.LIDG., Ot its. Campbell and Dawson are fered tw of the best musketry instructors in the dominion, and have been proving eminently satisfactory in their work at the camp. Both men and officers are delighted with the' efforts being made by the citizens to make the camp a Success beyond even pust years. It is a » of affairs to be re- gretted that only two out of all the oe rs of the staff signalling eorpe were available for service at Barne field camp this year. Lieut.-Col. A. 8. Williams, A.D.C, inspector of cavalry, inspected the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, on Monday after noon. The following officers have been de- tailed as members of the board of of- ficers on equitation and will assemble west of the 3rd Dragpon lines on Wed- nmesday : President, Lieut.-Col. R. Brown, 5th. P.L.D.G.; members, Maj. Jd. F. Letherland, 4th Hussars; Capt. A. H. H. Powell, R.C.D. Liout. J. Hannah, of the 47th Regi- ment, is made captain, vice At Forty Some of the signs that life has passed its zenith appear. Exertion is followed by fatigues that are not quite worn off next morning, and the be- ginning of that slow decline is com- menoed which enlminates at seventy. At forty, men 'and women should be careful, Nature needs a little help, and no remedy equals Ferrozone as a strengthening system builder. It re- news health by producing new blood, by supplying elements to ve build the mervous system, In this way the decline which sets in at forty is postponed by Ferrozone. | The vital fluid is renewed, surplus vi- | gor is created, the nervous system is mvigorate od. With incre: wih appetite, sound sleep, [ana strong nerves, you are bound to | feel - better--you will surely feel the | enormous push Ferrorone has given your health. Try it. Thousands use it every day. Just one tablet before meals; Ue. per box, at all dealers. other walks of life. Baseball, and | . DAILY BRISA WHE ~LUESK x. Bel. appolited atin 2 1s fee re th and 9th out for muskeiry fr er Mts H. Minues, Highland Cadets, as been faken on the: strength gu clerk 16 the mushketry instenetor, Cadet McQueen has been taken om the strength from the et inst., .g piel. offices to the 0. C, 2nd Cav *v Brigade. Lieut-Col. R. EK. Scatt, R80. on the strength. from, the Jat nst., and attached to. the 0.5.0. section in camp. Orders For The duties will be furnished by the 7th Infantry Unigade. Nexs for duty, the 6th Infantry Brigade. . Medion officer for the day, Maj ©: L. Curtis, 157th Angisteatc_K Fo for duty, Capt. A. Gillespie, 5th Regiment. Vetorin- ary officer fon the he Siu Capt. Poole, 3rd PWC. Next i:r duty, Lieut. Ni w. NSC. The following regiments will parade for musketry : "A and "BS sqund- rons, 3rd Dragoons, at 8:30 am.; A." squadeon, 4th Hussams, and "Bt Pp, Sth Pp. L.D.AG., at 10:30 an. and "tC sogmdrons, 1th As sars, at 3 p.m. he 42th. Regiment will parade at the butts at 7:30 aan the 19th at 1:30 jm, A board of officers, composd as under, will assemble at camp head quarters on. Wednesday and Mhursday for the purpose of examining provis- ional lieutenants in jofantey : Presi. dent, Col. W. D. Gordon, Sawn, com- mandant; members, Liewt.-Col. T. D, R. Hemming, R.C.Rg thie sta a afli- eer, Lieut. Gibeon, R.C.R Pay sheets must Be handid in to camp Paymnster, complete, not later than noon, Tuesdhy. Lieut, Mabe, 47th Regiment, is taken 'on the strength from the Mth mst. Sergt.-Maj. J. BR. MeGowan, W.0., having reported as igstraetor of sig nalling, is taken on the strength from the 22d inst. The composite city regiment will he mastered at 6 a.m. on Wednesday, The attention of OL brigades is called to the fact that seme of the troops in. camp are im the habit of bathing in front of cottages in Dead Mun's Bay. This practice must he fis ontinued forthwith, A board of officers, composed as un. hy will assemble at the Corps of Guides lines. at 8:30 a.m., the 26th, for the purpose of conducting the ex- amination of Corps of Guides: Pre sident, Lient<Col. FP! Strange, S.0, S.C. officer; momber, Lieut. F. Mae nee, 14th P.W.O.R. nn LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Conhisiing Aberdeen and Upper William Streets. Ringeion, June 22.--(To the Edi: tor) © The city selicitor's report on the streets question, having been re- ferred tg him a fortnight ago, by the ¢ouncil, to give his opinion there- upon, presented the following meagre report on Monday, 17th inst, aes it appeared in your paper on the fol- lowing night : "City Solicitor Mcln- tyre reported that both Aberdeen street and the extepsion of William strest, hind ac re the charpeter of public thoroughfares." As he did not tell us how, or when, or on what basis, they "became 80, 'pechaps some independent and fearless alderman will be good enough, when next they meet, to make it his business, in the inter- ests of the citizen taxpayers, to find out more definitely how this decision was or could have been arrived at! how far it goes, and on what valid basis, for surely they are fully en- titled to: be made aware of this; and as no action 'bas been decided upon on the subject as to what may, or may not, be done, by the council, which has adjourned, till October 7th next, and nothing presumably is likely to be attempted till after that period, which is a consolation to be reasonably ex- pected, at all events; after which we may learn what action the council may take and the cost thereof. There is no thoroughiare through this ground now, and never has been, the whole field being covered with rubbish, which should not have been allowed, and one residence only, which rubbish will very materially add to the trouble and expense of building either streets or a drain there, which has been asked to be made through the so-called Aberdeen. street, but be- fore this is done, I am told intersec- tions therewith have to be made with a drain from upper William street, to University avenue, Before the city can claim its share of the cost of the former drain, to wit #91, and that to buy the property on Division street to let the extension through, gpd on University avenue for an like purpose, will cost the city (the taxpayers), 1 am told by one who ought to know, at least £4,000 or $5,000, bes des an other £1,000 per anmmum, to grade and keep these extra streets ,which areal together unnecessary, in repair. The present block, which is only an. ordin- ary sized one, suffices, instead, of four, it being surrounded: by a street on every side of it, having drains running through them, which can easi- ly be connected with by these who find they need a drain; but let it he done, if done. at all; at the personal and private expense only of those who are to use and want it, and derive the benefit which it ia expected to confer, as others similarly situated have, had to do in times past, This subject should not be forgotten by any of the taxpayers, aid it should be further attended to should farther develop ments be exhibited in future --FCON- OMIST, Hie - The city solicitor gave the city council a very full report upon the above mentioned streets. The Whig. merely published the conclusions, The solicitors Xeport. | is on file at the city clerk's office. -------------- Kingston Boy To The Front. Clarence 1. Ferguson, formerly with J. 8. R. MoCann, of this city, and lat- terly manager of the Cost department of the National Cash Register com- pany, Toronto, Ont., has recently been appointed secretary and manager of the Faramel Manufacturing Co., Buf falo, N.¥., a $500,000 plant. Another ¢ase of Kingston hoy to the front. ---------------- Horse races, boat races, Daseball, vaudeville,g 'band concert, elo, at First insertion 1c. wm word, Each cose secutive insertion thereafter hall cent w word. Miniteuny charge for ome fu- A ------ HELP WANTED--MALE, meee tne FIRSTCLASS Bias S58 on Stead: Cana etal Kk wars Co. A Petert BOY WHO CAN EARN FROM T A Bak Factory, An =. Boar A CETY DELIVERY DRIVER. STEAD situation. Good wages. Apply W. J Crothers' Co.,. Wellington root. SALESMENX FOR AUTO-SPRAY; made, Sample achine free to appr went. Cavers Bros, Gent, "UPsoved ---------------------------------------------- AGENTS-STARTLING HOUSEHOLD Mhvention. Ho on sight, Agents coining » Salary or ocominise sion. radiey: Garretson Co. Lad, Desk rantford, Out. SPRING SUITS TO MAKE, GENTLE. wen, bridg your own cloth and ER TL a guarant v iting 3 fous well, = Si HELP WANTED-FEMALE, es et -------------------- GIRL. STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY. Pply Gould's Uroom Factory, King Fi near Queen. A GENERAL SERV ANT, WELL RE. comupended. Apply in the evening, 10 294 King street ------------------------------------------ GOOD GENERAL MAID, ONE WILL ing to go to Stella Point for the sunumer. Apply to Lo U, Lockett, care The Lockett Shoe Store, A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, RE ferences required. Good ages given Apply Mrs. G. WW. Rlair, * Ringe woud,"t Kine St, between 9 and 12 am, ' eral housework, Gananoque, for sum mer; two in faurily. Apply British American Hotel, two o'clock Thurs day. TE -------------- PRIVATE BOARD. gentlamen, tem minutes 'wall from office. REV. GC, W. OASSON, OTT AWA The God Of The Open. past, in the open field than the temp with every man on the common path, ture. 700 CORDS OF WOOD Near Parham. Parham, during Saturday night, The wood was piled along the K. & 1 engin largest portion of the wood was ew) ed by W.D. Black, excoounty eouncil owners lose heavily. "Run For The Doctor." White Liniment, dtug store, Chess Players On Trip. a trip as for as ; ------------------ Compound Syrup of H Store, Now is the time to do Everything reduced at D. E, Phone 3 Gananoque July lst, TO HIRE, HORSE AND BUGGY, FOR | Er BOYS AND GIRLS, FIFTHEN YEARS and Sven work in sear fact COTTAGES, DWELLINGS, Otis LARCE FURNISHED Provements. Apply tw Whig office. er ------ McCann, . 51 [A e- COCKER SPAN oN evening. Finder will re hy returni to Misy Matar FRONT ROOM, row, 168 William » ¥ all modern {n= A bb ya 8 or OFF]0 Bs OVER tng Stlegrarh ompuuy alice office, Ss St ply i HOUSE, 138 UNIO en, improvements, poss "ward will te" 1st. Apply at Whites Insuretce Utlice, Bagot street. HOUSE, MODERN 1M feom range, 153 pe St. te to Mrs, *iovit's August. Ap~ Flower Store, 238 Princess street, BRICK DWELLING, NO. 181 DIVISION street, twelve rooms, Light w 6 start . ApS. GEL and-apod tute Lc. IA PARROT. ( OX MOXDAY. PEARE CRESCENT, ON Pager we Riudly retura to A SILVER CHAINED BAG, BRTWEEN fe camp and Royal Military Ovllege, © Anyone return o Comma % dant's House wil be : be rewarded. 2 A RED COCKER SPANIEL, of "Brownie." w #Wers 10 name 3 wiven to one res a turning him to 130 Bot tat! a A -- ps ---------- wi ¢ THR PERSON WIN TOOK THE Parasol Price's Store FOR SALE. ee kitchen, hot water | A NESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON: & Dosswasion. Ap. Area street. Apply to. Harry. vid teben. . 3 King STREET, Nt., commodious residence, hot water, furoace, all * 14 FT. SKIFF OR ROWHOAT, IN PER: 6 CORNER EMILY fect condition. Apply to Box "F.0 i. ? 11-rooms, Whig ofiice. img modern cons coach house facing Macdonald Ww orm y oconp IY " free of Een, for a term Rbpiy 108 Gore street. : of years, if demred. Apply to J, 8, | SS -------------------------- R. McCann, 8) Brock street. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, om apy tise, Cor. Queen and Hagot streets. ele. Anchor Build JAnonreor, ©. Anchor Building, Marke are. | LIV 'Phone, 845. - ARCHITECT, MER which " ; = chamt's Bank Building, corser rock security the unlimited ot Pl X the stockholders, Phove, 213, ha, suckhoiden hE ra a ten, MARRIAGE LICENSES, bog ng big Foy Rg ISSUER OF peseneetssmsammsmmnntutonns © Clarence 5% ? § ---------- 3 . DR. i Vv. 8, RE ™ 'moved tp ert ile, an' $ , OFFICE LATRLY street, just above the , Mon or i corner MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, FOR GEN- ahd Wellington streets. r ROOM =. AND BOARD FOR TWO, Smelter Site and. Cotton Mil. In qhiiet locality. Apply "8S. W.' Whig The Paragraph Pulpit! How about a new Refrigerato this summer ? If you intend get ing one, it would be worth you while to look over our stock. 'WE HAVE THEM in all styles and. sizes, at prices FROM 38.00 UP, Call and! let us show thern}to LEMMON & SONS, 35+ and 305 I believe .in the God of the open. He is no habitant of silence and shadow. He is not found only umder the dim' cloisters of churches, or heard only in the awed hush of sacred ser vies. The God in Whom I believe is the God of ' the open sky and the open street and the open mind. Everyl where and in everything He may be seen and felt and known. He is in the sunshine more than the shadow, in the living present than the dead led cave. He does not speak from an ancient Sinai; He walks and talks Address, Mr. Casson for free litera Burned Alongside K. & P. R. No. AY A MANTEL BED, IN GOOD CONDI rd Parks. suitable. for summer cottage oe MONEY AND BUSINESS, a ---------------------------------- OUR POLICIES GOV or - St iid ing sad cor Lo Wy fn . § Gog vin » oe LNanporiem, BRPOOL, LONDON AND PT Fire Insurance Col v assets 01.187 7.915. $0 v is ae Fe Seven hundred cords of wood, valued at $2500, were destroyed by five at DzafBin's Corners, on this side of railway siding awaiting shiprent. It in suspected that a sparc from an fell upon the wood, which =u» very. diy owing to the desuth, The lor, avd Alired Huries, ceek of Portlaud township. Several others in the vidinity had an interest The 700 cords was totally destroyed and the From $3.50 to $15. Baby Care riages, from $10 to 5. Cots, Mattresses, Camp ad Stools, from 3be. 2 $1.50. Some one has fallen or injured him. self in some way. It may be well to go for the doctor i the injury seems serious, but in any case your can do nothing but good by applying Smith's Hall Seats, from $7 to $18, ior re match, $3.50, $5.50, $10 and It will prevent congestion and sore ness that would result from delay, re- lieve the pain promptly, too. Should be in every home ready for emergen- cies. Large bottles, 20c., at Wade's The steamer Alexandria, on its re gular trip down the river Monday night, had a large pasty of chess players on board, members of the American Chess Club, who are taking We carry a nice assortment of Refrigerators' from $8.00 to $32.00 We have also a fine line of Lawn Mowers from $3.00 io 6. ypophosphites, our own make, oqual to the best. Big 'bottles, 50c. and 75c.; at Wade's Drug Nine million feet of lumber were destroyed by five at the premises of the Vancouver Lumber company, Sat urday, entailing a loss of $250,000, Window Screens and Screen Doors, all sizes. ELLIOTT B ROS. 77 Princess Street. Pessosssssenenseasdientessy R------ EE -- Rue Racks, from $5.50 RB J. REID, 4 Sheet Lead. | Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Tominost Ah

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