Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Jun 1907, p. 6

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eel is in constant touch He orosseded House of Lords, ough aristecratic, yet democratic, because the poor t, by industry, persever- ence and ability rise to a seat in tbat h body, and many had so risen., le gl ol ro rose in 'their mij from § p je idol of their heart, be- cause they believed he had betrayed Now what Be There. sits in the House of ns disqualified by seven judges, been guilty al electoral corruption; an on the other side, a an convicted and sentenced for voting twice. The first Patliament of the Domin- ion. contained such men as. Sir John | Macdonald, Sir .Geo. Cartier, exander Mackenzts, Hon. Edward ake and other t men. we compare that day's, we are com, "How are the mi : evey.are some men, such a§ Sir} Wilfrid 'Laurier and Mr. R. den, who are absolutely above thought of wrong. They, however, are not the whole Parliament. ow are we to wipe out this evil? By in! dividual effort and by exercising our vote and our influence for the return of men of honor and uprightness. SHORT TOMATO CROP. Much Wheat Killed and Fruit Trees | Backward Through Cold. i This has been a very disappointing month to fruit-growers of the Niagara Peninsula. Owing to the remarkably geld weather in April, fruit, trees, vines, etc., are not in as good condi- tion as they were a month ago, when proépects seemed to be of the yery rightest. The fruit trees, owing to the ungeasonable weather, are very back- ward in growth, though apparently not otherwise harmed, the say, and wheat around here looks de- didedly bad. The cold nights during 'the past month are what killed the Wheat, for in the day tithe the weather was comparatively mild, night .fhere was heavy f 4 dreds of acrés of wheat will be plow- ed up around here," said a grower to your correspon week. "Then the weather has been so dry of late that grass is decidedly back- | ward, and the farmérs are seriously handicapped by lack of pasture for their cattle. This has 'caused butter prices to be phenomenally high for this time of the year." Shert Tomato Crop. Tomato growers predict that the to- mato erop will be short this year, too, on: account of the cold weather. It is the practice of tomatosgrowers to set | dut ithe seeds in hotbeds, relying on the warm April sun to nurture the little plants. This April there has been 'little or mo' sunshi died in the hot ; a nd And the newcomer to Canada py Ba Eki? N ¥ er, or ly address in Canada. : he WM, BUCH STROVE CO., Limited Brantford . Montreal Winnipeg 'ol 8ALE 'BY McKelyey & og a fo is223 = best 'for cooking or hésting..' 14 g ; 2 1 ad i il i i f liameny with to-; anything about, and which. I know, was only advocated an ii the province, but there, gi 53 Gas Ranges | Having 'the "¥host" 'complete Stock of Up-to-Date Gis Ranges 1'im the city, we: invite you to call and examine them. They are very neat in appearance, economical in the use of Kas and perfectly, safe. gf Sramebt to try the e ! ry It In Algonquin Park. The Algonquin 'Park eonsista of a block of land, now mostly in a Part, or perhaps the under license, but Government. haa power to Arran t, and to do so without injurio: right of the first holders, RAY. £2 dant : Let the li be granted Sect that no, brush, shall und; and give. the § a Fly whole of it may -he We also have a very. large as- sorted stock of Refrigerators, 0il Stoves, Screen Poors, and ~ other necessaries for the warm weather. Toemmon & Sons 351-353 KING STREET, a In the meantiine all t an additional expe: is all 'thete % of 'he on. arangt , TO BE REAR Captain Kingsmill; Premoted to Com: mand; of Howie Fleet. + ill; 1506" of 'former romoted to' the cowimand 'of 'the pecial' sétvice division, in command 'of 'the inion, which mét ge : Captain Kingsm: f Li fa Hal E £ ER £ SALE OF HALL FURNITURE § i i F g th an accident while visiting Camadalast present aeétion of the Admi that this mishap is net to stand in the way of Captain Kingsmill's advancement. He ' will' become vear< admiral 'next year and still further promotion. The Right Sort of 'Patriotism. The Oftaro" Govbiith for the piiblie school: x These are to be uted as 'object impression that there is a good deal humbug about this flag business. + goes no farther than a lot of bunting does not amount to have. paid little, ND flags, dnd yet were about as' loyal a people as there is any need for. is to be taught in the sehools, it should ;be, by; means, that appeal to gence, not merely to. the eye. the children be taught; the sources and the opportu and the duty: that taught that while § g racks Pol Oak, Palirack olish 80x40 $80 ' Haliracks PoMsh Oak, , for -$25 i? a [ - sf HT beds, and when the 'Plants are set out about the middle df May there. will be considerable. of of the usual acreage. ning factories have again season's supply ts a bushel, tho § £ $15 Hat Rack. for $10.50. A few Chime Oabinets will be sold cheap for Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker ture Dealer, 230 Princess St, Ambulance "Phone 577. 1 aR 55 , the 'latest style, cash, 8 : Pi 3%: g ; contracted for their of tomatoes at 25 cen attempt of the growers to raise the price fo 30 cents having met with de- 5 3 2 8 = 2 3 i i i E § i i that nation is England. Now s policy has been #nl It bad been i re, when the British hesitate to give musicians, | to Canada--to. French Canada! { ---------- Many New Arrivals. ] Bf came into St. John, N. B., during the season which ended with the arrival last week of the steamship Montreal from Antwerp, will run .clese up 30,000. The lists are not yet tabulat- ed, but it is known that the C. P. R. Liverpool boats brought over 16.000, and the Antwerp boats more than 9,000. Then there was a. goodly num- ber by the Donaldson line and the Allan line, although the Allan line landed the greater majority of thei . passengers at Halifax. The fo | number of passenge ich have been given in $403.14, in culture $207.55, in do- | the wisd [Of the pumber of wage-earners stat: yesterday Fireworks! om of such a policy, 1 Batteries, Triangl Fire Crackers and pedoe Canes and Caps, Wheels, Mines, arc, Cannon Crackers, To Balloons and Flags. A ------------ A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street FITNPIINVEIIIIINI PLUM RIVER LEAD AND ZINC MINE. This MINE is situated' across the north-western oc cago a.m., and return same day, rpedoes andl Bombs, Tor- Ts arriving at St. ring the winter of 10056 was .about 17,000 so there is an increase of upwards of 10,000 for the season now necessary. to work. for and that this is forming faithfully. the showing justice and kindness to EBV IR On BOS iv 0 a Lord Milner's Views. "It is extremely unfortunate that the one form of Im, the 'one new tie of which all the colonies, including Can. yet unanimous in desir- . should have met with no better Teception in the Moth on the. Lead and. Zine by unlimited ' e-fly orner of the state of II . and have 5} hours at the Would 'Import Russians, The Prairie is a vee lished at Calgary, fot w, er Country. 'Pre- relations' with our own » & position of perman- » In some of the grea st promising markets in is a boon which political , conse- , great as they must be--would h securing at any price, and price we should in fact have to 18 a bagatelle."-- National Review The owners are not monied they are decent, honorable men Prient work for three months will 'begin to sh If YOU ate intefésted I wil I am offering a limited n » until further notice, the mine, and return isfied with your. p shares to one person. . The 215 acres. Apply at once THOMAS ILLS, men, neither are they paupers, . but past has revealed, large De- present appearances it 1 furnish fuller particulins, 'that they 'are still underthe Czar _ Confisention of all his deportation are among ishments to be dn this paper. I will 'dllow one week your money, if you are hot abso- urchase. I will not sell less than 500 ar of debt and has an area of mail or in person to co St., Kingston, Ont. inflicted: upon a ho joins the anion Japs Coming to Canada. panese Government has; noti- ation companies in ball restrictions have 'TH BY DECADES z Anpurance In Force ae 3.048127.8 its worst farms will nee of Carter's Little aided by Carter's Little » «Ahey not relieve pre- | 8,190,465:291 + ° 17.433.280.10 : HE CANADA TIRE Kingston Ofte, 13° s such an imagination she ol average, man can uals Market street. CLERIC L LS Pems RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WIT] Canadian Pacific Railwa 'CHANGE OF Ti ommenci June 3rd, No. will Teuve Kingston at 12.10 p.m , direct connection at Sharbot oe wil" points east and west, a for with No. 1 train for rs. i Clikroke, Fort Williaan, W Calgury, Vancouver and Victoria ull particulars at K. & P. an x i cet offices, Ontario street. F. CONWAY Gen. Pass P articulars at K. & P. an 0 offices, Ontario street. PF. CONWA Gen. Pass Bay of Quinte Rail New short line for Tweed, ! Descronto, and all local points. jeave City Hall Depot at a" W. DICKSON, Agent B.Q.Ry., Hundreds TOURS Summer Res Quebec, New Bruns Nova Scotia, Newfounc Prince Edward Isla VIA INTERCOLON RAILWAY Are described in '"Tours to Haunts." Write for free copies GENERAL PASSEN DEPARTMENT, MONCTON, N.B. Or Montreal- Ticket office, ! James: street; Toronto Ticket © King street East, King Edwarc Block. HT RELL "Homesesker: Second-Class Round Trip sicns To Manitoba, Saskatchewan berta leave Kingston, T uesday 4th 18th ; July 2nd, 16th August 18th, 27th ; Sep. 10th Tickets good to return within fro going date. Branch Local Time ---- Trains will leave and arrive Depot, Foot of Johnson strect. x GOING WEST Lve. City -/ "8 .12:40 a.m. Na 5 Mehl 2.26 a.m. +51 Local 9.15 a.m. 3 Intern') Ltd.12.16 noon 1 7 Mail 3.19 p.m. '15 Lecal' . 7.08 p.m. GOING BAST Lve. City No. 8 Mail 1.48 a.m. "2 Fest kxp. ..2.26 a.m. '" 14 Local .. 8.16 a.m, '6 Mail . 12.16 noon 1 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. ** 12 Local 7.08 p.m. Nos. 1,2,8,4,5 and 8 run d other trains daily cxcept Sunds For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLE Cor. Johnson and Onta TIM® TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISL 5 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00 URS. 7.80--90.15 a.m. 1.00 7305.15 a.m. 1.00 'e Tiflis. aki's ami 1.00-- FRI. 7.830--9.15 a.m. 1.00 SAT. 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00-- SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12. Leave Kingston i-- .30--11.80 a.m. 2.00-- on. Eo0--11.80 a.m: 2.00 Wed: '8.80--11.30 a.m. 2.00-- Thurs. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00 ri, 8.80--11.80 a.m. 2:00 Sat. 8.80--11.80 a,m. 3.0)- «980-1130 am. 115 Sat=cSpecial trip to 5 's dock, st 8.30 p.m. ime Table subject to chang notice. calls at Gardem Island sad: from Ke BRICELAND, | : © ers "Toronto & "Ki = BAST BOUND mencing June 2nd, leave a rept. Monday, for 1,00 Montreal, Quebec and Sague points. © yesT BOUND Leave Kingston, 5 p.m. dai r Torx nday for Charlotte. and he ouections for all eur Hamilton- Montreal Tri-woekly service EAST AND Wier BS i d her Jor tickets, ang ANLEY., Tick ' 1 Co. Kingston, 0. N. Co. Ki FoSTER CHAFFEE, A.G.P.A. Fool oukieei KOFA. st NewYork Chinese Rost ion trons 180 en 14 4 The best place to Lusch in the city - . roan

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