Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 May 1907, p. 4

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- VALET SERVICE Now that the overcoats are put away, you will have to keep your suit in good shape. OUR ONB DOLLAR A MONTH SYSTEM keeps your clothes ale ways looking new and fresh. ALWAYS CLEAN, ALWAYS REPAIRED, | . Royal | Insarance Co <3 OF ENGLAND, in Force ..$109,000,000 ES vi von "ASM the so I in the world. -y (BA A Smad 5%. mal dries, Canada Life Assurance Co' BS Life Assur ince Go J: ait Cdl, Ocousy dian People 60 years aga has "Assets Amounting to SESE FET ocount) of rap $1,883,750.00 Stands tn mole Position sll Have the best Life or Eilon. Rr CANADA LIFE. you call in. the Office, 18 you will be shown the 20th Century Py by this ¥, the Annual Guaranteed Dividend Policy, which is "40 the actual ts to J. 0. HUTTON, Manager, 708. Telephone J. R. URQUIART, 18 Market St., Special Agent. To BE DYSPEPTIC IS TO This disease assumes so many forms that there is scarcely a complaint which it may not resemble im one way or another. Among the most prominent symptoms are oensti- 4 puted land or a pound of its mine '} took to administer the trade, appoint- of periment in public ownership, so far! § ing EDW. J. PENSE, § Director, Dailp Whig. TALK ABOUT THE RAIDS. The political historian is at work, Jand he is digging up some facts in vince and their defenders. When the territory of Ontario was' at stake, when the conservative government es saved a huge confiscation; and Sir John Maedonald led in the raid, de- claring that not an acre of the dis- rals belonged to Ontario; when there was a clash on the license question, and the dominion government under- ing its inspectors, when Sir Oliver Mowat was denounced as "a little tyrant," who should be ousted where was Mr. Whitney ? He was not one of the party who was fightifig the trespassers and demanding "hands off," but one of those who were stand- ing by and consenting to the spolia- tion of the province. The wonder is that he ean desire, under the circum- stances, a revival of these unplemsant memories--and they are unpleasant. The real friends of the province are the liberals. They protected it when it needed protection, and they are sincerely 'desirous of metine out to it justice and fair play now. ENTERPRISE AND FAILURE. Calgary has decided that it will em- bark in the ownership of a street rail- way as soon as the money market be- comes easier and at least $250,000, the estimated initial cost, can be com- fortably financed. Money is. now "high," as looked at from a mpunici- pal standpoint. The debentures are not selling well to the issuers of them. The interest on western bonds is 4} and. 5 per.cent., and it is likely to remain there for many a day. The reason is not far to seek. Business generally is booming. The varied com- mercial enterprises of the day ce- mand lorge capital, and the banks can lend out advantageously all the funds they can accumulate. Calgery may, therefore, have to wait for sume time before it can develop its new municipal schemes, A contemporary, the Montreal Her- ald, recalls that Mr. Walker, tha pre sident of the Bank of Commerce, does not think much of some municipal én- terprises and it wonders what he will think of Calgary's decision on this question, "Brother Walker," as he is titled, can have no objection to the people doing anything which they un- derstand and can safely take care of. A strest railway requires expert manage- ment. It requires a large and popul- ous constituency. No city of less than 40,000 can, it is calculated, make enough out of the street railway. ser- vice to pay for expenses and main- tenance, and provide a proper rest account, Careful management may, under private ownership, afford in addition a reasonable dividend. Is the same ecohomy practiced under public as under private arrangement ? No one can say that who really knows of the changing wircumstances and changing plans of the average muni- cipal council. One inroad after anoth- er is made on the funds or earnings of a plant until a crisis is reached. Calgary may be in a position to ex- "as street cars go, and it may not. Failure, however, is not something which can be cheerfully contemplated, and the city can afford to grow in | size as well as experience before it ventures too much in untried schemes. WHY INTEREST IS LOW. DAML. BRITISH we, connection with the rights of the pro- hy; He: : : § § i 4 fi } { pl ele id rod i : i of the other institutions in thousand lots. Probably the t would have done if its expenditures were § so fast. Yet the the not hanks in the face of this situation re- the rate of interest ir 'monopoly has fixed." A government commission has under- taken to enquire into the telephone business, in order to determine wheth- er or not the people are being im- posed upon. The same commission, with Shepley as chief inquisitor, might with advantage, look into the banking business, . * EDITORIAL NOTES. Secretary Taft predicts that the Panama canal will be finished in eight years. Eighteen or twenty would be nearer the mark. Mr. Sjead regards Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier "as the greatest statesman in the British Empire." A remarkable tri- bute from a most remarkable man. i if ly The Whig, dear Citizen, does not ap- prove of Mr. Fowler's brainstorms. It thinks the speaker should call"him down every time he goes off at half- cock. Why not run George Tate Blackstock for one of the Torontos, since his presence is demanded in the house ? Why not drop Foster He is anyway--practically dead. done A poor Italian was convicted of murder in the second degree; in New: York, in four days. The jury reached a verdict in sixty-eight minutes. Great contrast with Thaw's trial. Collier's Weekly will be published in Canada, and become the competitor of the weekly whose editor was so eager for the late change in postage. He's getting .what he did not look for. S-- The liberals in the legislature voted that the registration--and the fran- chise conveyed under it---should be given to the inhabitants of all towns in Ontario. This should be remem- bered. . ' The Montreal Gasette is worried be- cause so many of the federal ministers are out of the country. Is the public business suffering? So much the worse for the government, if the dp- position be alert and equal to its op- portunities. The Halifax Herald (conservative) is satisfied that unless Mr. Borden gets a gait on, and "'orders his fol- fowers to obey him," the opposition will suffer from dry rot, "which pre- sages decay and ultimate extinction." Straight talk. Conservatives as well as liberals were interested in the nomination of Hon. Mr. Pugsley, for St. John, left vacant by the death of Dr. Stockton. There may be another liberal candi- date, Mr. Sears, but if local feeling favours Mr. Pugsley he will be elected. The registration of voters is confined to cities and towns "having a population of nine thousand over." The electors who are disfran- chised in other places will have a sub- stantial grievance. If the registration is a good thing for one should be a good thing for all places where voting to a considerable extent has to be done. now place it Team Of Horses Drowned. Maberly, May 2~When JFhamas Munro was driving through the vil lage, at noon, td-day, his spirited team of roadsters became frightened at some new shingles at George Charl- The withdrawal of many millions of | dollars from deposit in the savings and other banks is not remarkable, in view of the low interest which is of- fered--3 per cent. Money is worth some more than that. The city is get- ting its advances at 5 per cent. ona yearly contract, and under terms which are more favourable than can be realized by the average borrower. The rate on loans runs from 6 to 8 per cent. according to the security of- fered and the exigencies of the occa- sion, The banks, therefore #%t the pre- | sent 'time are making large profits on their deposits, and they will continue to do so while the combine into which they have entered continues. Similarly the government is doing | well to hold so much as it has, at the | ocusrent rate of interest; and it is a | sign of the times that the rate on government ~loans, especially of the one fulling due this year and to be renewed and spread over four years, 10 the big customer, which in this the rate" to the small customer, the ! Canadian savings bank depositor, The Canadian Courier thus ments upon the situation : ton's. They jumped and the pole dropped down. Mr. Munro was thrown out and received injuries has been advanced to 4 per cent. This . the Regal are four lattor date is the value of the money | that are having a enal oney Phenom . hs sold in K& case is the country, and it should be Bros, the s vle centre for men's hats. | + snoring. overcoat, silk-faced, at 1 a Jenkin about the shoulders. The team ran straight into the river, at John Bu- channan's blacksmith shop, and were drowned, Upwards of twenty "~ men were on the scene at onec and the horses and buggy were drawn out on the bank. Mr. Munro had been ofierad $350, the evening before, for the team. A number from here attended the Norris-Richie . i at Althorpe. Rev. Mr. Woodcock attended the mar- riage of Rev. Mr. Cox, in Sydenham. Rev. Mr. Clark is attending a meet- ing in Carlton Place. Collapse Of Grain. Yorkfom, Sask., May 3.--The Cana- dian. Elevator company's clevator at this: point has collapsed, and as a re- sult twenty thousand bushels of grain are now spread over the Canadian Pacific railway tracks. There were FRIDAY. MAY 3 and in 3 has been the 'mostly, ben iheloms, whew it | refuses than the historic three deposits when | money ha in value two to five SPIRIT OF THE PRESS -- How Does He Know. Hamilton Times. Rev. Dr. Torrey declared in Mont real that "hell is an hospital for the incurables of the universe, where men exist in awful and unceasing pain--a place of memory and remorse." How does he know ? Poging For Effect. Ottawa Free Press. Dan Derbyshire in the premier's seat and Sam Hughes in Mr. Borden's chair made a great team of leaders in the House of Commons at a late hour last night, Attack On Canadianism. London 'Advertiser. The new postage rates will almost prohibit the circulation of Canadian newspapers in the United States. This means the weakening of the ties which bind Canadians in the United States to their native lang. Off As Usual. Syracuse Post-Standard. Although the union of Canada and the United: States is a subject in which "no octogenarian has any prac: tical interest," still Prof. Goldwin Smith thinks as John Quincy Adams thought, that it will eventually come to pass. Little Ancient History. Hamilton Spectator . Mr. Bourassa objects to the British immigrant, and says he is vicious, immoral and unhealthy. Once upon a time--we think it was in 1759--a band of these vicious, immoral and unheal- thy Britons immigrated into Quebec, and took charge of New France, and the Bourassas have been disgruntled ever since. Evidence Of Our Success. Ottawa Journal. Last Saturday's Ontario Gazette chronicled the incorporation of forty- six companies. Fifteen of these are to be mining concerns with a total capi- talization of £13,690,000. Thirty-one are industrial corporations and the total capitalization is $1,615,000. The showing was somewhat larger than that of the average week, but not a announcement of a cial Gazette's large number of incorporations of in- enterprises dustrial including mining Ventures, CROWN PRINCE Of Japan, from his latest photograph, Japanese residents of European coun tries are preparing to nmke an appeal to the Emperor to permit him to visit te YOSHIHITO, Peace Conference to be held at The Hague, 'June 135th THE REASON Why George W. Mahoed Con- tinues to Recommend Vinol. First : Because it is not a patent medicine and it contains besides tonic iron all of the medicinal curative ele- ments of cad liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, but without a drop of oil \to nauseate and upset the stomach rd its work; there- fore, wherev fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions will will do far more good Second : Vinol acts first upon the stomach, creates a healthy appetite, strengthens and tones up the digestive organs, purifies and enriches the blood, and, in a natural manner, restores health and strength. Third : Because Vinol contains no injurious drugs to react upon the system: every ingredient being named on the label, a patient knows exactly what he is taking. Fourth : Because we never sold any- thing in our store that gave such unive satisfaction for old people, weak, sickly women and children, nur- sing mothers, and to build up the system after nn sovere sickness, and for relieving hacking chromic colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. : Try Vinol on "our guarantee. Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist. Nowadays. It's Campbell Bros' nobby hats. do good, Vinol Because counchs, There are always at least £1,000 warth of cigars in the cigar room the British House of Commons. ce A SALLOW SKIN aN one need have these--so long as vuch an excellent blood and nerve remedy as " at MARK REGISTERED, about thirty thousand bushels in the building when the accident occurred. A Popular Quartet. Scott's, Carter's," Wilkinson's, and makes of hats sale these days. lebrated hats are ton only at Campbell $13.60 buys a superior black cheviot | Jen: | blue suits for good wear at | > 4 New England Chinese Tablets are to be had. They the blood with red and restore T whole sytem. They build up brain and muscle, and make life well worth fivinig. 50. 2-box--6 boxes, $2.50. Miva Blood Towsc and Mire Ointment ave also excellent for blood and skin trowbles. TRY them. At "or from The Chemists' Co, of Co i Restaurant 331 King Street Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 a.m Saturday passes without the "provin-| ey The Suit Store Of The Town As usual, Sir, you'll find the Suit you'll fancy here. We're noted. for having the best. When we say "best" w ® Ne While many stores-are thinking about the new ideas in w A The Man who invests anvthing in appearance will find prices will not keep you away. oN » Spring. Suits, surely When we name such modest prices as $10, $12, $13.50, §15, $16 or $18, for one of our choice ous P.S.--We are agents for Semi-Ready Tailoring. mean the choicest styles, the newest Fabrics, the correct cut and the best tailoring. Spring Suits and wonderng whether they'll take--we're seliing them. this "Suit Store," exact'y what he's looking for. The H. D. Bibby Co. | CCCP OP GOP O00P0POOPV0COPIO0CPO OPP P0CCOOOOOCOO ete The best place to an all round RY! ha The Rush is on to 74 at once and get "Spear's Mine Development." * will give news of Larder Lake, Camps. - LARDER LAKE Locatign of the Groat Gold Piscoverica north of Cobalt. Send Montreal River The next' issue and Cobalt It will inform you of the best Larder Lake inive§tments, and how to get in on the ground floor of Companies just start ing, and with the man on the ground, This paper will he sent FREE to all making inquiry. Write im mediately and be in time for this and all ery person who can invest $10.00 to this paper. future issues. Ev- $10,000.00 should have Write to P. V. FRASER & CO., Larder Lake Stocks aod Mines, 3 Foronto street, Toronte, Camada. P.S.--American Office--Write to William = M. North Avenue Plainteld, N.J. pt Tyson & Co.; 138 Tan Shoes For Ladies : - JUST RECEIVED FROM BOSTON Onlyla limited, quantity. Two Up-to-Date Styles. Come early. $3.00 A Pair. lang X: Bro, Men's Worki turday's price, 39: Men's Soft F tached, some cuff Saturday's price, : 15,dozen only gular 25c. line. Double fold C day's price, 3 for : Men's Heavy per pair. Saturda 10 P | & Satu This is an exce to lay aside that wi Just come in a the way they are m Then try one « then deduct the dis it to your judgment No better mate ting clothing in Car ing. Our exceptiona sell all others. Give >

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