Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Apr 1907, p. 4

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e-- THE FE § 3 i of pedagogy. It to of public life, The conservative press: comments upon the large increase in the expendi- ture of the dominion government. It could comment, and does not, upon the large - increase in the revenue, Canada is growing fast and its gov- ernment is doing well if it does not own a silver mine. | ---- Had Lengthy Conference. il 24--Ki has bod 5 lng ctor k Leopeld lengthy col the 'minister of the inter. been at ting to form i en task. were g Raliegh, N.C, April 24.--Four men were drowned in Cape Fear River, yes tecday, at Buckhorn Falls, thirty mites from The dead are: Hans Thorson, t. Paul, Minn., foreman of 8 constructian i . . ap issus in the mext election. The tory party will be hard up for issues, then. be loaded down weaknesses of the Greasy linimen erecting 4 Be a is and prosecution officers of the crown from the Can Yugioh act, and if not wh not ? i8 in the way? The is | lic would like to have these ments, live. Why will the crown not act ? SUDDEN PICTON DEATH. the Town. sad for the doctor, 1 think x Poufter, has returned home to Belle. -- At Lavant Station. Lavant Station, April 23. Mrs John Paul, of Lavant settloment, js spending a few days with her daugh- ter, rs. William Brownon, teacher reports a very large attend- ance at school, twenty-eight being on the roll. R. R. Drysdale and James MoLean, both of Lanark, paid a fly- ing trip to Lavant, Tuesday, of this week. A little girl has come to ire the Bone of Mr. and Mrs. . . Miss Mary Thomas has returned home, after spending a couple of weeks with her sister at Snow Road. Mrs, Peter Barr Earl, visited friends at La-- Miss C. Nicholson. McKenzies school, is ill with pleurisy. A, Little, student for he vt, and hj » wife and son, o their hode § u this week. » 8 Valour - OR -- * ' The wiser an is the less. he insists wu i i on ing s neighbors I ------ ALL TURN BELIEVERS. Many have aches and pains that for yoary ve defied all treatment. But bnoe! "Nerviline" is used, doubt turns into belief that no , pains, or estigation under clause of the criminal code. Why is there .@ vast amount of silence pul combined vestigated. It cannot hurt legiti- mate trade organizations and arrange. The others have no right to A Serious Typhoid Epidemic in Picton, April es bad bettér into his home, af- its brilliancy, and your whole body to thrill with the glow of renewed vitality, take that famous woman's medicine, Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound If you have headaches, backache, organic pains, painful or irreg-" "ular periods, or any female trouble, begin with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once. It will save you needless suffering. It will restore your womanly beauty. ? y Dear Mrs. Pinkham :--Soon after my marriage my health began to fail. I was unable to sleep, became very nervous and had shooting pains through the abdomen and pelvic organs, with bearing down pains and constant headaches, causing me much misery ; my monthly periods became very painful and I be- came a burden to my family. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured me within three months. Iam stronger and look better than I did before I was married, and there is great rejoicing in our home for what your wonderful medicine has accomplished for me. Mags. M. A. C, LETELLIER, 732 Cadioux Street, Montreal, Que. No woman, were she a Venus de Milo, could continue beautiful with a dragging down female complaint. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write to her for advice. For twenty-five years Mrs. Pinkham, daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, has under her direction, and since her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Cures Where Others Fail in large numbers. Already A 0 ' ity able nets in i, ar eg +» Perfect Health /; % have been sav- w a. thy oid = - The perfect woman is the woman who has perfect 4 below te the defilements. y A Proper Kind Of Worship. health. Beauty is more than skin deep. Beauty is as deep as a time, and they | The dows who are wealthy and | *Artigetn impedes agree upon pure blood and a perfect digestion. Especially is female beauty accordingly, some of them. be: | PTO i Hay ot ei | Sibls in the schucl, She pol; dependent on the perfect health of the delicate female organism. iy dn Thete wan. an a oeship. If you wish to have the beanty and attractivemess of perfect oape, probably because the fire behind health, if you wish your eyes to sparkle, your complexion to resume or made headache. If these organs are not in per. feot condition, headache must follow. The i Always Keep an Eye On This Store. t I ond] ole nit tho boadsche by ite They have learned to expect the best from us, Eten bit, Sho sntire elem 3 is because they always get it. Ask any of the Letellier, Man., 3 . or Sit Years a! i tulred X town's best dressers where to get the smartest the adrics of a friend I owe my complete it, th I eure, and ito Tih greet please thes I surt, the swe lest top coat, the handsomest pair La ' Hatdy 4 d aT er Bar of trousers, the correct hat, a choice tie or dock Blood Bitters. recommsnd Ib . : . 42.40 efoacions remedy for sick headache, shirt, or anything in the toggery line, and the 3 caused me so m 4 . . Price $1.00 por bottle ean i answer will be : "Why, at the H. D. Bibby & Co.'s, of course." We are callingwpecial attention to our new SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED SACK SUITS AT $12 AND $15. There is nothing so unsat- isfactory as poor Flour. You will never regret ordering. PATENT HUNGARIAN For Bread bruises exist that Nerviline won't cure. Just the correct, cut and fabric.' them. WHITE ROSE For cakes, biscuits, ete. . Come and see Ringston Milling Co, Ltd | Bibby Co. After a two session the license x ur Wasey fn a (oh Fi pond EE -------------------------------- CA. young man, a Christian in | ded to renew eee of oll | Maypole Soap : FOR SALE: Star bucasee of his adore. | Ih Spctutl, in Piston the Royal Last-Yoar G . to : OYE x st-Year Gowns ; ment of Mr. Fowler's slang. The Star i te Tocustmeh and Quorty's F ENGLI SH PIG LEAD does Bot regard this as the proper |con. However, the Globe Hotel, Pic to purify public ton, liams, propristor, h m------ - Buble in. LY. Seen granted a three he a The Petewawa is being devel- oped. nto & wonder grievance. An | Tho qe sn pidemic abou Canada Metal Co., Ltd ® ordinary appropriation,' under the | ipere Bas 'been no sélution reached for : * . Toronto, Ont. contemporary, the , Montreal Witness, law, with due regard for the inter [the cause. Medical Health Officer Dr J hopes be will pursue it further and | ests of all, is being construed into o J. W Wright has advised all uptown ee -- -- insist, if he be in & position to do 0, | case of "confiscation," "robbery," [residents to boil the drinking water Te ig. | that the democrats their and 'asmult on pro righte 1 P. 8, Maclean, = editor of the Times, het Sy. Stuer : open hocks vincial was srk o dave ao; J $0000 0000000000000000000504 "*penses and to what extent, There is | The Montreal Star calls Mr. Ames rington, daughter of Mayor Farin : 3 great power in. example, and the | to account for inviting Mr. Fowler to , have been quite ill for several 3 democrats could not do this_ wholly | Montreal, and for endorsing him as | days. There are a large number of radical and at without | "a stxaightiorward apd courageous | others whose illness has also been pro- ve Sera - man." The term does not fit the pounced typhoid. forcing it upon 'the republicans. If the . : PEE | Mrs. William Haskell is lying at her treasurer of each "national commit. |%on who' will say slanderous things seriously ill, the result of $ tory ind to produce hia books, when | 80d Produce no evidence a support [fall dows 'te sole aire the" n, HEADACHE ? : asked 10 do so, and swear to the ac. | Of them. - [badly cut and bruised, which injuries, citacy of the records, there would Me. Shorey wires : Jogcther with the sows shack to the -- i be 'less : . ey will aot as counsel system, have put under medical i omy to squander in elector the railwmy oi Agra = are an 0 If you are, and have never tried Burdosk 3 The Witness has been disappointed | TU into Yo thu Dusen, » Ee Ho a er v3 uy yuu Tv $ in Mr. Borden of the Candian i | there any conservative mem the past few days. ill v i ing li tion. "Just belare- the opening of the | Parliament interested ? If so it will be | on. the meer 2% oF re rd iy soma Hguusting vec and ion," it remarks, "he went | I order 10 dub the enquiry as an at- | King this season. Miss Vern Boor ant duties, will oY echo free from Good Dressers 3 up and down the country preaching | "Pt to ruin him and drive him out | Pg: Visiting Mr. and Mrs, F. EN yous 99000009000900000000%, * & 5 most sats mal the purpose. ey galvanized - that they neration and nev e firm above ment; send to inquirers their ture about ** Acorn Qua Galvanized Sheets, : of users in all parts A Superiox Business Tra) Institutio Fronte Pusine College KINGSTON Pay and Evenin Moderate RB N. STOCK) Principml. Phone, §8 RA Has Takena' Always Cured | Never Affected Here is a testimo wife of Doctor W. K.C, of Coaticook has taken a'thousar lets (the Japanes Headache remedy. It should convinc ing one, that whil cad ES cure headache, the) the drug cures, affe nerves or stomac) would or could take ber if they were 1 harmless. Mrs. Shy had to discard the Here is what she 1 have always been from headache, and hay many headache cures, ter taking them for a th palpitation of the heart ago I began using Zutoo taken over a thousand t never yet felt the least il ing them and they cure quickly as any remedy 1 They are Harmie eS IS YOUR COAT You Probably Hav Scab of Dandru H your coat or sho white dust upon it, 1 that it is from dand way to permanently cu to remove the couse, w Newbro's Herpicide k Every toilet table shoul hairdressing that cont destroyer of the dandru ing germ, It stops keeps the scalp sweet, | some. Remember th cleimed to be "just not do the work of gen Sold! by leading drug in stamps for sample eile Co., Detroit, Mj 50c. and SI. G. W. ) agent. GILLE PURE POWL Ready for Use In A SOAP, softer: fn Wp dilnfectin SOLD EVERY E.W.GILLET TORONTO,

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