B35 4 A IEEE; 2.5 ¥ TAP RE » Gem EEERaR IEEE OUR INDUSTRIES PAY. Another Successful Year of Lead- ing Canadian Factory. Montreal, Jan. 19.--The annual meetifig of the shareholders of the Slater Shoe Company was held a: their offices in Montreal a few days ago. The address of the president laid stress on the continuous upward pro gress of the company's business sine the standard price Slater Shoe becan: the feature of their business. The Slater Company were the/first Canadian manufacturers to adopt newspaper advertising as an adjunct to the more economical selling of thei goods. In five years their business has more. than doubled. In 1906 the increase over 1905 was exactly $200, 000. While this year achieves the largest gross increase in a single year - it ds also by far the largest perceatag: cf increes: in twelve months. The or ders for the first two months of their present fiscal year excoed those of the corresponding months of the previous vear by $159 000. Ninety-eight new agencies were open ed by the company during the year Orders came unsolicited from man. foreign countries, including South Af rica, the West Indies and from New- foundland. The president pointed out the need for more factory accommoda tion. "We have outgrown our present quarters," he said. The 'directors ar ranged to hold a special Weeting to deal with factory requirements and ex- tension, The financial report of the secretary treasurer, with the dividend declara tion of 7 per cent. on both preferred and common stock, and a substantial belance added to the rest account, was reecived with approval by the share holders. The Board of Directors were elected as follow Charles E. Slater (Presi- dent), liam Starke ' (Vice-Presi- dent), Anson McKim, J. N. McKim. W. F. Borland, William Smith, J. W Woods and Major Robert Starke. F. G. Lockett, Kingston. Made A Bluff. Houston Post. Af thers isn't any pleasure Waits for you besides the way, I there's not a thine to grin at In your journey day Hy day, If you've wot excuse for kicking And for stirring up a row, Don't you do it! Don't You do it! Just be happy, anyhow, \ ' Just be happy. just be happy : Take the fiddle and the bow. Sauggilé it against your shoulder, Limber up and let her . Till the world is full of music And there's joy in every string. Till you get all outdoors 'laughing And you make the cchoes sing, : It's a duty you are owing. To the wopld to shake your fect, And to lift Your voice in singin Till the music fills the street : If the world is dark and sl And you haven't got a friend, It's your duty to dissemble, It's your duty to pretend. meet the world a-grinnin', gh the world will grin et vou You can laugh the clowds to finders Till the plue sky immers through; If ou just pretend you're happy. ith your whole heart in the Liufl, When, almost before you know jt, / + You'll be happy, sure enough ! [ From Chaps To Erysipelas. The best remedy for all injuries to ot diseases of the skin is Wade's Oint- ment. It not only cures wounds and skin diseases, but prevents many skin "troubles by 'its "germ "des stroying properties. Cures pozema, salt rheum, scaly or itehi eruptions of the skin, pimples, blotches, dand- 'tuff, ete. Tn big boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. . Life-Savers Hoaxed. London, April 20.--The people of Berwick and the lifeboat crew were made the victims of & hoax on Thurs- day night" by the discharge of two rockets resembling those fired by the coast guards to summon] the lifeboat for resoue work. Large erowds gather éd, and the lifeboat crew rushed to if headquarters, only to find that they had been duped. = 5 =e ; Even when it's' her own mother ne ois her a woman calls ita tove 'Rey 'Stove Polish, Sultana Stove Polish Stove Polish Brushes bbing Brushes Brushes Fibre Pails x City Council, 8 pm. Purnitire Sale at 83¢ J j tommorrow, 10 am. is Students' Fiiiy JH, 2 pom, This day jin 1827 ; Battle his! 3 tory of Camden, 1781 ohmson St, Jroteed Seudings, Contention. wn 4 h --~Ottawa founded, | # Wooden Pails ~- Fibre Tubs Wooden Tubs. » ¥ JAS. REDDEN & C0, BANK OF MONTREAL Paid Up Capital - - - $14,400,000 Rest 11,000,000 The branch of this Bank at corner of King 'and William Sts., Has Moved TO CORNER OF KING AND CLARENGE STS. We are at present showing some odd quaint shapes, in § 01a Eogtich Designs. Also a large variety of pretty colored sets,:.from. $1.48 UP. 'Robertson Bros. 5 ESTS OF EMPIRE. esi A Department Will Be Charged With the Duty of Imformation ~The Matter of Defence Con- sidered----To Ask For Expert Assistance. London, Apeil 22. At Saturday's session of the eolofial conference it was unanimously agreed to change tha title to i inl conference. The con- forences will be 'held every four years to Hiscuns. the SHEN. SEresty of the empire. © premier the United Kingdom will be, ex-offigio, president of the imperial conferenve and the A NOISELESS CARRIAGE One grade only, that the best. McLaughlin Mas been our motto for thirty-eight years. His carriages are stylish, substantial and comfortable. They cost a little more than some others, but. think of the comfort it is to know that when you go out driv- ing your carriage is mot going to break down bdore you get back. Then, too, they run easier, last long: er, and arc more attractive than a cheaper rig. Get ope and be in the fashion. For sale at 42 Princess St. For every variety of Real Estate Bargains and Insurance, go to SWIFT'S REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY, ~~ AUCTION SALLY FURNITURE " J. Wo WHINTON, 384 J n SULSTUESDRY, April 23rd, 10 a.m. Black Walnut Suite, 'in Hair Cloth, Brussels apd other Carpets, Black Wal- nut Hull Rack, Oak Couch, Ouk Secre | & ¥ 'tary. Ogk Sideboard "and Dining Chairs. & Extension Table, Clock, Pictures, Fancy Tables, CobBler Rockers, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Famous Active Range, Refrigerator nearly new, fine Oilcloth, Kitchen Table, Crockery, Glass and Enamel Ware. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 252. Residence, 243 Syden- ham street. Auction Sale Furmiture|$ - Blinds, Gas Rance. Refriserator, Kitchen Uteasils and numerous other articles. 302 Alfred Breet, : MHURSDAY, Aptil oe en * 25th, 10 qm. will sell part © vana, April 22. --The = Household Effects of Mr. S. Roughton, : : consiating of Wilton. Amine and | VICTORIA DAY CELEBRATION Bishop st Havana greed £ ru Jarpets, Fine Oal ining Suite, he a o 1a ray- @ Oak - China Cabinet, Oynx and Fancy | 'A meeting of the General Com ers for raim in iF a & Tables, Lady's Mahogauy Secretary, | mittee will be held in the City churches eon Cid = Rattan and other Rockers, Rope Portiere, Buildings TUESDAY EVENING, h J ay. Cuba Oak Hall Hack nd Seat, Duk. Bedrgom at 8 o'clock is 2 ing for Jack of rain & Suite, ress able, Josy " i Cushions, "Lace Curtains. "Poles; Art W. C. MARTIN, Secretary. an cattle are dying by : - » ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 253. Residence, '243 Sydeny To have = repairs and altera- tions made is during Summer. It means considerably prices, and the advantage having garments ready you need them. es dace 489 JOHN McKAY, 1 TBrock St., Kingston, Ont. SIPVIPIIVOIIE SE OPOPOS 10 SELL HIS HORSES FEPIPIRIIIINIIIIIIII lower ¢ of § when @® @ premiers of the colonies and colonial secretary will be ex-officio members: The various governments will appoint other 'members but, 'with the exoept- ion of the special confirmation of the conference, not more than two ve presentatives of each government shall participate in 'the conference. Each government will have two votes. A department of the colonial office is created 'with a permanent secretary C | staff which shall be charged with the duty of obtaining information for the use of 'the conferenes and dealing, tentatively, with such matters of p [general impartinl interest as arise in the intervals bstween the conferences. Tt was furthet decided tht when mat- tere arise requiring 'the consaltation of two of more go¥ernmments, which cannot conveniently be postooned un- tit the next eon y, a subsidiary POD 660000 pecially chosen representatives 'of The govermments concerned. - The Earl of Elgin, seeretary of state for thé colon i 4 promiers concur his views. The premiers then explained the defence organisation of their respective colonies and the ox tent to which the general organization could be put into practice. The draft of a resolution creating wr ~eneral staff for the empire was tabled. It resolved that the colonies he author ized to refer to the committee of fm- perial' defence for advice on local questions in which expert assistance was desirable. 3 * ¥ » » 3 > » » 3 He LACK OF RAIN. the thousands. there has been no rain for six weeks in parts of the island. BREFRERFIBIBSD "5 street. i ---------------------------------------- g . © [ ME Harlowe Happenings. Auction Sale Furniture |B R- HEPBURN HAS SOME( , "eriot Hepbetines oi & GOOD RACERS Watertown, N..Y., is visiting friends MRS. SN ERIE, 36 ivision in this vicinity, W. Cadman, Hollo- tieet, . WRDNES 2 ahpril ith, ) a i way, spent a few days of this week at Piano, saad Freon Dhak A TLady Injured By Falling into J. White's. Misses Danford and Hall and other Carpets, Sofa 8 o'clock Tea Her Cellar--Meeting of the went to Madoc this week for a short Tabic and Chairs, attan an obhler Cheese Board--Capt. Hicks visit. Mrs. E Thompson Webbwood try Curtains, « Oak Extension Table and a aan ae ah i Ty Buflel, Oak Dinime Chairs, Silverware Receiving Treatment. is calling on friends here. J. White Natural Birch Bedroom Suite. Iron a made a trip to Plevna last week. Brass Bedsteads, Springs and Mattresses, Picton, April 22.--1he aonual meet- Happy Thought Range, Crockery. Glass- ling: of. the Picton cheese board was Payee meting od" the N. E hunch ware, otc. Fiano sold at 12.30 o'clock. on Saturday afternoon. Officers Was led by E. Wood, ursday even- elon included : President, J. A. [ing Mrs. C. Miller was at Mrs. A. ALLEN, The Auctioneer, Telephone, 252. Residence, 248 Syden- ham street. To Contractors. TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the undersigned (where plans and specifications may be Seen) up to 12 o'clock, on THURSDAY, to 168 and noon, o'elcei. Sprague; vice-president, I. J. Wilson; secrolary, F. Koblia. ha were sold at He. Carter were the buyers. Mrs. Albert Rutter is recovering from very painful injuries received this week It was decided the board day from Wed- nesday to Saturday afternoons at one Cf the 285 boxes boarded Messrs, Benson Palmateer's for a few days this week. Tragic Double Suicide. Staunton, Va., April 22--Mabel Pen- dleton and Stuart Gay, of Clifton Forge, en route to Washington, to be married, were intercepted here at mid- night by order of their parents and sent back home on an early train, the 35th instant, for the several trades | from a fall. She entered a room in| When they arrived at Clifton Forge Works required in the reconstruction ef he dark and fell th h open | the young couple, while crossing the the business premises of Messrs McKelvey | ark and fe ough an - of footbridge over Jackson river, jumped & Birch, Brock street, in this city. | trap door to the cellar, receiving se- | I he TW forty fect below nd Lowest or anv tender not necossarily | voful cuts gnd bruises about her head | to the river, JOFLy Jee ow al accepted NEWLANDS ant face were drowned. The girl was nineteen IM. NEWLANDS, Architect, SAO, + sixtoan. oa Office, 238 Bagot street. it is understood that B. R. Hepburn | and. the boy six the owner of several valuable Monuments horses, intends: selling out his stock. Of particular néte is his young stal- Fon, Abe Dillon; by Baron Dillon, 2:12, Otter Killed At Meaford. Mealord, Ont., April 22.---Thomas Dixon, of Centreville, has a fine otter Foreign and mes Sh ond json of Biron Wilkes, 2:15, Lake Muy, [pelt. Tt came to him in an untsasl le aii prices. oh hs « the dar of Abe Dillon, is by Red |way. Dixon saw his dog stev--ling JAMES MULLEN Eake, 210); sive of Lake Queen, 2:08}, | with some animal in the creek on his eto. Mee mm has also a couple |property. The dog triemphed, and Opp. Y.M.C.A. 372 Princess St. [oi vahiable vno®. the loss of which | the quarry proved to be an ofter ---- = will be great to the local racing as | three feet eight inches long, and inti weighing twenty-two pounds, How TAKE NOTICE we Sil Goods Bet. Season' : Ty roms. Phe - Will Give Confidence. the Alexander Dey, of the Stanksy Gun Club, Toronto, has been appointed to the charge of the Dominion Cartridge company's shot" shell loading depart ment, and is now living in Browns. burgh, where the fac Lis Jocatetl Trap-shots out Caneda confidence in , the dominion ammuni- Aion, 2 'in the pie." Mr. Mies. Thomas. Shannon, week with C, Gav Shannon in ston, has. returned to' town for a fur sociation. , J + Mes. Morley. Curric, spending the winter with "her parmte in Toronto, you | has reiurned 'to town. Dr. Curbie, nt Tid Sse ior the fun. TURKS MPP ds cagain in (odn permanently -- Aine the legislature: has adjourned for the Sing the otter came to be in the neighbor: hood is a mystery, as no such ani- mal had been spen hereabouts for many 'Years. . . wii Accused Of Murder. Victoria, April 22. William Tyrell, an aged city employee, was murdered in: his - home. Duncan McKay is ac cused of the crime. The men are al- leged to have guarrelled over an old woman, Craigill, with whom Tyrell was living. MoKay is said to have killed Tyrell by beating him over the head with a club. : ga) £68479 last and £148,000 Tan paid in seni hal. EC 2a FOUR YEARS APART TO DISCUSS COMMON INTER. conference may be held between of. fer The World, + torpedo boat destroyer Malta, army has brought out ants so far Shaughnessy denies that the C.P.R. are confiscating coal on their westetn lines, i porsons were drowned, J the foundering of a steamer on river Neva. Long | postal dlerks are re ne @ppeals to the govern. ment for al increase in wages, William Ji Bryan says the platform of the dembaratic party should be controffed by national convention. Edward A. Nelson, of Wilmington, N.C, a railway mail clerk, has con- fessed to Sbealing £10,000 from the mails, ey Colin H. Campbell, attornay- general for Manitoba, intends to leave for a year's holiday in England early in May. : William th and Harry Springer, union mint engaged in a pistol duel in St ¥., and both were shot to death. = A despa from Junehu. Alaska, says that great Treadwell mine strike has settled on the open SIR WILLIAM HENRY PR Britain's most pineer and one delegates at the late Peace in New York, to be one of the most im- portant events in Awerican history eminent of the Dr. Stephen B. Leacock, Mantreal, who has been appointed Rhodes' lec turer, has been granted leave of abr sence from McGill for a year, McGill university will rebuild = her ruined medical and engineering build: ings at once. The single engineering building will be replaced by two. The visit of King Edward to Spain and Italy is said to have for its ob jéct the formation in Mediterranean of a Latin union supported by Bri: tain. : The question of the establishment of technical and' industrial training schools in Montreal is to be taken up at once by the business men of the city. o Wilkam Mack was drowned, Brockville, by his boat upsetting. It is stated that Mr, Bourassa, M.P_, will soon take control of Le National: iste, of Montresi. Dr. Frederick B. Bowman, graduate of University of Toronto. has been ap pointed assistant in the United States government laboratory at Manila, Philippine Islands. Three thousand liberals of St. Jom city. and comnty sighed a requisition to Premier Pugsldy to become the party's candidate for the commons, Mr. Pugsley consented: E. H. Lashinger, who was private secretary to Sir William Mulock, when postmaster-general, has been appoint- ed assistant deputy-postmaster-gener al at a salary of $3,600. : Dr. Charles Coulter; g wellknown dentist of Petrolea, Ont. "subemmbed to ervsipelas, on Friday, at the home of his cousin, Mrs. MeLean, Tavento, where he had been staying for seme time, y Thé Grand Trumk machinists have notified the derartment of labor that negotiations with the company have been broken off and request the de partmént to take stops for a setiles ment or to allow the men to strike. At Rochester, N.Y., a supreme court jury awarded Mrs. Theresa Roesenbol a verdict for $2,000 against the sup- preme council Independent Order of Foresters. the amomnt of a poliey on the life of her brother, William Marr: hauzer. The latest reports from Iloilo. Phil. ippines, says that the fire 'hus héen chocked. The native quarter of the ¢ity was destroyed. The property loss ix estimated - at £100,008 gold, * The business geetion of the ofty was wn- touched. The gift of $10.000 by J. C. Eaten, Toronto, has completed the sam 'of R100,000 which Dr. Potts has been #n+ deavoring to raise 'to supplement the sum of £200,000 offered hy the late Hart, A. Massey estate for Vietoia University. RFA 2 nrico Alfano, a picturesque bandit, whom the Neapolitans have for some near let time bébn accustomed to seving driving ahout their city in. and who the " The clerk raised the alarm. Police and RAN | -- will Command Petewawa. OF THE DOMINION, -------- ment Toronto--To There Ottawa, April 22.<It is stated that the command of Petewawa camip this summer will devolve upon Col, Otter. In August there will be sssém- bled at this camp three-quarters of all the permanent force of competitive rank in the dominion for combined training. "A" Battery, Royal Cana- dian Horse Artillery, will leave so as to reach the camp by June 18th, end will also make the return trip in the fall by route march. "B" e Royal Canadian Dragoons, and "B" Battery of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery, both located at Toronto, will march from that city across the country to Petewawa, and also make the return trip in the same way. "B" Battery will arrive in Petowawa at the same' time as the battery from Kingston, but the squadron will not arrive until August Ist. "A" squad- ron of Royal Canadian Dragoons will wake the long march from St. John's, Quebec, to Petewawa. A battalion of 600 men of all renks will be drawn from the Royal Canadian Regiment Infantry, to also train at Pelewawa for three weeks in August. This num- ber will be drawn, Toronto. Quebec, and * Predericton, and 350 from Halifax. The infantry will be transported by wail, It is ne cessary to leave a foros of 600 men in Halifax, secording to regulations, to be constantly ready for an attack, Thus. "the garrison artillery and a portion of the infantry regiment is oft there. Between Aagust lst and August 15th all these corps of the permanent force will unite in tactien! work, which will probably occupy three or four days. Officers of the militia applving will be allowed to take part in these manoeuvres in order to give them the benefit of such experience. sescseeceecesteetsses > b+ LORD HALIBURTON DEAD a & London, ' April 22.--Lord @ ® Haliburton, formerly per- # & manent under secretary of & #& state for war, died, yester- - % day, at Bournemouth. He & ® was boen at Windsor, Nova " @® Scotia, in 1832 and was i» ® the son of the late Judge @& ® Haliburton, the famous i @® author of "Sam. Slick." i» -~ »~ VEEP EIRENE eeeYey Great Are Illinois Preachers. Galesburg, Tit, April 22.--Rev. J. W. Frizsclle, of the Methodist church, earned his right to the title of & an escaping robber who 'had winded the police und many purshers. Henry Shea had made away with a quantity of goods from a grocer in daylight. citizens pursued, but Shes, who is tall and nthivtie, outran them. The crowd motioned to the preacher, who was a block away, and the minister inter- cepted Shea and knocked him flat. Sterfig, HE, April 2-Pr. B. PF. Eskey, of Prophetstown, chairman of the county committee of the - can party, was Knotked down and badly pounded by Rév. William Fundston. The trouble is due to a sermon preached, Sunday, by Mr. Fundston. Dr. Eskey questioned the right of the pastor to deliver a po- litical sermon. College Class Suspended. Springtield, Wo., April 22.<The en+ tive jumior class at Drury college has heen suspended because they refused to apologize for a set of resolutions dirceted against the faculty. The freshman class of eighty-seven stod- ents has voted to stand by the juni ors. The trouble cama through the theft from President Kirby's home of a quantity of ice cream intended for a seniors' reception. A junior, Wyatt Brandon, of Rogersville, Ark., charg- ed with being the leader "of the raid- ers, refused to divulge the names of the others and was. ordered home. Then the class intervened. de- olared thet thev will I te. Beal lege. President Kirby and » ty declare they will not permit.the Stud- ents to return until apologies. have been ofiered. ---------- ente To Marry. St. louis, Meo. 22.-- Announcement is made that John B. Bandren, who, 3 on' April Ist, was 101 years old, will be married to Miss Rose MoGuire. on HAD Forces At DURING TRAINING There Will Be Assembled There Three Quarters of the Perma- Force--~Route Marches From St. John, Kingston and Spend Months day. Baker Eddy church, latives part ton, 1. ia, 6; National Boston 2. 0, cago, 5; Likely At Larder Lake. Toronto, April 23.~A depitation Want ar urged that amg recorder's office for Loug Lake, Abititi and Larder Lake be lov cated there, Jol has been appointed recorder for Lake, and his duties will include re- had & hard time to drive away.' He was discharged, kis sen- tence having expired. At night Cole-} man aaa loud hy cuteide guards try. ing to break back into the tution. Only after several rifle bullets had been fired after him did Coleman dis- The ri cok cit caused aside, ot ihe eitinos 1 the convention, against working during the hour, that fifty-five hours constitute a week's work for wothén and children and that the federal government be asked to pass a law enforcing. the same. Made to Montreal Cotton Com- pany By Employees. Montreal, April 22.--The directors of the Montres Sutton Sotmpany wl large mill, at Valldyfield, hae idk of Textile Workers of Canada, yestér- Other resolutions, adopted by include a id. ALFRED FARLOW, The chief puplwity of the Christian Sciemtist who will be one of the @ | heures in the suit which have started in an effort te get of her monuy. League Games Saturday. American League--New York, 8; Bos- Cleveland, 4 i L Chicago, 7; St. Louis, 1. Washington, 8, ia, St. Louis, 2; Cincinnati, 1. Pittsburg, 1. Phil cago, 1. National League--Pittsburg, 6; St muscular Christian by knocking down Louis, & Chieaigo, 5; Cincitinati, 3. -------- Died Of Natural Causes. Hamilton, Ont. April McKay, an East Flamboro {aruur, was found dead; in his bars, yesterday, by his son, on his return from the city. t hand and wmple were dis- and the boy =uspeccsd his father had met with foul play and consulted ° coroner, who deemed an inquest unneBesary, that death was due to New Tork, Api iii Pl is Sa lately Sabet 'te plo. was by a lighted cigarette. tirowa Strikes Not Subsshtole Paris; il 23.~The strike bakers, Avila. has po c "been | ed, but protest dinver be t of Mrs. Mary lend Mrs. dys re t, York, 1% 2; Brooklyn, Chi 0 9; Chi 22. --James that being satisfied natural ca ses, all over the La union Filigree Lace, three-quarter siveves, Dutch Cuffs. Very special nt $4.50, 2 Made of fine Persian Lawn, & Round Yoke Hand Embgosesed | and finished with French . 3 Every one a louder a marked, 75c. to $1.50.