Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1907, p. 7

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FEAR THE COMING OF fo r Breakfast ; TRISCUIT for Toast. Carton ; 2 for 28e. NO GRINDING MIAGNETIC" )F PERFECTION. in a better Razor than 1 have? deliver to you 2 "CARBO |} r on thirty days' trial hn your part to purchase. ETIC" Razors don't thers will! y and you'll have ZOR TROUBLES. Vs: n Hs 3 FE Cr IARTS SEY WA): gin, 476 Broadway, N.Y. TC HELL, 85-87 PRINCESS STREET. a] 2? LAKE FERS ' fors to join us in taking over the ve. agreed to purchase of the Larder ted, at the first ground floog price of v has just been organized and will g men of highest standing. - The olgh-elaime; 1080 peres in alt; whieh values, located in the new gold dis- i wth of Cobalt, New Ontario, which All investors who join us will floor basis, participating in an im- «et value of shares of 500 per cont. b. will in their customary vi 8 he market by judicious adve yr bed States, at fifty cents per share. is in the profits therefrom. upany, 14 King street west, Toron- i nderwriters' Syndicate in ¢ receipts therefor ahd or the Company, receiving also as 1 particulars, Law & Co, | Sf 728-729-730-731-732 Traders Bank'Building, Toronto, Ont. | ti om " a ---------- A oo! z the Between Meals. ibbon ra 1s, wholesome beverage that the system. a. to §1 a 1b.-- All grocers I THIS WAY ! 0DY FOR THE ST SHOES all the day long. "RY--some were fitted without sense. pelled to be thinking of his feet. that little toe is yelling "Murder ?" d by lan Who ows How great difference in material and the should not be expected to feel com- for sensitive feet,' ant here--Shoes that will give com- vie, UR NEXT PAIR. MILITIA, Auction Sale of Condemned Ord« nance Stores. UNDER DIRECTION OF THE gurable the Minister of Militia and r. R. Allen, Auctioneer, Public Auction, on Wi other articles. It.-Colomel F. Strange, Ordnance Officer in charee,~will furnish any furth. er information which may be required. Articles purchased must be removed within twenty-four hours after the sale. Termg--cush. B. FISET, Colonel, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence. Department of Militia and Defence, > Ottawa, April, 1907, "I wen wish to be successtal at The tend Kingston Business? . College Limited, head of Queen street Canada's Highest Grade business school. Book-keeping, typewriting, Fo and all com- jects thoroughly taught enced teachers. , @Xperi 5 t classes. Enter at ates very moderate, H. F. METCALFE, President. J. B. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. T. McAuley HAS REMOYED TO 93 Princess Si. Between Corbett's Hardware Store and Taylor & Hamil- ton', directly opposite An- grove's, COME AND SEE US "Phone No. 778. Royal Insarance Co OF ENGLAND, Business in Force ..$109,000,000 Assets og inn «44,900,000 Profits Patd (1905) 8,226,000 This Strong British Company has paid the same profits for the past FORTY years. SECURITY unequalled by any LIFE Company in the world. We Invite Your Investigation. W. J. B. White, Agent, Kingstor - Canada Life Assurance Co'y. ES (ABLISHED (1847) This great Canadian Company made for Canadian people by Can: adian people 60 years ago has sw Assets Amounting to ---- a aierass $32,280,518.00 Assurance in force $112,573,098,00 Surplus (or Profit Account). of rp $1,883,750.00 n Stands in a unique positiom all along the line. Have the best Life or Eandow- t Assurance by selecting ths men CANADA LIFE. n the Office, 18 Market ktreet Jou will be cheers moment, also actual Kingston policyholders. J. U. HUTTON. Manag Telephone 703. J. R. URQUHART, 153 Allred St., Special Agent. When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH @® You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing clse. £5 BRITISH - AMERICAN HOTEL KINGSTON - - ONTARIO Has undergone alterations and I. now open to the travelling sublic. oN § W. TELFER - - Proprietor Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness, etc., for sale. = Sale of Horses every Saturday. CR COAL.! 'The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the w! m of putting a some good Uval. We sell good Uoal. its the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes tbe home comfortable ; it's the pest money can buy, aad there is nome better mined. Et 8 R38 8 al yory wriomm . BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of Weat i Your digestion will be all the better, your blood all the cleaner, for a frequent glass of York Sarsaparilla. A beverage and a medicine, pungent, rich, aromatic and pure. Made of purest herbs and pure York Springs Water. York Springs Sarsaparilla , is better--yet costs no more. The Mineral Springs Limited, Torontg FOR SALE BY Rigney & Hickey, Jas. McParland E.W.GILLETT fares ~NORONYO, ONT. HEART TROUBLE CURED In the rush, hurry and worry of modern times, we overwork the heart. Is it any wonder then that there comes a breakdown of this wonderful little engine, when such a continued strain is placed upon it day after day. There are many forms of heart trouble and the slightest deran, i of this a tant organ is extreme: angerous. o - the weak heart it is necessary to use a remedy that will act upon the heart tissue, restore and revitalize it and at the same time tone up and invigorate the ner- vous system, we have such a combination in MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. Ella Dingman, Morganston, Ont., writes of her e. i with them: "It is with the test of pleasure that I recom- mend Milbarn'e Hears and Nerve Pills. I was troubled for along time with my heart; I had weak and di could not rest at night, and I would have to sit up in bed the ter part of some nights, it was absolutely impossible for me to lie on my loft side. At last I got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and they did me so much I another box and they effected a com cure. I have not been troubled with my heart since." Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for $1.25 all dealers or mailed direct om receipt of ee by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, oronto, Ont. a -------- Can't Wash Them Out No other method of home dyeing ever devised gives colors one-hali so fast, br.liant and handsome as DIA- MOND DYES, Each of the fifty colors of DIA- MOND DYES give full, bright and fashionable shades that strong sun- light will not fade nor soapsuds wash out, two things that are not true of the unadulterated and common dyes sold by some merchants for the sake of large profits. When buying dyes for home coloring work, see that your merchant hands you the DIAMOND DYES. If he re- commends other dyes, he does so for his own profit. If your merchant is out of any spe- cial color of DIAMOND DYES, write to us for them, stating what materi- al you with to color--all' wcol, silk, cotton or mixed goods. Price for all colors of DIAMOND DYES, ften cents each. This month we will send free to any address' new Diamond Dye book- let and 'pretty Souvenir Card for baby. Wells & Richardson Co., Limit- ed, Montreal, P.Q. F YOU WANT YOUR Plumbing Overhauled OR AN ESTIMATE ON ~ NEW WORK CALLON Taylor @ Hamilton 81 and 91 Princess St Phone 418. WE STORE STOVES. Owing to my inability to secure suitable premises in the West, and to the splendid su port accorded by my frien here, I have decided to remain in Kingston. I am mow open- ing up the best selected stock of Imported Suitings I ha ever * shown. Special 4 with first. THE SPORT REVIEW WHAT IS GOING ON IN CITY CIRCLES. Soccer in Manitoba is Flourish- ing--The United States Al- ways Calls Canadian CThamp- ions Its Owx. > The Queen's Cricket club, recently Sealgatiated with the Kingston Cric- | ket club, is in receipt of challenges fcr home and home matches with To:onto, and Ottawa clubs. The club will start practice as soon as sseather permits and, it is likely, that the challenges will all be accepiod. a The Marathon Race. In view of the proposed Marathon race in Kingston the delietille intel ligencer says : "Get Busy, boys. race of this kind would undoubtesly awaken considerable interest and might bring out runners who could sucess. fully compete with the big oncs at To- ronto and Hamilton. The scheme is meeting with approval wherever men- tioned." To Play Pool Match. P. Hunt and A, Willie have been matched to play another 200 ball match on. Monday and Tuesday even ing. The match this time will be for $100 a side, Will Try To Land It. Regiopolis college baseball team had a practice at the cricket field last evening. The boys are in good con- dition and expect to land lhe cham- pionship of the city league, Sporting Notes. Boxing 'is to be resumed in Chicago again under certain restrictions, after being under the ban for two years. It is rumored now that Brother Har- ry will follow Alf. Smith to Chicago to . play lacrosse and jump into the E ternational Hockey Leabue team mext None of the Ottawa canoe clubs will support the move to join the C.A.A. U. The question will be brought up on May 4th; at the annual meeting of the C.C.A, Sherring said: Longboat's perform- ance was really wonderful. With pro- per handling he ought to win all the distance events at the London Olympic games of 1908, He is the one man in America to run twelve iniles Jn the hour, and on a good track is possess- ed of the speed to break all records from one mile to twenty-five. Soccer in Manitoba is a most flour ishing game. Last scason the number of registration forms issued by ° sec- rotary of the Manitoba A. F., and re- ceived filled in' was 1,525. That num- ber wil be easily exceeded this year. Already over a thousand forms have Le n returned, although" the season is still some way off. It is estimated that by the commencement of "he league schedule the number of regis- tered players will have exceeded two thousand. Summers, the English featherweight champion, who arrived in New York on Sunday, is anxious to arrange a match with Battling Nelson. He has posted $1,000 to bind the match and will let this money go as a side bet that he can beat Nelson. . Summers can easily make the featherweight lim- it, and he says he will appear at the ringside at any, weight Nelson may dictate, The following figures on the popul- ation of the cities, including the out- lying territory reached by trolley or steam railroads, from which much of the patronage is received will best show the strength of the Eastern Baseball League: Ba.timore, 700,000, Newark, 600,000; Jersey City, 520,000; Buffalo. 475,000; Toronto, 425,000; Providence, 400,000; Montreal, 450,000; Rochester, 360,000. y It's always a cinch bet that when a Canadian accomplishes anything out of the ordinary in an athletic event, that the United States will claim it \ : , 'as their own. Here's the latest from New York : "Longboat is a Canadian runner, it is true, but it is impossible to get away from the fact that he is first of all an American, with a better claim to that name than any other athlete, and if he enters the Mara- thon race in the Olympic games next year he is picked as the man who will win for the Western Continent." For the season just opening up President Powers predicts the great vst baseball year ever experienced in the Eastern League. Every indication points to this. The clubs will appear better fortified for the race this year than ever. The weaker clubs last sea- son have strengthened. this year to <uch an extent as to vrove strong factors in the race for the flag, and the fighting will be hot for the first diyision. During the sixtcen years of the Fastorn League's existence President Powers has served fourteen terms, or will have counting the present one. When the league first branched out from the International and American \esociations to the present, C. D. White, became its president. The next vear P. T. Powers assumed control, und retained the presidency for thir- teen consecutive years. He was suc- ceeded last year hy Harry L. Taylor. of Ruffalo. but was returned to his office at the last annual meeting. On Your Collars ea Castle Brand collars sewn as I ere gh only or, Your * SIZES 1 bacs: we t your collar - money as AS you Pew gpa my ven a Suit of semi-ready Cn the request that he re 3 an exact repre- 1 i 4 i suit. This was oon- sideved a more life-like way of show: ing the suits than by photography, sui the engravers said they could not "Dress Somi-ready store. The H. D. Bib- ., 75-80-82 Princess street. EFT Say! i Chimy beading and fine German val. insertion were used in trimming the blouse shown in the drawing. A bow- knot design was introduced on the lower part of the bodice and slecves, the thin yoke being outlined by the insertion run' in in pointed effect. Cluny beading was used also about the collar and' yoke and on the sleeves. The Bilean Way To Health. Stomach and liver complaints and their symptoms--headache, indigestion, constipation, piles, blood impurities, ete.~cannot be cured by taking drugs which "overdrive" these organs. Yet that is what mere purgatives do ! Bi- leans, on the contrary, help the or- gans to fulfil their functions. Bileans aro composed of pure herbal extracts special'y prepared in accordance with a valuable and unvarying formula, which is the sole property of the Bi- lean Co. They possess a perfectly na- tural actien; and do not cause dis- comfort, but gemtly stimulate and re- gulate all the functions of stomach, liver and bowels. A splendid spring blood purifier ! All stores and drug- gists at 50c. or from Bilean Co., To- ronto, for price. ------------ Donaldson Doings. Donaldson, April 24.--J. Clues has returned to the west. William Mundell, jr., and Neal Morrow have gone to Cokalt. Invitations are out for a wedding at Fish Creek, Wed: nesday, April 24th, the contracting parties being Miss D. Micheau and G. Amell, Visitors: Alfred Mundell vis- ited his home here; H. Thompson vis- ited his sister, Mrs. T. Sargeant; Miss Maggie Mundell spent Sunday with her parents. A little boy has come | to stay 'at S. Allen's.' The farmers ave busy doing their spring ploughing. Miss A. E. Jones, nurse-in-training in the Kingston general hospital, is visii- ing hor parental home here. William Sproule purchased a three-year-old colt from William Lee. Miss Nicholson ix ill and Miss Mamie McKinnon is teach ing in her place we hope for her speedy recovery. A little girl has come to brighten the home of R, Rich ardson. Church service will be con ducted here, on Sunday, by Mr. Little. J. Lennox has been removed to the Kingston hospital, William Webb has gone to Smith's Falls, Leaves For Exposition. April 25. President accompanied hy Mrs Washington, Roosevelt, Roosevelt, their two younger sons, Archie and Quentin, aud Miss Ethel, left town, this afternoon, on their trip for Jamestown exposition. They sailed down the river on the Mayflow- r, which will be his headquarters un: til he returns. Exposition day, April 26th, will be a busy day for Mr. Roossvelt. Various functions, includ: ing his speech, will occupy the time from Il am. unt] 4 pom. Some time between the latter hour and eight o'clock there will. be a reception to the governors of states, diplomats and other guests. Ag eight o'clock the president will be dhe guest at dinner of Henry St. George Tucker, head of the exposition company, at his home in Norfolk, following which, the May- flower, with Mr. Roosevelt and his family aboard, will return to Wash- ington, -- yee Botha As A Bridge-Player. Gen. Botha, in addition to being the. Washington of his country, is an ex- pert at the bridge-table. A story goes that, after the surrender at Vereenig- ing, the Dutch general and the Eng- lish officers appointed as a travelling committee to arrange the detdils of the surrender of the various posts afd depots amused their leisure hours with bridge. By the end of the expedi- tion, when the job was done, the Eng- lish officers had. gained experience, hut the present prime minister of the Transvaal had got their cash. On his arrival in England with Delarey and Dewet he occasionally solaced . the aloomy hours of remembrance of de- feat by a game of bridge. ime ts "Do not suffer from sick henduahe a moment longer. t is vot neosssary on Dose, pr little pill. Small price. Carter's Little Liver Pills will cure Small dose. Small pill. : The erection of a geological wu- the University of Toronto Gips For Ghe Farmers 8Y UNCLE JOSH. A i to reports, the cold woather the past few weeks has been very hard on wheat. It is stated that in some oases where pros- of a bumper house looked bright in the spring, it has almost been de- stioyed. The warm weather in March caused the wheat to Jot rapidly, and within a few days green. The frost returned and the tops of the grain withered, and it is feared that it has been killed. Reports from various parts of On- tario stato that clover sul a great deal from the cold. Like the wheat, it commenced to grow with the warm weather in March, and had just reathed its tender stage, when the cold weather returned and dam- aged i'. According to the reports received by local vegetable growers, the market gardeners are plamiing for a « good season this year. However, weather conditions have not been ns good as they might have been, to bring about active work. The season as a whole, has been very late, and green house crops have not done as well as usual, but there is a good demnnd, especial- ly for radishes, lettuce and rhubarb, It is always a mistake to buy cheap seed. The best is none too good; you must run the gauntlet of insects, dis- cases, and bad seasons, and it is not hest to complicate matters with a cheap start. In melon culture as in every other farm venture, whataver is worth doing is worth doing well. The -| time to plant is when you plant corn. In present day culture the crop is ad- vanced two weeks by plants in hot beds. Recent heavy snows through the North-West will hold farmers up on early spring work; in some places re- planting will be necessary while others are waiting for more settled condi: tions before storting. In some places the snow is still on the ground as deep as in the winter. Many thou- sands of bushels of wheat are yet to be marketed. "The plan of hopper feeding with grain and dry feeds is a great labor saver," says a writer in The American Poultry Advocate. "One who has tried feeding a daily mash to three or four hundred head of 'poultry will say that it is something to be avoided if possible. Fill up the hoppers twice per week and let the fowls balance their own rations. I have not tried this" systam long, but my experience with it so far is very favorable. As in other instances, the labor-saving plan seems to be the one productive of best results. I have never as yet fod much corn in the hoppers, think. ing that it would make the fowls too fat, but this may not be the case. Thus far for hopper feeding 1 have fed mostly oats to the hens and wheat to the chickens. I find that a box four feet long, one foot wide and eight inches deep, with slots on top, answers the same purpose as the hop- per. In fact the boxes do not spill the grain like the regular hoppers sometimes" will." . Have Energy To Do. Human energy is almost unlimited in its power. Energy comes from rich, vital blood. Weakness and failure re- sult when blood is weak and impure. Have utmost mental and muscular energy by enviching and vitalizing your blood with Wade's Iron Tonic Pills. They help almost at once. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25c., at Wade's drug store, Money back if not satisfactory, William Willard Holden, G is the first appointment as provincial inspector of fish and game. The posi tion earries with it 81,600 a vear. Inthe Brandon election trial the petitions against Hon. Clifford Sifton and the cross petition against R. L Richardson were dismissed. Nervous ?. Do You Brood ? Have Morbid Fears ? Toss In Your Sleep ? Bay Your Physical Condition is Be- low Par and Must Be Built Up--Try Ferroszone. All the vital activities of the body are quickened into new vigor by Fer- rozone, which contains all the con stituents necessary to make nerve strength. , ; Its first action is upon digestion. It stimulates the secretion of was- tric juice, ensures perfect digestion and' prepares the food so as to be easil-- assimilated. Thus everything you eat is con-' verted into nourishment that enriches the blood and lends new strength to the nerves. " By Ferrozone the mind is relieved of those brooding tendencies, of mor- bid unnatural fears, of unwillingness to concentrate attention on things that should be done. Won't you try Ferrozove ? Won't you five it a chance to win you back to health; it will do it, just as it did for Mrs. Creighton Zinck, of Palm St., Lunenburg, N.S., who says: "I want to give my experience with Ferrozone because 1 believe it will be of assistance to thousands of women who need it badly. I was very thin, run down in flesh and lack- od color. My nerves were in a dread- ful state. If anything fell 1 would jump, and start. At night I would suddenly wake up, heart palpitating and all keyed up. Ferrozone went right to work. It restored my poise and balance, gave me scli-control, cured my nervousness. Ferrozone in- cremsed my appetite and mv weight came up so fast that I simply didn't need to use it any longer. Eight boxes cured me." 8% Why won't you use Ferr ; also, it certainly will do you good ™ munv ways--sold by oll druggists in he, starting the, SEAL BRAND COFFEE from their As stated in my news letters last summer 1 then began investi gating the Larder Lake district north of Cobalt. I have done so thoroughly, and from puraons] investigation on the ground, the employment of reliable engineers and a corps of experienced prospectors, I and my associates have now ample proof of the great value of this field. We know so surely what is there (and what immense probabili- ties there are as well) that we have already put nearly $150, 000 cash into the field, g Our employees on the ground number nearly one hundred, and our stamp mill will very soon be in operation. 1 am a practical mining man, and I need hardly say that we @ would not put in such money and work unless fully justified, The width of the veins or reefs in sight, and the values they bear when such width is considered, is extraordinary. 'In Africa - such recfs are profitably mined when bearing but a few penny- weights of gold to the ton--at Larder Lake average assays from across many reefs run ounces of gold to the ton. An ounce is equal to $20, and the cost of mining and milling should not exceed $2.50. I and my associates sce many millions of dollars of clean legiti- mate profits before us in these goldfields, : By forming a company, putting up our hard cash, as stated above, and getting in first, we have secured thirty-seven forty. acre claims which we believe to be the cream of the Larder Lake Goldfields, ' Y Lo--- Our present stamp mill is a small one, We want a larger mill --from 100 to 200 stamps--and we must spend money in opening up our large acreage. Wo have put in considerably money, and, indeed, would carry the whole thing ourselves but that, like everything else, we have other interesty as well to take cave of, We are therefore affording others the opportunity of Joining us and sharing with us the large profits we are going to make profits from dividends, and also from the increase of market value in, gur_stock, Our Company is known as the LARDER LAKE PROPRIETARY GOLDFIELDS, LIMITED, and among the directors and gentle- men identified with it are the following: Col. G. Stutling Ryer son, ex-MP.P.; Senatop L. V. Ulvey; deut.-Col, A, N, Worth. ington, member dowinign parliament; T, Herbert Lennox, mem- ber provincial parliament; Charles H. Wa ®, ex-mayor of Brantford; E. P. Bucke, of "Granby" fame; Dr. D. H. Piper, of London; PP, Kirkganrde, M.E., member National Geographical Society; Sylvester Jonckes, president Jonckes Machine Company; William Farwell, president Eastern Townships Bank; C. P, Brown, of Toronto; Dr. Preston, member provincial parliament, and others of like standing, © For the purposes mentioned above a limited amount of stock is offered by the underwriters (Canada Mines Limited) at their first ground floor price of $1.00 per shave, _ This is being sub- seribod for rapidly and the next allotment will be at a material + ly advanced price, The stock will then be listed on the exchanges and placed on the New York and Boston curhs. when, as in every proposition I have been connected with, it will, without doubt, command a legitimate market at a still higher price. This opportunity will not last Jong. Those desiring further particulars, maps, detailed - reports, ele, before joining us, please write, 'phone or telegraph me at once. HEAD OFFICE 45 Ee SH, G. BARBER LONG DISTANCE PHONES : . ; Canada Mings, Limited. Main 7565 BRANCH OFFICE AT LARDER CITY. " 1568 A vo La ( \ b Prices This Week See our B-picces Mahogany - Parlor Suite, regular price , for $20, Solid Oak and Mahogany Parlor Ta ble, $2.50. Music Cabinets, 83.50 to $35. 3 Special prices in Buffets and China Cabinets, from $12 to $95. Robt. J. Reid, The Leading Undertaker and Furni- ture Dealer, 230 Princess St. : Ambulance "Phone, 577. BREW . COAL OIL Another car of Our Best Oil just unloaded to-day. Money } Cannot buy better. = If you have trouble with the oil you are using try ours. Phone for Oil and Hardware 183 McKELVEY &. y

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