Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1907, p. 5

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My ting Suits: very swell two and three-piece Suy,. ! . x i { 2 f Suit making. 5 Pp in for afew moments look. im pressed with the reasonablen, x the excellence of our Clothing, o $12.50 and $15. ng Suits ear when a Man's thoughts w turn & ne of ours. tice, 50c., 75c., $1, $1.50, $2, to Rent. BIBBY'S, orrect thing is always hare ! Shirts rts, plaited or plain fronts, i , $1, $1.25, $1.50. * x Soft Shirts, materials nre Linen, ¢ a, T5c., $1, $1.25 to $2. ollars attached, - for outing, eam, White, Blue, Pink, Fan pes, etg., 50c., 75¢c., $1, Hosiery ve Hosiery for Men, at R5¢., IEN'S STRAWS § r suck a showing of choice 3 d $2 Sailors, v Summer Underwear, New Collars, erwear. -Opening, Square Bottom, * le from the Toughest Paper 'APER BAGS L WEIGHTS AND ISIZES. J ------ if E. B. EDDYGOMPANY, L D, : LIMITE - LOSS OF SLEEP INDIGESTION TORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS BEEGHAM'S PILLS quickly remove the cause of fi distressing complaints and healthy action to every ou will feel like 2 new taking a few doses of They rid the 1 im; ive Positive Relief all cases of Biliousness, Consti- Indigestion and Disordered The excellent results obtained by the use of Beecham's Pills have proved them worthy of the confi- enjoy. They have and recommend fig EF t! themselves, 25 cents, SHOE POLISH is a welcome increase in stock to every grocer. It is the best, quickest and blackest polish made, and the quickest and readiest saller. Black 2nd all Colors 10c and 25¢ tins eeseesssses * A BLOOD AND KIDNEY § TONIC. h Make your own Blood Medi- cine by mixing one ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce # Compound Salatone, four ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well in & wottle, and take one teaspoonful after meals and again at bedtime, Any good druggist can supply . these in- gredients. This'is said to be a splendid Blood Tonic and system reno- vator because of its gentle action in restoring the Kidneys to nor- i mal activity, forcing them to filter from the blood all impure matter and acids, restroying micro-organisms which produce ill-health and sour blood. Everyone should take some- thing to cleanse the blood from time to ti and the above simple prescription is the most highly endorsed of the hundreds of home remedies generally used. Mix this yourself, then you will know what you are taking. SISTINE ISIN VY 40444640 868006060066888680086866830¢ WILSON'S FLY PADS -- SOLD BY -- DRUCCISTS, CROCERS AnD CENERAL STORES 10c. per packet, or 3 packets for 25¢c. will last a whole season. Kill them all. No dead flies lying about when used as directed. Waggoners Special! Blue Serge Suit $20 BestjWorkmanship First Class Trimmings Fit Guaranteed A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- Bqueak Is used on all work, I -- 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY ly A POUND OF SYNOD. OF ONTARIO (Continued from Jage 3.) The followin, luti J ; oe Wing resolution, moved by ean Farthing, and seconded by Chan- cellor McDonald, was passed at. the synod meeting, Thursday morning : "That it is desirable that the capital of the episcopal fund be increased-to] at least $100,000, and that this synod will put forth every effort in its pow- er to attain that end, and that the thank offering of this diocese to be presented at the Pan-Anglican con- gress, St. Paul's cathedral, London, be devoted to this object.' The question brought about_a leng- hy discussion. r. Pense advocated the holding of laymen's banquets in the centres, for the purpose of stimulating interest in the work, and mainly for the purpose of securing the assistance of those who did not regularly attend church services. Much discussion followed as to the amount of money that shoald be asked for, a great many of the members being of the opinion that no specigl amount should be specified. Quite a lengthy and heated discus- cussion took place over the following motion, moved by Dudley L. Hill, and seconded by R. J. Carson, which was finally passed: "That this synod deplores the fact that tha state of the diocesan m mn fund prevents the payment of adequate stipends to our missionaries, and or ders that a circular be prepared set ting forth the facts of distribution at meeting on Wednesday evening. W. B. Carroll advocated the read ing of a charge from the bishop in all thurches, making an appeal for sup- port. The bishop said that if some of the ; regard to making appeals to the peo Letter condition. He did not mean to 1 infer that all the clergymen had ne- | glected their duty. Some' of the clergy i knew perfectly well that this was the |} state of affairs, i Rural Denn Beamish, of Belleville, | ¢ said that he spoke for a number of | work, but had found the work very jon that it would be lowering the dig- |: nity of the clergy to ask them to act | as collectors or solicitors. The bishop thereupon stated some of the clergy had told him that! A they had not asked the people for sup- | port. They had not pointed out to work, and thus the people could not | Le expected to respond. A number of { the clergy had neglected their duty. |) He knew of some charges { stead of being read to the people, had |j | been dropped into the we paper |} | basket. | the clergy. | The resolution already referred tol} |ivas carried. ' { On moticn of Mr. | committee was empowered to remit | | g15, one half of the arrears to synod | | of mission of Bancroit. | | R. V. Rogers was placed on the! [ investment committee in the place of 'n I Mr. King, and Dean Farthing was | placed on the thankoffering committee. l Six amendments to year, were con, canons or | t canons passed last firmed. | A communication was received from [the Montreal which stated (* {that at a meeting of the committee of {the synod of Montreal, it was re solved to hold a church conference for to be held in the in the autumn of of Ontario diocese, la | Eastern Canada, n [city of Montreal 11909, amd that the dioces: | be asked to co-operate | The bishop appointed ns delegates | to this conference, the den, the two jo archdeacons, Judge McDonald and E. 5 J. B. Pense. the Woman's Auxiliary, of the Toron- |t king for assistance : to diocese, asking for assista "3 ; its stockholders in collateral trust bonds Chinese missionary work-- This was {Of these soldiers 10,000 were picked equal to a dividend of about 200 per referred to the committee on foreign | women, drilled and garrisoned in the | cent. Peters | city. Thu carnings of the Momtreal Street missions : . ved the ' railway made a pew high record on When the noon hour arr t % Saturuay, amd for the first t the s of io d been reached. Have Made Complaint, history of the company « Lhe notices of motion ha ¥ i Rev. H. H. Bedford-Jones spoke on his notice of follow : [1 "| hat this synod of the diocese of | f moticn as Ontario endorses the suggestions of the | Interstate Commission, by of the Sunday the general synod. (1) That the general synod be re quested to supervise the work of the schools of the church in ¢ may be arranged through the S. 8. committee of the general synod (2) That the stipend and expenses of school committee of | @ n such | 4 | the secretary be ortionate assessment on all dioceses | |, ceted." b | My. Bedford-Jones referred to the | | schemes for the instruction of the children. He had in | tehool -what he considered to be ome of the Lest schemes, yet it was not satisfactory. The public'schools would mot tolerate such a number of schemes 1 ler but would arrive at some system to covern the school, He urged the ap- {pointment of a traveling secretary for th The ¢ 11Inue \te on this motion was con n the o'clock this afternoon f motion of Rev, 0'Connor-Fenton, BA. regard- | ti io priests' in mis- | synod resumed | three | {he notice ol ing certain grants sion fitlds, has | the next = | Pefor Rev. C. thank w a i kot Street | ! 1 ' : SCO Ver of Exceptional | Reported From 18 Mar Kinz i Kd 4 sodas at Gibson's Red Cross Drug |from stomach trouble, which took the | A Disco Yo P op Kingston, Ont. a. July ist jta'ned t Nhe noainted to at- | Store fountain. ' form of a malignant growth, is, to : ¢ t June 20th. 1 p.m. x i x del Jaled ih Be s Ice-cream saved the life of the three- | day, much improved. The crisis in the Toronto, June 20 A ie h trike of Kingston, oy Save the rent of one metre by tend "the Pan nghcas year-old son of Cyrus W. Bogart, of | disease came last evening and accord: | giver and cobalt has Joon Jun a getting [be he 1d in Lond { Waverly. After eating the cream he |ing to the physicians the former pre} oraper or in + ae tom B fy " { Buitalo wpm ee dcr am: an 0 iy mf on. | (ly oti 0 Gp | TAYLOR Bord Joes + 1} ! a large swallow. The liquid eG . Aw : ' Mr. | Green Meehan a v {HH ' Bediord-Jones, * th share het burned EE B outh -- he Eon Buy talenmn powders at Gibson's Red | develop Ful with ine aviostytes, x Nipisivg ge. es So to remove one, where there fs 8 Y.. Rogers. and L. , 4. 1 ici y i ice 1 Crom ; Store. Al adhere Gamey claitos that th ) Totorsom Lake i... a ; Bo . ik e The Physician vi that : id ar: a Bia B. | rg Halliday, one of exceptional vale. v Silber Leal .. 09% 3 nse " C the child # * *» . 1s cream Al no heen in a this Thurs: ng with pro- oh iy Court Frontenac meots day evening : The suggestion made by Mr, Pense | dist conference, has removed to y vy a » R . in met with hearty approval from a num- | Kingston and will reside on Barrie ber of the members, Street. Col. W. B. and Mrs. Anderson came : : staff, Carleton Place, is in the time of the v »arochial | 5% : » i me: of the 'ann al arochia for a fortnight's vacation. He will house-to-house collection likel take a trio up the lake to Mr. Hill wished to bring before the | K€IY ake Pp uj synod the remarks made about the ture stipends f issic ies in Dean a Shien rs? i fas) a miss or 2 Rev. Neil McPherson, graduate of r ess » miss , = ¥ artuhg's adc ro je. nussionary Queen's, who had a very critical ill ness, a few own church, prior to his departure for the old country. clergy would attend to their duty in Mrs ple, the mission fund would 'he in a ! Montreal; where she sails on the 88. months' trip the clergy, and would say that they | Mise Rosie Dovle, as maid of honor: had done all that they coyld for the | Miss Edith | LY | groom, undesirable work. He was of the opin- | year old | groomsman, and that | and Reginald Stuart will act the people their duty in respect to the |y oo Companion. which, in- (Some years ago he was asked by a The responsibility rested upon [distant town. Pense the finance | Mr Barrett instead. He telegraphed he chairman of the barbecue that "John Barrett, ex-minister to Siam, would deliver the address of the day.' {whar for the speech he went to the front of agnin of Siam, {ing ns men. At Nankin in 1853 about 1 received of 500.0 various A_communication was received from | 500,000 women from various parts of in {of 13,000 the present rate on denatured alcohol provided by a pro- | (he visit of Mr. Neil, commissioner of graph company and its operators has his Sunday | heen "peached strike, Sunday school work, Medley's. at [ don, on living statuary, told his au- dience that its have been shocked at the very ques- ately take off their clothes in public. until | The women finkles, but the present tendency was art was diabolical and. pagan. stomach he would have died. Booth, Kingston, took the prize for PERSONAL MENTION. Movements of the People--What They Are Saying And Doing. LE Boyd Caldwell, Lanark, is in the city visiting Dr. Winnett, Archbishop Gauthier. went to Cale- donia Springs, Wednesday. Mrs. G. H. Mather, of Ottawa, is visiting friends in this city. Thomas Doyle, of the Bank of Mon- treal, Toronto, is here on his vaca. Week at the Rate of Pay tion. That is Offered. Dr. J. A. Craig, Michigan Univers-] In connection with the June mili. ity, is the guest of his brother, Rev. tary camps, Vors have been made William Craig, Alfred street, for a fow days. Col. Vidal and Lisut.-Col. Stewart, of Ottawa, are in the city. They went over to Barriefield, this morning, to inspect the volunteer camp. Henry B. Taylor, formerly .a drug- gist in this city, now with Murphy's dry goods house, Montreal, is spend- ing a holiday 'in his old home. The board of works will shortly be gin to have stone drawn from the penitentiary yard to spread on upper Johnson and outer King streets. Rev. J. E. Lidstone, of Stella, su- perannuated by the Montreal Meth- up from Ottawa yesterday in the ma. rine department steamyacht to see their two sons, who are cadets at the Royal Military College. Samuel Taylor, aged ninety-three years, is dead at Ottawa. He was the first manager of the Bank of British North America, established here some seventy years ago. J. T. Shaw, of the Bank of Ottawa Kingston Hamilton and Niagara before his re- months ago, is back to Indianapolis, to conduct service in his Mise Esther M. J. O'Connor, Syra- use, NOY. who-is visiting her cousin, . James Norris, Ottawa house, for Friday for + few days, leaves on Kensington for Liverpool for a two abroad. Miss O'Connor s a graduate nurse of St. Joseph's wspital, Syracuse. « At the wedding of Miss Mabel G. oopgr to CC. Edwin Chown, in Mont- val, to-night, the attendants will be Chown, sister of the briflesmaid, and little four: Miss Audrey Stewart, niece f the bride, flower-girl. Clarence F. hown; brother of the groom, will be Messrs. Samuel Ward as ush- rs. . "Minister" Barrett's Story. new director of American Repub- story on himself, John Barrett, the he Bureau of the ics, tells a good viend to make a yarbecun which was speech at a big to be held at a His friend was to have been the wincipal speaker, but owing to ill- ess was unable to attend, so he sent The chairman, being acquainted with vinisters of qnly one kind, was some- s that Mr. Barrett When the time came astonished hould be sent he platform to introduce the speaks r. After tonsulting the telegram to be sure of the name, he aid : "It gives me great pleasure to in- roduce the principal speaker of the av. The<Rev. John Barrett, ex- issiomary to the benighted heathen will now speak." Chinese Women Fighters. Women in China have the privilege f fighting in the wars. In the rebel- on of 1850 women did as much fight- he country were formed into brigades each, under female officers. Salem, Ore., June 20.--Formal com- laint has been drafted, and js ready or signature, and forwarding to the the Ore- on railroad commission, against a umber of railways including the Wa- ash and Canadian Pacific declaring njust and unreasonable, Terms Arrived At. ¢ York, June 20.--As the result of bor, and following suggestions made v him, an adjustment of the difficul- es between the Western Union Tele- and there will be no Campbell Bros'. Straw Hats. Have no equal at the price. -------- Headquarters for fine toilet soaps. Father Ignatius, in a talk in Lon- grandmothers would on, | whether people should deliber- of a former generation ere concerned® not to show their reversion to barbarism. The nude in "Perfectly delicious," the ice cream At Whithy College, DAILY BRITISH lt, THURSDA NONE FROM THE 14TH WILL JOIN THE COMPOSITE CITY REGIMENT, -- To Go Into Camp--The Men Can- not Afford to Lose Part of a for the Past {Wo years to get compo. Sito city regiments to go under can- vas for three days, hut the experi- ment in Eastern Ontario has not been a success, Two companies fr s of the 14th of Ringer tor aah ville, and 87th of Peterboro, have aguin been scheduled this year to make up a composite regiment fi Batriefield camp, but > in oe doubtful if half a regiment will he se. cured. The 14th of Kingston will not contribute to the strength, Efforts to get eighty-four men to go into camp have failed. Peterboro may secure the number though it is doubtful. Belle ville, being a * rural constifuency, ought to toe the mark. * Why is it impossible in Kingston to Secure two companics for the camp ? In the first place, the 14th Regiment has three months of drill every year, and the men do not feel the need of any more manoeuvres. They are but volunteers, and not paid for loss of time. At camp the rural regiments re- ceive the only drill given t , and this time of year the ruralists do not mind going into camp. They like the outing and Besides they are satisfied with the pay. The highest rate of pay for a company member is one dollar a day. Those who have served three years get a dollar; two years ninety cents, one year, seventy-five cents, these amounts including efficiency pay to get which, volunteers have to do certain rifle shooting. Members of city corps, who are well drilled, will not go into eamp for seventy cents to one dollar a day, which is below the poorest laborers' wages. To some towns the outing might appeal, but the general class of local volunteers do _not rogard. a few days camping on Barriefield Heights ag an outing. They prefer to take their out ing at Watertown, N.Y., on July 3rd ond 4th, TRINITY GRADUATES MEET And Spend a Pleasant Time gether. A number of the graduates of Trin. ity University met m the Whig hall, last might, and spent a very pleasant time together. Refreshments were ser ved during the evening by Caterer Rogers. Rev. Canon Jarvis, the old est graduate of Trinity present, was moved to, the chair, and speeches wera made by Canon Starr, Rev. H. H. Bodford-Jones, Rev. C. J. Young, Rov. C. B. 8. Radclifie, Rev. Rural Dean Patton, Rev. F. D. Woodcock, Rev, A. L. McTear, Rev. J, D. Wright, Rev. W. G. Swain, Rev. C. B. S. Wright, Rev. W. P. Rove, Rov. F. G. Kirkpat rick, Rev. A. C. Coleman and Messrs. W. B. Carroll, G. F. Ruttan and Dud- ley Hill. All the speeches bowrtily endorsed the work of Trinity, marked by strong enthusiasm toward the Alma Mater, The songs which recalled the days of college life, the composition of Rev, W. FP. Reeve, reliever] the deeper vein of the evening, To- Canon Jarvis was elected president, of Trinity Club, and Canon Starr sec. retary-trensurer. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Pense, for his kindness in granting the room for the gathering. COMMERCIAL MATTERS. p-- What is Going On in the Business World--The Markets. The big Cufihyuake at Kjugston oJ atiaicn, Only Cust the West Mian bhewric couipany ¢i0,000 Grand rugs Halway System's rq earniugs fro June Stn to Jue lath 106, HON, N38, In 104, Creuse, US HV, . It is Sard that Wanamakers did u $16, O0V,UU0 business in the Past year, and out of their profits have Paid fur their Dew bu ding wn New York The Aduins kaxpress Company as a "melon" wil distribute $24,000,000 to CHLORODYNE ough, Golds. For sale by W, A. Mitchell, 85-87 Princess Street & NE'S J. COLLIS BRO Synopsis of (THE ORIGINAL AND'ONLY GENUINE). is admitted by the profession to be the most wonderful and valuable rem. ody ever discovered, is the best known | for COUGHS, COLDS NSUMPTION, CHLOROD NE ont tout : acts like a charm in DI ] ARRHOEA, and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY, eficttually cute short all attacks of EPILEPSY HYSTERIA, PALPITA. TION and SPASMS, is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete, Alway ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S ' CHLORODYNE," and be ware of spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears the words, " INR . DR: J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Stamp of each bot Ie. gs 3 is ol: | Sold in bottles. Prices in England, 1s. 13d., 2s 9d., 4s. 6d. each (Overwhelming * Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle.) Sole Maufacturers 1-e), T, DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. &7CO., Limited, Torent EE Tr ------ el s Cut Down Mcats and Pastries in the Summer Days and Use It will tone up your system and supply the nourishing, health. i giving properties 3 necessary to with. stand the enervating . effects of hot weather. ! Try BISCUIT with Fresh Fruits or Creamed Vegetables. All Grocers--13c. a Carton; 2 for 28, NO HONING=NO GRINDING * "CARBO MAGNETIC". THE RAZOR OF; PERFECTION. Are you interested in a better Razor than you have? If 80, your dealer will deliver to you a "CARBO Jl MACNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial without obligation on your part to purchase. "CARBO MAGNETIC" Razors don't pull--others will! Get one to day and you'll have NO MORE RAZOR TROUBLES. THE 1B 0 2 Ea a Car j Ha OURCHILDREN'S GIBSON TIES In the classic make Viei Ki Black or Chocolate and Patent Leather are made of good quality of kid and having very heavy oak an, turn soles which assures H. JENNINGS, KING 8 se $18,000 The totsl varuings wers $13 103, It is underst agement is © increase in sn present eight pacity for turning out about 30, pounds of copper per annuin. Over half a hundred logging camps on « that the Granby man templating a still tucither city beyond the « Which has A a on HO, O00 the Pacific coast having a total output of 83,250,000 feet per month, will at down on June 20th, for an indsfiuite period. Over 2,000 men with wages ag- gregating £175,000 to $200,000 wild he thrown out of employm 3 From 1860 to 1906 the increass of Lancaster county from its tobacco crop was $80,000,000 I takes 6 500 000 acres ta grow the world's tobacco. More money has been realized in Lancaster county from tobacco than fn any other aren of lard of the same extent in ov part of the world, save the island 2 Sumatra, Was A Big Day At Ascot. Ascot, Eng., June 20.--This savas the greatest day, socially, of the Ascot meeting. King Edward, Queen Alex- andra, the Prince and the Princesa of Wales and Prince and Princess An- drew of Greece, went in state proces sion to the field. The weather was perfect. The principal event, the race for the gold cup for colis and fillies, resulted in a dead heat between the Duke of Grammont's Eider, and Col. Kirkwood's, the White Knight. He Is Out Of Danger. N.J., Jane 20.-- Former Cleveland, who 'has home here, suffering Princeton, President Gros heen ill at his ht clerk at the Burrand hotel, fell a fowp-story window. J up, apparently lit i mgared. | Goan tht fn: yoor's stim hat THE SEASON'S NECESSITIES ! For Hot Days and Cool Evenings. iH gs i - s £ 1 § E 5 : § : i Protty Blouse Waists, in Sheer Lawns and Muslins, trim. med with Lace Embroidery and Tucking. New Shirt Waist Costumes, in Fancy Lawns, Cotton Canvas Cloth, and Percale. . Summer Undervests, long and short Sleeves, all sizes, 10c., 12jec., IBc. to 5Oe. Balbriggan Vests and Drawers, 50c. and 75¢c. Fine White Cashmere Vests, $1.25 and $1.75. Corset Covers, 25c., 35¢,, 50c., 65¢c., 75c. and $1. White Underskirts, 50c., $1, $1.50, $1.75. White Dress Skirts, $1.50 to $2.50. Mid-Summer Millinery. Pretty Trimmed Hats, English and American Beach Hats, Lingerie Hats, Embroidery Hats. Children's Headwear, in great variety, For Cool Evenings. : New Coats, in pretty Light Tweeds, long and § lengths, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50. grove's. oer S PE NCE' S The Leading Millinery Fo E and Mantle Store COME AND SEE US -- fe : Ef STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE. T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO, " Sailors, ton's, directly opposite 1% S------------ GAMEY'S GOOD LUCK. R.eduction in Ges Sliver Queen ... #

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