[has posed as p careful man, as a re- | ligionist, as one with a keen discern: t ment as to the value and responsibili- - ss{ ties of money. He has not been wholly Shirt sellish, as the generous gifte he has 3 - . a "0. |made to education, to missions and to 83 on like a coat--nota 9d : Pphilag n , indicate. But his "trust" : Fits over the thould + gg [han been so inconsiderate of all op- position in. business, has been so heartless in its dealings with competi- tors, that some people have questioned its integrity, and others have pro- pounced its earnings "'tainted." 1° Mr. Rockefeller has never troubled Maken, Bern, Canada himself about the criticisms that have Jbeen passed upon him. Whatever he "| thinks or feels he keeps to himself. He reduction in ra "ratés the citizens sce of the promise which fits would £9 10 the people in the way of a cheapened service. What is now expested--for the coun- 4il whit surely pase the recommenda- tion of the committee--is- but an earn- est of better things. Later on there should be another cut in rates, and an experionce which will be to the city's good. The more reasonable the power, at any rate, the greater at- traction municipally to those who need this power for manufacturing and other purposes. The gas business can be developed, and it is suggested that the arts of the private operator and that the gas have a saving in two ant 'itself and io } 'the cotisumer's heart, In _jple have not really When, You. Buy COAL You get genuine Scranton, as he handlice nothing |have contriputed disproportionataly last week, when Hon. Mr. Oliver sub- lowed there would not now be any of land for the bénefit of the railway companies, and the 000,000. This represented a bonus of $72,000 per mile. open the land to settlers, and while there were only 6,500,000 acres alien: ated to homesteaders between 1870 and. 1896, there wore 26,000,000 acres distributed in this way between 1806 and 1906. Now 40,000,000 are released, the odd numbered sections held in re- s:tve, and the policy of the govern- ment is to get the land occupied, the bill was made by Mr. Greenway, formerly premier of Manitoba, and a man of sound judgment and sturdy common sense. He opposed the dis | position of the land in the way pre simply pursues 'the even tenor of his | be employed to the end that there Way, sometimes disappearing for long periods from the public eye--when most Tu ar | ---- TT a : - Hon. Bob. Rogers is superior to the silly novels of Ralph Comnor. M he could make the money these books have earned as honourably he would be a bigger man financially. Leading Americans are quitting pub- lic life because they cannot afford the expense of Washington society. One needs to own a 'bank or railroad to hdnd out from $30,000 to $60,000 a year in "hospitality." The people who have been under the impression that public school expenses were met with a four-mill rate are labouring under a delusion. The peo- felt the = school rate as it was included in the general taxes. So Harriman is booked for defeat ! He is to be driven out of the financial world, is to be robbed of his place as dictator, and to lose all the prestige he now commands. Who says this? Morgan, J. Picrpont Morgan, and he is a mighty man in Wall street. Rev. Dr. Gordon is the kind of preacher who can express an indepen- dent opinion in the pulpit. He has become wealthy as an author, and"is not dependent upon his salary as a preacher. Who can be independent and at the same time dependent ? sought and desired in legal cases-- always doing the things that people are least expecting, and occasionally surprising them by his gilts. This last announcement, that in his will he will leave £250,000,000 for such works of charity and education as his trustees may decide, surpasses anything of the kind to date. Cecil * Rhodes left his name for a perpetual memory by - devoting the whole of bis vast fortune to a scheme Skducation that ig without a paral: «© Andrew Carnegie' has made his millions dtintribute to the intelligence of 'the age by the public libraries and ical. 'institutes ho has endowed. But: Rockéfeller will outdo them all, and, as the richest man in the world, start the machinery that-will help the weak and. fallen of the race. He aims it is said, to his wealth in phil- anthropy. fitting enough purpose when it is remembered that the poor | TRINITY METHODIST Recently re-opened. It is ome of Rev. W. H. Ems of the money that has piled mountaias high and almost obscured the vision of its owner. fieomd . Perhaps in this great distribution of aid the poor may feel that they are ig into their own again. They may in some measure be reconaled to the squeezing they have so long . sui- fered at tho hande of the greatest oc- topus of the age. . i may be a larger number of consumers, and that they be made entirely sat- isfied in their dealings with the city. The manager of a western plant was in the city last week, and he men- tioned several ways in which he has populatived his business. He has an expert gas man, whose duty it is to see that the light buyers are getting the best results. fects he suggests a change, putting on | new mantles at cost and allowing North-West the option of pre-empting | something on the old burners, though | another quarter section of land adjoin- | it be consigned at once to the scrap ing what they have at $3 per acre. | heap. i Mr. Oliver's argument--very good so| The use of gas for cooking is en- far As it went--was that had the pol- | couraged by this same man, who ex- joy of the last government been fol- | amines stoves when they #0 wrong, or who makes repairs when they are ne cessary. The owner of the stove re ceives a reccipted atcount. The desire is to show that the gas expert costs money, and that his time and skill are worth something, though the con- sumer does not pay the bill. The gas producer knows what the stoves are doing, and when one becomes ex-' pensive in repairs it is\generally 're- placed by the consumer, but in the' swap of a new article for an old one the gas man sees that his patron does not suffer. . The public owner--~or the eouncil or commitice--is not as thoughtful of the | consumers as the private owner of a plant, but there is no reason why the city: should vot use all the devices of the company 'in introducing his wares = and on seeing that they give satisfac tion, Hundreds of people should use | gas in summer for cooking purposes, | and if the department is at all diplo- LAND FOR THE PEOPLE, There' was a flurry in the commons mitted his Homesteads" bill, the aim of which was to give settlers in the this land left for settlers. The con- sirvative 'idea was to alimmate the 32,000,000 acres still "held valued at $216, it now The desire of the government is to The great speech in opposition fo three 'months. 5 { of land. Sir Wilfrid though '~ EDITORIAL NOTES. ; Ais . The chairfaan of the water depart- ment is persuaded' that it will not ; stand a milking in the interest of the ---- On een The NewsNo Pare rug Cough Cure young men, have gone Gimli, Man., it, ws would be n d § Sough cures {est and more of them: would £0 | the Roblin Lotte oe: @ | were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is ith the expectation of becoming land ; gover ni Phu. jn and has been for twenty years. The » pose it has 40,000,000 acres at its dis- [department give the people free' water posal--if immigration this and nest : year be anything like last year's; it will be wanted: Give homesteaders ri a ps 2 5 JX, rich under Mr. Oliver's bill. they cannot be bribed or broweaten. | poisons entdy "into a cough smixture | - | The point of significance, which Mr. J ; it must be printed on label or Greenway emphasired, is that Conadaf Ald. Carson cantiot afford to let | package. For this reason mothers, hould hold all the land it now has|{Ald. Toye have it all his Gwn way in | and others. ' should insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. No poison t of new comers. Sup- | the cutting of rates. Can't the water for lawns ? The republican party has set to work to make Mr. Roosevelt roplive Where he sees de- © Chigiago Record-Herald. | Pat Laureate Austin has recently i Bells." Most of us are too, busy eon- matic it should add very largely to the proposal to | the list of consumers during the nest Ment that ! cations before polling day. The mem- made as effective as possible, and not marks on Dr. Shoop's labels--and sone in 'the medicine, else be on the label, safe, but it is said to be, hy those that know it belt, a truly remarkable cough remedy. ticularly with your children. havipg Dr. Shoop"s Co pare carefully the Dr. / ' WOMEN NOT TRUTHFUL 'This Statement Has Been Unjustly Made, Because ~~ Modest Women vade Questions Asked by. Male Physicians. . An eminent physician '© eays that] blessing in disguise to me that I am only "Women are not truthful ; they will lie $00 pleased lo ive IY testimonial, About ian i ere cold at to their physician,' his statement critical Hime which caused my periods os should be qualified; women dg tell the | TCP" Fos U0 v p, Ty severe pains and sick truth, but not the whole truth, to a male | elle 'and this continued for seve ral physician, but this is only in regard t0| months with no abatement. Finally those painful and troublesome disorders | decided to try your Vegetable Compound peculiar to their sex. After two weeks I ne regular, had very It is a 'terrible ordeal to a delicate Jittie juin in he Second Joni, and in aus ree months me 1 was restored t ealth, Seni ves Telned Woman 2 De obliged 1 consider your Vegetable Componnd psc i rain + rthy of praise. uestions are asked even by her family | i ; Hoydcian. This ia eepecialy' the cae a Eechiton, of 8 Erie Street, East, with ynmarried women. omas, : Is it any wonder, then, that women | Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- continue to suffer and that doctors fail] «I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pink to cure fémale diseases when they cannot | ham's Vegetable Compound as a tonic get the proper information to work on? | regulator for female troubles. I suffered This is the reason why thousands and | for four years with displacement, and no one thousands of women are now correspond. but those who have experienced this dreadful ing with Mrs. Pinkhaw. To her they | 6G Sah, TH ALY Mea of the physical > 2 0 are an aud do give every symptom, so that{ go affected. Your Vegetable Compound e really knows more about the true|cured me. Within three months I was fully Sondition of her_patistis, through her Testored 10 health and strenjth, and now corres lence wi em e «lm Ti are regular and painless. Wh respond reonally questions ten ¥ a te it is to obtain Such velief whe b If Jou ler from any form of trouble uany Soar filo help You, Jour me ai sculiar to women, write at once to Te r had." any For medicine fire Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, and she" Ver had. will adviee you free of charge. that this great boon, which is extended freely to women by Mrs Pinkham, is appreciated, the thousands| fre. Pinkham invites all sick women of letters received by her prove. Many ri joe. . 8S i y to write her for advice. . She has guided such grateful letters as the following are | 4} d 0 thers thousands to health, Address, Lynn, constantly pouring in. Mass. She is the daughter-in-law of Madame Alfred Arcand of 414 Dor-| Lydia Pi i oh aM i 3 y E. Pinkham, her assistant for ester Street, ontreal, Can., writéd; | many years before her decease, and for Dnt Man initia = 3 twent Five years sitios her advice has "Your Vegetable Compound was such a | been freely given to sick women. Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice--A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ils. No other medicine in the world has received such widespread and unquali- fied endorsement. CHURCH, NAPANEE. the finest in the Midlant District. ley is pastor. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS A Influence Of Money. Rochester Post-Express. Dr. Hirsch says that no such thing as "'brain-storm" is known among men of science. However, an aliienist re- ceiving $200 a day might invent such a mental condition. Not A Discovery. Toronto Mail. A study of General Booth's coloniz- ation scheme submitted to the On- tario government strengthens the idea that the army's grand old man has a preity fine business head. We Have No Objection. Toronto Star. When the leader ~ of makes one of those the legislature, why not give it a neat turn by saying that he handed the government a Graham biscuit ? the opposition crisp retorts in Too Busy. written a poem entitled "Monastery sidering corner grocery bills to devote much thought to monastery bells at the present time. Children's Savings Banks. Exchange. There are 87 school banks in opera- tion under the Nottingham Education Committee, and 13,61F or nearly 50 Per cent. of the pupils in the 4. Bi are depositors, the average amount standing to their credit being 3s. 8 1-2d. Aldermens' Qualification. Brantford Exposieer. . The municipal committee of the legislative assembly has turned down | abolish the - require- candidates for municipal office shall file their property qualifi- bers evidently feel so long as property' is made the basis of qualification for municipal office the law should be a mere farce. . naticnal now requires that if any it must by law And it's not only Take no chances, par Insist on »> BIBBY'® << } $ The Spring Overcoat ; Question ? EN Have You Solved It? Perhaps we can assist you. We've everything you would care to wear. Spring Overcoat extremes meet this season. The Short Top-Coats have many "warm" friends. : 'The Long, Loose-Back, Cravenetted, Spring Rain-Coats en- jp JO¥ a great measure of popularity. Betwixt these extremes--our elegant medium length Black Overcoats hold captive the Dressy Majority. POPP OD 000000000000 0060000004 COOVOVOV000000(0000 We don't know where bet ter Spring Overcoats than ours can be found. They are simply perfection. Long price range, $68.50, $7.50, $10, $12, $12.50, $15 to $18. The H. D. Bibby Co. 3 Te -- . BigSaleof Furniture We intend rebuilding and require the room to make alterations. EVERYTHING AT CLOSE OUT PRICES ---- -MAYOR CRUMBO RE COMMEN (VMAARAAAAAAAASAASAAANA, "My Endorsement of Pe-ru Based On Its Merits." --Ed. Crun Arana an D. CRUMBO, Ex-Mayor Albany, Ind., writes from Oak street: "My endorsement cf Per based on its merits, "If a man ig sick he looks am for something which will cur and Peruna will do the work. "I know that it will cure cat: the head or stomach, indig headache and any weary or sic "It is bound to help anyone, i according to directions, "I also know dozens of me speak in the highest terms of ) and have yet to hear of anyone disappointed in it." Mr. Crumbo, in a later letter Aug. 25, 1904, says: "My health is good, at present Ishould have to take any more cine I will fall back on Peruna." THE LATE MR. C. B. RECO FOUNDER OF ECORD T Reproduced a «Mr. C. B. Record, t head of the Record F Co., of Moncton, . N. P.O. Previous to Mr. Recor manufacture of sk 1 wholl A Canada were almost wholly of An The character of ti Foun manufacture. turned out by the Machine Co., at once § Record standing, a ar ery business soon y Mr, Record an severance against many Although Mr. Record retired from business as far back as 1879, the basis on which he had established dustry, has resulted in its growth sturdy pioneer into one cf the larges manufacturing plants on the northe of the American continent. Wil large plants, one in Mdnetc and Montreal, the Record Foundry & M Co. are known from Halifax to Vanc + Calor * and "Ad and their A 4 furnaces and * Penn Esther" 1 recognized as the standard of Ca excellence. StopsHeadac Zutoo, the Japanese headache © a friend iv peed. Don't without a trial, condemn something that will hurt you. Taken when you suspect a hea it wil ward it off. Taken' later i cure the headache in twenty minut every case it will leave you feeling It is harmless as the soda which is ( its ingredients. If it does not do all that is claim it, then discard it. But don't con it with the drug cures and conde without a trial. That isn't fair to Zuto Good Docto THERE ARE GOOD DOCTORS BAD DOCTORS, THERE ARE | MEDICINES AND BAD MEDIC K. D. C. takes its S with the good Doctors. 1 is Pure Marmiess: ard cures all Stomach |