ah iia a Ske will be sailed thet Ae tlio opular the tunity to exercise some striking dra- . Hughes night from | after being fitted out with the sails pra inl Sui the bY. admires matic powers. Cadet Langfo gave business trip a. by G. 8. Oldrieve. with a beautiful bouquet of roses. | 20 excellent rendering of the servant's F. Mausice, X sircal, in spending a] The, Adsle was built in Southam. | Sho staging of the play, which has | Port ood Cadet Grasett, as the amor. days : on business, y ayne, and- was | had Mr. J ersonal atten . 'C : uals) 1 Rev. George Edwards, Cornwall, is much admired hy Jehan who | tion throughout, has Ph Yominrhably Audience. Cadet Crarar's ideas of the guest Mrs. T, R. Carnovsky, | made an inspection of her to-day. well done. The scenery is very realis- itufiine §lacts portray 18, YY Dew . ry le a wplendid specimen of | tic, and, fot a local performance un. Brean aeons dor inder. of the 1 OW Harrison, son of T. F. Harri- | smart building, and gives every ap- |usuall he uid last - ! ": ol a. "is. home from Lon- heatance ols Span od n. Strmgth. The ing aia Ye With the antertain. a hv. Sha ot, La waon » and torn. ** {don on Adele is a y over all, with | ment" and indications point to an | ga OV 0 tl +8, : i" es by the president (Major Moz- | MN Prascost, in vis ahout twelve Jeet tam, ane hh Jiob. other crowded house "this evening. ley) und vice-president. (Codey Hen. C a : ---------- A and Pl [load amidsbipe, ond ce | AT THE POLICE COURT. M. Lanos, the delegate of the "'Cer- She city yester- her a sharp point to th omnis ele," sang, with much feeling, La- } fnres from the | Assault Case Was Dismissed By | martine's beautiful romance, "Le lac." of Yarker, has re. |keel, r forward acutely, and the Magistrate. . Cadets Passy, Cote and Tremblay (the » A slay tapering to the x ing in a As the result of the row which took secretary of the cercle), gave songs lanes. Counter. The, construction | place in Beet Steak Jack's restouract, | 2150: Cadet Wortele proved a very for | I6 largely of teak, having teak keel. | Ontario street, Thursday oon, | SaPable accompanyist. A very infor , or was | Stem and stern post, with frames of | James Nolan, as Lin. th, al dance brought the evening to a the 'reason for good ish oak. police court this moming of assault- | © °° i 8 The deck fittings are in teak, and ing. Robert Thompson, of the Point { Phe Montreal, the planking is of mehoguny, two | Road. W. F. Nickle appeared for Nol- RESOLUTION PASSED spending two weeks [board thick. The deck is planked to | an, and entered o Plea of "not on Bidets ctnoet. well aft, running around the o guilty." | Regarding Proposal .te 'Consoli- Robert Mook speaks on Sunday of. [(ROK1 There ate no fittings over'| "When examined by Mr. Nickle, | | tote bial oer 0 Office. ¢ the the i" and the. absence of trim- | "Mompson admitted having been | Ata well attended meeting of th choc] Grace |™e% and cabin lights makes the drinking, but stated that he only had | } i ih wt h on ne Pe church walt look smaller than she really is. | two 'glasses of ale. He denied Navin -- cand of gi held Friday Mrs. (Rev.) A. in bck, wih & bron Dare of whi | Lcioh, Nolan, and Sod of Nolan ras: | ight, a following: Ysclution was £ £ i g 2 F i advantage of Decoration Day, is in the city, paying a visit to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, William Lake, Queen street. J. B. Walkem leaves shortly on a tip to the Pacific const. Rumor has it that he will join the Japanese prince's suit at Toronty and travel wost with oriental royalty. The remains of the late Mrs. G. R. Beamish, Belleville, will be buried in the churchyard a , her old home, on Ssug. The body will be driven over in tl early morning, Nr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith, Winni- Peg, were in the city, this morning, on their way to Montreal.' They sail woxt week for the old country, where they expect to remnin about a month. | LOOKING FOR HIS DAUGHTER. Marchand, Ottawa, was a waves, and complete out * | together the ada's cup was built than anticipated. Mr. stated that these street i light, having urged its erection. YACHT ADELE ARRIVES. Towed Here From Montreal on al it. Th be here by Saturday. The yacht Adele, Mulock's Canada SR Shedlenger, Arrived in Rd city, morning from treal, towed here are June 15th. at Gourock, Seotland. Crusader is nearing completion at Oakville and. will be launched the middle inter clothing, and who have proat of ing#toniane, eNingttus her about of June, FROG ON HIS BACK who during the past ve had to stand by their also to unpack their warm. weather. This sign, says, comes from Italy, where the Prosantry put much faith in it. Vital Statistics. The following are the vital statis- tics registered fice. for May : Births, 23 18; deaths, in the eity clerk's of 28 ; marriages, a planks above the water Hl he polished, so the t the ma ies hogany color will show sha rply above The hull weighs eight tons, and the fit is valued al 259s, Al- ance of eo f is, 00d to look pom. Tal 'The other challengers for the Can- d Crusader, Frederic Nichol's boat, and Aileen IL, W. Q. Gooderham's. The latter is yt to old cotmtiry, but She Sm 4 All the Parts . Credit Due Mr. and Mrs. O. "Leo, Jas appreciate local efforts in the ing moved alo: in the hands of ; Alds. { Smotint of work Mr. anil Mrs. 0. F. | die." town had been savited ox raham and Augrove, haul, in hinging thei principal item on the programme was looking Me the . gh in Soup a ge ie an. amusing Listle play. entitled, **Les each that matter Yad better be left Frotilving So se thas thei labors are wes iy Moinoux, The cast over till next meeting, when Ald, Gra- [aPprecia ie pub se, Damaiseau, Cadet Danscreau, ham might be present. He was v About the same features that ohar- Placide, Cadet Grasett. - made. it a success, were evident and splendid sa little Miss unstinted Vena from everyone. Mi striking him coming to over to an: was there, have been drunk, restaurant at the time of the row, said that Thompson had made some uncomplimentary remarks to Nolan, and 'that both the men engaged in° a fight. Thompson told Nolan that he (meaning Nolan) was a farmer, and it was this that started the row. Henry Cunningham, the proprietor of the restaurant, said that the fight was started in restaurant, but that the two men finished it in the yard at the rear of the restaurant. Nolan said that both he and TI son had been drinking, and that Thompson struck him first. He denied having kicked the plainti, In summing up the case, the magis- te said that ftom the evidence, it wou, go to w that Thompson had started the row, and was to blame, "That's not 0," protested Thomp- son. A Large Audience Was Presen Well Taken-- Another full house greeted the pro- of the Royal Cadet," at The G t night, and demon- stratod the t that Kiugstouiann tic line. Any restraint that the ama- teur actors might have experienced on neandescent | the opening mths was not noticeable Ald. ean: if ie ts as as if al oS parts were olessionals. The Thursday's performance, Se st : " leading roles were all in Boniface, Corde Langford. clevgr hands. It is doubtful if there ever was a better "Leo" than George D. Cummings is presenting each night Messrs. i Lemmon gave isfaction, The singing of Norma Hughes provoked the leader of the enter- hold of him by the throat, and Constable Naylon told of Thompson the police station with blood on his face. Thompson wanted to get out a summons against' his astailant, and Constable Naylon went 6 restaurant with him. Nol- and admitted having struck Thompson. Nolan appeared to drinking, but was not Henry Grimshaw, who was in the commanded the three meters to icuks the house, and for mally suspende em. They refused to go, and ushers approached to eject them. Amid a chaos of shouts and cries, two of them then left, but M. Puriskevitch remained standing with folded arms, daring the ushers 'come on." A fight was immi- nent when the president, only half an hour of the session remaining, tact- fully adjourned the sitting. ---- x. A FRENCH PLAY GIVEN By the Cadets of the Royal Military College. In spite of their many duties and [4 engagements, the Royal Military Col- lege cadets have been able to carry on a successful brinch of the French Al- liance, whose object it is to promote the study of French thought and language throughout the world. Last evening they gave their final soiree of F the vear, to which many of the young ng Eglantine, Cadet Crerar, Jardinier, Cadet Dunbar, Le Garde-champetre, Cadet Lawson, The play proved to be exceedingly entertaining and the fair audience, with the help of a summary, followed the situation well. Cadet Dansereau, as the old and deaf father, darried off the honors, his acquaintance with his native tongue, giving him every: oppor- $8 ---- After Supper Sale To-Night 7.30 to 10. One of the best purchases we ever made has just arrived and will be offered To-night, 7.30 to xo o'clock. 139 Fine White SHIRT WAISTS Made with full front of dimity, all-over em. broidery and tucks, cuff on 34 sleeve, tucked and finished with lace, collar to match, but- toned back, tucked to yoke length. These are good value at 1.25.5 Yours To-Night 75c. Each. Sizes 34, 36, 38 and a few 4o. Sample Waists will be in Show Window be- tween 5 and 7.30. Long Black Silk Gloves. Long White Silk Gloves. Tan Cotton Stockings. Tan Lisle Stockings. Black Cotton Stockings. unanimously adopted : "That, whereas, it appears that' steps are being taken to achieve a | lease of certain property the Dam- inion government, upon which to build, enlarge, and consolidate the inland revenue, and other public offices; and, whereas, this would seem to be a waste of the public moneys, and not in the best interests of the public ser- vice; "Therefore, be it resolved, that this meeting provide for the presentation, if necessary, of a petition to his wor- ship the mayor, calling for a meeting of all classes, to indignantly protest against the proposed action. And, be it further Tod that the further necessary steps be taken to respectful- ly and strongly urge upon the Do- minion government at Ottawa, the White Taffeta Ribbons White Duchesse Ribbons In all wanted widths, good makes, at prices less than you expect. feasibility, desirability and advisabil- ity of erecting a mew post office for the city of Kingston, on the site of what is now known as the Clarence street park, and the consolidation of the inland - revenue and 'other public offices, in the present post office. And further, that copies of this| resolution be sent to the Hon. William Harty, M.P., to the minister of public works, minister of inland revenue, the postmaster genéral the press." 'A Warning To Boys. Delete latel ltt ¢ 8 8 Benleeleeleoladlat™s 2. 0 0 0 ¢ 8 Beoleaeattellul 8. 80 0 8 8 9 J ; Behl ' untinuing, ; id | The attention of the chaimman of | 3 ay oe er wie Jnagistrate anid | Tho _ftboeion of the shaismen. of ¥ . I and stated that the proprietor of the | the fact that boys ave throwing the! X § * oe me sie een 8 2 £ The Comfortable Kind i case at once to the police, and not Penkwater. Slling, inte the harbar. | & 5 t cease at once, oh . 1 Hox it to be reported by another the board of works will have yin o. a J : | lice arrest ors. It would not| 3 x a change against Nolan was dis- take u grenl Sime till alk. thy eo o I » we : the breakwater was tossed into + oh maEaeae ae mrrn ime d f Ladies® Tan | i tain purpose, i tt -§ oe oo Was Sent 1c his home in Pembroke. |p" RXP0%, and is not there for wil- | 3 ; 1 me { Calf Oxfords | Chalmers, Presbyterian, corner Rar. The 'Wo Quorum" Fever. xT Ca X O S x He and, Earl eS ustor, Be. M. -- "no_quorum" fever has reached wh N > + vray, D.D. ices: am. e civie mittee which could 3s ih : +, Sy " R Fone" vis Nos" i wo py re tym pn oh ole i Welt sole, sansitle heel, just what most peo- ¥ A 0 ! p.m. eo | a la the presence of the majori-; + ¢ like, resh 1 received 3 Teaching on N Yad Sunday school, | ty of its members. Mayor Mowat and ¥ P inal Stock Just 1 Wi Also H 8 pm. Missionary Sunday. Strangers | Aldermen Craig and Givens were 1] + some Ladies' Chocolate and Tan Calf Tie x cordially invited to. all services. attendance, 3 Shoes, Tan Calf Pumps, ete, E verythin g ¥ A ---------------- te - Brock Street Methodist Church.| - . Addressed Labor Men. + that is new and up-to-date, I Rev. George Edwards, of C 1 Marcus F. Daniels, of Mexico, ad-| f + will preach morning. and e-- dressed the members of the Kingston | J I welcome, lalioe gations, ids night, dealing | & 3 x wi r conditions in Mexico apd| o& x - Bibby's- { the West Indies. The address w + The Standen 1 Ol Soman y will de- | most 'interesting one, and was keend v ih The Lockett Shoe Store. 4 clare a dividend of $5,850.47 im June, | followed by the members, + PS. The Trunks tron, i of which John D. Rockefeller will anf. 3 . © drunks we sell are the strongest. 3 get twenty-seven per cent. Camphell Bros.' I g , 's new straw hats, For light weight soft hata. 300 MILES AN | BMITS AMAZING | » TION TO SCIENTIS --i-- ---- Pemonstrates Its Enormot and (Absolute Safety- < ed on Principle of a € Top, Maintains Equili Requires No Human CT London, May 20. It is # inadequate thing to say Sha transit system ol the wor d evitably be revolutionized by pan Mono railway, the wor which Louis Brennan, ( B, @ inventor of the torpedo bos bears his Dame, gave before 1 society last night. This is w ly the most wonderful invent day, and the possibilities of are almost beyond comp Travdiing now at one mile ute is considered about the | when the Brennan system the enormous rate of 300 mile s attainable. 2 a taut and slender ran backward and lorw ard, perfect control of the 'invent hicle just large enough to man scaling ten stone. In a jt was not unlike a mint car deveid of the customa Not, of course, that this str arriage was without wheels. eels--small steel . ones--se! aling the length of the cent r, were beneath the vehicle st invisible, Tau to the amazement one, as the machine ran ] forth, the on asbivved the balancing itself on the wire dead es steadily than evi balaneed himeelé 'on-his rope Hbw it is done, and what planation of these extraordi omena? The essence and p Louis Brennan's invention, v claim of his patents now ¢ over the world, is the up stability to unstable vehicles of gyroscopes. In the mi average person the word ey associated with a circular d which was the toy of his To even the most sci ntifie has always remaine pi than a toy. Mr. Bren laboratory takes that child places the axis of the ring like the legs of a tongs, u tongs stands uprig t top rests upon them; movements begin to me selves in the surrownding The combined structure as the ring moves in On and the movement of the Brennan tells you, is the the gyrostat. One fecls in leans over, to the 1 the direction in which t jng, but the inventox | the ring with the Point, 0 pot, as one would think, ) upright, but rather in th move that would accelerate dow as he does so, the startling pens that the whole combina jtself. This is the essence of Mr. Brennen's invention increasing the accele sation cession of the gyrostat, " equilibrium. In the simy covered by Mr. Brenne ne regulates this precession > ed pendulum. No outsic . necessary: the Bremnan Ju parts stability to a vehicl unstable. -- Requires No Human It dbes not require the of human control: itis automatic; the vehicle J driven by Sigaum, fests jab you like, n at weighing in his mn per cent. of the total hs machine, and which in 'vehicle mow-in , course of will weigh only two per & tained the mechanism © stability to the whole. - In the model the gyrase the rate of about 7.00 Le minute, in the full-sized run at the rate of abou obvious objection jo---W a pen if the gyroscopes tl would happen if the Wher a locomotive broke or the As against the fierce - of these the gyroscapic m. ball bearings and a ayes tion, his invention, which king parts to run © Him of oil, and reduces ti minimum infinitesimal eally sealed in a chamber the air has been exhaw further reduce the friction That the demonstrat merely an expert ent, 3 actual work, is clearly ; fact that My. Brennan placed his daughter as a the swiitly moving we man test could be as a), To a mind gifted wit the possibilities of such