Xs = nPneg : We have just received from the Dresser, a choice lot of Mink Skin Have REPAIR 8S and AL. TERATIONS on your am done now. a SPECIAL We have at present an assortment of Desirable Patterns, in 8 inch Fruit Dishes, at $4.50 each. This line, at the I hy abov price ; is the best re we know of. SER WIN- DOW DISPLAY, SMITH BROS. Jewellers .& Optician "Phone 666 Issuers of Marri Li age he special line of Dress [uslins, in Fancy Patterns hat we are showing this reek at 10c. a yard. EE ------------------------------ ALSO ie big range of patterns, in § tton Challie, at ' 15c. a yard rfectly fast colors, Plain Color Chrambrays, Ginghams and Prints showing is' very mplete at 12 1.2 : & to buy lighter wei on le eight 8 ear. We have some $ a specials, at 12c., 15¢., ¥ and 25c., with or wi x sleeves. with X les say that we have the J t assortment of Val. § nnes Laces ahd Inser- 3 S in the city. If you re. P >. xey dainty patterns, % know whe're togo. R 44] | Sore think water pure because it is carbonated-- charged with carbonic acid gas. Persian Lamp Russian Lamb --- -- That is wrong. cleanse water. who like carbonated water, either plain as a beverage, or as a diluent for spirits--is to get an ideally pure spring water, charged with purified carbonic acid gas, and @, Carbonated and bottled under absolutely safe, cleanly, and scrupulously sanitary conditions. (I, Water like that is zestful, . refreshing, wholesome, and enhances the flavor of whatever it dilutes --liquors especially. (0, The water that surely meets every require- ment is sold in your neighborhood by merchants who care for the custom of particular people, and"in your city' by the right kind of hotels, bars and clubs. It is worth asking for; and it is labelled York Sparks (York Springs Water, charged with purified carbonic gas and bottled at the Springs for surety of purity.) Ideally Pure York Springs Water is the basis of these beverages : York Springs Water (natural), York Sparks (York Springs Water charged. with purified carbonic gas), York Ginger Ale, York Sarsaparilla, York Soda, York Potash Water, York Aperientis (the perfect laxative) | be _. The Mineral Springs Limited Toronto Rigney & Hickey, "Phone, 242. Jas. McParland, 'Phone, 274. W. R. McRae & Co., 'Phone, 227. J. S. Henderson, 'Phone, 279. PURITY, BRILLIAN TR TLL TR Bh 0X oinbhlih SlaS | IS| Q Carbonating water doesn't purify it. Carbonic acid gas doesn't QL, Plenty of carbonated waters are just ordinary city water, charged with gas, That gas is mostly made by the action of sulphuric acid on whiting (such as is used for calcimining), or from the fumes of buming coke. Pleasant, isn't it? ¢ @, Even spring waters that are naturally fizzy, carbonated far within the earth, He not always safe to drink. Natural carbonation is likely to load water with more lime or magnesia than the system ought to get. So a natural fizzy water may be wholesome and it may not. d. The safe 'way--doctors think the only safe way--for people ARE YOU HUNTING FOR CAS STOVES, REFRIGERATORS OR IGE GREAM FREEZERS ? Then, point our way. We have an assortment that is sure to meet your p ws requirements. <> LN McKelvey ' & Birch Next Door to Carnoysky's Fruit OAILY BRINISA WHIG, THURSDAY, rete re rep AT SYNOD MEETING | DELEGATES "AND VARIOUS COMMITTEES APPOINTED. - haa Warm Appreciation of the Work Carried on By the Weman's Auxiliary-Some - Additional Reports. At the Anglican Synod on Wednes- day afternoon, the following elections took place : Delegates to Provincial Synod.-- Clerical, Revs. Rural Dean Beamish, Canon Starr, Rural Dean Patton, the Dean oi Ontario, W. W. Burton, Rural Dean Dibb, Archdeacon Maemorine, Canon Grout, R. 5. Forneri, Canon Jarvis, Dr. Nimmo and ¥. D, Wood- cock, Substitutes, 'Rev. Canon Bogart, Carey, Rural Dean Arm- v. BE. Costigan, Rev, H. H. ord-Jones and Rev, W. PU Reeve. Lay Delegates to Provincial S8ynod- G. F. Ruttan, R. J. Carson, Edw. J. I. Pense, W, 8B. Carroll, Judge Me- Id, R. V. Rogers, J. R. Dargave . O'Loughlin, T. A_ kidd, J. E. Halliwell, Dr. R. J. Gar diner, Dr. Preston, ; Substitutes--Dudley L, Hill, Fran- J. B. Walkem, Delegates to the General The Very Rev. the Dean of 3 , Rey, Rural Dean Beamish, Rev. Canon Starr, Rev. Rural Dean Pibb, Ven. Archdeacon Magmorine, Rey. W. I'. Reeve, Substitutes=~Rev., Canon Grout, Rev- Rural Dean Dobbs, Rev. Rural Dean Patton, Rev. H. H. Bedford-Jones, Rural Dean Armstrong, Ven, Arch- deacon Carey, Delegates to General Synod-- ige McDonald, W. B, Carrell, Edw B. Pense, R. V. Rogers, J. R. Dar- gavel, R. J. Carson. Substitutes- G. F. Ruttan, Dudley L. Hill, Francis King, J. B, Walkem. Missionary Board--Edw, J. B. Pouse, W. B. Carroll, B, 8. 0'Lough- fin R. Dergavel, Judge Reynolds; Dudley L. Hill, Dr. R, Gardiner, and Dr Clerical Rev W. W. Burton, Rev. Mr. Young, Rev. Rural Dean Dibb, Rev. Rural Dean Patton, J. W. Jones, Rev. Rural Dean Armstrong, Rural Dean Woosleock, Rural Dean Beamish, A report of the committee on the tate of the church was presented hy Arehdeacon Maemorine. The report stated that in so far as numerical ad vant --ho- necepted as-an index of hurch prosperity, the committee with much satisfaction, could report that « vear inst closed, and ending April a successful 25th, was more than ne. The committee congratulated the ved returns from son in the dio synod on having rece every parish and mis ceso. There had been. an Increase in which is accounted , for hy the re payment of loans. The receipts from the Lenten collections wore only 8190 | Loin SMART G which in itself would be quite in adequate to meet the upplications to the Fund. "As regards the Sunday school work in the diocese, a conicraice was held in Kingston dur The bishop issad a | ------ A ing the winter. pastoral calling attention to the days of Intercession for Sunday school work in compli ¢ committee last year. A der of service with special p ms, les sons, cte., Was was, we believe, § which will be available from year to Love themselves. iseholds. The Sun and teachers showed | the number of Woman's Auxiliary Work. Rev, W. 1. Reeve anoved, seconded by R. J. 'Larsoh, 'that the synod désires to place on record its highest sense of the excellent service thut the Woman's Auxiiary of the diocese ol un , rendered to thy cause of mis-ions, and particularly. 1s sinocre gratitude for the splendia donation to the Widows and Urphans fund of the thankollering, amounting Lo more than sj00, And furthermore, that the sy . ires to extend to the Woman s its most hearty congratula occasion of the Zist an- niversary of. the foundation of the and hope tor its continued the divine blessing lor nod de Auxiliary tions on the otiety, progress under li the years that are to geome. ihe motion was passed by a unani mous vole, Ihe chancelior cial committee, which heartily Lhis re- presented the report of a spe endorsed the bishop s charge. port was adopted and fyled. CA telegram was received from the bishop of the Huron diocese, ac knowl ing the receipt. of the greetings this diocese, and expressing | sent by due that the Great Father of all would direct the deliberations of the (ssion of the synod in Kingston. A copimmittee composed of Rev. Ww. P. Reeve, J, H. H, Coleman, E. J.B. I'e and W. B. Carroll was appoint od to prepare a report as to the tatus of certain churches on the fron ter of Untario, where part of the congregation live in the adjoining dio cese. On motion of Rev. €. A. Firench, seconded by W. Bs Cartoll, it was de- cided to send the congratulations of the svnod to the bishop of Toronto on the occasion of his elevation as metropolitan and primate of the pro- vince. Considerable time was taken up in the appointment of standing com- mittees, although only a few changes were made 'in the list of last year. K. V. Rogers, the retiring lay secre tary, was appointed a member 'of several committees, taking the place of Francis King, who succeeds him in his new position. The report of the clergy superannua- tion fund showed total collections of $1,141.78, with disbursements amount- ing to $1,033.33, leaving a balance of aa LAS wash Goods Specials in different size Spots and Figures, White Dotted Swiss, 124e., 15¢., 20c., 25¢. and 35c¢. yard. : White Mercerized Waistings, large variety of patterns to select from, 15¢., 20¢., 25¢. apd 3bc. yard. Persian Lawns, nice fine Sheer quality, 15¢., 18¢., 20c., 25c. and 35¢c. yard. Fancy Dress Muslins, in all the most wanted designs, 10c., 12je., 15¢., 20c., 25¢. up to 50c. yard. en f 'Ginghams, Chambrays, Prints, Ducks, Dress' Linens, = Vie- toria Lawns, India Linens, Embroideries, Laces and Inser- y ur Lawn Waists, at 75¢, $1, $1.25, $1.50, cannot be had elsewhere for the money: Come and Inspect Our Stock. Come ant ospect Our Stash THE JAMES JOENSTON STORE 180 Wellington Street. $108.33. The report of the educational com- mittee was presented by H. H. Bed- ford-Jones. Six students were re- the divinity student's fund during the following : "Your committee trusts that other Ea - BX dD oni 10 '00 (ELS delled upon sclentifie i of Simdav school committee of the gene dav school pupi + forward mal In the matter of {ral synod. "In accordsnee . with the finances, the amount expanded for | suggestions embodied in it your com building purposes _ exceeded that of {mittee have recommended that the Jast year, by $13,000. | finance. committee of the diocese ' he ) asked to provide for a grant of ¥A for one year os aur share of the ex. penees of the Sunday school com- mittee of the general synod. The attractive and girlish gostome hore illustrated is developed in plein vhite percale, trimmyed with dark blue bands:" The jumper is opened to gerie a gr especially beeoming to the girlish figure. It is made seven-gore, having three backward-turning pleats ut each seg an. ported to have been assisted through year, The report also contained the students before autumn will connect themselves with this diocese, and would again put before' the clergy the necessity of looking out suitable boys HELP WANTED-MALE, WAGES, | RC 3 : + 10 PURCHASE A RESIDENCE FROM 000 to $6,000. Send particulu TWO STOUT BOYS. Win, J. Crothers, Y WHO CAN BARN FROM $3 PO%50 oad | a pew morn CERTIFICATES | FOR FOR SALE. le Oy H, WANTED-GENERAL. WASTER INO Gott n with roud, Apply Ww AE rey, Tr2 Se Lad A to 81 Broek street. Veterans Script Unloca v RE -- Powsll, 108 Raglan strvet, A DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT, ON Aired strest. Apply to Harry SALESMEN Hest hand Sprayer made, Sample Maching Yr POSITION AS HOUSEKEBIMER, "Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open--you will i 1 4 4 highest Wages, steady Jobe Dept. . find a new delight in these dainty armiNG SULTS TO MAKI SUS TO SAKE. GBNTLE- "hh. 208 Wellington St. Kingst ham, 79 Clarence street, Kingston biscuits. , b your own cloth and get a | ---- erage - one NE i : want to surprise yourself, chap Up-to-date wait made. P Style, | BY A Foto 1d of RICEMASON .. MONEY AND BUSINESS. en you wa i hk : constancy of place « - ive you ite a treat with bd fash guaranteed. Pressing [ consiey BG GGL of boiler and [ OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF give your appetite The Tailor, 131 Brock street. In Dlne ork, 'would take moderate | building and comtents than any y wage for regular employment. Apply company offers. Examivpe them at td "Ja Bt Whig office. Godwin's' Insurance Fnporium, Marks ooneys © HELP WANTED--FEMALE, |, et Sq Perfection Cream Sodas § [cm GooD TAY. | SEESSERASELELEREELEES LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND OLOGH Broom Factory, King SHOW OASES assots $01,187,215. In sddition to . which the poll ra have for A Second-hand Counter Mi security ibe uniimited Habilicy of all mss \ i 1 stockholders, Farm and -- MAID, FOR A SMALL NO for sale, in good condition. 0 pro and men, aud of urging them to take Apply to Mrs, Mitchell, 189 will sell cheap, LT. t, perty re at gery gr orders in our Canadian church. The Druggist. Se = now business get rates from Sirenge "The financial Statement shows a | == | SUPPER IRIN RIRRN | SE ST balance 'on hand of $607.60, part of | Ar ONCE, A VEST MAKER, STEADY ¥ VETERINARY. successful 8.8. of th costed ore we with th , igsurd; which rally used, and with good wages, hy an experienced ---------------------------------- epproved woman. Apply toa Box "R.UL" Whig | OFFICE PARTIT , OF WOOD A oflice. lass, beat well-imished in oe pply at Whig office, 2 STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD JAN ADBLE-BODIED MAN ; ALSO lesion and accountant --eow---| loyinciit, as shopman, MACHINISTS, steady hy he 2 or eral Hospital. pply bet ween and presen . rt time. Ap 9 pan iy by Rev. W. GG, - Shae Coa i { a ------------ on corner of Stuart By SOPRANO SOLOIST OF FXPE together with three roughcast. PLANT, ence, desired position in church choir Double houses x for 1wo months, Addross Mes. A.D. Yellington St. Reversionary ads Nelson, Barciefield, Ont, in west of Jot No. 4 in ks-Morse Sunatdish i: Company, L870 IHoor St. West Tor LAT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS = SBHCOND , cok and pusiry cook. Large hotel, Jormery | ay 4 Apply to' 4. TO-LET. PR. G. W. BEL GOOD WAGES -------------------------------------------- rk and union Wages. es ---------- A GOOD GENERAL SHERVA who can do pain cooking. GIRLS machines in finishing veom. r, ONE 1 O Wash sartially furnished. Apply Ja 8S. R. Nowa | foley PRY a FOR SALE OR TO LET. m= | GUMMFR OOTTAGES, DWELLINGS, HAsOLINE Laynen. THERTHONE RE- Stores and Offices, McCann, 6 dition. Apply to D. A, afvonm 81 "Good wages ghven Brock street. J Brock street. w "Ring- : or Kine St, between © and 13 | 4 coupLi OF OFFICES OVER THE MEDICAL. 4. N. W, Telegraph Companys OMe, | ee -------- Clarence St. Apply to J. B, Walkem, DR McCARTHY, OFFICE LATELY -- --_------. -------------------- ". , » occupied » Pr. Ryan, corner Mom- FURNISHED HOUSE, MODERN IM- treal and Brock streets. nuers and good chance, provements, gus cooking range' 158 King Alfred St. for July and August, Ap- ARCHITECTS. LL ARply a Ng at the RKimgston Gen-| OLID BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 76 kl k -------------- division of Farm Lot No. 8 Town ship of Kiogston, comtaining bout 80 B re. v.8, HAS RE. yp] =e moved to his brick block, on Clarence J. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED . ROOMS, streot, just sbove the Post Office. $1 per woek, Apply 621 Princess St. Calls by telephone or telegraph ly a d to. SUMMER COTTAGE, NINE ROOMS vear. - Your © committee hopes that the i clergy will use the opportunity of im- ply to Mrs Baird, on pram es ee -------------------------- -- pressing the importance of the Sun BRICK DWELLING, NO, 181 DIVISION ARTHUR BLLIS, ARCHITECT, OF day school work on the parents and FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. stroet, twelve rooms, extension din fice, Uor. Queen and Bagot streets. congregations - generally -------------------------------------------------- ing room and kitchen, hot water | ===CeECrEEIEE | ap " : i FURNISHED SUMMER, heating ; immediate possession. Ap: HENRY PP. SMITH, ARCHITECT, Your committee would again sug- J i Charle ply to Frederick Welsh, No, 171 ote. Anchor Duilding, Market Square, gost the value of junior chapters of de- |! Division street, "Phone, 345. IS the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. They mais court. POWER & BON, ARCHITECT, ro hroving themselves of the greatest ¢ / w | a1 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY ; ¥ Py oo i En many parishes and to the twoen Union and Marl streets Ht. « od, dence, L1-rooms, rr JR er gi : Sf Phon q Pe hot water, furnace, all modern cone ington» ne, SA letter was recived from: the ¢Continued on page 5.) Misses' Costume. the waistline, front and back, A lin ist ean be worn with this or ist of the same material, The ul ripple of the pleated skirt is The Excursionists Searched. The steamer America was: detained some time at Gananoque last night MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. Licenses, 42 Clarence St of 8. ragraph Pulpit REV. CO. W. CASSON, OTT AW A The Pa Unitarian Liberty. leader, ex- Ce thought of every Unitari- said, "1 belong 3 ening eseape Ch > £ pressed the to a community of fre love from the narrow bounds of any parti order to live under cular in thefull light the open. heaven, day, seving with pursuing the truth resolute er solitary or arduous the path Toads to. 1 am not the mouthpiece of . I speak for mysel alone, and I thank God that I live in times and ( n duty whole soul frank Address, Mr. Casson for free litera O- ee t---------------- to Everyone, But Its Visit = May Be Postponed. gtion of years others ® hard proposition to young falling ~ and "New Roller Rink and unreservedly. vonr head becoming bald. Perhaps you are tired trying mof- fectual remedies for this evil. We don't blame you if you are. Why not try an effective one for a Newhro's Herpicide Kills Dand- ruff germ--which is the cause of the cause you remove Send 10, Sold- by leading druggists, the Herpi- on the return frpm EE NX while the baggage of the excursion iste was examined for smuggled. arti- les. A woman detective; was on board to watch those who bought ar- ticles in thd Yankeo "burg. 1f peo- ple of Kingston only Fknew -FEhat' the gtores here can sell cheaper flo those in Ogdensburg they might net bether spending their money if a fexoign country, nA Nh Was It A Conspiracy ?* Toronto, June 20.--Normgan MHop- ployers' Liability "Insurancé Corpora tion, were, to-day, held for trial on a rear platform, and claimed $200 dam- ages jad the doctor's bill, from the Toronto railway. The company is try- ing to show that Hopkins fell ofi the car purposely. A teenies Se Campbell Bros'. Straw Hats. Are Wit 'most 'men are wearing. DL ppe-------- "Ped pane, urinals, invalid riggs, 64, at @hown's drug étere. Fog Chagtables. Timmerman and Filson are ll huey with the Housstohouse a CETTE FT mew | 7.30 TO 10 0'CLOCK. eatipent A Practical Business Training is She Master Frontenac B usiness College FINGATON ONTARIO Superior Courses kins, a telograph operstor, atid Kibert Hopkins, an employee of the" Emgploy- charge of conspirsey to defraud the Toronto railway company, Noruieh Hopkins fell off a Bathurst street ear, while sitting. oo the chain im the Moderate Rates. f Miss Borthn, daugh- : a 5 Ra ui : £31 i mi rs. Dvd Compton We reserve the right to refuse ste dene of | Amission to objectionable per the brides sister, S North Rochester, : 3 helped on their way Large the corner." by the use of Nyal's ting, 25¢, Mmiley's, "'on veniencos, stable and coach house, facing Macdonald and City Parks, |[WM., NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- Formerly ocoupled by W. F. Nickle fice, second floor over Mahood's ---------------------------------- KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Rent, $500. free of taxes, for ters store, cornet . Princess and a years, if desired, Apply to J. 8. streots. Entrance on Dagot street. © R. McOamn, 51 Brock street: Phone, 0608. y of the *|BAND IN ATTENDANCE ' pa catia, Absolutely No ff . Select patrona ¢ conducted far above the usual plan of Rink. k ; A. FA Ry