Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1907, p. 8

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Botretary W. C. Martin, of the V tori dan polciwntion. nr 1 i hing to solicit ons to-day, tbut as he iv of a superstitious i ture, he febulued, being altuid pr to ions rainy da a a ar one ona of water on the 24th of May. ; J secrotary will, of course, not hegin on a Fritlov. and, therefore, decided to wait until Monday next. Headquarters Por Fruit. Bananas, 10c., 150., 20c., mone high- or, all this week, at Carnoveky's. -------------------- : Sale of three-inch silk ribbon, 12. per 'yard, in cardinal, black, navy, ink, blue and white. New Yo nid Reform, % R. R. Gamey, M.P.P., and 8. Mat. call have purehinsed the Domin: | Canister works, at Dundps, for $7,500. Mr. Metcalf will manage the conces, FURNITURE SALE Doased wih shat bosom x chance of a lifetime as we : "Phone, 147 Bali 01d rellable Furniture Restorer Fosse A s store is doing is evidence that the of Kingston appreciate the superiority of lethang. hay. on, ovine their mage no other store in Kingston 'where they \ can | quality and real values for the money, sh dl 3 * thing is distinctly high grade. - | passing, away of EF \ ---------- Athletic Tournament Ended, min' The mtdals for the w Rev, James Fowlor, lessor of tus professor of Clement, ut, 'wis appointed professor hotany. The board: passed a aol or by tion, Wg, their apy the valuable = services rendered Profs. Fargson and Fowler. W. 0. Skelton, MA, fellow in poli tical science, in that subject. It was decided sl I On appointed Dr. Mylke ied anatomy fessor of surgery. Wednondny as woll as in April, Pi ---------- DEATH OF E. RICHARDSON. old Away Wednesday. ednesday afternoon E. D, an old resident of Lingston Mr. Ri vo ichardson was w of ely and and had a lar, acquaintances. ayo corner he visited, n liber i } Sowards furthering the ho served man was prominently Busines inf@ests of a estate agent fo haivE ie * Maples, liamsville fond Pre born ne, in, Treland,, and parents when only five or gix years old. He loaves a wife, three brothers ~ and mourn : Richard and Williaax, of Kingston; James, of 'Merrickyille; My. tilda, of Kingston, and Mrs. J. Bell, of Heathfield. His familiar figure will 'be missed in our midst and his cheerfill voice will Kingéton on the Wil. was no longer be 'heard in the commercial souncils of our city and all who knew kim will 'vogrét the dward Richardson at the age of fifty-eight years. ------a LIQUOR LICENSES. -- Names of. Successful Applicants ' 'in'Bast Hastings. Applications granted hy the license commissioners &r East Hastings : Twoed--E. "KH, Huyek, John Bohan, and Levi Bradshaw, taverns; © John Quinn, shop. Hungerford--J, 7p. Stinson and Mar. garet Houck, taverns. : yendinaga--J, Fahey, P. Doyle, T. . "Ryan, John Doreen, Palmer, Felix All pind Slntarer FHhirasher, $a¥upus. almutier, Cannifton, reseracd for furthet eonbideration. Deseronto--J, P, Madigan, shop; Thos. Stewart, John Freeman, Michael 75. Marrigun and D. MeVickers, ta- verns, The indoor athletic tournament olos- od at the YMCA, night, with a quarter mile result of last night's ov ¢ Aukingon, first; H. Dennison, * sodord; W. Bearasice, L. P. Motesd (lied) third. The time was 1:18 4.5 Toronto, ear on near Strachan avenue, A Paris Jntine of ed been aris justice of the peace has ainted to conduct negotiations hing to" an end of the waiters' . Morrison people only discharge the duties of y resigned as pro- botany and od emori-| botany. W. T. Me. who has been acting ns pe was appointed lecturer to wigg, bog the department of Eng. ish, the addition of a lecturer. i the recommendation of the medi cal committee, Dr, Etherington - was professor of anatomy, and made associate professor of and associate pro- The board decided year in October on the nearest Convocation day, of City Passes away after an illness of goverad Harvey Comba], _ of circle C 2 was a man of the strongest sorial charac - | tr and carried a ray of sunshine into politics Mr. Richardson was a ; and was ever ready to lend a g opuse. 1 was broad, and falioved For thirty-fi or y-five years he identified with the both as < He owned the fine garden farm came two sisters to ants foe Vor wero won 0 3 9 J 4 gold medal "e 0 Not Yet Inspected. fn en TE Chl mtb: W. . 5 , including those R. Atkimson, 456 | of Messrs. Pickering und Atkins, ha per cent; S. Parkhill, 21 per cent. [not oy been ingpobted. This -- ws - will done probably next weok. Rev. John Fulton, I). LL.D., odi- : ------ rot the Church Stan d 'In Police Circles. ednesday, (at. Phil " hia, from Today was an off day with Magis: a a oF Tokina ai trate Farrell, at the 'police "colirt, as trailor ad trolley there were ho cases on the docket. An "other. na saved, so x r destructive rh he i he enti loss as worl fax as we Ta a Re (THE YACHT CLUB DANCE. Was a Sucesss in ven there. A great man 0 to the muse the restored piano, with marked bility, ht io Me in con iat fang a0q lon to the Mrs, pd L, Fortt kindly chap- life of the university. eroned" the affair, and among the out- the dances can only tat ly adhered to, EE ---- a ------ > TO INVESTIGATE A FIRE. Witnesses Will Be Examined This City, A fire occurred in an hotel at the circumstances were such as to cause an investigation to be made. This investi tion, so it is under- stood, will held in the council chamber at the court hose, Friday afternoon, "A dozen' or more Witness- es are being summoned to give evi- dence. Provincial Deteotive Rogers has been engaged on the ease, and he is 'ox- pected to be here for the investiga- tion. Paid A Fine. Barriefield, of breaking McAllister, Iso with summoned on into the home af Mrs. causing a distiwbante and abusing' his wife, was, on ednesday, ealled upon to a fine with costs amounting to $8, and was also hound over in the sum of to keep the peace. -------- be Harriers Run, The Harriers' Club, in connection with the Y.M.C.A., enjoyed a long run last night. The roads are in good condition and the speed displayed hy some of the runners goes to show that if a Marathon race is attempted the local Y.M.C.A. will he ahle to put for- ward several runness who will be able to hold their own in a road contest, Ee -------------------- Damaged By Fire. Dr. Coutlee, of Sharbot Lake, was a visitor in the city, today. The doctor's house suffered somewhat from the big blaze 'there the other night, but not to any great extent. Sparks set fire to the roof, but the good work, of the bucket brigade saved the build- ing. Removed To The Asylum, Chief Graham, of Napinee, was in the city, Wednesday night, with a patient for the asylum. Alter com- Pleting his business, ho spent Some time mn repewing old acyuaintances in the city, and left for home this morn- ing. Chief Graham has a host of frionds in the city. Milk Likely To Drop. It is likely .that on' May Ist the price of milk, which has been six cents since - November 1st last, will drop'to five cents. As everything else is increasing in price, a drop sin some- thing will welcomed by the house- wives. Trouble With Men." There is troubls at the G.T.R. freight es. New gangs are being hired nearly every day, ut they soon quit their jobs. The mien have been receiv. ing $1.93 a day of ten hours and they Haut a raisc to $1.35 for a nine-hour ay. Rain Did Not Interfere. The heavy rain storm of this morn- ing did not prevent large numben from .coming to the city on the K. & P. railway. The passengers numbered, 120, the majority being formers with market produce. abilsive language case is slated for tomorrow's, court. he French authorities now estimate damage do Jove. by the Toulon arson of 'Toronto, go oS toskings ll , for ail. Y ens ~ Oe, pose, ae. and Qe. that more or less insured _fire insurance will ate to cover the can learn, in any Every the pleasantést of 'Wp for it, and dancing, of-towy pe lo at it wore Miss Edith Drury, Meg Pearl Eade, and W. Mac Gleeson Kirkpatrick, of Bt. John, Horohfter, the rule, that admission to followson the pre- 1. of the ticket, will be rigid- Verona recently, and it is stated that attacked, and ¢ } not yi in experience, He is a In Sri MEE on master. end in. conibeting a movie Idings Ci tively icky did the k. y BAND: Two of Them Going to Foreign | 'Lands, to Labor-Difference Between Christ Needing Us and Wanting a, © 2 evenin, rdenham street church Last With an enthusiastic audi- ence anxious to hear the MeMaster uni- versity . ~ Promptly at 7:30 o'clock Mr. Williamsosi and the chorus choir led the large audience in service Ruby and Gladys | Sang very effectively, "Tell Mother I'll Be There," and Mr. Wil rendered in his uspal excellent style "Galilee. At eight o'clock the leader of the band took charge of the service. Al though young in years Mr, Cameron is mas: and controlling large audiences. While always making the services bright Attractive he never allows the e to lose sight of the real object of the mission. At all times the methods employed commend themselves to the thinking classes because absolutely de- void of anything sensational. The ap- peals are to the imellect and the con science, as well as to the emotion. The first speaker last evening . was} Mr. Edwards who took. John viii, ff 37 as his text, He based his introduc- J J = tory remarks upcn the words of Prin. cipal Gordon to {he graduating classes ofa the pursuit of tryth all students are united, for truth is a unity." For the word truth he wished tq substitute Jesus Christ, declaring Him to he the truth, and urged his hearers to be honest in their search for Christ and to set their faces as flint in their do fence of Him, in C at Wade's dr morrow. William Hamill, Montreal; is in the city on business with the GTR. Hamilton and first trips on May 5th. 2 large number sire to live the Christian life. the evening Mr. duet, "Come unto Me," and the Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By day to visit friends in been in Peterboro the past few days, son's slip and will Joad feldspar to freight office, sick around again, guest of her niece, Mrs. J, A. Wellington street. Mr. Cameron followed in o brief ap- peal showing the difference between God needing us and God wanting ns. He made a touching reference to ihe two members of the band who have volunteered their lives to work in for- eign lands. He claimed thay the mo. tive prompting Mr. Warner to go to India and Mr. Ray to Africa was not so much the consciousness of need in these fields, but the. consciousness that God wanted these darkened souls as citizens of His kingdom, At the close of this eloquent appeal | expressed their de- During Williamson and Mr. by special request, the pe male their reputation in lee." Cameron sang, juartette sustgined the. singing of "Blue Galil INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. ---- Reporters On Their Rounds. _ Sep esp -- Summer Dress Fabrics soon be the only life around Kingston, and this season. more 'than ever be- fore popular fancy turns to WHITE. the months ago, and we have secured quite 2 number of You will see with no other store here, most numerous and the goods are freshest. Just a Few We Mention WHITE PERSIAN LAWNS---The por-' FANCY GINGHAMS- cotton material in fancy stripes WHITE INDIA LINENS This popu} and checks, 25¢, lar white dress material we are] PAE ais : : : now showing in a great range offFANCY FRENCH "MUSLINS Dain WHITE MERCERISED MULL For This Week | £ Our out<daot ;sammer life will This store was put in touch with-- Man y Novelties Summer Materials > - This is your time'to buy when the assortments are 10c., 123, 15, rect weight and in a great variety|- 20, 2 of fineness. Your choice of : eight makes, 43¢., 10, 123i, ()cmannravs 1, all wanted shades, BD, B35, 40, 18. cin . 12§c., 15, 20. Each of these you will fine the best: Tor She es NOVELTY VOILES--A fine French makes. Prices are lOc. ty floral designs, 25c., 35, 45. 124, 15, 20, 30, 35, 40 : oy > ee risaele WHITE SWISS SPOT MUSLINS . Small, medium and Jarge spot a splendid showing of these 15 a popular muslins at 3ec., 45, 40, 25, 35, 20 Waists and Summer Dresses, a very dainty material, and now becom- ing quite scarce, owing to the de- Siem Rbk pi mand in all cities. We have 25 c's LINEN SUPTINGS Differ extra good value at .. ent weights and widths, 25¢., 35, 39, 45, 59, 75, Two quart hot water bottles, 50c., ug store. A. Y. Thompson, B.A., left yester- Belleville, A. B. Cunningham is in Toronto. Heo will be absent a week or ten days. "Fresh Abby Salt," at Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store. "Phone 230. Signalling Instructor McGowan has The sehooner Suffel is at Richard- Harvey Milne, University _Avenue, for the last two months, is Mes. E. Williams, Montreal, is the Gould, Ny. and Mrs. George Cornell, Carle- ton Place, attended the Queen's Uni-| fin versity convoeation, The R. 0). company's steamers Picton, leave on their John Gaskin, jr., Albert street, left, yesterday, for Cleveland to accept a 1 Position on the steamer Falcon. The fire department has not had a ] y Queen's, will each y t a brother-in-law, D. ¥. R who weeks. companied by Maior J. F. loft _on the Toronto, after attending convocation Yesterday, derwear and corsets, ordered 'or realy made, and ' : our Bpesial dip-hip corset, New 3 York Dress Rofo 5c . Naw gregational church, Alstead, Edy. ig spending his vacation with his' sister, | - Mrs. W. 8 Shifebotha street, for a few woeks. Joseph Follick, Canadinh, says: "Thi call for several days. T' fewer fire some years, undervests, 250. 25., stfong hose Sold only Drug Store, here have been alarms this. year than in Sale of stockings, "9 pairs, 25¢., 2 Pairs dress shields, ing very mildly whea we say they're each case. Ask to see our French Corsets at $1 50 and $2 00--and also see these : Ladies' Corsets, with medium or long waist, in either white or drab, two extra-specials, only 50c. : adies' Fine White Coutille Corsets, with military hips, woll boned and bias gored, hose Supporters attached, extra-special, only Tbe, For those desiring a short-hip, low-bust Corset, we offer * two specials The BestCorset Va- lue Anywhere at + $1.50 and $2. A strong statement that--but we do feel perfectly abie now to claim: that we sell the best value that can be bought anywhere at $1.50 or $2.00--in our French Corsets. They give shapeliness, comfort and grace to every woman who wears them, They give strengthening support, besides gracefully round lines over the bust and hips--and yet, at the same time, they give the greatest possible amount of comfort. They -are here all models--for slim, medium and stout [igures, and we're speak- well worth one dollar simore in to-morrow, at 75c. and $1. upporters, 25c. New ork Dress Reform. Rev. Professors Fowler and Fergu: on, who retire from active duty at receive 81.200 ear from the Carnegie Pension Fund, "Don't Experiment," sprinkle Ken- ucky lawn grass seed on your lawn, at Gibson's Red Cross Free. To-Morrow The Butterick Fashion Sheets for MAY have just arrived and - will be ready for distribution to our customers to-morrow --FREE ask for one. rs, J. 'A. Gardiner, University Venue is attending the bedside of hor ose, Tamworth, sick for the last few has been Lieyt.-Governor Mortimer Clarke, ac- Macdonald, 12.16 train, today, for Wo make a specialty of hosiery "un- w what will sujt. Sue Rev. William Berkley, pastor, Con. 5; » Montreal] *¥ 3 death of the Rev. D the Carleton Place In 'noting: the was the pastor the Methodist] chtireh here, He with beloved hat x parents named their children for him,| ° & a they do for the king and presi. ¥ ent. ¥ Mr mous, announced would he Courtney, former deputy migister of ); Thom ge finance {chairman ; as Fysohe Bargains In Framed Pictures. former manager af the ents A special cloaving sale of framed | Bank, A. Gaxdoau, mayor of Que- pictures will be held by E. 'Uglow & | bec. vii 0... 0 Saturday next. Al Pictures 4 Trea, : specially ma; at very low prices Canon Cody, of St. Paul's viscopal for one day oaly, | church, Bost, yi inted BIT I a ari Phi) Apel 2B--O0n the vow of] into the condition 'of the civil service, Commissions Named. Stmnission to enquiry - Fielding, n the House of Com- Bat he commission | composed ag follows : J, M. B {Cliib rty Years ago he * B00 BE HIRANO Bags Suit Cases : Something Entirely New Both in Style and Material. The latest London colors and shapes. Suit Cases: especially for ladies. Fitted Club Bags and Suit Cases for men, Genuine Seal, Alligator, Walrus and Pig Skin Bags. $ never shown in tg Kingston before, _ EXAMINE OUR WINDOW. Montrea] last, was oa drowned { The Locke tt Shoe store nd Am 4 A EL x BR . Just received a choice mixed Biscuits and Cookie price of 10e. per Ib. Special price, 3 isi, 26c. Other lines; 18c. per 1b for 25¢. Fresh Sodas, pkgs boxes and tins, Glass Starch, 4 1b. pkgs. Pure Ihundry Starch, pk, lbs., at per Ib., 6c. Seleot Shoulder Hams, 1 and cured, per Ih. 13{e. Butter Bi Farmers{ Rots ama Peints Fresh Credimery Butter hand. F, W. Van L Phone 417 « 248 Pr Still House-Cle A further list of helps. Pearline Sapolio Bon Ami Dutch' Cleanser Monkey Brand Electro-Silicon Clothes Lines Polo Shoe Polis) 2 in 1 Shoe Poli Big 3 Shoe Polis Spanish Blacking Stove Pipe Varn JAS. REDDEN BANK OF MON The branth of this corner of King and Wi Has Mo TO CORNER KING AND GLARE A NOISELESS GA One grade only, that the i been ou stylish, substantial and = They cost a little more others, but think of the co to know that when you g ing your carriage 18 not break down before you Then, too, they run easier er, and are more atirac cheaper rig. Get one and fashion. For sale at 42 Pri Private 3 Mrs. A. Bridge, 181 Divisi well her Household Effects, by on SATURDAY and MOND April 27th ant A large quantity of all kin hold Effects for sale, i For every variety. of Re Bargains and Inspran SWIrT'S REAL ESTA INSURANCE AGENCY. AR TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RE to April 20th, fog 3,500 moreland Slack Coal $0 be at our mill » coal-pocket, The lowest or any tender ho 4 The Dominion Ltd, Purchasing Dep't., Mh AUCTION BA) Heavy Praught Horse, Bi Harse « Black, Giad Turposs gwen, Hob Sleigh, my rooms, Markét Square, | 11 a.m. WM. MU TAKE NOTIC Between Season's we sel very 'small profits. That i like. Try us for the A Second-Hand Store, 398 Pr THE ARTILLERY To Reach the Petewaws ; June Sth. The Royal Canadian Ho is due to arrive at Pet on June Sth. This will n a toute march is undertal year, the batteries will | ston about May 25th. march has not yet been cided upon, but it is vet will be made. In that ca lery will be unable to tal militasy review on Vict the men would be jn 4 their tions for dey the pw and their pare would be. packed. Sale of threeineh silk per yard, in cardinal, } pink, blue. and white. Dress Sold only at Gibson's' Pug Store. of Bibby 's. a neckwtaty 20. andi a

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