Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Apr 1907, p. 4

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i igs iy! fi [ i 1 i £8 - aH i 7800.15 a.m. 1.00-4.00 p.m. 7.80-9.15 a.m. 1.00-3. FRI. 7.80~0.15 a. p-m-1 Ontario. 'Because he did not, Mr. will always use WINDSOR SALT. Pure--fine--petfect i A POLICY OF ABUSE. The Toronto Telegram does not hesi- question. It simply surrendered to 'J the mob who are in political control at Toronto. "The license enquiry will not," says the Telegram, "shine as the brightest jewel in the crown of tree and Hon. W. J. Hanns may expostu-: late. They know in their hearts that the Ontério government hak nothing to be proud of in its surrender to "Hon, RB. A: Pyne and the effets of that di upon. thé Toronto license situation." 2 s The surprise is that the government him and his counsel at work. They expected to find something that would be greatly to the discredit of the party, if current rumours were veri- fied. They did not expect, however, to find so much graft, so much political: crookedness, and the further the in- vestigation went the worse the case became, It was a relief when, eventu- ally, the commissioner said he was through. He Bad time to make a report be- fore the legislature closed, but for some reason he failed to present it. He would have had to say that which would have added to the confusion eof the government when the premier un- dertook to defend a condition of af- | fnirs which is without a parallel . in Whitney charged ex-Inspector Hastings with recommending a license holder for favours, 'when, as the Telegram as- sorts, he was deprived of a license and was convicted again and again of sell- ing liquor illegally. "Fiction, not fact," says the Telegram, "was the sharpest arrow in the quiver from which Hon. Mr. Whitney was forced to draw arguments 'for the defence of an indefensible blunder." TUMULT IN THE OPPOSITION, The venom with which the conserva. tives at Ottawa are influenced is dis- played in their last attack om Nr. Aylesworth. A bill 'was before the house, giving power for certain ex- tensions to the Hamilton Radial rail- way, and the question, under discus sion was the propriety of parliament having to do with it. Why should it '| be regarded as "for the advantage of Canada Nir. Aylesworth entered into a legal explanation as to the term. He cited | the judgment of Justice Street, who had declared in an action with the Grand Trunk railway that this parti: cular railway was to the general ad- vantage of Canada, by reason of its passing over the Grand Trunk tracks at Burlington. This, Justice Street had held, transferred the company from the juristiction of the Ontario , | with the burning of ashes, in con- junction with new fuel and salt and tate to say that the government has blundered, seriously, upou the license will mot real good h The C.P.R. bas been experimenting water, and as a result has no faith in the Altoona cobbler's discovery. It is wonderful how many people tried the absurd proposition. Goldwin Smith does not favour the enfranchisement of women. He says that on men has been laid the re sponsibility of "upholding the state and order. David McClure, lawyer, "and ove of the Thaw insane commission, has been talking since the trial and sur- prising people with his shallow rea- soning. Jerome knew his man and so wanted to see the minutes of the com-~ mission. They must present an inter esting study. Regarding the student vote, Why should the registration of the young men, and their active interest in political events, be such a spectacle as the conservative organ presents ? Do the students 'mot conduct them- selves as well as any other class in the community ? 3 -- The new postal arrangerhent with regard to papers will cut off all com- munication with residents of the Uni- ted States. The thousands, tens of thousands, who, being former Cana- dians, have had their home papers sent to them in the United States will be the sufferers. It is a cruel and un- patriotic movement. ---- Dr. Allan Hamilton is after the com- mission which pronounced upon - the sanity of Thaw. He says, referring to. McClure and his theories : "Nothing could have been more absurd and in- plete than the tion of the prisoner by this individual and his associates, who could not, eves if they had seriously desired, have de termined the existence of paranoia by the methods adopted. In fact, this part of the trial was the most farci- cal of all." : Cure Kidneys Early. All serious kidney ills are slight ones in the inning. Any case of dia- betes, lrig ro Wy etc., can easily be avoi if the earlier signs of kid- ney disorder are heeded. Peclés Kid- and Liver Pills cure all ordinary » liver and bladder troubles and = Luck Of A Windfall. > harsh forest laws of William the Conqueror are responsible for the meaning of good lack now so often associated with the term windfall. Un- der the Norman it was a eriminal .of- fence to cut down timber in the jor- €its; 'but as the peasants were allow- ed to gather whatever wind the wood had blown down, they always hailed a storm as an omen of good luck. A Great Hat Combine. In our hats are combined pleasing good style, high quality and low price. See our surprising values in $2 and $2.50 derbies. Campbell Bros., heston's style centre for men's {legislature to the federal parliament, Beef, Gibson's 'Red Cross , Iron and Wine, only 50c., at Drug Store, only an exception- Have saved Queen's faithiully ond of his differed from him |ombérland county, New Brumswick, of & legul decision, and {Beotch parentage choise as to which |Sntional institutions in Halifax and in acted . Bourassa is going to edit a daily He have so much time on his hands. | This of itself will be a ; some queer things in London. The chances are that there romances of the press in Eng- The participation of the studen ts in i local elections is said not to be an iki o [edifying proceeding. What is there " wrong about it? What is the real cause of this insult to the young men® the cabinet of Premier Henry Campbell- apd 'enforcing the law." 3 might, have said "some men." All are not . {apparently the representatives of law 9 4 BL laborious, no one more conscientious, behalf, Will ' Receive Allowances From ¢ ie Pensi Fund They Served Queen's Faithfully For Many Years. tary, will enjoy for the rest of their lives a liberal allowanes frem the Carmegie pension fund for retired university and college - both . They will retain the rank of emeriti in the university. James Fowler was born early mn the thirties at Black River, in North- . In due time he found his way to the Free Church eda course reached the position of a pro bationer. During his time in Halifax he was a teacher in the Academy which the church kept up ai a iceder for the college While in the classes he RT. HON. LEWIS HARCOURT, Sem of the late Hop. William V. Har court, the great British statesman, Who is followirg in lus fathers foolsweps in going into politics. He has just been selected first commussioner of works in Bannerman, -------- ee ------------------------------ showed those qualities, such as carciul research and thoroughness, that have ever since distinguished him. He g-a- duated from the Theological College in 1855, and in 1857 was ordained not far from his native place. Kent coun- ty, in which his whole ministerial life was spent, lies immediately south of Northumberland in which he was morn. The life that he lived there was a very obscure one. He did the work of his parish most faithfully; there was no duty overlooked. Every day he read his Hebrew Bible and the Septuagint version until these languages wire us familiar to him as our mother tongue is to us. Then he was day by day prosecuting his investigations into the flora of the province as well as sts geology. The collection of dried plants which he made in these years is the wonder as it was the mystery of those who were privileged to see it. Along about 1¥75 an affection of the throat unfitted him for preaching and in 1876 he was compelled to leave the pulpit. After residing in Carleton, St. John, for a short period he obtained an ap- pointmeit in the Normal school, Fred: ericton, and in 1830 the lecturership in natural scicnee in Queen's was given him. Some years ago he was pro- moted to the botany professorship. No one on Queen's staff has been more no ome more thorough, no one so mo- dest with all his attainments. A more devoted. scientist then Prof. Fowler does mot live. He has the reputation being one of the ablest Hebrew scholars in' Canada. George Dalrymple Ferguson is the son of the late Archibald Ferguson, for some years proprietor of the Mont. real Herald. He was born in Mont- real, and received his primary educa- tion in the Royal Grammar school of that city. Then he entered Queen's College, Kingston, where he graduated as bachelor of arts, in 1851. After wards he studied at the universities of Edinburgh and Halle. In 1854 he was ordained to the ministry, and placed in charge of St. Andrew's church, Hawkesbury, Ont. At Prescott, he be came chairman of the Board of Educa- ton, - In 1869, he was appointed professor of history and English literature in Queen's College, Kingston, and while still holding that position was ap- pointed, in. June, 1876, professor of languages and afterwards of English literature in the Royal Military Col- legé, which latter appointments he held for some years. Of late years, his whole time has been devoted to the history chair of Queen's. Yr Ferguson is an able historian, and has contributed many articles to various periodicals. A Workman Killed. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., April 24 The Sault Ste. Marie Pulp and Paper company's mill was badly damaged by fire, this morning, thirteen out of twenty-one dryers being destroyed, and also twenty-four of the screens. The contre of the mill was burned. The loss will be over $100,000, hut it is fully covered by insurance. The fire resulted, it is thought, from belt fric- tion. : Benjamin Sehiraytaz, injured man. is dead. He was knocked off the roof by the stream from a hosel To Be Tried To-Day. Washington, April 25.--The trial of Mrs. Bradley, who shot former United States Senstor Brown, of Utah, in a hotel in this city, on December Sth, began to-day. Her counsel presented a petition for an order authorizing the summoning of thirteen witnesses from the west to be brought here; at government expense, to testify in her ® Hard Soles, in Patent and Fine Buy Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at Canada Gibsons Red Cross Drug Store. Fresh . We »> BIBBY'S tw -- $19.50 and $15.00 SUITS This season we are showing some extraordinary $12.50 and $15.00. Suits cut in the latest style from choice fabrics and tailored to perfection by the most skillful workmen. We aim to give our trade the best moderate-priced Clothing that money can buy. AND WE DO IT. | Come | Take A Look at Our Suits. Handsome Raincoats, $10, } 12.50 and $15. Top Coats, $7.00 to $15. The H. D. Bibby Co. LLeL08 STOVES STORED | Telephone No. 35 When you want your stove taken down and stored for the season, It will only cost you $1.00 All orders promptly attended to. ELLIOTT BROS. 77 Princess Street FIVIIIIII IIIT IPIPIPPIIIVISI III PO vob be PEFR RIEREEREIRee eee VIIIIIIIIIIIISIIIIIIe Shoes | Are A Specialty at This Store ones. | Chi 1d | Baby Boots, Moccasins and Slippers, in Soft Soles and Vici-Kid, in Brown, Black, } Red and White Leathers, 35¢., 50c., 75c. to $1. Children's Shoes, in Black, Tan, Red and White, Heavy Soles and Light Soles, in Vici-Kid, Box Calf, Patent, 75¢c., 85c., 90c., $1 to $2. : We do not neglect the Children's Shoe Department. We have this department well stocked with all the nice things for little Colt, Fancy Footwear for Children, in Brown and Patent g Leathers, Black Shoes, with White Tops are among the newest styles for Children, SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR SALE: ENGLISH PIG LEAD mm---- Metal Co., Ltd. ramon. eT ' od 00000900000000000004,, ' ; 4 > J : x MAKE EQUIV B. A. DEGREE TO E( + TIFICATE Toronto," April 25. from the University of ' od upon the minister of day, to ask him to acce course for the bachelos arts, such course to. incl sciegee and kindred subj alent to a teacher's such Subjects. Considers mised. ford Railway company, vet to be built, bus wh subsidized 'by the Dom ment to the extent of proposal is to build tl Owen Sound taking in } Smith's Falls, and runn Lake Simcoe from a jun where near Peterboro, posed Victoria Harbo would give Collingwood Pacific connection. A do held, this week, betw Pacific officials and J. lan, Owen Sound, pre Owen Sound & Meaford All the union picture ployed in Toronto, wi strike, this morning. Ab are affected. They aske hour day and ten per cen wages, but the employers grant the demands. The request of the Tor Light company, for perm crease its capital from t million dollars, js being the government. The inc allowed under the presen act, which does pot gi disentionary control to ment over public utilities measure which was recent the legislature but which into effect. till July. FORTY MEAT INSP Pass Examinatibns i After Month's S Ottawa, April 25.--Out nine veterinary surgeons various parts of Canada during the past winter course in meat inspecting fifty-eight have passed t tion after only one montl is expweted that forty will ed to caver the whole do wed salary of $1.2 Rutherford will likely head inspector. Rushing The Sm Rapid progress' is rep Hastings, one of the orig ers ol the. North Ontar and Refining company, wl ing a refinery for Cobalt ores at Sturgeon Falls ings, substantial structure completed, include an laboratory; contracts he for twenty-five carloads © which will enable the refi 300 tons of ore every hours. A siding is being the C.P.R., and the refine be in shape to receive ore difficulty is expected in tre ore, and $25 ore can be fitably, which will make | the dumps at Cobalt, wh $40 to $200 a ton valual products, now lost to the when shipped to the smelt he saved. A sample ship ton of low-grade ore fro Queen to the refinery e Wash. (the model for tl Falle refinery), gave a 1 products of $161, of whic cobalt, $73 in nickel, a copper, all of which woul dinarily. The promoters of reaping heavy profits as a result of the govern on ores refined in the pr cents on n okel, five cents one and a hali cents on ¢ cent on arsenic, -- Centreville New Centreville, April 24.-- beginning sowing in Messrs. O'Connor - and) dissolved partnership. Nr, run the store in the fut Hinchey has engaged cheesemaker with Mr. Ge Perry is spending a few back country. The boy Roman Catholic vault we the 16th. Anson Denmisor have moved to Napan James left. on Tuesday Head. B.C. Patrick Evan valuable cow last week. Fired Oh Robb Louisville, Ky., April . tompt was made, last n a passenger train on railway, mear English, ] Lers fired a bridge. W. town marshall at Englisl erously wounded in atten rest the robbers. Far Reaching Unders New York, April 25.- from Madrid says the C« De La Espanta, has dipl ority for stating that the meeti of King Alfonse Prey, at Cartagenia, fection of a far-reaching ins for the purposes of w Discharged But Dover, Del, April 23 Butler, charged with ti the Marvin child, was dis custody, to-day, for wan evidence, The high schools at Na say, Patton, Collingwood Kemptville,. have asked meat to be selected as schools which are to. rec of $1,000 cach this year - tural classes. Cardinal Foi) Val hap 3 denial of report : ¥ the outifical sareta

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