Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Apr 1907, p. 5

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Blue Serge lew York are making up for ore Blue Serges than ever ome ; nothing so good for ® the Blue Serge Suit. Our 1g is Perfect Faultless Special $15 Serge Suits' ¢ Suits, $12.50 aad $15. ats at $8, 10, 12, 12.50 and d Black Cheviot Overcoat § Bibby Co. HE COMING OF SPRING | USE DDED| HEAT reakiast ; TRISCUIT for Toast. on ; 2 for 25¢. " Pineapples id Bananas Princess Street tbsststttttosttittede SPRING SHOES ¢ 1 Spring Shoes are to be hoes with narrow toes oad toes, with light and are leaders for style, fit § n for Men, Women and "4.00450 and 5.00 oe," 350 3.75 and 4.00 ' 3.50 and 4.00 " just to prove our sta'e- always wear "Invic us ShoeStore § 3 SLL 000A Drawer '* M," Stratford; Ont. Dec. 14th, 1904. Beven Sutherland Sisters. Dear Ladies : +-When I commenced using celebrated ' Seven Sutherland Sisters Fair Grower and Hair and Scalp" loabat my hair was in & very condition, in at was advised by Jour representative, Madam Duffield, of 'oronto, to use your ion tires mdi tions ever since. The result is Ty Sires an entirely fresh crop of healthy hair coming in and I am thus saved the expense and morti- fication of wearing a wig. Yours truly,(Sgd.) LiLy Lavo. For sale at all druggists, two sizes, 30¢. and $1.00 per.bottle. SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS SOLE PROPRIETORS Canadian Office, 266 Yonge 8t., Tarome, J. H. Batley Foreign Manager. RECOMMENDED AND SOLD BY Geo. W. Mahood, Corner Princess and Bagot Sts. 'T0 HAVE AND TO HOLD » on on ShefS own shtuld be the ambition of every true Canadian, young or old. If you. have this ambition and would like our help to attain it, we would ask you'to call and let Us know the kind of home you aspire to possess, the price you would like to pay, and we will find you just what you want and arrange terms to suit you. Whether you want your home in city or country we can get it for you speedily. T. J. Lockhart, 159 Wellington Street, Kingston Rheumatism 1 have found a tried and tested cure for Rhen matism! Nota remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony growths back to flesh again. That is impossible. But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs of this deplorable disease. In Germany--with a in the City of Darmstadt --1 found the ingredient with which Dr. 8hoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made & perfected, dependable prescription. Withous that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatisiz : but now, at last, ituni- formly cures all curable cases of this heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granular wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood, seem to dissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as freely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these polsoaous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of . Rheumatism is gone forever. There is now no real need=--no actual excuse to suffer longer with. out help. Wo sell, snd in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic - Remedy At all druggists. A WARNING To Thousands Of Ladies Who Use Package Dyes. The Wells & Richardson Co., Limit ed, of Montreal, manufacturers of the world- famed DIAMOND DYES, would pecially warn all users of DIAMOND DY ES, hat thay have not the slight- est connsetion with any firm or com- bination of people who are now manu- facturing and selling weak, adulterated and worthleSs package dyes. The manufacturers of DIAMOND DYES, for their own interests, ant for the wellare and protection of the la- dies of Conada; find it necessary to des nounce the reports circulated by mak- ers of common and imitation dyes tind their products are put up accord: end reliable DIAMOND DYES, : the Wells & ing to the formulae of 'the DIAMOND DYES Such claime made by makers of worth- less dyes are dishonest and misleading. coloring work, buy only the time-tried OFFICE 10BBY Petition Against It--Church Pastors Asked to Act. office lobby for two hours: on Sunday inion Lord's Day Alliance, Rev, J. ( steps to get up a petition asking the postmasteér-general to ey order permitting the local postoffice lobby to be kept Ape rn at all on Sun- days. . A prominent member of the local al- J too far. 'A mountain is being made out of a mole-hill. He can see no reas- on why the lobby should not be open, can go in quietly and get their mail; and what harm 1s there in that, he ks ? It the Lord's Day Alliance gets up a petition, a counter one will be cir culated by the boxholders, who can- not see why the alliance wants to stop in and interfere in a matter that is of no aceount so far as the keeping of the Sabbath is concerned. Good Sabbatarians do, not hesitate to clergymen do that. Surely, they argue, that it is just as sinful to drop letters into the postoffice on the Sabbath and give work to the clerks and letter collector, as it is to take out letters ed, why should not _the letter and newspaper hoxes at. the postoffice and Sunday. Mr. Shearer has issued this state- ment : : "The practice of the post office de- not to encourage any change that in- volves additional labor on Sunday, or { additional facilities for distribution of mail to the public unless there is a very sirong local. demand in which case discretionary power is given to the local postmaster to accommodate the public. T should be greatly sur- prised if there is any but a very small section of the Kingston public that Jrdesives "the post 'office to be opened on Sunday. "The post offices throughout Ontario with a very few unimportant excep- tions are closed absolutely through- out Sunday. That is true of Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton, London, and every other city in the provinge with only im the province where the office is open to box holders. Fort William was open for two or three years, but was closed by action of Sir William Mulock about two years ago. "Several applications have been made by a limited section of the legal public in certain places within the last two years to have the vost office op- ened to box-holders on Sunday. These, without exception, so far as I know, have been refused by the department with the single exception of Kingston. One instance will suffice. Tn Sault Ste. Marie a petition was circulated asking that the office there be opened on Sunday. A petition was sent out by a number of representative citizens, and by the. churches, and the postmaster general refused to grant permission to open it. "The new law would forbid any work in the way of distribution of mail to the local boxes on Sunday ex- copting on one condition. I wonld re- fer you to the main prohibitory clase," Ko. 5, and subsections (q) and (t) of clause 12, which show that the only work permitted in a post office on Sunday is work that is inei- dental to the conveying of mails, such as tha making up or transferring of mails that are being conveyed. Dis- tribution of the mail after it has been conveved to' the postoffice manifestly is not included under this. Sub-section (t), however, gives the postmaster genera the power, if he chooses to ex- ercise 1%, of directing any additional work and it is under this clavse that he has acted in granting the local postmaster permission to open. 2, TERROR AT SHANGHAI English-Speaking Residents of the Distriét in Danger. Vancouver, April 4.--Advices receiv- ed at Vaneouver by the Oriental liner Empress of Japan are to the effect that the Englishespeaking residents of the Shanghai district are in terror. of the situatioN. One . despatch de "seething hell." letter tells 'of livers having been cut out of dead bodies and eaten. . WILL RETURN TO BELFAST. Rev. 'W. J. McCaughan Will Go to Ireland. London, April 4.--The Irish Presby- lv tb invite Rev. William John Me Caughan, pastor of the Third Presby- St. Andrew's church, Toronto. ; % amount of money for sowing tame onts that the chumpy Harry Thaw mowing machines. A PROTEST ENTERED! : AGAINST OPENING THE POST as it does not involve Sunday labor, nor can it do any harm. Boxholders | appeared before Magistrate DPewson, and add no extra labor whatever to the clerks. If the lobby is to be clos- throughout the city be locked all day partment for many years has been eribes that section of China as a A missionary in a H some farmers had the same spent to sow his wild oats, says the Denver Field and Farm, they could Giild 4 lot of new barns and branch out with a bunch 'of new reapers and Strictly high class candy. MoCon- FARMER IN-JAIL Or Sarious Charge After Paying Owen WE 1 3. Last Dr. Parks, of a , while. Collingwood township, Or Sunday in Kingston--Lord"s |cions directed to the thirteen: D Allia jects daughter of the house, whose mind is] ay ate 0B win somewhat unbalanced. Direct ques. |: tions elicited a confession that for two years the girl had maintained il- The opening of thé Kingston post- | licit relations with Hugh Th a neighboring farmer, who is fifty afternoon, for the benefit of boxholders | years old. has aroused the officers of the Dom- In November following Dr. Parks took the girl and her parents to the Sheurer, of Toronto, the alliance see | office of John Birnie, K.C., town soli- retary, has written to the local branch | citar of Collingwood, where deposi and to the Kingston ministers asking | tions were made. Mr. Birnie wrote to them to make objection from their Thompson, and as a result the latter re pulpits next Sunday, and to take visited the lawyer's office and made a | en0® settlement for $500, paying $600 cash the [and giving a mortgage on his farm for the balance. Two hundred dollars of the amount paid Mr. Birnie handed over to » Parks, and the rest he retained, the Recently the attofneyrgeneral's fice learned of the charge against Thompson, and Provincial Detective Greer went up and arrested him. He io ar. that Mr. Shearer is going | parents of the girl receiving nothin, yg of Flesherton; yesterday and Wa com= mitted for trial : Mr. Birnie, in explanation of his re- tention of the money, stated that he heard rumors that the crown was ab- out to take the matter up, and thought it best not to pay over the money to the parents. Dr. Parks claims that the $200 which he receiv: ed was in payment for professional services to the family, in addition to mail their letters on Sunday, even | £160 which he had already received. HACKED HIS THROAT. Farmer Attempts Suicide Because of Illness. Hamilton, Ont., April 4.--The past masters of the 'local Masonic lodges have decided to tender a complimen- tary banquet to Grand Master James Burr tt, of Pembroke, on April 18th; Joseph Taylor, a prosperous farmer, who resides near Greensville, attempt- ed to commit suicide, last night, by hacking his throat with an old knife. He is still*alive and everything possi- 4 ble is be ng done to save him. « Mr. Taylor has been in poor health {or some time, Walter Meyers has started an action for $10,000 damages against Henry McNally, of Barton. The hair of his little daughter, Edna, got caught in a machine on Mr. McNally's farm, last August, and before the machine could be stopped the child's scalp was torn off. 'The child is still in the city hos pital. CAN'T GET ALIMONY For One Beating By An Erring Husband. Hamilton, April 4. Judge Monck BO) Je exception of Kingston. . ? ras or four small ons ruled that a wife has no right to leave her husband and demand ali: mony unless he beats her repeatedly. James J. Morden, of Bullock's Cor- ners, who was ordered by a magis- trate to pay his wife $3 a week ali mony, appealed agminst the ruling. Morden claimed his wife's favorite term of endearment for him was "Drunken brute," and that she said she hoped his soul would shrivel in hades. Evidence was produced to show that, after repeated bickerings, Mrs. Morden purposed to attend church with her husband and sit in the front pew. Then, she alleges, he heat her. The judge allowed the appeal of the husband. FIRST SEEDING OF YEAR. Farmer Near Portage Plains Has Planted Grain. Portage La Prairie, Man., April 3.- The first seeding of the year has been reported from Pdttage Plains. A farm- er from that place, who was in the city, to-day, stated that a small quan- tity of grain was planted on tne farm of John Galbraith. Nearly all the fields in the country are bare and as soon as the frost leaves the ground seeding will. become general, Two days of good warm weather will be sufficient to allow many of the farm- ers to get to work. A successful seed ing season is anticipated. Farm lands near here have recently been transferred at prices as high as fifty dollars an acre, ' WILL BE THEIR TOMB. , -- Badies of Victims in Larchmonth Will Stay. Providence, R.1., April 4.--It was an- nounced here, to-day, that the bodies of the victims of the Larchmont dis- aster that are supposed to be in the sunken hull af the steamer, will never be recovered, Government inspectors say that the wreck is not a menace to Pirates and desperadoes are masters navigation, and that no diver could work at ite depth, 135 feet. Suppressed By Police. Watertown, N.Y., April 3.--The po- lice have succeeded in breaking up the playing of "indoor baseball." It was looked upon ns a gambling scheane, in ceive. The game was running in oer: headquarters in Oswego. Arm Cut Of By Saw. ------------ Burdock . Blood Bitters for impure blood sold' at Gibson's Red Cross wore. "Anotl recry was taken on tending the family of W. Patterson, of the mare n medical faculty at MeGill, of how dis- enscs hitherto considered incurable could be cured. and Tuesday, violation of municipal ordinances. The ame is played on a large piece of Se : on one side of which was asted a sheet of perforathd katid pubes terian church ' has agreed unanimous- | hearing a picture of a dia- mond and the game in progress. On the under side of a few of the little terian Church of Chicago, to become | square of paper, each one of which 'pastor of the May sireet congregation at Beliast. He was formerly of New | iirinted the amount of money the lucky purchaser was entitled to re was sold for five cents, would be found tain ied From the cards in the possession of the police it appears that the gencral distributing agent had his Frankfort, April 4. Warren Hall was assisting in running a buzz-saw for his brother, Emery, yesterday, when key! s and Huyler's are sold only at | the sav, flew out ol ite frm Sud Shon' store. ruc is arms, cutlng ol Jo ps fd Grom a Fane -- just below the elbow and making made corset, "Dress| o nomber of gashes in 'the right arm. LAURIER Ottawa Banquet to Mr. tion. London, April 3.--The Times aa the most striking feature of Sir Wil frid Lawriers speech at the banguet 'was his emphatic declara! in favor of the preferential doctrine, which rom f° all the more signif cance. from circumstances in which imperial tn which restrained his rather taken back by this affie- mation of a policy which his late cols have rejected. London Globe undertakes to re- mind Sir Wilirid ' Laurier that the Alaska boundary award was a judicial | Canada's claim was given by the present lord cliff * justice of Eng, ly no man 'ean acouse 8 p to the calls of - : vy Tobe says Mr. Pryoe's educa- tion has already bogun, and trusts that on his return to Washington it will bear fruit. The Liverpool Daily Post save that Americans who imagine that Canada is . yearning for reciprocity with - the states should think so wo longer aften Sir* Wilfrid Laurier's speech: The Standard says that if Mr. Bryce was taken abnek by the out spoken candor of Sir Wilirid's speech he was diplomatic enough to conceal his emotion. If he was embmreassed by the Canadien premier's 'frank and full insistence on the policy of im- pevial preference he was careful to avoid amy pitfalls by eschewing the subject in his eloguent reply. The Westminster Gazette says Can- ada has practised what is here preach. ol, and has found benefit in the low: ering of the tariff walle, for in her case that is what preference ;oomes to. The Pall Mall Gazette thinks Sie Wilfrid Laurier's remarks on the sub ject of the questions at issue between evidently made for the special benefit of the new ambassador, A NOTABLE CLINIC. One in Montreal. Montreal, April 4.--One of the most notable gatherings in the history of madical science in the city took place at the. Royal Victorial hospital, yes- terday, "When Dr. Frederic Muller, of Munich University, Germany, gave a clinical demonstration before an audi- dence. assembled in the theatre of the institution, consisting of some 45 medical 'men, professors, students of and Dr. Muller is regarded as the best representative of clinical development: in German medicine, and the fore most teacher of the far-famed Munich school. Leaving Montreal, he goes to Toromo, Cleveland, Western American centres. Chicago, and PERSONAL MENTION, They Are Saying And Doing. in Grace Methodist church, in the can tata "Ruth." Miss Clara Barnett and Mrs. A. Me Mrs. A. E. Field, Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garrett, of of Toronto, were in the city, Monday their sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Garrett, Rechab "Tandy, of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, has arrived in the city. He is the guest of W,. J. Chap a He is an old Kingston boy, and looks hale and man, Colborne street. hearty, and says he is in good fight ing condition. AT THE GRAND. For Next Three Nights. High class vaudeville, all new ing" pictures and the latest illus ated songs, presented by the Levdon Amusement company, will be at The Grand for three nig! ts this week, com- mencing to-night, and giving a bar- gain ue the Saturday. bo Among the mov pictures toons 3 Motor Butterfip Catch," "The seen wi "Lad. Car, ™ rh Gay Washerwoman," "Oh ! for a Bue- ket of Suds," "Trained Doge," (In- Re eta of fun. To Take Over New York. summer traffic. See Bibby's 81 white negligees. store, shirts, $1, $1.25, at Bibby's.. dlectrie cars free of charge. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, 1778, it bad a ry oe- tish Ambassador Gets Some Valuable Informa- Jou vermpnent, and Mr. Bryce must have decision in which the casting vote Canada and the United States were Famous German Physician Gives Movements of the People--What John Cousins, left at noon for Gan- anoque, where he will sing, to-night, Cabe have returned to Lindsay, after spending the Easter vacation with Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Outhwaite, attending the funeral Vaudeville, Pictures and Songs stinet not reason) "Casey and His Neighbor's Goat," "Won't You Come Home," "Chasing the Dueck," "The Pride ol the Alley," and twenty others ore seem here, Two and a Ammonia powder, in 10c. packages, is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug Fresh garden and flower seeds at When Hawaii was discovered, in tion of 200,000 There are row only 31,000 natives on the 'Snow for tan and sunburn. "s Red Cross drug Main street, expects to leave shortly to join her hushand in Vancouver. Denbigh, April 3.--Roads are over. flowed with deep. water, The local jobbers for lumbermen have quit work for the season, and preparations for ver siriving urs the otder of the day. On the whole the past winter has been a very favorable one for lumbering operations and John S. Lane, the pro. prister. of the local saw mill, hes supply of saw logy and ie material at his mill, Hy will begin sawing as soon as he will res twn from Napanee, where he is now attending a sessiofi of the county coun cil as reeve of this municipality. Some of the farmers have tapped their sn- bush but on the whole but very ittle maple sugar or syrup will likely be made this season. Miss Madge Mae- disel, who for some time has been at tending the high school at Egaawille, has been home during the Easter vac: tion, but will return to Eganville to continue her studies in a few days, The pupils of the village school are also enjoying a few days extended vaca: tions as Miss Weese, the principal, is enjoying a visit to ber home in Cen. treville, but will resume her duties again next week. Miss Dora Chet Sun, of Toronto, has beens home a short time to see and assist her mother, who is very ill, but has returned to the city, as Mrs, Chatson is improving and out of danger. Alfred and Willie Booth, who have been away all winter work- ing in some lumber camp in New Or tario, have arrived home again. R. W. Tennent has purchased o mr span of horses from Moses Helmer, of Palmer Rapids. -------- Bell Rock Briefs. Rell Rock; April 3--~There was oa large attendance at the Easter service in the Methodist church. The funeral of Gracie Perry took place on Wed: nesdny, March 27th. Rev. J. Fergu- son, conducted the service. Mr. and Mrs. Percy have the sympathy of the whole community in their bereave- ment. Miss Goldie Sanhorn and Miss Stella. Van Volkenburg, are spending the holidays at their respective homes here. C. G. York, Arnprior, called on friends here this week, It is expected that the work will be started this week at the feldspar mines near this village on W. Brook's farm. Visitors: Mrs. M. Bell, Verons, at W. F. Pom- oroy's;: Mrs. Evans, Camden East, at John Timmons'. Skin Vefence. The skin, thin as § 7 protect cou from all sorts of evils. The slightest br sult in blood poisoning germs are present. Care Fi tect your skin Rin with Wade's tapent, eet healer and antisepuis, > Cures Eeozema, Salt Rheum, Sealy Netting Eruptions of the Shin im- es, Blotches, Dandruff, in big ples. | 25¢., at Wade's a he Store. y if certain and pro "They last for years" with careful use, the double strength Taribe moth proot bags. For sale at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Daniel McPherson, charged with the manslaughter of his father, at Lonm- don, was acquitted by the 'judge, and on an assault charge was let go on a suspended sentence. ning. Toston Do They Bother You ? You find life a miserable affair be- cause you have headaches, but you have neither nausea nor ave you whak --yon know ii you could only pre vent headaches you would enjoy per- fect health, Such headaches indicate a general lowered condition, becanse they arise from a general decay of the nervous system, This depressed condition of the ner duction of the quality and quantity The St. Lawrence River Steamboat company received word, dia Sorving, of the blood, that Ceon Becking, vl. ra which. recehtly a Yoduses~-34 contains no nourish- purchased the steamer New York from the Folgers, would arrive in the city, to-morrow morning, to take charge of the steamer. She will be refitted new and taken to Sandusky, Ohio, for the debility, ill-health. The blood is thin--its red coloring het digesti€o ans are not sup- plying iu ~ith sufficient nutritive' mat- ter. The result--nerve weakness, verve HW you had used Ferromone you would know how ully all the digestive end: asvimilative functions of the body are stimulated Ferrozpne does more--it sapplies all he olements that are essential to the See Su nobby white soft-bosom the tices of thd body--supplies the reconstructive forees that contribute: In La. Austialia, the children | to the formation of rich, red are carried to and from school on the You see, Ferrozone doesn't treat a tomr--it remedies a cause--apd at's why a month's treatment will sheolutely resiove every vestige of re- curring nervous Nothing like Ferromone to build you op, to Ghee the tunes af fore, thet health that contributes so ---h We're always lookit Tn pre of this store Again--the -- of this but stylish, good looking, comfortable 'shoes, must not wear poor shoes. 5 We Think We Can Prevent It My Wy oi can prevent it. We always J. IL Sutherland &B - THE HOUSE OF GOOD rn Bo STANFORD WHITE'S DEBTS . Wife Gives Up All. New York, April 4.--Ft has become tanford Whi vous system has its origin in 'the re- | i Mrs. her i His estdte is ba involve proceeds of the wale of his wes, Will go to pu i 2 i Be i ns i widow has his instructions that the insurance on her kh plied to the same account. It also was learned that the mur- dered architeot had sustained losses of $300,000 in Wall friends, ae to take up 's mecoant and carry it on street a hort time He tefl i i ¥

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