Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jun 1907, p. 1

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by every woman who in. ave really handsome and t prices that will Surely it Tweed Skirts orted summer tweeds. s Cloth Skirts good value at $5,50. erge Skirts en Finished Skirts re easily laundried rery much in demand. Ss at 49, 2.95, 3.25. rts Cool dervests Children ervests and Drawers izes and in 3 different OC. up to joc, for summer wear, in Id out of some of our Oxford izes left. i e, at These We are going ¥ IN PRICE : ls. The season is just start- § is store. : EE ------------ hoe Store. of Travelling Goods: te ii 1 2 FROM 8 A.M. UNTIL 6 PM. "SATURDAYS, 1 P.M. No Charge JOHN McKAY, Fur House. 149-155 Breck St., Kingston. Sere ere) Whether we have warm cold, sunshine or rain, our QUEEN BEE TEA in de weather or Is always in season and always mand. Imported direct from Cey Ib. and one lb. packages oml 50 and 60c. Jas. Redden & Co. GROCERIES. , in hall IMPORTERS OF FINE ee ------------------------------------------------------ RRB A It you wish to be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head pf Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Bogok-keeping, shorthand, typewriting, tole graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught" by comptent experienced teachers. Day and might classes. Enter at Rates very moderate. . METCALFE, President: J. BE. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ees AUCTION SAL +4T THE RESIDENCE Ol MR Milne, 38 Lower FRIDAY, June 21st th P Suite, Oak 1 Ss Ss Ix tension Rock Hall 1 Range, Cars ( Blin 1 woud sewing M « lee-t un | I 1 v S10 REWARD. FOR ANY INFORMATION FHAT ot r or tion of will ! boathouses at tween Saturday noon. Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Electric Railway Company. epi etter GARDEN PART 1s Ald of Hotel Dieu Hospital on Hotel Dieu Grounds Wednesday, June 26th, 1907. Afternoon and « 141 1 d eerie I To Contractors TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED AT he undersigned, ons can be See 4 on FRIDAY, 2 nd r ason a o'clock, noon, for the excavator, I work required in provemer 108 Prin sari Lowest or any tender ty accepted. . tries ON " WLANDS & S WM. NEWLANI Soa TA SE AFTER HOUS»-CLEAN ING Ii you i Uhre Fur? B are you Want i a decent price for I~onding Second Hand === p-to- We Bave & most ® r date stock for wedding gifts in Stirling Silver: ware, Cut Glass, China, Clocks and Bronzes., Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Bree Beret No, Alongo, n literary club isn't ne- possafily a big sticks a 24 22 WHIG TELEPHONES 3--Business OfMocey 9--Editorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department: Try us for Billheads, etc. Dinner Sets sets left, you can save All new up-to-date patterns, on every one of We have a few of those job THREE OR FOUR DOLLARS these ONLY SHORT A FEW PIECES. Robertson Bros. sets. | i ¥ x Wi plice men Y¢ he f Mitchell's Hardware, Armaments WMtemoon, la he kept in every hous niyv pure 0000000007 00000000000 BEE KEEPER Ve have agents for BEE SUPPLIES Foundations, Sections, Smokers, Beeswax. » make honey just completed arrenge- ely we are 85 Princess Street. PEACE CONFERENCE. May Come Up For Consideration. 20. ~The second of th behind ees were appoints temporarily, ned plan to 1 le op proposi n to « dopt by t} « r r i the FOV Ww oly wh 1 der « u next or Reward For Murderers. York Tune AN \ \ f k = i lol 1 LAER § r « Vie of two ¥ « J I. R 1 i 1 1 i hN « I y Pelh wh was struck } I Anything To Be Healed ? wenever any kind of a healing ap \tion is requited use Wade's Uint t. yu will then be sare best possible or Skin salt | rheum, tions of the ws, dandruff, at Wade's drt m's Red IS THERE ONE? Person in Canada who has. not heard of the Phono- graph or graphophone and other talking machines? Hardly. Yet one cannot find a single periodical or publieation of any impqrt- ance that does not contain an advertisement of these manufacturers. And they employ a high salaried man who attends to tis one thing. Why ? Because these experienced business men know by actual ex- perience that they cannot afford to do without ad- vertising. And YOUR busi- ness is no different from the talking 'gnachine busi- ness in so far as continual publicity, is concerned, BUT HER HUSBAND LOST HIS NERVE. He Shot the Woman--Did Not Know She Was Already* Dead From the Effects of Inhaling Illuminating Gas. sg New York, June 20 examination Undor pressure of a merciless James Il. twenty-six years old, confess to the authorities that in further mee of a suicide. pact he shot his wife, nineteen years old. At the time of his confession War ell did not know that an autopsy had disclosed. that his wife was dead from ting gas when. he fired the nto her brain. Mr. Wardell was found dead in | her bed in West 25th street Monday night. Wardell was arrested and told the po- lice that his wife 1 shot herself after the two had agreed to die together. His courage failed him when the time came for self-destruction. While it was suspected that Wardell had shot his wife the autopsy de veloved that the woman had died from Finally Warddl broke illumin bullet b 1 nd said * "We fixed it up so that we would turn on the gas If =k got Wmeon s first and it looked like T couldn't die' hy the gas 1 was to shoot her and then shoot myself. Tf 1 got uncon scious first and she got scared of the as she was to shoot me and kill her self. After a while she looked like 1 was pretty weak, but ders But T figured that T would be a coward if T did not carry ont the agreement. so I turned 1 kissed her-and her lips were cold. Then T took the gon ard shot her in the head. After that T turned sun on myself, and puMed the trig ger. hut the gun snapped three times, and then 1lost my nerve." MODERN VULCAN. s all in I started for th Sir C. Palmer Built Three Miles of Warships. London, June 20--ln the ramanced ff industry the career of Sir Charles Mark Palmer, M.P. for Jarrow, who has just died, takes a prominent plac Charles was born eighty-five t Shields. At a very then Mr. Palmer be ed with the Durham coudl- As a coal master he yund great difficulty in getting his wil shipped to London within a rea- sonable time he began building vooden sai ! Jarrow, th 1 o on the banks « Fyne. To-day 1t 1 one { th great dustrial centres of d, th a population of 10 population wasand of ! led by the in the yards cor who was known as the "Modern Vule : : When marine engine was sprung the shipbuilding world, young | w his opportunity. He at ) 1 his attention from wooden h Y the Jarrow From that ship ard has built of ships for the we v& well as liners innumerable, It is estimated that if placed in a the naval vessels alone turned ous wonld stretch for three Jarrow Love For Widow Grew Cold. St, Catharines, Ont., June 20--Sir William Mulock reserved decision in an interesting Mrs. Royal, a Thorold widow, and Patrick MeAn- drews became engaged Mrs. Royal owned her home, subject to a mort- gage. McAndrews ngreed to buy the house at the mortgage sale and fit it ap for her as a wedding present. He carried out his arrangement, so far as the purchase and fitting up of the property was concerned, but his love grew cold for the widow, and he not only broke off the engagement, but handed the house over to his half brother. Mrs. Royal sued for posses sion, case. a ---- Diamonds More Numerous. [© Washington, June 20.--Consul Frank D. Hill, m a report on diamond min- ing from Amsterdam, estimates that the 1908 production from South Africa will be 1,5%0,000 carats greater than the production according to the last aveilable returns, which were for 1905. These show about 3,000,080 esrats as the total South African production annually, if Mr. Hill's fig ures are correct the output of dia- monds from South Africa will in- crease next year about fifty per cent Diamond mine owners are disturbed over whether the largely increased output that is expected will foroe down the price. y ' -------- If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Piils. Dyepepsia makes you nervous, and nervousness makes you dyspeptic; either one ren ders you miserable, and these little pills eure both. Canada, this year, already, over 13, O00 immigrants. A Raleigh, N.C, have been arrest poisoning a man E. D. Smith, MP. for told a deputation that he again be a candidat Mrs. Thomas Young, Greenwich, Counn., while arguing with her land: lord over t tions, fell dead George E. Pal Syracuse, N.Y|, lately wedded a spiritualistic medium who had given him messages from his doctor and his wifa on the charge of Wentworth, would not some « doad wife Bishop Patrick A. Ludden, Syracuse, N.Y., publicly denounced certs, calling th piety 'and profanity It is said in New York that Sir Blundell Maple, of England's fore. most turfmen, is. seeking the of Jockey Walter Miller Sir Wilirid and Lady Laurier have decided to sdil by the Empress of Britain, which leaves Liverpool on the 12th of mext month. Canada now gots three British emi grants for every one that goes to Af rica, and Australia only gets half as many as South Africa does More than $1,000000 worth of pro- perty of brewers ac Jd of violating the prohibition laws in Kansas has been confiscated by the state. The "new acid plant in 'connection with the Miramichi pulp mills, near Chatham, N.Y., wis completely de stroyed by fire on Tuesday A woman who had lived as a pauper, and who recently died in an Illinois county hospital, was found to have been worth more than $50,000. ° Benjamin Buckel, while competing in a tandem canoe race, at Toronto, was etricken with heart failure and, fall- ing into the water, was drowned. Frightened by a dream of murder, a Tennesscean miser deposited in a bank £30,000 which he had kept for years hidden in fruit jars about his home Because the salesman of a piano company in Baltimore let the lid of a piano fall upon the nose of Miss Helen Cantor, bresging it, she has sued for $10,000, de In the yg Jobo, NB, post office, nine clerks Bat wi forty-five have gone insane during the past thirteen years. Insanitary conditions are said to be the cave The widow and children of the late Col. Daniel Minahan, of Orange, Xd. have just received word that 20.000 000 is waiting in Ireland to be divid ed among them, One cent fine was imposed by United States Judge Landis, on F. E. Dur and, Chicago, who had pleaded guilty to the charge of using the mails for a frandulent purpose. The action of Mrs. Walter Barwick, Toronto, against the V.L.S.W. rail- way company, in connection with her husband's death in the accident at Salisbury, Eng. is fixed for July Sth adjournment' was granted Emmerson-Crockett libel case, at Fredericton, NB. The de fendant pleaded not guilty and justiication and the crown asked for time to put urrer to this plea ing, the flour mills known as Lawson and Bros. were complete lv destroved by fire The contents, consisting of flour and wheat, were \ t about $10,000, and the mill at about $5,000, part sacred con m 'a succotash of sPIvVices in the hinery rel by insurance, Nelson Mopteith, minister = of agriculture, returned from a tour of Wo storn Ontario, says crops are about a month late, but that the yield is kely to be fair. Hay and oats may drop below normal, and straw of all kinds may be rather scarce, a ly co Hon ---------------------- WILLING TO PAY TAX. tint Increased Amount Does Not Deter Chinamen. Ottawa, June 20.--Last month six tv-six Chinese entered Canada by way of Vancouver, paying $500 each, or a total of X&3.000, to become residents REDMOND SAYS IT GROSS INSULT To Roman Catholics of Ireland and ,England--The Bill of tae Prin.e Minister Will Likely Not Be Pressed--Lord Robert Cecil Gives Notice of a Motion. London, June 20.--Despite an angry Irish protest the House of Commons, by a vote of 125 to 121, earvied, yes- terday, a motion permitting the in- troduction of a bill for the gupoint- ment of a commission to enquire into the need of inspection of monastic and conventual institutions, Mr. Red- mond, the Irish leader, declared that this adtion implied a gross and insult to Roman Catholics in Ireland and England. On learning the result of the division, Mr. Redmond, "This puts an end to the liberal al liance anvhow." Doubt has suddenly arisen as fo whether the prime minister's resolu tion against the House of Lords will be discussed by the House of Com- mons on June 2th, It is stated Lord Robert Cecil has given motice of his intention to introduce a bill in the house dealing with the power of the House of Lordi to alter or reject a bill after it has passed the House of Commons. Under the rule of the lat- ter house no motion can be nroposed dealing with a sublect already cover ed by a bill. Hmee Lord Robert's bill, if pressed, would block the prime min. ister's, TO ERADICATE HOBOS. Railways Trying to Secure National Commission. Chicago, Il, June 20.--Harriman, Hill and other big railroad chicls have entered into an agreement with the national conference of charities and corrections to secure a bational commission of vagrancy. The plan is to clear all railroads and small towns of bums, hobos, or vags generally, and to force them to be sanitary, to earn their living or to disappear al- together from districts where strong arm of the commission can reach them. It in estimated that "hobos' cost the railrontls ppnhally $2,500,000, They infect the yards, set fire to cars, throw switches out of malice, assault tower men and switchmen, break sig- nals and canse disastrous wrecks with appalling loss of life and property. WORKMEN STRUCK GOLD While Busy at the Work of Grave Digging. NSW, June 19.-While digging a grave in the cemetery, at Ballarat, the workmen struck a vein of gold, bearing stone nineteen inches thick It is reported thet experi- mental crushing yielded about six pennyweights to the hundred weight Sydney, Prospectors are rushing the country around the cemetery. Muny claims have already bem peg Cand it is expected that a few « will witness n stampede similar to that of the mining in this country. A YOUNG CRIMINAL. William H. lad, of eleven years, on June lst, af tor a quarrel over a game of of the dominion. In addition to these, forty-five Chinese are exempt from the charge, being merchants, or returns ing Chinese entered, making the total number of arrivals an hundred and eleven, Somfe two parliament vears ago, raised the come again, and the number of arriv als has been since. -------- Water Supply. in a few months. will probably be installed, London, annoyed by the unauthorized report, od engagement. a -------------- place in Kingston is at Gibson's Rec Save money by going to Fraser's for wall paper. street, Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, 15¢ i at Wade's Drug Store. poll tax on Chinese from $100 to $500, and for a year afterward not one Chinaman paid the tax. Three months ago the Celestials began to increasing steadily ever Cobalt, Ont., June 20.--Water will be taken from Clear Lake and suppli- ed to Cobalt and the adjacent mines A pumping plant though some engineers believe that a syphon would supply all the water required, Mrs. Pottur.Patmer Denisa Report Jo sod, and it is evident June X~ do no « the Farl af Munster, and I am muc said Mrs. Potter-Palmer, replying to a question on the subject. of her reports During these hot days a very busy Cross Drag Store fountain. % B 7% William concern Sentence was Sul ---- ral times. Jumps From Tree To Death. City of" Mexico, June 20}, Johnson, New York, who came an American syndicate, climbed body was crushéd into a pulp. 17 tale tree and is said to be the largest tree this continent, ------ Enjoying Good Crops. She nghai, June 20. Captain Kirt emissary of the central commitiee, jority of the famine districts. people have " h in spite of the deaths and starvati in all parts of the country. -------- Triplets Died. triplets, have passed Monday oft I been rather |The little girl is condition. wut to ¥ out to PTR | 0 ndemned to death and sentenced to RAMBLET t early days of gold On Trial For Murder While Young | confiscated by the government. ! -------------- Boy Slept. Baltimore, Md., Jume 20--~The Pro Art. youngest murderer in the hibtcny of GC , June 20.--M. Jacobsen, local criminal courts, was tried, yes- milli brewer, has given terday, and convicted of manslaugh- a various . Sven t Hollis, colored, | oujued at 100,000,000 kroner (825, er: He ix Systuey i" aged nine years. He shot and killed Griffiths, another negro Hollis did not display the slightest in the court room, to-dey, during the trial. He fell asleep seve this section several months ago and became manager of the plantation for into "| {he great tree of tule, situated near here, and jumped from its branches to the ground, a distance of 125 feet, His is 200 feet in civenrnference, ports satisfactory conditions in a ma- Crops that the | Wed contrived to save seed, London, Ont., June 20.--Two of the infants of Wr. amd Mrs. Harry Storey, i | Maitland street, who were born as were boys, n f 3 . and were three weeks ' old. * Both bad }are reported injured, four seriously. weak since their birth. still in a healthy juries in to the inspection of public' buildings was very vaguely de fined, resting on custom rather than any specific instruction hy statute. According to long-established precedent grand juses were supposed to visit and report upon the management of county jails and other local public buildings, but no statute and no pre- cedent gave them power to inspect puovincin or federal institutions. The Frontenac grand jury had no more right to officially visit and report upon the penitentiary than had fhe grand jury of any other county 'in (Ontario, inasmuch gs the penitentiary was not a local county institution. onsequently the warden was justified in refusing to allow the grand jurors any more privileges than those accord- ed to ordinary visitors. Mr. Ayles worth pointed out than last year when the grand jury, at Kingston, saw fit to make Bome severe strictures upon the manner in which the prisoners at the penitentiary were ted their com- ments were not justified by the facts of the tomes, and were subversive of discipline at the penitentiary. The pre- sent rules had been adopted after reful consideration some years. ago. Moreover, he atlded, there was not the same peed for inspection of peni- tentiaries and other fedéral and pro. vincial institutions grand juries as existed in case of local county in stitutions. The former were always under constant inspection by trained government fnspectors, and inmates having grievances could easily bring them to the attention of the public or of the proper authorities for in vestigation, ---- FEZ RR ali pe ---------- EIN SION. ONTARIG THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1907. DAILY MEMORAND, RB 4 .-- ae. ETT A a '. '- A Hats A PITH OF THE NEWS, | hot days, em > vest stock ¢ ; < The Very Latest Culled From All =H WE ARE OP a Stock 3 Oa on. A. B. Aylesworth Discusses OPEN Siang hl I this « f a Wi Over the World, Complaint From Kingston. FOR his Sir Wilfrid Laurier will arrive at Toromto aa. Tenders received 6 Arhificct Nowlams -- Paris on Sunday. Ottawa, June 19.--Hon. A. B. Ayles- a noon Friday a A Pair Tried ; The ier ubiny has been followed worth, minister of justice, in discuss: Auction sale nt 38 Lower 'Union St alr w ot military troubles Russia. Inspection ing the action of the warden of the CONSULTATION § f,'ti his, 3 over ed Hard To oth mT inl: on. Wenes. | AS TO Need OF OF | list penitentiary in relusing to ® [June sale ot "The London Millinery Suicide. day, Urehattl'y Story. received further Convents. allow the members of the Frontenac Ey : corroboration, t; grand 3 to ® as Fes A -- The exeontive board of the Commer ---- ity ) © toria, 1887 : Many z cial Telegraphers' Union has approved grand j & in Kingston, 1832 HIS W E of a strike. spect the penitentiary. In" common 2 The Salvation Army has brought to N CED faw the rights and duties of grand I -- v ~ Fl GOVERNMENT CONTROLS. There is No Possibility of Mob Rule, Paris, June 20.--Official advices re ceieved by Premier Clemenceau, to- day, give the numb of_suallies, in yesterday's rio at Narbonpe, five killed and . ty - ed, scores hit madly the valry down the Iurricades srecsed streets for the strikers, The ment, to-day, hes the upper there is no present possibility of mob rule. THREW A BOMB, ---- hBut Luckily It Did Not Go Athens, June 20.--An unknown man rew a dynamite cartridge, from the allery of the Chamber of Deputies, uring an all-night session, which be- an, yesterday. The cartridge fell mong the benches which were crowd: I with deputies, but a disaster was verted hy the fuse ing detach- ed in the flight of the missle, The man who threw the cartridge was ar rested and is reported to be insane. anc zn ea Cabrera Plotters To Die. City of Mexico, June 20.-A com- dete list of persons who have been terms of imprisonment in Guatemals for alleged complicity in the recent attempt upon the life of President Cabrera hag been refeived here. Near: ly all of the persons were wealthy, their fortunes in the te amounting to more than $50,000,000. It is stated that t Cabrera is now attempting to have this wealth > rage on ane of hie ifts. He saw a : imbing wpon ous statuary oy up of Rodin, which was one of his donations, and he obsen was arrested on a charge assault, Baseball Record. : to| Eastern league--At Bufialo, 6; New- ter, 6; Providence, 3; Baltimore, 0. Philadelphia, (2. ton, 5. At he | 4. At Cincinnati, 3; New York, 2. R. At Washington, At Philadelphia, 1; Detroit, 1. -------------- on. Taken To Hospital. re- Sergt. Jamieson, Picton, was removed field camp to the nesday evening, ambulgnos ith a on | of # oid fever. " inmates in the camp hospital. ti . A Train Cut In we: Juisville, Ky., June 20.-A passen- ram on the Baltimore and Ohio South-Western, was cut in two hy a falling rook in a tunnel, pear "Mit chell, Teel. to-day. Seventeen persons i The army service foot powder, 10c., at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. » / Of fine Cashmere ne ot $0.25 and Sin) ny HR most conspicuous thrashed the offender violently. Jae ark, 5 (fourteen innings.) At Roches- 1. At, Montreal, National league--At Pittsburg, 1; At Chicago, 4; Bos- St. Louis, 12; Brooklyn, American league--At New York, 0; on | St. Louis, 9. At Boston, 2: Chicago, 1; Cleveland, 0. 16th Regiment, Barrie the lungs ¥ and catarth. Not a fake but a 'tific treatment, Use Catarrhazone you are sure to be our own bottles, 50c. tore, re Wool, in Plain Was Big Explosion. 5 Torquay, Fug., June 20.--Four to pedo boat destroyers were i in steam trials 'ofquay, Yost h afternoon, when an plosion heard on of} eyres bronchitis, Compound Syzup of H , equal to and 70¢., at

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