Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jun 1907, p. 1

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d.scores of women say that y.buy in other stores they White Underwear at Laid- ot absolute proof of supe- 3 well as in value given iven: But it is a proof of Vomen do not come from vn and from surrounding ¢ a dollar. They desire to nd prettiest of designs. nderskirts, from 75¢ ightgowns, from 75¢ Dr awers, from 20c orset Covers, from! hemises, from 33c ear, om: I2}4¢ to 4gc. ts, for children 2 to 14 ) 2.25. s, from 35c to 1.25. ~~ tadce ale 0000000000000 UILOO00O0VOO00 t Sandals | Slippers stock of other kinds of All the new styles at TE ---------------------------- t Shoe Store. YEAR 74. NO. 136, 2 Pease] Choice select | specimen FURS, at Manufacturers prices, guaranteed .in every respect. We are showing new de- signs in Neck Pieces. A very fashionable Scarf, in Mink vor Ermine, a special bargain To o$17 00000000000 COV0000000010000000 0000000000 GO JOHN McKAY, BE eles eee de) ee) Fur House. 149-155 Brock St, ® Kingston: 3 EOEOEee County of Frontenac: SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RE- ceived at the Office of the County Clerk, Cowrt House, Kingston up to THURS- DAY, JUNE 13th, at 12 o'clock noon, from persons willing to furmish : 115 tons Scranton, and 50 Cords of Hard Wood or more if required. Coal to be of good quality, well screened and free from dirt, and to be delivered at the Court House, Gaol or Registry Office as may be required up to Decen ber 1st next. The Wood to be composed of Ma: Beech, Hickory, or Ironwood, to sound and of good quality, one-half dry and one-half green, to he delivered at th County Gaol half before January 1s mext, and the other half after that date. Wood and Coal subject to measurement and approval of Chairman of County Property. Coal to be wei on City Seales, at the expense of Contratior. The lowest teader mot necessarily ac- ple, be J. W. EDWARDS,, County Olerk JOHN. FOLEY, Chairman Co. Property. It you wish to bo successful at tend The Kingston' Business College Cimited,- head of Queen street. Canada's Highest Grade business school. Bookskeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- raphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly comptent experienced Day and nicht classes. Rates very moderate. H. F. METCALFE, President: J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. Montreal Jockey Club INAUGURAL MEETING Blue Bonnets Course JUNE 4th TO 15th INCLUSIVE. ss -- Racing and Steeplechasing every day raih or shine. Admission to course, including Grand Stand, $1. St. James 4th Annual EXCURSION To Ottawa, via G.T.R. and C.P.R. TUESDAY, June 18th Fare, $1.75; Children under 12, 90c¢c, return- S i paving, 8 a.m., Special train leaving. 0 pee ing leaving Ottawa same evening, In. Pai tickets good returning any regular train, June 19th. Tenders Wanted. SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED dersigned will Le received up to $u the um 4 1907, for the coun- 7 pm. June 22nd, i 3 struetion ok-about 6,000 square fect of Cement Concrete Sidewalk, for the no crusher required. Specification may of the undersigned. DoOeS- Village of Westpogt, Loca] material used. bu seen aut the office The lowest or any temder . not sanly wesepteds D. DEACON, Clerk. het AFTER HOUSE-CLEANING have decent Furniture or Stoves, a to dispose of, 1 will give you .prics- for = t thera. TURK, the Leading Second Hand Dealer of King ston. Sd TRY A POUND OF MYER'S "2¥5= SAUSAGES For Sumday"s Breakfast, 60 Brock St. comfort is Everything for baby's drag sold at Gibson's Red Cross sie of dry goods at Corrigan's. Japanese in the United States blame the German emperor for the race trou- 'bles in neisco. ease, ¢omfort and debt reduction of $3.5 DAILY MEMORANDA. Board of Trade meeting, 8 p.m. City Property Comm ttee, 4 p.m., Wed- nesday. : 'Premtice Boys, at St, Paul 7.30 pam. : bs This day n_ history '--Battle of I; - Hox. 1679 ; Natal cleared of a church, -- WHIG TELEPHONES 243--Business Offices : 229--Editorial Rooms. 203--Jobbing Department: Try us for Billheads, ete. CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have a few set short of a small num- ber of pieces. These we will Sens out at a great sacri- ce. Come and get a snap, $12 $10, $9 Sets, for $7.50, $6 and as low as $4.50. All best quality. Robertson Bros. SHPARATE addressed to the SEALED , undersigwed, and en- dorsed ""Temder for alterations, additions TENDERS and repairs® to Miock case may be) Tete du A or ki (as the Pont Barracks, Kingston, Ont. will be received at this office until Thursday, June 27, 1907, inclusively, for the works above described. Contractors may both buildings. Plans apd specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this Departwent awd om application to H. »r. Smith, Esq., Architect, Kingston Pessons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and sigued with their actual signatures Each tender must be accompanied bY an accepted cheque on a. chartered pank made payable to the order of the Home ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 pe) of the amount of the tender, which will te forfeited if the party tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon 40: dp sox or if he fail to complete the work contracted: for. II the tender leo not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By Oxder, FRED. GELINAS, Secretary. tender for either or Department of Public Works Ottawa, June 10, 1907, Newspapers insertimy this advertise- ment without authority from the Depart- went will not be paid for it CANADA'S REVENUE. Report Will Show Surplus of $16,- 500,000. Ottawa, June 11.--A carciul study of the statements of the finance de- partment gives groamd for the sur- mise that the result of the financial vear, which ended on March 3st last, will be a surplus on the con- solidated fund of $16,500,000, and a The finance department is busy now accounts in order to adjusting its good close up the old. year, and a deal of the latest statement is taken these operations. The re venue of 1906-07 now stands at $67,- 701,005; during May the adjustment of accounts, payments of rebates, get ting in of deferred payments, ete, - creased it by $562,410. The expendi ture on consolidated fund now stands at $51,182,056, and the expenditure on capital apeount at $14,238,191, The total disbursements thus were $65,- 120,518. up with Died Before He Saw Sister. Rochester, June 11.--Richard James, who, it is alleged, from Blackicot, Idaho, im order to meet his sister here, was killed in the Le high Valley vacds, at Shortsville, recently, by being struck by a vitch engine. James' sister is expect to armve in this city some time to tram ped nervous Palpitation of the heart : i headache, tromblings, nervous ness, R : cold hands and feet, pain in the back and other forms ol wonkness are re- rter's Iron Pills, made lieved by Ue specially for complexion : : "Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, " equal to the best. Big at Wade's Drug the blood, nerves and our own make, bottles, dc, and 7c. Store. Sal of dry goods at Cumulative Profits The more you advertise honest goods, the more they will advertise you--or perhaps we should say the more you advertise goods --honestly--the more you be advertised. Repu- tation--good or bad--in- variably fastens itself up- on every merchant and as will he lives up to his adver- tising so are his returns Whig al- governed. The ways gets there and the cost of -straight, honest store news in its columns ISKEONORG Prince De Chimay Seeks Church's Ald BUT POPE RESISTS AND IS PARTICULARLY SEVERE IN SUCH MATTERS. Clara Ward Remains the Legiti- mate IWife of Prince de Chimay---Comtesse Griffulhe is Helping Her Brother Owing to Her Beauty. Paris, June 11.--Clara Ward, the famous American beauty who, after leaving her husband, the Prince de Chimay, married the gypsy Rigo, is destined to be talked of incessantly. This 'time, it is true, it is not from her own fault that she is attracting the attention of the public. The question on the tapis is the an- nulment of her first marriage by the vatican. Tired of the celibacy impos ed on him by the Catholic church, the Prince de Chimay js trying to get his union with her who was his wife an- nublod, and he is being helped in the steps he is teking by his sister, the Countess Grofiulhe. Latterly - this lady has been with him in Rome, visiting the cardinals, and doubtless reckoning on her beauty to charm them. But doubtless just as the fainous Queen Louise of Prussia failed in her attempt to captivate the Emperor Napoleon, so our pretty compatriot will not succeed in her of- forts to convert the princes of the church. The time has gone past when, for a few dollars, one could obtain the dis- solution of matrimonial ties from the Roman Curia, and Pius X, is purti- cularly severe in such matters. Clara Ward is, and will always re- main in the eyes of the church, the legitimate wile of the Prince de Chimay. These restrictions are im- posed by the Catholic faith on those who are the victims of sufferings and privations from which the civil law of divorce would rid them; but the ques- tion is whether people are happier in those countries where one is able to change one's partners as one does one's garments. TO FORM A COMPANY. Germany Willing to Manufacture Aeroplanes. Paris, June 11.--The Echo De Paris prints a report that a wealthy Pari- sian will form a company and pay to the Wright Bros., a million francs 4 (£200,000), for the right to manufac ture the acioplanes invented Ly them after the Wrights have made success- ful tests. The ministers of war and marine hive promised to buy a dosen of aeroplanes from' the company, An- other report states that German capi- talists are ready to manufacture the aeroplanes paying the Wrights a royalty. Crops Looking Well In West. Ottawa, June 11.--~Dr, William Saun- ders, director of the experimental farms, telegraphing from Calgary, Al- Lerta, to the department here says: "Crops from Calgary to Edmonton are looking well. Occasional fields of winter wheat are cight to ten inches high. Spring wheat is about six in ches high, very healthy, and growing rapidly. Conditions of moisture and temperature are most favorable, ------ Twenty-Eight Perish. June 11.---The French Jalouse, from Cayenne for St. Lucia, sank off Barbadoes during the night of June 7th. Her commander and twenty-one men reach- ol Barbudoes yesterday. Twenty- eight passengers, including twelve wo- men and children, were drowned. Yarbadoes, schoover La m------ How The Strike Stands... " London, June 11.--The seamen's strike at Glagoe bas narrowed into a conflict between the umion and the owners of North American lines. So far the men have had little success The Allan and Dominion liners are obtaining crews without difficuliy. ------ Kaiser To Meet Czar, Copenhagen, June 11.--It is learned from court circles that the kmiser in- tends to meet the czar during a sum- mer trip in Scandinavia. It is expect ed that political matters of great im- portance will be discussed. The place of meeting is as yet a secret, The Agreement Signed. Paris, June 11.--The Franco-Japa- es agreement was sighed, yesterday afternoon, by Foreign Minister Pichon, on beltulf of France and Minister Kur ino for Japan. Mre. Laverty, relict of the late Daniel Laverty, of Lyn, died on Sun- dav. The deceased, aged eighty years, had lived in Lyn the greater part of her life. She was a woman of truly Christian character. Her husband died about five years ago and she logtves to mourn her loss a family of five children. They are: 7 C. Laverty, Mra. F. Clow, Misses Sarah and Flimbeth- Laverty, all of Lyn, and Mes, A. M. Wilson, Avon, Mass. In religion the deceased was a Pres- hyterian. is infnitesiingl as ecompar- Bed pans, urinals, invalid rings, pus basins, etc., : at Dr. Chown's drug Dr. Beatom, Makes Recommend. ations to Government. Toronto, June 11.--An important re- is being made to the government for a change in the dealing with the feeble- Ontario. > Dr. A, H, Beaton, medical superin« tendent of the institution at Orillia, has -been representing the government at the convention of the American As- sociation for. the Care of the Feeble Minded, held at Waverley, Mass. He has brought back some Massachusetts ideas, He is recommending their adop- tion here, At Wavedey the parent institution for the state is located and about 1,- 190 boys and girls, ranging in age perhaps to twenty-five, are occupied with school and farm work, For ol men a farm colony of about 2,000 ares has been establish- ed and the gwen are sent out in groups of sixty or seventy cach, in charge of an expericnend male and fo- male. a: © has worked so suc- oe y the past: two years that more laid is being bought for more colonies. HIS FINANCIAL AID BELL GETS $4 A YEAR FROM PHONE. Inventor of Telephones Has Only One Share in the Big Company ~To Be Greater Inventions. New York, June 11.-In an attack on scientific progress, Prof. Bell, the Canadian inventor of the telephone, says : "I am really a back number in tele- phony. As soon as the telephones be- came a commercial success, 1 lost scientific interest in it. I am not a business man. A thing is interesting to me so long a8 it remains a scienti problem. "By the way, one of the letters 1 got on my return from Europe com- tained a telephone company dividend cheque--for exactly $4! That is my share in the quarterly or semi-annual dividend distribution. "That is a small cheque to be re- I a get a ro; y on every fe the world, I know it oy 5 a to out of received by me. But in all mv direct financial intercst in the telephone is represented by that $4 cheque, "When I married, I transferred all my interest in the company to my wife whose father made the telephone a commercial success. Afterward one shire was transierred back ta me so that my name should appear in the list of stockholders. "Nobody had any idea then what telephone company stock would even- tually be worth. It did not greatly concern me. My satisfaction lay in knowing that I had made a receiver which' made the telephone a thing of practical use. Now my interest.is in a flying machine. "While the telephone has come into general use, another of my inventions and ome, which I consider a greater ome, is hardly known. The photophone was produced in year 1580. It is ouly now coming into use in Germany. Efforts are still being made toward discovering this very principle name- ly, the transmitting of speech by light instead of by wire. The photo- hone, or 'radiophony," is much more wonderful than telephany." The inventions of the past genera- tion have been remarkable, hut there is no reason to think that the discov- eries of succeeding generations will be less so and America will take her part. Americans are ahead of the world in modern inventions, and the list of American scientific and wechanionl triumphs grows yearly. To them the world owes the telegraph, the vhono- graph, the typewriter, the Westing- house air-brake, the sewing machine, inventions in hydraulics, discoveries in chemistry, improvements inoumer- able in machinery, pumps, engines, dyvnamos, and a hundred ramifica- tions in the electrical world. And the world ever awaits the next thing and the man with an idea. Canada's Sacrifice. London, June 11.--According to the Standard Sir Wilfrid Laurier inter- viewed at Rome said he was convino« ed that the imperial conference had been a success in the sense that it had brought about the unquestionable pro- gress of the imperial idea and made peoplé understand that Canada, while determined not to renounce the small est part of her legislative independ ence earnestly desires the unity and greatness of the empire and has made greater sacrifices of her own inter esis to the mother country than any other colony, for which snerifices Ca- nada has not so far received any compensation. Mrs. Eddy"s Competency. Coneord, N.H., June 11.-~Judge Chamberlain has ovdered Mra. Mary Baker G. Eddy's competency to be de- tormined by a master, in connection with the action brought by relatives for an accounting of Mrs. Bddy's pro perty. The only make of candy supplied to H. R. H. Prince Fushimi, MeCoonk oy's, choice of royalty. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, RH. © ham, tuner, from Chickering's, Orders at McAuley's book store, "Phone TUESDAY, JUNE 11, FARMS FOR FEEBLE MINDED.! ---- Is Feared At Lodz, Russian REIGN OF TERROR HAS BEEN EXISTANT SINCE JUNE 2. Great Damage Done to the Cotton Industry--Fifteen Kill. Garrison is So Incensed That Warsaw, June A June 2nd, thero has been a 0 outbreak at Lodz, Russian Poland, of the reign of terror, which already done much dumage to the cotton in. dustry of that country. Altogether, in the last fifteen days, so far fifteen persons have been killed and more than thirty wounded, the great ma- jority of whom were shot by the sol diers. The local garrison is so en- raged at the incessant murders of sol- diers and officers that a general mas- sacre may take place at almost: any moment, fs PITH OF THE NEWS. sin The Very Tatest Culled From All Over The World. Vancouver's population increased 12,000 last year, according to the of- ficial directory. The Congregational Union of Can: ada, will meet next year in Emman church, Montreal. German cigar makers will now use a 'tinfoil ar label instead of ome of paper and gum. . Crops reports from Europe indicate that the wheat yield will greater th t first expected. There will be as fine crop of a fruit belt this year as for se At Los land. A tribe in Abyssinia has been dis- covered that adhere to the Jewish re- ligion, but have lost all trace of the Hebrew tongue. Judge J. 8. Bossler, of New Or- leanw, a well-known confederate vote ran, was killed by falling from a train at Easley, B.C. Alfred Horsley, in his evidence at Boise, on Monday, confessed that he burned the cheese factory at Brigh- ton for the insurance, " A gold coin, "Crown of the Rose, which Heary VIII commanded Wolsey to have struck in 1526, was sold at Sotheby's, London, for i AThert Jennings, Bramtford, travel: led to Windsor on a freight train on the M.C.R., and was arrested. He was fined 89 for forgetting to purchase a ticket, The Presbyterian eneral assembly, yesterday, disenssed the report of the joint commitiee on church union. Win- nipeg was chosen for the next meet: ing place Pr. R. K. McClung, senior demon- strator in physics at McGill, has been appointed professor of physics in Mount Allison University at Sack- ville. N.B The daughters of King Leopojd are objecting to his proposal to turn over to Belgium the Congo Free State on the ground that ig is part of his personal estate. 4 Rev. Dr, Leonard Geetz, known in Montreal, at one time as pastor of the old St. James Methodist Church, is dead, in Red Deer, Alta., at the age of sixty-seven years. a Andre Santerre, aged fifty-six prospecting near Cobalt, for two venrs, died, Saturday, of heart fail ure in his tent on the Wendigo Lake trail to Larder Lake. President Roosevelt, speaking to the National - Editorial Association at Jamestown, urged the necessity of change in the system of taxation and in the utilizing of natural resources. While being taken to the Emergency hospital Buffalo, John Remaay, To- ronto, employed by Duncan & King, of Avalon, near Pittsburg, as their Bufiulo agent, died in the patrol wag gon, It is reported that Hissam Muli, the rebwilious prince, attacked Salar El Gowleh, governor of i pro vinee, near Hi on Saturday, but was compelled retreat" with heavy loss. President Roosevelt was for a sec: ond time, at the Jamestown exhibi- tion, brought bask by the formal op- ening of Bulloch Hall, the ancestral home of his mother at Roswell, Ga., and reproduced at the exhibition as the Georgia wtate building. The validity of the act giving the Cobalt Lake Mining company mineral rights under that hody of water, will he investigated by the governor-gen- oral-im-council, according to a decision of Justice Britton, at Toronto. Money madness, the Rev, Dr. Chown, temperance and moral reform secre: tary of the Mpthodist church' of Can: ada, says | the mest vicious ostopuses with which the la of the nation is attacked. The 'arch ecorrup- tors of youth in the dominion are the men who get rich instead of punishing them ment gives them large _ BADLY WOUNDED, two brothers Fenelon Falls, Ont., J " es 3 une -- 12 rows, ga sitet i fei $2 ES : 'Has ed and Many Wounded--Local| recived that the i ranging in age from sixteen twen- ty years, whose home was Belle ville, for ng rides on the G.T.R. were fined and warned not to peat this misdemeanor, as the G.T. is determined = il if 3 iz. 3 §F FsFoshki | | B past ten days, was, yesterday, quite a bit' better, and hopes are now entertained for bis ultimate recovery. John Soby ie critically ill and no hopes are held out for his recovery. Mortimer Bogor, visiting his woth. er for the past three rks, H . terday, for his home at Olds, nN MARRIED. " £0 bertn, BURLINGIAM-IVANS--At : Mrs. T. F. Ruttan tf, yosterday, ha Toron Nise A for Swan Lake," Man,, after a month's pris daughter of visit with friends in Napanee, LA JIGHTNING BOLT FATAL. Oren Merkley Died After Suffering Great Agony. Maxville, Ont., June 11.--Open DIED. Markley who resided neay and | COOK --Entered into reat, In June 10th, 1907, -seven TH 850" ih re it ie if [PPR iti pH bs rrp biaie Fetie: gif Ex fh Father 2 & i aged. sixty-six re died suddenly on Yaturday night, wt his home at Bill ing's Bridge, just on the city's out tia. Ha was the father of sightom left a widow six- teen - sons and deughters. He was working about the barn or stable when he was attacked with heart fail ure, Ho was carried into the house, but died before medical aid could seven-year-old immigrant who re : cathe out from x ly nay of a Lhe g silt of vaccinated on. whip | board. Prof. ttleworth, who look- od into the mmttor, anid jt welt the firgt case he ever saw, ee he over heard of, death by being directly due to the vaecine.

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