Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 May 1907, p. 1

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t in The k of Time ave not already' bought g Coat THIS IS YOUR of securing a really ring Coat that will mean a great Spring 'S Cent. Off; . must be sold to make on the way. Every ED COATS. OTH COATS. TH COATS. r 7 60. 6.00. gh the list. rtains house cleaning "you need some new Lace y this need and are w designs. 'AINS, 25¢; 35¢, s50c, AINS, 2.00, 3.00, 2.50, gns, 1.50 to 3.50 a pair. 00, 5.75 and up. 0 18.75 a pair. ------ oe BRA AIP oii fo sfor Meni $3.50 | xfords 2tal : Box Calf! atent Colt Dongola Kid hoes are the best le latest shapes, and tive style to every} ve Store. sell at $360 & 4.00. 8 LEOPARDS, TIGERS, : : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, LUESDAY, MAY 21, 1907. mre DAILY MEMORANDA. Ordination Marks Co 8.15 pan. Frontenac Trade, 8 p.m. Furniture cast, Wednesday, 10 u.u). Ontario S ing. and to-y This day died, - 1885 and Greece, Roumania, 1877. pany, Grand Opera Ho Ward Committee, Board Sale, at 143 King vaod Comanitiees this even- NOrrow. in history :--Victor Armistice between 1897 Independence WHIG TELEPHONES, 243--Business OMce. 229--PEdito rial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Rubber Stamps to Order. » of Students, Cooke's church, street Turkey use, ol DEMNED BY BISHOPS pre ward Immediate Reform, of London, May siding. tion in the Congo Frise State, declar- TIMBER WOLVES, RUSSIAN GRIZZLES, BLACK BEARS,, POLAR BEARS, Magnificent Specimens JOHN McKAY, Fur House, 149-155 Brock' St., Kingston. CHEAP DINNER SETS We have just finished stock- taking, and find we have ga few set short of a small num. ber of pieces. clear ou fice. Come and $10, $9 and as These we will t at a great sacri- get a snap, $12, Sets, for $7.50, $6 low as $4.50. All best quality. Robertson Bros. upon the conscience of England, ed and its neutrality guaranteed, and which are so crying, and which may be of the most sinister effect upon the relations between white and colored races throughout the African comtin- ent, and upon the work intrusted to the Christian nations of Europe for the service of civilimtion and human- ity. . I'he bishop of Southwark, in intro- ducing the subject, said the Congo state begin on commercial, philan- thropic and civilising principals. The blritish government had considerable responsibility for it, and there was ample evidence that things Had gone signally ill. Marmalades Cairn's Scotch Orange Marmalade Ginger Marmalade Apricot Marmalade Green Fig Marmalade Green Fig and Ginger Ginger and Pineapple Crosse and Blackwell's Orange Marmalade, 1 1b. glass Royal Table Marmalade, 1 glass. Orange Marmalade, 2 1b. tins Orange Marmalade, 7 lb. tins. JAS. REDDEN & CO.' 1b Ste: NIRA OTTITRON (RL E 1A WORKS MONUMENTAL WORK A SPECIALTY Auction Sale Of Fine Household Furniture, Wednesday, May 22nd, 10 a.m, Life Producers New York, * May 21.--Julius Hopp, At 143. Kine 'St, Solid Mahogany who organized the Stage Socialist So- Parlor Furniture, Oak Dining Roon Ch t | b t ciety, and under whose direction per- Suite, Limoges, China Dinner and a a cu a ors formances have been offered at the Setts, Oak Hall Rack and Seat, Pictures Berkley Noe i H , n Oak Library Furniture, Faclycopedia erkley. Lyceum, is finolly to sce a Brittianica, Irish Point Lace Curtains Oak Bedroom Suite, Cosy Corner Smyrna Rug, Happy Thought Range nearly new, Crockery, Glass and Tin Ware. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone,. 252, hain street. Residence, 243 Syden- Cut Glass Our Special Berry Bowl in fine clear cut glass. Price $6.00 not Kinnear & d'Esterre, JEWELERS 100 Princess Street - I BICYCLES REPAIRED We will make you wheel about '""as good ms new,' and it won't cost you much . either. | » Bring it in to-day. Harvey Milne, 272 Bagot St. ------------ - Volunteer Conveyances ALL PERSONS WILLING TO Volunteer conveyances for vote for the 'Smelter By- AWS, E DAY, May 28th, will kindly 'phone, 701 or hand in their names to E. J. REID, Secy., Board of Trade. Fong Sing Laundry 395 Princess street. FIRST-CLASS WORK. Taundry Called For and Delivered. ting out the fF TUES- Two-quart fountain syringe, 50c., at Wade's drug store. Co Sold on guarantee. D. J: HAY, T. E, reason Why Victoria Day May 24th At Kingston Horse Races $1,000 IN PURSES. Yacht Races Moto GANANOQUE VS. CAPR Special rates lon amboat Li MAYOR MOWAT, President. VINCENT. The bishop of Bath and Well i A i ATK ells said 1.C.B.U. VS. ORIENTALS, the Free church council, to their all Railroads ! and | honor, had been far before the Church nes. of England in trying to arouse public W. C. MARTIN, 3 "thi i ' Secresaiy. attention, but' this might bo partly A publi¢ meeting for cussion of the will be held in the r Boat Races Baseball ymelter By-Laws the di Smelter CITY HALL SATURDAY EVENING May 25th inst. At eight o'clock. All ratepayers are invited to attend. J. McDONALD MOWAT, Life The only machines mother hen, Automatic in action, perfect in construction and a sure hatcher. with a five. year Agents, time, or Mayor. Kingston, May 21st, 1907. Preservers Chatham Brooders the that rival 42 Princess street. Canada's Peaches. Ottawa, May finding a good market for peaches in England, writes Canad: agent in leeds, who says there is no Canadian peaches should in first-class be arrive in condition. A done by Canada in pears and peaches if packed in boxes with two trays to a box. 21.--South Africa $s comanercia England large business can undreds No of shirts at Bibhy's. false should ever patterns in "IT PAYS" impressions creep into a merchant's advertising. To live right square up to the. word and tenor of all ad- vertising brings its own re- ward in the confidence of the public--a cherished as- set one cannot guard too closely. Once lost it is next to impossible to re- gain and the public do not want to merchant in whom no confidence with "a it has any more deal than the merchant wants to dea whiel honest columns in con- 1 with a mill he has no reaches the ts thére--and advertising in its. ALWAYS PAYS, By-Laws HUGHES, is spring Ur. Talbot went on to allude to the suppression of the evidence of the royal commission, and directed atten- tion to the facts contained in Mr. Morel's book on "Red Rubber: the Story. Of the Slave Trade on the Congo." No doubt a condition the most barbarous and terrible existed, fo get a certain amount of rubber out of the poor natives, the most horrible methods. had been resorted to, such ag cutting off the hands, and. there was a great system of hostages, these hostages being largely women. No responsibility rested upon Belgium it- self in the matter. If all the Powers were keen about it, a very summary result, he said, could be obtained. explained by the existence of so many Baptist missionary stations, from which information had come. ° The BISHOP" of Birmingham spoke in general support of what had fallen from the bishop of Southwark, and the bishop of London pleaded for in- creased British consular representa- tion in the Congo Free State, ought to be prepared to back up the government in any further step which they might wish to take with the view to wiping away this abpmination from the face of the earth. The primate, in summing up the de- bate, said the house had dhscharged an imperative duty in caliing atten- tion to well-established facts. In the last decade wé seemed to have fallen into something which rivaled, if it did not exceed, the horrors of the old slave trade. He could not suggest what diplomatic action should be taken, but they desired the country to know that they cared so much about this matter that they did not intend to let it alone. S- ---- A Socialist Play. professional luction of one of his own plays. nd of Tabor" is to be presented at the Kalich theatre on the Bowery for one week at least, be- ginning to-night. The performance will be in English. Part of the pro- ceeds will go to. the aid of certain ers of the Western Federation of Miners, who are now being tried for murder. The play has fourteen speak ing parts, and is principally hued out in mob scenes. 'We should have at least 150 people in the mob," says Mr. Hopp. "We shall train only nine of them though, three for the demo- crats, and three for the socialists, and three for the republicans. Then around the lodging houses we will go and collect the rest of them." Fitzgerald On The Gridiron. New York, May 21.--The judges. of the New York courts seem determined to bring Justice Fitzgerald to the block at last. He has been cited to ap pear before the appellate division of the supreme court in Brooklyn to show cause why be should no! be dis- barred. Justice Tompkins also fixed to-day as the day Tor Justice Fitzger- ald to appear before him in White Plains to show cause why he should not he examined as to his handling of the funds of Margaret Slevin, who as- serts that the justice has $14,000 of funds belonging to her. The New Inhalation Treatment. It has no emnal for weakness of the lungs, bronchitis or ecatarrh. Cures every time. No delay with Catarrio- zone, which is a perfect success. Try Catarrhogone yourself. Seattle negroes are asking negro bishops and delegates to the Christian Endeavor Convention to stay away, because of aMeged discrimination. Of all the fruits that are in the land, That grow on bush or tree, I would give up the choicest ones For Rocky Mountain Tea. J "A pint bottle of beef, Iron and Wine, our own make, only 50c., at Wade's drag store. J. We are having splondid succgss with - ABOMINABLE RULE[, ,. = CONGO ATROCITIES CON- Primate of England and Leaders in Episcopacy Urge Steps To- 21.--~The subject of Congo misrule was discussed, yester- day, ip the upper House of Convoca- tion of Canterbury, the primate pre- A series of resolutions were passed, expressing profound regret and indig- nation at the methods of administra- ing that the members of that house felt keenly the burden that was cast as one of the powers by whose consent the Congo Free State was establish- stating that the gravest responsibility will lie upon the consenting powers to bring to an end, in some way, abuses They , PLOT FOILED To Blow Up Jail Prisoners. Chicago, May 21.-A plot to blow up the jail k id liberate a thousand prisoners wa frustrated only by the timely BY and capture of the prisoners" store of nitro-glveerine. A breach has been made in the west and - Free Immediately on making the discov- ery, Jailer dbmun searched the cells. Armed guards were placed throughout the big prison, instructed to kill any prisoner who attempted to escape. Af the time the guards ecutcred the in- mates . were having exercises. They realized the plot was discoverad and for a while were undecided whether to obey the Eommand to return to their cells ofS to resist. They were Flocked up and searched In the cell: of Ch convicted murderer, found a seal ed tin can. Kperts examined it and pronounced i a sufficient quantity of nitroglyeering. to demolish entire wing of the il. Mansen is said to have confes and to have implicated Luke Fitzpateiek, another prisoner un- der a life senténce The breach #8 the wall was evident- ly made withean iron har. Hanson was heavily ined and sent to Joliet to obviate fugther danger from the plot. s Hansen, a vil of the early fignters for wo- nd leaders of the moye- hout the country will ecele- cighty-cighth birthday on May PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very T.atest Culled From All Over The World. Sir Wilirid and Lady Laurier left London for Paris. Forty-one thousand Englishmen came to Canada to settle last yveur. Dr. C. H., Thomas, Toronto, has been admitted a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. George T. Marks, Port Arthur, is critically ill at the General Hospital, Torento, from bronchitis and heart trouble. Alexander Chony, of Poplar Park, is under arrest at Selkirk, Man., charged have ed to resign. Senator L. 0. David, city clerk of Montreal, is sping La Patrice Publish ing company for damages to the ex Kent of $10,000, The . new steamer Morena, bound from Liverpool to Toronto, with a cargo of pig iron, is ashore off Cape , Nfld, a total wreck. Her crew escaped. Count Leo Leomoviteh Tolstoy, son of the famous author, who was ar rested in February last, charged with high treason in publishing his father's Lenin, leader of the, majority faction now attending the social demoeratie congress in London, on the charge of high treason. = Winston Churchill, rel@ing in a speech at Fdinburgh to recent sponch- es of Dr. Jameson, Sir William Lyne and Mr. Deakin, on imperial prefor- ence, (declared that the government had not only banged the door on the imperial] taxation of food, but hed locked and holted it, and would not give a farthing preferonce on a single peppercorn. a HAASAN HAAR "+ GIFTS TO POPE. # * Paris, May 21.--~The % Figaro publishes 4 despatch from Rome that the bishops of Canada and the United States have assured the pope of an ' annual offering of five millions franes; com- posed of collections among Roman Catholics and a percentage of the diocesan revenues. The. pope will probably create a cardinal in Canada. HHA EXREKEF REE ERS HERKEEX EE ERX our $2 hats. Bibby's, Fo 4 S----------------------------. " Good dish toweling, 4}c., at Corri-, RUSSELL SAGE FOUNDATION. I. Cannot Fail to Do Good MRS. JULTA WARD HOWE Work: RS. Jd I * - p > Of. rs n) "Grapd Old Woman of America," and| NeW York, May 21.--Mrs, Russell famous poetess and author. She is the | Sage's "foundation," witn its endow- with the murder of Annie Horen by should re liove its Own cases of indi- poisoning. vidual need for its own sake, and ev- Frederick A. Burnham, president of ery neighborhood is measurably meet- the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance ing this obligation. The sources of company of New York, has been ask- neighborly charity would be dried up latest political pamphlet, has been aire farmer, author and manufacturer acquitted, . i of Yellow Springs, near Xenia, 0., A warrant has been issued in Bt. Iwas hers, - to-day. examining the Petersburg for the arrest of Nikolai books in the state law library for a suffered of the court of appeals, commuted the sentence to life imprisonment. The court of appeals considered that there were circumstances, which, > controlling the character of prisoner's crime, tend to diminish his moral fault and on an appeal for clemency, it may be, should relieve him from the extreme penalty of the law. and 45¢., at EYES BLOWN GT. R. EMPLOYEE. Says, Was Going to Be Used has a wall in whieh it was plinned to pinca, For Stunning Fish Horribly the Buropeay Su Tho felon: Hod on ivi | Maime" Toaao - Watson of [popuaion, 'st Khe, onl . s ad a *Xlensive i i plot, to make. a break in ou body and Casselman, of the Tadian ry that they went to resist: attempts to overtake them, Renfrew, Ont., May 21.--An employee to the fort. The authoriti Y ay with bars, bed slats and other wen. |of the Grand Trigk Taflway, Jaras them admission, consideri thelr fear foumd placed onveni Watson, was brought to the hospi ' tan Pons o! plac it convenient hi veh alfory ternsily from the groundless, A rumof sim to that effects of a dynamite explosion. Both his eyes were burned from their sock- ets, and his right arm was so badly injured that the doctors deemed pu- tation below the elbow necessary. The explosive had played havoc with the poor fellow generally. His clothes were in tatters from the force of the shock, and his hair, eye- brows and moustache were singed short. The news was first communicated to Dr.» McCormick of Renfrew, Grand Trunk surgeon, for the district. Word reached him that .a man had been hurt, several miles out. near the bord- ers of the National Park, Madawaska river. A little later some companions of the injured man entered the town carrying Watson groaning with pain. He was at once conveyed to the hos- pital, where it was ascertained that he was sightless through an explosion, and his right arm badly injured. According to report, Watsohh was unlawfully about to explode a stick 'of dynamite on the Modawaska waters. This is a practice often employed - to stun the fish, which rise to the surface unable to escape. The fi then collect the harvest. The dyngmite pro- bably exploded prematurely in the hand of Watson. It is said while ex- amining the fuse to see if all was well a spark ignited the combustile, and the 'operator, bending over, received the charge in the eyes. How the man es caped complete annihilation is a mys- "tery to OF hospital officials, The sufferer is a married man. His wife is now residing at Casselman, near Ottawa. Watson was sent to Ren- frew to take charge of an extra seo- tion gang. He left here on Sunday morning, with some companions, and it is said headed in the direction of National Park. Not many hours after news" came in that one of the party was injured, but likely to recover. He is about thirty years of age. ment of 810,000,000, has heen fully launched, and has in every one's opin- ion, a glorious field of usefulness be- fore it. With John M. Glenn as presi- dent, and Dr, Gilman, Cleveland H. Dodgemand, Robert W. DeForest, and with Helen M. Gould, Louise Lee Schuyler, in the work of the founda- tion, it cannot fail to do good work that will be done. * The foundation will not attempt to relieve individual or family © need. Its Tunetion is to eradicate, far as possible, the causes of poverty and ignorance rath- or than to veliove the sufferings of those who are poor and ignorant. Not that it is not a noble work to .re- lieve suffering, however caused, but if the foundation should attempt to re- howe such suffering there would be nothing left with which to. perform the higher functions of trying to prevent its oxistenco. Every neighborhood 80 if such needs were supplied from with- out. The sphere of higher education, that served by our universities and colleges, will not be within the scope of the foundation. That is the sphere of the general education board. For a time the foundation will be managed from the office of Mr. DeForest, with an income of $450,000 a year, Seek To Wed Under Good Law, Columbus, 0., May 21.--~John Bryan, the eccentric sixty-year-old million- marriage law in some state that suits him and when be finds it he says he will journey to that state and wed pretty Miss Frederica Murphy, a Cin- cinnati girl, who is twenty years old and whom he educates. "It's. the state, that has the best statutes en this subject," he said, "that will get us, and 1 assure vou that it Will be neither Kentucky, Ohio nor, Dakota. The marriage contract provides that my wife shall not go on the stage nor write any novels until after twenty yoars of married life. Wo only want a million and will give away the remainder of my estate, 83,- 000,000." Saved From The Chair. Albany, N.Y., May 21.~This is the day Leonardo Broncade was to have the penalty for murder by electrocution in the chair, but Gover nor Hughes, upon the recommendation while not A -- New patterns in fancy hosiery, 28e. w ou TERRIBLE INJURIES TO. A Sick of Dynamite Which, Report Has Caused the Disbanding of Regiment. London, May 21. ~The Lucknow cor! respondent of the Standard says itis reported that a native iment at Umballa has been disbanded; owing to 'he meh' ing affected by the wn- regarding the regiment at Umballa was current, in April, in reference to a regiment at Jhelum, but it proved an exaggerated version of an unim. portant breach of discipline. ee LOST THEIR LIVES. Fire a Year 0ld Suddenly Cut Off Men's Retreat. Trinidad, Col,, May 21.--Seven min- ers, including Superintendent Alexan- der Jacobs, were burned or suffocated, on Sunday night, at the Engleville mine, at Engleville, Col. The bodies Were recov iy ay. It appears that fire, which broke out in the mine a year ago, suddenly spread and swopt across the incline tunmel, pre venting the men from reaching the outside, The point where the crossed the tunnel is three miles from the opening, and it was¥necossary to dig a temporary tunnel around tg reach the bodies. THEY ARE UNCHECKED. A Serious Disturbance and Many Jews Injured. Odessa, May 21.--Following the assassination of the chief of police and two chief detectives, here, yester- day, serious rioting occurred, and at eight o'clock, last evening, the Black Hundreds were running wild through the streets, mercilessly beating poo- ple, particularly Jews, more than an hundred of . whom were seriously in- jured soon after the disturbances be- gan. The policé, apparently, remain ed passive wpectators of the disorders, No arrests were made, and the Black Hundreds continued their work of re- venge unchecked, HANGED THE PROPHET. -- Ho Was An Instigator of Insurs} rection. i Berlin, May! 21.~The Cologne as | Pottoroporty that Maj. Berecke, com- manding in the Keetmanshoop dis- iriet, has telegraphed the command- ing officer of the German troops in South West Africa, that a Cape Colony tribunal has tried, convicted ond hanged the 'so-called * Prophet ong Sturman. . Sturman wad for a time suspected of being the instigator of the Herrero uprising. Recently he was inciting the blacks agminst the whites, near Kimberly, and had ecol- loctet] "a guerilla bund, which killed white farmers, ACCUSED OF MURDER -- To Obtain Insurance Money apd Property. Raleigh, N.C, May 21-Dr. D. 8, Rowland, a prominent physician, was arrested, © yesterday, on a warrant from Henderson, Vance county, charg- ing him with the murder of his oleven- year-old son, near Kittrell, in Vance county, to obtain $900 msurance money and property left to the boy. The warrant charged murder by pois on. Rowland's wife, whom he mar- ried last week, was arrested as an accomplice, To Use Phonograph. St. Louis, May 21.--A test plan to bring the indifferent to church has been evolved by the Rev, Father Spigardi, pastor of three Italian churches in this city. The scheme consists in an im- mense Phonograph. in the halls of the Italian chure! evenings. The sound power of this ma- chine is very great; sacred hymns will attract Sunddy ing loite Fath- er Spigardi declares that the ides oc curred to him through the Italian love. of street music. "They will listen to musie," he said, "when they will not sit for a sermon," MUST HAVE 1,200. 1,200 votes must be cast in favor of the Smelter By- Laws in order to have them become law. Don't be one of those who forget. Vot- ing, May 28th, w * * * * » Lo) * Ld EXER EEXRER Bibby's 812.50 suits are wanders. "His Majosty's Mixture Tobacco," put up by Benson & Hedges. Sold in 1 Ib, tins, at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from Chickering's. Orders at MoAuley's book store. "Phone 778. 4 The swollest dot of fancy shirts in Kingston will bo found at Bibby's, 80¢., 5c. and 81. Victoria Day Celebration. A MEBTING or GRENERAL Committee will bo in the City Building, at 8 p.m., WEDNESDAY. w. o. on successive Sunday | ky te - 9 aronto, Ont. ny A~ts ama untit t fair, not much 3 tempers: Wednesday, fine with a Kindly Read This Over. First of All We Would Say That They Are Suits, Made as Suits, for Women Ought to be Made. 15 and 16. De " 79 and 30 Dollar Suits at $16. Skirts, in all checks, fancy and lain materials. Seo onr wpecial ® Voile Skirts, with Taffeta > Prices un trom $9.30 to FIoT™ Ladies' Rainproot Motor Conts, Jap sleeves, full back and eap NOW READY FOR JUNE _ Ladies Home Journal, 15¢. Quarterly Style Book, 15e. ' Monthly Style Book, Free. Call ad recoive ones | Steacy's | - BORN. JAMES. In Kingston, on May 20th, 1907, to Mr. and Mrs, Thomas H. James; 851 Johuson street, a laughter, DIED. DRISCOLL.~In Kingston, on May 21st, 1907, Dennis Driscoll, aged ecighty- two years. Funeral private, from his late residence, 45 Wellington St., on Thursday morning, at 9 o'clock, to St. Mary's Cathedral, where a solemn requiem mass will be sung for the repose of his soul. . REID The Loading Ungeraker Phone 577, 227 Princess St (aRAND OPERA HOUSE ALL THIS WEEK The Popular Comedian, TOM MARKS Supported by His Big Stock Company; day The Kose Of Killen a ose rney. he Wife or A Rash M riage.' . Friday--"'Shamns O'Brien." Saturday Mat.--" "The Fatal Wedding." Saturday Nights-"Jerry The amp. Special 10.18.26 "gine Matinee Prices, 10c: and 20c. ars Sc. D._ - WONDERLAN gan's, . White waists, 20c,, a4 Corrigan's,

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