Y IN YOUR POCKET : TRADING AT : D. BIBBY C0. | ' We Sell for Cash, price, and that price is marked Suits Top Coats and Toggery Ho pes and sizes ; and for Boys of all d tractive display, "and we invite 0d see the new style kinks. D. Bibby Co. al Beverage ' y )NDON ) @ A Pale Ale, palata- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in sparkling condition, is the ideal beverage. lists announce its purity, and one need look no further. -- \RLAND, Sales Agent. , ful Shoes Ladies he newest creations in Fine and inspect what we have & Dunn and G. A. Slater s and Sailor Ties in Tan >atent Colt and Vici Kid. r Shoe Store nnd AS CAN BE. PAINTS can be made. They wjll e. to Choose From nd outside work. 2Y & BIRCH » Carnovsky's Fruit Store. *o 00004 ead WILLIAM 8T, hi. Ltd 1. xroginto, Ont. All Sizes. --- -- "HEALTH IS THE FIRST ESSENTIAL n eis W fans -- Woman's os frodies, gia is the power to inspire admirati oc, and love. There is a a: in th which is more attractive to men than mere regu- larity of feature. To be a successfui wife, to retain the love and admiration of her husband, should be a woman's constant study. At 'the first indication of ill- health, painful or irregular periods, headache or backache, secure Lydia FE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin ite use. Mrs. T. E. Gillis, Windsor, N.S., deacritps her illness, and cures, in the following letter : Dear Mrs. Pinkham i-- "When I commenced to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ( 'ompound I was suf fering with weakness and womb trouble, headaches, backaches, and that worn-out, tired feeling. I have only taken the Vege table Compound a few short weeks, and it has made me well, strong and robust. 1 believe that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Somponnd is without equal for female trou os. Women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, bloating, (or flatulence), inflammation or ulcera- tion, that "'bearing-down" feeling, dizzi- ness, faintness, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Seuipound. Historic Tabernacle For Sale. London, May 13.--Whitfield's Taber nacle, in Finsbury, will he offered at auction this afternoon. It is a ston structure, erected forty years ago, and stands in Leonard street and Taber nnele street. | Originally' the histori place consisted of a huge wooden shed, with an old cask for a pulpit. In The Family For 422 Years. London, May 13.--By the erectior of a stained glass window in the parish church - of Stoke Gabriel, Frederick Churchward, of- Hill» House, near Stoke Gabriel, has commemorated the 42nd anniversary of his family's entry into the Hill estate. len Dutch Relic In Africa. Cape Town, May 13.--A Dutch East India company penny has been dug up by a Kaffir at West London, Cape Col ony. The vein, about. she Fiz of a crown piece, still hears the stamp of the company, but the lettering is much worn. which is Frenc bE natural wool SQUIRREL SHOOTING --demands a quick eye, a sure hand and reliable ammunition. To succeed, use Dominion Cartridges They appeal to the marks- man by their evenness -- assuring perfect elevation. When you know that the qual ity is right, the cents saved on the price appeals to the young hunter and marksman. Made in Canada and no duty i# the reason of the price, Jenkin's for underw The quality is guaranteed By this trademark. DOMINION CARTRIDGE CO., Lid, MONTREAL. or CURE and relieve all the trou = to a ena stato of the rgtam. Mes sk as ress zziness, Nausea, D: after esting, Pain in the Bide, ke. While their most wemarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Boadacte Carter's Little Liver Pim are oq ha I in Constipation, d proe ring an venting anno; complaint, while they also correctall disorders of thestomach stim uiate the | and regulate the bowels. Even if they only / to Win and Hold A, Respect and Plant a at the stock yards. DIED AT LECTURE] * WHILE LISTENING TO A CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, E. P. Johnson, of Ottawa. Faint- ed--Was Carried Out and Died in the Ladies' Waiting Room of Theatre. Ottdwa, May 13-A tragedy in a way remarkable occurred; Sunday al- térnoon. E. P. Johnson, a promment Ottawan, was - attending the Russell theatre, where Hon. Wilham G. Ewing,' Hate judge of the . Chicago supreme {goutt, was giving a lecture on Uhris- tian Science, when he fainted. John- soniwas carried from the auditorium to the ladies' waiting room of the theatre, but was dead in less than five minutes, even before Dr. MoKin- non, living across the street from the theatre, could reach his side. His daughter had sat with him, but was sent home in . a cab, and was only under the belief that her father was sick. Neither the eminent lecturer nor George Lowe, head of the Chris- tian Science church here, and who were-on-the platform, nor more than one or two of the big audience, knew of the tragedy until after the lecture. Haars disease caused death. Mr. Johwson leaves. a widow and oe 'daughters here and two sons, Chauncey, of Toronto, and Alfred, in the Bank of Commerce, Chicago. He: was in excellent health, yester- day, and attended Knox church in the morning. The freight handlers of the C. P. at Union depot; per are R. are on strike for $45 month, instead of $11. The sheds congested asonly two teams are at work. The men are employed by the Dominion Transport company. Strike breakers were sent up from Moatreal but these now refuse to work, The attorney-gencral has granted the right to appeal to C. J. Brooke, the crown prosecutor, before the Quebec court of appeal, at Montreal, in re gard to the dismissal of the Bucking. han ike . \ One of thy noted figures in the Wis gm strikers on the technical voint of | onan deadlock, where it seems impos. the omission to fix stamps on the | sible to elect a Senator to succeed warrants. Judge Talbot refused to | Hon. J. C. Svooner, recently resioned. grant the appeal when dismissing the The Hock. is making a' record in rikers. slative tie-ups, and none of the con- 2 testants seem willine to yield u point In the supreme court, to-day, juder- ------ ments were given as follows : Fali- CONTAGIOUS DISEASES quette vs. Fraser, appeal dismissed with costs; | Province of Ontario vs. Dominion of Canada, the judgment of the majority of the court dismissed N both the' main appeal wd the woos ledical Health Officer Bell does not appeal, no - costs allowed to either | ©O"Sider that there is: any more con- Tati tagious sickness among children this 3 spring than usual. He quotes the EXTRAORDINARY DEATH. figures for April 1906 and 1907 as bce furnished him by Public School In- Boo Wa Sucked' From His spector Kidd, In voc, the enrolled Be attendances was 2,159 and the average ody. L848 absent 311. This April the en- Chicago, May' 13.--Walter Hunter, | rolled was 2 and the average vhygineer for Armour company, met | 1 917; absent only 285. g his death, on Friday, in an unheard Dr. 'Bell Says that there are man of manner, when his blood was al- |r y most instantly drawn from his body | t by Mfiction pressure of 40 pounds to |} the square inch in a refrigerator Pipe on the rooi of the Armour power | ¢ tion, Hunter's life having been literal- ly dragged from him by the resistless | ¢ suction power, just as air would be drawn from a vessel by a vacuum | tagious disease out of school. Parents pump, are also pretty careful to keep th Hunter had been sent to repair a | other children out of se hool if one ¥ leak in a pipe through which the wat- | f Parents found to be about finding out if there is contagi examined the y [in families. Every day they i eclare. ti no s ilar case of violent | of the children about sickness, and if death had ever tbme to their atten- contagion is suspected, the health of- fier other members of a family Little Chap's Names. Madrid, May 13.--The queen baby infante are ors doing perfect] The birth: was registered, :: the witnesses being Uniante Carlos, the president of the senate, the sprak- er of the house of representatives. Prime Minister Maura, and the head of the royal household. The christen- ing will probably take place, Satur- day. One of his names, in addition to that of Alfonso, will be Edward. The king leaves the queen as little as possible. He dines in her room, The baby's name will be Alfonso Pio Christino Eduardo Francisco Guiller- mo Carlos Enrique Eugino Fernando Antonio Venancior. It is stated that King Edward ex- pressed a desire to be godfather to the infante. King Alfonso was regret- ard fully compelled' to say the pope must sponsor, traditions. be t according to imme- moria : EMIL BARE Should Report Measles and Whooping Cough. umors 'about children in whose homes here contagion, being at school, nt every cise reported to him he has untrue. The school prin- he says, are very PuFtiCulas ipals, is notified and he nquiry. makes carciul Every effort is made to keep with con- amily is sick of a contagious disease, er runs from the refrigerating machin- | Where the medical health officer dis ery to the reservoir. The enormous covers contagion in a family, he at suction pressure in the pipe is believ- | once notifies the school principal in ed to have drawn his leg into one of | whose school the children of that fam- the pipes, where he was found dead |ily attend. five minutes after he had ascended to Dr. Bell states that the health law the roof. Examination disclosed that |r his blood . had been drained through the 'shattered arteries of his leg, | typhoid and scarlet fever. They have which "was destroyed by the terrific | not to report measles, or whooping suction force, a power greater than is | cough. These latter two are required utilized to drive the swiftest Jocomo- | t tive. | or the seerctary of the board of health ------eeees by the, parents of the children who are The Next Show. sick. Parents, however, do not know The Hamilton Times says: There, this, or they neglect it. There are, were'some good singers and dancers in the colored troupe that held the boards at the Grand, last night, pre- senting "The Hottest Coon in Dixie,' and at the price the show was the | cer says. that the local dgetors are best of the kind seen here this season, | very particular about reporting 'to There was lots of action in the play, [him the cases of contagious diseass and the performance went with a dash. It was on the same broad lines as Williams & Walker's "In Abyssinia," | ber of cases of diphtheria. This spring but it was not staged as well. How- | scarlet fever prevails, but not to any ever, some of the costumes were very | great extent. May is the priocipal pretty; colored stage folks gencrally | month for minor contagious diseases. have good duds. There were some pretty solos, duets, trios and choruses. Andrew Copeland, Toronto, May 13.---Wheat, white, per in the title role, sang several songs bush., 78. to SOc; wheat, red. per and got a good reception. The hit of | oo" =o "gne Cheat spring, per the evening was made by Wylie, bush., T4c. to The. wheat, gOOSH, per Evans and Reid, who did a clever bush.. 0c. to Tic: onts g per bush specialty act. One of the best special | (2 "3 5 = : barley per bush.. 50c. to ties presented was presented by the 5 peas, per "hush 7c. o T8o.: "Great English Hoop Rolling Mar- hay, timothy, per ton, $13 to $15.50: vel." : hay, mixed, per ton, $10 to $11; The same company will hold the | Ct 0 per. ton, $13; seeds, re-cleaned hoards this "afternoon and evening, | "© C0 per owt "$14.50 to $15.50: and those who like.good old wegro | jj Gye' clover, per owt., 310.50 to $13: melodie and" want a good laugh Gmothy per owt. $5 to $7: dressed should not miss seving "The Hottest | | £8.50 to 8 ous new Taid, 1Sec. (San in Dixie." the Grand on batter, dairy, Ho. to Me. Thursday, 6th. creamery, 29. to 3le.;, chick . dressed, per b. 16e. to 20c.; tur- Tetror To Chauffeurs. kevs, per Ib. 18¢c. to 22.5 apples, per Berlin, May 13.~Dr. Rosenburg ad- | bbl, $3 to $3.50; potatoes, per bag, mitted in court in Berlin that in" al$1 to $110; cabbage, per dozen, be. single year 'he had given evidence | to H0c.: onions, per bag, 81.75 to $2; against 3,000 chauffeurs who drove like | bef, hindquarters, 18 to $9.50; bec, Jehu, the son st Nimshi. It wae a ha- | forequariers, $5.50 to 87; beef, choice, id Lhe to 1% in ambush on the | carcase, $7.75 to $5.25; beef, medimm, high roads leading to Berlin, but he | Carcass, $6.50 to £7; mutton, pre Tet. has given it up in favor of a deputy 30 So Bi veal, a ris to assistant stationmastership in the | ® 50; lamb, per ewi., #13 to $15. Rhine provinces. Treastive Trove In A Fowl Rub. London, May 13. Two lucky work- | men: employed on a farm at Nethera- | todo von, in Wiltshire, unearthed seven |ctantinoule, which the sultan of Tur Bilver spoons ot jhe old ek top et kev Jas purchoent with . Vi i erm moa owl run. he rasury stahlishing kennels in the urkish claimed , them as trensure trove, and ay » to train dogs to seek for {nthe banc of so many lives that hore fa where | awarded the men and a jeweler to | wounded and missing in war. tak our great bons hy 'Our piisoureitwhily whom they took them $125 each. rere - a S2éllo Livet Piliasro very wuall sod Seppe Le Made A Big Jump. 200s Sel vepoanio sd do not gripe Tenkth's for French non-irritating un Chicago, May. 13. Wheat | took a Jane, butby their gentle action please all wha derwear. tremendous jump, to-day, at the open- In vislaat 25 cents ; a1 Aveta ang A man's popularity in baseball con- [ing of the board of trade, initial by druggists everywhere, or - 1, CARTER MEDICINE co, Now Yori sists quite as much in what he doesn't || 5. t he An do French. balbriggan cass of smallpox, perhaps, and whooping cough now in the city which parents should report. * | requires this. which the law requires them to report. son a gain of 1} to 8c. a bushel. equires doctors to report to him pnts diphtheria, eholera; o be reported to the school principal a numbér of cases of measles The law The medical health offi- Last spring there were quite a num- Toronto Street Market. Sultan's Red Cross Dogs. London, May 13.--Maj). H. Richard left Aldershot, yesterday, with a ouple of brace of specially bred and ambulances for Con- rained" dogs ices for the leading options showing Alfonso and Edward Two of DAILY BRITISH wig, MONDAY, MAY 13. TO DOUKHOBORS. Will Be Taken Back as the For- eigners Will Not Become Naturalized--decreed to Ree main in Communities. Ottawa, May 13.--Rev. John Me- Dougall, commissioner to the Doukho- bors, is in Ottawa to report to the government. He says that owing to the decree that the Doukhobors must become citizens of Canada or live in reserves, quite large tracts of land, now held by them, under favored con- ditions, will be thrown open to settle ment. Alter their eight years in Can- ada only about one-ninth of the Doukhobors decided to become Cana- dian citizens. The tenct they held to was "God is our king, we cannot be- come. subject to any earthly sover- eign."" Thus they refuse to become owners of the land they have tilled, The alternative, offered by the minis. ter of the interior, to claiming! eiti- zenship is the creation of reserves around the villages to the extent of fifteen acres per soul. The Doukho- bors have, in eight years, cultivated five acres per head of population. After the commission had explained in English and Russian the facts of the option in sixty-one settlements they found, on theéir final trip, that 8,175 people decreed to remmin in community and declined naturaliza- tion. Thus sixty-one reserves have been ervated, forty-eight in Yorkton district and thirteen in Prince Al- bert; this utiliaxd 768 quarter sections of land. To those who became citi- zens, 533 homesteads were issued and the settlement leaves 1,618 homesteads, hitherto belonging to the Doukho- bors, at the disposal of the gowrn- ment. The minister will open these for gencral entry on June lst. They consist of good agricultural land. MADE OLD LADIES YOUNG. German Wag Turned Back Hands of Time. London, May 13.--The British Med- ical Journal tells this story : "A Ger- man doctor discovered a-means of re- storing lost youth to women, which is said to be more potent than Cag- liostro's famous pentacle rejuvenscence und advertised that he could in two days rejuvenate the most decrepid hag. This brought a crowd of gncient dames to his house. At the first in- terview, after a careful examination, he invited each patient to write Her surname and Christian name 'and age on a piece of paper. The ages to which the women pleaded guilty vari- ed, but all ruled high. The doctor un- dertook to give each patient the pro- mised elixir the next day, but some time was required adjust the strength ' to the individual power of resistance. On the appointed day the women called expressed regret tunately mislaid the papers contain- ing theif ages. For this reason, he said, a wey set would be required. He added' edsually, that 'they ought to know, that the oldest of them must allow herself to be burned for the good of the rest, as the basis of the remedy was human ash. The next day the women hrought back papers with their ages on. It was found that each had taken many years off the age previously admitted. The doctor, pre- tending +0 have found the first pa- pers, called. them to witness the suc- cess of his invention. Comparing the to that he had unfor- lists, "he showed that he had kept his word in regard to rejuvenation, be- cause in forty-eight hours they had all become many years younger." Converted By Cold Water. Paris, May 13--Captain Chary, of the French Solierino army, while passing over bridge, Paris, in uniform, yesterday, took off his kepi, wmbuckled his sabre and leaped into the Seine. The cold douche changed his mind, and he swam towards a boat, calling for assistance, He was rescued-and taken to the hospital. Married Into The Legislature. Pretoria, May 13.~Four members of the new legislative assembly at Pre toria are the husbands of four sisters They are G. G. Munnick, Harry Solo- mon, E. Rooth and Andries Stocken- stroom. Their wives belong to the well-known Booysen family, and a fifth sister married Justice Cuglewis, of the Rand high court. ---- Belgium Will Not Sell. Brussels, Muy 13.--The Brussels Pe- tit Bleu states it is authorized to announce that the Belgian govern- ment will 'entertgin no proposal from Germany to purchase the Belgian steamers plying between Dover and Ostend, and will continue to conduct the maritime communications between Belgium and Great Britain. Deseronto Iron Works. May 13.--The Deseronto Iron works have commenced opera tions after "a prolonged close-down. Extensive hardwood limits secured in the northern portion of Hastings county guarantee a steady supply of charcoal for smelting for a number of years, Deseronto, Kitchen Car For Soldiers. Vienna, May 13.--Dr. Kuhn, of Vie- enna, has invented a compact motor "kitchen" car, which will be adopted by the Austrian army. It is possible to supply 850 soldiers from this car, dnd it can follow an army on th marched. Food and hot water ari always ready. : -- Jenkin's for unshrinkable underwear. David J. Payne, Renfrew, has been appointed engineer at the Arnprior water works pump house at a salary of $60 per month. Matthew Stanley, of Perth, is pre phiving to start. a hub and cheese box inctory there. Jonkin's for spring needle underwear. Robert Herron, for many years a re- sident of Lyn, has moved to Lans- downe. White waiste, 29¢., at Corrigan"s. Charles Davis and family, Delta, have moved back from Greenbush. Rev. H. Cram, Cobxlén, has re- Jenkin's for silk 'underwear. ceived a hl to Munotick, WILL BE E OPENED! SETILEMENTS © ONCE GIVEN | again, but the doctor 1 chagrined to find how much self-denial MARK TWAIN'S CIGARS, He Smoked the e Ones He Had For Enemies. : Sainued Hy Clemens Js. said to be ex- raordinari in one When at his TY Pecan labors he the usual thing for him to become totally unaware of whether or not he has a cigar in his month, and this resulted in an amusing incident. "It is remarkable the rapidity with which my cigars disappear," he sgid in his dry drawl to the mg from whom he buys them. "Mind, I don't mean to cast sions on any mem ber of my household but myself," hastened to add, with a sly twinkle. "As yet I haven't been able to detect mysell as the culprit who gets away with so many cigars, but I have hope." "Perhaps I can aid you to discover the guilty one," suggested the tobac- conist. "Wl fix up some of them with horse-hair and rubber, and then at least you will know if you yourself smoke them." Mark Twain gladly accepted the sug- gestion. Some time afterward he paid the tobacconist a visit. "How about those doctored cigars you were going to send me?" he en- quired. The dealer regarded him with aston- ishment. "I did send them just after you were here," he replied. "They were in the square box, and each was tied with a white ribbon as we agreed upon. Didn't you get them ?" : "Why, bless my soul ! were those the ones ?"' was the innocent response. "Of course, I got that box, and as they are all gone it must be 1 that smoked them, for after the first no one would have touched them." CHEAP, EFFECTIVE, P PALATABLE, PENT Men's We -- AT -- Crumley' S. We want to call attention to our Gents' Furni Furnishing Depart: this week, because all our lines are complete and also because o stock is move up-to-date than ever before. Sq come along ye wi: daughters and sisters and buy 30mnthing strictly up-to-date for ti Men and Boy's of the family. Men's and Bay's New Spring Underwear, erous sizes, light weight and *75¢., $1, $1.25 per suit, Men's Sox, in great variety of quality and design, Tan and Natural Wool, Lighe Spring qualities, 25c., 50c. per pair. Boy's Stockings, "Plain or Ribbed, Unshrinkable, extra wear like iron, 20c., 25c. and 35c. per pair. Men's and Boy's Collars and Cuffs, all new, ing out of date to be seen, Collars, and 25¢. per pair, Handkerchiefs, fine durable weaves, gens yet not too light for present wear, at in Blael 30¢., 35¢. long leg, fresh stock, nothe 12}e., 15¢, and 20e. Cuffs, 20g, Ties, Suspenders, Sweaters, Shirts, etc. CRUMLEY BROS. The Marital Unrest. Quroline Duer in June Delineator, In the time of our great-grandmoth- ers and grandmothers nobody thought of dissolving the marriage tie. A wo- man's career was marriage, and hav- ing once embarked upon it she never considered going back. But in these days debate is ramp- ant, and so many persons have 'considered going back" that one won- ders what slight reciprocal affection induced them ever to advante at all. Probably it was not affection, but at- traction, which depends upon outward and visible signs rather than inward and spiritual graces, and cap cause the most unlikely and unblendable characters to find each other irresisti- bly charming. And while they are find- ing each other charming, marriage is a 80 easy ! Since the beginning of the world, admonition and advice have done very little toward the curbing of passion, and obstacles have only serv- ed to excite it. And it is not too much to say that most young people, if left to form their own characters, with little in the way of responsibility forced upon them and a great deal in the way of comfort' and pleasure at their right hand, will form rather self-indulgent characters, which, rushing rapturous y into matrimony, as it were into the seventh heaven, are exceedingly THE CANADA LIFE'S SURPLUS To Policyholders, on the American standard of valuation, 18908 increased to $3,447,000.00 With a decrease in expenses of naly $100,000.00 and a lower lapse ratio This Indicates Successful Management and Satisfied Policyholders. Kingston Office, 18 Market street. J. R. URQUHART, J. 0. HUTTON, Special Agent. Manager. was in DON'T FORGET THAT Blue Bell | LARDER LAKE SYNDICATE SHARES Will Advanc ON THE 15th OF THIS MONTH FROM 10 CENTS PER SHARE TO 50c Per Share Don't be too late to participate in this big advance which will be an immediate profit of 400 PER CENT, DON'T FORGET, BUY NOW. These shares will be worth $2.00 per share by the end of this summer. Telegraph or Telephone Re- servations or Orders at Our Expense. © Telephone Main, 2,708. is demanded of them when they get there, Nobody has explained to them what marriage, and | the companion- ship .of it really means, nor what a fund of tact and tenderness, forbear- ance, good-will and gentle judgment one must have to tide over the hard places that come, at times, to even the most loving couples. What Dick Turpin Did. Westminster Gazette, Dick Turpin was really a most un- romantic rufian, who first appears in history about 1735 at Loughton, where he threatened to put an old Mrs. Shelley on the fire unless she gave him her money. Turpin's "sphere of influence" was not Hounslow Heath but Epping Forest, and the only true part of the popular myth is that he really did shoot his comrade Tom King. The legendary ride to York on Black Bess was performed, if at all, by "Swift Nick" Nevison, who in 1670 robbed a sailor on Gads Hill at 4 a.m., and established an alibi by ap- Law & Co. : : ey ; pearing the same evening ou the bowl- » ing green at York. 728-720-730-731-732 Traders Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Sale of dry goods at Corrigan's. Full Particulars also Appli- cation Blanks, Mailed Free to Any Address. CALL UPON OR ADDRESS LLLL0L00L0000000000004 ELLE LL PLLLLLLLLL" 02000000 L 00004 FREE TO ALL. Larder Lake Gold «SPEAR"S MINE Will give you the latest nows about the rich gold discoveries at LARDER DEVELOPMENT" LAKE, 60 miles norsh of Cobalt. \ ' "SPEAR'S MINE Will give you Mr. Spear's views on the present condition * of mining at DEVELOPMENT' COBALT, and future of this camp, « {SPHAR'S MINE Will tell you about the new silver district MONTREAL RIVER, 50 miles DEVELOPMENT" north-west of Cobalt. "SPEAR'S MINE Will tell you. how to gat 100 shares for $15.00 in the "Bowdnte Gold" of DEVELOPMENT" Larder Lake. ""SPEAR"S MINE , May smake your FORTUNE and ial you from making a MISTA AKE. ---- -- DEVELOPMENT" > "SPEAR"S MINE will te 41 you how honest mining is conducted, It will tell you how bie DEVELOPMENT" shares of 'Bonanza Col * of Larder Lake, the best investment in § is; ad- gold district, now 156 cents, will soon go up in price, nud gradually + ---- p of It will be useful to agents and everyhody who can sell shares pica 80-7 ts 00 par. vance to 50-60--70-80 cents and 81 par FREE (THIS AND a Larder Lake. gold company that will make fortunes for investors. IT WILL BE SENT ALL FUTURE ISSUES) TO EVERYBODY FOR THE ASKING. - : : 9 'ri the agent Write immediately for May issue just from the press. Write to 8 } DEVELOPMENT." and ask for "SPEAR'S M P.V.FRASER & CO, 23 TORONTO. ST., TORONTQ, CANARS- u v. mdi Now Ready to Mail. rss set RSE TEE Serssersrssrseveonse PFSIIISIIIIIIIIIN