I you "will" buy Ki proper- now in ri th cou] make investment, & em a fair roud to Rt ve a little capita] Look at the double irame dwelling, and 1 Colfingwood. stéeet, near first with 'the Consul Van Sant's office. : On the 24th of May, a certain free- dum is allowed visitors, and some of antics witnessed, principally on latest addition: to the HID ; i 7 i was won by A. by J. Conwav, cessful and won Fox, 3b; spectable jag. me y thirty-six-footers were local entries. : and under | fortheoming & which® ty poor | needs strengthening. Use Catarrho- re prize, 810, ei be Ein after. the coun y zone, it cures huskiness, removes ca- 'nee; 'second, The mornine's taken as a whole, was eminently suc- nothing but praise from the spectators, -- The Baseball Games, The baseball games at the So much so wag' this » Councill, i bt illor Franklin : fair grounds atfracted a. great deal . of The Interests Df Kingston. hats and pobby tams, Cures Little Children. When they digestion bowel trouble, them Polson's Nerviline. Cure is i Sa" 1,000 Islands--Rochester. at 10:15 a.m. £38 has returned from rin . Foley, hoi i an undesirable settler, 'ouncior irman' of coun- ty properly, was made chairman with of the law js carried out and a place tarrh and thought that All dealers sell Catarrhozone, ® Present arrangement would be quite satisfactory to the county if the management of the House of Industry were also agreeable, Warden Drew v opinion. Coun- cillor Briceland pointed out that the looking after their Wher¢ Billeted. Ww. H. Taylor; Sparling, with Mrs, p "eo ani nh itfy the government that 'the poor are In the "evening, the Conkey's and Huyler's are sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Hear what our mayor has to say in 'the interests of Kingston, to-night. Campbell Bros. For children's straw sailors, crash sick with cramps, in- give mediate, Sold everywhere in 25¢c. hot- tles, Steamer North King leaves Sundays for Thousand Island Montreal, where he ---------- Only One 'Bromo Quinine." and coughing, and now your throat Prevefits throat weakness. The billets of Kingston ministers the conference at Gananoque are : Rev, Wesley Rev, C. E, Manning, at Bro- Beautiful Irish of new members in the morning. Evening, a patriotic serv ice TH DAYS EPSO0F) | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. Occurrences In The City. And Vicinity--Other Brief Items of Interest Easily Read And ini: Bibby's for boys' sweaters. i - a ls South Puste, in tubes, 15c., Xo hore: welosin William Swainé, piano Orders old and' young than tuner- teceived at McAuley's. 'Phone 775. H. Hora, Kingston, has purchased Gordon Macdonald's yacht, 'Thistle, of L ings will begin sometime next week. J The most healthful and delicious new. points and at 5 p.m. for Rochester, ananoque. of Chocolates. held in -Y., calling at Bay of Quinte ports. | Lunningham, piano tuner, from ---------- o'clock J. V. Hanley, agent. Chickering's. Orders aL NeAuley's Famont is & Co., 5 debaters -- book store. "Phone 778, ; rters, included Mrs Sent Back To England. It-is expected that the construction 27 Common St. Montreal. Miss Machar, Peter Devlin, immigration agent, | of concrete walks and asphalt cross- . and Messrs, i Meek, of her grandmother on Wednesday. The child was aged mine months. Skin urges that pins, papers, blotting 'Phone 700. pa- per and Christian ink wells be put in the post office for public use, A little quarrel and during the fra cas a kick in the abdomen. This is the history of another variety of Vie- toria day celebration and resulted in another admission to the hospital. atl We invite you to call Our new premises and fine display of fancy sealed and inspect especially our chocolates, ip M ! packages and bulk, manufac- : x : 4 own poor and could not see that the | phy house; Rev. Dr. Eby, with Robert tured bv the W. J. Crot ers Co. W WwW y 60 Prinses street, hoggored description. interest. They were played dusing the | county, as a whole, would be bene- Favor, Rev. J. B. Hicks, with Francis |. Medley. . Fothers Co. W. € € I en women riVing in me 2 horse races were 1 r™ i ildi iD- fiskin: y i . The a rare nko 4: i s ng iy ba each other in. bison | a, the | rn hr vere lng i" Stbed by srecting a building and equip- Wiskin; Rev. Job Roadhouse, with H The roads were watered only till Will be much: Foysired dur braz q Ping a house refuge. He opposed | H. Stevenson. early 'in the after terday i fashion, but. as. stated before hilarity games were concluded. any action. Wers vee wie gon rhs oy + and ing the coming 'BRIDAL of a ind seems to be excused on |" In the Bre, Cape Vincent ve. Gan- 2. Nickle held that according to Appointed Head. should have covered deri SEASON." such a day. . | anoyue, * Lape Vincent toam won | the act some central place of refu ent in to the execy- soti rin view 4 8 b i There were large crowds in Macdon- | out by a store of 7 to 6; and in the should be supplied. . -- thine i rt Bont rs; exe. ai i] day, i view of the crowds You will find our Stock ald Park in the morning watching the second game, Orientals vs. the LCB. { that the government wanted to stop men, at its Ottawa meeting, asking Bibby's for Semi-Ready. replete with new Sesipus, in : § | eatta, during 'whose progress the |U., the Orientals were victorious, de- | was the farming out: of the poor_and f that a standing committee be forme A very pretty and effective display of earl. . Brooches, ig, € | 14th Regimental band played in front feat'ng the Irishmen by a score of 12 od as referred to by Councillor to aid the Canadinn Tuberculosis As. fireworks," at Rockwood hospital, on Scarf Pins, Necklets, ctc., % of the pavilion. The Inir ground ev. to 0. Ta this game only five innings | Briceland. The eity did not seek the sociation. in its work of stamping out | Friday evening, helped those connected for gift giving. ents occupied the afternoon. In the were played. A dispute occurred over | present meeting. They would not the White plague. The formation of with the institution and their friends "3 evening: the ith Band gave a concert | what 'was termed a foul ball, and the | stand as a buffer between the govern- such committee will be ratified at the to royally celebrate Victoria Day The on Market Square, which was game. was noi finished, ment and the eounty, for the paltry | oouncil's meeting in Vancouver, in original and only William Shakes. listened to hy a large crowd. Bonfires . The first game was a most interest. | sum of 875. If an agreement, between July, and Mrs. Adam Shortt, M.D., peare Shea was the presiding genius bluzed at vatious comers, Jud the ing one. ape Yegme quite | the Sounty and City could be arrang- | has been appointed head of that com: | bg nothing further need be said Jawelers and Opticians ous air fireworks wi evenly ma good batting we! ea a mittee. | , i > 5 . t ontertai i et oft in all Pata of the city. ie done: uy : At - waen stated that he had of ane garding The success of the entertain- Issuers of Marriage % -- whieh ha@ qui butch of support | fers of land' from both Sharbot Lake At The Grand a House. A fie BR ; 4 CA J.J 'of Wate NY and Parham, upon which to erect a " " Maple walnut sundaé js a special at is... The Vncht Races. boii fgets: a ie ed Stata a poor "house, 'and if it was of ne| YOSterday, the "Tom Marks com- Gibson's Red Cross drug store foun- The p. ularify 'of water sports in fattion. Bota oi Rave 'en hit tin advantage to the city to enter into | PAY perforuied before Ope Jp Heise tain, 20 far oa Rinnston is concerned ton. e tchers were hi quite ith th : f audiences, at the Gran, Ta house. During' the motor hoat rae . . , freely. The line-up wis : &n arrangement with the county he fa- At the matines, "The Hy crite," i ior. Tages vester not be designated by any other words ' : i | vored accepting one of these. Ny hatin, ypocrite, a} day morning, a collision oceurred be Eo fr Te ate Se Cm Mn | SETAE fg, |, | me en a progressiveness, st year the aquatic aha Yea Ts Ey "GALA--PETER" for : y e i ru went with a young Englishman, who Don't leave your furs unprotected, : The very best of Wenthes favored two classes. Ta rat or ortl: terwards 4 y will be sent back to England. The get Tarine moth 'sheets, large size, | the celebration - of Day, lect to the finish Douglas Anglin Councillors E. Briceland, J. young man arrived in Toronto a few | 3c, at Chown's Drug Store. ca ] ug of several son of Dr Aneta, . » J. Aylesworth, J. Truscott, R. weeks ago, and was found to have an| A daughter of Hugh Mooney, Ports- | weeks. There were not o . A i W. J. Franklin and Wil- incurable disease, and was classed as mouth, died 'in Napanee at the home 1 ors an: ge liom F * ! Lompound Syrup of Hypophosphites, class, T. captured first | the county elerk, Dr. Edwards, as . 3 Ei: our pa make, equal to the best. Big Ms trom Quteide places in New ork place and J, Stewart, Jr, second onTary. The latter gentleman was Sienilarly"n. laxe tive 2 va Suinias, bottles, 50c. and c., at Wade's drug as hy BOE motor races first called upon t. ss th th- . , : , store. town to the day, 1¢ was aa or- 5 The. Sm ohh om her "ring He was followed ty R. Meek deceive. The first_and original Cold James Sowards has been awarded Sey crowd in most ways, though | 81, tery, Touching * fro to the | who pointed out that the proposition | Tablet is a White Package with black the contract for 2,700 tons of coal scores of men, old young were | jy, off Snake Totmnd, So to the | should come from the Ee it | and red lottering, azd bears the sig- for Ror eed hospital at prices rang- Smitionn* Vanng, eo" th| E, CRALC RT ak 10 Lh |v li coy | 280 re, EY vw = ing Sion 3235 to $5.03 MADE OVER commissioners acht Club. ti on house 5 not 4 Bibby' joie: carclons use of fireworks had an ad: | itured ihe Tall length, Toe nd free. a at o tugs he After Filty-Ons Years, roby's a the'mw things. in the AND DYED. mirable effect. Fireworks, etc., were | fool. th: Pirate, owned by Mr. | institution, | If the methbers of the | At a meeting of the Perth-district Depot school. The programme cop. not thrown in such dangerous 'locali- Peacock, of Pittshurg, Pa., and sail. roperty 'committee recognized. this | Methodist ministers Rev. Dr. Ryck- sisted of patriotic songs, a recitation --BY -- on Princess street, as formerly. | ug by R. MoWilliams, of Alexandfia | fact then probably terms could be dis. | man, Almonte, was granted superan- by Olive' Hughes and an interesting Thus, both pedestrians and horses Bay, was an easy first. The craft be- | cussed, nuation after fiftysone years of ser- address py ACW, McLean. . bad a happier time, Only one arrest longing to Miller, of Clayton, cap- Warden Drew--1Is it compulsory that | Vice In the Jumistry. Dr, Ryckman "High Class Perfumes.' It pays tc was made for violation of the fire- tured second money, while Mr. Peo. we build a house of refuge or js it |and family will remove to Kingston buy them at Gibson's Red Cros dea' Bot works ner alice Soustable Asie] cook' brother landgd the third posi- merely that the grant of $1,000 will | next month, re 58 doug EXCLUSIVE FURRIER cal a acting improperly, tion. course as oc , this if ied ? Res -------------- "Civis™. wri of 2 [hic to the. statin house | morning, by Henry Smith, wes ri" be hela § Crock BE Jupplied govern. | Why Your Throat Is Weak. |, 'Civis" writes Seb he 'Che Whiz | 78 and 80 BROCK ST. here be Nas kept, for a Jittle hile, teen. miles and. the time fifty-five | ment must be satisfied that the spirit | All winter you have been hacking a E good valye at 25c. each. ; Re : "at Belay Fs course as Thomas McAuley happened amusements of Victoria Day were a Fox, Young, el; Coulson, Lf. being looked after. The tity hae noth. drama, Shatus oO Brien, was the along in his speedy launch, The lat. This year they reached | *oPinson, lbs Pelow, Pp. i : bill. In no instance during its pres- ter struck the motor skiff' ¢ how Opposite Grand Success, ¥ Lene Cape Vincent--Seymour, 2b.; Walker, | "EK 8i issue. i ent engagement did the company give : Norsuis » ern. how GRAND I Stati the zenith of perfection. Their favor {.: 3 s Ry Discussion upon the question was 4 ¥ Je on, capsizing her and throwing Dr. Central Station with the general public was ome of |Of: H. BI se. lslin, s.s.:..C, carried on between nearly all f the | ® better performance. The specialties Black and his co i P. Moran NEW YORK CITY. . . y ly of . vi 3 mpanion, P.: Moran, : Bloom, 1.1.; Morrison, 1b.; L. Bell ); were all new. The bill for the last ap. 5 ne ' the st t evidences that the: * Pi | members present and th tter thor- P| into the cool waters of the lake. Th, ¢ ROOMS ronges oes t. V are f proke, 3b; Truell, rf, P al ® matter thor pearance of the company will be *"Jer. i Be. here $1 a Day and upward fast regaining prominence which : oughly thrashed out, Finally, on mo- : pod + | they remained for about ten minutes . laced ' 3 in the : Sullivan, who was on the slab for tion of W. F. Nickle. th : I ry,the Tramp." The amateur contest before" assicte Re flagenge to and from aa years ago p hem in front | 4 0 Irishmen, in the second game, did | 2 La rp motng 8d 1 Oily leo tahe place. . , op ance put out from the ore i aaidobook ao rank of sport, and, yesterday, judg- ood 'work, bit he R "very | J0Urned, to meet again at the call of yacht club and restued the sailors free on receipt of poi --~ y on prom the number of ities who Door support, and thie war i cone | the. chairman; Dr. Edwards, 'in the CHURCH SERVICES rom their perilous position. : congregated along the water front. of 'the Tick Doin ghee eh meantime as secretary of the meeting, -- --- een boat racing, which should be one of had beating, Charl ye te 8 | to enquire of the government if 'an ar- ¢ ' : a , ome, of Cape betw oh i i Kingston's greatest attractions, has a incont, was the umpire for Waly rangement i ween the city and coun- | The Filling of the Church Pulpits Abr haa - J ; long life in store for it and a happy i & ty would meet with its approval and MN Xo HII ICIIIICICIINGIIGIIRI one, nd he hod oi hands full, At the | secure any other' information further To-Morrow. 3 Zz Macdonald Park was the chief pl innings there was a "row" ; out { on the matter. that he could. Also it Sydenham Street Methodist church-- of vantage for spectators EE ne a ball said to be on _ the foul line, was decided to ask Dr. mith, the in- | Rev, C. E. Manning, the pastor, will § water carnival though all the neigh- and after much talk, it was decided soector of charities, to dome to |the preach moffiing and evening, Z ; ooring wharfs were crowded with peo- mot Fi Tonite the in iy it | city and discuse the question with the Cooke's Preshyterian church, Brock : i ple as well. nde h Wi * Score standing #10 0 | committee if possible, street--The pastor, Rev. W. 8. Mac. 5 § Perhaps never before was as much | 1 favor of the Orientals, « The line-up - Tavish, Ph.D., will preach at both 3 @ 5 interest aken in «th 3 ae teams follows : For The First Time. scrvices, Sunday school and Bible > contests a the MoVeraonis of uiitie Orientals--Asphlant, Li: Vanhorn, I > il find class, 3 p.m. Presbyterian Guild, 8.15 fe ) > boat entered was closelywatched by 3b.: Laird, 2b. Haney, s.s.;: Islin, c. R many years you will find all p-m. Strangers made welcome at all e hire ; y Saunders, 1h.: Buck, r.f: McCammon, XOud grits id tories working side by services, ; Every size 1 ty p.: B. Crawford, of. side lor the passage of the smelter First Baptist church--Rev. Douglas] LR 10 Dozen Men's Black Sateen Shirts, perfeetly' fast color, collar at. K a a Skiff with ul a. from 1.C.B.U.--0'Connor, ef: L. Walsh, by-laws, . Laing, pastor, at both serv ices. 11 § tached, long sleeve, double cuff, sizes 14 to 16). A regular G0c. 3 motor engi .|LE: Cotmem, ¢, Lamb, s.s.: Stokes ---------- am., "Life and Life Abundant"; 7 , line, > OF engine to the latest and speed > 3 s " . Tap RA ® fest type of modern gasoline launch 3. ¥ oung, 2b.; Joyee, r.l; Tilsin, 1h; Campbell Bros. pm., "Making a Public Profession." q > flitted about the harbor: As for the | Sullivan, p. For New York's latest styles ip | Sunday school and Bible class, at 2.45 For 43c. Each. 3 sailors, a fairly good wind from the er m--m-- straw and felt hats, pu A cordial welcome to strangers § cr : 5 north-east was wafted across the Fell And Bro ke His Leg. 2 -- nln to all services. a Rev i Ladies' Fast Black Cotton Hose, sizes 8§ to 10, extra special, 2 pairs & share, and gave the white winged fly. py reday evening a sailor named] Try Bibby's 35¢. cashmere hose, * Queen Btwont Methodist eg Res : for 25, 5 ws blenty of breeze and very littie | Thomas Byron got celebrating the] "Only one place in Kingston" you Spar ing, 5... pastor, 5 Do. dies' White To idored .C 'wi : g sea, In the first race, Dalton broth- 2th of May a little ahead of time, foan buy strictly high-class candy, Me- prosch a1 1 am. and 7 p.m.' Recep- © Dozen Ladies' White Embroidered Collars, with and without tabs, § eri. speedy craft was over the line | and, as a result, cultivated a very re. on 4 J fleet, the: Thistle, which had been re- | the case that he mistook a house on cently. purchased from Charles Mac- | Clergy street for his own ahd tried to jonatd of oque, close behind. | ter. The result was Byron was She. was. in charge. of Henry Cunning. hustled down the steps into the ham, the veteren yacht sailor, who | Street. He fell and suffered a fracture was handling her for G. Y, Chown, | of the "ight leg, just above the ankle. Holloway Waddell, © and Hansard | Corbett's ambulance took the mariner Hora, t owners, Ex-Com.| t© the general hospital, in charge of over the li essentially ose in mark of around a black buoy Snake Island, and back to the yacht club, Tt was a free run, a close to windward, and a to the clu only sailed modare Gildersleeye's Tezpiwwas third mony close behind. The contest was the Thistle, though the running that she was confidently expected to get a the red flags "the yacht club, to the ne with John Davey's Har. between | the Chiriya and the Tezpi was so for a time lead. The course was from ake Ontario Park, thence off the foot of beat dead heat back b house. The course was over once, Lieut.-Col. P.C's Bateson and McAdoo. al there, nicely, Byron is a of the steamer Paisley, grain at Richardsons', They Do Boston, Mass., is home-coming oelehr is expected, will have During the week endin On arriv- the injury was looked 'after by the house surgeons and he is doing member of th now unloading e Crew It Well, August 3rd, to have a grand ation. The city, it not less than and their one hundred thousand visitors, 300,000 are being raised for welcome. Mayor Fitzgerald will a committee every walk of life. mittee of Pointed, city. - The suburban cietios, the "sons" and tion, are co-operati A quiet wedding night, May 20th, manse, when Miss ton, daughter of th ton, township of Pi ed in marriage to George William Hall, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr, Mackie, a lbh. at Ch See Bibby's $12.50 seventy-five p- including the best executive talent and business ---- A Quiet Wedding. took place, Monday at St, And of 1,000 picked him An executive has been ability in have from com- ap- the improvement so- patriotic societies, "daughters" ng. Maud Edith e late Henry ttsbhurg, was Make 0 of : beautiful lawn by sowing Peer awn grass seed, 20c. ovate Drug Store. ! the of Revolu- rew's Hut- Hut. unit- with sermon "0 King Edward." Ypon i he Napanee Women's of the Kingston Genetal Hos i- tal will hold a linen shower at the home of the president, Mrs, R. A. Leonard, on June 12th. See llibby's $12.50 blue suits. Aid society Macgillivray, D.D. According to Our 11 an Powers"; 7 ful." 3 pm. tory p.m. all services, Bethel Church.--The pastor preach morning and evening. ject in the phesy'ng Laity." for the juniors on "Dilighnee." snhiect for the evening "How Will Christ Return." your Torrey-Alexander with vou to the evening service, First Congregational church, Ro of Wellington and Pastor, Rev, vine worship at 11 a.m. The pastor will preach, in ing.on England to the and in the evening, perialism." of England service, city, especially old country, the services. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" communion ee esses service, PICCADILLY $2.50 HAT. Another shipment of these pop- ular Hats arrived yedlerday. Our new Piccadilly Derhies are models of hat perfection. They combine all. the good qualities you could expect in a hat. They retain their shape and color, they wear well and are stylish. QOaly $2.50 divides you from one of them. : : Importers of Fine Ha. on "The will attend All seats are free, To-Night, To-Night. The big meeting in the interest of Kingston. We invite you to call and inspect oy new premises and especially our fine *display of fancy chocolates, in sealed packages and bulk, manufac- tured by the W. J. Crothers Co. .W. H. Medley. , Bibby's for men's underwear. Sovereign * Chalmers, Preshyterian, corner Bar- ric and Earl strects-- Pastor, Rev, M. "Service p.m. "The Glorious Generations of the Use- Sunday school and Bible class, Prayer meeting and prepara- i Friday, 8 Strangers cordially invited to will The sub- morning' will be "A Pro. Also a sermonette The service will he Bring hymn books corner Johnson streets. -- J. Charles Villiers. Di. and 7 p.m. the wmorn- Lessons From the Fathers of Sons of * England," Top Tm- The Society of the Sons the morning Strangers and visitors in the new-comers from the are cordially invited to Our Price To-night Only , 18¢c. Each. . . \ - 8 Dozen Embroidered Turnover Collars, at half price, 5c. Each. Nothing better for children than the Black Cotton Princess for girls, Herculeg for 'boys. #20c. to 25c¢. a Pair. Men's Balbfiggan 3 and 95¢, Hose we sell-- . i s Underwear, Shirts a suit, Long Length Silk or Kid Gloves, black or white special prices, vig, Silk 85c. and 95c, a pair : ¢ Kid $1.75 and $2.00 a pair Sce the swell range of Shirt Waists that we are running special at $1, $1.50, $2. They are beauties and worth easily 50¢. more than we ask, ' Still Selling the Best Lace t Curtains In the trade, and at prices much be and Drawers, special at 6c. low our competitors. Big value, 35c to $6.50 a Pair Brass Curtain Poles, complete, fit any window: for 15c. and 19¢. Easily adjusted to » in all sizes and at rimmerman, of Ridge 4 the Life of "Her Baby Brightest Jewel of Ti WARNER' : OTT jp THIS GR) A TRIAL BOT Hy To VER SOKRERS FROM KIDNEY, oJ Tha the Baby Helen Timmerman, Who Having Incurable Inflammatio In a recent I¥fiar Mrs. Timers ire family "agree that. we owe the Wane Sate Cure. After three our own doctor a skilled surgec they could for ry Oue said she ha d gall stones a ome dil hope of her bdco » t rive if r's Safe Cure and began to give i a change for the better he to her photograph, which shows her to ner's Safe Cure saved her young life home to-day.' Cures Kic When Nida are diseased the De y perils of of the Haart, Rheéumati In Kidney disease the bowels ar Warner's Safe Pills quickly relieve 1 "WARNER'S SAFE CURE is put gists, or direct $1.00 A BOTTLI drugs Which injure the systems TRIAL BOTTLE FRE yeu ria le will b absolutely cure, a trial hott will any one who will write W ARNER 8 3 Toronto, Ont,, and mention having se Whig. The genuineness of this offer is write us a full statement wf your ca a valupble mextical DaOklet escyining seases of the Kidneys, Liver, lady a All. communications strictl YOUR SUMM NOW REA In fact everything | Oxford Shoes are in gre: for men, women, boys, g Men's Oxfords, $3.5¢ Women's Oxfords $1 Boys' and Girls' Oxf Children's Oxfords, Leather and Brown Lea 2.00, You Are Invited to Abernethy feet] TO=N 24-inch 85 pairs, Long Silk Glo es, in | regular $1 quality. To-night, Hose S 10 dozen Fancy Hose Supporter ends, worth 25c. To-night, 19¢ SPECIAL--]Just 5 dozen White Shirt Waists, all $1.25. To-night, 98c. each. THE JAMES JC 180 Wellin