wi y 72 hem, : the fo 4 teinfofelnimtey Beatot oe dood fo dirferlne heh achat ttt td 20 as PTT ieieg rill edeeletits s E. § Special attention given at 9) this time of to repair ® FUR GARMENTS YOU SAVE DOLLARS § By consulting us now. JOHN McKAY, Fur House, 149-155 Brock St., Kingston. SEEEAEREREREE SERRE AT VAN LUVEN'S Farmers' Fresh Butter in good supply, also Creamery Butter. Best Table Salt; 3 bags, 10c. Le Roy Table Salt, in cartons, Rice, 6 Ibs., 25¢. Patna Rice, 4 lbs, 25c. Prunes, 3 lbs. and 4 lbs., 25¢. Choice Imported Mixed Pickles, all sizes. Campbell's Soups, all flavors, at 12. Celery, Relish, bottles, at 10c. 1 Spheny, Vinegar, bottles, Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Pine Apples. : CI at es, - Green Bacon, Cooked Meats, etc. a Smoked Meats, f, W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St. St. James 4th Annual EXCURSION % To Ottawa, via G.T.R. and C.P.R, TUESDAY, June 18th Fare, $1.75; Children under 12, co Special train leaving, 8 a.m, ing leaving Ottawa same evening, pean. All tickets good returning any regular June 19th. SED, Village of Portsmouth. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT return- 7.30 train, 'the Court of Revision for this muni cipality will be held at the Town Hall, on TUESDAY, June 4th, at 7.3 o'clock p.m. . By Order of the Council ~ J. W. HENSTRIDGE, at Clerk. Portsmouth, May 17th, 1907, Auction Sale of Furniture.. Books, Etc.. 261 PRINCESS STREET Wednesday. June 5th, 10 a,m. Dining Room Suite, two Bedroom Suites, Springs, Mattresses, Iillows, Iron Beds, Carpets, Oilcloth, Sougee 'Theological Books, Sewing Machine . b Glassware, Pictures, Lamps, Crockery. and numerous other articles. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, EAuction Sale of Furniture 809 Division street, TUESDAY, June 4th, 10 am Wa hy 5 ®, Jair- Black Walnut Parlor Suite, (F cloth,) Extra Large Black Walnut Dig ing Table, Marble Top Centre Table, Rockers, Large Mirrors, Bureau, Singer : Silverware, China Sewing Machine, Crockery and Glassware Flower Pots. » ALLEN, yundreds of The Auctioneer. AFTER HOUSE-CLEANING ve decent Furniture or Stoves " yo dispose of. I will give you » decent price for them. - TURK, the Leading Second Hand Dealer of King ston. most up-to- Netave a most uit gifts in Stirling Silver ware, Cut Glass, China, Bronzes. Clocks and Kinnear & d'Esterre, "soo BL ELERS DAILY MEMORANDA. Summer Is here, a And' so are all the new Sumgioer Hats at Campbell Nres's "Igo," Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m Wonderland RE Hospital Governors, Luis 3 day im history I nade or om Fenians invaded Canwda, 1866. © 4 pm. } Wo Cathedral will hold an cursion, June' 26th, on Str. North King. I like those Sttaws That are natty and fine, Is from George Mills & Co. 1 always buy mine. WHIG TELEPHONES, , every afternoon and even- . --- * 3 '| Chemistry Called To The Parliament met at York, 17 7: sman's Ail, St. George's hy on GREAT INGENUITY DISPLAYED IN LOOTING STOCK BROKERS' SAFE. Cuts Way to Room--Manufac- : tures on aremises a Gas Which Melts the Lock Like Sealing Wax. at Brussels, June | 1~UCash and securi- ties to the walue of $20,000 were stolen in Antwerp by a who displayed the most tog ngenity in gaining access to a safe ran- sacking its contents. The victims © were a frm of stock brokers, Messrs, Glabpeck and Van Lact, whose offices form part of the Terminus hotel building, in the Rue ican. Yesterday evening a traveller arriv- ed at the hotel and signed his name . He insisted on having a front room, and seowied one ower the stock brokers' office. He asked for plenty of water, as he wished to have a bath. He then went out, returning soon after with valises which are now kngwn to have comtained carefully packed carboys of oxygen. When the hotel was quiet he stop- ped the keyholes of the adj ining OLIVES OLIVES Olives at 10c. per bottle. Olives at 15¢. per bottle Olives at 25c. per bottle Olives at 30c. per bottle Olives at 35¢c. per bottle Olives at 40c. per bottle Olives at 50c. per bottle Olives at 75¢. per bottle ---- Stuffed Olives 15¢., 30c. and 50c. COW RUNS AMUCK. Injures Boy and a Girl and Gores a Horse. Exeter, Ont., May 31.--While three hundred children were dispersing from school, a cow, being led by a young man, got enraged and charged into the: crowd. It carried one boy for a distance on both horns and threw him to the ground, and then pinned a twelve-year-old girl named Welch to a fence. The horns, however, escaped her body, but she had a leg broken. A horse was slightly gored before the cow was lassoed. First Communion. Try George Mills & Uo. for first communion hats. boys' See Bibby's stylish straw hats. The "Nordheimer'" is the piano aris- tocrat, Kingston depot, Kirkpatrick's Art Store. Bibby's for correct styles hats, 25¢, to 83 in straw "FRANKINCENSE AND MYRRH" Culled from much reading of various periodicals and publications of home and alien fields : "Enterprising merchants make imore opportunities than they find." "A wise man gets learn- ing from those who have more." "Every promise a merch- ant makes should be re- garded as a debt." "Short weights and long prayers do not balance." "Bargains are the 'props of business." it was 'be 'Formerly it is "make good', now good." "Rust consumes faster than labor wears." "Industry things possible." "The past is a shadow, the future a dream---live in the present." "Produce good pump- kins--the pies follow. Pro- duce good advertising copy --the dollars follow." "To-morrow is the only day in the year that ap- peals to a lazy man." Do not long for business - --get it. Advertise in The Whig the tried and proven 'all judicious way. It is open to all and our man's ons Are call will ¢ and OLIVES Jas. Redden & Co. rooms, remiovidd his bed, cit the car" pet, drilled holes in the flooring, saw- ed through the planks and broke the plaster ceiling of the room below, having previously placed an inverted umbrella to prevent the plaster fall- ing to the floor. Next he descended through the hole into the office by a rope ladder screw od to the bedroom floor. He careful ly covered all apertures in the office with blankets bought during the even- ing, and erected a kind of screen round the safe. Pouring his bath water on a quantity of calcium car bide, he made acetyl pas, and bursing it with oxygen He. then emptied the safe and thor oughly ransacked the whole office. Returning to the bedroom by his rope ladder, he replaced the bed aud the carpet, set all in order and do parted at five o'clock, this morning, with only a small handbag, telling the hotel porter that he was making an excursion and would return at mid-day. No sound of his night's work was heard, and it was only when the em- ployees camé to opén the office that the burglary was discovered. The of- fice was a scene of the wildest cor fusion. The burglar had left every- thing behintdk-acetylene machine, oxyv- gen carboys, electric lamps, gloves, smoked spectacles and other articles. Two Germans, who arrived at the same time as Lagasse and occupied a room over his are believed t6 have been his accomplices. They are thought to be members of a gang of international thieves. TAKE PROCEEDINGS. An Italian Deputy Accused Offences. London, June 1.---The Rome corre- spondent of the Chronicle says the crown has begun proceedings against Guiseppe Romana, deputy from, Aver- sa, on allegations of his eonnection with the notorious Camorran. Ro- mana has been denounced by a group of his fellow-deputies, as being presi- dent of criminal societies in his con- stituency. The sensation has been in- creased by the fact that Signor Schanze, minister of posts and tele- graphs, is accused of complicity in the grimes committed by the societies. of Whole Lot Of New Officers. Ogdensburg, N.Y., June 1.----The tenure of office of the present common council expired, to-day, and all elec tive and appointive officers go out of service, today. Of .the police only two are eligible for re-appointment, the others being barred by reason of age limit from again taking the re quired examination. The other police men will probably take the matter into 'the courts. Mayor Hanan and the board of aldermen will be succeed: ed by an entire new board, with Mayor Hall at the head, all of whom are democrats. Stolen Cheques Afloat. Paris, June 1.--8Several 'cheques, stolen at the time of the big theft of registered mail from the steamer La Savoie, some time ago, have been cashed recently. Threo arrests have been made of men who are helisved to have been accomulices Rousseau, the man who confessed he had stolen the registefed sack. -------- Court Of Criminal Appeal. London, June 1.--The House of Commons, yestertlay, unanimous passed the second reading of the bill establishing a court of criminal ap- peal and providing for the right of appenl aghinst convictions for - crime, similar to that now existing in civil cases. You can save from 50c. to $1 if you buy your hats at The H. D. Bibby C '» RE Ee - EM mont Begins Construe- tion of Balloon. 4. M. SANTUS-DUMONT.* Paris, June 1.--M. Santos-Dumont has the building of a new dirt bhlloon, which he believes will be Wor to anything that has yet walled in She air. It is to be twenty-ohe' meters long, of compara: tively small diameter and with rd city of but 100 cubic meters. The loom #8 to be fitted with a fifty horsepower motor, and with it the Aeronats expect to be able to. ob tain an air speed of at least 100 kilometers-over sixty miles--an hour, ARRESTED AS ELOPERS. Thought They. Were Going te. Get - Wed P, June 1.~A wealthy Parisian, living the Rue de Longchamips, is very | nt at the treatment re ceived by his nephew and niece, aged, , - seventeen and fifteen years, While on their way to England ¥ ay. smole has acted as guardian 'to the young people for years, and with the of perfecting their knowl ish, he had arranged that them off at the Gare du ja few hours later he was 0. ves Sp new his sister hy who suspected them of st (tn French police, being a couple of runaway lovers eloping to Englend to get married ere. After prolonged negotiations by telephone, the unlucky young people were released and allowed to con: tinue their journey. HIS GOUT GONE. London, June 1.--Accord- ing to a news agency de- spatch, from Rome, the pope adopted' vegetarian- ism, in January, hoping to defeat his perpetual enemy, the gout. He has not sui- fered since and he attri- butes his condition entirely to his diet. EXAXEXEEXEZRE Will: Pay Caruso' $800,000. London, June 1.--Enriee Caruso will from to-day, enjoy the largest salary given to a tenor, as he com- mences on this Ist day of June to re ceive a salary that will total him the enormous sum of $4,000,000 francs over during the life of the contract This is for his services ' for four years. Caruso said of the contract that from June Ist, 1907, until June 1st, 1911, he was bound to Mr. Cornried, and that he could make him sing wherever he wills, and he will pay him 1.000, 000 fraves a year. Mr.Caruso said he would be unable to singin Paris with in that time unless Mr. Conried was willing. : I -------------- Home-Made- Motor Boat Launched New York, June I.--Henry Wesp, aided by his son, launched, to-day, from Mny's dock, West 59th street, into the North river, a motor boat, which they constructed themselves. This is the first attempt of the two men to construct any bout, and they have been about two months in building this craft. They will take a trip to the exposition at Jamestown, handling the boat themselves, follow- ing the coast hy easy stages. The family will make their headquarters, while at the fair, on thé boat, there being ample sleeping accommodations in the hold of the vessel for the pur pose. May Withdraw From Texas. New Yorkj June 1.--Following a meeting of the association of life in- surance presidents, a statement was issyed, in which it was intimated that the companics represented in the asso- ciation would withdraw from Texas when the new insurance law becomes operative, which is to-day. The new legislation, which provides that se venty-five pér tent. of the reserve om Texas policies shall be invested in Tetas securities, is declared by the associdtion to be confiseatory in its effect. ---------------- Panamas. George Mills & Co. have the best variety of real panama hats, - Get all your summer is at Jchmatosts twenty per hl fy sale; JONE 1, 190%. oe Di + Honduras Refugees MANUEL BONILLA IS ALONE EXCEPTED ; IN The Refugees Wifl Go Back From New Orleans at An Farly Date--Two Alleged Traitors to Salvador Reported to Have Been Put to Death. Now Orleans, June 1.--The steamship Rosina from Ceiba, Hondutus, brings the news that Acting President Davi has issued an amnest tion granting pardon to all the late sup- porters of Presidént Bonilla and per- mitting them to return to the repub- lie. The refugee president, Manuel Bo- nilla, is the only person exempted from this on. As a result of this amnesty, the Honduras exile col in New Orleans at the head of which Is General Al- fonso Gallardo, who commanded Bo- nilla's forees in porthern H 8, will return home. It is the belief in Honduras that Davila, who is acting president, will retain the positi as the movement Jn favor of Policarpo Bonilla has di out, owing to o carpo's absence in Salvador, where he is confined in a The Nicaraguans still ocoupy Ceiba, and reccive orders from a. coast country is perfectly quiet, the people are ardently at work. This is shown by the fact that Semor Ju- lian Fallas Diaz, alealde of one of the passengers on the his mission to New Orleans float bonds here in order to a mew waterworks system. -- EF City of Sydpey, which has arrived Central . a Soy by § son Para president of the republic. Passengers on eo that the two prisoners were shot soon after they were taken ashore. TERRORISM IN RUSSIA. Cossacks Brutally Shot Down Many Innocents. St. Petersburg, June 1.~A band of terrorists attacked in the streets a mail van escorted by Cossacks, shot one of the Cossacks dead, wounded another, and two post office officials, and escaped after robbing the van of £1,000. A moment later a patrol of Cos- sacks arrived, dashed into Kuttner's spinning mills, which aro close to the scone of the robbery, and beghn indis- eriminately: shooting down workmen and clerks, killing fifteen and wound- ing over thirty. TRADE UNIONISM BANNED, Decides Officials Have No Right to Strike. Paris, June 1.--The French gowvern- ment has decided that state officials cannot join trade unions nor have the right to strike. M. Briand, the minister of public worship and education, made this announcefnent in the chamber during the debate on trade unionism. The result is schoolmasters who joined the labor federation committee must. withdraw from the organization. ' THE POPE'S VIEW As to Rev. R. J. Campbell, London. Loudon, June l.--According to the Catholic Herald the Archbishop of Glasgow, who is in Rome, brought to the attention of the pope the denunei- ation of the now theology and ita apostle the Rev. Dr. R. J. Campbell, pastor of the City Templo, London, by Canon Mackintosh, in which the canon referred to Campbell as "a silly blasphemer." The pope desires that his congratulations should be conveyed to Canon Mackintosh. Father Spanks Eloper. Evansville, lad., June 1.--Cupid was i when Katie Sellers, fifteen years, and George Gissom, nineteen, who eloped from Henderson, Ky., were arrested here just as they were takiog out a marriage license. The girl was held at police quarters ungil her fath- er came tc take her home. He asked Matron Roberts to withdraw, and then turned the girl over his knee and spanked her until she cried for mercy. se Immaculate Soda Glasses. At many fouiitains glasses are mere- lv rinsed in cold water. At Wade's cach glass is set aside after use and is then thoroughly washed in hot soap suds, is rinsed, dried and polished with a clean towel--just as you would do own home. Wade's Ire Cream S in such i tastes potter and is better, Wade's drug store. of that postmen and | aad imploring him to ple's anxioly hy renouncing moderati biles, or at i siderably their waively | ritigiled is ~ always at your royal sedan chair, and in urgent corringes with horses." The Asiatic monarch has brought over an expert voung Siamese chauf feur, whose skill in averting cates trophes by a hair's breadth keeps lian pedestrians aghast with i i ROYAL GODMOTHER. Crown Princess of Roumania as |, parents woting are christened and clothed, The ciowh princess was, yesterday, the central figure at an in and hoger. oe connected w a fate by the at Athetieum, when her royal ' stood as godmother for twenty of these children. +H y yedrs before, Mr, Croker has of his time in Ireland and h interesting himself of late more ly in the affairs of his native Croker is an Irishman by birth. 'ORDERED AWAY. The White Women Sent to Hong Kong. Hon , June 1.~The British consul, at Pakhoi,' has ordered the white women there to proceed to Kofig. The while men have od and ard taking turns in patrol work. The saptus of Yiokty by - robels, was only temporary. sionaries there are safe. The rising is i daughter of Mr. Harvey J. Stratton, and Wilinm Davies. Toronto. LANCER---MARTIN.~At Rochester, ¥Y., on May 20th, William 3 Rochester, and Miss Mary C. daughter of Willism Martine 1 onto. : (a 5 He ia Got. Rid of For Economy's Bake. Paris, June 1.-~A man named Rous: | Lonpieg At Deseronto, on N d his wife have been arrested Flien Catharine, daughter on their son, Paul, a child and Mrs. George Hopping, of sevens woman mado a into rest, con Years. festion; #u which she said that Paul | MeXUIL--utered : was too 'weakly to work, amd as they ® I had four other children fb feed, they decided 1p got rid of him him into; the River Indre, and watched his straggles - Stock's Fast Alten, IIL, J twentieth time the the home of to-do frarmar, I the teauy A ' ing. Five ave families. The oldest on wore family is at ome the hot looks on Piceiic ground or rn, 0. lasses tha! plas both the evs ar 'he. pocket. book at Dr. Chown } i "EeTiky's Jwtay sone ai