Pee Pee »® cold-water (no boili starch that real saves work and a won't stick. Try it. Get 88 dd @< a OP Be PESPOOD® t Shirts ttle newer than you'll 2a ye other HE VERDICT OF PATRONS. e | of most dealers, and so have con- » ON o@ SSOSe¢ SHOE POLISH onco used and you will Season's Shirtings. . Insist o on 3 geiting it. egligees, Plain or Pleated Bosoms. rs Shed 44 HTH HIN A FREE PRESCRIPTION ooo From a Prominent Physician Cures Kidney Trouble. ODOR Dor a osiery rn what excellent Hose we 'can sell We Ever Had. line of Men's Hosiery in Town. 1S prescription will cure all forms jatios ive ular of the kid- assisting them 'to filter all "pobsonous acide Fnas waste expel this in the rrsrsrerirrererat steerer resssbirers FEE E4444 E10 v Hats Seen our Straw Hat Display? Ve've all the season's newest. Natty extreme styles mart young dressers, ervative styles for elderly Men. @@ The prices placed on our Straws ave brought us a -big business, interested in sav- & 1g a little money on a Straw ¢ [at, You should see these POPOV; Price Range, 25¢. to $3. > See Our Special $1.50 and $2 « ® PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST. E W.GILLETT PooLe ew Neckwear ew Bathing Suifs ew Underwear BPODE Berere >oees PADS DRUCCISTS, CROCERS And CENERAL STORES foe: peor packet, or 3 packets for 25¢. will last a whole season. PR The Great English Tones az ad inv mak Pn, all ar ay mai Wedding Gifts Kinnear & d'Esterre, WOMEN'S AL AUXILIARY THE BUSINESS | DONE ON THURSDAY MORNING. A Boys Branch in Victoria B.C.-- f A Woman's Good Work--Fair Linen Provided For Numerous Parishes. : The missionary litany in the cathe- dral opened Thursday's work with the auxiliary people meeting here. The secre tary of literature gave her report, showing that much greater in- terest is being taken in the circulating ary, and there is far greater dit- fusion of missionary intelligence in consequence, The most W. A. secretary's report was the an- nouncement of . the formation of a boys' branch of the auxiliary in Vie torja, B.C., with fourteen charter members, There is much scope for utilizing boyish enthusiasm in the missionary cause. Mrs. Roberts of Adolphustown, a believer in work, starts out on Saturday mornings, with a large carriage, picks up the scattered members of her children's missionary branch, drives them _to the rectory, where they learn about mis- sions and work for them, and then her daughter drives them home. Smgll wonder W. A. work flourishes in this parish. The Leaflet editor's report which Shake an increase of fifty-nine for the was followed by a conference. led by Mrs. Edgers, of Frankville, a new branch, agreed to the motion to have the Leaflet year end in November of each year. To some branches there will be a slight loss, but Mrs. Dargavel, Elgin, Mrs. Wilson, Napanee, and others generous- ly said they would bear this for the greater benefit of the cause. This is a of much gratitude. organizing secretary followed, and was beautifully worded, as all Mrs. Loucks' writings are. Mrs. C. (. 'Abbott, as convenor of | the church furnishings committee, re- {ported ten sets of fair linen prepared for the two s 'marked for | outside diocese, surplices made for the | North-West, and for diocesan . clergy, a new development and widening of the work. The money received from these goes to a reserve fund, and a balance 6f®15 is now on hand. There was an urgent appeal made for aux- ries to encourage one or more of their skilled workers to give of their to the house of the Lord. Dorcas secretary. De gates, 's report diocese, | best On this matter the touched "in her report, warmly con- eratulating St. Peter's, Brockville theip gift of two sets of holy vessels, in oak cases, to the North-West. Work. ers litle - realize the encouragement gifts for the reverent offering of the body sacrifice are to faithful priests. in remote corners of our land. There was a warm discussion on the i disposal of the thank offering of April { 17th, and the majority felt it. should go to North-West needs, rather than | tothe ~fortign* field: So '$80 has gone ! to the ercetion of a church hall at Prince Rupert, the G.T.R. terminus, | Whe re Bishop Duvernet is working. The hospital committee, with its } eight members; has done good work in | visiting sister workers ill in general hospital and Hotel Dieu, and taking them flowers from the cathedral altar. on Miss Askwith told of some wonder {ful things of the Sarah Tucker cal- i lege in the Madras presidency, and of {ahe Blind schools in Palamcottah. The Ir dian government heartily approves of it. It is a rather wonderful and mot inspiring thought to know the at Bittle 1 y girls are being fau these ols of the North-W Canada. The chief effort of Miss Ask- with and her helpers is to make mis sionyries of every girl taught by them, for they find that there is no teacher like the mative teacher. The speaker savs she has learned to love the fife of our Canadian women which requires so much from them in their own home J.0. Crisp said the noonday Tilton followed with a talk on the beauty of giving, and then hu- morously referred to the unwillingness of delegates reports. When received daly hard rs. Fault-finding is 'better The speak spoke on to discuss these it's verv cn oh than apparent indifference er, who has won all hearts, the triple life. the secret life of pray- er; the life of purity. and the life of srvice. On the fife of purity she spoke ofthe pure eves, the pure which' refuse to hear the hateful spoken by the wasps of so ears, thir ciety. Ballot papers were distributed at the officers unch hour for the election of Afternoon Session. The first item of the Thursday -&- ternoon session was the announce ment" of the thank offering for 1907, 8653.20, which is devoted to the dio- The the Miss life was cespn Widows' and Orphans' fund doxology was then sung, and spsurer itemized the amounts, the amount of her the total Gade meme rship fee, bronght up to The treasurer followed with a talk on pledges, urging each branch to Last vear five were behind one of the newer branches, has this year taken one' of these pledges alone, Shortages = in pledges have to be made up from other funds. A forcible. apveal was made for branches to send in full monies before the books close, April lst arises from members who adding 2 vay wi Oak Leaf, Confusion 1 not paid assessment fees. being lited on the membership roll. Thus t retary's and treas- nry wokg do not agree. The pledge to Matsumato has been made up by the Tile membership -- fee from Oak Leaf.. Miss 'Makeham following this mnouncement with further words on her work over there Notes Of The Day. Same ex-Pictonians on the "hoard | wor» glad lend -by gifts of fragrant tr = of s of the valley Lrought Lim nhc old home by Mrs. Gill, one | { of the delegates The afternoon was a strenuous one. desionafion of the thank fering, and various changes in constitution com- i | | [* up. > Jenking' American strat are right. tin. ae - striking item in the J. worth is in meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican church. Mrs. bit and Miss Minnie Nesbit spent a few days Jast week at Henry Kingston. morning Adams, at hundrad her nephew, ter part of her life. Sagurday wharf with ral hospital. by members of the the %f the the "The Tablets Store. are drill on ourics from had brought most of his family with him when he undertaking establishment, and inquired for the manager. this personage him he the be this dertaker, dies smaller band." Stephens, formerly of manslaughter, by train approached and that the breaks did not Lo sitions of Stephens and Brakesman Knowles, has issued the Grand claiming unstated damages for injur- NEWBURGH NEWS. The Village Has Too Many Base- ball Kickers. Newburgh, June 6.--On Friday after- noon last the high school baseball team defeated the local senior team by a score of 8 to 7. An interesting game of lawn tennis was played on the local court, on Sa- turday, between Enterprise and New- burgh. In the doubles, Lace and Al en (Enterprise) won from Dunn and Ryan, but in the singles Dunn beat Lace, and Ryan defeated Allen. Mrs. . Falconer, Halifax, is visiting her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. Gandier. Miss Graham, Napanee, s| spent Sunday at Thomas Winter's; Rev. C. E. Man: ning, Kingston, spent Bion at E. W. Stickney's. The Misses Shorey en: tertained, Friday last. Rev. J. F. Mears was in Napanes on Tatsdny. Mrs. Walter Hrisco spent with friends in Napanee. Aylesworth is attending cenfe in Bowmanville this week. Mr. Car- ter, Deseronto, spent Sunday at J. H. Patterson's. Mrs. G. A. Ayles- Kingston attending the D. L. Nes- Paul's, If the management of the baseball team wish to strengthen the game in the village - they: kicking by the players. disgusting to the continual kicking, kickers quit it, for the game. must eliminate the Nothing is so spectators as this tnd the sooner the the better it will be WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Death of Mrs. Adams, Aged One Hundred Years. June 5.--On Saturday (th occurred of Mrs. old age of one Jad lived with , the lat- funeral took Wolfe Island tne the years, Wil place on Sunduy to the Presbyterian church and was largely attended. D. J. Dawson has moved from thé city to his house in the village. The telephone men have arrived back from Howe Island to complete their work here. Porn to Mr. and Mrs. Whit: marsh, a 'son. The road work is the inl order of the day. The vil- s defeated a Kingston buase- on Saturdny afternoon: are prospects of a couple of s the last of this week. Miss O'Connor, of the city, is spending a few days with Miss Murv Lyons. Thomas . Muckian, the popular and well-known stage man, has a young lady visitor that has come to stay. 8. V. Hogan was home from "Water- town on Sunday visiting his many iricnds. Miss M. A. Boyd And Mrs. Davis are visiting in Pittsburg. The ferry bout made a special trip on evening from H. Hallidny's Mrs. Creamer to the gene- THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. INCIDENTS OF Wbbages at Carnoveky's. doniking for lightweight soft felts. gallery rifle practice 14th. Regiment at armouries this: evening. Jenkins' for Halifax suits. Two quart fountain syringes, at Wade's Drug Store. Jenkins' for wnion-made overalls. Arthur Craig has presented the band 14th Regiment with copies of latest military march entitled, Awakening. of the Lion." Jenking' for King and Knickerbocker There is to be boys' hats. Buy Beoccham's Pills and Baby's Own at Gibson's Red Cross Drug there, or advanced hat styles. Andrew's Highland Cadets ring for inspection, and will Priday evening at the arm- from soven till eight o'clock. straws are sellers. Jenkins' Jenkins' Mother-In-Law Joke. Rochester Herald. Irishman 'who was just over An Old Erin and who apparently came across, entered an yesterday, When had been presented: to asked "Sure, and what is lge of a death in the family in untry ?"7 "Well," said the un- "when your mother or wife wear a wide black band arm or hat. If it is a you wround your son or duughter you should wear "a "Sure and give me a shoe string," said the mourning Irishman, as he fumbled in his poe: ket for a coin; "me mother-in-law just died." Sent Up For Trail. Thomas, Ont." June 6.--Murray a Wabash engineer was committed for trial on a charge Police Magistrate He stated that the swung up as their air The de- St. Hunt to-day. semaphore was work right. were itary, gs given at the inquest, put in and accepted. Minister Sues Railway. Galt, Ont., 6.--Rev. R. W. a writ against Trunk Railway cpmpany, June The Javanese press has assumed a wildly belligerent attitude toward the United States on sceount of the re | cent mobbing of Japanese places of | business in San Francisco. vou come home and -find a woman has heen crying probably she has been up in the attic is looking at the fret bait of slippers. shh wore at her hill, and .was removed from the DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JUNE 6. NEWS OF THE WORLD occur ZRENCES F RECOUNTED ¥ N BRIEF FORM, ------ Mattzes That Interest Everybody ~dotes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Mrs, Barr, Bale, a train and killed. Mrs. S. H. Jihes died at George street, Toronto. John €. Norris has been appointed public librarian at St. Catharines. The two-year-old son wf Hirst Tay- lor of Garden Hill, fell into a pond and was drowned, The government is to build a wag- gon road from Boston, on the Temis- kaming railway, to Larder Lake. The S8, Tunisian, Allan line, from Liverpool, for Montreal, inward at Fame Point, Que, ot 9:30 a.m. Col. Cartwright, C.M.G., inspector of muskdtry, has resigned his position. Medical inspectors declare him unfit for duty: The name of Rov. A. B. Chambers is mentioned for the governorship of Toronto jail in case of the dismissal of Mr. Van Zant. The next: quarterly dividend on the Bell Telephone company's stock, pay able on July 15th, will be dedared on or sbout June 15th Rosg Gooderham was taken suddenly Ning Edward Hotel to the General Hospi- tal, Toronto, where an operation was performed for = ppenicitis, King Edwakd gave his customary Derby Day dinner last night to the members of We Jockey club, but the winner of the great race, R Croker, was not one of the guests, The Canadian Pacific is working to have its new branch from Saskatoon to Battle River completed for traflie this year. About 135 miles of this tond are already practically finished. W. H, Hoyle, M.'P',, has been re chosen as the conservative standard- was struck by St. bearer of North Ontario for the On- tario legislature. W. J. Gibbs, Can- nington is president of the as gociation. The selection of Rev. Dr. Campbell as' moderator of the Presbyterian as- sembly w llowed, Thursday morn ing, by the ®hoice of Dr." Praser, To ronto, one of the church editors as his successor as minute clerk. The case of Villencuve va, the C.P.R has been getiled out of court, the comvany having vaid the widow of J. Villeneuve, of Hintonhurg, killed in the Pink Hill wreck on the C.P.R., £2 280 in settlement of claim Because the presence of two jurymen was objected 9) Coroner Johnson ex cused the jury which was dealing with the Bay street crossing fatality, in Toronto. The obiection was raised by counsel for the Grand Trunk railway. John Howard and James Mclwain, two Shamrock lacrosse players, ap- peared in the arraignment scetion of the Montreal police court, and plead ed not guilty to charges of striking members of the: National Lacrosse Club during the last Saturday's match. The hearing was fixed for the 14th In view of recent brutal lacrosse ex- hititions at Montreal grounds, in Mai<onneuve, arising out of which Shamrock plavers are heing prosecuted eriminally, the town council has de cided to adopt a by-law anvthing in the way and authorizing the chief of police to stop such exhibitions if he deems ad visable. DESTROYED BY MOB. A Mission Station in Sgze-Chuen Destroyed. London, June 6.--A dispatch from Shanghai, China, says a mission sta- tion, at hinhein, in the province of Sze. Churn, almost on the border of I'hibet, has been destroyed by a mob. Killed Because Of Bad Hearing. Paris, Ont., June 6.--William Hunt- er, an oid and respected citizen, was struck by a Grand Valley street 'car, here, to-day, at noon, and died short ly afterwards. His head was badly bruised and his skull fractured. Mr Hunter wus in his eighty-third vear, and it is thouvht he did not hear the approaching car. Died Quite Suddenly. Mary Watford, Ont., June 6.---Miss McKenzie, third daughter of. Mrs Margaret McKenzie, Simcoe - street, the was and dropped dead this forenoon. in yard adjoining the house. She about twenty-five years of agg, was subject to weak spells. Destroyed By Fire. Belleville, Ont., June 6.--The Kvery and sales stables of I. A, Jenking & Son were destroyed by fire three o'clock. destroved. Los about $3,000, place has been on fire before, proprietors were 'out of the city. Some A Northern School Toronto, June 6.--The government, to-day, made a grant of $5,000 to- wards the establishment of a't{echnical school at Sault Ste. Marie. The school will cost between $18,000 and $20,000 and the town will furnish a free site. Jenking' hats adorn the best dress- ors. & Wade's Tooth Paste, in tubes, 15e., at Wade's Drug Stare. jes received by him - in the wreck of The mariage took place, in Betle- the train at Trainor's Cut, near ville, of on, H, Smith, Pintaw, Guelph, last March : Land Mrs. Mary Ellen Sutton, Tyen : d dinaga. Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Gilbert, Despite rumors in'the iron and steel Thurlow, accompanied the happy cou: market abroad as' well as in this BE ey country, a canvass of. the Pittsburg, - Pa., industry warrants the statement | oe 282 Ve, that the last half of 197, and the | J ~ £l first half of 1908, will witness the . pa ' & Ved largest producing capacity in the his- tory of, the United States and Can- Modelled ypon sclentifie ada. principles a 'series of curves of grace and elegance is comprised in every pair of D. & A. Corsets. You can buy a «" D. & A." spending a few days near $yeiemhoum. mere, been ston. the Bishop der Kennedy, He church, graduate ston. sate from May 22nd to Jist wdian plant. It near the Canuda Foundry Co.'s plant. phone and prohibiting of brutal sports | gg' aay: shout of the contents The The Brockyi ils, PERSONAL MENTION, Movements of the FPeople--What They Are Saying And Doing. > Charles Publow, Montreal, is in "E " Bradley, Smith's Falls, returned to the city "to-day- John 8. Porter, Cushendnll, was in the city to-day. GQ. F. Goodiedlow came in from Par- ham this morning on business. Mrs. E. Bawden and davglcer, An- galing, have left for Lethbridge, Man. Dr. J. H. Bell has been reelected Tend medical examiner of the C0. Charles Walters, Rochester, N.Y., is in the country ton, Comber Frederiok Ma- Miss Gertie Waddi is visiting Mrs, hood, Brock street. Mrs. Waldron, Kingston, is visiting her daughter, Mrs, S. F. Dixon, at at parsonage, at Tyrone. Mrs. Gill, Sr., Belleville, is here to spend the summer with her son, Pro- fessor W. H. Gill, Union_street. Henry H, St. Clair, of Montreal, has spending a few days in King- He returned home to-day. Mrs. Bridge, of Collins Bay, is vis- iting at the home of William McCam- mon, market clerk, 329 cen street. Dr. Bruce Sutherland, Montreal, ar- rived in the city, today, to try the oral examinations of the Ontario Me, dical Council. G. 0. Tredinnick will be the pastor in charge of Battersea Methodist cir- cuit for the coming year. He enters the Work under the superintendency of Rev. H. Sparling, istrict chair- man i " Danby is the young man in Pittsburg circuit. In St. Andrew's church, Ann Arbor, of Michigan advanesd to the priesthood Rev. Howard Alexan- curate in St. Andrew's! rector of' St. Thomas' omerville, Mass. He is a of Queen's Colloge. King- of last becomes James McCallum, B.A., one session's gry vdita ting class, at Queen's, returned to the city yesterday. been doing magami stricken with | appendicitis, having to He has work in the Te was suddenly survey district, and to within be carried out of camp reach of medical aid COMMERCIAL MATTERS. What is Going On ln the Business World--The Markets. The Grand Trunk Pacific is expected to reacn Saskatoun from Winmpeg Lois fall, The lntercoloniul railway for the year to end tms month reports surplus of $400,000, A seat on the New York stock exchange has been sold for $75,000. The previous was $9,000. the Grand 'I runk Railway earnings 1W07, $1 804- incrense $14i 1v06, 1,156,002 ; ihe Lauiz Marble company has at last selected a Toronto site for its Can. Will be a sevencacre lou the directors of the American 1 Telegraph company voted an sue of $21,000,000 of pew stock at pur, $100 wu share, to stock of record June Ath The Canada Foundry compony, a sub sidiary of the Canadian Generpl Electric Ccosnpany, and the Canada Lycle and Motor company are threatemed with a strike, of machinists. The Dundas Cotton Mills, includiog ten large buildings and mhout eleven acres of ground, hus been purchased by the Umon 'Trust company. About $50,000 was involved in the deal. The stockholders of the Pennsylvania uny re-elected the old directors. 'Lhe report for 1906 showed gross earnings of S40, 086, HO6.22, and net earings of 18.1 77.83, an increase over 1v05 of 9.46. The Australasian wood exports for the period as froma July 1st, 1906, to March B1st, 1907, as compared with the cor- respond; ing period of 1905-8, show =a net increase of 213.808 bales of °, which Australia contributed 181.969 bales, and New Zealand 8318390 bales, says The Trade and Commerce Report The - ex- ports for nime months ending ow March us- 31st, 1907, are as follows : From tralia, 1,655,030 bales ; from New Yea- doaxi, 366.408 bales, thus mmking the Australasian total 1,921,438 tales, of which the bulk was sold in the local markets. Prices continue firm, im fact improved basis, as upon a somewhat the demand remains as active ad at opraing sales of the season the Cheese Market. Campbeliford, June 4.--Boarded, 1,050 boxes of cheese. Sales--795 boxes, at 11jc.. HBO boxes at 11 13-16c. Balance refused at 11 13-1de Stirling, June 4.- of cb ose. All sold at 11 18-16¢ eterbora, Ont, June 6.--At ond sale of the I" ro Cheese or the season, ) erdny, 2,987 were boarded and all were sold. highest figure reached was 11ic., sonw sold at a sixteenth lower, w-lections going ot the lower price. Woodstock, June 5.--~There were hoard. 7 and 1.300 color Boandid, 480 boxes the sec Board boxes The and first ed 11 hoxes white, od. The raling price for what was sold was. 11 11-16¢c. though sales were made at both 11fe. and 11}e NOT HEAVY BUYING. The Stringency in Money Market Presented It. Toronto, June 6.--The stringency in the money, market was made appar ent when the Consumers' Gag com pany offered for sale 600 shares of stock, wf a par value of 250, by auc tion, to-day. There was very little buying hy brokers and the prices realized were lower" than at the last The avwrage price was about 190%, ' wheras at the: last sale. the stock sold fractionally about 200. Mortgage companies wore buyers for investmiont purposes, while the largest individiial buyer was the firm of Osler & Hammond. sale, Trenton Won From Madoc. Madoc, Ont., June 6.--~The interme diate CLA. game, Trenion ve. Ma- doe, played here Wednesday afternoon, resulted in a score of 4 goals to 2 in favor of Trenton carries the best makes in and railroad overalls. Partridge, a woman in her Jérikins' onginvers' Mrs. N. soventy-wixth vear, and residing -- with her won, G. W. Partridge, near Ly ", met with 'a serious accident, Tues The old lady, a Victim > vard for a falling afternoon. rhe@maiism, was about the few minutes and accidentally fractured her left hip. Nicholas A. Miller, Lincoln, Neb. second son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller, Brockville. and Miss Mary A. E. Dickerson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dickerson, of wore married For headaches of all kinds try Dr. Chow' s Special fron Tonic Pills, Z5c % and 50e Jenkins' sailors, third + shipment The great general ' use of the Royal Baking Powder are strongest evidence of its super ior quality. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. CONGREGATIONAL UNION, faction and approval, and wished The Cental fund, of $20,000 from the ( to $62,600. OF this fund « cent. of the estimated ao bean paid out ta churches in ned of i Liens had been civen by the commitice in return for the advances. This revelation caused a warm de- attack was mate committee for accepting liehs for help out of the jubilee fund, Some of the delegates claimed that the com: the powers" and in structions given lest year at the con: vention in Montreal, Church in Old Land Wishes it God- including a grant of the Congrog rational Charles Cushing, 3 was electod chairman for Mr, *Cushing had been for years -- man of the Home Missonary i The report of the Ju- the church in Canada showed the fund to' amount to $203, bate and a bitter woke on church union. church in the old land regarded Cari movement with every satis- mittee = exceeded Head Office $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are : eceived, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowecs . No Dero iaieg Sassi THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Supsriutuaaut 9 Braoches ESTABLISUED 1807 [Bid up. Capa, 10,000,080 Total Assets, - Branches throughout anda, 'and in th the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received; interest allowed at The depositor is subject to no 000 113,000,000 current rates and paid quarterly. delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, Summer's Loveliest Mil- linery Is Here. Not merely the abundance of good styles, but the i good taste everywhere apparent; will commend to MER"S MILLI Trimming effect seems to be ¢m- ployed i m modeling the S Hat--Flowers, Plumes, Velvet Ribbons, diversity shown materials is one reason why the modes are of such unvarying in- ou this SUM- ERY. Every ete, The prion Never wear a greater variety of Hats shown, gards shape and size, and trinymed in the most up-to-date Mushroom ' Hats, Drooping Sailors, Flat Brim Sailors, Wide Leghorn, Round and Flat Crown, Beautiful Embroidered | Lingerie Hats. "Also a great variety of .Baby and Children's. Embroidered Hats and BonnetsY See them at" SPENCE'S ™ Lust For the Afternoon At fragrant, aromatic Tea is the Blue Ribb most ! delicious--