Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1907, p. 7

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DARD - > - = = = « Toronto eh 5 AN ACCOUNT =pasits of $1 and upwards are ;ecelved, Pig ory) aud upwiniiare is naking Withdrawals four times a year 1 Connection with all Branches; N BRANCH or, Mi } AND BAGOT STs. ey, DIAN BANK VIMERCE ESTABLISHED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, -' - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,00¢ lin the United Siates and England BUSINESS TRANSACTED BANKING "farmers for their banking tes cashed or tak lection = osits may be made or withdrawn by ints receive every attention BRANCH, ND PRINCESS STS ON, Manager. : ese, 86 al's Weather-Proof-- drafts--unaffected by lightning by sparks or cinders without, and ithin as well--can be-very quickly ir s - eel Sidings, sified Steel Ceilings and Walls. de.in a great variety of attractive pearance of brick and stone. They use, and a durable one. : strated Catalogue describing our e if you mention this ptr s2 Our Big: Re-Build- ing Sale Only Lasts A Few Days Longer. Everything at sale prices, A big stock to select from, at The Leading Undertaker "PHONE 147. EE -------- U > JRANCE CcO'yY INTO, ONT. arket Street. "ae... $115,000,000.00 mm mm... 32,000,000.00 205-6 (over) - ' 1,420,000.00 o made by Canadian People For lor you will be chéerfully given at J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, EE ------ SS faa = 2 YY YY ONE i i --- LN IN CONNECTION . ERG LT RT GUAT Es Canadian Pacific Railway. HOMESEEKERS' Round Trip Second-Class Excy MA TOBA, ALBERTA, CHEWAN, going dates fro June 18, July 2,16, 30 ; Return Fares From days. «+ $9 00-4 Strasse = 2 Winalpeg. + » 8350 | Saskatoon - 88 5 Brandon - - 3315 | Prince Albert : Moosomin --+ 34 20 | No. Battieford - 39 00 reola + + 50 nel "- . 00M evan ry - + - 4030 a = C0 1 Med Deor = - 41 50 he =n | Sretrior bi Moosejaw = + 300 | Rdwonton 2 n Comfortable berths at modérate rates. I seekers' pamplet, giving ra points, and full particula and C.P.R. Ticketi offices, Ontario St DOMINION DAY, SINGLE FARE Going dates, June 08 U¢ Return limit, Jaly 2nd, New short line for Deseronto, and all local po Jon in tourist Free copivs of Home- 1997. ¥. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railwa Tweed, Napute ints. Trains 4 pm. R Ci Hall Depot at Wr DICKSON, 'Agent BQ Ry. Kites DIGEDOH, Age m Toronto August 13, 27 Sept. 10 and 24. Tickets good for sixty Kingston. 1B t K ); July Ocean Limited THE RAILWAY © CANADA'S PREMIER TRAIN BETWEEN Montreal, Levis, for Quebec, St. John and Halifax, with con- nection for Prince Edward Island. First Trip From June 30th. RGSS H I} Homeseeke Second-Class Round Trip Excur- Montreal Secure Folders and Descriptive Matter at Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St James St. rs' sions To Manitopa, Saskatchewan and terta leave ingston, Tuesday, 4th, 18th; July 2nd, 16th, 3 August 13th, 27th: Sept from going date. Dominion Day, Monday, duly 1st, Round trip tickets will be Single First-Class Fare Good going Friday, Saturday, Sunday June 28, 29, 30 and Jul) Ist, all tickets valid for return om or be- and Monday, fore Tuesday, July 2 10th and 24th Tickets good to return within sixty days sold at For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts, TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe Island :-- MON TUES 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m WED, 7 9.15 a.m. 1.00.00 p.m THURS., Breakey's gh hi 6.30--9.30 a.m. 1.00--2.30 p.m. FRI. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m SAT. 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. SUN 9.00--16.00 a.m. 12.30--5.00 p.m. Leave Kingston: 8.80--11.80 a.m. 3.00 3011.30 a.m. HN. -11.30 a.m. 8.00=7,00 p.m. 8.80--~11.30 a.m. #.30--11.30 a.m. 9.80---11.30 a.m. Sat.--Special trip to and Spoor's dock, at 3.30 p Time Table subject to char w notice. Bout ¢ills at Garden Island going to and from Kingston. E. BRICELAND, Manager. Bo EAST BOUND Commencing June 2nd, leave Kingston daily, except Monday, 6 a.m islands, Montreal, Quebec and River points. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p.m 8.30--11.30 a.m. 8.00--5.30 p.m 00--5.30 p.m. 2.00 Breakey's 8.00--5.30 p.m Simcoe Island m ge Wit Toronto Montreal Line Steamers "Toronto & Kingston" for WEST BOUND Leave Kingston, 5 p.m., Hamilton-Montreal Tri-weekly servi EAST AND WEST BOUND berth reservation, SANLEY, Ticket Agent, For tickets ly to, J. P. R70 N. Co., Kingston, FOSTER CHAFFE Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 100 ISLAND-ROCHESTER ROUTE Str. North King May 26th, steamer .G.P.A. daily. execopt Monday for Charlotte, and Toronto mak- ing connections for all Western points. Line ce Ont; leave Kingston, at 10.15 a.m. 3 for Thousand Island points an p.am., for Rochester, N.Y. of Quinte, calling at For further information, Fo via the intermediate ports iy to J P. HARLEY, Ticket Swe & CO., gent, Kingston. Maonger, | arsions tq SKAT sleepers Saguenay Toronto other «Pr 1st Al- June Oth 1y by the mew Twin Screw ian,*" by sea breezes seldom rises above 80 grees. health J. P. HANLEY, or J. P, GI SLERVE, Ticket Agents, Kingston; Irish International Exhibition Moville (Derry) to jand Passengers east and westhound . lets and reservations. ous Dobility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des pondency, Sexual Weakness, E matorrhea, and Fffects of ¢ Prica $1 per box, sixfor $5 One will please, will cure. Sold by all Qroggiaty or mailed in lain pkg. on receipt of price. i pS e. The Wood Medicine Co. (formerly Windsor) TRAVELLIN G. Quebec Steamship Company LIMITED - River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Serew Tron SS. "Ca na,'t With electric lights, electric yg ith © Le dig electric bells and all pALLS FROM MONTREAL ON MON. I YS, 19th une, 1st, 15th, and 20th July, 12th and 26th August, for Bh , N.S: calling at Quebec, Gaspe, bi al Bay, roe, Cape Cove, Grand River, Summerside, P.E.I., apd Charlottetown, BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards, SS. "Bermud- from™ New wday, com- June. Temperature cooled der trips of the season and comfort. or ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec For tickets and staterooms, apply to LDER- 5.500 toms. Sailin York every alternate W mencing 5th The finest ROYAL MAIL ALLAN LINE Dublin-- May to November For the convenience pf those wishing to visit the kixposition it has been arranged that the Tunisian and Ionian on the Liverpool Service will cal at For full particulars, Exhibition Pamph- Apply to J. P BANLEY, Agent, G.T.R., or J. P GILDERSLEBVE, Clarence street. BAKING PoWaER PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. Coniatzs wo Alum, Ammesia, Lime, Phosphates, or soy injoriant. EW.GILLETT Suites TORONTO.ONT. When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing clse. L2OPPBOPOPOOPVITTII® 9, Woods Phosphodine, SOR PH The Great English Remed (ov Tones and invigorates the whole LFS nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nero PSO Brr 9 e 1R Var et Os »e missions, Sper Ercesses. six yuse or New pamphlet Toronto, Ont p.m. GRAND UNION HOTEL Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY Every convenience at moderats expense,' Rooms $1.00 a day and upward Send 2-cent stamp for New York City Guidebook and Map. hout 1.000 ap- H a at 5 Bay JAS. President--Sir Richard Cartwright pertiesy tures. THE FRONTENAC - LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1863. loaned en City and Farm Pro Morey ar and County Deben Mortgages Purchassd. Deposite received and interest allowed. 8 ©. McGill, Managing Director Office. 87 Clarense Street, Kingstos. New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 am best place to get an all round os in the city Meals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Makes a @paciailys 'Phone. 655, Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. : Sale of Horses every Saturday -- er ------------ NewYork Chinese Restaurant 83 Princess Street Open from 10.80 «.m. to 3.00 n.m The best place to get en all round Lunch in the City deals of all kinds on shortest notice. English and Chinese Dishes a specialty. "SUMMER WANTS | Doo d Windows, Ice Sorean nS an Lawn Mowers THE DAILY wHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 20. : i ------ NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WIE CORRES PON: The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing and What They Are Saying. , Tidings From Lapum. Lafum, June 18--William Love, a resident of this place, was stricken with paralysis on Friday afternoon and was unconscious till his death, which occurred on Sunday morning about six o'clock. Mrs. T. .Clyde, (dessa, and Misses Keitha-and Lottie Prown, Wilton, were, on Thursday, lust guests of Mrs. J. E. Boulton. A number of the young men have gone to Barriefield camp. John Brown is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Wil- lam Lapum improves very stowly. lev. R.A. Whattam has returned from conference, and will preach his farewell sermons on this circuit next Sabbath. Tho people are sorry to lose him and Mrs. Whattam. . News From Stella. Stella, June 19.--The ladies of Christ Church, Emerald, held an ice cream social, on Saturday evening. The proceeds amounted to twenty-five dollars. Rain is verg badly needed at presint, as everything is so dry. The island boys who belong tothe 4th Hussars, have gone to Barriefield camp. R. Marshall, J. Bray, R. San- ders, JJ. Filson and S. Glen attended grand lodge, P.A.P.B., in Kingston, last week A little girl has come w tay with Rev. J: EE. and Mrs: Lind: MissAgatha Stevenson, Colorado, as arrived home to spend her vaca- tion with her mother. Samuel Strain has arrived home from Buffalo, N Miss Anna Filson, Kingston, is.v ing friends here, Regaining Health. Junetown, June 19.--A. Earl, Tem- pera Lake, was, Sunday, guest of friends here. Vaccination is the order Our school has been clos- of the day ind nearly all the children and eral of the adults have heen vae- cinatedd. We are pleased to note that Harold uneler Fortune and Newton Scott, the skilful treatment of Dr. A. IH. Judson, Mallorytown, are recover ng from an attack of smallpox. Ev- precaution is. being taken, and it ery is hoped no new cases will develop. Jacob Herbison is raising his barn and putting in underground stables Rov, and | Mrs. Short, / New York state, were, last week, guests at Ja- cob Herbison's: Zack Purvis has pur- chased a new top carriage. Mr. and Mrs. "B. J. Ferguson spent Tuesday lest in Brookville. Items From Violet. Violet, June 18.--J. Valentine lost a lovely driving horse. Miss Lillian Shewell is attending the wedding of her cousin, Miss Helen Caton of Cher- ry Valley.- Rev. Mr. Bryers and wife have returned after spending a few weeks in Napanee, Rev. Mr. Whattam intends leaving here. He leaves many kind friends who wish him success in his new field of labor. Oliver Smith, of this place and Miss Hattie Fel- lows, of Fellows, were married at the bride's home on the ]2th. Mr. and Mrs. Williams, a bride and = groom from Havelock, are spending part of their honeymoon in this vicinity. A little girl has come to brighten the home of Daily Boice. CC. A. Wiseman intends starting for the west on July 2nd. Géorge Spring is building a silo on his farm. H. Sharp intends build- one. William Sharp received the sad new of his mother's death at Hamil ton Denbigh Doings. Denbigh, June 15.--~The weather con- tinues very dry, and our farmers are ting alarmed that both hay and 1 crops will 'be failures this year. Bush fires starting up in all di- rections, and already the destruction f a couple of outbuildings belonging Thomas Vilnefi was reported last turday. S. Watt, Kingston, de- puty supreme chief ranger of the In- dependent Order of Foresters, is now in our village and vicinity assisting the officers of the local court to in- the: membership. About a members joined the order meeting. Gustav Adam Walter Slater are making pre- for building new frame Adolph Jolm has com- the mason work of the for a new frame dwelling house. The mamnicipal council met at the Denbigh house, on the 12th inst. and considerable important municipal i wag transacted. John S. Lane went into the bush again with a arge pang of men to make and peel timber for the Gillies Bros' company for next spring's drive. are t ered lozen new at the last and barations barns, and menced at foundation business Eagle Hill Happenings. + Hill, June 19.--James Irvine yesterday to spend a week in Tweed, Oscar Chatson and Mr. Watt of Denbigh, made a business trip through here this week. They secured several members for the 1.O.F. order of the town. Max Mieske, Jr., who has been seriously ill with pneumonia is improving. Miss Mary and Della Mieske, of Kingston, are spending a few days at their home here. R. Fer- guson captured a fine little fawn in the woods, C. Antwine caught anoth- er fine one' Sunday. Two weddings are announced for the 19th. The contract- ing parties are Miss Martha Mar- quardt of Denbigh to James Mackay of Belleville, and Robert Ferguson of EI I ------------ Beware of Ointmemts For Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury will of smell and completely derange whole system whem entering it. through the mucous surfaces. Such articles shouid never be Used except om prescriptiong from reputable cians, as the damage they. will do is tan fold to the good you can from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co, O., contains mo mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the olood and mucous sur- faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you got the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. imonial 2 Toa by Dregwietss Price 756 pur bottle. Take | Carle Hall's Famsly Pils for consti- this place to Frances Stewart of Ros- lin. A number of sports from' Den- bigh spent Sunday at the lakes. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Fritsch spent Sun- day at F. Plot's. Mrs. Watkins, of Kingston, at. J. Irvine's. Mr. and Mrs. John Pettfer and Miss Bernice, at T, Irvine's, Pleasant Valley, ---- Beech Corners Bree¥os. Beech Corners, June 19. The death occurred of the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. J, W. Stalker and family have moved onto the farm lately vacatediby J, White. C. Killen- beck has rented the cottage on the corner for the summer months. A number from here are hauling milk to the Plevna fac! . Rain is needed in this section of country. Every. thing is drying wp und bush fires can be seen raging on hory side. School is progressing under able manage- ment of Miss E. Barton. Miss Mamie Shaw has returned from Westport, where she has beem visiting for some time. Mr. and 'Mrs. Amos Thompson, on the sick list, are improving. The Misses Mamie, Ada and Adelia. Shaw, were the guests of Miss Tena Paul on Sunday. Mrs. J." Stalker, at A. Thompson's; Mrs. R. Shaw and daugh- ter Mamie at A. Lemke's, H. Lemke and sister Mary, Fernleigh, at A. Thompson's, on Sunday; Miss M. Kring at the school. ---- Point Road Pointers. Point Road; June 19.--The dry weather is making the farmers feel rather discouraged, as cverything is burning up. Should the dry spell con tinue much longer some of the farm- ers are thinking of building a canning factory instead of silos, as the coun- try is stocked to its fullest capacity. A number of the young men are at- tending camp at. Barriefickd. While F. June was hauling a machine to the city a few days ago he met with a serious accident. The tongue became broken and he had to umhitch and proceed to the city for repairs and reinforcements. During his sojourn over njght in the city, some mis chievous boys or a violent wind storm hurled: the waggon over an embankment amd it fell to the depth of about forty feet, totally demoral- izog the machine. His intention was to grind feed for M. Byrnes, who went to considerable expense for the operation. B. Quinn spent Sunday in the Isle of Man. J. J. Barrett has erected a very fine fence in front of his residence. Miss E. Pattersoo is spending a few weoks at home on her holidays. B. Wilmot has rented A. Madley's farm for pasture Notes From Flinton. Flinton; June 17.--~Mrs. John Dafoe, who visited her old friend, Mrs. Wil- liam Wager, loft for Cloyne. Edward Turner shot a huge porcupine. York and his friend Johnston, of Bell Rock, paid Harvey Champagne a flying vis- it. Mrs. Harvey Champagne is visit iting her sister at Bannockburn. The infant daughter of Herbert and Effie Crank is dangerously ill. Sickness scoms to bo a visitor in many places, as the doctor is on the road at all times.: At the Golden Flocce mine all hands were called out to fight fire, as there are reported fires in many places, Mrs. H. Champagne and Mrs. © Airhart have returned home, after vis iting friends at Bancroft. Jame: Se dore and Jennie KE. Pecbles were mar riod at the home of her sister, Mrs. Francis Morton, in Toronto, on June Sth. Miss Geneva Detlor, of Tam- worth, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Per- ry Peebles. Mrs. William Parfit, of Thomasburg, is the guest of her moth- er, Mrs. Joshua Stone. Mary Smith is visiting her sister, Mrs x BR Frost. Road work is the order of the day. Holton street is greatly improv- ed by the addition of a new side- walk. Great credit is given the path- master for the amount of work he--is getting done. C. Gould is spending this week at Golden Fleece mine, Four candidates are trying examinations for ublic' school leaving this week. Mrs ). A. Nesbitt, L.I'S., of Newburgh, visited the school last week. D. J. Doyle, principal of the public school here, is not going to Le here after the holidays James Banford returned home, on Friday last, efter spending a few weécks visiting relatives at Thomasburg and Tweed. Miss Mae Jory and her friend, Miss M. Mann, left here, last week, on an extended visit to Peterboro, Bridgeworth and other places. Rev. R. W. Irvine is sponding the week at Kingston, at tending synod. Mrs. Morrison, of Tweed, left for after spending a few days with her son, William Vanallen. Jerome Bish op and Ethel Barnhower, of Mountain Grove, were quietly married, at the home of J. Kifkpataich, on June Sth, by Rev. R. Irvine. The many friends of Rev. T. Wallace were pleas ed to learn that he is going to be with them another year. The Blood Is The Life. We are as strong and vigorous as our blood is rich and pure. Ali power and vitality come 'from the blood. Many people always have impoverish- ed blood. All. may have pure, rich, vitalizing blood by using Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative). The benefit is prompt and decided. They are a great nerve stremgthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at, Wade's drug store. Money back if got satisfactory. Ra George A. Bennett, @arleton Place, head shipper in the Findlay - stows works, dim on Saturday last, from an internal affection. Decensd was aged thirty-nine and leaves a wife and five childre He was a Forester and a volunteer fireman, Rev. J. A. Caldwell, formerly of Lanark county, now pastor of the Presbyterian church at Pilot Mound, Man., was married on' June 5th, at Crystal City, to Miss Mande Gemmill, daughter of William Gemmill, of that town Crothers' fine chocolates sold ex. clusively at Medley's,. "on the ecor- ner." > g Iwitations are out annowneing the marriage .of Miss Mae MacAlligter, and Gordon Gilhuly,, of Swith's Falls, on June 26th. ! Jolm Gilmour, aged eightysthree, one of Almownte's oldest citizens, din Lon Monday, after a fow days' illness. Lads' white canvass pumps and Oxigrd Ties, 'high and low: heels. The Lockett shoe store. HE Cunningham, piano Chidkering's. Orders at ton Place, tuner, from 4 s : 1 her home, Seturday,. zone, its the most nourishing = toiiie ie made, sold everywhere in 0c, boxes. ATTRACTIONS OF CANADA. Intercolonial Railway's Series of Booklets. Toronto Globe. - 3 Fastern Canada possesses attrac tions for the tourist and man unsurpassed by any portion of North America. Glowing skies, magnificent coast scenery, behind which lurk lovely harbors, rivers leading to lakes which Frochette calls "sapphires dropped from the caskets of fairies'; forests of pine, sproce, waving birch and "'quiv- ering poplar," dark cedar and brilli- ant maple, and withal the cool air, which is life to the weary resident of the city fortunate enough to visit this land. For the sportsman these rivers and bays abound with fish of all de scriptions. For the lover of history and ro- mance there are also many interests. Long before the Pilgrims landed on the gusty coast of New England ven- turvsome fisherman from St. Malo and elsewhere in the old world came to ply their calling in the northern waters, which Jacques Cartier named the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Baio des Chaleur in 1534, and around the coasts af which, now forming the shores of the provinces of Quebec and northern New Brunswick, linger the shadows of ro- mance, fame and glory. To presont a few of the attractions of this beautiful summer land, the passenger department of the Interco- lonial railway has prepared a beaut ful and useful series of booklets. For general information this series is far mn advance of anything of the kind ever presented to the public by this railway before, The first of these publications is en- titled "Tours to Summer Haunts," a pamphlet of some hundred pages, gen erously illustrated with artistic half- tone reproductions of scenes. Then follow "Fishing and Hunting," "The Hunting Grounds of the Micmac A Week in the Canaan Woods," "Big Game of the Southwest Miramichi," and "The Maritime Express," all of which are eminently practical subjects, indicated by their respective titles The booklets age well illustrated with hali-tones, and each has a full four page map of the country traversed by the railroad. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Transpiring in the Town on the River. Gananoque, June 20.--Rebecen Far guson, relict of late John Hill, pase «d away at the residence of her son, William Hill, Charles street on Sun day last, aged seventy-six vears and nine months. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon to Sand Hill cem- etery, Rev, William Timberlake offici- ing. "rhe coal schooner Tradewind cleared for Oswego vesterday morning. 4 The Tastern Ontario Dental Associ- ation is in session in Boyd's Block, King street, having assembled yester- day. The sessions will continue to- day and Friday. Miss Carrie Clow, King street, spent some time in Mallorytown during the forepart of the week, the guest of the Misses La Rue. John N. Timberlake, who has' been located for some timo at Trenton, spent some time during the early part of the week with his parents, Rev. William and Mrs. Tim- berlake at the parsonage. Mrs. A. M. De Long, Charles street, left yestirday for Okotoks, Alta., to spend some time with her son, Dr. Ernest W. De Long. Miss Ada Grice, North street, left yesterday, for. Ed- monton, - Alta., to spend some time with her hrother and sister, Mrs. Joseph Cornell, James street, is spending a few days with friends in Kingston. KEEPS RIGHT ON STEPPING. The Right Sort of Spirit For a Fast Progressing World. The weight of the human body has a certain relation to height and weight and the expert designer of clothes can got the correct measurements. The varigtions fromthe average or normal man are accounted for by occupation and environment, The athlete is heavier than the office man of the {same height and width. This accounts w the di¥¥on into types of the Semi-ready physique type system, "Semi-Ready" tailoring is not the entire distance to knowing how. It's only a stepping stone, and its makers keep right on stepping. The H. D Bibby Co., 78-50-82 Princess street. Death came to one of Pembroke's best known citizens, on Saturday, ir the person of G. W, McMartin, who has suffered for some years from con- sumption. Mr. McMartin was for a long time: chief of police. About 1595, he resigned and was appointed chief engineer of the waterworks. Mr. Me- Martin was fifty-seven years of age. Bathing caps, from 25¢. up, Chown's drug store. In Montreal, on Wednesday, a pret- ty wedding took place, when Miss Gertrude Louise Ostrom, daughter of the late Joseph K. Ostrom, Belleville, was married to Murchison McLauchlin, Montreal, youngest son of the late Tut. Alexander MeLauchlin, Corn- wall. With Women It's Looks First Yhe average woman considers her looks first,~her health afterwards. Thee' That's why we hear of 80 many cases of broken health and nervous pros tration. She wears furs and heavy garments at (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED) IN SPLITS ONLY. a8 _A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use. REFRIGERATO We carry a nice assortment of Refrigerators {rom $8.00 to $32.00 We have also a fine line of Lawn Mowers: from $3.00 to $6.50 Window Screens and Screen Doors, all sizes, ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street. - v Baby Car- riages, from $10 to $25. Camp Cots, Mattresses, Camp Chairs and Stools, from 35¢. to $1.50. Hat Racks, from. $5.50 to $35, Hall Seats, from $7 to $18, Mirror ros ateh, $3.50, $5.50, $10 and R. J. REID, 230 Princess St. Telephone, 577. REFRIGERATORS | How about a new Refrigerito this summer ? * If you intend get . ting one, it would be worth you while to look over our stock. WE HAVE THEM in all styles and sizes, at prices FROM $8.00 UP. Call and let us show thera to you. LEMMON & SONS, sm: All Sheet L.ead?i... Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Tomson. 3 gg: <i 3 SUMMER SHOES! Now is the time to be enjoying solid comfort in a pair of our Cool Shoes. We have Oxfords for Men. Oxfords and Strap Shoes for Women, Girls and Chil- ! dren, : Men's Oxfords in Tan, Box Calf, Velour Calf and Patent Colt, $3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00. Women's Oxfords in Brown, Tan, Patent Colt! Vici Kid and White Canvas, $1.35, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 to 4.00. Girls' and Children's Strap Shoes, Oxfords = on a cold afternoon: in the evening with the thinnest kind of gown, she attends the theatre or party. These foolish' irregularities in dress reap their own reward in suffering. It in only when colds that lead to pacu- monia result, that she geta' frighten od nnd secks a remedy -that restores health, take Ferrozone ! Jt soon gives vigor to the body, quickly brings color to the cheeks, rests the nerves and strengthens. Ferrozone sharpens appetite, invig- orates digestion, adds weight, it gives the muscles tone and elasticity that makes the ailing one feel youny, mg and vigorous, bt! T want strength, 'good color, high "apirita and energy. use Ferroz & and Tie Shoes in Brown, Patent Col me White Canvas, 50C., 75. $1:00 2.00. If you wish to have the most comfortable feet in town ¥ "TRY A PAIR OF OUR SHOES. Abernethy's{

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