he Safe Tonic for Young and Old The ¢Canada Lancer' (the leading medical authority of the Dominion) says of Al Salt-- «Its ingredients have been repeatedly analyzed by expen chemists, and have been pro- pounced fully up to the requirements of the test for purity as laid down in the latest edition of the British Phar. macopea. We consider Abbey's the est effervescing salt made, in any ountry."' : Get well and keep well by taking . morning glass of Abbey's ffervescent Salt and 6oc. a bottle. At all Druggises, bey 's ua aranteed arments take "it-Reform Suits. no chances ake no one's word e quality of cloth ection of tailoring ice and value. abel rs' guar. YOU of isfaction. the Fit- 1 in these Jarments. elorm = Kingston ORD for the - heating of large s designed to thoroughly | air in the least possible own in the accompany- pot, the cold air is olumn which overhangs g in direct contact with & MACKINE CO. MONTREAL. PQ. Bros, S. Furnaces, Kingston, An Absolute Cure for Rheumatism If the skin or bowels are un- healthy, they won't throw off enough urea. This urea is changed into uric acid-- carried by the blood to the nerves--and causes Rheu- matism. Fruit-a-tives surely cure Rheumatism and Sciatica hecanse they act directly on bowels, kidneys and skin-- and so strengthen and invig- orate these organs that there is no urea and uric acid retained in the system to irritate the nerves-and bring Rheumatism, Sciatica and Neuralgia. "'Fruit-a-tives" are intensified fruit juices with tonics and intestinal antiseptics added. 50c. box--~6 for $2.50. rill sn (FRUIT LIVER TABLETS.) us AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR something to Everyone needs create and maintain strength for . \ the daily round of duties. \ . . s There is nothing better than an Ale or Porter, the purity and merit of which has been atiested by chemists, physicians and ex- perts at the great exhibitions. ASK FOR 9, {LONDON) JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. = Every Woman 18 interested and should know \ about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vaginal Syr Bast--M ost conven- lent. It cleanses nstanitly, "Baby's Own" Soap | --is made right with the right ingredients for a perfect soap. It gives a rich creamy lather beautifully foamy & fragra: ~<-itimproves the comp --it cleanses ; and socthes the skin ; --and protects it from hard water, strong sun or wind. "Baby's Own" is the best soap for every toilet purpose. Pe Albert Soaps Lid. Mirs., - Montreal Beware of imitations and substitutes. o| There BACK TO THE CELL RECOGNIZED WHILE LEADING A GOOD LIFE. Has Yet 12 Years to Serve--Wife, Devoted to Him, Lives Near Prison--Governor Takes. Up Case. : Jackson, Mich., May 14.--After two vears of freedom, during which he tried to atone for past misdeeds by hard work and decent living, John Allison, member of the Lake Shore gang, who was sentenced to seventeen years in prison for participat,ng in the Richland, Mich., bank robbery and escaped in 1964, is back 'in the Jack- son penitentiary to serve out the re- maining twelve years; unless he ob- tains a parole oi pardon because of his good record during the two years of freedom. The lake Shore gang spread terror throughout southern Michigan and northern Ohio and Indiana in 188% by its robberies. In 1890 Allison, with three members of the gang, Peveret, Slater and Spellman, was captured and convicted of robbing the Rich- teen-year sentence, and with the oth- ers sent to the prison here. Peveret was sent for unruly conduct to the northern prison at Marquette, but in 1904 the other three men were still in son at Jackson re being made in the escap repairs wel 0 institution they succeeded in Allison made his way to Illinois, eook his former ways, took a new name and went, to work as a mecha nic. He met Mrs. Wagner, a, widow with fore children, fell in love with | married her without disclos- ker anc ing his past life; and the possibility of his being returned to prison ; {Months later, just before the birth of their baby, he told the story to his wife, who said they would try to forget and to live down the old life. Just before last Christmas the me chanic at work in the plow works at Moline, Il, i son and wa good mechanic, was faithful and was well liked by his fellows. He was im mediately returned to prison here. Allison's fellow workmen in the plow works made a modest purse for Mrs. Allison and she came to this recognized as Alli He had been a near land Bank. Allison was given a seven-' MEDAL FOR HERO. The Brave Work of a Young King- stonian. An effort will be made to secure ai medal from the government for John Gallagher, aged fifteen, of William street, who some few weeks ago, saved another lad named Gourdier, Jiving on Queen street, from drowning. The ac- cident, it will be remembered, oecur- red near the Cataraqui bridge. Gour- dier fell into the water, and Gallagh- er jumped in after him, and succeeded in pulling him out. This is the third time that young Gallagher has prevented a drowning accident, and the youngster is being congratulated on all sides, for his plucky work, Some little time ago he saved a lad named Keefe, older than himself, from drowning, and when | only eight years of age, he saved his | vounger brother from a watery grave. | The police- department have been securing information about Gallagh- | er's work, and a request will he made | to the government, that the lad be presented with a medal. | INVESTIGATES ZAM-BUK. A Magistrate Says is a Wonderful | Healer. * Probably no existence has won such glowing tri- butes from people in high places as hay Zam-Buk. Mr. Roger F. Perry,' Justice of the Peace for British Col- umbia, recently tested this famous balm, and this is what he says of it: | "The Pavilion, "Goldfields, B.C. "To the Zam-Buk Co. "Gentlemen. --After a very fair trial' I have proved Zmm-Buk eminently sat isfactory. In my case it cured a skin rash of five years standing which no doctor had been able to do gény good for. \ "I would certainly person to keep Zam-Buk in -home. It truly does even more you clainr for it. For my own part I would not now be without it in the house. Yours very truly, (Signed) "Roger F. Perry, "Justice of the, Peace for B.C." Zam-Buk differs from ordinary salves encourage any their than and embrocations, for while these mostly contain animal oils and fat Zam-Buk is purely herbal. It closes and heals cuts, festering sores, ulcers, eruptions, boils, eczema, chafing sores, ete. In the household it is_ the handi- city, where she might be her hushand and could work for his re Jase. Twice a month, Mrs. Allison | visits her husband, when she has brief talks with. him and he fondles' the baby Allison's blameless life after his es cape and his manifest effort to for sake" entirely his former companions {and habits, has aroused much sym- pathy for him, and he seems to be in a fair way to secure the longed for parole. Fortified by a long petition for his release, signed by his former associates in Moline, Allison next week will make formal application to the pardon board for clemency. Gov- ernor F. M. Warner, who was impr ed with Allison's apparently sincere reformation, has shid that he thinks that Allison should have some re- prieve from the long term of impris- onment which he faces A singular fate seems to have pur. sued the ke /Shore gang since their conviction for the Richland bank rob- bery. Peveret chopped off his hand to avoid working at the Mampuette prison and was sent to the asylum for erim- inal insane at lonia. He escaped last fall, but was re-arrested in Garret, Ind., only last week, and was return ed to the asylum. Slater was shot and killed a few months ago while committing a burg- lary in Ohio. Spellman has never been found since his escane. The, Aldermen To Co-operate. was a deputation from the hoard of trade present at | ing's meeting of the city co t for co-operation in urg for = the sm laws on the 28th. The second reading of the by-laws passed the council un- so that the aldermen are thus -enabled to get out and work for their the peopk The mavor advised the board of trade to include the aldermen on the working committees in the wards. animously, passage by In Egypt, at Agsuit, a German lady much pleas& at for a considerable sum the mummy of . The Arab dealer was quite satisfied with the sum received. ut with the curiosity inherited from our poor first mother, the lady began to examine her mummy and even pick- ed a hole in it. Encouraged she pro- ceeded to rip it open. Her mummy was stuffed with the Daily Mail. The devil was probably first referred to by some man who couldn't think of anything else fo blame for his ac- ticns, y was having secured a sacred eo Men's Week AT Crumley's. We want to call attention to our Gents' Furnishing Department this week, because all our lines are complete and also because our stock is more up-to-date than ever before. Sq come along ye wives daughters and sisters and buy something strictly up-to-date for t Men and Boy's of the family. Men's and Boy's New Spring Underwear, fine durable weaves, gen- erous sizes, light weight and yet 75c., $1, $1.25 per suit. Men's Sox, in great variety of 'quality and design, in Tan and Natural Wool, Lighe Spr 50e. per pair. not too light for present wear, at Black, ing qualities, 25c., 30c., 35c. to Boy's Stockings, Plain or Ribbed, Unshrinkable, extra long leg, wear like iron, 20c., 25c. and 35c. per pair. Men's and Boy's Collars and ing out of date to be seen, Collars, 12jc., and 25¢. per pair. Cuffs, all new, fresh stock, noth- 15¢. and 20c. Cuffs, 20c. Handkerchiefs, Ties, Suspenders, Sweaters, Shirts, etc. est possible remedy for bis, scalds, children's injuries. It instantly cleans- es any wound to which it is applied; prevents festering, inflamimalion or blood poison. It:cures piles, varicose ulcers, and fistefa. All druggists and stores sell at fifty cents a box, or from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 6 boxes for $2.50. > Gown With New Wide Sleeve. | Gray and white striped silk is used for the frock pictured, the costume ! showing the wide Japanese sleeve cuff in one with the bodice. The frock was made with a deep pointed vest which extended to the high girdle front end back. Cream color Chantilly lace was used for the vest and ruffled un- dersleeves. Round embroidered dots in black silk, alternating with trefoil figures in watermelon pink, outlined the vest and the edges of which were piped with a narrow fold of pink taffeta. The high girdle was also of the taffeta. The skirt was trimmed with two applied folds of striped silk out on the bias. sleeves, Givens' And Toye ? According to Ald. Gaskin, mayoralty candidates next will be Alds. Givens and Toye. city eduncil meeting, evening, when Ald. Givens got ahend of the board 'of wgrks chairman in moving the resolution of thanks to Highway Commissioner Campbell, Ald. Gaskin { excuéed Ald. Givens' "bad manners" ! hy saying = "You know Mr. Givens is ! going to run agninst Mr. Toye for ! mayor." : ! the Japuary | t the last Absent Minded Professor: "I } ways forget to put a handkerchief in my coat. [I really must make a knot in it to remind myself." --Meggendorfer Blatter, ! The value of a man's memory de pends on whether. he is recalling his own good deeds or those of his neigh- bors. . If the truth were known, monkeéy §8 probably proud that many a cer PREVENTS SORE THROAT. Seems as if had tight chest, sore throat or a cold of some hind. Nothing simpler than to pres vent. trouble by rubbing throat and with Nerviline, Use it also as. a gargle in water. Nerviline ane out pain, aches and congestion--cures them at once. Almost magical in pain-subduing power, so goothing and Lealing that hundreds of thousands of bottles are used each year. For a general household remedy, for the thousand and one ills that con- stantly arise, Nerviline, either inside or outiide, is just as good as any doc- tor.,, Try a 2c. bottle and sce if this everyone chest ipa ces CONAN. DOYLE WINS Novelist Plays Sherlock IIslmes _ which. washave ever sold--Vinol. It i not a patent medicine, but the most valuable and delicious cod liver pr al- 1 | employees is | not "to blame | the board of works pot insist that the tain men deny the theory of evolution. | city engineer be consulted to the EE -- -- {roe-irimming. Some tre have been THIS SIMPLE REMEDY 'ruined by the sawing off of large i branches, ¥ ! ter the performance, es BRITISH wHI8, WEDNESDAY, MAY __ factory to do Will you for it! MAKES GOVERNMENT ADMIT AN EGREGIOUS ERROR. and Obtains Pardon For George Ellalji, So Called Eng- lish Dreyfus, Wrongly Accused and Imprisoned. London, May 15.~The pardoning of jeorge kdalji, son of an Episcopal clorgyman of Parse after he had served three vears in prison, has proved the contentions. of Sir Conan Doyls and Henry Labouchere that|the young man was innocent and that the authorities have been guilty of a stu pendous blunder. Sir Conan Doyle's interest in the pe descent, culiar case was aroused by numerous printed comments on it, the widespread | public effort to get the home offie pardon the man aml by letters him to take it up from the stand point of a Sherlock Holmes. - Ho came convinced finally that the con Girls are neater, more careful, and more cleanly than boys, so they are employed in the Red Rose all the packing and labelling. It is a factory girls like to work in, and Red Rose Tea is a tea you will enjoy drinking. thing is done to insure it being absolutely ; pure and clean. try a package? Ask your grocer AS GOOD AS CAN BE. OUR PAINTS i They will Are as good as they can be made. give you good service, 36 Shades to for inside and McKELVEY & BIRCH 86 Brock St., next to Carnovsky's Fruit Store. $O0PPEPL LOL 0000000000000 000006000 Choose From outside work, Edalji was due to police aution owing to a vietion of stapidity and pers preconceived belif that daly was guilty. Sir Conan, after personal in vestigation into the case, pronounced it similar to the Dyeyfus case Henry Labouchore tool first, but could make. no headway as a journalist. As a [ parlia ment he then urged the home justice, for Fdalji had been tenced to imprisonment and had been dishar The home office said it had looked into the case and could do nothing. It refused to allow the documents to be seen, as was the situation in the. Dreyfus case. Then Sir Conan began his iavestiga- tion. Pefore he published his conclu- gions the authorities took a sudden shift, deseribed by Sir Conan as 'ir up the cas member of othiee to do sen regular and illogical," and released Edalji without pardon after having served three years' imprisonment, Sir Conan said of this "Evidently the authorities were shaken and compromised with their consciences in this fashion: But this cannot be final. The man is guilty or he is not. If he is, he deserves every day of his seven years. If he is not, then we must have apology, pardon and restitution." Now the pardon has come, Bdalii was convicted in 1903 of kill ing a pony brutally and maliciously at night and of sending various anony mous letters to himself, his father and police officials, in one of which there was 'by inference a threat to murder a police oficial. The so-called expert in handwriting in the case admitted af terward that his conelusions about the letters were all wrong. WANTED. Every Man, Wout aug Child in Kingston. store for the greatest health restorer | to call strength at our creator and paration'without a drop of oil to nau { seaté and upset the stomach and re | tard its work, | We do not believe there is a person | in this vicinity who cannot be bene fited by Vinol at this scason ef the} year. Vinol is delicious to the taste, and it is recognized as the greatest] strength creator for old people, weak, | sickly women and children; nursing | mothers, and alter a severe sickness Vinol is unequaled for hacking | coughs, chronic colds, bronchitis and | all throat and lung troubles. Creat an appetite and makes those who too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. We have had so much experience with Vinol and seen so many wonderful rn sults from its use that we offer to re turn money does not accomplish all we claim it are | for Can anything be more fair than this? Irv it on our guarantee, George W. Mghood, druggist. The Trees Being Mutilated. The tree trimming by the light plant i not beautifying. the The employees are perhaps for the mutilation that week, Why dors streets, is proceeding this Supper To Cadets. cadets liv the gentle men cadets taking mili- | tary tournament, a wt the Windsar Hotel on Saturday night, af- It is proposed hy RM.C Montreal to tender part supper ing in in the Children For Home. _ Seventy children from England, pass. ed through Kingston yesterday, on their way to the MePherson Orphan Home at Stratford, Ont. Joseph Mur- without question if it | Our Big Rebuilding Sale is Still On. 50 Selected Mattresses, in Cotton Felts and Sea Grass and Wool in Fancy Art Tickings and 50 Lock Weave Woven Wire. ; Hercules Springs to fit any size Beadstead. JAMES REID. USE FURNITURE RESTORER. "Condor" Ceylon Teas THE FINEST TEAS The Richest in Flavor from the Fairy Iddand. Always best i oho pe 20 30C, 3c. 40c., 0c, 60c. a I yliy To be bad from all first class grocers. THE E. D. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED, Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, Vinegars, 281-285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, Canada, THE CANADA LIFE'S SURPLUS To Policyholders, on the American standard of valuation, was in 1906 increased to $3,447,000.00 With a decrease in expenses of nearly $100,000.00 and a lower lapse ratio This Indicates Successful Management and Satisfied Policyholders. Kingston Office, 18 Market street. J. R. URQUHART, J. 0, HUTTON, Special Agent. Manager. Every- Life Producers Chatham Incubators Life Preservers The only mnchines that rival thes mother How, Automatic dn attion, | 2 a et tin with a five year guarantee. HUGHES, D. J. HAY, T. E. Agents, 42 Princess street. DIAMONDS We invite the most ex- pert criticism as to our prices and high-grade quality of our Diamonds. We have them. at prices from- $15 to $200, You are invited to look at our stock, Kinnear & d'Esterre, | Diamond Merohants 100 Princess Street ranging | A E HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re pairs are wanted. Our anti squeak [s used on all work: 986 PRINCESS ST. | THR HOUSE OF QUALITY NewYorkChinese Restaurants 88 Princess Street . Open from 10,80 a.m, to 8.00 a.m The best place to get an all round: Lunch in the city Meals of ail kinds pn shortest notice. English und Chinese Dishes a specialty Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST, New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturdays I ------------------------ i et de IN. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCI ESTABLISHED 1863, President--Sir Richard Cart Money loaned on City and. Farm perciess Municipal and County tures. Mortgages purchased. received and interest allowed, 8S ©. McGill, Managing Director ¥ 5 | Office. B7 Clarenca Stregt, Kingston, , v4 ------ AOAARREARAALAAAEANANLEEEOAEALEA0000448000 SL0LLELLLE 0040408000008808 FREE TO ALL. | Larder Lake "SPEAR"S MINE DEVELOPMENT" LAKE, 60 miles north of Cobalt, cn ---- "SPEAR'S MINE DEVELOPMENT" Will give you Mr. Spear's COBALT, and future of this camp. "SPEAR'S MINE DEVELOPMENT" north-west of Cobalt. fhe Ti Terai "SPEAR'S MINE Will tell you how to get 100 shares for $15.00 in the "Bonavza Gold" _of DEVELOPMENT' Larder Like. "SPEAR"S MINE May make your FORTUNE and keep you from making a MISTAKE, DEVELOPMENT" % "SPEAR"S MINE Will t11 you how honest mining is conducted. It will tell you how She shares of DEVELOPMENT" vanes to 5060-70-80 cents and $1.00 par. Beet tatters rtsittettsttsttstantitststsssstttsstestinsttetess \ : Li a Larder Lake gold company that will make fortunes for investors. ALL FUTURE ISSUES) TO EVERYBODY FOR THE ASKING, Now Ready to Mail, Write immediately for May issue just and ask for ray, of Stratiord, was in charge of t ae Will give you the latest news about the rich gold discoveries at LARDER ' -------------- views on the present condition Will tl you about the new gilver district. MONTREAL RIVER, 50 miles ---- "Bananza Gold" of Larder Lake, gold district, now 15 cents, will goon go up in price, ---- It will be useful to agents and everybody who ean IT WILL "SPEAR'S MINE DEVELOPMENT." 'P.V.FRASER & CO 23 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, Gold | of mining at the best investment in and gradually ad- 4 soll shares of BE SENT FREE (EHIS AND from the pross. Write to the agents