Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1907, p. 7

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al ve od ly ch n- he i rd 1 12 From ¢ 3 a F SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NURTRWE.T HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Anv even numbered section of Domin. {ow vands in Manitoba'or the Nori). W au Provieces, execpting 8 and 26, no reserved, Bn Y be bomestended Ly any person the sule head of a family, or ngs over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. 4 Application for homestead entry or ip. pec must be made ie foros by the applicant at the office of local Agent or Sub-agent. An application for entry or inspection made personally at any ut 8 Ollie may be wired to the locul Agent by tn, Sub-agent, at the expense of the up. plicant, and if the land applied for 4 vacant on receipt legram such spplication {8 to have priority and (he land will be held until .the necessary papers to complete the transaction are eceived by mail. In case of "personation' the entry wil ve summarily cancelled and the apis. cant will forfeit all priority of claim, An applicant for inspection must he eligible for howestead entry, and pone application for inspection will 1 eceived from an individual until that pplication has been disp of. homesteader whose entry is in good tanding and not liable to cancellation, wy, subject to approval of Department, relinquish it in favour father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, eligible, but to no one else, on filing de claration of abandonment. Where an entry is summarily cancelled or voluntarily abandoned, subsequent to institution of cancellation proceedings, the applicant for inspection Will be en- titled to prior right of entry. Applicants for inspection must state in hat particulars the howesteader is i, default, and if subsequontly the state. ment is found to be incorrect in mater tal particulars, the applicant will lose any prior right of re-entry should the land become vacant, or Uf entry hus been granted it may be summarily cancelled, Duties--A settler is required to per- form ' the conditions under one of the six months! pesidence uj. 'on and cultivation bf the land in each year during the term 'of three years. A (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to residence may he atisfied by such person residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has his permanent esidence upon farming land owned hy him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice writing to the Commissioner of lio- inion Lands at Ottawa, of his inten. fon to do so. YNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Coal Lands may be purchased at '10 per acre for moft coal and $20 tor anthracite. Not more than 820 acres can be acquired Ly one individual or company. Royalty at the rate of ten cents per ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collécted om the gross output. 4 Quartz.--A person eighteen years of age, or'over, having discovered mineral fo vlace, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 eet. The fee for recording a claim is §, At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the latator may, upon having a survey made, and upon omplying .with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment ot ! royalty of 2% ed cent. on the sales Placer mining claims generally are 100 feet square entry fee §5, early. An applicant may obtain two leases to dradge for gold of five miles each for a term of twenty yedrs, renewable at the =| discretion of the Minister of the Anterior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental 10 per annum for each mile of river leased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex- ceeds $10,000. . CORY, Ww. Ww Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not he paid for. T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO: 93 Princess St. Between Corbett's Hardware 'Store and Taylor & Hamil ton's, directly opposite' An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. renewable > DODPDIPOOOS So When You {Buy ¢ COAL P. WALSH You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. Try a Pound of Myers' nous wave Sausages For Sasday's Breakfast. 80 Brock St. ------------------------------------------------ When you add FLOUR to your list of grocery wants, be sure and designate the right brand. PATENT HUNGARIAN For Bread WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, eto. _ Kingston Milling . BLE TANL BK inCSTON I" M BROKE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH THE C.P.R. 4 1440 r------ TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON : 12.30 p.m. Exvress--For Ottawa Mon* treal, Quebec, St. Jobm, N.B., Halifax, fot, Tersaie Cries, Dry Jy Wiauiper, . Vancouver, ~ Seattle, Portind apd an Francisco. tor connecting With Dib.H. Bast aca Heat, |7.45 a.m., Mixed--For Renfrew and in- termediate points vassengers leaving Kingtton at 12.30 who wrrive in Ottawa at 5 p.m. ; Peter boro: 5.12 vw.m.; Toronto, 7.30 p.m. Montreal, 7:15 p.m. ; Boston, 7.80 a.mg: St. John, 11.55 a.m. v Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket offices, Ontario street. "F. CONWAY Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay 'of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee, pPeseronto, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 4 p.m. F. CONWAY, Agent B, Q. Ry., Kingston. (EN DRR{L Canadian Horse Show Toronto, Ont., May Ist to 4th, 1907 Round trip tickets will be issued on Wednesday, May 1st at $5.90 And on Thursday, day, May 2nd, 8rd, $7.70 All tickets include one admission to the Horse Show and are valid for return, leaving Toronto oh or before Monday, May 6th. For tickets, Pullman or Parlor Car accommodation or any other information apply to LESAN SYSTEM Friday and Satur- and 4th, at J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario streets PUBLICATIONS ISSUED BY INTERCOLONIAL SYN 0 ii Cl BING THE Keep Fishing Keep Boating Posted | Hanting | Posted oF Quebec and the Mari~ time Provinces Are now with the printers. You ean have your name on the list for frec coples by Wwritin~ to MONTREAL TICKET OFFICE 141 St. James Street Or General Passenger Moncton, N.B. Department, OYAL ALLAN "¥x" LINE MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. lonian, Fri, May 8, May 81st, June 38 Virginian, Fri., May 10, June 7, July 5. Tunisian, Fri., May 17, June 14, July 12, ictorian, Fri., May 24, June 21, July 19 RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, Victorian and Virginian, $50 and upwards. Tunisian, $70 and up ards. Iontan, $65 and upwards. Second Cabin, $42.50 $45 and $47.50, 3rd., Class, $27.50 and $28.75. _ Victorian and Virginian are Triple Screw steamers, of 12,000 tons, pro pelled by Turbine engines. For sailings and rates of ALLEN Line service to Glasgow, Lon- don and Havre, (France), with full par ticulars, apply to J. P. GILDER ALE 2 Clarence St., or to J. P. TIME TABLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe 1sland:-- MON, 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m TUES, 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 pun JED, 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3. p.m. THURS, Dreaky's Da 6.80--9.30 a.m: 1.00--2.30 p.wr FRI 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 pim. SAT. R.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. SUN. 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12,30--3.00 p.m. Leave Kingston :-- Mon. 8.30---11.80 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m Tues. 8.80--11.30 2.00--4.30 p.m Ved. . 2.00--4.30 p.m 'hurs. . 2.00--7.00 p.m Fri, . 2.004.380 p.m Sat. R.30-- 30 a,m. 2.0) 30 p.m Sun. 9.30---11,30 a.m. 1.153.830 p.m Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe Island and Spoor"s dock, at 8.3Q p.m. Time Table subject 10 change withou: notice, t Garden Island going and from Kifgston. - B: BRICELAND, Manager. Cheapest Mace in King- ston for Boots and Clothing Is at the foot of Princess Street. Having received a big lot of Men's Tweed Working Pants, 1 will sell them at the low price of 95c. per pair. Special stock of Overalls on hand at low figures. Remember the place. A. LIEBERMAN 39-41 Princess St. DIAMONDS We invite the most ex- pert criticism as to our prices and high-grade quality of our Diamonds. © We have them at prices ranging $200. from $15 to You are invited to lcok "at our stock. Yimear & d'Bsterre, Diamond Merchants 100 Princess Street SIGNED WITH THE OTTAWA BASEBALL CLUB, Ar Important Baseball Decisiop-- Hamilton Lacrosse Club to Be Incorporated--Squires to Meet Burns and O'Brien. Hamilton lacrosse club will apply, for a charter with a capitalization of $10,000, Brockville will send a good repre sentation to the Canadian Henley, having piled up a surplus of fundson minstrel shows. ; At Ithaca, N.Y. in a seventeen-in- ning game, Pennsylvania State Col- lege beat Cornell at baseball by the score of thiee to one. The Rochester baseball management will divide among the players one half of the net proceeds of all the exhibition gpmes played by the team during the Season. Sunday baseball has become popular in Brantford and vicinity. The police have learned that games are being ulled off on Sundays at Mohawk 'ark, and will: --take--aetion to stop the pfactice. ""Buck" Freeman has been purchas- ed from the Washington Club by thg Mingeapolis Club. Tip O'Neill, the ex: White Sox has been benched by Capt. Dundon, of the Minneapolis team, for insubordination and indifferent play- ing. Squires; the 'Australian pugilist, has signed an agreement to meet on May 30th, the winner of the Burns-0'Brien fight. The location is not named, but will probably be at Colma, near this city. Burns and O'Brien are to fight at Los Angeles, May Sth. A Pelerborp paper says: Pat Mc- Donough, the famous lacrosse player, for whose services all the clubs of standing in Ontario, including the Tecumsehs of Toronto, have been bid- ding, will play with the Peterboros this season in the intermediate C. L. A. series. The Ottawa Association Football League has been organized with senior and junior departments. Soccer, is catching a great hold in the capital. There will be half a dozen strong clubs in the senior' series. Owners were elected as Tollows: Hon. president; Mayor Seott: hon. vice-president, G. H. Rice: president, S. J. Willoughby: vice-president, A. F. Wallis; secre- tary-treasurer, P. J. Lee. Rochester Union and Advertiser Pat Powers certainly framed up a hard game for Rochester to go up against when he gave the Bronchos two Canadian teams forthe first six teen games of the schedule. Toronto proved much faster dnd stronger than was expected, and reports from Buf- falo, where the Royals disported themselves last week, are to the effect that the = other Canadian team is a fast-going organization, hard to beat. Thomas Blackstock, of the Manches- IMPOSSIBLE TO STOOP OR BEND SEVERAL DOCTORS COULD DO NO GOOD. PAIN IN BACK AND KIDNEYS. People often say, * How are we to knew when the kidneys are out of order!" The location of the kidneys, close as it is to the small of the back, which is not affected materially by other renders the detection of ki trouble & simple matter. The note of warning comes from the back, is the si sent out by the kid- neys minute they overtaxed. Those whe heed the ing when it first danger lies in delay. A few doses of Doan"s Kidney Pills taken in time, often saves of suffer perfeatly. Miss 8, C. Eoum N.8., writes " For the past a rete witha bad pain in my back and kidneys. 5 waste nods was tm hie fur a to sivop had several dectors attend found Bo relief until I picked up one of ; me, for they Sompletely sured me, I don' think they have an for kidney trouble." Dean's ¥ Pilla are 50 & Da. THE SPORT REVIEW] warning comes, usually have but little trouble. The looks for the "Sign of tomers, as it was a milk and cocoa it was entitled to rank as refreshment. The: magistrate up. held this: view and dismissed the sum- mons, he ' ter, Eng., United football reserve team, while pldying in a match against St. Helens, at Clayten, re cently, suddenly collapsed. The game had been in progress only about ten minutes, and Blackstock had just headed the ball. He ran back to take his place in the field and then col lapsed. He was carried off the field, and died without recovering conscigus- ness. The game was played' out it be- ing thought inadvisable to tell the spectators. ] A decision of interest to baseball magnates an players was handed down yesterday by the court of ap- peals in Albany against the New "York Baseball Club of the National League and in favor of Fred. Pfeffer. He was under contract for $2,400 a year, and $600 additional for playing to the best of his ability. He claimed to have been suspended unjustly, it being charged he was mot in playing condition, He sued 'for $300 and in- terest. He finally won after a long litigation. Ottawa Citizen : "Tommy" McCam- mon, Kingston, and Otto Quinn, Brushton, N.Y.. the two star twirlers, who have been signed by the Ottawa Baseball team were to have come to Ottawa to play Saturday against the Mascots in the opening game of the season. The engagement with the Mas: cots has been postponed for a fort- night, however, an Manager Taylor of the Ottawas wirdd McCammon and Quinn yesterday, telling them that they nesd not come until two weeks from now. Both pitchers have been training a little and will get down to hard work as soon | és possible. " WANT LEGAL EVIDENCE, Intent to Deceive Can Be Proven By Legal Help. The Slater Shoe company recently offered $100 reward for information which would fead to the conviction of amy shoe dealer selling other shoes under the name of "Slater Shoe," or "Slater's Shoes," or 'Shoes Made by, Slater." Meny letters were received from various parts of Canada from people who had been deceivdd, and investiga: tions have been conducted, but in most instances the buyers who suffered from the unscrupulous dealer did not secure what the judges consider fogal evidence. No shoe buyer need be deceaved if he the Slate' on the store door and on the shoe. This is the evidence of the true Slater shoe. F. G. Lockett, Kingston. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. W. ¥. Boyd Elected to the Towg, Council. Gananoque, May B.--At the public meeting nthe town hall held last evening for the purpose of nominating a candidate to fill the vacancy in the town council cauged by Mr. Demp- ster's seat being declared vacant on account of non-attendance, there was a very slim attendance. Only one can- didate was nominatah, W. Y. Boyd, King street, and Town Clerk S. Me- Cammon declared him elected by ac- clamation. gh The Clayton-Gananoque ferry Where- now began her regular daily routine work between here and Clayton, yes- terday morning. James Taylor, Stone street, hus purchased a gasoline launch from J. G2 Wallace of Ivy Lea. Albert Sauve has purchased from Robert Tulloch, his residence on Elm street, and Mr. Tulloch has pur- chased a residence on Princess street occupied by Thomas Adair and owned by Mrs. Cowan, of Syracuse, N.Y. The club house of the Gananoque Yacht Club has been opened for the season. J. A. Bulloch was married to Miss Edith Drummond of Perth. The mar- riage was solemnized there on Wed nesday. ' Wesley Bolton, an old resident of Gananoque, who has for some time past located in San Francisco, Cal., has returned to town, where he will spend the summer, Miss Gertrude Be- dard is spending a short time in King- ston, the guest of her cousin, Mrs, Bailey. Mrs. William Boucher, King street, left yesterday to spend a cou- ple of weeks with friends in Water town, N.Y. Legal Status Of Chocolate. London, May 3.--The Grimsby sti- pendiary decided, yesterday, that milk chocolate is a food and not a sweet meat, The decision was given in a case in which ~a refreshment keeper was summoned under an old |. act by police for breaking the Sab- bath by selling chocolate to his cus- The defendant contended that combination of Swiss hous heaverd I'll look aronnd all about the story. preach what thev practise, this paper,and free trial Dox will be mailed "5% TO REPRESENT BRITAIN in At the Jamestown Exhibition Norfolk, Va. CAPT. DE LATOUR London, May 3.--Cupt. Lionel de Latour, R.N., is the Englishman, whom King Edward has selected to represent the British admiralty at the Jamestown exposition. The naval display will be one of the best features, of the fair and all the-sea forces df the world's great countries will be re- presented. NAPANEE JAILER RESIGNS. Horse Ran Into Tree Killed. Napanee, May 3-=An accident pecur- red yesterday morning on R yolin'y Hill, A valuable team of horses lx longing to John Milling, Kinston Road, avas being driven flo town, The bolt holding the whiffletrees in place became loose and allowed the tongue of the waggon to drop. This frightened the horses gnd they, with one leap, freed themselvis from the waggon and dashed madly down the and Was hill, and in their mad fi 1an straight into an elm tree it the foot of the hill. One of the horses wus killed instantly, but the other was un- harmed. . A. VanLuven, governor of the jail for the past twenty-five yoms, re signed his charge yesterday. L. Ciark, turnkey. is appointed jailer pro tom Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Robiasom, of London, spent a few days this week in town. Mrs. Robinson came down to see her sister, Mrs. John Sol y, who is very ill. : Mrs. Prince and daughter, Vialer of Mcntreal, are spending a week with Mrs. Prince's brother, Charles Ihuton, Centre street. John Master is quite ill of pnenmonia. The cheese hoard meets for the first time this season this afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Manson Stiwens Harold Anderson left last night for New York, 'where they will sail for London, England, to spend a couple af months visiting friends and rela tives. and Millionaire Spender. John W. Gates has leased a hunting preserve in France of 7,000 acres for himself, and son amd their guests. When they want to go hunting they will bourd their yacht and sail away for foreign shores. Mr. Gates will ave, as soon as they are comploted, the finest s of apartments in New York, Se Kani rental being" $46,- 000. Think of that for living apart- ments for one mam. It is within the lifetime of many! men of middle age that Gates was selling barbed wire out in Missouri, and not a great deal of that. To keep from being arrested or infringing patents on the wire he had his shop. on a flat boat, which he kept anchored' out in the river at St. Louis, and moved about frony place to place. Things have changed wonderfully for him. ---------- Reaching Jonah. A teacher in a suburban Sunday school recently used as a lesson on obedienen the story of Jonah and the whale. The class seemed to be duly impressed, until the smallest boy in the class asked : "Do yon ' think the whale really swallowed Jonah ? "Do you not believe it, Johnnie ?' enepiived the teacher amused. "I don't know, but when 1 go to k till 1 find I'll ask him to tell me ' Jonah: then 'Suppose Jonah is not in heaven?" astonished when Johnnie "replied : "Then you can ask him." Some peoplp are too conscientious to A hundred weight of pork is eight heavier at Bellast than it i WHIG, FRIDAY, MAY 3, So says Zam-B: Kin Have you on some part of your body a sore, Or ¢ ot ot u ho hie nlliodm trom the gue others, yet causes you hours ] venience? Have you tried this, and that, and the other remedy in vain, and are you couraged Buk's healing power, and apply it to your case: amputation. re. Gilmour, of Princess St., mother tried many things she Sufferers from these *' Hidden Skin Troubles" of any nature should profit b such experiences as this. Zam-Buk is seen at its best when applied to cases whic The A. D AM-BUK is disheartened and dis- ? If so read the following instances of Zam- for abscesses and eruptions, but in vain. In found a complete cure." So says Miss A. Coggill, of Wapella (Sask.). bave defied ordinary treatment. Write for trial box, and test it it at our expense THE GREAT SKIN-CUR Where one can get the Real Semi-ready Type B. oN Type B is subdivided into five variations: + \ . Normal. # : (4 High Shouldered. 4 =~ \ J Over Erect. Je ! \ o / Round Shouldered. - tl Sloping Shouldered. garment from out / in two hous, the wearer of Semi-ready clothing vidual expression. The Signet of Surety, E you were a grocer--and you had recommended St. George's to your customers and they had tried it-- and had come back to tell you that it was BETTER than you said it was-- --now, wouldn't you smile?" "That's the way I feel about St. George's Baking Powder " Use St. George's--and smile on baking days." "If you write The National Di & Chemical Co, of Canada Limited, Montreal will send you, FREE, a handsome cook book, brimful of excellent recipes." Sheet Lead All Sizes. | y [td oss: Of the seven distinct types of Semi-ready Tailoring Type B | has the largest sale, for it is the type of the Average Man. q No man, matters it not what be his height, girth, shape or figure, but may get a perfectly fitting q Semi-ready Tailoring appeals to every an but he who is vexed with improvements. the improved and modern method of selecting dress of the correct address. can always forejudge its suitability to his indi- q Only the millionaire can afford to waste money buying cheaper suits than Semi-ready, and there is no gain to the man who pays more, Cheap suits are too expensive for any but the rich. ¢ Semi-ready Business Suits, Sacks and Morning Coat styles, in fine English worsteds and tweeds, at $18 aad $20. . Semi-resdy Frock Suits, of fing, Cheviot and Vicuna clothe silk-faced and all silk-lined, st $25, $30 aod $35. Semi-ready Tailors Where to get it: . Bibby Co., 78-80-82 Princess St. 3 ft i f 52 3 : fi 5 - 3 TH i i fii fl 5E it rom o 6 boxes $2. the Semi-ready wardrobes. It is Finished-to-measure BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and Is now open to the travelling sublic. W. TELFER - - 5 A. E. HEROD ORDERED FOOTWEAR pairs are wanted. Our anti- squeak Is used on all work. 286 PRINGESS ST.,

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