BBY'®S «--« 0INTER pad Y IN YOUR POCKET TRADING AT D. BIBBY G0, We Sell for Cash, rice, and that nHce is marked in Suits Top Coats § ? and Toggery y es and sizes; and for Boys of all g active display, and we invite 3 d see the new style kinks, } : . 3 D. Bibby Co. : 4 POO0D00000000000000000000% 2 please. You will not find n quality at the price of Ribbon ea ind delicious, refreshing and or table or social use. --250. to $1 a Ib.-- All grocers PO00000000000000000000008 AS CAN BE. | PAINTS y can be made. ce. to Choose from and outside work. ; : They will i ; : * HALL FURNITURE] THIS WEEK che Polish Oak, 30x40 cky Polish Oak, 30x40 15. ks Polish Large Mirror, sky for $10.50. abinets, the latest sty) heap for cash. ie, . J. Reid, Undertaker or, 230 Princess St. lance 'Phone 577. IT. McAuley HAS REMOVED 10 | 95 Princess SI. ween Corbett's Hardware and Taylor & Hamil ) opposite An- yn SIME AND SEE US Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open--you will find a new delight in these dainty biscui When you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas 40% Shoe Polish A wise dealer will always show his honest desire to serve you by giving what THE PRESENCE OF PEDA- GOGY STUDENTS Will Tend to Broaden the Tuition in 'the Schools--Smeltor By- Laws and Brockvill: labor Question Dealt With, Kingston, May 13.--(To the Editor): With regard to the opmicns expressed in some quarters, that pedagogy stu- dents would "'intercupt"' the work of our schools, 1 would like to advance the following experiences of ome who was a boy in school under the former hingston experiment. Many citizens will remember that in 'the ecightics" there was a class of "teachers-in-training" at our Colle fgiate Institute. 'lhose men observed the work of the regular staff and taught such practice lessons as are proposed at the present time. In a large majority of cases--if not in all-- a lesson from a "teacher-in-training" involved the presentation of the sub- wet from a point of view somewhat different to that of the regular in- structor, The effect of this was to broanden the tuition and so to in- crease its educational value, As one de of the schoolboys of that time I 'eire t6" testify to the many new ideas that came in this way, and 1 wish to bring this point forward, chiefly on account of the vivid recollection of this wider view and firmer grasp of the subjects that we obtained from seeing them from various points of view, 'Lhe presence of an observation class will in' all cases have a stim- ulating eficct on the regular in- structer, for, knowing that his nicthods are being observed and aniti- cized by those of a development some- what similar to his own, he will un- dertake a closer study of principles INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, ---- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Thomas O'Brien, Toronto, is in the city. : ; Snkin's, agent for boy's Lion Braud clothing. Ii you don't see what you want, nd- vectise for it in the Whig. All cream ice cream, in bricks, any flavor, delivered at any hour, at Price's. Miss Carrie Simpson has left for New York, where she will spend thuee weeks, It looks as if there will be lots of ways this summer of spending your pocket money. > A boatload of cement arrived to-day from Belleville for Lemmon & Sons, The condition of Dr. J. P. McNam- ara, critically ill at the Hotel Dieu, is about the same. Christopher Robinson is home from New York on a short visit to his pa- runts, Stuart streets i J. B. Forsythe returned to the city last night from England, where he has been spending the winter, Jenkin's boy's 50c. negligee shirts are made from $1 quality material. Mrs. W. H. Hunter, Mrs. Quick, ' F. Francisco and J. Madden, all of Na- panec, were registered at the Randolph Lo-day. Gas stoves--Sce our display. mon & Sons. | Two sixty-foot piers are being built at Lake Ontario Park, and the bath- ing houses are also undergoing alter- ations. A party of English immiigrants, who arrived in the city yesterday, have secured employment in Kingston and vicinity. The outside officers of the customs department are wearing broad smiles to-day. They arc out in their new uniforms. The pleasure yacht Wavecrest will ba taken to Collings Bay to-morrow by George 'Hammond, owner of the yacht, George H. Lem- tnd a stricter examination of his own pedagogical practice. It may be not- | one of our local teachers, the mere prospect of this extended work and influence has decided: him to push on toa further mastery not ouly of his! subject matter but also of teaching methods. li our schools are to be really educa- you ask for. Black sod ll colon, at all dealen, {iste STANDARD article l READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, dv s and for many ether purposes. A can equale 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVERYWHERE. E.W.GILLETT Saree TORONTO.ONT. -- SHEEP PAPER A FREE PRESCRIPTION | | | | : -- From a Prominent Physician Cures Kidney Trouble. Get from any good prescrip tion druggist the following simple vegetable ingredients: 3 One ounce fluld extract 3 dandelion; one ounce com- 4 pound salatone; four ounces 4 compound syrup sarsaparilla, 4 Mix, shake well, and take a +4 teaspoonful after each meal, + and at bedtime. 3: The doctor claims 'that this 4 prescription will cure all forms 4 of sciatica, lumbago, rheuma- 3: tism, and blood disorders, ow- 4 Ing to its action upon the $ eliminative tissues of the kid- 3 neys, assisting them to filter § all poisonous acids and waste > 4 matter . frpm the blood, and expel this in 'thé urine. This is sound, healthy ad- vice, which will be appreciated by ++ many readers, FEEL 44440 0000000000000 Tou cannoi possibly have a better Cocoa than EPPS'S A delicious driak and a sustaining 'ood. Fragrant, nutritious and :conomical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the s in robust health, and enables it to resis( winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in {-1b. and 3-Ib Tins. New England Chines Restaurant 331 Zing Street C} «pn from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m The best place to get an all round Lunch in the city Meals of all kinds on shortest potice. English and Chinese Diehon a «pecially. 'Phone. A455. When .a man is succeeding there are always a number of human failures "I where, as all of the students of peda- tional institutions, that is if they are | to develop the pupil's powers of obser- vation, thought and reasoning, if they are to train that interested attention without which no advance is possible, of the subjects of the curriculum in contradistinction to a mere grinding out of rules and formulae and memor- ization of text books--then the pre- | sence, of the pedagogy students can be regarded only as a benefit to those | schools fortunate enough to receive | them. These observations are made from | the observaticn of the "former teach- er-in-training"' class at the Collegiate Institute hore, but they must surely apply to the presint case, and must apply even more forcibly in connection with the proposals for Victoria school gozy will necessarily be-either holders of first-class certificates or university gradaates, the broadening influence on Loth teachers and pupils will be more warkcd than in the case referred to above.--Yours try, WILLIAM C. BAKER. What Will It Do ? Kingston, May 13.--(To the Editor): In your issue of the 10th I noticed that Nod Knt disagrees with the views of "Victim of a Corporation," in reference to the proposed smelter by-law. . He says, or is made to say, every property owner should go to the polls on May 28th and vote . for the proposed by-laws to be submitted | He also says the city is not giving anything away; the exemption is nothing, according to his way of put- ting it. . | Well, then, why not give some of | that "anything" to the people who will work on the proposed industry, exemption from taxes for ten years, on the principle that Jack is as good as his master. Let there be no partiality in this matter. According to Mr. Kent's views this would entail no loss of revenue as it means nothing. Why not insert this in the by-laws ? Would Mr. Kent vote for and advise property owners to vote for this amendment ? Would Mr. Kent kindly tell us what general benefit this proposed "industry is to be to Kingston, or rather the people of Kingston? Would it in- crease rent ? And, if £0, who would benefit by that--the property owner or tenant ? Would it have a tendency to increase wages ? Who would be bene- fited by that? Give us more light.-- VICTIM OF A CORPORATION. . Brockville Labor Stand. Kinston, May 13.--(To the Editor): In ¢n editorial note on Saturday you cav: "The Brockville labor men are got in favor of forming a branch of "he Cohadian labor party. Mr. Gra- "ham, M.P_P., ps local member, is good ensugh for them." I hereby challenge you to produce any re'iable or authentic authority for such a groundless statement. While we all admire the ability and many good qualities of Mr. Grabam, he is especially elected to defend and pro- mote the interests of the liberal party against all comers. Ii party exigencies did not forbid 1 thould be glad to submit for your inspection the names of a number of Brockville lghor men who supported the liberal fandidate in the last legis lative contest, and who will be cut azainst him in the next .notwith- stending the secret and elaborate pre- varations that are being quietly made sfor that event.--Respectiully ours, 'WILLIAM KELLY, first vice-president Canadian Labor party. ! In'anster to Mr. Kelly's pert pote we have to state that the paragraph wos hased on statements in Brockville and Ottawa papers.' A meeting, it was declared, was called to form a branch of the Canadian labor party, and that it was not attended as the workmen were satisfied with their re- presentatives. - Mr. Kellv's knowledge of Prockville affairs will be of value in that burger that is the only reason Demonstration of Peters" and Nest les' Swiss milk chocolates at Hender «d here, that in the case of at least son's grocery, Brock street. Call and [While the get free sample. See our. step-ladders, brushes and paint brushes. whitewash Big selec- tion to choose from. Lemmon & Sons, King street. Jenkin's for boy's unwearoutable suits, Three civie mectings are called for to-day--the light committee and hoard of health at four o'clock, and the city council at 8 p.m, The peaceful quict of Clarence street {if they are to give an understanding | wag broken for a time last night when DAILY JSRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, MAY 14. NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED Matters That Interest Everybody ~XNotes From All Over--Little and Remembered. Toronto council fixed Monday, Aug- ust 5th, as civic holiday. Wheat for December delivery sold in Chicago, on Monday at $1.03 per bushel. The SS. Memmon, Elder-Dempster line, from Hull, inward, at Father Toint, at 5 a.m. Cobourg's general tax rate for this year is 17.40 mills. The Collegiate In stitute and public school rate is 7.60. John Duryea, the New York starch king, died at Staunton, Va., on Sun- day. He was cighty-one years of age. A rumor that R. J. Fleming was to go to the Canadian Northern railway was denied by the street railway man- ager. The state of Pennsylvania has de- cided to double the assessment against, the capital of the railroads operating in that state. Dispatches received from Catanic, Sicily, say that since mid-day, vestec- day, continuad earthyuake shooks have been felt. Dr. Shirres, Montreal, was attacked by a bulldog, while riding, .and so badly bitten that several of his toes will have to be amputated. On Saturday the summer residence of E. L. Pease, general manager of the Royal Bank of Canada, was de- stroyed by fire. The house was situa- ted at the seigneury of St. Bruno. SS. Numidian sailed from Glasgow on May llth for Montreal; SS. Sar dinian sailed from Montreal, to-day, for London: S88. Siberian, outward, from Halifax, to-day; SS. Laurentian arrived at Glasgow. It is officially denied that an at- tempt was made to explode a bdmb, royal train stood in the station at Ponte Lagoscuro, on Sun- day. It is explained that some fire crackers were accidentally exploded before the train arrived, and that the accident was of no significance. SOLD IN MONTREAL And Delivered, in Haileybury--Ap- peal Taken. Toronto, May 14.--Walter P.. Wakins, a pronninent resident of Haileybury, was, yesterday, sentenced to four several local cabbies came in conflict | months' imprisonment on conviction with a bunch of civilians. of illegally selling liquor in that Rev. A. E. Lavell, BA., of Niagara | town the case involving several Falls South, is in the city on mn points of interest. An appeal will be week's visit, and is with his sister, taken against the conviction. The Mrs. George Chown. Barrie street. case was tried at Haileybury, before Your eyes examined by an expert op- tician and a perféet fit - guaranteed when you get glasses at Chown's drug | store, Fraser Reid, B.Se., left, to-day, at noon for Cobalt, where he will take over the mgnagement of one of the largest smelter plants in the district. Clarence Ansking, advance agent for the Tom Marks Dramatic; company, is in the city arranging fof the ap- pearance of that popular organization, here. Russell Cousins has returned to the city after spending the winter at his home on Amherst Island, and is now acting as wine clerk at the Hotel Iro- quois. Another gghipment of the popular Waverly $2%hats, direct from England, was passed through the customs, ves- terday, by George Mills & Co., the sole Kingston agents. There is no one article in the line of medicines that gives so large a re: turn for the money as a good porous strengthening plaster, such as Car- ter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters." THE TIME OF HIS LIFE. But Harry Yearns For the Home Land. in this place but know Harry Lindley, the veteran actor who has perhaps "executed" more plays than anv other man who wore the sock and buskin in Canada. He is at present in North Carolina, and writes interest ingly to the Hamilton Times of con- ditions 'in that state. The last para- graph of Mr. Lindley's letter shows that he is having the time of his life among the people of the south, who esteem him most likely, because' he fought on their side in the war of the rebellion. Harry says: "The daughters of the confederacy have welcomed me with bouquets, the lisutenant-governor and his admirable wife have patronized me. [I have sat in the Masonic chair occupied by Grand Master George Washington and to-might I sleep in the bedroom (Hert. ford) occupied by the father of his country. If this is not calculated to give me a caput inflatus nothing en earth is, but as Uncle Tom feelinglyv remarks, or, rather, George Harris, 1 am pining for the free air of Canada, with no disparagement to the state where 1 have spent so many happy days, I am coming north so hope to se» my fiends soon." Few -- Secured A Franchise. Detroit, Mich., May 14.--The Detroit Enited railway gained a decided ad- vantage over the city, last night, when Highland Park village, adjoining Detroit on the north, granted it a twenty-one-year franchise, which will enable the company to bring its ears into the city on streets parallel with and adjacent to \Woodward avenue 'when its franchise, covering a section about two miles long, on Woodward avenue, expires, in about two years, should the city refuse a new franchise on terms agreeable to the Detroit Un- ited railway. Ready For Emperor Berlin, May 14.--The reichstag, to- day, without any further discussion, passed the third reading of the com- mercial vivendi between the United States and Germany. The bill now will go to the emperor for his signature. Agar Gets The Job. Toronto, May 14.--C. J. Ager, To- ronto, has been appointed accountant of the succession duties branch of the provincial treasury, a position pro- we publish his letter. / around to carp at his Pineapples, 130, at Gilbert's. vided in the estimates of last. session. Magistrate Brown, of Cobalt. The de Beautiful Blouse Waists Waist manufacturers have reached the pinnacle * of perfection in their make up for this season, both in the choice of materials and the dainty trimmings. Nothing so pretty or more sér- viceable for wash and wear than the Lawns, All-over Embroidery & India Mulls, which are being more used with pretty French tucking, blind and open embroidery, valenciennes, Laces, &c., for trimmings. We show an- immenqse variety, in sizes 32 to 44. Prices 50¢ to $4.00. : New Long Silk Gloves, in Black, White and Greys, good quality, $1.00 per pair. D. M. Spence, THE LEADING MILLINERY STORE. They all say the same about St. George's Baking Powder "Dozens of my best customers have put St. George's to the test." «They have tried it for Biscuits 'and Doughnuts--for Cakes and Pies «for Muffins and Pancakes." «And they agree that St. George's can be depended on--that when they do their share of the baking right, St. George's makes the lightest, whitest, tastiest pastry and cakes and biscuits--in a wotd, that it is the est Baking Powder they ever used.'* "And. my customers are pretty fastidious people, too.' Yor will find our new Cook Book a ready Help every dey. It contaius all sorts of recipes and useful hiuts for Good Cooking. Write for a free copy. National Drug & Chesuical Co, of Canada, Limited, Montreal fence was that the accused held a wholesale liguor license in the city of Montreal, that 'the sales took place there and that he simply delivered the liquor in Haileybury to the par ties who had ordered it. The magis- trate, however, found the defendant guilty. Evidente was put in of two previous -gonvictions and' he wis sén- tentenced to four months" imprison ment in North Bay jail, bail being granted pending appeal. May Have New Fenders. New fenders were given another trial this morning, on King street, near Erock street. Attached to the front of one of the open cars it succeeded in neatly picking up bags of sawdust, and other obstacles placed between the rails. The motorman does not op- erate the fender, but can give all his time and energy toward bringing the car to a stop. 1he moment the outrig ger of the fender comes in contact with any obstruction, the fender itself drops and scoops up whatever may be in the way. The officers of the street railway company, including Messrs. H. W. Richaitdson and the Nickle brothers, witnessed the test, as well as a number of other citizens Mayor Mowat also watched the fender operate. It is understood that the management of the ear line are all well pleased with what they saw, and will fit out all the open cars with the invention. Baseball Record. Eastern League--At Toronto, 14; Newark, 1. At Buffalo, 2; Providence, 1. At Rochester, 6; Baltimore, 5. At Montreal, 1; Jersey City, 0. National League--At Brooklyn, 2; St. Louis, 3. At New York, 1; Cin cinnati, 0. At Boston, 11; Pittsbury, 14. At Philadelphia, 2; Chicago, 5 American Leagus--At Detroit, 1; Boston, 1. 0 Chicago, 1; Philadelph ia, 9. At Cleveland, I; New York, 7 A Fire At London Asylum. London, Ont, May 14. Fire broke out, this morning, in the drying-room of the laundry, at the asylum, and before getting extinguished did dam age to the extent of about 85,000. The blaze was extinguished by the asylum brigade, after three hours of hard work. The cause of the fire §3 not ex- actly known, but is thought to have been spontaneous combustion. Asks For Winding-Up Order. Toronto, May 14.-An order was made, at Osgoode hall, this morning, for the winding up of the Ontario Navigation company, the applicants being the Imperial Trust and Loan company, which claims the naviga- tion company owes it £7,732 on de- bentures. The company was incorpor- ated, in 1592, with a nominal capital of $150,000. i A Village Engulfed. Vienna, May 14.--It is reported here that the Turkish village of Mustaj- Jusie, .consisting of thirty houses and situated on a hill, was suddenly en gulfed, last Sunday, presumably asa result of volcanic disturbances, supplies -- Brooms, brushes, pails, alabastine, jell stones, varnishes, etc, Great varieties and reasonable prices, at Lemmon & Sons. The marine department i= having a House-cléaning wireless station erected at North Sydney. Jenkin's for boy's Halifax tweed suits, Portland coment for building pur: poses cheapest at Lemmon & Sons. Guelph's tax rate is nintteen mills. EASY ON THE HANDS AND CLOTHES WASHES EVERYTHING WASHABLE FREE Mail us five Richaras Pure Soap wrappers and ten Richards Pure Soap advertisements from any paper, angl we will send you a beautiful souvenir. Woodstock, Limited a Richards Pure Soap lease mention Kingston Whig when Nuun this advertisement; The Selvage Reads "MENZIE LINE" TORONTO - The name on every roll, is our guarantee of quality and correct design--and your protection against in- ferior papers. If you want the best values and the mest up- to-date effects, look for "Menzie Line" Toronto when buying WALL PAPERS BEALLALLELLAAGASELALEPELELLLLLLLLELLPLLLES Evangeline Ganong's G. B. Chocolates THE VERY BEST, ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. reeeL route oLeeeee A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street a 135i EEE] ch hh ; The Cinderlla Shox A Ladies' Goodyear Welt Bl 8hoe, Vici Kid, with patent tos and high Cuban heel. It is an date street shoe, : Price $3.00 and $3.5 H. JENNINGS, KING 8 I vou wish to bw successful at- tend The Yay Limited, head of Queen Sire Canada's Highest « business school. Bool shorthand, typewriting, all co and thoroughly ta expe: wht classes. Inter Rates very moderste