Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 May 1907, p. 6

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PIE £¥es f + =g tim expanded into a enuiring sed- Toast. "Well, it's this " drdwied the in the d en Yo op ak of a man being it has -- | 4 el i canis 6 tists that. he | the eonigeration, Ratios intesvnted your while. didn' what he expected. Beidustion, a ' I Mhat you asked 'me or a poshion + Birmingham, alle the demonstrate to you . | real sure enough and I should a college essor had m told him nu a cake soap. That | sume statements, the general public when, ten 4 eh yon o Jotmon" Tight have, token R Shen, 3 Jor he disatns sccording to finish. man whom 4 not see," mai puz- : A 4 he He sled Hank - ow ih the world" ean a any hn » the 3 wi tical Side of natural gas. : ; N cake of soap * s k sv - ay meulty. In porspdiog hoe inf ly of Soap ben lumen sidecation 'which has induced the un. THE GURNEY. FOUNDRY co, LIMITED. as his bride. were married in | ames," winking at the dispenser of from wri > . B ALE BY. Bunt the said, on Apc | Lute Howage, (ite aot on imbue | $ Simmons Bros, ,,, ,, : "She. told" the magistrate that they instead of a cake of soup, I as : AND LEADING DEALERS EVE for five years, when he by extending my emgry that, in Bur FOPSIPISOI0EES $5000690660 1o0¢ her go to Rustraiin: 'Since 'there wos a , ast ten years, about "| then she had never seen him until this You reach out of "ges engines | week, I have handed ) ihylalled, i is really sur- X prisoner been mar- a prising gas engine is red 40 or thgng Yane but *aid you had no lemon in | comparatively unknown on this con- OT A A TR ROI 3 Svore BAL, S08 #20. The How could I be handed | tinent, and it has only lately be- : . said she never had been served so foolish." gun to enter into competition with the on a a suit, and knew another way," said | steam engine. One reason for this cor- . i, ic doctor added gravely, . illustrating tainly is that the gas engine got the : n , and his the palm of the | yeputation of being unreliable, and hae was TORE. Hon. have an a : ¥ when he married her in South Toi : ig 44 him in she you Aa . Steam engine ; Finn adjotirned the lemon, builders went into the building of gas "But she is not there to hand it engines without knowing the first prin- : : . to me. 4 is not logical. And even ciples of their theory and design, and Is Shredded Whole Wheat compressed into a cracker or Wafer he 5 A or vag? a Tat pong personally oy at gia. and cooked by electricity. Always ready to serve; it is tasty, . CTON. message of © regret ? It seems to me | consulting with two of such wholesome and nutritious. As a food it is infinitely superior : i Sas Mould be * a cas . and "Envoy 3f anyother, to corn, oats or white flour bread. Well ments, Reliable firms guaranteed a cer- housekeeping" and noon-day lunches. tain performance without ever having eet hese Ee haute] See BISCUIT and TRISCUIT ensure health and comfort. gine are expensive, and a brake test TONS OF DIAMONDS. for such an Sngive is not Verp Stile. All Grocers--13c. a Carton; 2 for 28e. An Estimate of Output of | troduce a few timely warnings for World's Mines. prospective buyers of gas engines : Pall Mall Gazette. 1. Do not actept the stat- giv. Like ell precious metals and stones | en in trade 4 Sataloguss hd by Stes. a in | men, investigating a BPPPPOO OOOO OOOO tlt the nit of weight lt i araployes - forthe , or: consulting somebody . who VIVO III999090990090 00000 ; ns 8 2. Even "waitin toes dre no T - 3 Somos protection whatever, unless backed up he Average Man eo records, easily verified, of Alnnts actually built on this continent, Can add years to his life and in operation' for some time, be- exercise. cause nobody, wants to buy a law- : suit with his Git HH . African but under ordinary running condi- Parker, 1-3: Eq to the tions, and any day &nd every day, is tan Cur diamonds had been an absolute fact, i.e, for medivm-size Time, 1.194, 1. world to the end engines operating under full load. J | The baseball same relative out Large engines will use a little less, jd from Brasil and smaller Shigincs may use a hs more, t of diamonds ow more than {not more than 1.5 8 in any wetory 22:1 for the visitors. This I oy tons, id case. However, the efficiency of gas is the first game in the Bay of Quinte The figure seems small, considering | engines decreases rapidly under a de series. the ages diamonds have been worked | crease in load, and, t lore, it is {in India and elsewhere in the east, important to know what the so-called Harmony Prevails. and must be largely guesswork with |load-factor will be in any case, i.e. Grits and tories are all working for respect to the output in antiquity. It | the ratio of the erage load to the the interests of pcre the is, however, certain that more dia- |rated capacity of the plant. Guagantee company, he Sxfuiih tion and a per- FE ] bs qu ind all from a serious ending. The first Plttys for. Semi- Realy q- alarm was sent in from box No. 12, } for Opera | Quebec street, about half past twelve louse on and every day for | o'clock, Fivocrackers and a the week ir a.m. to 6 p.m, proved a combination that caused This military opera hed ita first | trouble till the bri de arrived. : Toronto last night in] About one o'clock, a G.T.R. freight , and in the presence of a E enthusiustio audience, The prettily staged and costumed H Ea street became ignited known manner, but and music is tuneful throughout. {use of the Babeocks. writer hesitates to give definite fig The climax is set in the third act in Towards evening business again be Power hith a realistic presentation of the Same brisk and gt twenty-five iuaies ne ut ttle of Isandulu is given. ei run was indu a . to rf fo, Bite? Tem BE me which have been in in elix Far. ! wer h aa ney's home, but before serious dam.-| known at present for small and me- tion of | age occurred the firemen had order | dium size plants unless cheap water and Fort Heary | restored. Jowe is available Even' wi "steam of the cadets The fourth alarm was a telephone | for heating purposes is required, it terest in the call from the police, which reached the | Will pay, in mmny cases, to instal a olutions and the battle while were lon their way |fOmparatively cheap low-pressure ~--Taronto | Peck from Division street. The guard. | Steam plant for heating only, and a ians of the pehce wanted the large {£28 Pant for ove and this is dono See Bibby's K0c. cult links. bonfire at the corner of Clergy and |Wite frequently in Europe. = Bagot streets extinguished and a few | One word about the "wnreliability turns from the hydrant did the trick. | of the gas engine." People "should old shed situated Park, was sot on Coming Our Way. oe Nay Shek for the | Campbell Bros. furniture, look like new, 9%c., Chown's Drug Store. Is the place for nobby new hats. Ribby's 'for Semi-Ready clothing. Chinas furniture cream makes old Bibby's new scat pins. a f Wie inted ten: hours of the da¥, uy these are o a extremely low wit Ss cers, * | administrator of the sstate of Henry THE FIRE CALLS. Touch Jess than fr Laka: Boba B. Wiliams, ho died in the States, rein To the $7.50 for fuel, Mr. Berniing- keiving money in banks in Toronto. | Were Five in Number--One in [ham adds 85 per brake h wer AN hie relatives live in England. Murney Tower Moat. to cover other charges. Now, if this you get glasses at Chown's Yesterday was a busy day for the |i# intended to include all other vx- Tho Sine your eyes receive a care-| fire fighters, * but in a record of five | Penses, such as wages, supplies, re- seienti calls they were successful in keeping car on the siding at She Sonat of Brock n some um- only required the Latterly, either by intent or acci- dent, .from some: unknown cause, the in the moat sur Sauer, Macdonald de a farewell midnight trip, the At last things seem to be coming Help the good work along smelter by-law on oii at . 'Jit can only be a how such $ OXFORD GAS so much toil, Rie hy until you Fr the OXFORD GAS RANGE little It is built high, . without $18 to $2 andr tops lift of grease iis wiped old (up a heavy the are plenty of other fea Chil in and see this range, und Jet us its * economy. and. efficiency. The price of this high-grade ¢ gas range, with 16-inch oven is from This range is also fitted for use with The Yellow Store 4 3 Prinosss St. Phone 404 adapted for "light" requires taoping to get at 'the Firs easy a : Every part get without tools, and ut in a mete Gas and ts are so regula ; gas burns with clear blue flame, all heat and no waste. Oven doors drop flat instead of swing- ing, and will h Thay in A .oven doors change baking from guess- work to a certainty. And there tures wor Shoe, Vici Kid, and high Cuban heel. It is an date street shoe. Cut Glass Our Special Berry Bowl in fino clear cut glass. Price $6.00 Kinnear & d'Esterre, JEWELERS 00 Princess HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO as' undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling wublic. W. TELFER - - TRY ered for itself, and no general cases, For this last 'reason, while wel de- of the Subject by o must that ave finite Sgurelivhich iE Daly mio understood by the gemeral publio. That a engine, in connection with a tn Produces. 30d using anthracite pea coal as fuel, will pro- duce one brake horsepower on one pound of coal per hour, not ouly dur- ing a short test conducted by experts, the * writer, the i ction Mr. Bermingham, The cost of the fuel will have to be increased by the stand-by losses, es- pecially when the plant is running only. pairs, ie., the operating expenses, as well as the fixed charges, such as in- t, depreciation, insurance, -ete., $5 must sem inadeqlate. When it is considered that the first hie of a gas engine and producer mt is on the average about fifty per cent. higher than that of a steam plant of the same size, the interest on the in- not form their fines from some ine ine, lv des shenply Si with which then cha famili to their sorrow. Stati ideas about gns en- fronkish little gaso- and y be steam or power is more o-- or what combinations mav be advisable, depends on 80 1 many considerations which are hardly over the same for any, two. cases, that nswered iy 3, Fach case will have to be consid! can be given, which will apply:to all [' @ Cheapest Place in King: | Is at the foot of Princess Street. Having [uodved a big lot at the low price of 950. per pair. Special stock of Ow Tne st ol eralls on hand at SRE GRRL Sl [UT pL Gives ® thrown ih 3 a strap in a crowded stuffy cary > be : That you did ® Wheeling years ago. ston for Boots and Clothing v of Men's king Pants, I will sell them after a careful stully of the particular | @ you healthful exercise with fresh air and while taking you to and from your duties. Saves time instead of losing it. Saves car fares and saves the annoyancy of han And if you should be fortunate enough to.choose the § Massey Silver Ribbon Bicycle or Perfect With Cushion Frame and Coaster Br not know the rea § Local Representatives Ask him for, PATENT HUNGARIAN ; For Bread!' WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, eto. Kingston Milling Co., Ltd. oof of quality. SABl VVYYIIYIPIeeoeseee by taking a moderate amount of § But how can he spare. the time from his duties That's Where the Good Bicycle Comes In ging on to ake your only regret will J 1 comfort and pleasure of @ Canada Cycle & Motor Co. LIMITED. "Makers of the World's Best Bicycles," Toronto Junction, Canada, Branches: Winnipeg, Vancouver, Melbourne, Aust. Angrove Bros}: | This sunshine LBL) MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY | - Cd ---- 372 PRINCESS ST. | | { | NINGSTON | NOTICE. Mr. A. Mots of the American Ladies Tailoring Store, has removed to 107 PRINCESS ST. And has gone into business with Mr. Johnston, where both gentlemen will be pleased to see all their old and customers. EAA TS new eer. Johnston & Metz i: A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re- pairs are wanted. Our anti- ueak Is used on all work. Sp -- 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY Coal Cook Stoves, $17.00. Gas Stoves, $2 50. Screen Doors Complete, 85¢. Garden Hose, 8: per ft. Glass, Patty, Paints, Oils, Alabas- tine, Kalsomine, dry colors. AT REASONABLE PRICES. Taylor @ Hamilton 89 and 91 Princess Street. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. ew Carriages,- Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. Co's., Varnish and wi ap- clear and rich shades bh" A STRACHAN'S HARDWARE. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY " ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright loaned on City and Farm Pros eas Municipal and County Deben- M purchased. Deposits Peceived and interest allowed. 8. CO. McGill, Director, : Office. 87 Clarenca Qerest, Kingston. Jew England Chinese The Cinderella Shoes A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Blucher with patent toe cap up-to. Price $3.00 and $3.50 H. JENNINGS, KING ST ---- BRITISH - AMERICAN Proprietor NICHOLSON taking the THE HORSE RA( WERE THE BEST HELD H IN YEARS. ? . vdiborne Horse Won the Class and An Orillia Tr the '2,22 Class--Three 1 Imposed Upon Drivefs. The horse racing card at the unds, on the afternoon, Vic Be, was the big event of the Pay, was: ie. cg x and it is estimated that there five: t people on the grow The track was in. good condi and at the close everyome was r to 'oie li. piogrammé one of best, if mot the very best, that ever ben given the Kingston I of horse racing, There were in all, twenty heats, it was certainly a case of getting money's worth. W. Bb. Kenaud, Ottawd, who was the official sta made the statement when the heat had been . hed, that the C dizn record had been broken. : Although there was one small pi in, during one of the events, +t were no serious mishaps, and ev thing was vdn . off smoothly, Renaud, the official . starter, rus things through as speedily as possi and although he appeared to som be very strict with the drivers was only carsying out his duties | way that he should, and for this was much admired. He imposed th fines, of 85 each, on drivers who f ed to keep in proper position at start-off, after being warned to do Two of the fines fell upon the dri for J. Bannister, Kingston, owner Stella Prince, and the other was pos:d upon the driver of Nellie owned by D. Graves, Harrowsmi The fines were paid ober to the jud, on the spot. The judges were Messrs. William ) Garvey, Dr. Waugh and William Gibson, and the timers were Mess L. Guess, Frederick Whitney and Horne. The "named race" was captured | Edith B., owned by H. (Brien, Kin ston, after five very interesting heat Billy Bush, owned by E. Burnsid made a brave spurt and landed second amd fourth heats, but w compelled to fall back to secon place in each of the other three. T best time was 1 min. 15 sec. Minnie Bell, owned by George P well, Orillia, won the 2:22 class, capturing the first throe heats, a; took them with ease. The best tin was 1 min. 7 sec. Pretty Nellie, ow od by J. McCue, Kingston, was t) only Kingston horse entered in th event, and suceecded in landing cond money. The running race was won by Vi toria Coventry, owned bv JJ. Cove try, Woodstock, in two fine heats, Th four entered were all fast traveller: and this race, although short, wg one of the Dest on the calendar. The 2.18 class was captured hb Muriel Wilkes; owned by R. Coyle Colborne, and five heats were neoes sary to decide this event. There wa only one Kingston horse entered, am the Kingstonian secured fourth place Perhaps the most interesting race o the afternoon wee the 2.40 class, i which the judges had to give a de cision at sundown, as none of th horses were able to secure three hes out of the five. It was 7:45 o'cloel when the decision was reached. E Pazo, owned by George Powell, Orillia sceured two heats, and was awardec first money. In the second heat of this race, an accident occurred, which might easily have resulted more seriously than it did. Just after pussing the wire two of the racers, Stella Prince, owned by J. Bannister, Kingston, and El Pazo, owned by George Powell, Orillia, ran w@ainst 'one another, and ome wheel v cach sulky was badly smashed Both drivers 'were thrown out but scaped mjury. The summary of the races follows : Named Race, } Mile Heats. With B., H. O'Brien, King- ston . + 2 Billy Bush, E. Burnside, King v esos a Wax, H. Mallory, King- ; ston . Lens Bonny Brino, G. Darragh, King- ston E15; 1.18; 1.16; 117; ce 2.22 Class, } Mile Heats. Minnie Bell, G. Powell, Orillia 1.1.1 Pretty Nellie, J. McCue, Kingston 3.2.2, Miss Appleby, W. H. Murphy Port- land 2 4.3. Nellie G., D Graves, Harrow- smith 4.3.3 Time, 1.07; 1.08; 1.09 min. 2.16 Class, } Mile Heats. Muriel Wilkes, R. Cdyle, Col- borne whuriny adits Orillia Belle, G. Powell, e Orilija .. . 1.1.5 Sailor Boy, A. Hunter, Ottawa 4.2 Ww. Sphinx H., M. Baillie, Kingston . . Maud Wilkes, J. A. Stewart, 2 Deseronto .. .. . Time, 1.09; 1.10; 1.08; 1.08; 1.08 win, 2.40 Class, } Mile Heats. El Paso, Geo, Powell, Orillia..., Lord Bandon, Corkey, ) Kingston . : 3 Slack aude, W. H. Reynolds, : . Vorola eae. » . Stella Prince, J. Bannister, 34 Kingston ..... 2.22.34. Time, 1.14; 231; 115:'112;: 1.11 ming Running Race, § Mile. Victoria Conventry J. Coventry, Woodstock .... Wilfrid Laurier, E. J Doyle, | Ogdensburg : 2, Barn Stormer, G. W. Frank, ol, . borne ..... v- 3.38. Cobourg Maud, J. Meclntosh, ( > 3 hourg Time, 1.02; 1.01 min. 3 "And her name was Mande," re marked sowie one on the stand, when Black Maude sprang a surprise by fourth heat in the 2.40 class, her highest stand previous to this being third place. : The boys with the peanuts did a rushing business on the stands at the fair grounds. > Wilirid Laurier, owned by E. J. Doyle, Ogdensburg, won second money in the running race. "That's the first time | ever heard of Wilfrid Laurier taking second place," said a joker. Police Sergvant Nespitt and a sqnad i of constables were on duty at the race track all afternoon. It was busy p luecoats. The Te sullen band fatared * with a fine programme of music, at -------------------------- ---- --

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