[ BBY' S + and $15.00 JITS are showing some extraordinary Suits cut in the latest style from tailored to perfection by the most our trade the best moderate-priced can buy. WE DO IT. A Look at Our Suits. Raincoats, $10, D and $15. s, $7.00 to $15. ---- D. Bibby Co. 00¢ b : ; : J S STORED | SLeL08 one No. 35 your stove taken down and ison, It will only cost you 1.00 promptly attended to. TT BROS. incess Street VIPIIIIIIIIIPIPIPIPIIIIIPIIU SO vos be IIIIVIIIISIIIIIIINIIIIINN ICN dren's 10esS alty at This Store Children's Shoe Department. We have ed 'with all the nice things for little and Slippers, in Soft Soles and d Fine Vici-Kid, in Brown, Black, 5¢., 50c., 75¢. to $1. ack, Tan, Red and White, Heavy Vici-Kid, Box Calf, Patent, Colt, rildren, in Brown and Patent h White Tors are among the newest VINDOW DISPLAY .DREN'S SHOES /'s Shoe Store DE RONEREEEREto SALE: PIG LEAD 0. Ltd. Toronto, Ont. | g [2 © tural classes. MAKE EQUIVALENT B. A. DEGREE TO EQUAL CER- - TIFICATE. A University Deputation See the of Education--The Minister C.P.R. May Buy a Projected Railway. to," April 25--A deputation from the University of Toronto, wait- od upon a iaitter of education, to- day, to to t 4 Propossd course for the Rachels degree arts, such course to. include household scienee and subjects as equiv. alent to a such Subjects. Consideration was pro- mised. it is reported the Canadian Pacific railway is negotiating to re the charter of the Owen el oy Mea- ford Railway company, which road is vet to be built, bus which has been subsidized 'by the Dominion govern- ment to the extent of $96,000. The proposal is to build the road from Owen Sound taking .in Meaford. and Smith's Falls, and running south of Lake Simcoe 'from a junction some- where near Peterboro, with the pro- posed Victoria Harbor line. This would give Collingwood a Canadian Pacific connection. A conference was held, this week, between Canadian Pacific officials and J. J. McLauch- lan, Owen Sound, president of the Owen Sound & Meaford railway. All the union picture framers, em- ployed in Toronto, went out on strike, this morning. About 150 men are affected. They asked for a u hour day and ten per cent. increase in, wages, but the employers refused to grant the demands. The request of the Toronto Electric Light company, for permission to in crease its capital from three to four million dollars, js being granted by the government. The increase will be allowed under the present companies' act, which does not give the same discretionary control to the governs ment over public utilities as does the measure which was recently passed by the legislature but which does not go into effect. till July. FORTY MEAT INSPECTORS. Pass Examinations in Chicago After Month's Study. Ottawa, April 25.-Out of the fifty- nine veterinary surgeons sent from various parts of Canada to Chicago during the past winter to take a course in meat inspecting in that city, fifty-eight have passed the examina- tion after only one month's study. It is expweted that forty will be appoint- ed to caver the whole dominion, at a salary of $1,200 per year. Rutherford "will likely be appoint- ad inspector. Rushing The Smelter. Rapid progress' is reported by G. Hastings, one of the original promot- ers of the. North Ontario Reduction and Refining company, which is erect- ing a refinery for Cobalt and other ores at Sturgeon Falls. The build- ings, substantial structures, are nearly completed, include an up-to-date laboratory; contracts have been lot for twenty-five carloads of machinery, which will enable the refinery to treat 300 tons of ore every twenty-four hours. A siding is being run in from the C.P.R., and the refinery expects to be in shape to receive ore in June. No difficulty is expected in treating C obalt ore, and $25 ore can be handled pro- fitably, which will make the ores on the dumps at Cobalt, which run from $40 to 8X00 a ton valoable. The by- products, now lost to the mine-owners when shipped to the smelters, will now he saved. A sample shipment of one ton of low-grade ore from the Silver Queen to the refinery at Clarkston, Wash. (the model for the Sturgeon Falle refinery), gave a return in by- products of $161, of which $84 was n cobalt, $73 in nickel, and $4.50 in copper, all of which would be lost or- dinarily. The promoters are sanguine of reaping heavy profits incidentally as a result of the government bounty on ors refined in the province of six cents on n ckel, five cents on cobalt, one and a hali cents on copper, half a ceut on arsenic, Centreville News. Centroville, April 24.- Farmers are beginning sowing in this vicinity. Messrs. O'Connor - and McGill have dissolved partnership. Mr. McGill will run the store in the future. William Hinchey has engaged as assistant cheesemaker with Mr. Gerow. E. H. Perry is spending a few days in the back country. The bodies in the Roman Catholic vault were buried on the 16th. Anson Dennison and family have moved to Napanee. Martin James left. on Tuesday for Arrow Head. B.C. Patrick Evans lost a very valuable cow last Fired Oh Robbers. Louisville, Ky., April 25, --An at- . tempt was made, last night, to rob a passenger train on the Southern railway, near English, Ind. The rob Lers fired a bridge. W. E. Cummins, town marshall at English, was dang- erously wounded in attempting to ar- rest the robbers. Far Reaching Understanding. New York, April 25.--A despatch from Madrid says the Correspondence De La Espanta, has diplomatic auth- ority for stating that the 'effect of the meeti of King Alfonso and King Edw: . at Cartagenia, was the per- fection of a far-reaching understand- in for the purposes of war and peace. Discharged Butler. Dover, Del, April 25--§rank H. Butler, charged with the murder of the Marvin child, was discharged from' custody, today, for want of sufficient evidence, The high schools at Napanee, Lind- sav, Dutton, Collingwood, Galt and Kemptville, have asked the govern- meat to be selected as one of six schools which are to receive a grant of £1,000 cach this year for agricul: Cantingl def Val has authorised a teacher's certificate for: 'PITH OF THE WEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Montreal had a fine snow storm this T, x Evans Thamestille with opr 30d mt k yards at At a settlement of the assured, The 88. Laurentian, arrived at Hali- miners' strike is fax at 7 a.m. Passen 197 an 0 oly gers, 197 second annual banquet of the Canadian Club of New York will be held at the Hotel Bt, on] May 16h, son of the chief the Hiawatha Indians, has © fy a white muskrat, a great curiosity, James 8. McAdam has been made train asian ay the G.T.R. at Otta- wa, vice Ls ou transferred, W. H. McGillivary, ugh; van got a permit, in Ottawa, to - extend the Sova of Commons, at a cost of $237,- It is reported that Mr. Gamey, MN. P.P., has made $50,000 in Cobalt, and that he expects to clean up $50,000 more, A Masien woman to whom the late Lord D. Beresford willed $10,000 | from his Br Tyee estate, claims a wife's are, The fishin tg Searchlight, of Har- bor Beach, fa is missing, and is belicved to have sunk in Lake Huron, with her crew of six men. The panic among the inhabitants of the Valdivia district of Chili has been increased by the breaking into erup- tion of the volcano of Villarica. The immigrants reaching Canada thus far during the present season, both from the British Isles and from continental Europe, are of a very su- perior class. It 38 likely "that Mgr. J. spiritaal director of the American Col- lege, Rome, will be appointed co- aun. of Bishop McCloskey, of Louis- ville, n Barr, a man who has a very high reputation throughout Ontario as a first-class dairyman, has been ap- pointed to the staff of the Dominion dairy commissioner. At Buffalo, N.Y. United States Sec- ret Service offices arrested three ltal- ians . and. scized a large quantity of count fit money believed to have Leen made in Italy. It is understood the tween Germany and the United States wil endure for one year and that it will prolong itself automatically if no notice of a change he given, Farrelly, new tariff be- : The Sydney, N.S, police are asking for the: ampest of John C. MeNeil, treapurer of the Miners' Relief fund. McNeil disappeared, shortage of $1,600. The Soo river iz now opened and the viinguard of a fleet of one hundred steamers which have been theld up at Detour, some of them for ten days, have arrived at "the Soo. Friulein Milewskn, formerly "a lady- in-waiting to the late Princess Amalie of Schleswig Holstein, aunt of the em- press, charged with stealing her em- plovers' jewels, has been acquitted, The steamer Universe, from New York, for Louisburg, N.S. is ashore at White Point, a few miles west of Canso. The sea is very rough ti no one yet is able to leave the The first subscription vo by the mayor of Toronto to the Longboat fund came from Lieut.-Col. Hamilton Merritt, an honorary chief of the On- Sadages, Longboat's tribe. This was 5 At Berlin, Michael Schaefer, tanner, about sixty-one years of age, arrested for brutally assaulting his wife and family, committed suicide by strang- ling himself With the aid of his weck- tie. The Cap Rouge ice bridge made a good start, on Wednesday night, but stopped again on account of the low tide. It is expected it will' make an- other start at high water this after noon. Rev. Perry S. Dobson, B.A., Oxon. St. Lambert's, Que., has been ap-| pointed to take up immigration work under the direction of a general con- ference committee of the Methodist church. Stanislaus Lis, the notorious brig: and, has been captured at Lublin, ninety-five miles from Warsaw, after | the house in which he took refuge had been blown to pieces by artillery, and he, himseif, mortally wounded, Earl Seeley, who claims Belleville as his place of residence, was arrested at South Woodslee on a forgery charge. He passed 'a bad check on a grocery and had been working merchants, ho- telmen, and others in this section. The management of the transporta- tion and maintenance department of the Grand Trunk, in succession to Mr McGuigan, has bean offered to George E. Jones, general manager of the Cen- tral Vermont railroad, and is likely to he accepted, People near Elmstead, Ont., quar- antined for small-pox, have refused to | comply with the regulations and are mingling with their neighbors. 1 crown attorney orders the offenders, if they do not 'quit, to be locked up and guarded hy constables. When the Pontiac and Pacific rail- way was built Hull gave exemptions if the terminus was located in its limits. The linewas, purchased by the C.P.R. and the terminus was at Ottawa. Hull claimed this broke the original agree ment and suedifor taxes. Case dis- missed. Joseph Reid, carrier for his 'majes- ty's mail, was held up near the O\P.R. stition st' Peterboro, by an unknown: man, and ordered to produce the mail bags. Just as the unknown man was reaching for his revolver, Reid struck him on the head with the heavy lock of an empty bag, and fled. A blaze in the Bon Pasteur convent, created econ- His books show a Oveles, on Wedthesday, siderable excitement and. for a time looked decidedly Jangerous. The «damage by smoke and water will be considerable. As mdy be fimagined, the fire created a great deal of alarm amoug the ladies of the institution. A waiter named Dorman, on the v Montreal; brought suit ernie, B.C, it is reported that i TWENTY HIVE YEARS THESENTENCEIMPOSED FOR . MURDERER. iain, United States Sailor Killed the Drew a Revolver While In- ~toxicated.. Washington, April. 25. Tgenty-live vears' imprisonment, twenty of* which shall be at hard labor, is the sentence of the court-martial which recently triad Maurice Burke, a seaman at- tached to the cruiser Tennessee, for murdering. James A. lass, chief master-at-arms, and assaulti and attempting to kill Wallin MeCool, master-at-arms, both of that vessel. The sentence was approved by Secre- tary Metcalf and the state prison at Wethersfield, Conn., has been selected as the place of confinement. Burke's crime was committed on the night of February 6th last, while the Tennessee was lying at the | Island navy yard, Philadel returned intoxicated after Jeph given shore leave, and when summoned be fore his rriors, drew a revolver, killing Douglass and wounding Ne- Cool. FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Selling Price . Thursday 11 1-16¢c. In the absence of the president, C. W. Langwith, the second vice-presi- dent, F, Valleau, presided at the meeting of the Frontenac cheese board Thursday afternoon. There was a good attendance of the members. At the 'opening, J. A. Kerr, intro- duced H. E. Brentel, who was recently appoifited sanitary instructor, to the members, and the inspector made a short 'address in which he asked for the co-operation of the board. Chief Dairy Instructor: Publow was Was present, and made a strong appeal for further progress in the dairying business. He -said that this section was not making the progress that it should; other sections were going ahead much faster, amd there was no reason why this section should not do likewise. The inspector mnde an appeal for dairymen to have their dairies in such a condition as would bring forth -a most favorable report, should a de- putation at any time make a visit to this district. The boarding of cheese followed. The following boarded : White--Arigan, 35; Cataragui, 30; Forest, 32: Latimer, 35; McGrath's, 25; total, 157. Colored--Glenburnie, 30; Glenvale, 30; Keenan, 40; Bay View, 30; Model, 32: total, 162. J. A. Kerr bought 227 boxes at 11 1-160.;, composed of Arigan, Glenbur- nie, Keenan; Bay View, Latimer, Model, McGrath's. Contracts Ame Out. "The contracts Tor rebuilding Me- | Kelvey & Birch's store on the ruins of the old store: were let to-day. The successful tenderers were: Masonry, Henry Watts; carpentering, R. N. F McFarlane; painting and decorating, T. Milo. Work will be commenced on the new store, at once, the firm ex- pect to enter their new premises in two months' time. The building will be raised another storey. The con- trabt for wiring was not decided on to-day. Mr. McKelvey is determined to have the wiring all encased to avoid possibilities of another fire. A Rothschild Hobby. Lionel Walter Rothschild, M.P., has devoted about $100,000 of his share of his family wealth on an exhaustive work on extinct birds. It aims to give descriptions of all birds that have become extinct in historical times. The author has a private na- tural history mmseum at Tring Park, Hertfordshire, England, which is world famed. The publishers have expended £5,000 on engraving blocks alone, ahd have experimented for years to ob- tain an imperishable paper. Only 300 copies of the English edition will be printed. to sell for £125 a copy. Some Queer People. woman walking along Ontario Wednesday afternoon, drapped her purse, which contained $120, in front of the Iroquois hotel. Bandsman King, of Tete de Pont barracks found the money and left it with, the police. The owner called at the police station shortly after the money was found in a very excited state, and when given the purse she walked qut without say- as' much as_"thank you." There some queer people in the world. A street, ing are Stolen Dog Returned. J. H. Sutherland has recovered the valuable cocker spaniel that he lost several weeks ago. It travelled 600 miles from the west to reach its mas- Certain parties were suspected of ter. | having had a part in conveying the dog away, and evidently decided that it was better to return it. Mr. Suth- erland was glad indeed to get his dog- gie back, One of the very best of regular pub- lications is "Canadian life and Re- sources," issued by the Resources Pub- lishing company, Montreal. The jour- nal well merits the hearty reception accorded by the Canadian public. It is devoted to a description of life, manners and magnificent resources of our country, and of the- various in- dustries' which arp helping to make the nation great and prosperous. Each number contains over thirty pages and is beautifully illustrated. John Marron, Sry died at Brock- ville on Wednesday. He was aged se- venty-one years. He was a sony of the late Dennis Marron, who fifty years ago played an important part in the mamicipal life of Brockville. Three children, John, of Brockville; Dennis, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., and Mrs. Thomas J. Clinton, of Philadel- phia, Pa., survive. "y I It is that King Leopold's visit to Paris fay result in the ses- Na igation com- account of serious injuries, |Site explosion of a cofle | The J and first part ranted sion of the Congo Free State to France. You may have abserved that few suc- cessful business men fecl at 'ease at a judg polite social function. K 10, whom bis CD ita nt ie BEBE DRERED BER TROBE apie * v re : Makes the lightest, sweetest, finest- flavored, most delicious and wholesome food. =. bf Oats a. | I's ass wh Yl J LX} 8s) le la. A i AN) La "wn LY Abs) ey Roy (3 we fy BS / oo eo i 7 far rs or 3 Hi A Vp ¢ Ke Gr Le DI Re) . « of & ph ie ol oe Ro hl Be ¢ LY Jl R ¥, al - wb LY FIC D) BB Fain Sab RE Val Va ho) (a ® 0) fs ° £5 } a" Sats fad BRR Ra L Vm 0H --t LR) hi 11g a WY GN 4 Py The Housewife will find no possible substitute for the Royal Baking : 7 Powder. There is no other baking powder or baking preparation similar to it, or that will render the food so excellent in every quality. : : It is folly to use the best flour, butter, and eggs with an inferior baking powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. PE IRIRIRTRTETRIR TRIE NEW ANGLICAN CHURCH. of; the names of the the viz,: laying of the stope, with building committee, : Rural Dean Dibh, Robert Jackson, A. Laying of the Comer Stone at|p%, , '""archibald Ruttan, and J. Morven. S. Brandon Also the names: of the In spite of the furious wind on Mon- | contractors, Thomas Pybus, for the Skirts and Waists day, April 22nd, there was a very | pasonry, and Walter Duvis, for the large gathering of friends and neigh earpentoring. Many Entirely New and bors for the ceremony of laying the | "1h, hrgoeeds of the day in collection Atiractive corper-stone of the new: Anglican | 4nd. new subscriptions amounted to Models chureh at Morven. Rev. Canon Jarvis | oo $100, making a total of about UR ready-to-wear sales show a and Dudley Hill, choirmaster, kindly |g 100 subscribed. Most of this has steady and marked increase over any previous season's businoss. Bright new assortments here, brought out the surpliced choir of The church will already been paid in up-to. St. Mary Magdalene's church, from | J toile cost about $2,000 complete, Napanee, shich added greatly to the Pe strenuous efforts will be on to the-minw spe, many attractive and eclat of the occasion. The visiting open it free of debt. stylish of ths choose from and clergy were Rev. A. L. McTear, re very moderate Wo I in every instance. tor of Bath: Rev. C. E. 8. Radelifie, The latest drrivals include many un- rector of Camden; Rev. J. W. Jones, Rheumatism Always Yields. usually effective models. rector of Tamworth, and Canon Jar- Any disease must yield when we can at $5, 86, 87.50, Spring Coats, to $12. vis. The clergy and choir robed.in a | find and remove the cause. little vacant house adjoining the wie The cause of rheumatism is uric acid Now Costumes, at - 80, $10 ; and marched in procession i $he in the blood. If this poison is remov- ou mes, and school fiouse, where the most of the]. jt is impossible for any symptoms . \ service, consisting of approprinte| of (he disease 10 remain. i Blame Waists, 50c., 81, $1.25 to prayers, hymns and readings, was Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure 'slways | #. said. The whole company then pro-|, i tralizes and expels "this acid. Spring Skirts, $2.75, $3, 835010 ceeded to the site, and. Rev. Rural} 1¢ does even more, for it entiches the $7. Dean Dibb presented a handsome sil: ver trowel to Uriah Wilson, MP, for Lennox, and requested him to lay the This be ng done a return was school house, and Dr. Blood and restores the normal activity of all the vital organs. It leaves the systan in better cone dition than it was before the rheuma- tism began. A positive eure also for | Children's Skirts . = Misses' Skirt SPENCE'S, The and Mantle anting Miitusey nd 3 stone, made to the Stone's stirring hymn, "The Church's atiations Price S0c." Ten' days'" trent- : One Foundation, was fervently sung. ment. At Wadv's dig. store, A collection was then made, after a which Uriah Wilson® delivered an al Es = mirable, tactful and sympathetic ac dress, urging all present to give their Webster-Gray. : t cordial co-operation to the new Boston, Mass, April 26--To-day Re- | church. | presentative Walter A. Webster was Rev. Rural Dean Dibb then followed, | married to Miss Mabel Florence Gray. The bride was for many years a pub- stenographer, and did much work many lawyers. Among these was | Webster, smitten with her | the predominant note of his address | T being thanksgiving, first to Almighty | lie God for the encouraging success so.far | for who became ttained. Then he thanked the build = oe committee for its strenuous la- | ple asant ways, and soon propos. Ha | To Users of Pailsland Tabs" bors in , the gathering of mate rina. | told a friend thershe could take him Si Those. who had so cordially helped | without a mistake, but the sm Hi A word' of caution may not. be out of place. The E.B. with the teaming, and especially those | the reporter made him say quickly Com --w ute ¥ GU. who were adherents of other Chris- | that it was hid dictation that he tian bodies, were gratefully mention: | took so accurately. The wedding tod od, aml also D. W. Shea, who had ih ince at the house of the pede a t: generously donated the large quantity | antic, and the ceremony was pe orm of sand reqitired. Many others who [ed by "Rev. Mr. Miller, pastor ol he had helped in various ways too num- | Methodist church. The happy coup erous to specify here, were mentioned, | started, today, on a wedding trip to and God's blessing invoked upon them | Germany. short and excellent ad- | al k th 1 . oe vis gl ratifies wes given by Mandy--Hives and other blotalies are Ivanized iron box under the supposed to be caused by an acid sto: ike. oleate copies of the tr the ng A simple remedy and one that xp Daily effective is Hollister's R Beavyr and B om a ee a aah,