Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1907, p. 8

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/aists SATURDAY MORNING Regular $4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00. This is the finest lot of High-Class WHITE SILK BLOUSES ever offcfed to the people of "Kingston, They are made of superior quality - Japanese and French Silk, handsome. ly trimmed and embroidered, being, in : many instances, exact reproductions of what New York stores are showing at $10.00 and 15.00. | ONLY 380 IN THiS LOT. All sizes 32 t 0 42. fear 2 . i sory, Say An Agreement Was Violated , church, preacher at the open synod : and They Are Now Free to Speaking of the ch he pointed out "there fare little hamlets in Canada where five 0 preach to five small , who could be minis. one men, While the hers doing good wor se h o r that the heathen in foreign Joss agree among them- wretched divisions, Wednciday suffered a severe loss by the destruction by fire of No. 1 fire hall, situated on the lower part of Front street, and an eleven-year-old lad, Dorland Foote, arrested by the police; admitted that he had set fire to it. He also confessed to having Pacific railway, hos for the Canadian of TS on its hands. tell our missionaries ALAS BAD CRE OF 11-YEAR-OLD BOY. Confesses to Having Started Flames Which Destroyed Build. ing and to Firing Hotel Stables. Belleville, June 20.~The city on preach the same gospel, unbelievers that they gladly --taeron esses A GERMAN'S SUICIDE. Put Musele to Head and Touched work, and they ne da; the fire broke out in the rear portion of the building. and spread with such rapidity that only the team stabled therein was got out, and one of the animals was 3 fire engine, hose Waggon, containing 500 feet of shose and other parapher- nalie, was burned. The firemen lost all their clothing and valuahles, The loss to building and contents is estimated to be between $5,000 und $6,000, la 8 to freight i mage reight in Winnipeg, Man., June 20.--A Ger man named Chris Veogt, working at out eight miles east committed suicide hy muzzle of a gun nest rie Hing the trigger with his a to nl At an inquest held ollison, vesterday after noon, the jury returned a verdict of the murder and a new trial, was on habeas corpus the ordinary course would not come off £ Belleville,' J) une 20.--A. M. Stewart, alias Renn, has been arrested by the local police, charged with being an accomplice of the lad, Dorland Foote, who has confessed to three cases of arson. Foote implicated the girl, who is weank-minded, in his coniessign. The case has been postponed by the mag- istrate, ER pin, PRINCESS ST. METHODISTS -- Farewell Retiring Pastor and Welcome Newcomer. rs of the Princess Street until next March session of the court. Bay company employ who was in love is alleged to have to get rid of the |» or $2.98 Each. Hicks, and extended v warm welcome to their Rev. F. H. Sproule, irt also decided that two Buckingham strike prisoners, lib. and Mrs. Sproule. Annual Meeting Yesterday--Grati- committed for trial olease wag nuashed, -- PITH oF THE NEWS. The Very Latest licks and Rev. Mr. Sproule rogramime was oarried out, froshiments were served, and the order of i The annual meeting 'of the Mer chants' Bunk of Canada was held. yesterday, at the head office of the gramme included solos hy bank, in Méntreal., The president, Sir shall, recitations by Miss Eth and Rev. Mr. Waddell, by the church quartetie, ings were brought to singing of "God Be With Y Culled From an The Salvation Arm chair, In submitting the annual re- port of the directors, the chairman drew attention to the exceptionally prosperous year which the bank had enjoyed. The net profits amounted to $961,660, out of which, after paying quarterly dividends, at the rate of eight per cent. Per annum to the stockholders, the sum of $100,000 was added to the reserve fund, and $100, 000 written off bank premises count. E. F, Hebden, the general manager, was congratulated on the excellent showing made by the bank during the year. The old hoard was re-elected, with the exception of J, Pp. Dawes, whose valued services for the Past twenty-one years were terminated by his death. Bryee J. Allan was elected 10 replace My, Dawes. y is making large A writ has been j tario Bank, against director, for $4,750. ssuéd by the On- ---- At Osgoode Hall. Temagami reserve bas been burned ow tors lost their outfits, Washington, D.C the American Wate as the place for ¢ arcourt for infants. winting the afficial g wesent. the grandchildren in the ministration proceedings, Order Tworks Association he next convention, Parc an estimate of the cost onto, City Engineer money of part of the lands into court "Spatch outlines Foreign vesting the land | Settlement of the Newfoundland fish- North American Telegraph Co. vs. Bay of Quinte R. W. C. Dr. John Brach, of the University of Toronto, was, this morning, made In less expensive material you will find many at less "cost that are very effective, EE ------------------ 4 Spangenberg KING STREET LIVINGS an honorary mem later Works Association. Sir William Graham, former he admiralty and controller died at Bath, in his moved for order striking on foronto Saturday Night. aragraphs- of the counterel These are some against us hy W. R. Givens, formerly of Canada. That he is determined to make ga strong indictment against ug cighty-second yea, is shown by his statement that "hut -- The 8.8, Parisian, A Popular Start. Window Display Allan line, from SEE E & cepted. ®) Kingston, June 20. Ag the ®) | tenac cheese. board meeting this after- S noon there Sore L122 cheese boarded, 840 white and 292 colored. These fac. thing every lady ag. v tories had choose on sale: and desires to possess. ®| White Elginburg, 60; Cold Springs, 4 & oa umbury, 70; Rose Hill, 70; Oso, a 1 they 1 range 10% Nornimy Star, 30. Hinchinbrooke, from $5.50 and upwards. 0, 3 aren, 3 Silver volte he n Tvory will range o lune, rE McGrath's, 60; Collins Bay, they ' } from $5 and upwards. ® | Colored--Gl nburnie, 60, 80; Gilt Edge, 63; Howe Pine Hill, 81, At 11 ies id. if c'eaned by "Kleen Hat." at Gibson's Red M JEWELER, remove to Ottawa shortly, London, for Montreal for the Americans who have crossed into the western Provinces of late the population of Canada would now be less than it was ten or twenty-five years ago." This. is so far from the ruth that it does much to. discredit . Givens. In fact, taking his ar. ticle as 'a whole, it is pretty safo to conclude that Mr. Givens is one of those who left Canada years ago, and knows nothing of the great changes that a fow years have brought about. He is writing of a dominion that is no more; he ig writing of the Can- ada of the nineteenth cenfury, not of the twentieth. He be aware that our leading cities in the past fifteen years have equalled in rate of growth any cities on the continent; that our foreign trade shows a _ratio of growth. greater than that of the republic; that >» at Father Poi .» With 326 sec from Hamilton and Toronto, to Lew- 2 a speedy trip across being commodious, st boat on these waters, gantly fitted up, and Guelph, Ont, hit on the baseball a week ago, night from the injuri Ten years in peni sentence at Sandwicl inic Provenzano, the of shooting his coun died Wednesday » Served to Dom- Italian convicted ed | earle, is making un un tryman, Antonio i cess of his mission to tn of the boat in the earn © managers of the rivyl are Kingstonians. ------------ Women Are Changing anada are changing They are discarding soaps they have been using or 50 many years and are using more and more of the new THE 5 P.M. EDITION CHEESE SOLD AT 11 5-16¢, All But Four Factories A terrific shock occu tuque region, Quebec, quantity of dynamite a oded ns a result of f loss of life is reported. C. Lanetot, Quebec, assistant attor- will leave, on Friday, hy an for London, where he provincial govern- re the privy coun- The women of C » pure soap made is called the "Olive and is 'a wholly It is made at Ber- can be bought at grocers for 5 cents a cake, -- ment in a case befor a than that of the republic; that our railway mileage shows a greater per- centage of growth: that in our so Wl" laundry soap g illness from pneumonia re castile soap. came, Wednesday evening, to Philas Busiuet, sage J Lone: dollars' worth of goods for every dol. yacithe, Quo. He lar's worth that market takes from which is not encouraging, and which, perhaps, influences us to some extent in seeking to = il our surplus in Europe. Gananoque Waterworks. of Gananoque must pay H. Walker, administrator of the es. H. Clarke, the sum ker, before Justice claimed $1,442.04 from the James Miller; charged with on the Canadian North- near Stanley, Ont., tate of the late OC. was found giilty'| of $201.76. Mr. Wal nty years in pen- rn railway track, and sentenced to twe : id tah be The Board of Education committees bh e ve been 5-16 cents all but four factor ance said to a*e Eine The state the construction of water and sweerage works, Joseph Gurofsky, Toronto. sentenced to six months in the Central prison, following report : At a meeting of the management and finance committees, held on the As next Thursday is ciecus day, board decided to meet at 10 an Italian in an affray -------- been pardoned: by the "Your Panama' will look like Camp Waggon Runaway. The team of horses attached to the camp canteen waggon, near the City Park, to- A loose bolt allowed the whiffle- tree to full against the animals' hoofs ton, Metcalfe, Walkem and Richardson were present, it was decided to report and recommend : On the communication of Vice-Prin- cipal Watson, of Queen's University, asking that clause 7 of the agreement adopted by the board be made to read : "That the dean of the Schoal of Pedagogy, after consultation with trie, charged with sther, Henry, on January ¢ was tried at Port Arthur. deed under great provocation, Penitentiary for two years. in the north have not caused any danger to human life. The ross Drug Store. the murder of his - W. Everctts, Suiith's Falls, will lan steamer Parisiag, from r ¢ passed Fame Point, 9.30 Pan, on June 19th, Medley's toilet witch hazel cream for sunburn, 13c., for 25e. si they were heading ge, dragging the traces Smyth, and the west hal BATH ARE NOW IN ORDER. -------- Left The Hospital. Green, who was injured hile bieyeling on the ew evenings ago, has from the injuries as leave the gemeral hos- ---- ING SUITS townships, have been swept by fire, in timber 'will be $1,000,000. Saving stations of the most be establighed on of Prince Edward Is- Next year a thind | 5¢ far recovered land this season is possible to build, pital this morn twoen the islad will be run be and the mainland, ts in the making of Bathing Suits. 'but they F, Borders. $1.50, $2, $3 ana » 8e. up. TONS. Twenty-Five Cents, nobby light weight Bros, The eighteen months old daughter Carber, Mount Hope, Ont., was sitting on a chair, port to the Board of Education re garding the efficiency of the teachers hat at Campbell engaged in the work of that school. ---------- "High class perfumes." at Gibson's Red C 3 what the miaterial should be and where and where to find manufacturers who give | 80 essential to both looks and com- and fell forward. Her neck was brok- en by the fall, and she ¢ Belleville, on Wednesday, the premises of the Belle ville Hardware company, on Pinnacle street, to the oxtent of about $12,000. The factory itself was not but all the manufactu Applications And Fees. Applications have been received from local candidates for departmental ex- aminations of the education depart- ment of the province of Ontario, as ross Drug Store, The Centre street drain will be com- pleted next week and then a econerete laid down that thorough- n has been open since ' period of od Service. teachers, 4; junior matriculation, Tat 115; honor matriculation, 3: scholar. 3 examination, 9. The fees from candidates amounted to £590, of which sum 843 goes to the education department, Toronto, and the remain- der, $47, to the Board of Education. ------ choice, Ridean choco- "on the corner." The Duke of the Abruzsi will arrive at Quebee on his cruiser, on the 27th, and will make a short tour of Canada incognito. Two quart fount at Wade's Drug Sto A large number 'of Oddfellows and citizens went to Garden Island, this 'to attend the funeral Joseph Oueletie, a joiner, at 200 Bayard street, St. ., las 'mysteriou sly disappeared. he said ho was tired and wonld go to bed early. Shortly after supper, however, he went out and has not since been seen, ------ lish health salt for a cooling I ng Sold at Gibson's Rad | the late Dr. tore, n syringes, 50c,, Have all the new styles in straw and felt hats. ---- It cools the blood and relieves prick: ly heat, and hives, Saline Laxative. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, ings and learn to swim. | ld at Gibson's Red C tore, ining wings, Tic "The Corper started the fire which destroyed the stables of the Queen's hotel last Fri- day. A few minutes before four o'clock bewdly burned. A steam Another Arrest Made. ---------- MERCHANTS BANK fying Results. Montague Allan, occupied the ac- recently ------ Still Another Criticism, e of the points madi Walking Skirts That should be seen by every woman who in- tends buying, We have reall stylish designs and at interest you, Light Weight Tweed Skirts In light shades of imported summer tweeds. Cream Paris Cloth Skirts Very dainty and very good value at $5.50. Cream Serge Skirts $4.99 end $6.50. White Linen Finished Drill Skirts Do not crush than linen an We have the $1.49, 1.75, 2.49, 2.95, 3.25. y handsome and prices that will surely | JOHN Mc » more easily d now very much i does not seem to our Per capita has hecome greater "natural market" we buy three ---- Desires Co-Operation. last evening, and adopted the inst., at which Messrs. Martin, Haffner, Bennett, McLean, Ren- White P. K. Skirts $2.75, 3.25, 3.75. Cool Undervests For Children Fine White Co tton Undervests ete range of sizes from roc. u Wool for s and Drawers and in 3 different Also Fine White ummer wear, in Wh. filo 5 the principals of the Collegiate Insti- eee tute in the use of ga high school teacher, or with the principal of the Victoria school in the case of a public echool teacher, shall report, ete." That the Board of Education ex- pects the frank and sympathetic co- operation of the inspector and teach- their staff employed in the of - Pedagogy, who shall re- Junior teachers, 97. senior Campbell Bros.' Japanese Travelling Goods Suit Cases, leather t, $1.50, $1.75and Wicker Telescope Cases, carry a lot, $2.00, $2. Wicker Hoy Cases. with or straps, strong roers, one strap, without straps, 5 sizes, Wicker Hand Grips, 3 sizes, 50c Wicker, Suit C $1.25, $1.50. - Toc, $1.00. ases, 3 sizes, neat and handy, $1.00, The Lockett Shoe Store, ------------------ WE ARE ¢ FOR CONSULT! Fur Hou 149-155 Broc Kingston CEOOEE Anderson B Specials for To- Saturda 300 lbs, Fresh Sauss y 25c. Our Own mak 40 Sides Our Best I Bacon, 16¢. 1b. 50 Our Best Smoked H '60 Rolls Bacon, 12jc. Cooked Meats, choic Try Our Cooked H: FRESH ME ring Lamb Cut an) Sp Lan Chops. 1,000 Ibs. Fresh Pork, ! Farmer Fed. SELECT V] 500 lbs. Beef to sell a Sirloin, Porter-House Steaks cut to suit. 2,000 lbs. Best Wester choose from. Salt Meats, all kinds, BUTTER 500 lbs. Choice Crean 1b. "Phone orders taken . ed to carefully. Anderson *PHONE 468. A niet) Sault Ste. Mari NOTICE TO CONTR SEALED TENDERS to the undersigned und enc der for South Eatrance Ui Marie Canal, will be rec oitice until' 16 © 2nd July, 1907, for an ext South Entrance Pier at Lj ol the Canal Plans and specification can be Seen on and alter office of the Ulric i k ng partment of Railw Ottawa, and at the r in Charge aut Sau 0, at which places der may be obtained : The lowest or any tender sarily accepted. By order, 2 K Department of Railways 3 u 3 Ottawa, J une 15th, Newspapers inserting h ment without authority fro ment will not be paid for | Sc. WONDERL OPEN---Afternoon, Evening, 7 --Saturday, 1 Funtire change of Progr Mowday, Wednesday and Fr Moving Pictures F Saturday. at RE oesing A Coo 'Keeping Straigh "Pay Day." New Illustrated Songs AUSTIN, of New York. Sc. So GARDEN P Is Ald of Hotel Dieu on Hotel Dieu Gr« Wednesday, June 26 Afternoon and evening. 5b to 8, 25¢. 14th Band in Admission, 10¢, ; Childre FURNITURE BY A SATURDAY, , June Square, 10 a.m. Iron tension, Tables, Springs Tubs, Now Chuirs, Tub Stove, Coal oR, ye ri os" cycle, unlop Lucier' Hic) W. MURRAY, IT I8 A FA( Where you get good stv

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