Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Jun 1907, p. 3

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We have the advance styles for the coming sea- son, and we advise those wishing a Shasge to-have their Furs ATTENDED TONOW ----BY-- W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. CUT GLASS ~ SPECIAL We have at 'present an assortment of Desirable Patterns, in 8 inch Fruit wh Dishes, at $4.50 each. This line, at the above price ; is the best value we know of. SEE WIN- DOW DISPLAY. 'SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Opticians "Phone 666 Issuers of Marriage Licenses. We deliver it witkout slate, af wricem, get to Jou clean and ¥ery bottom BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St RRR RR a, i ---- Campbell Bros'. Straw hats are the popular kind. ry Bibby's 812.50 blue suits. tev. George H. Bishop, D.D., of idsay, has been invited (to the pas- ate of Bridge Street Methodist irch, Belleville, in June, 1908. inck's = union-made overalls and ntucky Jean pants. Best American ds, at Roney & Co's. usy Mothers ages 5 to 10 years neatly , also Linen Color, perfectly a Suit, alatea Stripes, very latest eats, Navy, Khaki, White, C. f you buy here. Princess he Boys. The best Cotton orted Cashmere too, all siges. each, s in \Waists lies' "White Waists, nt and wide row of in- e collars, sizes 34 to 40. Special 39¢. .adies' White Lawn § t0 40, neatly made, nt and wide embroi- ick, 34 sleeve, od. bargain for 75¢. PELL 0L040800000000¢ kirts, 85c. rows of Torchon Inser- English Cambric, all p, Only 85c. § FEF RIPIIIOIINNS pair. Grey, Long Length, 75c. h, Light Colors, Fast, s ever shown in Kingston. roidery, at 25¢c. a yard. ts, at 12jc. each, also the each, This perfectly natural change: in a woman's life is too often ac- » companied by painful, distressing ' - symptoms due to female troubles and slight irregularities in her deli- Cate organism. _ The woman who passes this change without the development of tumors, cancers, or chronic invalid- ism enters a new field of happiness and usefulness in the domestic cir- cle and in social activity. Her phy- sical system should receive, the necessary assistance at this critical period. TydiaF.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is exactly suited to woman's needs at this time. It strengthens and cures all derangements of the female organism, it overcomes the hot flashes and dizzy fainting spells, and all other distressing symptoms. Woman's Friend During Change of Life "Dear Mrs. Pinkham :--1 owe my splendid health to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. 1 am the mother of three children, have safely passed the change of life, and feel as young and strong as 1 did twenty years and thi) all due to your friend of women, Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable po I took it years, and had but Ii endure. nd. before my children were born, and it greatly assisted is Co. and saved me much . and during change of life I took it off and on for four le trouble and sickness such as most women have to Mgrs. Jars K. MANN, 806 Bathhurst Street, Toronto, Canada. The whole secret of safety at this time of life is thorough prepara- tion before the change begins. Fortify the system with a course of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This wonderful medicine has carried thousands of women through this danger period. Na euch helpful advice to women: who are sick can be had anywhere as will be received free by addressing Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Pinkham is datghter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, and for twenty-five years under her direction, and since her decease, she has been advising sick women free of charge. SALE OF HALL FURNITURE . THIS WEEK- $85 Haliracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25. $30 Haliracks Polish Oak, 80x40 Mirror, for $25 'Haliracks Polish Large Mirror, for $2( "$15 Yat Rack, for $10.50. A few China Cabinets, the latest style, will be sold cheap for cash. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. Ambulance Phone 577. 5s ufeetefeleefeleieimimin miele niin The Stor a The Store er Johnston's, 180 Wellington St. Saturday Specials vou camnot match the values for the of Quality Read this List over earefully FOR price elsewhere; LAWN WAISTS Waists, m Victoria Lawn 'end Tadia Linom, front of Aides White We and three-quarter sleeves ar of Valg In- "sertic n amd Lace, worth $1.75, SATU R DAY, cach $1.1 COLORED WAISTS 4 tim i fhite "Spot and > i faist. in Black and Navy Ground, with Whit Bi Fh Pe iat with tum cuff. SATURDAY, Bargain, 50c, MUSLINS » Grounds, with Colored Floral Patterns, Fancy Dress Mu n White ( 1 . | a ns in . neat variety 4 v attervs, ail worth ic. and 25e. yard. SATURDAY Bargain, 1 SKIRT SPECIAL | Wool, Black and Whit val at §5. washing colors, « yard, Plaid Suiting, 25 Ladies' Ski made of A SATURDAY nit fy wade, in Ay the newest styles, good Spepial, $3.75 each. READY-TO-WEAR WASH SUITS i ol Whi te Check and Stripes, also White Shirt Waist Sults, ick dnd to IER nd Liven Skirts, all at Lawn Suits V Trimmed, WH Special Prices SATURDAY. HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR 's EB Fleavy Ribied 20 doren 'Ladies' Vests, = Swiss Roy's Extra Havy is. Posi | Ribbed, in 3 styles, Lom Sheves. Cotton Hose, in wif 3 Shart nd Sleeveless Styles, Black, 15c., 18¢. and 20c ory 0 : AP ecveiom, Styles. O%e 25¢ Ladics' Fast Black Cotte Full Fashioned and 1 121 13 ' Ladivs' - White Cotton Tirawers, Special, at 1238 3c. Rives), Lace Trinuned, ' Special, 20c. at 25. . Ladies' Fancy Drop Stitch and Ladios' Whites Mercenized Vests, Black s Embroidered Stockings, in Neck and Afmbolgs,. Lace trimiudd, qa White, 250, 38c., dtc. and | Gof de. and 2c. ve. Tas Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail | AE. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work. 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY, AN 0. D SAYING. Showing How Cause Are Never Far Removed. It is an old saying, "Where there's honey there's bees" not less 4rue is one which science has coined more re- cefitly, "Where there's dandruff there's germs --and--to push tiv inference still further we may truly say, "Where there's dandrufi 'cured Newbro's Her- picide has been at work." The reason of .Herpicide's isolation as a genuine cure for dandruff lies in the fact that it attacks and destroys the root of the whole troubie-a para< sitic germ which feeds upon the ma- terial which nourishes the hair fol- licle. Other so-called remedies are not di- rected at this true cause of the dis case. Accept no substitute, there is none. Sold by leading dru fistg. Send l0e. in stamps for Padi io to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c: and 81. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ¢ Stuck To His Word. From Spare Moments Once, after a concert in Ohio, Mme. Patti attende! a supper at which many singers and local notabilitics including Judge Matthews, were pre sent. Supper over, Matthews pre cased madame to sing, but the diva show- ed no inclination to oblige. "Sing, and I'M do anything you like," pleaded Matthews. So the vocalist sang "Home Sweet Home. "Now, Mr. Matthews," she began, when the song was over, "please stand on vour head.' "Gracious ! You're joking, child," gasped the lawyer. ' "Not at all," replied the singer. "A bargain' sa bargnin. 0 it 8," arewered She master of pity: "and here goes." ? And 'wp in the air went amid the frantic assembled company, his feet, applause of the Campbell Bros'. Have just the. hat you want. id and Effect" ER TUTE CIRCUMSTANCES. -- Mother Will 'Endeavor to Have © Children Placed in a Home-- Husband Died Recently. The sad case of a'family come un- der the notice of the Kingston police to-day. . A mother, with her jour children, arrived in the city on the morning train, from Oso Station, in destitute circumstances, Her husband died some i months 5, and she has found a very hard task. tg make both ends meet. It appears that she hai been given assistance by the good le at Oso, but she' ventured to come on to Kingston, thinking that she could secure some employment, and also with the idea of placing her children in the home, When they reached the city they had no place to go, and some one directed them to the police station, and here Sergt. Snodden and Constable Driscoll made it as comfortable as possible for them, The children were very hungry, alse the mother, 'but she cared not for herself; it was her children she was thinking of. But it did not take the hig-hearted long to act. In less time than it takes to tell the story, Constable Driscoll had paid a visit to a near-by confectionery store and ar- rived back with both arms full of goodies" for the unfortunate family. There was food endugh for all, and with many thanks the police station guests satisfied their appetites, A' fow minutes later a good citisen, 'who had learned 'of the case, walked in with a pitcher full of steaming hot coffee. The little basitjuet was then complete. The family is composed of two girls and two boys) one boy aged eight, the other four, the youngest of the family: a girl sixteen and the other six. The elder girl is of a weak mind, and this makes the ¢ase doubly sad, as she is unable to give the mother the help that she needs in her time of great trouble. The oldest hoy is alse of a very weak mind, and suffers a great deal with his eyes. He underwent treatment not long ago in o Kingston hospital, but does not appear to have been much improved as a result. The lite girl and boy are very bright, and played around the police station very happily. "It is very hard to see the child- ren go to a home," said the mother, 'but. it is all for the best. T will have to Jo to work, and 1 will not be able 'to teach them, and I want them to learn." The case is indeed one worthy of the aid of any of the local charitable in- stitutions, WOMEN'S AUXILIARY. The Concluding Meeting on Thurs- day Afternoon. "For the North West and. our brethren there" has seemed to be the dominating thought governing Hie voting of money ut the W, annual, While the foreign field yw not been forgotten, Miss Askwith and Miss: Makehan, missionaries from In- { din aed Japan, carrying off geod sums for their work, the tide of the * meeting set towards answering. the ery for men and churches in the west. After a brisk discussion aver the irival claims of the diocesan mission fund and the new fund for the train ing of missionaries for the west, as the object of Ontario's thankoffering next year, the latter earried over: whelmingly, Miss Annie Muckleston's short talk being most convincing. Ot- tawa has followed the mother 'diocese in devoting the offering cvery third year to triennial purposes. The S.P. G. fund for the education of mission- aries began with five shillings, saved by an old woman in an English work- house. It is hoped that the fund for | prepuring Canadian missionaries for {Canada will flourish us has that of the mother lanl. Of the E.C. al). balance of 850, 825 went to each of the missionaries at the meeting. Mrs. CC. Abbott spoke on the way to make missionary study classes spuceessful, and when she had finished the first vice-president clinched the speaker's words by saving that one cause' of the success of the clusses at the cathedral juniors" meeting was the fact that Mrs. Abbott, during her superintendence, had never Jot any call, social or otherwise, interfere with the night of her weekly meeting. An example others might follow with advantage to the cause. The balloting resulted in the elec tion of the same officers. Miss Mac aulay returned thanks on behalf of herself and them for the confidence shown, and then, reading the very kind invitation from the viear of Kemptville, Revs W. P. Reeye, for the annual to go there next year, accept. ed, in a few graceful words, on behalt of the meeting. After heating al talk from Miss Makeham on her werk among young Japanese girls, voting the weeretary of literature $T% for her Work, the answering of ithe gestion hox 'eon- tents by the Portis scertang, and the reatting ' of miamonavics' letters, the | meeting adjourned, Mrs. Tilton say- ing the grant) p-- N athering. "Chief amici ations 'wae one expressing bron ve the spirit of love which hieds tte the moet ings, and one. 8 Mr. Harvey and some of the "mem of the cathedral choir for the uplifting and devotional character their music had given all mntings at which they had sung. Greetings were sent to the latest addition to the W.A., the infant son of the sometime treasuncr, Mrs. Norman Fraser. There were 115 dolegates at the meetings, amd 208 communicants at the opening sexviee, One hundred dozen new soft front shirts, just movived, at Roney & Co's, | will be offered. to the public on Sat- urday, at 69. each. Worth 8 and stockings, | 2 pairs, 25¢.; 2 irs dress shields, 25¢.; 2 undorvests, 25¢; strong Kose supporters, Be. New York Dress Reform. The most beautilul assortment of high-class perfumes I ever saw, al traveller in Gibson's Red Cross Drug Thursday + Messrs, R. RF Store on Thursday. Acomiing to the wish of the gene- ral board, Ontario will adopt the de- |v signation of junior branches in use in the other diooeses. The auxiliary in this diocese is al oN sat willing to fall in with the of Jotputa and other largey iio 50 Jong as these desires do not direct | tr |i Sonfliet with the will. of the M.S. | W | achusetts, it was found that the aver "4 did last year's Ame , Canada transfer 849 556,138 in money f . and other movable property into €a- : . nadipn ternifory, but, the economio : * af g value of an immigrant being not Jess e Co Ltd than £1.000, it is plain to be seen thay AeA / 9 - the United " i guified at least $100,000,000 jn last . CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, lo, a word. Bach coms secutive insertion thereafter jo. a word. Minimum charge for ome flo 200. HELP WANTED--MALE, ------------------------------------------------------ STRONG BOY, TO LEARN CARPET- laying. Apply TT, F. Harridon Co. agent. Cavers Bros, Galt, PORTRAIT A AGENTS WORKING FOR sale price. ist. a ,: Shole lowest. Merchants Portrait Ug, Mid, Toronto, A GOOD SMART BOY, TO WORK IN tacking department. Good chance for advancement. Apply Kingston Hosiery Co., King street, JENTS--GREAT SNAP. WONDER- ful device for sharpening alk kinds of knives, scissors and shears, Great money makery Write quick, Bradiey- Garretsons Co., limited, Desk "B,, Brantford, Ont, SPRING SUITS TO MARE, GRNTLE men, your own cheap up te suit oe Syie, Price aad, finish . The Teton, {a1 Brock street. TO SER, BI riicess street. BOY, Fin LEARN ERI ERESS-NORK. Ce Ap Diy Brivien whi' otic FOUND. sd Butisdsindil iss Puniin SRIR RRR AN BARN FROM on a A Sout PURSE, CONTAIKIRG SMALL SUM Factory, = ~ of money, in ese & Co's. Store. Queen St, Ouner, may ne gr by paying for ---------------------------------------- this ad. SALESMEN FOR AUTG-SPRAY, TTT Best hand Sprayer tomatic. Sam to approved BOARD AND ROOMS. FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. A HOUSE IT AD ABOUT six ROOMS, united, either to rent or purchase." "Address "L. B. J." Whig SITUATIONS VACAWT. Tia gang on "ably Se IN A COMFORTABLE AND AIRY house, 60 Arch street. A. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR THE sumer months. Apply to 178 Clergy street, MS, WITH DERN FURNISHED ROS Y H MO! A NEWLY PATENTED DEVICE HAV. ing pig sales through agents Traveler needed to make appuint- ments ; no canvassing: will pay salary and expoases weekly Pe Waterson, Box "MN. OR, Ontario. HELP WANTED--FEMALE. -------------------------------------------------- TWO CHAMBERMAIDS, AT ONCE, Apply British Amevican Hotel Office, SUMMER COTTAGE: NIXE ROOMS, astially furnished. Apply J. 8, R. A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER Ga. N.W. Rogrim Com Clarence St. Apply to J. B. GIRLS, BETWEEN 14 AND 15 YEARS of uge, to earn $8 a week. Apply to Gould's Hroom Factory, - King Su, near Queen St. ee ---------------------------------- TWO SMART GIRLS 70 WORK IN finishing department. Steady work, good wages. Apply Kingston Hoslery Co., King Street. ™O LADIES IN ACHE COUNTY, TO introduce a nice we of publications, Salary, $2 por day or commission The Hoey Publishing Seo., Uhicago, ny GOOD OFFICES, on IN FRONT ALORS J NEW BABY Ca sell cheap -- Wubael shape Appiyy 208 Fart Sts 265 a EE e+ Ei poly at ing room | tchen, hot hg ly to Frederick Welsh, Now iw vision street, A Gok, yom SHALL FAMILY: RBE- ferences Age AR in 3he weit ing to "Mr yee Sawer, dence Of Mr. Howard S. West St, -------------------------------------------------- ONE PASTRY COOK, ONE LAUND- Tess, one chambermaid, two kitchen irld. Good wages. Address Murray 1 Bastien} Manager Opinacon Club Hotel,. Chgffey's Locks, Ont. ANY LADY CAN EARN TWO DOL- lars a day during spare the, or my firma will pay that us definite salary if can devote full time. Pleasant work eallipg on ladies. Mrs. Duvid- son, Delivery #K." Brantford, Ont. The Paragraph Pulpit Unitarian: HEV. O. W.CASSON, OTTAWA -- Jesus Of Nasareth, Heretic. Do vou realize that Jesus was cru- cifixd because He was a heretic ? He perceived a new truth, a new relation: ship between God and man, a new gospel of hope and happiness for the world. He renounced the orthodoxy of Judaism, and boldly denounced those who used its forms as soul-fet- ters. Had He been a good church- man, giving His silent consent to the church forms of His time, He would never have had to face Calvary. He was crucified by the church as a here tio. Amd ever since His time, the men who have dared to be true to the true, in opposition to church and wrddition, have shared his fate. Address Mr. Casson for free litera- ture. Cook's Cotton aho great Uterine nlc. and on w TH Een TOE Harvey, R. FE. Burns, GG. Gillespie, Charles Dalton and Walter Campion. Money And Men For Canada. Pearson's Maguzine. The Canadian goternment privately caused an analysis of last year's Am- eridan invasion to be made, and the result was astonishing. By counting up the deelated value of money and effects carried into Canada by Ameri- can settlers in 19006 from four states, Michigan, Montana, Illinois and Mass- age wealth brought across the herder from these states was $800 for each settler. This average for the four states amounted to a total of $6,376,- 420. As the number of Americans who erossed the frontier during. the year was 61,282, the whols value of the possession they took with thems was approximately $49,556,188. Not only i can settlers in States lost and Canada ear's amazing migration, Camp bell Bros'. For an from. 60c. up. Without the aid of a glass an Aus- alian is said to have written 10,06] otds®on a postal eard. Female sufiragists, Cordelia, are just hone wha a 5 at fhe plain women--and the plainer they are lg i more they snfier. ¥ Bibby's fandy hosiery is swell, R. 0 B v.S., HAS RE moved to his brick block, on Sale" ve or Footwear, made by Beautiful -- For Ladies 4 If you want to see the newest creations in Fine Come and inspect what we have Utz & Dunn J. & T. Bell and G. A. Slater Gibson Ties, Pumps and Sailor" Ties in 'Tan Calf, Gun Metal, Patent Colt and Vici Kid. The Sawyer Shoe Store James Reid's, of : | prices. heet Lead Our Big Re-Build- ing Sale Only Lasts A Few Days Longer. Everything at sale A big stock to select from, at The Leading Undertaker 'PHONE 147. | WILLIAM AT. Toronto, Ont.

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