Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 May 1907, p. 7

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Inaris Table W, aters" INERVA" nd Lawn Waists ase the most fastidious. They are ly cut--carefully finished--and n the newest and prettiest designs. bel, SHINER". Is the lity. At your dealer's--or write , Mig. Co. Limited, Toronto, Ont. Sale is Still On. 2 Felts and Sea Grass and Wool Neave Woven Wire. leadstead. REID. PULL UP THIS CHAIN 7' from the floor above, if you fee] a trifle chilly, ind a strong draft through the ash- it door is opened. Fire immedi- ately burns up briskly. - In a few minutes you IY HINE ACE " will be warm and comfortable. Then op the chain again. u see, it's not necessary to go wn to the basement and turn on > drafts when you want a warmer > in the Sunshine. nshine is a labor-saver as well a comfort-producer. your local dealer does not dic the Sunshin® write direct us for FREE DookirT. ------ McClary's LONDON WINNIPEG TORONTO VANCOUVER MONTREAL ST. JOHN, N.B, ONS. a -- 3 a shoes OMFORTABLE. Loateateteate ttt 0 vs REIT have a flarge assort of (FORDS FOR in, Women, s and Girls Velour Calf and 3lucher and But. Latent teil 2 0 0 oy SEIT IIIT ole ole ole oe ole oe oe eo ge he {id, Patent Colt, 1.25, 150, 1.75, 'atent and Vici. heaper lines for 0, 1.75 2.00 to ford Shoes oe Store JUSTICE? THE JUDGE (severely): of REBATING must be suppressed in the interest of half to go to this public-spirited witness in the box. (The Royal Commission of Life Insurance has created a sensation by the extraordinary remedy proposed hy it to stop rebating. They "do not belicve that penalties imposed upon the immediate parties to a rebating trans " because such penalties "do not interest the directors of The Managers and directors themselves must be compelled to make the law effective by personal inducement to do so. Visiting penalties upon companies action will prove at all eficetive, the practice prev having the strong ers." The remedy pany, any of whose proposes is that a penalty of £1,000 be imposed upon' « son shall be authorized to sue for this penalty, one-half of the amount ofthe fine going to the person suing. in part, cither in respect of the penalty or of ie Commissioners further make it clear that this fine shall be ¢ theknowledge of the manager or director No such director or manager shall be indemnified in whole or any costs, out gf the func ; i ollectable whether the rebate sued."') offered "with or without ESTABLISHED 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - » - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $1 and upwards are ieceived, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowecs No Delays in making: Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. KINGSTON BRANCH J. §. Turner, Manager COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 A. B. IRELAND, Superintendent of Rest, - - 5.000,000 gi osha Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT ol Deposits of $1 and upwards received; intercst allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STREETS. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager. B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager 72 yg Street West TO Phones, Main 6733-34 F. H. Deacon & Co. STOCKS, BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES Dealt in on All Exchanges z oat Er - CE ------ THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY essntesi: Named Commissioner. Washington, May 14.The president ESTABLISHED 1063. has appointed Edward B. Moore, of . . : Michigan, to be commissioner of pa- President--Sir Richard Cartwright | tents to succesd Frederick 1. Allen, re- " Money leaned on Sity dnd Farm Pro- signed. Mr. Moore has been assistant perties. unicipal an Jount; issi y Wer 01 Forde Moreer ros SY h Y De. ene commissioner for several vears. received and interest allowed. 8 C. McGill, Managing Director. Office. 87 Clarenra Street, Kingstom, Why Bronchitis Is Serious. Because it becomes a chronic econdi- tion that®verges closely on consump- tion." "Catarrhozone" is the most pleasant, simple and certain cure; it relieves at once and never fails. handle our meritorious ' J -- . Sud high-xrate Cobalt and Larder Don't boil potatoes--steam them. When nearly done take off lid of steamer, add salt, cover with cloth. Rubber all shapes sizes _ rout 3 3 ; oss Drug Stor Co ndence solicited TAW 6 CO. 738-790-780-781- 732 Traders Dank Building, To- Prisoners at the bar, it has been proved that the Timbuctoo Agent of the Life Insurance Company, whose Directors you are, gave a policyholder a cigar. The terrible crime outragedsociety. You are fined $1,000 each, agents pays or allows, or offers to pay or allow, any rebate of premium, and that any pers companies in which punishes the polieyhold- ry director and manager of a com- " 'OLD IRONSIDES' SAVED. BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 14, SHRUBB, OF ENGLAND, AFTER LONGBOAT. Two Women to Swim For World's Championship--Sails Being Made in Kingston For Toronto Racer. "An odd feature of Thursday's game the Detroit outfield did not have a put out. The Newark Eastern Leaguers will play an exhibition game with the Pittsburg National League team at Newark on Sunday, May 19th. At Los Angeles, Jack ("Twin") Sullivan, of Boston, and Hugo Kelly, of Chicago, fought twenty rounds to a draw before the Pacific Athletic Club. Toronto Star : Oldrieve & Horn, of Kingston, are building a suit of sails for Adele, the Canada's cup boat. She will be brought up from Kingston un- der them and will use them in her tuning up performances here before the trial races. At Brighton, Eng., an interesting tennis match was played at the Prin- cess Club, when Cecil Fairs and Eustace H. Miles defeated Peter Lath- am and Jay Gould by three sets to two. In the first set Gould played poorly, but afterwards his service was very effective. Bowlers from all parts of New York state will gather at Rochester this week to compete for the various prizes offered by the State Bowling League. The entry list i= large and includes many of the best bowlers of the state. The strongest sort of competition is promised. Miss Elaine Golding, of New York, the American champion woman swim- mer, has replied to the challenge by the Australian champion, Miss An- nette Kellerman. Miss Golding ac- cepted the challenge and announced that she would swim a series of races with the Australian girl for the wo- man's championship of the world. In a match at 'London for the world's professional tennis champion- ship amd a side bet of 22,500, Peter Latham, the former champion, defeat- od Cecil Fairs, holder of the title, by 7-3. The match, which was for the best fof thirteen sets, was distributed over three days, May 6th, Sth and 11th. Jay Gould acted as referee. Alired Shrubb, of England, the Been Put Shape. Boston, May 14.--The famous iri- gate Constitution or "Old Tronsides,"' as she is endeared in the hearts of the people_of the United States, has not been given over to the hands of the ripper and destroyer, but has been put in good shape. She has just re- ceived three huge masts, duplicates of the original masts. The great cross saws, adzes and other tools which were in vogue when leviathan wooden ships were built, and which are rare- ly seen in a modern shipbuilding cs tablishment, have Been diligently ap- plied by shipwrights, shipjoiners, shipfitters and calkers for many months, day after day, until the vetoes run looks, to-day, almost as did the original ship when launched. in Bos- ton, September, 1798. In the remodel ling of this ship her lines and = form of old have been followed after the model carved by Josiah Humphreys, who was one of the designers; the model was found a few years' ago in a state of good preservation " at the Humphreys' homestead at Haver- ford, Pa. The main mast has a massive semi-circular crop, of an area big enough for a southern family's dining-room, and weighs cighteen and one-half tons, a tremendous weight for the keel of the old vessel to sup- port. She Has Into Good Rule Making To An Extredie. Rules are good, and without regula- tions there would be chaos, but sonie- times rulemaking goes to extremes. For instance, when a waiter in an eating house says it is- the rule that A man wm not. eat pie with a spoon, it is a good thing for the pa- tron to say "it is my rule not to eat pie any other wav." That is about the way William T. Stead treated a bunch of Boston autocrats the other day. He was to lecture before the Economic Club there. In the fore- noon he was surprised to learn that women were never admitted to the club. He protested that what he had to say he wanted to be heard parti- cularly by women, and had counted on having an audience in Boston largely composed of the highest type of intellectual women. The club offi- cers informed him that the rule, no women, had never been broken and he would have to talk to them only. said : *( $ well as you, and one of them is that I never talk where women cannot hear anxious to have good women hear; so I guess therd will be no lecture to- night," &r words to that efiect. The announced that mitted, and the hall was crowded. The Cheerful Side. A man wenf apd inguired : "How much do you ask for a bath-tub for a child ?"' "Four dollars," was the reply. "W-h-e-w 1" whistled "We'll have to come down." Dobby (whose father at Ottawa was whipping him--Mamma, were al the bad men drowned in the flood ¥' Mamma--Yes, dear. having anothgr flood ? Gadabout--*"Stammering has its ad ventages, you know, old chap." Kontent-- "How so ?"' : Gadabout--"Wh¥, a fellow whe stutters doesn't need more than tw: or three ideas to keep him going nl the evening." Bell-Your marriage was the result of love at first sicht, wnant it? Nell--Yes. 1 never shall forget that dey. Only time in my life 1 wad av known to forget my glasses. ------------ Jenkin's for boy's overalls and jump- ers wn : Then Stead rearad right up, .and he ientlemen, 1 have. rules as me, as I never say anything I am not. club weakened. All the evening papers | women would be ad- into a hardware shop the customer, go on washing the : : baby in the coal-scuttle till the prices! When there is an excess of uric acid ' in the blood one of the" gf&ns "61 Gf" Bobby--Ain't it about time we was great distance runner, was a passen- ger on the White Star line steamer Cedric, 'which arrived Sunday at New York from: Liverpool. Shrubb's pur {Pose in coming to America is under ) Stood to give exhibitions, and. if pos i sible, to obtain a series of profes: | sional matches "with ; Longboat, the { Indian runwer, who won the Boston Marathon last month. Whether a meoting with the flect-footed Cana- | dian can be arranged, however, is in j doubt, as the latter is still an ama- teur, while Shrubb is a professional. | After a tour of Australia, the Eng- lishman was. suspended for some in- { fraction of thg ymateur athletio laws |e he has never been reinstated. ' C."NM. Daniels' capoer as a swimmer may well be given as an example of perseverance. Ho failed and. failed, until finally success came his way. The indoor records, which he set dur. ing the winter, just passed, are as follows : Fifty yards, .25 1-5; 100 yards, .56: 220 vards, 2.32 2-5: 440 vards, 5.31 2.5; half mile, 11.44 4.5 The young champion was born in Ohio twenty-two years ago. He is tall and slight, but of substantial frame, and deep-chested. He stands six feet one inch, and weighs around 160 pounds in condition. Unlike most athletes, he , does not alternate his periods of faithful training with long sprees. He leads a regular life, will taka an occasional drink, and smokes and eats what his fancy dictates. THE MEASURE OF A MAN. One Can Find it Out From His Exact Height and Weight. If a man tells you his height and his weight, then his exact measure- ments can be figured out. That is the algebra of physiology--and this sim- ple science is the basis of the phy- sique type system of Semi-ready tail- oring, The seven types of man are based on height and weight and the variations from normal are met in the finishing by expert tailors in every \| Semi-ready store. The H. D. Bibby Co., 78-80-82 Princess street. Sail For Europe. Washington, D.C., May 14.--Count and Countess Hatsfield, Austrian am bassador to this country, sailed, to- day, for Furope, to take a short vacation at the home court. There is a general scattering of the diplomatic 'corps for the summer. Mr. Lager- crants, the new Swedish minister, who arrived last week, is the owner, with his brother, of the Fitrsbro steel works in the central part of Sweden, and he is enjoying his first experience as a | diplomatist. He has, however, a wide experience in the business world, in the army, where he gained the rank jof second lieutenant, and he comes of jan old and powerful family. He re { signed from the army in 1889 to de- y vote himself to the Salvation Army, and with his wife did heroic work in the slums of London. Later he did social work in India. The Rheumatic Group. fections is bound to appear sooner or later; rheumatism, gout, sciatica, i lumbago or neuralgia. ' To expel any of these diseases the | poison in the blood must Le neural tized and expelled and the disordered condition Of the kidneys and diges- tive 'organs must be removed. If this is dome the disease is cured and its return prevented. Dr. Hall's THE SPORT REVIEW], 227 aie oo, at Detroit against Cleveland was that | this subject by publicly paradin . the -- ---- ALMOST NATURE'S GARB. THE CANADA LIFE'S To Policyholders, on the American standard Berlin. : . 1906 increased to Berlin, May IM.--Fredorick Duncan, $3,447,000.00 : the brother of Isadora Duncan, the | with a decrease in expenses of nearly $100,000.00 and a lowe American dancer, and his wile are ratio: lower causing a sensation in in by a £3 ba in I of the "simple life." This Indicates Successful Management and Satisfied They wear little, and, like the monkey Kingston Office, 18 Market street. J. R, URQUHART, J. 0. Special - tribe from which humanity is said to have descended, they eat only nuts and fruit, v They demonstrate their Agent, views on streets of the capital in the scantiest of clothing. Duncan wears only a coarse sheet, which, passing over his left shoulder and beneath the right arm, leaves his right shoulder and en- tire right arm, side, chest, and back exposed. The sheet reaches to the knees, leaving the legs and feet' bare. A pair of sandals complete the cos- tume, Duncan, who has flowing locks half way down his back and a long, bushy beard, resembles rather a wild man of Borneo than the apostle of a nobler mode of life. . Mrs. Duncan's costume is a trifle more in accordance with propriety. Her apparel looks like a shawl with many folds. The neck and right shoul- DON'T FORGET THAT Blue Bell LARDER LAKE SYNDICATE SHARES Will Advance ON THE 15th OF THIS MONTH FROM 10 CENTS PER SHARE TO 50c Per Share Don't be too late to participate in this big advance which will be an immediate profit of 400 PER CENT DON'T FORGET, BUY NOW, These shares will 2 be worth $2.00 per share by the end of this summer. der are left bare, and the garment reaches almost to the ankles. She wears sandals. we Held In Switzerland. Zurich, Switzerland, May 14. Charles Barnstall, Chicago, has been arrested here upon the demand of the German authorities, charged = with fraud. It is alleged that Barnstall obtained $16,250 last month from a lady of Munich, Bavaria, to whom he was betrothed. After obtaining the money it is alleged Barnstall | ab- scondedd. He had $12,500 in his pos session when arrested. ' Telegraph or Telephone Re- servations or Orders at Our Expense, Telephone Main, 2,708. Full Particulars also Appli- : cation Blanks, Mailed Free . g to Any Address. Kidneys Must Have Aid. Unlike most other diseas:s, kidney troubles seldom show any tendency to cure themselves; their tendency is -to grow steadily worse. Disorders of the kidneys lead to lumbago, gout, rhea: matism, heart troubles, Take Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills and be cured. In boxes, 25 cents. For sale only at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. CALL UPON OR ADDRESS Law & Co., . 728-729-730-721-732 Traders Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. 50c. Per Share The present market conditions are the only reason for thé price os of BIG BEN STOCK. Under ordinary conditions it would be put , or the market at $1.00 at least and as soon as the money market loosens it will almost certainly reach par and in all probability be worth $5.00 per share by the end of the year. p . Buy Big Ben Now And you will have an investment that should return enommous pro- fits within the year. BIG BEN is an all Canadian Company and with some of the biggest Canadian business men in its directorate. Write or call for prospectus and full particulars. J.0. Hutton, Broker, Market Square, - Kingston. SLLLLLLLLLLLLL000000000LLELLEEEEEEE0EELL0L CALLLLLLEL ELEEELELEEELELE FREE TO ALL. | 'Larder Lake Gold "SPEAR'S MINE Will give you the latest nows about the rich gold discoveries at LARDER DEVELOPMENT" LAKE, 60 miles north of Cobalt. : + 'SPEAR"S MINE "Will give you Mr, Sponr's views on the present, condition of mining at DEVELOPMENT' COBALT, and future of this camp. A te, ------------ . . "SPEAR'S MINE Will tell you about the new silver district MONTREAL RIVER, 50 miles DEVELOPMENT" north-west of Cobalt. "SPEAR"S MINE Will tell you how to get 100 shares for $15.00 in the "Bonanza Gold" _of DEVELOPMENT" Larder Lake. v "SPEAR'S MINE rr DEVELOPMENT y ey {ORTUNE « : i MISTAKE. May make your FORTUNE and keep you from making a Will tell you how honest mining is conducted. It will tell you how the fg "SPEAR'S MINE will he hia DEVELOPMENT" khares of "Bonanza Gold" of Larder Lake, the best investmen gc ually ad- gold district, now 15 cents, will soon go up in price, and grad Snes! : wervhody who can sell shares of vance to 5060-70-80 cents and $1.00 par. It will be useful to agus and en REE (THIS AND a Larder Lake gold company that will make fortunes for investors; ALL FUTURE ISSUES) TO EVERYBODY FOR THE ASKING, . 2 tg Write immediately for May issue just from the press. Write to the agen : Rheumatic Cuore will do these neges- sary things every time. Hs action is prompt, certain and thorough. Ten i days' treatment. Price 50c., at Wade's | drag store. > -------------- Millionaire At Cobalt. Cobalt, Ont., May 14.--Mr. Huyler, the New York chocolate millionaire, and his manager, Mr. Roberts. inter- | ented in Cobhlt Lake, have left after spending four days here. Mr. Huyler em iskawos Now Ready to Mail. and ask for "SPEAR'S MINE DEVELOPMENT." P.V.FRASER & CO. 23 TORONTO ST., TORONTO, SLLLELL00000000000000000088400000¢200000000000000800000000000000¢ lou a large blook of ng

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