Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 May 1907, p. 3

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« nly cold-water (no (no The i Suh ol that E Je Sacks MADE OVER AND DYED. ~--BY-- W. F. GOURDIER EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 78 and 80 BROCK ST, 'Phone 700. At present our Stock Desirable Cut Glass more Complete than ever. of is Choice :=Spoon Relish Dishes, Fruit Cream Trays, Jelly P ates, Dishes, Vase: Jugs, Carafe's ote, We invite tion. SMITH BROS. Jawelers aud Opticians Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Phone 666. your fnspec. A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR Now is the time those Re-| pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak is used on all work. | -------- 286 PRINCESS ST. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY FRIDAY! no | | Will be a good day to buy youz House 'urnishings Qur stock is most Complete. he swellest range of Lace rtains ever shown in Kingston, 35¢. to $7 a pair. Vhite Curtain Muslin, frilled, jc. a yard and up. rt Muslins, in fancy patternc, a yard and up. 'hite Wood Poles, complete, . 1 rass Extension Poles complete, .y 18e. : tair Oilcloths, pretty patterns, ¢. a yard. able Oilcloth, White ors, 45 inches wide, 25c. 4 Only Carpet Rugs t, size 3x3} yards and 3{x¢ S. These are samples and be sold at wholesale price. and a You may forget the tender- ness of the steak--the crispness of the toast--but you will ne'er forget the satisfying deliciousness of your breakfast cup prof Chase & Sanborn's SEAL BRAND COFFEE. 2 IA JAILER'F REMOVED AFTER A SERVICE OF OVER THIRTY YEARS. Sia Abram Huycke is "His Successor --A Shipment of Basswood to Olcott, N.Y.--Recovering From Blood-Poisoning. Picton, May 9.-W. county jailer for the pa; wt thigdy years, has finally been dismis the dis missal following - up a request, two months ago, for his resignation. Mr. Patterson moved out yesterday. Abram Huycke, for several years chief county constable, and who it had been for some time hinted would be made jailer, has received the appointment and is now on duty. A vessel load of basswood will be shipped, next week, from Rednerville to Olcott Beach, N.Y. The lumber is E. Patterson, 2 DON'T FORGET THAT Blue Bell LARDER LAKE SYNDICATE SHARES Will Advance ON THE 15th OF THIS MONTH FROM 10 CENTS PER SHARE TO 50c Per Share Don't be too late to participate in this big advance, which will be an immediate profit of 400 PER CENT, DON'T FORGET, BUY NOW. These shares will be worth $2.00 per share by the end of this summer. Telegraph or Telephone Re- Full Particulars also Appli- servations or Orders at Our : ; tas aa Expense, Telephone Main, cation Blanks, Mailed Free 2,708. to Any Address. CALL UPON OR ADDRESS Law & Co. 728-729-730-731-732 Traders Bank Bldg., Toronto, Ont. valued at several hundred dollars and is consigned to a firm there for the manufacture of peach baskets. The steambarge Waterlily will carry the cargo to its destination. . John Bongard, Main strect, is re: covering from a serious illness, the re- sult, of blood-poisoning. Mr. Bongard, while attending to one of his several horses, had his foot stepped on by one of the animals. The injured member was badly crushed and blood-poison- jing set in. Mr. Bongard is able now to be about, and it is though? all danger has passed. The older farmers assert that it twenty-three years since this district has soon so backward a spring season The weather has been hard on the feed bine, for in other years by this time cattle have been on pasture. The de mand for all feeds has been very mark is ed. Hay 1s veadily selling in the mows at 88 a ton. A rise in price is expect ed. It is said the cold weather has damaged the strawberry plants. The steamer Niagara, it is expected, will be in commission by next . week, when she will be on the Montreal Brighton route as a freighter. Capt. Bro will be in charge for the sea- son. The schooner Fcho, Deseronto, is on the ways for caulking to her and general repairs. The schoon am Jamicson cleared, for Oswego, for a cargo of coal Kelly, Montreal, is the and Mrs. D. G. Barker, hull er W light, Mrs. of Mr to-day, guest "Old Al after m of George 0. home ick leave, an attack of appendicitis, has so fax recovered as to be able to return to his duties in the Bank of Montreal, at Toronto. Alcorn, s corn, MP, on KILLED A COMPANION. Over a Young Wo- R. McFAUL, Kingston Carpet" Warehouse |: May is ever the month when the busy housekeeper turns her attention to Carpets and Curtains and all the small. details that go to make a cosy and comfortable home and we are better pre- pared to help her than ever before. We are offering great bargains in every department. STERS-- LAXHING Windsor Brussels In pretty shades of Blues, Fawns, Greens and Crimsons, with ers and Stairs to match. The good wearing qualities of these Car- pets are unsurpassed, sewn, laid and lined with heavy fluted paper $1.15 per yard. Tapestry Carpets In all the newest colorings, at 40c., 50¢c., 60c.;, 70c. per yard. In Our Rug Department Will be found almost every size anc tured, from the costly Wilton Rug to the modest Ingrain, prices never were so low. bord- kind of Rug that is manufac- and our In a Quarrel man. Independence, Mo., May 9. Clyde St. Clair, aged twenty-two, son of George St, Clair, a prominent citizen, . was shot and kiMed on the public square yesterday by Van Tappan, aged twen- ty-three years, his intimate friend. The two young men had attended a party ther at the home of a young Wo man with whom both were m lot, and were returning home when they engaged in g quarrel over her, which resulted in the tragedy. Tappan went to the police station and voluntarily surrend wel. He said he shot St. Clair in sdi-d:ince when the latter threatened him with re- volver, There were no witnesses Pushing North. Toronto, May 9.--The next section of the Témiskaming and Northern On tario railway will probably be opened on August Ist. This will open the road as far as Boston, twenty miles north of Engleharht. The shops, round-house, and turntables at the latter place are being gone ahead with and will be present rate, by sneedily as possible, completed, at the October 1st. James J. Healey ent of Smith's Falls High and a McGill graduate, has been lected as a resident physician of Har lem Hospital, New York. Dr. ta former stud Your cyes and your pocket-hook re ceive satisfaction when vou get glass- es at Chown's Drug Store. pao a Avil School, each, some are slightly inperfect, but mostly all fresh stock. FRIDAY,/ clean for 25e. THE JAMES JOHNSTON STORE in Japan. No such speed of construe ~ tion as this has over been attained in riean shipwards, 'at least where . In a of fabrics, styles and ne - R > 1 é é variety naval work was ¢ and the in all sizes for Tom. men best British ord, : ob od « ritich record IN , in the Senin childen, own dealers case of the lay ais only ---- slightly betters #t math by the an 3 TR Japanese shipwri ty ny the ilding 3 on | of the Tsukuga.@ A, FRIDAY BARGAINS | [i rescermonroe 3 oii pe 4 t Health " RHEUMATISM. Il you are run running ; Fi q a i ® |u towards sound héa Debility | TOWELLING--375 yards All Pure Linen Towelling, full 25 3 oud 'extract dandelin. one 3 | ho," lots of a portion of 'ie it inches wide, worth 15¢, yard. FRIDAY MORNING, yard, Co pound salatone, one ounce self. Vitality means' nb dife, new 9c. - = : G1 fo boanG : syTup sarsapariila, ® |opergy, freedom from disease and the BED SPREADS--27 only Large Size Marseilles Bed Spreads Mix, 8 mke well, And take in power to accomplish things. Wadu's and just when you want them, woz th $1.35 FRIDAY hoy ul doses after meals amd ® | Jeon Tonic Pills build health by sup each, 98c. : ) ' a drinking plenty of plying the system with vick vital DRESS GOODS--150/yards Navy and Black Scillian, nice A' wetbhuown authority states 8 | uiood. - v . hat any good prescription pha ; ¥ v ~ erve strength Tunrous finish, 54 inches wide, nice for 'Eton Suits or Separ- ary pA apply ghd pion Jhar 2 Bs ol --d 3 gry nding a en a 2 : a ! dich © ca posi) mixed a and xe : ste S ts, 75¢c. is the regula: price. FRIDAY Bargain, 45c. 3 home. enti be easily. mixed, at Wade's- drag store. Money. back if ' 4 This mixture will act directly. not satisfactory. LADIES' VESTS--50 dozen Ladies' Undervests, worth 20c. § POR. the kidneys, Jeu I ® | obstructions that clog the n of elilbinating waste matter acids . which produce rheumatism pladder and urinary difficulties and other affections resultivg from soured blood, which the kidneys § failed to keep clean and pure. The = 3 nf rheumatism said Bor refi yowvercomne A hant the slightest niney S ithfelling to gestive Organs. or the stomach or di R n ¥ A GOOD SMART BOY, A GOOD SMART BOY, SALESMEN oY FOR DRY GOODS STORE AP- ply RK. Waldron. 16 "A 15 OR a Apply by letter 3." Whig © FOR STEADY work. Good chance, splendid Wages. Apply Kineston Hosiery Co. AUTO-SPRAY. made, automatic. free to approved Galt. FOR Best hand Sprayer Sample Machine agent. Cavers Bros. a Partie TURNISHED Bouse FOR SUM Bou Tlie Ra, rT a St., ; epee Bo I iti-- MASONS AND STONECUTTERS MASONS AND BRICKLAYERS wanted ; wages 45 cents pe hour; sandstone cutters, wages 43 per hour, at the Museum, Ottawa, win, Contractor. New Go having suche Alfred street. cents | jiitchen. A DESIRABLE BUILDING Low, Apply George Good- Howard, Portsmouth, ------------------------------------------ PORTRATL AGENTS WORKING FOR at wsel vos for our new Whole TO.LET Whig office. yen price list. Samples free, prices . lowest. Merchants Portrait Co., Ltd. * SRAYE FLOTS FOR SALE Tarontoy A HOUSE. APPLY TO THOMAS ALE an Ay og pa - Church ------------------------------------------------------------ Suuth SPRING SE Te MA GENTLE: | FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH MODERN Whores Cataragute chea) ate suit made, Style, conveniences, 170 Crergy street. so BRICK price and finish guaranteed. Pressing LD ox wes ENCE AND and repairine done 'well. Galloway, DWELLINGS, OFFICES, STORES, on lod Ste, form~ The Tailor, 181 Brock street. etc., at McCann's, 51 Brock R ly sccupied by the jats W. R. Me. FH Residence. Vacant lo 5 GEN. GURMAN. < seal FOR THE SEASO SUMMER t on the east : New York, May 9----Gen. Eduardo HELP WANTED-FEMALE. { residence, on RAO Apply ide of J Lo. aos Wines Surman, the Cuban liberal, fighting | eermee---- to Prof. N. F. Dupuis. Gunn am, 19 Clarence St., Ves J) SO . for the establishment of a regular | A COOK, Arey TO MRS. NIC KLE, | © courLE OF OFFICES OVER THE dors' army of 12,000, wants to be given 130 ka e 3 . W. Telegraph Company's office | SAILING YACHT, 35 FTI. BY 8 FT. an important command, Some one has Rrra Sah St. Apply to J.B. Walkem. beam, lead ballast on centreboard, soosely suggested that the ouly time A CHAMBERMAID AND KITCHEN Roomy Cockpit. Very safe and com- k Oe lice ould be needed would be | __ 5h Apply Rautiolph Hotel. 10. 170 QUEEN ST. COMMODIOUS fortable. § Shoop Sails BY © ©) « e, .10-rooms, hot water fur 0 ve ow pri season. Fitted at the Cuban elections, a statement | GiRl, TO SERVE ICH CREAN, AP- pace, and gas lighting. Possession at for gasoline motor if 7 Poot which greatly offended Cuban heroism. ply H. Jervas, 220 imc eis St.' ounce. Apply 180 Princess street. of Simcoe. street, Bargain to quick epg pet . - - yp a > K NG Er -------------------------------- *4 UIT' £1 000. A GOOD COOK; AF PLY a IN THE FAIRVIEW, MACK ST. FACT SPOOK S FOR : : evening, to Mrs. H, A Calvin, 181 Victoria Park. Garden, modern w MONEY AND BUSINESS. TNlusionist Fails to Receive Prise Offered. London, May 9.--The trial of what is known as the "£1,000 spook case" is attracting much intercst in London. The case grows out of the claim of . Maskelyne, the London illu ah. to £1,900 offered by the Rev. P. Colley, who 'calls himself Arch- deacon Colley; for the reproduction by trick of certain effests the clergyman witnessed which he said, were due to the influence of spirits. There seems to' be nd reasonable doubt that Mr. Maskelyne earned the money, but Mr, Colley would not pay and in the course of time Maskelyne, in a pamphlet; said things that Col ley didn't like, the statements includ- ing an allegation that Colley had no fight to the title of archdeacon. Col ley sued for libel, and Maskelyne made a counter suit for £1,000. It looks as. though Mr. Colley would lose both ways. He was under cross-examination a day and a half, and fared much' as that Pittsburg alienist whom Mr.sderome so unmerci fully wigged at the beginning of the Thaw trial. AHASEISIIISIRISISIISIICIIINK MAY LEAVE CABINET. Washington; May 9.--The intimation. gomes from a high source.that Attorney General. Bonaparte is con- templating retirement fyom the cabinet. It is said that he is in bad health and there is fear that he is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. FEE FFFERFFEREH THE CANADIAN WON. Burns Took the Fight at Los Angeles. Los Angeles, Cal, May 9.--~Jack O'Brien, the well known Philadelphia light heavyweight, and Tommy Burns, who is the Noah Brusso, Canadh, met last night, Before the Pacific A. C., of Los Angeles, Cal, at catch weights, for a purse of $30,000. The men were billed to battle twenty rounds for the heavyweight championship. This was their third meeting, two con tests having been declared draws. Burns got the decision at the end of the twentieth round. There was a re- cord crowd. in attendance: Petting was quite brisk before the men enter ed the ring, with O'Brien favorite at five to four. During the first round Referce Eyton called off bets without giving a reason, O'Brien is said to have been injured. Watching Japanese Battleship. Norfolk, Va., May 9. American na val officers are watching with great interest the appearance and move ments of the Japanese armored cruiser Tsukuga. Their interest is. explained by the facts: First, {hat this ship with a speed on natural draught of about twenty-two knots, which is bet ter than any of our own cruisers do, was turned out from a Japanos shipyard whose~workmeh are just be ginning naval spnsteuction; §¥t, cording to naval experts, the ship is perfect in every detail: second, that the Tsukugh was wader commission and on the high seas within two years from the time her keel' was laid can ar down Alphens Cadtan, Plainfield, died, Tuesday. Deceased, eighty-nine years of was borti at Hay Bay, P.E county He was a Methodief. T. BR wv has the sacondg cause] Dowell, n elected to fill Wade's 8 Ea King street. you jences, eleven rooms. Possession preferred. ye 840 Albert street; A 10 BORE DOUBLE BARR 2 sions al EL SHOT reasons a for line." Ri0ty OUR POLICIES cov Beat BORD LAUNDRESSES AND MAIDS, AT THE , bet DINING ROOM GIRLS, WAGES §20 BRICK DWELLING, NO. General Hospital, ween 7 compan, oe -- Brantos. he and 9 pm. < Irwo Goon OFFICES, ONE IN FRONT Godwin's Insurance Kmporium, Ear -------------------- we of building,. facing King street, near ot Sq AT ONCE, A YOUNG GIRL TO AS. Princess. Will bo vacant May 20th. gist ih housework, Apply Mrs. Apply J. P. Forrest, Gents' Fur MVERPOOL. LONDON AND AoLonR Knight, Alice St, nisher, 348 King street. Fire ompany. Available Rhassts he wl [isTas, I ian 181 DIVISION extension din- poli wecurity She unlimited i ably olders. ot wi all per month. Apply at: once, British street, twelve rooms, Americin Hotel office. ing room and kitchen. hot water Ny stockh arm and . - m---------- heating ; immediate possession. pr ply ta Frederick Welsh, NO. 17% To bina SC rin Fons org dhving ro LOST. Diyision street. & Strange, A tae ¥ 2 ADE + FINE RED | PLEASANTLY SITUATED, EIGHT ARCHITECTS. NB "ora, A As SE Reward for n med, Jetarhed furnished house. D y t convienent 0 boats its return to Whig office fom ny A Toxtension kitchen, 3BNRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, EE larie lot, Stabling for horse or cow. se, Anchor Bullding, Market Squares VETERINARY. Apply to Box "@." Whig office. Phone, 345 ; TE POWER & SON, ARCHITECT, MER. JR. G. W. BELL, V.S. HAS RE | 31 KING STREET, CORNER EMILY chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock moved to his brick block, on Clarence St., commodious residence, 11-rooms, and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 313, stroet, just above the Post Often. hot, watsr, _ furnaces, all modern cop ------------------------------------ © ¥ telephone OF egTal venfences, able a conc! 59, Ca attended to. facing Macdonald and City Parks. | WM. NEWLANDS, ARURITECT, or -------------------------------------------- Formerly occupied by W. F. Nickle, , second floor over Mah: rok ore $500, Sree of taxes, for - tah atoln, oper Princess and $ MEDICAL. of years if desi Apply to J. 8. streets, stroety 1 R. 'MoCann, 51 Brock street, 'Phone, 608. e ¢ PR. McCARTHY, OF FICE LATELY * occupied by Dr. Ryan, corner Mon- EDUCATIONAL. 3 treal and Brock stre "MARRIAGE 1 LICENSES. oF ISSUER St. C, 8. KIRKPATRIC K, censes, 43 Clarence Marriage Lk h The Paragraph Pulpit REV. C. w "CASSON. OTTAWA eit The Better Religion, If any man's religion gives to him nore of love kidness and sym pathy than mine gives to me, his is the better religion. Even. though 1 may believe and be convinced to my own complete satisfaction that 1 have the larger truth and the broader view and the later revelation, 1 amr com: pelled to give him precedence a8 a man who has achieved and acquired more. than I. And just as soon as 1 find' that the Unitarian faith does not to men the most enlarged and give sym- pathies, the broadest love, and the most helpful life, 1 will abandon its proclamation. Address Mr. Casson for free litera ture. Heavily on Carleton Cares Fall Place Woman. Mrs. Edey, who lives on William street, Carleton Phice, whose husband milinement for having taken to a helpmeet 'more than the law again undergoing the fires One of her children, a of four years, wos sick 18 In Cc himself allows, of affliction. handsome boy is with what the mother yt must be mumps. In ihe even: ing the little fellow became very ill, and after night it was thought audvis- able to obtain medical advice, but before assistance could be had the little fellow had passed away. When tha physician arrived hé pronounced the disease diphtheria, and a little girl about eight, who was also ailing, treated. Put the disease too far advanced, and on was at once was already Su . afternoon she also passed away. The boy was buried at six in the morning and his sister at six in the evening. Every measure was taken to quarantine those who had been in contact with the house and to disin- fect the premises, and it is hoped that no further cases will develop. Much sympathy is expressed for the bereav: ed mother and other members of the family, who indeed seem sorely afflict ed, Maypole Soap Dyes, Wade's drug store. all colors, at { ; Polish, bi yr 106., at Wade's' Tis ve 1 FOR SALE OR TO LET. Albert street. ply to J. street. -------------------------------------------- NEW HOUSE, COR. OF MACK AND near Can be bought on sentative. "Phone, STOVES STORED! § INTERNATIONAL CORRERPONS ence Schools, Pa... Local Victoria Park. Office, 57 Broek = "Otice hours, 9 ¢ ocasy terms. Ape am., to 5 pan. Saturday evening, Landeryou, 343 Divison to © o'clock. J. K. Carroll, Repres Telephone No. 53 : When you want your stove taken down and stored for the. season, $1.00 All orders promptly attended to. It will only cost you ELLIOTT BROS. PINNING 77 Princess Street. LLL0000600000000000008 Evangeline Ganong's G. B. Chocolates THE VERY BEST, ONLY 50 CENTS PER LB. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street Baba Ee & y Are here ready for your inspection, and we have a wider range of exclusive novelties. A brighter, better showing than ever before. Being the exclusive distributors in Canada, for the famous "TOPPINGTON" HAT WEAR ily on top. Personally going to New York, Helps us to keep eas pive pest values. and paying. cash for w 'SOMERVILLE. IG CLASS MILLINE hat we buy belps » to easily 178 § FEIPIIIFIITIIR IIIT , we

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